Kazalo Izražavanje sadašnjosti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Izražavanje prošlosti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Izražavanje budućnosti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Glagolska vremena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Pasiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Pogodbene rečenice i vremenske rečenice za budućnost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Modalni glagoli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Tvorba riječi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Prijedlozi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Članovi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Upravni i neupravni govor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Test ponavljanja 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Test ponavljanja 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Nepravilni glagoli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Rječnik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Rješenja. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Hej! Bok! Imaš poteškoća s engleskim jezikom? Onda je ovo prava adresa za tebe. S priručnikom Želim znati više – Engleski jezik 8 možeš poboljšati i utvrditi svoje znanje engleskoga. Kako? Vrlo jednostavno. Priručnik ima 11 poglavlja koja obuhvaćaju najzahtjevnije gradivo osmog razreda. Svako poglavlje podijeljeno je na četiri dijela: Tekst, Objašnjenje, Vježbe i Test. Naslovi na vrhu stranice olakšavaju ti snalaženje tako da uvijek znaš gdje si. U dijelu pod naslovom Tekst susrećeš neki tekst u kojem su predstavljene one gramatičke strukture koje to poglavlje obrađuje. Te su strukture uvijek obojane tako da ih lakše pronađeš. U drugom dijelu pod naslovom Objašnjenje objasnit ću ti kako su sastavljene određene strukture i kako ćeš ih upotrebljavati. Za utvrđivanje tog znanja riješi zadatke u dijelu Vježbe i nakon toga još svoje znanje provjeri u dijelu Test. Zadaci u testovima su bodovani. Ukupan broj bodova u svim testovima na kraju poglavlja je 45. Vrijedi sljedeće: • 0 – 15 bodova: ne znaš još dovoljno (Još jedanput dobro pogledaj objašnjenje.) • 16 – 30 bodova: znaš već prilično (Utvrdi one oblike koji su ti prouzročili najviše poteškoća.) • 31 – 45 bodova: znaš mnogo (Bravo! Samo tako nastavi!) Na kraju priručnika pronaći ćeš i dva testa za ponavljanje cijeloga gradiva. Svaki test ima 60 bodova koji su također podijeljeni na trećine za koje vrijedi već navedeno. Sva rješenja vježbi i testova možeš provjeriti na kraju priručnika među rješenjima. Ako pak za vrijeme čitanja naletiš na nepoznate riječi, pomogni si malim rječnikom koji također možeš pronaći na kraju priručnika. A sada hrabro! Bez muke nema nauke. Malo se moraš potruditi i sigurno će ići. Tekst Objašnjenje Izražavanje sadašnjosti Vježbe Test Hello! I’m Rebecca. This is my mum over there. She’s got the main role in the play.’ I love my hair. I hope for the best. I hate waiting. Where’s my hat? Hello! I’m Rebecca. That’s my mum over there. She’s playing the main part in tonight’s show – the Moon. She’s wearing a long white dress. She usually wears earrings, too. But now she isn’t wearing any. Isn’t she beautiful? At the moment she’s standing in front of the mirror. She’s got long fair hair and she’s gently brushing it. I know she is nervous. She’s always on tenterhooks before any play. But the moment she appears on the stage, she becomes a different person. She doesn’t see the audience and she doesn’t even feel the heat of the spotlights. I believe she’ll be perfect tonight. 4 Izražavanje sadašnjosti Tekst Objašnjenje Vježbe Test My mum is an online entertainment editor. Already early in the morning she turns on her laptop and checks for the news. She doesn’t like to be behind with the news. After breakfast she takes Jason, Kelly and me to school. We don’t take the bus because the school is on mum’s way to work. Then she goes to her office. She writes stories for the company’s Web site, updates blogs, monitors story chat and responds to reader’s questions. Sometimes she interviews celebrities. Her hobby is theatre and she’s very fond of reading, too. She owns about a thousand books. Her library contains a priceless manuscript by a famous American playwright Virginia Pulitzer. No wonder she’s writing a play. It’s a play for children. She hopes to finish it by the end of the year. Can you see the photo on my mum’s desk? She’s shaking hands with one of the best British actresses. They’re standing on the red carpet in front of the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood. My mum is always going to award ceremonies alone. Alone! It really winds me up. I’d like to meet famous film stars, too. 5 Tekst Objašnjenje Vježbe Kada želiš opisati događaje koji se događaju u sadašnjosti, upotrijebi Present Simple ili Present Continuous. Glagolskim vremenom Present Simple možeš izraziti: navike: Already early in the morning she turns on her laptop and checks for the news. radnje koje se ponavljaju: At 9 o’clock she meets the managing director. stanja: She owns about a thousand books. opće istine: The sun rises in the east. Glagolskim vremenom Present Continuous opisuješ: radnju koja se upravo događa: She’s brushing her hair. radnju koja se događa u određenom razdoblju u sadašnjosti, ali ne nužno u ovom trenutku: No wonder she’s writing a play. radnje koje te smetaju: She’s always going to award ceremonies alone. Engleski jezik poznaje i takve glagole koji zapravo ne izražavaju aktivnosti, nego stanja. Obično se upotrebljavaju u glagolskom vremenu Present Simple. Možemo ih podijeliti u četiri skupine s obzirom na to što izražavaju. 6 Izražavanje sadašnjosti Test Tekst Objašnjenje Vježbe Misaoni procesi think mean imagine believe know remember hope Test Osjećaji love like hate dislike prefer want wish Osjeti hear see smell feel taste Imati i biti be have own contain possess hold cost Naravno, ni sada ne ide bez iznimaka. Neki od njih mogu izražavati i aktivnost. Tada se njihovo značenje mijenja. The theatre has three different stages. Kazalište ima tri scene. (stanje) The director is having breakfast with the producer. Please, do not disturb them. Redatelj i producent doručkuju. Molim da ih ne ometate. (aktivnost) Ann thinks her hair is wonderful. Ann misli da je njezina kosa čudesna. (stanje) Ann is thinking about the play. Ann razmišlja o igri. (aktivnost) 7 Tekst Objašnjenje Vježbe Test Match the people with the activities. Then write sentences about what the people do when they are in the theatre. / Poveži osobe s aktivnostima. Nakon toga napiši što rade te osobe kada su u kazalištu. 1.actor 2.director 3.usherette 4. prop maker 5.playwright 6. lighting operator 7. costume designer 8.theatre-goers a) creates the objects that are used on stage b) operates the lighting system during a performance 1 c) acts in a play d) shows people where to sit e) makes costumes f ) tells the actors what to do g) go to see a play h) writes plays Present Simple upotrebljavaš da 1. An actors acts in a play. bi kazao što osobe 2. uvijek ili obično rade. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What a mess! All the sentences are wrong! Negate them and then find an appropriate meaning in one of the sentences in the exercise. Then write the correct sentences. Kakva pomutnja! Sve su rečenice pogrešne! Napiši ih u niječnom obliku, zatim među tvrdnjama u zadatku potraži odgovarajuće značenje i napiši ispravne rečenice. 1. A sword swallower makes everyone laugh. A sword swallower doesn’t make everyone laugh. He swallows swords. 2. Fire breathers walk on a high wire. . 3. A juggler cuts his assistant with a saw. . 4.Wire-walkers swallow swords. . 5.Acrobats create large flames. . 6.Clowns perform breathtaking shows. . 7. A magician throws balls and clubs. . 8 Izražavanje sadašnjosti Kod niječnih rečenica u vremenu Present Simple moraš upotrijebiti pomoćni glagol do ili does. Pazi! U 3. licu jednine glavni glagol gubi nastavak -s. Tekst Objašnjenje Vježbe Test Circus performers from exercise 2 are having a day off. What are they doing? Cirkusanti iz vježbe 2 imaju slobodan dan. Kako ga provode? 1.(surf the Net) The sword swallower isn’t swallowing swords. He’s surfing the Net. 2.(lie in the sun) Fire breathers 3.(do Sudoku) The juggler 4.(ride horses) Wire-walkers 5.(rollerblade) Acrobats 6.(barbecue sausages) Clowns 7.(cut onions) The magician Make questions for the underlined words. Use the question words from the box. Napiši pitanja tako da podcrtane riječi budu odgovori. Upotrijebi upitne zamjenice iz okvira. who (2x) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. what when why where whose how often Lions stay in their cages. Where do lions stay? Mr Henderson feeds the dogs twice a day. Sea lions eat fish, shellfish and squid. Circus artists have rehearsals an hour before the performance. These are the fire-eater’s matches. Students sell popcorn and rock candy. Children are laughing at the clowns. Kada tvoriš pitanja u vremenu Present Simple, upotrebljavaš pomoćni glagol do ili does, a glagol stavljaš u infinitiv. Ako pitaš za subjekt, ne trebaš pomoćni glagol. Glagol ostaje kao u potvrdnom obliku, s nastavkom -s. Who rides a bike? A juggler is looking for his clubs because he has to appear on stage. Ako pitaš za subjekt: Tko? – Who?, upotrijebi pomoćni glagol u trećem licu jednine bez obzira na to hoće li u odgovoru subjekt biti u jednini ili množini. Npr. Who is reading? Students are reading. 9 Tekst Objašnjenje Vježbe Test Kevin Potter is a sea lion trainer. He’s talking to a group of children. Write the questions children ask. / Kevin Potter je krotitelj morskih lavova. Razgovara sa skupinom djece. Napiši pitanja koja djeca postavljaju. Pitanja koja u hrvatskom jeziku počinju s je li, u engleskom počinju pomoćnim glagolom, npr.: Is, Are, Do, Does, Has, Can … Pitanje i odgovor obično su u istom glagolskom vremenu. Ann: Potter: Brian: Potter: Amanda: Potter: Julia: Potter: David: Potter: Mathew: Potter: Lucy: Potter: Peter: Potter: 1 Are sea lions intelligent ? Yes, sea lions are very intelligent. ? 2 No, they don’t eat vegetables. ? 3 Yes, males grow bigger than females. They grow up to 300 kilos. ? 4 No, they aren’t sleeping now. ? 5 Yes, this little sea lion is learning how to catch a ball on its nose. ? 6 Yes, they like playing with a ball. ? 7 No, I don’t feed them. Catherine does. ? 8 Yes, Catherine helps me train them. Circle the most appropriate verb form. / Zaokruži odgovarajući oblik glagola. Pozorno pročitaj rečenice i odredi što izražava glagol. Ako izražava stanje, upotrijebi Present Simple, ako pak izražava aktivnost, upotrijebi Present Continuous 1. Mrs Caitlin is having / has four children: three sons and a daughter. 2. Wait here a second, please. Mr Devlin is having / has a phone call. 3.I’m thinking / think of going to the theatre tonight. Would you like to come? 4.I’m thinking / think Cats is the best musical I’ve ever seen. 5. The juggler is seeing / sees double. Should he go to the doctor? 6. People on stage are seeing / see the audience in the first three rows. 7.Linda is smelling / smells her new perfume. 8. This perfume is smelling / smells fantastic. Try it on. 10 Izražavanje sadašnjosti Tekst Objašnjenje Vježbe Test Complete the text about one of the actresses in the school play. Choose the correct verb form. Circle a, b or c. / Dopuni tekst o jednoj od glumica. Ponovo je pogledaj i izaberi odgovarajući oblik glagola: a, b ili c. the role of a star. She 2 in the school canteen. Everyone loves That’s Mrs Jones. She 1 3 4 delicious chicken curry. Well, she today. Right now she 5 her meals. She . She 7 her lines. It’s not a secret that she often dressed. You can see that her lips 6 8 9 the text. Her husband and two daughters in the front row. They 10 for the 11 12 they’re nervous, too. Mrs Jones to make them proud. Let’s keep play to begin. It our fingers crossed for her. 1. a) play 2. a) work 3. a) ’s making 4. a) isn’t cooking 5. a) ’s getting 6. a) is moving 7. a) revise 8. a) forgets 9. a) is sitting 10. a) waits 11. a) seems 12. a) are wanting b) plays b) ’s working b) makes b) doesn’t cook b) get b) move b) ’s revising b) forget b) are sitting b) wait b) seem b) wants c) ’s playing c) works c) make c) aren’t cooking c) gets c) are moving c) revises c) is forgetting c) sit c) ’re waiting c) ’s seeming c) is wanting Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form and complete the text. / Glagole u zagradama stavi u odgovarajući oblik - Present Simple ili Present Continuous - i dopuni tekst. A: Who 1 is playing (play) the beggar? B: Oh, that’s Mr Brown. (you know) him well? A: 2 B: Not very well. He’s Kevin’s father. In real life he’s a photographer. He never 3 (leave) his camera at home because he looks for interesting (take) photos and 5 (sell) moments all the time. He 4 6 (not have) his camera them to newspapers and magazines. He 7 (be) in his bag under the chair. Kevin with him at the moment. It 8 (take) pictures of the play today. He 9 (not use) (have) his own camera, a digital one. his dad’s camera. He 10 11 (Mr Brown / do) now? A: What 12 (look) for something. B: He 13 (he look) for? A: What (think) he’s looking for his hat. Oh, he’s found it. It 15 B: I 14 (lie) on the floor. 11 Tekst Objašnjenje Vježbe Test Look at the pictures. Say what the people are doing now and what they usually do. Use the verbs in the box. / Pogledaj slike i napiši što rade ljudi sada, a što inače. Upotrijebi glagole iz okvira. ride/rollerblade paint/teach plant flowers/practise the piano 10 bodova cook/design clothes dance/act in a theatre 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Circle the correct verb form. / Zaokruži ispravan oblik glagola. 10 bodova 1. Look! Tom rides/is riding a bike. 2. Do you remember/Are you remembering my friend from Italy? 3.Something smells/is smelling strange in this kitchen. 4.She smells/’s smelling the perfume, because she wants/’s wanting to buy a new one. 5. Hello! Can you hear me? I phone/’m phoning from the USA. 6.I don’t like/’m not liking her, because she talks/’s talking too much. 7. My parents go/are going to the theatre every month. 8.Mary hopes/is hoping she will win the dance competition. 12 Izražavanje sadašnjosti Tekst Objašnjenje Write questions for the given answers. / Napiši Vježbe Test pitanja za ponuđene odgovore. 5 bodova Mum:Mike! 1 ? Mike: I’m playing my new computer game. ? Mum: 2 Mike: I’m not doing it because we don’t have any homework today. a guitar lesson today? Mum: 3 Mike: Yes, I do. ? Mum: 4 Mike: It starts at 5 o’clock. something before you leave? Mum: 5 Mike: Yeah! A sandwich with some salami and pickles. Mum: OK. Now come downstairs. Mike: I’m coming. Complete the letter. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous. / Dopuni pismo. Glagole u zagradama stavi u pravilno vrijeme: Present Simple ili Present Continuous. 20 bodova 2 er. I ev ay id ol h Hi, Lisa! g in t ci (sit) in front (have) the most ex 3 I I1 ow tn It’s my parents. Righ h it w pt y Eg (enjoy) the view. in ) 4 (be this at Giza and I (not be) with us 5 of the pyramids here today. Mum e m d an d el because she da ly on (rest) in the hot 6 Ni a is L afternoon. She (not feel) well. it’s really 7 (just arrive) and 8 y. It els h them yesterda it w A caravan of cam de ri a or f t Hampsh atch. We wen you 10 en h W . n u interesting to w f ’s it and nt legs (not cost) much 11 9 (stand) on its fro you’re going to le, the camel 12 dd ke li sa ) e l h t ee f ( in ) et (g L5N (start) ent, you 14 om m at h t at d, d first an (get up) an 13 d you it en h w t u ding a horse. An ri ke li fall off. B ch u m ry (feel) ve 15 (love) horses. Engla 17 walking, it I e h t ch u in m ) ep ow h ke ) ( 19 (know 16 so we e er h ot h ly so I b ri (be) ter (use) sunscreen, 20 It 18 I e time. Anyway, h t of t os m e ad sh r nburnt. ou more about ou y l el t d an k shouldn’t get su oo t os we show you the phot o t t ai w ’t n ca I trip. dra 13 See you soon, San
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