Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church IEPOΣ NAOΣ KOIMHΣEΩΣ THΣ ΘEOTOKOΥ In the year of the Lord OCTOBER 2013 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church 5761 East Colorado Street, Long Beach, CA 90814-1954 Phone (562) 494-8929 - Fax (562) 985-1379 Email – [email protected] Rev. Fr. Christos Kanakis, Proistamenos Voula Michail - Kitsios, Office Administrator Penny Benetatos, Choir Director PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Chris Dolas - President David Matty - Vice President Jimmy Mentas - Recording Secretary Jimmy Eleopoulos - Corresponding Secretary Nick Zamvakellis - Treasurer Board Members Kathy Bastas, Dino Syrengelas, Matoula Batshoun, Peter Bouras, Olympia Stapakis, George Stavros, Nick Monios, Sam Platis AHEPA Tasos Papas - President Bulletin Coordinator Voula Michail - Kitsios Bookstore Zoe Falley - Administrator Choir Pιnιό Benetatos - Director & Organist Karen Fic - President Choir Board Church School Juliana Augoustatos - Superintendent Daughters of Penelope Catherine Vackrinos Sofie Batshoun Family Night Sam Platis Junior Choir Pιnιό Benetatos - Director Karen Fic - Assistant Director Greek School Kathryn Condaras - Principal Donna Stavros - P.T.A Hope/Joy Maria Georgakopoulos - Advisor Dusty Hanson - Advisor Page 2 Junior GOYA Georgi Spirtos Francis - Advisor Tia Kanavos, Vasso Conley Jorge Rivera, Sexton George Dorlis, Psaltis PHILOPTOCHOS Bobbie Soupos - President Karen Fic - 1st Vice President Amelia Ladas - 2nd Vice President Mary Lofton- Correspond. Secretary Lia Kakaris - Recording Secretary Nikki Andrews - Treasurer Marilyn Coats - Assistant Treasurer Kathy Bastas - Advisor Board Members Eftihia Missios, Olympia Stapakis, Andria Salsman, Matoula Batshoun, Eleni Skaropoulos GOYA President - Anthony Bussa Vice President - Stevie Dalkos Treasurer - Greg karapoulios Corres. Secretary - Dena Bussa Rec. Secretary - Alexandra Dukelis Historian - Margo Papacalos, Stella Thermos Advisors - Lucia Papacalos, Vickie Demos, Maria Bussa Athletic Director: David Matty Email: [email protected] Greek Cultural Arts and Dance Dina Lioulias - President Maria Georgakopoulos - Vice President Georgia Alvertos - Corresponding Secretary Dusty Hanson - Recording Secretary Elene Dalkos - Treasurer Senior Christians Nick Monios - President Sons of Pericles Christo Beckas - President Stewardship Ministry Kathy Bastas (Chair) Camille Dolas, Max & Mary Lofton, Kay Platis, Cathy Shweiri Trisagio Ministry Max & Mary Lofton, Vickie Hennig, Yiota Beckas Welcome Ministry Kathy Bastas (Chair), Camille Dolas, Max & Mary Lofton, Kay Platis, Cathy Shweiri Pastor’s Message “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mathew 19:14) As the new church/school year has started it is wonderful to see the front pews in church filled with the children. It is important that they grow in the faith and keep them involved. In the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 19, Christ instructs us to bring the children close to him. We highlight how special they are in the Orthodox Church as we have many prayers for children in their life. We pray over a newborn child; we bless the child on the 8th day to give them their name; we baptize ,christmate and give communion to infants. The Church stresses the importance for children to grow and learn in the faith. In fact, Christ gives adults the responsibility to bring the children to Him. If you look at the icon above, notice that the adults are bringing the children to Christ because they can’t come on their own. Adults are called to be examples of their faith to children yet on the other hand children can also be examples for adults as well. When Christ says “for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Mathew 19:14), He tells us that we need to be like children to inherit the kingdom of heaven, not the other way around. In other words Christ wants Adults to be Child-Like not ChildIsh. A child on the playground might forgive its friends easier than an adult at the office. A child can be more compassionate to the unfortunate and the needy. A child’s faith and prayer can be stronger than that of an adult. There are many children who became Saints in the Church! As Children depend on their parents we too must realize our dependence on our Heavenly Father. Children are gifts and blessings from God, and the greatest gift we can gift our children, a gift that they will never forget, is that which no one can ever take away…their faith in Christ. Fr. Christos Page 3 Greetings Panagia Parishioners! President’s Message Congratulations to all of our Parish Ministries! It is truly great to see all of our ministries back in full swing! Best of luck and we wish continued success to all! Please contact the Ministry Leaders that are located on the inside cover of the bulletin, Fr. Christo or contact Voula at our church office for more information about Sunday School, Greek School, Greek Dance, JOY and GOYA! Be sure to sign up and don’t have your children miss out on any of these great ministries! Super Congratulations to Dino Syrengelas, Greek Festival Chairman, and to everyone who participated and supported our Greek Festival this year! A very excellent job well done! As I told Dino and the entire Greek Festival Committee at the post-festival meeting, in all of my many years of working our Greek Festival, this is the first year that everyone got along, no major issues, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed working as well as attending the Greek Festival. The preparation, the layout, the food, the entertainment, our wonderful Greek Dance group performances and the great unity was truly exceptional this year!! We were well prepared and ready for a large attendance, as proven when we did have our normal crowd on Sunday evening. However, as everyone knows, the unusual high temperature and humidity did affect our attendance this year. We made some significant improvements this year, and again, as discussed at the postfestival meeting, we have additional recommendations and tweaks to make next year’s Greek Festival even better! We did hit a bump in the road this year due to bad weather, but we need to move forward and keep our great momentum going! Looking forward to a great Greek Festival next year! Special thanks to all of you that answered and paid to date your Stewardship commitment! Please mark your November Calendars and please make sure that you come and support our Fall General Assembly Meeting, on Sunday. November 3rd following the Divine Liturgy and Stewardship Sunday, November 17th following the Divine Liturgy! Please look both in our Panagia Bulletin and our weekly Sunday Bulletins for other events! Our Parish Council is here to serve you and our Panagia Parish. Please do not hesitate to call or ask any of your parish council members or me with any questions! We will provide you with the answers we know and get back to you with the answers we don’t know. Thanks for all of your continued support! Chris Dolas, President Page 4 Philoptochos Here we are in October! It’s time to roll up our sleeves, and really get into the Fall Months of planning. The Children are back in Sunday School full of vim and vitality. Our Choir is sounding as beautiful as ever. What a wonderful time of the year! We have so much to look forward to. Books & Backpacks – One more time; “A BIG Thank you”. Great Response! You’re the BEST! Everyone was very generous. National Philoptochos Day, October 6th – Every Parish across the Nation will be passing a tray in support of “Aid to Greece and Cypress”. Our prayers and financial support are paramount in alleviating the suffering of our brothers and sisters. Go Pink Sunday, October 6th – LADIES wear PINK to commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness. Our coffee hour basket has been designated to the Susan G. Komen “Race for the Cure”. General Meeting, October 6th, - Following church services! Please plan on joining us. We will have Maria Montalbano as a speaker. Make an effort to be there and hear what Maria has to say. If you are not a member and would care to join Philoptochos just ask any of us. WE would love to have you be a part of Philoptochos. YOU too can help make the difference in the lives of others! Annual Turkey Drive – Just a reminder! This is a project for the entire church and All the Ministries. LETS ALL HELP THE LESS FORTUNATE FAMILIES! Includes; canned foods and staples as well. If anyone has a contact for turkeys (less per pound) please let me know. We will accept a donation towards a turkey/s as well. “Light the Path” is fast approaching. Save the date of November 23rd. This event will take place at Saint Anthony’s Pasadena Church this year. More information will follow. Mark your calendar, you won’t want to miss this event! “The Lovely Ladies of Philoptochos” (and some of our men) will have walked/Run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure by the time you read this newsletter. We would like to “Thank all of you” who participated in the event and/or donated towards the Cure. Every little bit helps………. Results of our total fundraising are not yet calculated so we will give you totals in next month’s newsletter or as we get them. Our Team is GROWING. Think about joining us next year! You may still donate (& our team gets the credit) up until October 31st, 2013. Mail to: Komen Orange County Race for the Cure – Bib #13835 Time Management PO Box 131314 Carlsbad, CA 92013-1314 Bobbie Soupos President Page 5 “NEA MANTINEIA CHAPTER #102” Invites you to come and celebrate with us our 25th Annual Commemoration “ALOSIS TIS TRIPOLITSAS” (Liberation of Tripolis - September 23, 1821) On Saturday October 5, 2013 at Saint John Greek Orthodox Church Of 405 North Dale Street Anaheim, CA Social Hour: 6:00 PM, Dinner: 7:00 PM Live Music By: Tri-kalo Miltiadis Kranias, Christos Kitsopoulos and Achilleas Chachanis "Donation" For Reservations Call Adults: $70 Gregory Roumpos ----------(562)596 -4900 Youth (under 25): $3 0 Kostas Kapogianis ----------(714)726 -7383 Dance only (after 9:30 PM): $20 Maria Bonorris ---------------(714)879 -5959 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________________ Number of Tickets:____ Address:____________________________________________________________________ Check enclosed:_____ City:______________________________ State________ Zip Code:_________ Tel# ________________________ Page 6 Assumption Center Yep! If you are having troubles locating Fr. Christos or Voula’s offices, it is because their offices are now located in the Assumption Center, as is all of our Parish Ministries, Sunday School, Greek School, Greek Dance, GOYA, JOY, etc. Congratulations to all that have made this very significant milestone a reality! However, we still need YOUR support!! Yes, we are moved into the Assumption Center, but we are using old chairs and tables and we really need to replace them with new furniture tables and chairs! We need your support in purchasing the furniture for the Assumption Center! We are completing our review and selections for the furniture, chairs, desks, tables, etc for the classrooms, offices and conference rooms. Vickie Demos has volunteered to head up this most important and challenging task and in preparing a Furnishing’s Pamphlet. Vickie, we thank you! I want to again extend our sincere gratitude to the few of you that did step up and provided your most generous donations. Thank You! To assist in closing our funding gap, your $1,500 donation for a brick on the Assumption Center two entrance walls is available. If you would like to donate a tile, please contact George Stavros or myself. Keep an eye out! You should be seeing your brick as you enter the walkway at the main entrance of the Assumption Center! Also, if you are looking for making any generous donations for 2013, we will need funds to furnish all of the classrooms and conference rooms with chairs, desks, melamine boards, markers, erasers, computers and computer projectors, etc. We are preparing a Furnishings’ Pamphlet identifying these most needed items! To all, again, if you can find it in your hearts to donate any additional funds to assist our Panagia Parish in completing our Assumption Center construction, it will greatly be appreciated. We have kept our commitment to stay within budget, to pay as we go. Only when everything is completed can we obtain an occupancy permit needed to open our doors. We’re not there yet, but with YOUR HELP we can make it happen. Don’t forget, if you have not pledged, please make your pledge as soon as you can. We want everyone in our Parish to contribute to our Assumption Center. If you do not have a Pledge Card, call the church office. We will be happy to mail a Pledge Card to you. Please complete your pledge card and send it or drop it off at our Parish offices. Feel free to ask George Stavros or Chris Dolas any questions that you may have. We welcome all questions! If you have any questions, please write out your comments, ideas, concerns, and suggestions and place them into our parish’s suggestion box, located in the narthex as you enter our church, or you may contact George Stavros or Chris Dolas. Thank you for all your continuous support! Chris Dolas Page 7 In the year of the S u n d ay M o n d ay Tu e s d ay We d n e 1 Greek Sch 5:30 pm - 7: 6 7 8 Γ’ Λουκά. Greek Sch 5:30 pm - 7: 3rd Sunday of Luke Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am National Church Music Sunday Philoptochos General meeting 13 Των Αγίων Πατέρων. (Ζ’ Οικ. Σύνοδος) 4th Sunday of Luke Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am 14 Office closed (Columbus Day) 15 Senior Christians Potluck 11:30 am Greek Sch 5:30 pm - 7: P. C. Meeting 7:00 pm Long Beach Marathon 20 21 22 ΣΤ’ Λουκά. Greek Sch 5:30 pm - 7: 6th Sunday of Luke Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am 27 28 Ζ’ Λουκά. Αγ. Σκέπης Θεοτόκου 7th Sunday of Luke Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Holy Protection of the Theotokos Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am 29 Greek Sch 5:30 pm - 7: Greek School OXI DAY Luncheon Page 8 Events are subject to change; please refer Lord - October 2013 s d ay T h u r s d ay 2 hool :00 pm F r i d ay S at u r day 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 Choir practice 7:15 pm 9 hool :00 pm Choir practice 7:15 pm 16 hool :00 pm Choir practice 7:15 pm 23 hool :00 pm Δημητρίου Μεγαλομ. & Μυροβλύτου Choir practice 7:15 pm 30 Demetrios the Myrrhbearer Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am 31 hool :00 pm to weekly bulletin for current schedule info Page 9 Panagia’s Stewardship Family as of September 19, 2013 Ala Falanai & Lisa & family Alex Helen Alexiou Demi Alexopoulos Christina Amarantos Harriet Andrade Everardo & Theony Andrews James & Nikki Andrikos Ioannis & Argyro Antoniou Konstantinos & Maria Apostle Helen Apostle Matina Apostle Perry & Rosie Argeris John & Vasiliki Argyros Dionisios & Irini Argyros Phillip & Amy Armogida Elaine Armogida Rod & Krista Armstrong Randy & Janet Bahos kanella Balas Louis & Toula Bassett Shea & Natalia Bastas Demetra Bastas Nikolaos & Kathy Batsaras Ilias & Yota Batshoun Christina Batshoun Emil & Matoula Batshoun Sofia Benetatos Harry & Penny Berdanis John & Helen Berovinos Michael & Kimberly Berovinos Tony & Bonnie Bouras Kathy Bouras Peter Bozigian Linda Breres Zena Brillakis Gus & Nicki Brooks Harriet Castritis Demetrios & Vivi Chelekis Louis & Vicki Chioles James & Effie Choullis Manolis & Sotiria Chrysanthis Alexandra Coats Marilyne Colazas Xenophon & Mila Condaras Nicolas & Katerina Contos Angeliki Contos Vasilis & Voula Cook Jeffrey & Susan Cornwell Carlyle & Demetra Coromelas Acrivi Cozakos Nick Critides Anastasius $ Shawnee Dalkos Bob & Vaso Dalkos Chris & Roula Dalkos John & Stavroula Dalkos Peter & Elene Dalpe Arvanitis Toula Demos George & Vickie Deneff Alkisti Deneff Anthony Deneff Peter & Diane Deneff William & Diana Deralas Dean Diacoumacos Marya Diamond Helen Dogris Alex & Peggy Dolas Chris Dolas James Dolas Jim & Camille Dolas John & Theodora Dolas Peter Douroupis Ioannis & Isabel Edwards Nickolas & Pamela Eleopoulos Jimmy & Leigh Etchepare Anna Exacoustos Stella Ezroj Michael & Christine Falley Zoe Fattaleh Raja Fattaleh Sabba & Diana Fenn Brad & Anna Fic Karen Fisher Kathryn Foutris Constantine & Christine Frudakis Katina Futris William & Mary Galanis Jerry & Marian Georgakopoulos Mike & Maria Georgedes Katy Georgiadou Vicki Georgoulis George & Anna Ghilarducci Walt & Laura Giannoutsos Tatiana Gossen Ryan & Jennifer Gurrola Raymond & Mary Gutierrez Ivan & Esther Hadjimarkos Nicholas & Stemma Hadjioannou Nicole & Arion Hanna Jeannette Hansen Helen Hanson Chris & Dusty Hardaway Herman & Pamela Haririan Alka Hatziris John & Ramona Hennig Fred & Vickie Herron Craig & Diana Jordanides Dennis & Giselle Jordanides Timothy & Ria Kades Clio Kakaris Telis & Lia Kallins George & Bettina Kallins James & Virginia Kaltcheva Velitchka Karapoulios Angelo & Eleni Karidakis George & Diane Karidakis Nick & Jim Karmiris Christopher & Christina Karthas Nicholas Kastanas Vassilios & Paris Kiapos Alexandra Kitsios Kostas & Voula Kokkinides Joyce Konstantinidis Byron & Kaite Kontokanis Dimitris & Maria Korakis Michael & Georgia Kostallas Tony & Cathy Koulos Peter & Emily Kourtis Costa & Cecilia Krebenios Anastasia Kyriakos Spiros & Laine Ladas Amelia Ladas Charlie & Patty Lafkas Peter & Ada Lambrakis Spiro & Catherine Lambros Mary Lembesis Ann Lembesis John Jr. & Theresa Lembesis Nick & Saskia Lembesis Pendalis & Evangelia Liakos Nicole Liarakos George & Dezi Liarakos John & Athanasia Liarakos, Dimitrios & Voula Lofton Max & Mary Loizides George & Rodou Lopez Jeff & Georgia Makridis Gus & Georgine Manos Andrew & Pamela Mantikas Nick & Katherine Marangopoulos Jake & Tammy Marentis Victoria Markouizos Karolos & Georgia Markouizos Nektarios & Lisa Matty David & Barbara Mavrovitis Michail & Monica Mentas Ann Mentas James & Patricia Michel David & Vasiliki Michel David Vasili Milonas Dina Missios Basil & Eftihia Monios Nick & Linda Montalbano Paul & Maria Thank you for your loving support and commitment to our church. Morgan Richard & Valerie Nakai Keiichi & Saki Nezis Alice Okerman David & Elaine Panos George Panou Vivian Papadakis Colleen Papadakis Lillian & Andrianna Papadopoulos Evanghelo & Lorraine Papaggelis Christina Papakoulos Angie Papas Maria Papas Tasos & Georgia Pappas Mark & Shari Pappas Victor & Christina Pappas Victor & Tanya Parlapanides Charles & Elenie Pass Gus & Toula Paulos Mary Paulos Nicholas Paulos Todd & Cindy Phillips Crystal Phoutrides Neilos & Patricia Platis Jim & Kay Platis Sam & Laura Pliaconis Alexander & Nicole Polychrones Speros & Dora Popoff Thalia Poulis John Raptis Maria Reed Richard & Kyriaki Rembuskos Panayiotis & Valerie Rembuskos Steve & Amy Richards Dean & Dorothy Richmond Dan & Doris Roll Fotini Roubanis Savvas $ Jodi Russos Asimina Salsman Mel & Andria Santamarina Jose & Ronnea Seger Clay & Suzan Sehremelis Andy & Leslie Sehremelis Athena Sharkoff James & Katherine Shweiri George & Cathy Siames Faye Silva Robert & Nicolette Simitian Richard & Anna Siouris Chris & Yota Skandalakis Melia Skaropoulos Eleni Skourtas Tony & Angelique Smyrniotis Alexandra Smyrniotis Christos & Mary Sotiriou Elias Sotiriou Panagiotis & Vasiliki Soultanakis Paul & Trudith Soupos Tom & Bobbie Spiropoulos Katherine Sprague Ronald $ Mary Stapakis Olympia Vlahakis Mary Watkins Evangelia Whalen Christopher &Sara Yakos John & Flora Zambos Angie Stapakis Steve & Joanne Zambos John & Stephanie Stathis Robert & Josefa Zamvakellis Nick & Alison Stavros Andy & Amber Stavros Bill & Maria Zarifes Angie Stavros George & Donna Zimmerman Roseann (Rikki) Stavros John & Gwen Zoolakis Anthony & Kari Stavros Louis & Mary Zoumberakis Stelios & Stacy Stavros Ted & Olga Stavros Tom Stergiou Eleni Stevenson Gus & Leona Sullos James & Vickie Sverkos Peter & Natalie Syrengelas Andreas & Evdoxia AUGUST 2013 STEWARDSHIP STATISTICS Syrengelas Andreas & Niky Syrengelas Dino & Dora Syrengelas George & Athanasia Syrengelas Michael & Elizabeth 232 # Pledges Syrengelas Sotiria # Paid In Syrengelas Toula Syrengelas Vasili & Maria 164 Full Talaganis Ernest # Paying via Talaganis John & Kathleen 10 Credit Card Tavlarides Angelo & Mary Tener Theresa Total Amount Teodosiadis Romilos & Melpomeni $211,464.00 Pledged Terzi Popi Terzis Constantinos & Suzanna Total Amount Thermos Gerry & Elli $166,662.00 Paid (8/30/13) Thibault Irene Largest Toulios Spyros & Helen Toumasis Gerasimos & Koula $12,000.00 Pledge Triantos Anastasia N. Largest Trigonis Tula Trikounakis Tony & Irma $6,000.00 Amount Paid Tsakoumakis Stan & Debora Average Tsamous Peter & Helen $749.87 Pledge Tsimerekis Christos & Christina Tsimerekis Nicos & Anna Smallest Vackrinos Catherine $40.00 Pledge Valaskantjis Nikiforos & Georgia Van Der Meyden Dieder & Anne Vardakis Alex Vargo Douglas & Elefteria Varonos Alex, Gonzo & family Varzak Darlene Vasilomanolakis Francine Vasilomanolakis Mike & Nikki Vlachos Dino & Helen Page 11 Greek School Festival News I would like to welcome all our new students, returning students and all the parents. We had a very good turnout for registration. All the teachers are looking forward to a great year. This month we are celebrating our first major holiday, "OXI DAY", Greek Independence Day. Please come and celebrate with the Greek School students on Sunday, October 27,2013 after church services. A luncheon will be served and the students will be reciting poems in memory of this special day. Hope to see everyone there. Dear Parishioners, Kathryn Condaras, Principal The record heat was a thorn in our side, but she constant smiles and positive energy kept our spirits high. Greek Dance & Cultural Arts School AGDCAS held elections and the new board for 2013 -14 is President: Dina Diamond-Lioulias Vice President: Maria Georgakopoulos Treasurer: Eleni Dalkos Recording Secretary: Dusty Hanson Corresponding Secretary: Georgia Alvertos Historians: Anna SImitian and George Karidakis Costume Librarian: Paraskevi June Costume Librarian Assistant: Lainie Kyriakos Advisor: Vickie Demos Our 64th Annual Festival is officially in the books! From the preparations and planning to the hard work over the weekend to the clean up afterward, everyone worked together to make our festival a success for our Panagia. Thank you to all of you who volunteered your time and talents in so many ways to help make our festival possible. Thank you also to our donors who so generously donated to our festival to help deflect our costs. Again, thank you to all, for your hard work and dedication to this year's festival. Kai tou xronou! Dino Syrengelas Registration was on Sunday 9/8/13 and we got a lot of new families signed up--Welcome!! Practice times: Paramithia Sunday 3:30-4:30 directed by Dena Bussa /Samantha Sharkoff Patriotakia Sunday 2-3 directed by Olivia Varonos / Sophia Armogida / Thanasi Dalkos Mikra Asteria Sunday 1-3 directed by Christa Demos / Christina Karidakis / Tasia Triantos (advisor) Angeloudakia Sunday 3:30-5:30 directed by Olivia Varonos assisted by Nicholas Varonos Jr. Olympians Sunday 3:30-5:30 directed by Dina Triantos / Tasia Triantos / Eleni Demos Nea Ellas Sunday 6-9 directed by Stacie Zoumberakis / Dina Triantos Page 12 GREEK INDEPENDENCE “OXI DAY” Sunday, October 27, 2013 Come celebrate with the, Greek School of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church! The Greek School Students will be reciting poems. Please join us, a luncheon will be served right after church service. Adults: $15.00 Children $8.00 ΒΙΟΙ ΑΓΙΩΝ Greek Column by Voula Michail Άγιος Δημήτριος Ο Άγιος Δημήτριος γεννήθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη το 260 μ.χ. Οι γονείς του ήταν ευγενείς και ο πατέρας του ήταν Μακεδόνας στρατηγός της Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας. Αλλά ο Άγιος Δημήτριος δεν ξεχώρισε μόνο για την ευγενική του καταγωγή μα και για την αρετή του, την ευπρέπεια, την ευγένεια της ψυχής του και την ικανότητά του στην στρατιωτική τέχνη, που εκείνη την εποχή αποτελούσε πεδίο διάκρισης για τους νέους και θεωρούταν ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλής. Μάλιστα ο Άγιος Δημήτριος έφτασε σαν στρατιωτικός στο αξίωμα του Δούκα, ξεπερνώντας την δόξα του πατέρα του. Το 296 μ.χ. ο Μαξιμιανός, ο τότε Τετράρχης και μετέπειτα Αυτοκράτορας Γαλέριος Μαξιμιανός, συνέλαβε τον Άγιο Δημήτριο και τον κρατούσε φυλακισμένο σε ένα δημόσιο λουτρό κοντά στο ιπποδρόμιο, επειδή πίστευε στην χριστιανική πίστη αλλά και έκανε κύρηγμα φέρνοντας κοντά στο Χριστό πολλούς ειδωλολάτρες. Στην Θεσσαλονίκη τον καιρό της σύλληψης του Αγίου Δημητρίου, γινόντουσαν αγώνες στο ιπποδρόμιο για να εορταστεί η νίκη της Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας ενάντια στους Σκύθες. Εκεί ο Λυαίος, ένας ειδωλολάτρης παλαιστής, περηφανευόταν για το μέγεθος του σώματός του και την δύναμή του και προκαλούσε τους θεατές να παλέψουν μαζί του. Ο Νέστωρ, ένας νεαρός στρατιώτης που γνώριζε τον Άγιο Δημήτριο, τον επισκέφτηκε στη φυλακή και του ζήτησε την ευλογία του για να παλέψει με τον Λυαίο και ο Άγιος Δημήτριος τον σταύρωσε, δίνοντάς του έτσι την ευλογία του. Μέσα στο στάδιο ο Νέστορας είπε "Ο Θεός Δημητρίου, βοήθει μοι!" και πάλεψε με τον Λυαίο. Αφού νίκησε ο μικροκαμωμένος Νέστορας τον γίγαντα Λυαίο και ο Γαλέριος Μαξιμιανός έμαθε τι είχε συμβεί, διέταξε να σκοτωθεί ο Άγιος Νέστορας με το ίδιο το ξίφος του έξω από την Χρυσή Πύλη ή Χρυσή Πόρτα, και να θανατωθεί με λόγχες ο φυλακισμένος στο δημόσιο λουτρό ο Άγιος Δημήτριος. Λέγεται, ότι ο Άγιος Δημήτριος, όπως είχε σηκώσει το δεξί του χέρι, έλαβε τον πρώτο λογχισμό στην δεξιά πλευρά όπως ο Εσταυρωμένος Χριστός. Το σώμα του Αγίου Δημητρίου ενταφιάσθηκε κρυφά από κάποιους πιστούς Χριστιανούς στον τόπο του μαρτυρίου του. Σ' εκείνο το δημόσιο λουτρό, ξεκίνησε να αναβλύζει μύρο από τον τάφο του Αγίου Δημητρίου κι έτσι ο άγιος πήρε το προσωνύμιο Μυροβλήτης. Μάλιστα όσο περισσότεροι Χριστιανοί έπαιρναν μύρο για ευλογία, τόσο περισσότερο αυτό πλήθαινε αντί να λιγοστεύει. Κάποιος ασκητής από το βουνό Χολομώντα σκανδαλίστηκε όταν άκουσε για το μύρο του Αγίου Δημητρίου και αναρωτιόταν πως είναι δυνατόν να υπάρχουν τόσοι άλλοι άγιοι που πέρασαν μεγάλα βασανιστήρια για την Χριστιανική τους πίστη και να μην είναι κι αυτοί Μυροβλύτες όπως ο Άγιος Δημήτριος. Με την ευλογία του Θεού είδε στον ύπνο του ότι βρισκόταν στην Θεσσαλονίκη, στο ναό του Αγίου Δημητρίου. Εκεί παρακάλεσε κάποιον που κρατούσε τα κλειδιά του προσκυνήματος του τάφου να του ανοίξει για να πάρει την ευλογία του. Μπαίνοντας στο κουβούκλιο είδε όλο τον τάφο νά' ναι βρεγμένος από το μύρο και να ευωδιάζει και παρακάλεσε πάλι αυτόν που είχε τα κλειδιά να σκάψουν για να βρουν την πηγή του μύρου. Αφού έσκαψαν πολύ ώρα βρήκαν ένα μάρμαρο που σκέπαζε τον τάφο του αγίου και καθώς κατάφεραν με πολύ προσπάθεια να το ανοίξουν, βλέπουν το σώμα του αγίου να αναβλύζει μύρο από τις πληγές των κονταριών. Ήταν τόσο πολύ που βράχηκε ο φύλακας του τάφου και ο μοναχός, φοβούμενος μη πνιγεί φώναξε "Άγιε Δημήτριε βοήθει μοι". Και τότε ξυπνώντας βλέπει ότι τα ράσα του ήταν βρεγμένα με το μύρο του αγίου. Ζώντας αυτό το θαύμα έφυγε από το βουνό και κήρυξε στην Θεσσαλονίκη για να μάθουν όλοι οι πιστοί τι έιχε ζήσει. Ο Άγιος Δημήτριος απεικονίζεται αγιογραφικά στην εικόνα του καβάλα σε κόκκινο (ή καφέ) άλογο να σκοτώνει έναν ειδολωλάτρη (τον Λυαίο), όπως ο Άγιος Γεώργιος απεικονίζεται καβάλα σε ένα άσπρο άλογο να σκοτώνει έναν δράκο. Page 13 Choir Greetings to our church family and all current and prospective members of Assumption Choir! I hope that all of you had great summers. I am so very happy to be back on home soil after spending a month on the beautiful island of Kefallonia. September comes along so quickly and our choir is back to business as usual. Below is the choir schedule: We resumed rehearsals on Thursday, Sept. 5th and sang for Liturgy the following Sunday. As always, we have Sunday morning rehearsals commencing at 9:10 in the hall. Due to the difficulty for some of our members to attend Thursday rehearsals, AND when there is a less pressing need for a Thursday rehearsal, we will rehearse all music during the Sunday morning rehearsals. These morning rehearsals ARE A MUST, ESPECIALLY in the case of no rehearsal on that prior Thursday. **For potential new members, be assured that we do all our updates via emails. If you do not have email, we will call you regarding any changes in the choir schedule. The choir is off on Thanksgiving weekend, as well as Memorial weekend. With Father Christos’ blessings, I have begun a religious music education program as part of the Sunday School curriculum. The students go directly to the gym following Communion. I am given 15 minutes at which time I teach basics in music, ear-training and essential hymns of our church. I am indeed fortunate to have a few of my “mommies” in the Adult Choir to assist! As always, the choir will sing on Dec. 24th, Christmas Eve. Choir is off that following Sunday, Dec. 29th. In January we have Epiphany services. It’s more than likely that this may be a Hierarchical Liturgy with His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos officiating. Holy Week commences with Palm Sunday on April 13th. As is our usual schedule, the choir sings Tuesday (ladies, only) Thursday, Friday, and Resurrection Saturday. CALLING ALL MEN! We are in great need of tenors and basses. Please contact me at: [email protected] or (714) 236-0601 Penny Dovalis Benetatos, Music Director/Organist BEST WISHES WEDDINGS 9/21/13 Nektarios Markouizos & Lisa Espinoza Koumbaroi: George & Donna Stavros Na zisete - Congratulations BAPTISMS & CHRISMATIONS 9/28/12 Shari Pappas Godfather: Peter Veganis Congratulations Page 14 October Prosforo Prosforo for the month of October is donated by Dora Polychrones and Katina Bouras. Thank you. If you would like to donate our Sunday prosforo please call the church office. Page 15 ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 5761 E. Colorado St. Long Beach, CA 90814 Worship Services Regular Schedule Orthros 8:45 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM NOTE: Sunday Divine Liturgy starts at 10:00AM year-round. See enclosed calendar for dates and times of other services this month. NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LONG BEACH, CA PERMIT NO. 344
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