HOLY TRINITY February 2014 Volume 45 Issue 2 St. Theodore the Commander and Great Martyr (February 8) ΑΓΙΑ ΤΡΙΑΣ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Wilmington, Delaware The Official Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 808 N. Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19806 / Telephone: (302) 654-4446 Fax: (302) 654-4204 Church Office Email Address: [email protected] Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm His Eminence Metropolitan EVANGELOS of New Jersey, Hierarch Rev. Fr. Christos Christofidis, Proistamenos, [email protected] Rev. Fr. Nick Rafael II, Associate Pastor, [email protected] For pastoral emergencies - you may call Fr. Christos @ (717) 701-1971 or Fr. Nick @ (609)805-5674 Susan Kelleher, Church Secretary 384-7805 (home) Anargyros Liparos, Protopsaltis 654-4446 2014 PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS George Rassias, President - (610) 322-3200 Tom Diamanty, First Vice President - (302) 562-3850 Georgia Halakos, Second Vice President - (302) 379-4335 James Maravelias, Parish Council Treasurer - (302) 388-0873 Tom Karas, Assistant Treasurer - (302) 234-9090 John Koninis II, Parish Council Secretary - (302) 535-1344 Yvonne Tsavalas, Assistant Secretary 540-2891 593-6433 Constantine Caras Michael Kirifides 897-9429 475-5035 Emmanuel Fournaris Louis Novakis (610) 358-3544 764-2223 Tom Hatzis John Pennias 530-1517 (856) 678-3169 Vickie Karakasidis Catherine Stathakis 750-9381 Parish Council Meetings - 2nd Thursday of every month @ 7PM CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS 379-4335 (856)678-4924 293-1127 (609) 805-5674/731-5253/367-8132 (609) 805-5674/998-2949 (609) 805-5674/475-1955 478-7864 562-5151 (609) 805-5674 530-1517 798-3052 (609) 456-3206 (609) 805-5674 475-7672 633-1112 655-2252 / 764-2183 897-1029 654-4446 (508) 981-6051 798-3052 / 239-6140 Philoptochos Sunday School Sunday School GOYA Jr. GOYA HOPE/JOY Choir The Young @ Heart Club Altar Boys Greek School St. Elpida Terpsichorean Dance Troupes Vacation Bible School Altar Guild Editorial Staff Emmanuel Dining Room East Holy Trinity Food Pantry PAREA Women’s Bible Study Adult Bible Study Georgia Halakos, President Maroula Haralambidis, Co-Director Amalea Rassias, Co-Director Fr. Nick, Foula Karavasilis, Maria Kotanidis Fr. Nick, Melissa Kontomaris Fr. Nick, Julie Tsakumis Anthony Pantelopulos, Director Peter Xarhoulakos, President Fr Nick John Pennias George Righos Harry Malapetsas Fr. Nick Helen Doukakis, President Dr. Costas Fountzoulas Nikkie Tsakataras & Tina Ganiaris King Steve Nicholas Fr. Nick & Susie Kelleher Nia Charalambides George Righos & John Lazare AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS 540-1805 AHEPA George Hantzandreou, President 998-9284 Daughters of Penelope Anthoula Anagnostou, President 652-1779 Hellenic University Club Stephen Karakasidis, President Holy Trinity Website Address: www.holytrinitywilmington.org ALL ARTICLES & ANNOUNCEMENTS MUST BE IN THE OFFICE BY THE 15TH OF EACH MONTH. THESE ARTICLES & ANNOUNCEMENTS CAN BE DROPPED OFF, EMAILED, FAXED OR U. S. MAIL. Father Christos’ Message Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, We wish you a blessed New Year, A new year has dawned upon all creation. Is it by accident that the God of the Christians has been revealed to us in three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Each Person God; not three Gods but One God, in three Persons. Why not just one God, but one time appearing as the son and another time as the spirit and perhaps other times the same God appearing with different names? Leaving aside the dogmatic implications (heresy) of this last statement which the world loves to teach in our days let us see why our God who is a Great God like no other god and does great and wondrous things has revealed Himself to us in three Persons. First and above all things to teach us that love can only be true and useful when it is directed towards another person. Love that is directed towards self only is false, selfish, inactive, produces no response, does no good to society, expresses pride, and falls short of the Gospel message. Basically, love directed to me is sinful. The second teaching we receive from our Triadic God is communion of Persons. There is perfect communion among the three Persons of the Holy Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ' Who desire to sit at the same table'. There is nothing that One Person would do without the Other Two having knowledge of it. We know that most of the problems in the world are due to miscommunication or rather no communication at all. Divorces have their beginning and end with the issue of no vital communication between husband and wife; each person remains in its own corner away from the 'common table'. Going forward let us learn the third lesson which is unity. The three Persons of the Holy Trinity are united in mind, action, purpose, and will. What a powerful lesson when we hear in the Divine Liturgy, "Let us love one another that with one mind we may confess....." "The Triadic God of one essence and undivided". The Lord Jesus Christ prayed in Gethsemane for His disciples to remain united. Unity is a very vital part of Christian mission, vision, and life. No country, city, community, or family can survive the attacks of the evil one being separated from each other. There is power in unity. "United we stand, separated we fall" is a classic reminder. And now let me mention the last lesson that we ought to learn from our Triadic God. Also I would like to tell you what prompted me to write this message. An older Parishioner gave me the following saying: This is a story about four men named "EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, and NOBODY. THERE WAS AN IMPORTANT JOB TO BE DONE, AND EVERYBODY WAS ASKED TO DO IT. EVERYBODY WAS SURE THAT SOMEBODY WOULD DO IT...ANYBODY COULD HAVE DONE IT, BUT NOBODY DID IT. SOMEBODY GOT ANGRY ABOUT THAT, BECAUSE IT WAS EVERYBODY'S JOB. EVERYBODY THOUGHT THAT ANYBODY COULD DO IT AND NOBODY REALIZED THAT EVERYBODY WOULD NOT DO IT. IT ENDED UP THAT EVERYBODY BLAMED SOMEBODY WHEN ACTUALLY NOBODY BLAMED ANYBODY". The 'final' lesson is the following. The three Persons of the Holy Trinity share in the ministry of Love, Unity, and Communion. The love of God the Father is the source for all that was created; logical and illogical beings. The Son took it upon Himself to come down from heaven and took flesh from the Virgin Mary in order to unite mankind to God the Father upon the Cross. And the Holy Spirit is communicating all divine knowledge to the Church and by sanctifying the elements used in the Sacraments creates real communion between the baptized and their Lord Jesus Christ. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit share the 'responsibilities' in the ministry of salvation. In the same manner we the members of His Body, the Church, OUGHT TO SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES of keeping, proclaiming, and growing the numbers of the faithful added by the Lord. We need your hands and feet. We need your minds and hearts. We need your time, talents and money. We want you to be here, involved and active in any way possible. Together, with love, in unity and communion much more can be accomplished. A few hands cannot do it all. We desire good stewards to be involved in the various ministries of the Parish; Parish Council, Youth Ministries, Philanthropy........... We cannot stand idle, for the Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, by action, by power. Love is the virtue of power; Unity is the result of action; True Communion is accomplished by forcing ourselves to share our everything with others. Come and give of yourself to the ministries of your community, Father Christos Αγαπητοί Αδελφοί και Αδελφές εν Κυρίω Ιησούν Χριστόν, Σας ευχόμαστε ένα ευλογημένο Νέο Έτος , Ένα νέο έτος έχει ξημερώσει επάνω σε όλη την δημιουργία. Είναι τυχαίο ότι ο Θεός των Χριστιανών έχει αποκαλυφθεί σε μας σε τρία πρόσωπα• Πατέρα, Υιό και Άγιο Πνεύμα; Κάθε πρόσωπο του Θεού• όχι τρεις Θεοί, αλλά Ένας Θεός σε τρία Πρόσωπα. Γιατί δεν είναι μόνο ένας Θεός, αλλά μία φορά εμφανίζεται ως υιός και άλλη φορά, όπως ως πνεύμα και ίσως και άλλες φορές ο ίδιος ο Θεός που εμφανίζεται με διαφορετικά ονόματα. Αφήνοντας στην άκρη τις δογματικές συνέπειες (αίρεση) του τελευταίου ισχυρισμού που ο κόσμος αγαπά να διδάσκη στις μέρες μας, ας δούμε γιατί ο Θεός μας, που είναι ένας Μεγάλος Θεός που δεν μοιάζει με κανέναν άλλον θεό και κάνει μεγάλα και θαυμάσια πράγματα έχει αποκαλυφθεί σε μας σε τρία Πρόσωπα. Πρώτο και πάνω απ 'όλα τα πράγματα να μας διδάξη ότι η αγάπη μπορεί να είναι αληθινή και χρήσιμη μόνο όταν απευθύνεται προς ένα άλλο πρόσωπο. Αγάπη που απευθύνεται προς τον εμάς μόνο είναι λάθος, εγωιστικό, αδρανές, δεν παράγει καμία απάντηση, δεν κάνει κανένα καλό στην κοινωνία, εκφράζει υπερηφάνεια, και υπολείπεται του μηνύματος του Ευαγγελίου . Βασικά, η αγάπη απευθύνεται σε μένα είναι αμαρτωλή. Η δεύτερη διδασκαλία που λαμβάνουμε από Τριαδικό Θεό μας είναι η σχέση των Προσώπων. Υπάρχει τέλεια πνευματική ένωση μεταξύ των τριών Προσώπων της Αγίας Τριάδος. Πατρός, του Υιού και του Αγίου Πνεύματος» που επιθυμούν να καθίσουν στο ίδιο τραπέζι». Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα που το Ένα Πρόσωπο θα κάνη χωρίς τα άλλα Δύο να το γνωρίζουν. Γνωρίζουμε ότι τα περισσότερα των προβλημάτων στον κόσμο οφείλονται σε κακή επικοινωνία ή μάλλον στην παντελή έλλειψη επικοινωνίας. Διαζύγια αρχίζουν και τελειώνουν λόγω ελλείψεως της απαραίτητης επικοινωνίας μεταξύ των συζύγων• κάθε άτομο παραμένει στη γωνία του μακριά από το «κοινό τραπέζι». Συνεχίζοντας, ας μάθουμε το τρίτο μάθημα που είναι η ενότητα. Τα τρία Πρόσωπα της Αγίας Τριάδος είναι ενωμένα στην σκέψη, ενέργεια, σκοπό και θέληση. Πόσο δυνατό μάθημα παίρνουμε, όταν ακούμε στη Θεία Λειτουργία, “Αγαπάτε αλλήλους ίνα εν ομονοία ομολογήσομων". «Ο Τριαδικός Θεός, ομοούσιος και αδιαίρετος". Ο Κύριος Ιησούς Χριστός προσευχήθηκε στη Γεθσημανή για τους μαθητές Του να παραμείνουν ενωμένοι. Η ενότητα είναι ένα πολύ σημαντικό μέρος της Χριστιανικής ιεραποστολής, το όραμα, και η ζωή. Καμία χώρα, πόλη, κοινότητα ή οικογένεια μπορεί να επιβιώση τις επιθέσεις του πονηρού όταν απομονωθεί. Υπάρχει δύναμη στην ενότητα. "Ισχύς εν τη ενώσει” είναι η κλασική υπενθύμιση. Και τώρα επιτρέψτε μου να αναφέρω ότι το τελευταίο μάθημα που οφείλουμε να μάθουμε από Τριαδικό μας Θεό. Επίσης, επιτρέψετε με να σας πω τι με ώθησε να γράψω αυτό το μήνυμα. Ένας ηλικιωμένος ενορίτης μου έδωσε το ακόλουθο ρητό: . . Αυτή είναι μια ιστορία για τέσσερις άνδρες που ονομάζονται «ΟΛΟΙ, ΚΑΠΟΙΟΣ, ΟΠΟΙΟΣΔΗΠΟΤΕ, και ΟΥΔΕΙΣ. ΥΠΗΡΧΕ ΕΝΑ ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ ΕΡΓΟ ΝΑ ΓΙΝΕΙ, ΚΑΙ ΖΗΤΗΘΗΚΕ ΑΠΌ ΟΛΟΥΣ ΝΑ ΤΟ ΚΑΝΟΥΝ. ΟΛΟΙ ΗΤΑΝ ΒΕΒΑΙΟΙ ΟΤΙ ΚΑΠΟΙΟΣ ΘΑ ΤΟ ΕΚΑΝΕ, ΑΛΛΑ ΚΑΝΕΙΣ ΔΕΝ ΤΟ ΕΚΑΝΕ. ΚΑΠΟΙΟΣ ΕΘΥΜΩΣΕ ΓΙ’ ΑΥΤΟ ΓΙΑΤΙ ΗΤΑΝ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΟΛΩΝ. ΟΛΟΙ ΕΝΟΜΙΖΑΝ ΟΤΙ ΚΑΠΟΙΟΣ ΘΑ ΤΟ ΕΚΑΝΕ ΚΑΙ ΟΥΔΕΙΣ ΑΝΤΙΛΗΦΘΗΚΕ ΟΤΙ ΔΕΝ ΘΑ ΤΟ ΕΚΑΝΕ. ΣΤΟ ΤΕΛΟΣ ΟΛΟΙ ΘΕΩΡΗΣΑΝ ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΟ ΟΛΟΥΣ ΕΝΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΑΤ ΚΑΝΕΙΣ ΔΕΝ ΘΕΩΡΗΣΕ ΚΑΝΕΝΑΝ ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΟΝ". Το «τελικό» μάθημα είναι το ακόλουθο. Τα τρία πρόσωπα της Αγίας Τριάδος μοιράζονται την Αγάπη, Ενότητα και Κοινωνικότητα . Η αγάπη του Θεού Πατέρα είναι η πηγή για όλα που δημιουργήθηκαν• Λογικό και παράλογο όντα . Ο Υιός ανέλαβε να κατέβη από τα ουράνια και ενσαρκώθηκε από την Παρθένο Μαρία , προκειμένου να ενώση την ανθρωπότητα με τον Θεόν Πατέρα επάνω στον Σταυρόν. Και το Άγιο Πνεύμα μεταφέρει όλη την θείαν γνώση στην Εκκλησία και καθαγιάζοντας τα στοιχεία που χρησιμοποιούνται στα Μυστήρια επιτυγχάνει πραγματική κοινωνία μεταξύ των βαπτιζομένων και του Κυρίου Ιησού Χριστού. Πατήρ, Υιός και Άγιο Πνεύμα μοιράζονται τις «ευθύνες» στο τμήμα της σωτηρίας. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο που τα μέλη του Σώματός Του, της Εκκλησίας, ΟΦΕΙΛΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΜΟΙΡΑΣΟΥΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΕΥΘΥΝΗ της συνεχούς, διακηρύξεως , και αυξήσεως του αριθμού των πιστών που προσετέθηκαν από τον Κύριο. Χρειαζόμαστε τα χέρια και τα πόδια σας. Χρειαζόμαστε τα μυαλά και τις καρδιές σας . Χρειαζόμαστε χρόνο, ταλέντα και τα χρήματα σας,. Θέλουμε να είστε εδώ, και να συμμετέχετε και δραστηριοποιείσθε με κάθε δυνατό τρόπο. Μαζί, με αγάπη, με ενότητα και την κοινωνία μπορούμε να επιτύχουμε πολύ περισσότερα. Λίγα χέρια δεν μπορούν να τα κάνουν όλα. Θέλουμε καλούς επιστάτες στις διάφορες λειτουργίες της Ενορίας• Ενοριακό Συμβούλιο, Δραστηριότητες Νεολαίας, Φιλανθρωπία ........... Δεν μπορεί να είμεθα αδρανείς, γιατί η Βασιλεία των Ουρανών κατακτάται με τη δύναμη, με την δράση , και την ισχύ. Η αγάπη είναι η αρετή της ισχύος• Ενότητα είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δράσεως• Αληθινή Κοινωνίκότητα επιτυγχάνεται αναγκάζοντας τον εαυτό μας να μοιράζεται τα πάντα με τους άλλους . Ελάτε και δώστε τον εαυτό σας στις δραστηριότητες της κοινότητάς σας, Πατήρ Χρήστος Father Nick’s Message Dear Parents & Youth of Holy Trinity: Αγαπητοί Γονείς και Νεολαία της Αγίας Τριάδος: It is so hard to believe that we are well into the 2014 New Year! It feels as if we just celebrated Christmas and New Years, the cutting of the Vasilopita and the celebration of Holy Theophany. And yet, at the end of February, we will be entering into the period of Great Lent. Where does the time go? Είναι δύσκολο να πιστέψουμε ότι είμαστε για τα καλά στο 2014! Είναι σαν μόλις να εορτάσαμε τα Χριστούγεννα και το Νέο Έτος, το κόψιμο της Βασιλόπιτας και τον εορτασμό των Αγίων Θεοφανείων. Και όμως, στο τέλος του Φεβρουρίου θα εισέλθουμε στην περίοδο της Μεγάλης Σαρακοστής. Που πήγε ο χρόνος; Την σήμερον ημέραν, ο χρόνος είναι ένα πολύτιμο αγαθό. Δεν φαίνεται να έχουμε ποτέ αρκετό από αυτό! Μερικοί από εμάς επιθυμούν να είχαμε περισσότερες ώρες την ημέρα για να συμπληρώσουμε το πυρετώδες δίλημμα του προγραμματισμού μας. Τα παιδιά εχουν τόσες πολλές διαφορετικές δραστηριότητες και είναι συντετριμμένα απο τηνέλλειψη «χρόνου». Τότε έρχεται η υπέρτατη ερώτηση, «πως μπορώ να διαθέσω τον χρόνο μου για να επιτύχω αυτά που πρέπει να κάνω;» Με άλλα λόγια τι θα πρέπει να κάνω; Πιστεύω ότι επάνω από όλα, πρέπει να κατανείμουμε τις προτεραιότητες μας σε δύο κατηγορίες; Η πρώτη τι χρειάζεται να κάνω και η δεύτερη τι θέλω να κάνω. Όλοι μας θέλουμε να κάνουμε όσα περισσότερα μπορούμε αλλά αντιλαμβανώμαστε ότι απλώς δεν μπορούμε. Η προτεραιότητα είναι ένας καλός τρόπος να μεταβάλλουμε ένα πυρετώδες προγραμματισμό σε έναν κατορθωτό, αλλά πρέπει επίσης ν’ αναγνωρίσουμε ότι μερικές δραστηριότητες στην ζωή μας απαιτούν περισσότερο την προσοχή μας και πρέπει να τοποθετηθούν σαν ιδιαίτερες προτεραιότητες στην «πρέπει να κάνω» λίστα. Κατά την διάρκεια του Φεβρουαρίου, θέλω όλοι οι γονείς και νεολαία μας να αρχίσουν να βάζουν «προτεραιότητα» στην ζωή τους και να να προετοιμασθούν για την επερχόμενη Μεγάλη Σαρακοστή. Εάν θυμηθουμε να βάλουμε τον Χριστό και την Εκκλησία Του πρώτα στις προτεραιότητές μας, τότε θα αρχίσουμε να βλέπουμε ότι κάθε άλλο θα πάρη την θέση του και θα γίνη περισσότερο διαχειρίσιμο. Ο Κύριός μας λέει «Επειδή τι θέλει ωφελήσει τον άνθρωπον, εάν κερδίση τον κόσμον ολον και ζημιωθή την ψυχήν αυτού;» κατά Μάρκον 8:36. Αυτή είναι η ερώτηση που πρέπει να απαντηθή από όλους σας. Η Εκκλησία δεν μας λέει ότι πρέπει να εγκαταλείψουμε όλα τα άλλα που κάνουμε στην ζωή μας, αλλά υπογραμμίζει ότι πρέπει να βάλουμε τον ΘΕΟ πρώτα από όλα τα άλλα. Όταν αρχίζουμε να αναγνωρίζουμε την ολική μας εξάρτηση από τον Θεό και δώσουμε όλη μας την δύναμη, προσπάθεια και ΧΡΟΝΟ σε έναν χαρούμενο τρόπο, ο χρόνος μας τότε είναι εύκολα διαχειρίσιμος στις «ανάγκες» μας έναντι των «θέλω» μας. Είθε ο Θεός να ευλογή όλους και τον καθένα σας χωριστά με την δύναμη και ικανότητα να γίνουμε καλοί οικονόμοι του χρόνου μας. Παραμένω στην Υπηρεσία του Χριστού, Πατέρας Νικόλαος In today's day and age, time is a valuable commodity. We never seem to have enough of it! Some of us wish that we had more hours in the day in order to complete our hectic scheduling dilemma. Children are involved with so many different activities and are too, overwhelmed with lack of "time". So then comes the ultimate question' "How can I appropriate my time so that I can accomplish what I need to do?" I other words, what should I do? I believe that first and foremost, we must prioritize our schedules into two categories: the first is what I need to do and the second is: what I want to do. All of us want to do as many things possible but also realize that we just can't. Prioritizing is a good way to turn hectic into obtainable, but, we also need to know that certain activities within our lives require our attention and need to be placed as a priority on the "need to do" list. During the month of February, I want all of our parents and youth to start "prioritizing" their lives and prepare for the coming of the Great Lenten Period. If we remember to place Christ and His Church first in our priorities, then we will begin to see that everything else will fall into place and become more manageable. Our Lord tells us, "for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world (earthly wants) but loose his soul?"(eternal needs) Mark 8:36 This is a question that must be answered by all of you alone. The Church does not tell us that we must quit everything else that we do in our lives, but SHE does stress putting GOD first before all else. When we begin to acknowledge our total dependency on God and give our strengths, efforts and TIME in a joyful fashion, our time then becomes properly adjusted to our "needs" versus our "wants". May God bless each and every one of you with the strength and ability to become good stewards of our time. In Christ's Service, I remain, Father Nick The Parish Council Presidents Message February 2014 Φεβρουάριος, 2014 My Fellow Parishioners, Αγαπητοί μου Ενορίτες, I am pleased to inform you that Metropolitan Evangelos of NJ has appointed Fr. Christos Christofidis, formerly of Elkins Park, as the new Proistamenos for our Holy Trinity Parish, effective February 1, 2014. Fr. Nick will be staying on as our Assistant Pastor. Είμαι στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας ενημερώσω ότι ο Μητροπολίτης Ευάγγελος της Νέας Ιερσέης έχει διορίσει τον Πατέρα Χρήστο Χριστοφίδη, πρώην στο Elkins Park, σαν τον νέον Προϊστάμενο της Κοινότητας μας της Αγίας Τριάδας. Η διακονία του θα αρχίση την 1ην Φεβρουαρίου 2014. Ο Πατήρ Νικόλαος θα συνεχίση ως ο Βοηθός Ιερέας μας. We will welcome Fr. Chris on Sunday, February 2, after he celebrates his first Divine Liturgy here with us at Holy Trinity. We hope you will join us in welcoming him to our Parish during the Coffee Hour, after the Liturgy, where you will have a chance to meet and talk with him. Θα υποδεχτούμε τον Πατέρα Χρήστο την Κυριακή, 2αν Φεβρουαρίου, μετά την τέλεση της πρώτης του Θείας Λειτουργίας μαζί μας στην Αγία Τριάδα. Ελπίζουμε ότι θα πάρετε μέρος μαζί μας στην υποδοχή του στην Ενορία μας κατά την ώρα της καφέ, μετά τη Λειτουργία, όπου θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να συναντηθήτε και να συνομιλήσετε μαζί του. We look forward to working together & serving our Parish needs in the coming year with anticipation of the Lord’s blessing. Προσβλέπουμε στην συνεργασία μας και εξυπηρέτηση των αναγκών της Ενορίας μας κατά το προσεχές έτος με την αναμονή της ευλογίας του Κυρίου. Sincerely, Georgia Halakos Με εκτίμηση, Γεωργία Halakos GREEK LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY St. Agape Chapter Dear Ladies, Our long awaited Philoptochos Luncheon and Bid n’Buy is almost here. Please make sure that you have made your reservation and marked it on your calendar. Saturday February 8th at twelve noon at the Hellenic Community Center of our church. We have planned a delicious luncheon and a fun afternoon with wonderful prizes and fellowship. The most important reason everyone should support this event (besides the fun) is that it will help the orphaned children at St. Basil’s Academy, the seniors at the St. Michael’s Home for the aged and the unfortunate and battered women of the Hope House. If you can not attend please make a contribution. Knowing that you have helped someone in need warms your heart. We do hope you can be with us and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday, February 8. Read the letter from Ormylia, Greece in this Bulletin. If you were one of the parishioners that contributed, thank you. On February 2nd our Philoptochos is pleased to join our Sunday school in celebrating God Parents Day. Philoptochos invites the congregation to attend a luncheon after church. The proceeds from this luncheon will be donated to an orthodox orphanage in Guatemala. If you can not attend, please make a contribution toward this very worthy cause. There are 200 orphans there that need our help. Please give what you can and may God bless you and your family. The cost for the luncheon is $15 for adults $7 for children. Please make checks payable to Philoptochos. 2014 DUES REMINDER Please send a check for $30 to Popi Papachrysanthou at 726 Mill Creek Lane, Bear, DE 19701. Your dues help support our local Philoptochos charities and our obligations to the National and Diocese Philoptochos for all the charitable work they do with the help of the local chapters. In a small way, we as individuals can help by paying our dues. GOOD LUCK to our GOYANS for their tournament Happy Valentine’s Day to our parishioners and remember to tell your loved ones I LOVE YOU! We invite you to join us for our Philoptochos Luncheon & Bid n’ Buy at the Holy Trinity Community Center 808 N Broom Street, Wilmington, DE on Saturday, February 8, 2014 @ 12 noon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe you can take home one of these gifts... Baskets of Cheer / Chocolate / Coffee Beauty/Spa Products / Greek Delicacies Gift Cards & Certificates Games & Toys for the Children or our !!! MONEY TREE !!! ENJOY Proceeds to benefit : A Delicious Lunch Being with Friends Hope House for Battered Women St. Basil’s Academy for Children St. Michael’s Home for the Aged Price: $30.00 Adults ~ $10.00 Children Lunch will include Salmon & Crab Cake Entrée, Asparagus and Salad Homemade Galactoboureko for Dessert For reservations please RSVP by Monday, February 2, 2014 by using the form below ~ ? Questions ? call the church office (302)654-4446 Make checks payable to Philoptochos Society and mail to: Name: ___________________________________ Yvonne Vassilatos 2811 Kennedy Road Wilmington, DE 19810 Phone #:_________________________ How Many: _________________ Amount Enclosed: _____________________________ In October 2013, a presentation was made to our Philoptochos Chapter and fellow Parishioners for the Ormylia Foundation in Chalkidike, Greece. From Parishioner’s donations and Philoptochos’ contribution, a donation of $2,500.00 was sent to Ormylia Foundation. Below is the letter thanking us for this donation. Our Philoptochos making Christmas Bread & Baskets of Cheer for our shut-ins 40-Day Blessings of Mother & Child The Rite of Churching Together with being baptized and chrismated, the new-born child is also "churched." The rite of churching imitates the offering of male children to the temple according to the law of the Old Testament, particularly the offering of Christ on the fortieth day after his birth (Luke 2:22). Because of this fact, baptism in the Orthodox tradition came to be prescribed for the fortieth day or thereabouts. In the New Testament Church both male and female children are formally presented to God in the Church with special prayers at this time. Also at this time, once more in imitation of Old Testament practice, the mother of the new-born child is also "churched." Here we have the specific example of the purification ritual of Jesus' mother Mary (Luke 2:22). In the Orthodox tradition the churching of the mother is her re-entry into the Assembly of God's people after her participation with God in the holy act of birth and after her separation from the Liturgy during her confinement. Thus, the mother is blessed to enter once more into communion with the mystery of Christ's Body and Blood in the Divine Liturgy of the Church from which she has been necessarily absent. The new mother should be churched before the baptism of her infant so that she can be present at the sacramental entrance of her child into the Kingdom of Christ. The official service book indicates that this should be done. SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER The students and staff of the Holy Trinity Sunday School wish all of you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. As February moves in, we are focusing on two important events/programs: The first is Godparents’ Sunday, which will take place on Sunday, February 2, 2014. Children should plan to invite their Godparents to attend Church with them on this day. If a Godparent is not available, the child may invite a “Special Person” close to them to stand in for the Godparent(s). During the Divine Liturgy, the community will participate in the Reconfirmation Service. In addition, Godparents are invited to take Holy Communion with their Godchildren. Godparents and Special Persons are also invited to attend Sunday School with their Godchildren. After Divine Liturgy and Sunday School, the Ladies of the Philoptochos and the Sunday School will be hosting a Community Fundraiser Luncheon where proceeds will benefit Hogar Rafael Ayau, Orthodox Orphanage. We hope you can all join us on this special day! The second program is the Holy Trinity Junior Oratorical Festival that will take place on Sunday, March 30, 2014 after Church in the Community Center. This event will present our Sunday School Students. It offers them the experience and preparation for the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival when they are older. Come and watch your children, they are adorable! Sunday School Annual Christmas Pageant December 22, 2013 HOLY TRINITY REGISTRY Churchings: Anthony, the son of Christopher & Marianne (Tsaganos) Archbell, received his 40 day Church blessing on January 19th. We congratulate the family and pray the Lord will bless them as they prepare for baptism. Baptisms: Eliana Dowd, daughter of Tina & Mickey Dowd was baptized in our Church on January 19th. The sponsor was Alexandra Tarabicos. We congratulate her, and her parents and welcome Eliana into the Orthodox Faith. Demetri Karakasidis, son of Steve & Evangelia was baptized in our Church on January 25th. The sponsor was Georgia & Demetris Halakos. We congratulate him, and his parents and welcome Demetri into the Orthodox Faith. Weddings: Katherine Vassos & Mark Stamidos, were united in marriage on January 4th. The sponsor was Emmanuel Hondroulis. We congratulate the newly united in Christ and pray our Lord will bless them always. Funerals: Arkontoula Apostolatos fell asleep in the Lord on December 28th. Her funeral was held on January 4th. She is survived by her brother, Evaggleos Apostolatos, nephew Nicholas Drimones and niece, Clara Drimones, all of Pennsville, NJ. May her memory be eternal. Memorials: John Galanakis ~ 4 year ~ January 12 Konnie Koninis ~ 3 Year ~ January 12 Anastasia Tarabicos ~ 40 Day ~ January 12 Sophia Pittas ~ 6 Month ~ January 19 The Young @ Heart will gather on Thursday, February 13th, We hope to see you there! We meet in the AHEPA Room @ 1pm Happy Valentines Day!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAVE THE DATE: May 10, 2014 for our annual Young @ Heart Taverna Night more info to come... ALTAR GUILD The Altar Guild would like to acknowledge and thank the following parishioners for their donations: Stacy and John Koninis – Wreath in honor of the Birth of our Lord on Christmas Eve (December 24): Prayers for the health of our family. Barbara Vassos - Arrangements on the Solea – In honor of the marriage of my daughter Kathy to Anastasios Stamidis on January 4. Poinsettias at Christmas Stavroula Pettaris – Prayers for health and peace for all the world. Members on Duty in January: Katherine Coustenis, Helen Doukakis, Catherine Faller, Evie Fournaris, Presbytera Joan Ganiaris, Catherine Graham, Tina Ganiaris King, Stacey Koninis, Mary Mantzavinos, Steve Nicholas ********** GREAT LENT OF EASTER AND RESURRECTION Our Lenten season will begin on Monday, March 3. As we enter into this season of self-denial and renewal, we also think about the Lily—the flower that we most associate with Easter. By the Saturday evening, Resurrection Service, lilies are beautifying our entire Church with their royal display and fragrance. Flowers are seen in wreaths for special services: the icon of the Theotokos is adorned for five Friday evening services of the Salutations, beginning March 7. On April 13, Palm Sunday evening, a wreath will surround the icon of our Lord (wreath of the Nymphios). Along with flowers on Holy Thursday evening, a wreath of red carnations will adorn the Holy Cross. The lilies will be placed for the Resurrection Service on April 19 and for Holy Pascha on April 20. If interested, please make a selection from the following: Wreaths (5) for the Theotokos at the Service of Salutations: ($40 each): March 7 March 14 March 21 March 28 April 4 Daffodils for the Veneration of the Cross ($100): March 23 Wreath for Palm Sunday Evening ($40): April 13 Wreath for Holy Cross ($60): Holy Thursday, April 18 Purple mums at base of Cross ($30): Holy Thursday, April 18 Arrangements (2) at Altar Doors ($100): Holy Saturday Resurrection Service, April 19 and Holy Pascha, April 20 Lilies ($20 each *********** Our efforts are supported totally by donations from the parishioners. If you wish to share your memorable events with our Church Community by donating for the purchase of flowers on your special day, please advise the president (Helen Doukakis, 475-7672), any member of the Altar Guild or use the form below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name___________________________________________________________________ Telephone_____________________ Please reserve date__________________________ This special occasion is ____________________________________________________ Enclosed is check in the amount of $__________made out to Holy Trinity Altar Guild Mail to: Katherine Coustenis, 62 Springer Court, Hockessin, DE 19707 May we publish this in our monthly bulletin? Yes__________ No__________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ICON BOOTH For the convenience of the parishioners, the Icon Booth will be open on February 2 and February 23. Available for sale are icons, cookbooks, the Orthodox Study Bible, “A Guide to Greek Traditions and Customs in America” and many other interesting items. We also have available beautiful children’s books. *****WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED GENEROUS SUPPORT***** Serving in February ... Epistle Readers: February 2 ~ Stephen Constantinou February 9 ~ Jamie Kostas February 16 ~ Yanni Kaliakin February 23 ~ Panos Tzinoudis Narthex Duty: February 2 ~ Group 1 February 9 ~ Group 2 February 16 ~ Group 1 February 23 ~ Group 2 Coffee Hours: February 2 ~ Philoptochos Luncheon February 9 ~ Parish Council February 16~ NO COFFEE HOUR GOYA Tournament February 23 ~ Daughters of Penelope If you or your family would like to sponsor a coffee hour, please call the church office to arrange it. If you would like to be added to the list of Prosforon Offerers, please call Loula at the number listed below, or, if at any time you wish to offer the Prosforon without being added to the list, please feel free to bring it in on any Sunday that you wish. Prosforon Offerers for February February 2 February 9 February 16 February 23 Katina Galanakis Vasiliki Kromedas Demetra Lempesis Vickie Karakasidis Eugenia Zerefos Niki Karaoglanis Litsa Anestos Maria Grigorakakis If you cannot meet your scheduled date please contact Loula Kapordelis @ 354-5383 Holy Trinity Altar Boys 2013-2014 Rev. Fr. Christos Christofidis, Pastor & Rev. Fr. Nick Rafael II, Associate Pastor ST. BASIL TEAM February 2 & 16 Steven Constantinou, Captain (302) 925-0209 Theodore Fessaras Constantinos Fournaris Nicholas Gianelos Larry Kirifides Niko Marinis ST. CHRYSOSTOM TEAM February 9 & 23 Panagiotis Tzinoudis, Captain (610) 459-9019 Chris Coulaloglou Lazarus Kirifides Constantine Krikelis Yianni Zerefos Markos Zerefos When you are scheduled to serve you should be in the Altar Area ready to serve by 9:45AM. The latest you can come into the Altar Area is 10:15AM. Please wear appropriate attire– long pants, shirt, tie, black or brown shoes (NO SHORTS OR GYM SHOES ALLOWED). Your hair must be combed, teeth brushed, and hands washed. When you enter the Altar Area, please have your robe blessed by the priest and then put it on. During the service, please remember that people are watching you. Please do not talk unnecessarily or make unnecessary movements. Listen directly to your Captain, or the priest. Please follow the service with the book provided in the Altar area. When you leave, please hang up your robe in the Altar Boy Closet. If you have any questions, first speak with the Captain. If you need further information, please speak with the Priest. January 12th at the Emmanuel Dining Room East Through the very generous donation by Mr. Steven Frangia, we began the new year 2014 well by serving 160 men, women and children a warm luncheon meal on Sunday, January 12th. Steve’s charitable offering was graciously made in memory of his late wife Diane. We thank him very much for his thoughtfulness and kind gesture! Tina Ganiaris and Jamie King worked the kitchen that day. A new sponsor will donate the meal and host the day on Wednesday, February 12th. All are welcome to join us to help serve from noon to 1 p.m. Various groups and individuals generously donate the food and host the luncheon meal on the 12th of every month throughout the year. New sponsors are needed to fill a few months, so if you would like to become a part of this worthy service project with your family, friends or church organization, please contact Nikkie Tsakataras at 655-2252 or Tina Ganiaris at 764-2183 for more information. A very Happy and Healthy New Year to all! Holy Trinity Food Pantry Two recent headlines in the January 5th Sunday edition of the News Journal on hunger: 1. If We All Help ~ No Delawarean Has To Go Hungry 2. Solving Delaware’s Riddle of Hunger On January 5th, the first Sunday of the New Year, Hunger took over the headlines as the most critical problem facing the citizens of Delaware. Some facts from these articles: 1. About 13.2% of Delawareans, (about 120,000 of our neighbors) say they regularly suffer food insecurity - not knowing where there next meal is coming from. 2. Too many Delawareans have to decide whether to heat their homes, buy food, or buy medicine. 3. About 42% of Delawareans who receive food benefits are children, and 4. 156,000 Delawareans receive food assistance through SNAP (formerly known as food stamps). Congress is not helping matters, as they have not renewed the long-term Unemployment Act, as of this writing. It is being stalled in the Senate. It seems that there are no advocates in the Senate in regards to the “working poor”. But as long as there are citizens who care and get involved, all is not lost. Here at Holy Trinity, we have answered the call. Our Food Bins, one placed outside the church office and one in the Narthex, are being filled and the food collected is being delivered by Steve Nicholas to the Sunday Breakfast Mission, St. Stephens, and Richardson Park Community Action Programs, and with Tina Ganiaris King, who delivered food to the Claymont Community Center Food Closet. 21 bags were delivered this month so far. Always needed are: Canned soups, fish, vegetables, meat, (any canned item), cereals, rice, sugar, flour, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni & cheese, coffee, tea, pasta, pasta sauces, baby food, - any food that will not spoil. FYI – Ford Motor Company, Hess Trucks, and Dunkin’ Doughnuts have joined many corporations who have given their TV-ad time to the War against Hunger. Hunger has become a nation-wide movement and we at Holy Trinity are part of this world-wide cause. Don’t FORGET – a can every Sunday will fill our bins and more food will be on the tables of a very needy person. WE CAN DO IT~ ~ ~ THANK YOU! Holy Trinity 2013 Financial Pledged Stewards Adamopoulos, Angeliki & Anastasios Adamopoulos, Chris & Nancy Adamopoulos, Demetrios Adamopoulos, Sotiere Al-Annouf, Nabil & Rabia Batah Alexandratos, Angelos Alexandridis, Thanos & Sharon Alexopoulos, John & Elena Alexopoulos, Demetrios Alamasou, Elias & Rasha Amygdalos, Michael & Christine Anagnostou, Mary Anagnostou, Anthoula Anagnostou, AnaMaria Anastasakos, Georgia Anastassiades, Andreas & Litsa Andreadis, Evan & Theone Andrianopoulos, Faith Annos, Elaine Annos, William & Irene Anton, Anthony & Lucille Antoniou, Tom & Vicky Antony, Michael Apessos, Spyros & Maria Apostolakis, Nicholas & Irene Apostolatos, Arkontoula Apostolatos, Evaggelos Arvanitis, Argyrios & Lisa Athanaisadis, Savvas Atsidis, Kostas & Eutichia Bacchieri, Gregg & Stacey Bambacus, Meropi Battis, Stephanie Boines, Georgia Boines, Daniel & Dale Bouloukos, Harry & Anastasia Bourogiannis, Themistoklis & Angela Brostoff, Seth Brown, James & Karen Brown, Sean & Maria Burpulis, Byron & Kecia Burpulis, Costa & Maria Burpulis, John & Mary Burpulis, Stamatis Busby, Evee & William Caras, Alexandra Caras, Harry & Susan Caras, George & Chris Caras, Constantine & Maria Caras, Valerie Carros, Demo & Helen Chahalis, Maria Chambers, George & Katherine Chappel, Jane Chappel, Lynne Charalambides, Konstantin & Stephania Chilimidos, Jerry & Amy Chilimidos, Dennis & Effie Chris, Edith Christopher, Michael & Soula Christou, Christos Christou, Vasilios & Alexandra Ciabattoni, Olga Coates/Zerefos, George & Eftihia Colborn, Brian & Nicole Colello, Alexandra Colyvas, Amanda Constantinou, John & Carol Constantinou, George Contompasis, Petro & Bessie Cooke, Charles Costalas, Alexandra Costis, Gus & Patsy Coulaloglou, Michele & Costas Courtis, Harry & Sophia Coustenis, Robert & Katherine Cozamanis, Olympia Cozamanis, Steve & Annette Cusanelli, Patrick Dalianis, John & Vicky Daskalakis, Evangelos Degermentzidis, George & Polyxena Demetriou, Spyros & Anna Demourtzidis, Joseph & Erini Demourtzidis, Nicholas & Daphne Demourtzidis, Steven Diamanty, John & Kathy Diamanty, Thomas & Sue Diamond, Anthony & Lauren Diamond, John & Susan Dickey, Irene Dignam, Agnes Doukakis, Helen Dozier, Doug Drimones, Nicholas Drimones, Clara Dumel, John & Evangeline Dunkelberger, Penelope & Keith Eliades, Sophie Evangelatos, Speros & Emily Evlom, Tena Fakner, John & Alexis Smith Faller, James & Catherine Fanos, George Ferentinos, Spero & Joan Fessaras, Zach & Irene Fikoris, Dimitrios Fotakos, Leonidas & Sophia Fotakos, Toula Fountzoulas, Costas & Audrey Fournakis, Kathleen Fournaris, Constantine Fournaris, Emmanuel & Evanthea Fournaris, George & Aspasia Frangakis, John & Christina Frangia, Stephen Frangos, Theone Galanakis, Ekaterini Galaris, James Ganiaris, Fr. Stamatios & Pres. Joan Ganoudis, Joanna Ganoudis, Olympia Gargalas, Thomas Gatos, George Gatos, Paula Geanopulos, Georgiean Geanopulos, Katy George, Mary Georgiou, Gus Gerakios, Sakelaris & Spiridoula Geralis, Loula Gerassimakis, Nicholas J. Gerassimakis, Nick & Connie Gerassimakis, Rachel Gianakis, Charles Gianelos, James & Stacie Giannakis, John Giannaris, Fr. George & Pres. Mary Giannatos, Gerry & Anna Giannoukos, George & Effie Gotides, Virginia Graham, Alton & Catherine Gregory, Helen Grigorakakis, Maria Grivas, Christopher & Michelle Grivas, Demetrios & Helen Guajardo, Evangelina Guardascione, Lou & Shelly Hadjipanayis, George & Voula Halakos, Billy Halakos, Demetrios & Georgia Halakos, Evangelos & Donna Halakos, Joannis & Eftihia Haldas, Harry Haldas, Nicholas & Rodie Haldas, Thomas & Prudy Haldas, William & Shirley Hall, Elena & Phillip Hann, Eugenia & Gary Hantzandreou, George Hantzandreou, Katerina Hantzandreou, Theodore & Labrini Hantzopoulos, George Hantzopoulos, Liza & Bill Haralambidis, Maroula Hatzis, Nicholas & Katherine Hatzis, Thomas & Georgia Hatzis Clark, Georgia Hatzopoulos, Kostas & Rania Hernjak, Nicholas Hoddinott, Christina & Jonathan Hondry, Bill Hondry, Joan Hindry, Steve Iliadis, Antonios & Vaya Iliadis, Demetri & Tina Ioannou, Ida Issaris, Katherine Joannides, Joseph & Alice Johnson, Margo Joseck, Fred & Xanthy Kalaitizoglou, Apostolos & Niki Kalampakas, Ioanna & Anthanasios Kalfas, Caroline Kaliakin, Victor & Elizabeth Kalmer, Mary Kamenakis, Peter Kamenakis, George & Effie Kanas, Larry & Alicia Kanas, Manny Kanas, William & Cassandra Kapordelis, Loula Karablacas, Helen Karablacas, Stelios Karablacas, Virginia Karakasidis, Demetrios & Eleni Karakasidis, John & Vicki Karakasidis, Stephanos & Evagelia Karamihalis, Dean Karaoglanis, Eleftherios & Niki Karas, George Karas, Tom Karas, Yianny Karavasilis, Nick & Foula Karolidis, Spiros & Fawn Katsanos, Stella & Jack Katsimbris, Dennis & Angela Kehagias, John & Katherine Keros, Georgia Kertiles, Paul & Marietta Kimbiris, George & Beatriz Kirifides, Alexander & Kathy Kirifides, Lazarus & Helen Kirifides, Michael & Kerry Kirifides, Vasil & Elefteria Kirtses, Eugenia Kirtses, Petros & Athy Kledaras, George & Ann Kledaras, Olympia Klezaras, Michael & Kathy Klezaras, Nikoletta Klezaras-Lurz, Marina Kollias, Basil & Dimitra Kollias, Georgia Koninis, Christina Koninis, John & Anastasia Koninis, II, John Kontis, Gus & Cindy Kontomaris, Kostas & Melissa Kostas, James Kostas, John & Gale Kostas, Lynn Kostas, Nicholas Kotanidis, Christos & Maria Kotanidis, Efstathios & Linda Kountourzis, Maria Kourpas, Elias & Chrystallo Kountoufaris, John & Marlene Kramedas, Genie Kramedas, Gregory & Matoula Kramedas, Maria Krikelis, Helene Krikelis, Peter & Susan Kritikos, Thrasivoulos & Evangelia Kromedas, Constantinos & Vasiliki Kusumi, Jeff & Robin Laletas/Brockett, Ernest & Barbara Laskaris, Johanna Laws, Brian & Vasiliki Lawson, Michael & Vickie Lazare, John & Sandra Lazaridis, Anastasis & Christina Lazopoulos, John & Christina Lemper, Anthony & Diana Lempesis, Dimitra Leounes, Helen Liarakos, Evelyn Liarakos, George & Ann Liparos, Anargyros Littel, Mary Livaditis, John & Marisa Logothetis, Michael Lomis, Dean & Toula Long, Irene MacKewiz, W. Lee & Irene Maidanos, Emily Makis, Gus & Anthi Manis, Voula & John Manolakis, Mary Manolakis, Katina Manolakos, Nick & Paula Manoloudis, Michael & Kandi Manos, Philip & Voula Mantzavinos, Chris & Mary Mantzavinos, Spiros & Megan Maravelias, Angelique Maravelias, James & Diana Marini, Irene Marinis, George & Sophia Marinis, Kalliope Marinis, Sotiere Markatos, Harry & Susan Matoulas, Apostolas & Georgia Matulas, Anagnostis & Angela Mayew, G. Michael & Charlotte Mazarakis, John Mazarakis, Ourania & Michail McFarland, Antoinette & Steve Mentis, Constantia Mesogianes, Barbara Michell, Constantine & Elaine Michell, Theodore & Catherine Michell, Valerie Milionis, Chris & Bryna Milionis, Constantine Miliotis, Nikolas & Stavroula Minella, Tia & Charles Misogianes Milt & Carol Mistras, Antonios & Soula Mistras, Michael Mistras, Theodora Moutsatsos, George & Alexia Nannas, Theodore & Alexandra Ney, Bruce & Marina Pledged Stewards continued... Nicholas, Steve Nicholas, William Nicholas, William N. Nicholson, Matina Nina, Indrit & Alketa Novakis, Louis Ohlemacher, Leo & Evangline Oikonomou, Georgios O'Neal, Brian & Christine Pagonis, Carrie Pagonis, Marcus & Cheryl Panagiotidis, Athanasios & Elizabeth Pandelakis, Denis & Anna Pantelopulos, Anthony & Daphne Pantos, Christina Papachrysanthou, Chris & Penelope Papachrysanthou, George & Laura Papanicholas Evan Papanicholas, Demetrios & Maria Papantinas, Stephen & Elaine Pappas, Dean & Zoe Pappas, Elizabeth Pappas, Helen Pappas, John & Lois Pappas, Sandra Pappoulis, Demetra Pastis, Jackie Pennias, John & Stavroula Pentikis, Ioannis & Barbara Pettaris, George & Stavroula Phalangas, Charalambos & Mary Philippakos, George & Voula Philippakos, Pantelis & Zoe Phillips, Ernest & Iris Phillips, Pauline Pierson, Vetta & Charles Pispitsos, Pantelis Pittaoulis, Steve Pittas, John Pittas, Michael Poulos, Marika Poulos, Vasilios & Eulampia Psaltis, John Psaltis, Nickolas & Sophia Psaltis, Thomas & Cindy Psihalanos, George & Athena Psihalanos, Nikos & Aristea Pyrros, Georgia Raisis, Leonidas & Irene Raisis, Spiros Raptis, Hilary & Dimitrios Rassias, Dion & Gina Rassias, George & Amalea Rassias, Peter & Julie Regas, Constantinos Regas, Petros Regas, Sofia Rigas, Elias & Potoula Riggins, Margaret Righos, George & Elaine Rochonchou, Athena Roussos, Michael & Anna Roustopoulos, Theodoros & Alexia Ruhl, David & Athena Sacksen, Samuel & Ali Saffos, John & Karla Saitis, Mary Sanford, Michael & Andrea Sapunas, Areti Saridakis, Chris & Penelope Sarmousakis, Marika & Chris Sartin, Nimrah & Deborah Savopoulos, Basil & Despina Savopoulos, Nicholas Savopoulos Virginia Schillinger, Karen & Robert Semos, Paul & Joanne Shaer, Issa & Nuha Sikoutris, Michael & Michele Skiadas, Peter & Stavroula Snell Bryan & Pauline Souleles Nicholas & Alexis Spanos John & Carol Sparks, Everett & Alexandra Spence, Jason & Sunday Staikos, Demetri Staikos, Nicholas & Eirini Stathakis Catherine Stathopoulos, Georgios Stavrakis, Ted Stavru, Nicholas & Maria Stavru, Sophia Stevens, Richard & Penny Stewart, Stacey & Bill Stout, Bob & Voula Tangalidis, Dimitrios & Maria Tarabicos, Anastasia Tarabicos, James & Sophia Tarabicos, John & Joanne Tarabicos, Nina Tawfik, Emad & Soultana Teclemariam, Berhan Tektonopoulos, Diamantis Terris, Costas & Clara Terss, Eugenia Theodorakis, Stamatis & Lisa Thomas, Angelina & Richard Thomas, Donald & Effy Trivellas, Sotiris & Alice Tsaganos, Anthony & Joanne Tsaganos, George & Alexandra Tsaganos, Nicholas & Joanne Tsaganos, Robert & Popi Tsaganos, Tina Tsakataras, George Tsakataras, Nikki Tsakiris, Konstantine & Denise Tsakumis, George & Julia Tsaldaris, Steliany Tsavalas, George & Yvonne Tsionas, Efthimios & Anna Tsionas, Foula Tsiouplis, Vasilis & Matina Doonos Tsoukalas, George & Frideriki Tsoukalas, Harry & Niki Tsoukalas, Stavroula Tsugranes, George & Penny Turley, Steve & Akiko Tzinoudis, Konstantinos & Demetra Valko, Regina Vande Poele, David & Anne VanVures, John & Jean Vassilatos, George & Yvonne Vassiliou, Kleoniki Vassos, Barbara Vassos, Kathryn Velitskakis, George Velitskakis, Steve & Karen Vice, Billy & Elaine Visvardis, Socrates & Ruth Vlamis, Nicholas & Peggy Vore, Mary & Roy Voultsis, Petros & Catherine Vouras, Nicholas Wilkinson, Clifford & Suzanne Wissman, Charles & Vaya Wolcott, Josiah & Paraskevi Xarhoulakos, Peter Xarhoulakos, Sophia Yiannos, Stella Zaloga, Paul & Joann Zambetis, Paul & Zoe Zerefos, Demetri & Tina Zerefos, Markos & Eugenia Ziccarelli, Louis & Catherine Zinna, Anthony & Nina Zographos, Nicholas & Katherine AS OF December 31, 2013 Stewardship…as of December 31, 2013 Amount Pledged: Total Number of Pledging Families: Total Number of Eligible Stewards: Average Pledge: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Wilmington, Delaware 2014 stewardship pledge card I/We glorify God for all the blessings He has given me/us and as an offering of thanks make the following financial commitment to the Stewardship Program of Holy Trinity Church: ($42month or $10/week) $1,000.00 ($84month or $20/week) $1,500.00 ($125month or $29/week) $5,000.00 ($415/month or $96/week) $OTHER ($___/month or $___/week) (above figures are rounded) $301,687.00 445 618 $677.00 NAME ___________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________ CITY ___________ STATE ______ZIP _______ TELEPHONE ____________________________ A Stewardship pledge is not a contract. It is a pledge of intentions. Your confidential pledge aides the church in setting the annual budget. It is understood that pledges do, on occasion, change due to necessity. Should that need occur for you after you have made your pledge, please contact Father Nick Rafael in order for your confidential pledge to be amended accordingly. Now Go and Bear Fruit GOYA NEWS Hi All, As I'm sure you all know, our GOYA basketball tournament is right around the corner! We are hosting 9 other churches, making it our biggest tournament ever! The tournament requires a lot of participation, help, funding, and volunteering. Due to the fact that this is a very large event and we expect to have over 500 people attending our church on February 15th & 16th, the GOYA needs as a lot of support from the community. If you would like, you can purchase ads for the Ad-book on the balcony during coffee hour (the ad-book form is also attached in the bulletin). Help support your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews by purchasing an ad! In addition, we are raffling an IPAD MINI and BEATS by DR. DRE (tickets are on sale during coffee hour). The winners of the raffle will be announced Sunday, February 16th during the tournament. Donations for Saturday's lunch, Saturday's dinner, and Sunday's brunch are still needed. Our raised funds help enable our parish to ensure the youth's activities. Please support the youth, the church's future. Without your support we will not prosper. We need YOUR help! The GOYA is truly thankful for the effort, monetary donations, and volunteering from the community! If you would like to know how you can help, feel free to contact the GOYA advisors: Foula Karavasilis (302.383.3139) or Maria Kotanidis (302.367.8132). Thank You, Stefani Karavasilis The GOYAns go to New York ~ December 21, 2013 To see a show: A Christmas Story & Tour of Ground Zero Freedom Tower New York City Please check a box off and send in the ad information and payment. Make checks payable to Holy Trinity GOYA. Different types of ads may be accepted, for example: in remembrance ads, graduation ads, pictures, business ads, store ads, personal congratulatory ads, etc. Below are the prices per each different advertisements. Thank you for your support. Back Cover (full page): $175 Front Inside Cover (full page): $175 Back Inside Cover (full page): $175 Half-Page: B&W: $50, COLOR: $65 Full-Page: B&W: $100, COLOR: $115 Ads may be sent to [email protected] as attachments, or write and submit a message and picture below. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ For business ads only: I am a member of the Greek Orthodox Church of Holy Trinity Wilmington Διάφορα Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας Ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία Ο όρος Βυζαντινή Αυτοκρατορία ή Βυζάντιο αναφέρεται στήν Ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία. Ο όρος Βυζαντινή Αυτοκρατορία επινοήθηκε από τον Γερμανό ιστορικό Ιερώνυμο Γούλφ το 1557, έναν μόλις αιώνα μετά την "Άλωση της Κωνσταντινούπολης", ο οποίος στο έργο του Corpus Historiae Byzantinae εισηγήθηκε ένα σύστημα Βυζαντινής ιστοριογραφίας με σκοπό το διαχωρισμό αρχαίας Ρωμαϊκής από τη μεσαιωνική Ελληνική ιστορία.. Η επικράτηση του όρου όμως δεν έλαβε τόπο έως τον 17ο αιώνα όταν Γάλλοι λόγιοι τον εκλαϊκευσαν. Η γνώμη πολλών ειδικών, για την αλλαγή του ονόματος της σε "Βυζαντινή Αυτοκρατορία", μαρτυρεί μια υποβόσλουσα μακραίωνη έχθρα και υποτίμηση, ίσως και σύμπλεγμα κατωτερότητος. Το πρωτοφανές όνομα "Βυζάντιο", συσχετίζει τη Νέα Ρώμη, την Κωνσταντινούπολη δηλαδή, απλώς με μια αρχαία Ελληνική αποικία του 7ου π.Χ. αιώνα, προκειμένου να αποσυνδέση το ανατολικό τμήμα από την δυτική αυτοκρατορία, και να περιγράψει με τον τρόπο αυτό, την άλλοτε κραταιά Αυτοκρατορία, που αυτοπροσδιοριζόταν ως μοναδικός κληρονόμος της αυτοκρατορικής Ρώμης. Παρά τις θετικές, αρχικές προσπάθειες κάποιων δυτικών ιστοριογράφων, η μακρά παράδοση αδιαφορίας, έλλειψης κατανόησης και παρεξηγήσεων ανάμεσα στις δύο πλευρές, οδήγησε σε μια νοοτροπία γκετοποίησης της Βυζαντινής ιστοριογραφίας. Η Ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία ξεκίνησε με τα εγκαίνια της Κωνσταντινούπολης την 11ην Μαΐου του 330 μ.Χ. και τελείωσε με την τελική της πτώση, την άλωση από τους Οθωμανούς Τούρκους, την 29ην Μαΐου του 1453. Σ’ αυτούς τους 11 αιώνες τα όριά της άλλαξαν πολλές φορές, αλλά στη μεγαλύτερή της έκταση διοικούσε εδάφη που περιελάμβαναν την Ιταλική χερσόνησο, τα Βαλκάνια, τη Μικρά Ασία, Συρία και Παλαιστίνη, την Αίγυπτο, τη σημερινή Τυνησία καθώς και μικρό τμήμα της Ιβηρικής χερσονήσου. Από την Ρωμαϊκή αυτοκρατορία που κατελύθη το 476, γεννήθηκε το "Εκχριστιανισμένο Ρωμαϊκό κράτος της Ανατολής" στο οποίο ο Δυτικός κόσμος οφείλει την διατήρηση του Ελληνικού και Ρωμαικού πολιτισμού του. Χρησιμοποιώντας διάφορες πηγές θα προσπαθήσω να περιγράψω στα επόμενα άρθρα μου την ιστορία αυτής της μεγάλης αυτοκρατορίας. Various Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas Eastern Roman Empire The term Byzantine Empire or Byzantium referred in Eastern Roman Empire, a term few people recognize today, even in Greece. The term Byzantine Empire was coined by the German historian Hieronymus Wolf in 1557, just only a century after the "Fall of Constantinople", who in his work Corpus Historiae Byzantinae recommended a system of Byzantine historiography in order to separate the ancient Roman from medieval Greek history. The prevalence of the term did not take place until the 17th century when French scholars made it popular. The opinion of many experts, with whom I agree even though I am not an expert, for the change of the name to "Byzantine Empire" indicates a long underlying hatred and degradation, perhaps due to an inferiority complex of the west to that great Hellenistic and Christian empire. By using the name "Byzantium", they conveniently related the New Rome, Constantinople that is, with only the ancient Greek colony Byzas of the 7th BC century, thus disconnecting the eastern part of the Roman Empire. That once mighty Empire identified themselves as the sole heir of imperial Rome. Despite positive initial attempts by some Western historiographers, the long tradition of indifference, incomprehension and misunderstandings between the two sides led to a culture of isolation and alienation of the Byzantine historiography. The Eastern Roman Empire began with the foundation of Constantinople, know today by its Turkish name Istanbul, which was originated from the Greek words ES TIN POLIN, to the city, on 11th May 330 AD and ended with the final fall, the fall of thee Queen City to the Ottoman Turks, on 29th May 1453. In these 11 centuries, her limits have been changed several times, but its greatest extent ruled territories included the Italian peninsula, the Balkans, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, modern Tunisia and small part of the Iberian peninsula. From the Roman empire, which was demised in 476 AD, the "Christianized Roman Empire of the East" was born, to whom the West owes the preservation of Greek and Roman civilization, its roots that is. Using various sources I will try to present in the future the history of this great empire. Hellenic University Club Scholarship Dinner Dance ~ December 21,2013 Join the Hellenic University Club on our trip to Washington D.C. to see the Exhibit… at the National Gallery of Art then for dinner in Baltimore @ IKAROS RESTAURANT nd Saturday, February 22 9am to 9pm (BUS - Boarding at 8:30 am) Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ~ 808 N Broom Street, Wilmington, DE COST $85.00 per person ~ ONLY 50 seats available ~ FIRST COME FIRST SERVE ~ Includes Round-Trip Bus & Preset Dinner w/Gratuity Appetizers: Spanakopita, Tyropita, Dolmades Choice of Entrée: Crabcakes, Salmon, Shish-Ka-Bob, Lamb Shanks Salad & Dessert / Cash Bar Available ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please RSVP by Friday, February 15th to Yvonne Tsavalas 24 Withers Way, Hockessin, DE 19707 with your check written to Hellenic University Club for $85 per person. (Questions call Yvonne @ 302-540.2891 or email [email protected]) Name(s) ______________________________________________ How Many ________________ Amount enclosed ______________ Telephone________________ Entrée Choice(s) ____________________________ The Delaware Valley Youth Commission (DVYC) is proud to present The Annual JOY/HOPE Bible Bowl Hosted by: St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church 900 South Trooper Road Jesffersonville, PA th Saturday, February 15 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM In addition to the Bible Bowl, St. Sophia’s Iconographer, Dr. George Kordis, will be doing an Icon “writing” with the children. Don’t miss out on the great opportunity. For more information or to RSVP: Julie Tsakumis ([email protected] or 302.367.8518) February 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 GOYA POSSIBLE SKITRIP 1pm Philoptochos Meeting 2 Presentation of our Lord 9am Orthros 10am Divine Liturgy 10am Sunday School Godparent Sunday 12pm Sunday School Meeting 9 16th Sunday of Matthew 9am Orthros 10am Divine Liturgy 10am Sunday School 12pm GOYA 3 Metropolis Clergy Retreat 4 Metropolis Clergy Retreat 6pm Girls BBall Practice 6:30pm Women’s Bible Study 7pm AHEPA Board Meeting 7:15pm Boys BBall Practice 10 St. Haralambos 9am Orthros 10am Divine Liturgy 11 6pm Girls BBall Practice 6:30pm Women’s Bible Study 6:30pm AHEPA Meeting 7:15pm Boys BBall Practice 5 Metropolis Clergy Retreat 12:30pm Bible Study 6 St. Photios 9am Orthros 10am Divine Liturgy 17 23 16th Sunday of Luke 9am Orthros 10am Divine Liturgy 10am Sunday School 7pm Dance (FAST) 12 12:30pm Bible Study 13 1pm Young @ Heart Gathering 6pm Choir 14 15 11am Orthodoxy 101 7pm Dance 7:30pm DVYC Meeting @ Jeffersonville, PA 19 6pm Girls BBall Practice 6:30pm Women’s Bible Study 7:15pm Boys BBall Practice 12:30pm Bible Study 6pm Choir 6pm Exec PC Meeting 7pm PC Meeting 25 6pm Girls BBall Practice 6:30pm Women’s Bible Study 7:15pm Boys BBall Practice 6:30pm DOP Meeting GOYA Dance @ St. Sophia (FAST) 7pm HUC Meeting 26 12:30pm Bible Study 6pm Choir 5pm Greek School GOYA BB Tournament 6:30pm GOYA Dance Set up for GOYA Tournament (FAST) 20 7pm Dance (FAST) 24 12pm Philoptochos Bid N Buy 6pm Choir 18 GOYA BB Tournament 8 5pm Greek School (FAST) 16 17th Sunday of Matthew 9am Orthros 10am Divine Liturgy 10am Sunday School Mission Box Start Date 7 11am Orthodoxy 101 21 11am Orthodoxy 101 5pm Greek School (FAST) 27 7pm PAREA 7pm Dance 28 11am Orthodoxy 101 5pm Greek School (FAST) (FAST) 22 1st Saturday of Souls 9am Orthros 10am Divine Liturgy Φεβρουάριος Κυριακή Δευτέρα Τρίτη 2014 Τετάρτη Πέμπτη Παρακευή Σάββατο 1 ΠΙΘΑΝΗ ΕΚΔΡΟΜΗ ΓΙΑ ΣΚΙ της GOYA 1μμ Συνάντηση Φιλόπτωχου 2 Υπαπαντή του Κυρίου Ημών Ιησού Χριστού 9πμ Όρθρος 10πμ Θεία Λειτουργία 10πμ Κατηχητικό Κυριακή Αναδόχων 12μμ Κατηχητικό Συνάντηση 3 9 16η Κυριακή του Ματθαίου 9πμ Όρθρος 10πμ Θεία Λειτουργία 10πμ Κατηχητικό 12μμGOYA 10 Αγίου Χαραλάμπο υς Ιερομάρτυρ ος 9πμ Όρθρος 10πμ Θεία Λειτουργία Απόσυρση Κλήρικών Μητροπόλε ως 16 17η Κυριακή του Ματθαίου 9πμ Όρθρος 10πμ Θεία Λειτουργία 10πμ Κατηχητικό Ημερομηνία Ενάρξεως Κουτιού Ιεραποστολής Τούρναμεντ Μπ. Μπ. GOYA 17 23 16η Κυριακή του Λουκά 9πμ Όρθρος 10πμ Θεία Λειτουργία 10πμ Κατηχητικό 24 4 6 μμ Προπόν. Μπ. Μπ. Θηλέων 6:30μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου Γυναικ 7μμ Συνάντ. Συμβ ΑΧΕΠΑ 7:15 μμ Προπόν. Μπ. Μπ. Αρρένων Απόσυρση Κλήρικών Μητροπόλεως 5 12:30 μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου 11 6 μμ Προπόν Μπ. Μπ. Θηλέων 6:30μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου Γυναικών 6:30μμ Συνάντηση ΑΧΕΠΑ 7:15 μμ Προπόνηση Μπ. Μπ. Αρρένων 12 12:30 μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου 18 6 μμ Προπόνηση Μπ. Μπ. Θηλέων 6:30μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου Γυναικών 7:15 μμ Προπόνηση Μπ. Μπ. Αρρένων 25 6 μμ Προπόν. Μπ. Μπ. Θηλέων 6:30μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου Γυναικ 7:15μμ Προπόν Μπ. Μπ. Αρρένων 6:30μμ Συνάντηση Θυγ Πην. 6μμ Χορωδία 6 Αγίου Φωτίου 9πμ Όρθρος 10πμ Θεία Λειτουργία 7 11πμ Ορθοδοξία 101 5μμΕλληνικό Σχολείο 6μμ Χορωδία 13 1μμ Συνάντηση Αειθαλών Νέων (ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ) 14 15 7μμ Προπόνηση Χορού (ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ) 7μμ HUC Συνάντηση Πανεπιστημιακ ή Ομάδα 19 12:30 μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου 6μμΧορωδία 6μμ Συνάντ. Εκτελεστική Συμβουλίου 7μμ Συνάντ. Συμβουλίου (ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ) 26 12:30 μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου 6 μμ Χορωδία (ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ) 11 π.μ. Ορθοδοξία 101 5μμΕλληνικό Σχολείο 7:30 μμ DVYC Συνάντηση @ Jeffersonville, PA 20 7μμ Προπόνηση Χορού (ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ) 21 11π.μ. Ορθοδοξία 101 5μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο (ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ) 27 7μμ ΠΑΡΕΑ 7μμ Προπόνηση Χορού 12μμ Δημοπρασία Φιλόπτωχου Χοροεσπερίδα GOYA @ Αγία Σοφία 7μμDance (ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ) 8 28 11am Ορθοδοξία 101 5μμΕλληνικό Σχολείο (ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ) Μπάσκετ Μπ.Τούρναμνε τ GOYA 6:30 μμ Χοροεσπερίδα GOYA 22 Α! Ψυχοσάββατο 9πμ Όρθρος 10 πμ Θεία Λειτουργία Handbags•Jewelry•Gifts & So Much More! Talleyville Towne Shoppes 4001 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803 P - 302.478.7202 Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm www.christinaballas.com Gift Certificates Available Over 50 Locations We Cater Any Size Party Wilmington & Hockessin (302) 478-7100 www.chandlerfuneralhome.com Spiros Mantzavinos [email protected] www.tmgpublicaffairs.com 302.584.2846 Public Relations Marketing Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 808 N. Broom Street Wilmington, DE 19806 Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Permit No. 283 Wilmington, DE Current Resident or TO: DATED MATERIAL, PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY Mail Date: January 22
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