W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 A Look Inside... Sansei Live! Sansei Live!...................... 3 31st Annual Sansei Live! returned back to Jtown this year. Ways to Give.................... 4 How you can give during the holiday season and beyond Ways to Give Kimochi San Mateo.......... 6 Highlights from the Moving Forward Benefit Event PHCD............................... 7 Peninsula Health Care District awards Kimochi with Impact Grant Show ‘n Shine Car Show Golf Tournament Kimochi recognizes National Caregiver’s Month............. 8 Golf Tournament............ 11 33rd Annual Golf Tournament winners Show ‘n Shine ................ 11 4th Annual Show ‘n Shine Car Show highlights Caregivers KSM Benefit Event Clockwise from top: Sansei Live! Raffle winner Greg Yee with Mary Ishisaki, Kimochi Home resident Chiyo Blackson, Kimochi Adult Day Program attendee Yukiye Takayama, Kimochi San Mateo event attendees: Gay Kaplan David Ishida & Benh Nakajo, John Noguchi in form at the Kimochi Golf Tournament, Kimochi Show ‘n Shine Car Show A Message from the Executive Director 皆様の気持ち会への貢献やサポートに対して感謝の念を述べるには、 ホリデーシー I can think of no better time than the holidays to voice my appreciation for your contributions and support to Kimochi. To the countless volunteers who graciously give of your time and talent, we thank you. To the many friends, families, community organizations and corporations who so generously give, thank you. And, to the hard work of staff and our senior Steve Nakajo MSW, Executive Director managers who drive the organization’s programs and services, thank you. You help make each day at Kimochi a valuable one for our seniors. ズンほど相応しい季節はないと思います。時間とスキルを惜しみなく提供してくださ る数えきれないボランティアの方々に感謝申し上げます。惜しみなく分け与えてくだ さる多くの友人、家族、 コミュニティーグループや企業の皆様に感謝申し上げます。 そして、気持ち会の各種プログラムやサービスを一生懸命運営しているスタッフ達 やシニアマネジャー達にも感謝申し上げます。皆様のおかげで、気持ち会のシニア 達が有意義な日々を送ることができます。 気持ち会にとり、 今年はもの凄い勢いで時間が過ぎ去っています。 シニアや世話をす る人達をサポートするケア体制を提供し、 その存在を知らしめ、資金調達するプロジ ェクトの数々に焦点をあててきました。 ニュースレター最新号では、三世ライブ、 ショ ウ&シャイン・オートショー、 ゴルフトーナメント、気持会サンマテオ資金調達キャン This year at Kimochi has been fast and furious. We have focused on many projects to outreach, fundraise and provide a continuum of care and support for seniors and their caregivers. Many of our recent activities and events are featured in this newsletter: Sansei Live!, Show ‘n Shine Car Show, Golf Tournament and the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign fundraiser. This fall, we also replaced some furnishings at Kimochi Home and the seniors who participate in our daycare activities are enjoying the results. Additionally, our Nutrition Program chef has incorporated new menu items into the weekday meals and our seniors like the variety -- along with their old favorites, hot bowls of udon, unagi over rice and sukiyaki. ペーンなど、最近の活動やイベントを多く紹介します。今秋は、気持ちホームの調度 品を模様替えしました。 デイケアに参加しているシニア達はこの変化を楽しんでいま す。 さらに、栄養プログラムのシェフが週日配給の食事に新しいメニューを取り入れ ました。 シニアたちは、 これまでの人気メニューである温うどん、鰻丼、 すき焼きに並 んで、 バラエティー豊かな新しいメニューを喜んでおります。 2014年も残すところわずかになりましたが、気持ち会はスローダウンしていません。 私共は既に2015年の計画を立てています。 しかし、 この場をお借りして、皆様が楽し いホリデーシーズンを過ごせるよう心よりお祈り申し上げます。 そして、 どうぞ、寄付す る際は気持ち会のことを思い出してください。皆様のサポートが続くからこそ、私達 As 2014 comes to a close, things are not slowing down. We are already planning for 2015. But I do want to take this time to convey my warmest holiday wishes to you and yours. And please remember Kimochi in your giving. Your continued support helps us maintain our mission of providing the tradition of care that allows our seniors to live with dignity and independence. Ultimately, it’s all for them. You have my heartfelt appreciation. のシニアが尊厳と自立を保ちながら生活できるようにする、 という気持ち会伝統のケ アを提供する使命が維持可能なのです。全てはシニア達のためになります。皆様に 心から厚く御礼申し上げます。 それでは皆様、楽しいホリデーシーズンをお過ごしください。 Happy holidays! 気持会事務局長 社会福祉修士 Steve Nakajo Executive Director スティーブ・ナカジョウ 1. New furnishings at Kimochi Home, 2. Karl Matsushita and fellow nutrition program attendees, 3. Liz Ikeda Bissell, Rich Tokeshi, Linda Ishii at Kimochi Show ‘n Shine Car Show, 4. Kimochi Golf Tournament volunteer, Lauren Kimura 1 2 3 2 4 Sansei Live! Is•Sho-Ni On Saturday, October 18, Sansei Live! celebrated its 31st year as a premiere Kimochi-kai fundraising event. Thank you to all who came out to support this event. This year Sansei Live! returned to Japantown to the Hotel Kabuki to again, be one of Kimochi’s most popular and important fundraisers. It is truly a multi-generational good time. This year over 450 Kimochi supporters and party goers turned out to enjoy dancing to the music of the Bay Area’s best party bands Rendezvous and Big City Revue, and the upstairs Yonsei Lounge featured DJ’s The Les and John Jow. Also featured was the popular line dancing activity led by Al Kitashima and Darlene Masamori. Jana Katsuyama from KTVU Fox 2 News hosted the evening’s festivities and set the tone for an enjoyable evening. like to thank the stellar organizing committee headed by Kelly Mayeda, chairperson, with Kenny Watanabe, Kyle Kuniyoshi, Richard Jue, Mary Ishisaki, Ellen Kiyomizu, and Cindy Chen. As always, the many volunteers including those from Asian American Recovery Services provided invaluable help. The 2014 Cherry Blossom Queen Court also graciously contributed their services and upbeat spirits to make the evening a great success. The Sansei Live theme, “Is•Sho-Ni (Coming Together),” is meant to reflect Kimochi’s efforts to connect all generations of the Japanese American community and all those who support Kimochi’s programs and services in the common goal of providing culturally sensitive care for seniors. Sansei Live! 2014 was certainly a fine example of that “kimochi.” Kimochi thanks the many friends and volunteers who supported the event, but in particular the organization would 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. MC Jana Katsuyama (KTVU) and the 2014 No. CA Cherry Blossom Queen and Court, 2. Kimochi Board Chair, Paul Chin; Sansei Live! Chairperson, Kelly Mayeda and Steve Nakajo, 3. Sansei Live! attendees partaking in Line Dancing, 4. Don Ono of Rendezvous, 5. Big City Review, 6. Intergenerational Attendees: the Tanaka Family Kimochi, Inc. 2014 Board of Directors Paul Chin, Chairperson Rod Henmi Benh Nakajo Dennis Sato Hiroshi Shimizu, Vice Chairperson Mari Kawaguchi Peter Namkung Michi Yukawa Mary Ishisaki, Secretary Ellen Kiyomizu John Noguchi Jane Yura Mark Moriguchi, Treasurer Eric Kobuchi Kyle Oura 3 Ways of Giving to Kimochi, Inc. Help ensure Kimochi’s Japanese tradition of care and support will be available to all seniors and future generations. Kimochi, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization. Contributions to Kimochi, Inc. are tax deductible (Tax I.D. # 237117402). There are many ways you can give to Kimochi, Inc. PLANNED GIVING CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES (Endowments, Wills, Trusts, Stocks, Property) We offer businesses tremendous public relations opportunities and high visibility at our special events. Through the Planned Giving program, you may be able to increase income, reduce taxes including estate taxes, and provide for the future of your heirs. • Become our corporate partner through financial support of a fundraising event VEHICLE • Underwrite one of our many special events (accepting operational and non-operational vehicles) • Support employee gifts with matching corporate contributions Donate your used car, truck, recreational vehicle, boat, jet ski or motorcycle. Kimochi will assist in all transaction paperwork (non-liability and title) and will make arrangements to pick-up your vehicle at your convenience. • Contribute in-kind gifts • Provide speaking opportunities at company meetings E-WASTE RECYCLING IN-KIND Get rid of your old electronic waste (TVs, computers, appliances, fax machines, and more) and support Kimochi at the same time! eWaste4good offers free pickup of your working and non-working electronic items. This is an environmentally safe, easy and convenient way to recycle old electronics. Visit www.eWaste4good.com to see a list of acceptable items and to schedule a pickup. Make sure you designate Kimochi, Inc. as your organization of choice to receive funds. Donate fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, paper products, gift items, and healthcare equipment and supplies to one or more of Kimochi’s programs. Need for items vary, so please inquire. EMPLOYER GIFT PROGRAMS Designate your annual workplace campaign gift to Kimochi, Inc. or participate in your workplace’s gift match program. UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA United Way’s Donor Choice Program earmarks your United Way gift to an agency of your choice. Designate your gift to Kimochi, Inc. on the United Way Campaign donation form. For additional information about giving to Kimochi, please contact Executive Director Steve Nakajo at (415) 931-2294 or [email protected] or Associate Director Steve Ishii at (415) 931-2294 or [email protected]. 4 寄付の仕方いろいろ 気 持 会 が日本 の 伝 統 的なシニアケアを継 続できるように、そして次 世 代にも継 承できるよう、皆 様 のご 支 援を お願いしています。全てのシニアが 気 持ホームの 各 種プログラムとサービスを利 用できるよう皆 様 のご 協 力が 必 要です。気 持 会は5 0 1 ( C ( ) 3 )の 非 課 税を受けられる非 営 利 団 体です。気 持 会 への 寄 付は免 税となります。 ( T a x I D # 2 3 - 7 1 1 7 4 0 2 )様々な方 法で気 持 会に寄 付することが 可 能です。 企業での寄付機会 遺産の計画寄付 (寄贈、遺言、信託、株式、不動産) 大変貴重なPRのチャンスになります。気持会のイベントで 計 画 寄 付プログラムによって、ご自身の収 入 増 加 、不 動 産 企業アピールができます。 税を含む税金額の減少、相続人の安定した将来を可能に •気持会の企業パートナーとして、 ファンドレイジングイベン します。 トを金銭的に支援する。 乗用車 • 職員の寄 付 活 動をサポートし、集まった金 額と同額を企 (運転可能かどうか問わず) 業も寄付する。 中古 車 、 トラック、 トレーラー 、ボート、ジェットスキーやバ •現物での寄付 イクを寄 付してください 。気 持 会 が 必 要な書 類 手 続きを •企業ミーティングで講演会を提供 代 行し、ご都 合の良い時に乗 用車を取りに伺います。 電化製品廃棄物リサイクル 現物寄付 不 要 になったなった 電 化 製 品 廃 棄 物( T V, P C ,ファッ 新鮮な果物、野菜、花、紙製品、贈答品、ヘルスケア機器と クス 機 など )を 処 分 、同 時 に 気 持 会 を サ ポ ートで きま 消 耗 品を気 持プログラムに寄 付できます。必 要な物かどう す。e Wa s t e 4 g o o dは、要らなくなった電 化 製 品( 使 用可 かお問い合わせください。 能 、不 可 能を問わず )を無 料でピックアップしてくれます。 職場でのギフトブログラム これは不 要になった電 化 製 品をリサイクルする環 境にや 職場で年間キャンペーンギフトとして気持会のために寄付 さしくて便 利な方 法です。w w w. e Wa s t e 4 g o o d . c o mの を集める、あるいは会社のギフトマッチプログラムに参加し ホームページでは受け付けている電 化 製 品を一 覧でき、 て寄付できます。 ピックアップ予 約ができます。基 金 受 付のグループに気 持 会を指定してください。 UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA United Wayのドナーチョイスプログラムでは、United Wayへの寄付を指定したグループに割り当てることができ ます。United Wayのキャンペーン寄付申込書で気持会を ご指定ください。 気持会への寄付に関するお問い合わせは、事務局長スティーブ・ナカジョウまで(415)931-2294、[email protected] あるいは、副事務局長スティーブ・イシイ (415)931-2294、[email protected]までご連絡ください。 5 Kimochi San Mateo Benefit Dinner performance by Stanford Taiko, and music by Colette Ikemi & Friends. Three hundred forty guests joined us in raising approximately $80,000 for our capital campaign. Thank you all for your support and a special thanks to a group of young volunteers who helped greet guests and assist us throughout the event’s program! Kimochi held its second benefit dinner, “Moving Forward Together,” on September 6th at the College of San Mateo’s Pacific Dining Room to raise funds for the 453 North San Mateo Drive site. Co-emcees Jan Yanehiro and Mike Inouye did a fabulous job entertaining our guests and leading a spirited live auction. The program included a delicious sushi reception prepared by Chef Alan Hirahara, a Taiko 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Co-emcees Mike Inouye and Jan Yanehiro, 2. Kimochi San Mateo Volunteers, 3. Steve Nakajo with Colette Ikemi & Friends 4. Mari and Mas Kawaguchi, 5. Jon Osaki, May Tsang, Diane Noguchi, Julie Matsueda Osaki, 6. Stanford Taiko members Kimochi San Mateo Young Volunteers The Noguchi Girls (Lauren – right, Taylor – left) ノグチ姉妹(ローレンさん(右)、テイラーさん(左) サンマテオの若い世代のボランティア “We enjoy volunteering for Kimochi. It is fun to help out and everyone is so nice. Plus it makes us feel good knowing that we’ve brightened someone’s day.” “ 私たちは気持会のためにボランティアするのが楽しいです。誰かの手助けができるの は嬉しいし、 ここは皆さんがとても親切です。それに、自分たちが今日、誰かの気分を盛 り上げることが出来た、 と知るのはいい気分です。” 6 Peninsula Health Care District Awards Kimochi $300,000 Impact Grant PHCD Gift Brings Kimochi San Mateo Big Step Closer to Reality represented by Lawrence Cappel, PhD; Rick Navarro, MD; Helen Galligan, RN; Dennis Zell, Esq.; Daniel Ullyot, MD. Cheryl Fama is CEO of PHCD. On October 23rd, the Peninsula Health Care District awarded Kimochi Inc. a $300,000 impact grant in support of the $2.5 million capital campaign for the renovation and equipping of Kimochi San Mateo, our planned community care center for seniors. Also present to represent Kimochi were Kimochi Program Director, Anna Sawamura Higaki; Kimochi Board Member, Mary The request for grant funding Ishisaki; Gay Kaplan, was presented by KSM KSM Caregiver Program Members (left to right): Kay Morimoto, former chair of the Kimochi Capital Campaign Co-Chair, Fred and Deanna Kawahara, Setsuko Morimoto, Maruko Yoshida, Shig and Sumi Higaki, Beverly and Kent Ikeda, Seiichi Yoshida Board and former Executive Sandy Mori, who stressed the PHCD’s investment in KSM would be a positive response Director of the Curry Center and resident of San Mateo; and to the growing API community and sizable senior population Kimochi KSM Staffer, Liz Ikeda Bissell. Also in attendance in their district – which encompasses the communities of were senior residents of the PHCD and Kimochi supporters. San Bruno, Millbrae, Burlingame, Hillsborough, San Mateo This gift brings Kimochi San Mateo a big step closer to reality. and Foster City. The PHCD supports health and wellness, Kimochi purchased a former independently operated senior safeguards access to healthcare services, oversees the District care facility at 453 N. San Mateo Drive in 2012. Once Capital assets and infrastructure, plans and invests in future health Campaign dollars are fully raised, the site will be renovated to care needs, and supports local health-focused programs and provide 24-hour non-ambulatory care for seniors, and will be organizations with taxpayer dollars. the main site for community services, which include homedelivered meals, family caregiver support services, health and wellness presentations, and volunteer services with a focus on developing and imparting Kimochi’s intergenerational care philosophy. “PHCD is committed to supporting senior services that promote quality of life and independence,” says PHCD Board Chair Lawrence Cappel, Ph.D. “Seniors are the fastest growing population on the Peninsula, which is why it’s so important that we have the proper facilities and programs in place to support their health and wellness needs. Contributing to Kimochi’s Capital Campaign will allow our Peninsula seniors to remain social, active, and healthy.” The PHCD board is If you want more information about Kimochi San Mateo, or want to support the KSM Capital Campaign, please contact Anna Sawamura Higaki at [email protected]. ペニンシュラ・ヘルスケア地 区 、気 持 会に助 成 金 三 十 万ドルを授 与 ペニンシュラ・ヘルスケア地区の助成金により気持会サンマテオ実現に一歩近づく 去る10月23日、ペニンシュラ・ヘルスケア地区(PHCD)が、気持会 リさんが助成金申請のプレゼンテーションを行いました。ペニンシュ サンマテオ (シニア専用のコミュニティーセンター)のリフォームや機 ラ・ヘルスケア地区が気持会サンマテオに投資することは、 サンブルー 材/設備購入の費用をカバーする二百五十万ドル資金調達キャンペ ノ、 ミルブレー、バーリンゲイム、 ヒルズボロー、 サンマテオ、 フォスター ーンを支持し、助成金三十万ドルを授与してくださいました。 シティーにまたがるペニンシュラ地区で暮らすアジア環太平洋系コミ ュニティーの市民(その人口は増加中)やそのシニア達への積極的な 気持会サンマテオ資金調達キャンペーン共同委員長、 サンディー・モ 続き8ページ 7 働きがけになる、 とモリさんは強調しました。ペニンシュラ・ヘルスケア シアキさん、前気持会役員長で前カレーセンター事務局長を務め、 サ 地区は公的資金を使い、市民の健康生活をサポート、医療サービス ンマテオに在住のゲイ・カプランさん、気持会サンマテオ・スタッフのリ へのアクセスを保持、地区のインフラ設備を管轄、将来の医療ニーズ ズ・イケダ・ビッセルさんの面々です。 また、ペニンシュラに住むシニア を想定した設備投資、 そして健康/医療に焦点をあてたプログラムや 達や気持会のサポーター達も出席してくださいました。 団体を援助する等の諸活動を行っています。 この助成金のおかげで、気持会サンマテオが実現に向けて大きい一 「ペニンシュラ・ヘルスケア地区は、生活のクオリティーと自立をサポ 歩を踏み出すことが出来ます。気持会は2012年、以前は別のシニアケ ートするシニア・サービス援助のため、惜しみなく努力しています」 と ア施設として運営されていた453 N. San Mateo Driveにある不動 語るのは、ペニンシュラ・ヘルスケア地区理事長を務めるローレンス・ 産を購入しました。気持会サンマテオ資金調達キャンペーン目標額の カッペル博士。 「ペニンシュラ地域で一番人口増加しているのは高齢 資金が集まり次第、 この建物はリフォームされ、歩行不可能なシニア 者です。 ですから、高齢者の健康、医療ニーズに適切に対応する施設 に24時間体制ケアを提供する施設、 また気持会サンマテオのコミュニ やプログラムを充実させることがとても大切です。気持会の資金調達 ティーサービスの管理センターとして生まれ変わります。 このコミュニ キャンペーンに投資すれば、地域に暮らすシニア達は社会とのつなが ティーサービスの内容として、食事の宅配、家族の世話人サポートサ りを持ち、活動的そして健康な生活を送ることが出来るでしょう。」ペ ービス、健康に関するプレゼンテーション、気持会の考えである 「世代 ニンシュラ・ヘルスケア地区理事会は、 ローレンス・カッペル博士、 リッ を超えたケア」 を反映させたボランティアサービス等が予定されてい ク・ナヴァロ医学博士、ヘレン・ギャリガン公認看護師、 デニス・ゼル弁 ます。 護士、 ダニエル・ウルヨット医学博士のメンバーから構成され、 シェリ 気持会サンマテオについての詳細情報を知りたい方、気持会サンマテ ル・ファマ氏がCEOを務めています。 オ資金調達キャンペーンを支援して下さる方は、 アナ・サワムラ・ヒガキ までご連絡ください。 そして、 この助成金申請プレゼンテーションに出席したのは、気持会 ([email protected]) 代表ディレクター、 アナ・サワムラ・ヒガキさん、気持会役員メアリー・イ Kimochi Recognizes National Caregiver’s Month 11月は全国家族介護者月間です。 In celebration of November as National Caregiver’s Month and Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, Kimochi offered a special caregiver workshop with Family Caregiver Alliance entitled, “I Am Somebody: Dignity In Caregiving.” The guest speaker was Frances Kakugawa, poet and author of “I Am Somebody: Bringing Dignity and Compassion to Alzheimer’s Caregiving.” Sessions were offered in San Mateo and San Francisco providing seniors and families with helpful tips on coping with the challenges of caregiving through the real life experiences of Ms. Kakugawa and to learn how poetry and creative writing Fumiko DiDomizio, Frances Kakugawa, & Michelle Venegas can provide a positive outlet in expressing family and personal experiences. 11月が全国家族介護者月間、 アルツハイマー病理解向上月間ということにちなんで、気持会は家族介護者連合と共に特別介 護者ワークショップ「私もひとりの人間。ー介護における尊厳ー」 を開催しました。 ゲスト講演者は詩人のフランシス・カクガワ さんで、 『私もひとりの人間。ーアルツハイマー病患者の介護に尊厳と思いやりをー』 の著者でもあります。 ワークショップはサン マテオとサンフランシスコで開催され、 カクガワさんご自身の介護経験から、高齢者とその家族を対象に、介護という難しい問 題の対処方法のコツを伝授しました。 また、詩作やクリエイティブ・ライティングが、家族や自分自身の経験を表現するのに、効 果的なはけ口になることも語って頂きました。 8 Kimochi San Mateo Donations Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions to the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign between January 1, 2014 and October 31, 2014. This list is believed to be accurate as of the time of newsletter production. Jean & Kaz Abey Deborah & Leonard Flaherty Kazuo Hirai J-Sei, Inc. Mark Abey & Jeanne Hong Focus Environmental Wayne & Chris Hiroshima Richard & Abby Jue Gigi Acker Edson Fong & Pauline Ishisaki Judy Hisaka Susan Kagehiro Gerald Adams Heather Fong Cherie Hishida Toshiko Kakibata Alexander String Quartet Henry Friedlander Jerrold Hiura & Lucia Cha Melody Kamada Kathy Aoki Sharon Fujii Hiura & Kato, DDS. Inc. Joe & Miyeko Kamikawa Rod Aoki George & Linda Fujimoto HKIT Architects Duane & Susan Kanaya Calvin Aoyama Bruce Furukawa Ken & Yoshiko Ho Kimio & Marian Kanaya Atlas & Janet Arakawa Kenneth & Eiko Gallagher Ian Hoare Harvey & Gay Kaplan Alice & Edward Arikawa Garden Court Hotel Ben Hogo Akie Karahashi Madeline Arita Sunyi Gedrocz Richard & Sherri Hong Hiroshi Kasagi Seiso & Hideko Arita Susan Go Elaine Hori Hill Miki Kasi Vincent Asai Golden Gate Optimist Club Rosie & Elaine Horita Hiroshi & Sadako Kashiwagi Asian Firefighters Association of SF Reiko Golobic Arlene Hoshi Ken & Guadalupe Kashiwahara Alfonso Avecilla Steve & Mae Gotanda Ayako Hosokawa Sadaye Kasuga Mark & Yumi Berman Greg Mizono & Associates LLC Stephen & Donna Howell Stephen & Leann Katayama Michael & Antonia Biel Tanako Hagiwara Roberta Hugh Kiroku & Tracy Kato Thomas Brutting Robert Hamaguchi Ichinyosha International USA, Inc. Steven & Kimberly Kato Ikue Burney May Hamamoto Kent & Beverly Ikeda Mari Kawaguchi Jimmy & Laura Chan Hamano and Associates Roy & Joanne Ikeda Michi & June Kawaguchi Sherman & Dori Chan Ken Hanada & Millie Leong Frank Ikenaga & Janet Kunihara Fred & Deanna Kawahara Rose Chew Ayako Hanaoka Ken & Karen Imatani Lewis Kawahara Paul & Cynthia Chin Walter & Elise Haas Fund Jeffrey & Leslie Inokuchi Thomas & Philip Kawakami Michael & Patricia Ann Claire Peter & Christina Harada Aarin Inouye Yoneo Kawakita Comcast California Mineko Harrod David Ishida David Kawano Raymond Connors Hiroshi Haruki KumikoIshida Yoko Kawata Sarah & Michael Coony Mas & Marcia Hashimoto Virginia Ishida Kikuye Kayano Crane Pest Control Leroy & Barbara Hedani-Morishita Naomi Sachi Ishida & Ryan Iwasa Kyoko Keenon Jack & Jun Dairiki Carole Henmi Mary Ishisaki Karen Kimura Calvin & Linda Dare Denis Henmi Ann Yasuko Ito Kozo Kimura Ramona Davies Rodney Henmi & Lisa Findley Caryl Ito Richard Kishimoto Edmund & Jane Dea Marc Hershman Yoshiko Iwanaga Kevin & Karen Kitagawa Ashley Devine Edith Higa Armeka Jackson Jr. Takeo Kitagawa Mariann Di Minno Harry & Sachiko Higaki Stephen & Ella Leong Kitagawa David & Fumiko DiDomizio Jeffrey Higaki & Anna Sawamura Japanese American Citizens League - SM chapter Grant Din Shigeru & Sumiko Higaki Hunter & Ami Doi Daryl Higashi Susan Ehrlich Julie Higashi & Robin Shaw Warren Eijima Dean & Debra Hirabayashi David & Masako Elisofon Michael & Linda Hirabayashi Peter & Phyllis Endow Nancy Hirabayashi Benjamin & Diane Enomoto Alan Hirahara Japanese American Democratic Club Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California 9 Aiko Kitano Ellen Kiyozumi & Greg Chew Glenn Kiyomura Stella Kiyota Japanese Community Youth Council Makoto Kobayashi Japantown Merchant Association of SF Kokoro Assisted Living Eric Kobuchi Richard & Grace Kono Thank You to Our Donors! (continued) Bob Koshiyama Robert Mizono Craig & Kimiyo Nishimura Allen & Esther Sakamoto Anne Kronenberg Anne Mizutani John & Diane Noguchi Fusawo Fred Sakamoto Maryjo Kubota-Arcarese & Gary Purcell Chris Mochizuki John & Mary Lou Nonaka Hiroshi V. Sakamoto Richard Moore Lawrence & Karen Nunotani Kern David & Haruko Sue Sasaki Floyd Mori Richard & Sidney Pucek Oba Dennis & Susie Sato Jeff & Sandy Mori Robert & Delphine Obana Helen & Kenneth Sato Mark & Masako Moriguchi Harusue Ogawa Joel & Christine Sato Frank & June Morimoto Thomas & Susan Ogawa Tom & Kayoko Sato Frank Eiichi Morimoto Masaru & Noriko Ogihara Donald & Marian Seiki Kay & Setsuko Morimoto J. June Ohara Walter & Harumi Serata MIF Insurance Agency Yoshi Oka Joann Shieh Hiromi Motojima Jerry & Diana Okada Hiroshi Shimizu Jiro & Michiko Mukai Takeshi Okai Kathleen Shimizu Don & Lillian Munakata Steve & Diana Okamoto Fred Shinoda Masae Murai & Family Alice Okazaki Daniel & Rebecca Shiozaki Tsutaye Murakami Charles & Norma Takahashi Okita Eiko & Toyoko Swingle Shitake Richard & Linda Muramoto Yumiko Okita Beau Simon Jane Muramoto Yung Steven & Linda Sekino Omori Sturge Presbyterian Church Tony Naganuma Thelma Ong Sundance Cinemas, LLC Saburo & Masako Nagumo Jo-Ann Ono-Wong Derek Sung Kuniko Naito Edward Onuma Ryoji & Nobuko Suruki Ittsei & Kiriye Nakagawa Diane Endo & Dean Osaki Diane Suwabe June-Ko Nakagawa Gayle Oshima Marumi Suyeyasu Alice Nakahata Oshima Studio, Inc. June Suzuki Hiroshi & Joyce Nakai Otoshi Plumbing Lorraine Suzuki Benh Nakajo Kyle & Cindy Oura Seiji & Nancy Suzuki Helen Nakajo Kimihiro Outa Stewart Suzuki Steve & Etsie Nakajo Grace Ouye Hank & Naomi Szeto Ken & Karen Nakamura Lloyd Ouye Paul Tabacco Dianne Fukami & Gerry Nakano Susan Oyama Michiko Taguchi Dii Lewis & Joyce Oishi Nakano Pacific Asian American Woman Bay Area Coalition Jerrold Haruo & Terri Ann Kim Takahashi Peninsula Health Care District Ricky & Candace Takahashi Takako Perrie Tazu Takahashi PG&E Company Tomoye Takahashi Edmund & Nanci Pieret Donald & Sandra Takakura Pine United Methodist Church Kenta & Naoko Takamori John and Keiko Quan George & Rosalind Takeda Ricky & Bernice Rael Miyoko Takegami Gene & Brenda Roh Rodney Takemoto Masaru & Kinuye Sagara George Takenami Hisaji Sakai Hideko Takeshita Robert & Alicia Sakai Dean & Gail Tanaka Robert Sakai Heija Tanaka Daniel & Janet Kunihara John Kwock Karen Kwong Yasuko Landa Derek Lang Alson Lee Debbie Lee Hisako Lee Lynette & Sunny Lee Janet Lee Tse Raymond Lim Dan Lui & Patricia Yuen Jeffrey Livingstone & Teresa Chiu Bill & Darlene Lock Kyoko Lok Gary Loo Gregory Low Louise Lowry Frank & Yoko Lum Lily Lum Fiona Ma Frank Mah & Jeannie Young Mario Ballard and Associates Greg Marutani Lori Matoba Helen Matoi Alan Matsuda Susan Matsuda June Matsueda Karyl Matsumoto Jeffery Matsuoka Isao Mastuura Carl & Peggy Mayeda Mary Anne McGuire-Hicky Scott & Shirley McMullin Suzanne Mihara Miles of Smiles Inc. Dennis Miyahira Kotaro Miyake Bobby Nakata Peter & Bonnie Namkung Tokie Nerio Jane Gorai & Don Ng Kathy & Andy Ng Kin Cheong Ng Chris and Jadine Nielsen Edward Nishi Mel & Barbara Nishida Dan & Doreen Nishimi Clara Nishimoto Patricia Nishimoto Masami & Kazuko Miyamoto 10 Thank You to Our Donors! (continued) Shigeko Tanaka Andrew Urushima Ron Yamada Gregory & Karen Ono Yee Shizue Tanaka Gary & Camella Joo Uyeda Paul Yamagishi Suzanne Ishii & Scott Yokoi Virginia Tanakatsubo Theodore & Aileen Uyemoto Ted & Jennifer Yamagishi Joy Yokoyama Wesley Taoka June Uyenoyama Michael Yamaguchi Ken & Nancy Yokoyama Woo Jessie Tatsuno Roth Nicholas & Grace Wada Wayne & Anna Yamaguchi Asa Yonemura Herbert Toda John & Yuriko Wakisaka Joe & Kimiko Yamaguma Craig & Pam Yonemura Marilyn Suzu Tokunaga Westlake Urban, LLC Philip Yamahiro Todd Yonemura Kirk & Lyn Tomioka Lesley & Gloria Wilmer Satoshi & Kayoko Yamakawa Tasha Yorozu Hiroshi & Michiko Tomita Jimmy & Caroline H. Wong Doris Yamamoto Juneko Yoshida Herbert Tsang John Wong Hitoshi Yamamuro Seiichi Yoshida Pat Tseng Patrick Wong Rachael Yamashiro Arthur & Yoshiko Yoshihara Christine Tso Wylie Wong, Asian Art & Antiquities Tomiko Yamauchi Ben & Miyeko Yoshikawa John & Marjorie Tsukamoto Carl & Jacquelyn Ito-Woo Yan Can Cook, Inc. Robert & Susan Yoshioka Scott & Courtney Tsunehara Jeffery Woo Lance Yanagihara Lesley Young Atsuhiko Tsunoda Raymond & Kay Woon Marcella Yano Mel Young Yukie Uchiyama Irene Wu Glen Yasaki Randall & Beverly Young Union Bank of California Kenneth & Amy Takemoto Wu Thomas Yasukochi Doreen Yui Akira & Hisayo Uramoto Minoru & Suzanne Yamada Jason Yasumoto Michi Yukawa Kimochi San Mateo Donations in Memory Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions to the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign between January 1, 2014 and October 31, 2014. Names in bold identify those who have been honored in memory of with a donation gift to Kimochi. This list is believed to be accurate as of the time of newsletter production. Sue Daijo Hideko Tsuchiya Edward H. Furukawa Bruce Furukawa Noboru Hanyu Lorraine Suzuki Itaru & Shizuko Ina Kenneth Ina Frederick Martin Aiko Martin Naomi Itsuye Garcia Yves Averous Marisa Dinglasan Victor & Patricia Arnaudo Keith Gushiken Thomas Souza & Elayne Hada-Souza Myron Ho Loretta Hoffman K. Jean Howard Masato Inoue Barbara Mendes Sandra Nakamura Hsueh Shima Charles & Joan Sung Debra Tong Jitsuo Higashi Sakaye Higashi Hisao Inouye Paul Inouye Fred Y. Matsumoto Yutaka & Yoshiko Matsumoto Dr. Thomas Asao Hiura, Masaye Hiura & Toshiye Hiura Jerrold A. Hiura & Lucia Cha Harry & Nancy Ishii Haruye Betty Hoshi Hedy Matsuno Kimberly Oka Dick S. Ishida Rick & Janet Wada Carolyn Mitsuda Toshio Mitsuda Ben Ishisaki Kevin & Sally Chin Shigeo Mitsuda Misako Sumida Hideko Tsuchiya Yolanda Torres Sarah Leong Mr. & Mrs. Nobuo Higaki Shigeru & Sumiko Higaki Shoji Horikoshi Edwin & Patricia Cochrane Brian & Gayle Horikoshi Carl & Barbara Horikoshi Duane & Ann Mayeda Michiko Horio Janet Ninomiya Frank & Noye Imamura Howard & Naomi Patridge Setsuko Kaneko Ria Kaneko McIntosh Hisayo Koga Coleen Nakamura Mitsunobu Kojimoto Keith & Priscilla Kojimoto 11 Isaac Kwock Susan Kwock Ayako Mizono Patricia Shiono John Mizono Jocelyn Carter Stella Kiyota Thank You to Our Donors! (continued) Mizono Family Patricia Shiono Suye Nishida Hank & Naomi Szeto Mr. & Mrs. Joichi Mizufune Shigeru & Sumiko Higaki Moriaki Noguchi Nellie Noguchi Albert Mizuhara Hiroshi & Janice Fukuda Koichi & Matsuko Fukuda Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Chiyeko Tsuchitani Sam Ogami Setsuko Ogami Kazumi Kay Mori Dan & Jan Smith Winslow Nakagawa Timothy & Sharon Chan Eileen F. Lo Leona Nakagawa Dr. George Shiyogo Takahashi Katy Takahashi & Richard Dean Brewer Dr. George Shiyogo & Tsuny Takahashi & Mrs. Nui Takahashi Tamar Cooney Kay Teru Takahashi Kazuo Ohsawa Hitomi Ann Ohsawa Hajime & Kazue Takemoto Rodney M. Takemoto Haruko Okawa Hiroko Ono Tokiko Tom Sango & Mariko Harumi Michiyo Uyenoyama June Uyenoyama Saki Yoshida Aiko Morimoto Stephen & Jodi Morimoto Frank Tanaka John & Chitose Yasumoto Dora Sato & Hiroko Shida Ina & Jon Lockwood Joe Tondo Sharon & Gary Kato Dora Sato Craig Yonemura Laura Takeuchi Stephen Higashi Louise Lue Marshall Sumida Amy Teragawa David Ninomiya Janet Ninomiya John & Jane Teraoka Steve, Michael & Lori Teraoka Kimochi San Mateo Donations in Honor Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions to the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign between January 1, 2014 and October 31, 2014. Names in bold identify those who have been honored with a donation gift to Kimochi. This list is believed to be accurate as of the time of newsletter production. Harry & Taiko Hashimoto Dennis Sato Sharon & Gary Kato George & Fran Pon James & Virginia Ko Maria Ruiz R.B. Ko & L.W. Ko Barbara Scott Norman & Connie Kobayashi Thomas & Elenor Shimosaka Peter & Kathy Kolster Susan Sutton Benson Lee Jani Tsuchiya Brian & Sandy Lee Calvin & Nancy Wong Richard Hashimoto How Yuet Louie & Guo Sheng Lei Julie D. Soo Helen Hui Min Lei Sandy Mori George & Doris Sasaki Masaru Yamasaki Riyo Kunisawa Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Ichinose Kyle Yamasaki Marcella Yano Dennis & Aurora Low Stan & DeeDee Wong John T. & Diane Noguchi Ted & Barbara Adachi Jeanie Low Raymond & Kay Woon Kimberly Bae Robert & Gail Manke Calvin & Una Yee Ron & Haruko Bolos Scott & Leslie McMullin Willliam Yeung Lucille Chin Terry Naylor Martin & Chery Chew Violet Nelson Karla Fields James & Adrienne Nishimoto Ardell Y. Furuta Jerry & Diana Okada Richard & Patsy Ja Steve & Diana Okamoto Greg Matoba & May Tsang Steve & Diana Okamoto Al Avecilla Steve Okamoto Audie and Susan Chang Marvin & Miyo Uratsu For more information about Kimochi San Mateo or our Capital Campaign, please contact: Steve Ishii at [email protected] or Anna Sawamura Higaki at [email protected] or contact Kimochi Administration (415) 931-2294 12 33rd Annual Kimochi Golf Tournament Our 33rd Annual Golf Tournament was held on September 19th at the Richmond Country Club in Richmond, CA. This year’s tournament was won by Neal Ho with a winning round of 68! He was joined by Russell Morino, Tim Hamano, Valerie Inouye, Darin Takakura, and Satoru Hosoda who also won their flights. Congratulations to all the golfers! 1 2 3 1. Steve Nakajo and Jim Masamori Jr., 2. George Omi, Ken Sato, Sim Seiki, Eiichi Morimoto, 3. Jim Masamori Jr., Gilbert Takahashi, Valerie Inouye, John Neishi, 4. Ginger Lee and Ella Kitagawa, 5. David Shintaku, Michael Ozorio, Robert Kawano, Todd Eshima 4 5 4th Annual Show ‘n Shine Car Show The 4th Annual Show ‘n Shine Car Show was held Saturday, September 13th, at the College of San Mateo. On this warm and sunny day over 90 cars and their owners came out to show support for the San Mateo facility. Thank you to all the car owners, spectators, volunteers, and staff in making it a fun and successful event. 1 2 3 1. Tom Piana’s ’55 Ford Thunderbird, 2. The Food Booth Crew: Lauren Ishii, Bob Mametsuka, Valerie Ishii, 3. Richard Chiarenza’s ’34 Chevrolet Phaeton, 4. People’s Choice Award Winner: Richard Chiarenza, 5. Jason Quan’s ’55 Chevrolet 210 Sedan 4 13 5 Kimochi Donations Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between July 1, 2014 and October 31, 2014. This list is believed to be accurate as of the time of newsletter production. Hisashi Abe Cache Creek Casino Megan Fujisaka Chidori Hoy Cecilia Ajemian California Housing Partnership Genki Restaurant Frank Ikenaga Teruko Anderson Paul Chin GE United Way Campaign IN-N-OUT BURGER Yoshihiro Aoyama Aline Christiansen GoKart Racer John Ino Aquarium by the Bay June Chun Google Inc. Yukiji Ino Hiroko Arima Costco Wholesale Seiko Grant Mitsuru Inouye Asian Art Museum Creative Accents Tanako Hagiwara Mary Ishisaki Asian Gift Designs Educational Planning, Inc. Hajime & Judy Hamaguchi Pat Ishizaki Asian Pacific Fund Siegfried Ehrmann Lucy Hamai Celia Y. Iwama AT&T Employee Giving Masae Essigmann Christina & Peter Harada Harriet Iwamoto AutoZone Senator Dianne Feinstein Richard Hashimoto Jun Iwamoto AVI Resort & Casino John Fong Taiko Hashimoto Yoshiko Iwanaga Beach Blanket Babylon Addie Fukuda Pat Hattori Sachie Iwate Benkyodo Co. Koichi Fukuda Shigeru & Sumi Higaki JFC International Berkeley Repertory Theater Yasuko Fukuda Highway 12 Vineyards & Winery June Iyama Bistro Central Parc Bill & Rose Fukumitsu Kazuo Hirai Kabuki Springs & Spa Christina K. Bjorman Allen Fuller Kiyo Hirose Harvey & Gay Kaplan Blackhawk Automotive Museum George and Linda Fujimoto Ken & Yoshiko Ho Hiroshi Kashiwagi Jae Byun Rod Fujimoto Rosie & Elaine Horita Mary Eijima & Robert Kawano Kimochi Social Services Volunteer Noriko Nakamura ノリコ・ナカムラさん ソーシャルサービスボランティア “I moved to San Francisco from Chicago two months ago and wanted to connect with the Japanese Community here. I saw a poster about Kimochi and wanted to help. They provide great services to seniors. This experience has made me interested in Social Work. I enjoy coming to help once a week with my 9 month old son.” “私は二ヶ月前にシカゴからサンフランシスコに引っ越して来まして、 こちらの日系コミュ ニティーとつながりを持ちたかったのです。気持会のポスターを見まして、ボランティア になろうと思いました。気持会は素晴らしいシニアサービスを提供しています。 この経験 をとおして、 ソーシャルワークに興味を持ちました。週一回、九ヶ月になる息子と一緒に ボランティアするのが楽しみです ” 14 Thank You to Our Donors! (continued) Miyako Kazama Lawrence & Karen Nakamura Irvin Sasaki Trio Nails Kyoko Keenon Robert M. & Yukiko Nakano Karen Sasaki Reiko True Lawrence & Karen Kern Penny Nakatsu Dennis & Susie Sato Truist Amy Kimura Nanami Naito Noriko Sato Peggy & Ray Tsukimurah Mik Kitagawa Misuye & Stanley Natsume Sattui Winery Sallian Umemoto Anne Kronenberg Tokie Nerio Shiki Union Bank Takeo & Yukiko Kuno Nishitetsu Saga Ken Group Hiroshi Shimizu United Airlines Soon Lee Kay Nomura Dennis & Susie Shinbori United Way California Capital Region Levi Strauss Foundation Nomura & Company Yone Shintaku Tokiko Ushujima Gary Loo Pota Perimenis Starbucks on Fulton Ken & Darlene Uyeda Frank & Yoko Lum PG&E Corporation Jack H. & Deborah N. Sugawara Ted & Eileen Uyemoto Helen Matoi Rose Oda Sundance Kabuki Cinemas Chiyo Wada May’s Coffee Shop Harusue Ogawa June Suzuki David & Cathy Wada Gloria O’Leary Ricky & Glenda Okamura Lorraine Suzuki Nick & Grace Wada Kimiko Pastoral Robert Okamura Seiji & Nancy Suzuki Sandra Wakai Jeffery Matsuoka Nancy Okano Paul & Brgitte Tabacco Chizuko Webb Michael Matsuura Harold Omatsu Julie Takahashi Mecum Auctions Ron Omori Mikiku Takahashi Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Stephanie Meyer Ruth Ong Rodney Takemoto Robert & Marisa Mizono Hanes & Chiyeko Ono Violet Tanaka Jeff & Sandy Mori Wayne & Sally Osaki Kie Taylor Barbara & Leroy Morishita Dean Osumi TGI Friday’s Audrey Moy Jerry & Elanor Osumi The Cheesecake Factory Karen Moy Otoshi Plumbing The Fish Market - San Mateo Muji, U.S.A. Kimihiro Outa Betty Theodore Shirley Murakami Ruth Posey Tobi-Mulan Designs John & Susan Muranishi Keiko & John Quan Richard Tokeshi Kaz Naganuma RockAuto, LLC Tokyo Fish Market Kazumu Naganuma R.S. Suzuki Jewelers Rev. Joanne Tolosa Hiroshi & Joyce Nakai Warren Saito Grant Tomioka Nick Nakai Joe & Takaye Sako Torasan Films Helen Nakajo Sanrio Tri-Valley Recycling Susie Willemsz-Geeroms Lesley & Gloria Wilmer Viva Wong Wylie Wong, Asian Art & Antiquities Michael Yamaguchi Linda Yamamoto Rachael Yamashiro Shinji & Yoshi Yao Moses & Hatsy Yasukochi Robert & Susan Yoshioka Naomi Yoshida Kenro and Tazue Yoshinaka Yume Glass art Help support Kimochi’s programs and services in our continuum of care for seniors and their families. You can donate online at www.kimochi-inc.org or call (415) 931-2294. 15 Kimochi Donations in Memory Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between July 1, 2014 and October 31, 2014. Names in bold identify those who have been honored in memory of with a donation gift to Kimochi. This list is believed to be accurate as of the time of newsletter production. Hideko Ando Chihoko Ando Pan Yu Chen Fen-Fen Chen Mary Fujimoto Yuriko Endo Kiyoshi Ichiyasu Arnold & Junko Nerio Low Amy Murata Aiko Inouye Jill Niizawa Lynn Niizawa Shizuko Okino Marshall Sumida Mas Ashizawa Kay Dilena VFW Nobuo Doi Kiyoshi Hayashi Edwin Ichiriu Jamie Kawaoka Stella Kiyota Kathryn Komure Riyo Kunisawa Tosh Mitsuda Jeff & Sandy Mori Henry Munehiro Yuki Murakami Steve & Etsie Nakajo Wes & Lynn Nihei Nellie Noguchi Richard Norris Thomas T. & Susan Ogawa J. June Ohara Giichi Sakurai Minoru Matsumoto Michiko Matsumoto Masako Iwase Nellie Noguchi Hedy Matsuno Frank Matsuno Yuri Kochiyama Steve & Etsie Nakajo Shigeo Mitsuda Stella Kato & Cynthia Kim Kumi Okamoto Alan T. Matsuda Carol K. Benge Jane Briscoe Frederick Seiki Sim Seiki June Dayao Carrie Dodobara Jeffrey Kawaguchi Mari A. Kawaguchi Kathleen M. Lee Evelia Matsuda Ida Jane Mitsumori Kay Nomura Margaret Reyes Michi Sakohira Judy Toupin Joyce T. Yamada Frank Morino Barbara Morino Veronica Morino Shoji Sakurai Sim Seiki Ken & Eiko Shimasaki Robin & Laura Shimasaki Michael Shimasaki George T. Shimizu Tazuko Takahashi Fusae Tanaka Amy Teragawa Joyce Terao Kikue Tomita Tomoe Torp Will & Myrna Tsukamoto Alan & Carolyn Yamashiro Bill Yamauchi Arthur & Yoshiko Yoshihara Min Takeuchi Stella Kato & Cynthia Kim Kiku & Ryuji Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Kimochi Donations in Honor Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between July 1, 2014 and October 31, 2014. Names in bold identify those who have been honored with a donation gift to Kimochi. This list is believed to be accurate as of the time of newsletter production. Fumiko Didomizio Gloria E. Uejima Joe & Fumi Kawasaki Willi & Minako Beusch Marcella Yano Nancy Livingston Jim & Darlene Masamori Bill & May Moy Kimochi Client Kimiko Yaginuma キミコ・ヤギヌマさん - 気持会のご利用者 “I eat lunch at Kimochi Senior Center 5 days a week and enjoy it very much. Kimochi is the best of the best!” “ 私は週五日気持シニアセンターでランチしています。 とても満喫しています。気持会は 最高です。” 16 Kimochi Loves Our Volunteers The coninuing support of our program volunteers is vital to Kimochi’s efforts to provide care for our seniors. We are grateful for their dedication. Listed are Kimochi program volunteers from July 1, 2014 - October 31, 2014. Yuka Amano Mieko Arai Akiko Arikawa Bonnie Au Haruyo Balistreri Anita Beckley Mitzi Brain Helen Bueniraje Brian Chang Helen Chang Arlyn Chew Lily Chin Annie Chin-Wong Helen Chun David Clary Jack Dairiki Keiko Dam Aiko de Souza Paul Der Ver Christopher Deng Masayuki Endo Norma Esherick Chiu-San Fok Samantha Freitag Mark Frey Ami Fujii Jean Fukunaga Keiko Fukuma Eiko Furuya Brenden Glapion Kiki Goforth Kimberly Guan Margaret Harada Ryan Harada Pat Hattori Chinatsu Hayashi Julia Hermin Teresa Ho Kristina Huey Shigeko Ichikawa Kay Ihara Alice Iiyama Shizuko Ikeda Art Ikuma Kay Ikuma Bobby Inada Hashimoto Isao Sandy Ishii Mary Ishisaki Armeka Jackson Jr. Diana Jang Masa Jow Akie Karahashi Teruko Kauhi Tom Kawakami Ryu Kawashima Etsuko Sakimura Kim Sasaki Risa Shigemoto Teruko Shimogaito Eiko Shintake Eddie Siy Garrett Smith Yoko Sugawara Max Sugaya Misako Sumida Toshiko Takahashi Mitsuko Takazawa Taeko Tamura Cherry Tan Shigeko Tanaka Jerry Jr. Tang Michi Tashiro Tamami Terada Lana To Theresa Tom Thomas Tomioka Monica Truong Carrie Tsai David Tsai John Tsukamoto Wen Tung Gable Tyler Kyle Valpoon Yasuko Naiki Miki Naito Noriko Nakamura Yaeko Naritomi Naoko Nobuoka Chihiro Nomura Haru Oda Masako Ogawa June Ohara George Ohwa Lois Ohwa Yoko Okamoto Saki Okawara Mitsuko Omachi Ryo Ono Maranala Personius Minako Phyper Nancy Poon Lorita Price Rose Ramos Takako Rayfield Julian Rechsteiner Sean Rinn Toni Rinn Kenneth Roberts Jay Rodriguez Michiko Saito Yayoi Saito Midori Kennedy Blair Kerr Naoko Kitamura Mitsuko Knight Edward Kobayashi Akio Kudo Alfred Lee Yvonne Leong Jian Ting Li Kingston Li Drake Lowe Ririko Lu Allyson Lui Khanh Luu Dunham McBride Miyoko McDevitt Mizuki McCall Kaoru Makiguchi Roma Marcias Sachiko Matsumoto Gerry Mauricio Jameil Minor Glenn Miyamoto Nobuko Miyazawa Naoko Morikawa Shizue Mortensen Jack Murphy Bobby Naiki Angela Wang Boru Wang James Wang Nicholas Wang Gil Wong Keith Wong Kyle Wong Mary Wong Ryan Wong Leslie Woosley Judi Yabumoto Suzanne Yamada Pat Yamamura Ron Yamato Ye, Ye Brandon Yee Dennis Yee Gloria Yee Merlynn Yee Stephanie Yee Natalie Yescas Ritsuko Yip Joy Yokoyama Mitzi M. Yorichi Glory Yoshizaki Sara Young Honda Zhang Kimochi Budget for 2014 - 2015 Expenses Sources of Funds Fundraising Events/ Contributions, $255,477 5,477 - 8% Program Donations, ns, $187,362 - 7% Transportation, $232,238 - 9% General Donations, 13% $350,588 - 13 Grants/Foundations, Gra $26,000 - 1% $26 Interest Income, In $20,000 - 1% $ Adult Social Day ay Care, $74,230 30 - 3% Nutri Nutrition, $846,714 - 32% $846 Social Services, $517,355 - 19% Fees for Service, ce, $708,332 - 27% 7% Contract Contracts, $1,147,638 - 43% $1,147,6 Administration, nistration, $534,051 51 - 20% TOTAL: $2,665,397 Total: $2,665,397 17 Kimochi Home, Kimoch $460,808 - 17% $460,8 TOTAL: $2,565,397 Total: $2,665,397 Kimochi, Inc. Service Directory Continuing Generations of Caring Since 1971, Kimochi, Inc. has developed and promoted an intergenerational philosophy of care for seniors and families from San Francisco’s Japantown. Our current continuum of care includes the following programs and services: Kimochi, Inc. 1715 Buchanan, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Administration: (415) 931-2294 • Social Services: (415) 931-2275 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 Administration The Administrative building is owned and operated by the agency and houses the administrative staff. We have approximately 200 volunteers assisting us each year in our programs. Social Services Program Our staff is bilingual in English, Japanese, and Korean and provides language translation, information and referral, counseling, family caregiver support, case management, homecare registry assistance, and transitional care support for patients being discharged from the hospital. The program annually assists 600 seniors and families providing 5,000 hours of services. Club Nikkei This membership based program is designed to outreach and provide healthy, independent seniors with a range of social activities and excursions to enjoy. Staff provides members with an activity calendar and transportation is included. Home Safety Service Staff schedules and conducts home safety assessments for San Francisco homeowners to help them identify potential and existing safety issues that could compromise their ability to live safely and comfortably at home. Kimochi Lounge 1581 Webster Street #202, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 563-5626 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The Kimochi Lounge, located within Japan Center, is the agency’s original site. Seniors come to “the lounge” to catch up on community news and socialize. The site also houses a book and video library where seniors can check out materials for free. In 2007, a new senior information and resource section was added to have important health, safety, nutrition, and caregiving resources available for seniors and families. In July 2009, we opened the lounge for seniors and families on Saturdays. This site is annually visited by 5,000 seniors, families, and visitors from throughout California and other countries. Please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org for more information about our various programs and services. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Kimochi at (415) 931-2294 or [email protected]. 18 Kimochi Senior Center 1840 Sutter Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 931-2287 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California – JCCCNC) Nutrition A nutritious well-balanced Japanese style hot lunch is provided 5 days a week. Any senior 60 years of age or older is welcome. A five week menu is produced by staff, and our nutritionist ensures each meal is healthy, nutritionally well-balanced and adequately proportioned for seniors. An average of 300 meals is served daily. The program annually serves 65,000 congregate and 30,000 home-delivered meals. Home Delivery Program Seniors who are physically unable to travel to the senior center due to a disability or illness, can receive our Japanese style hot lunches at home. Each recipient is required to complete an eligibility assessment on a quarterly basis. The program annually serves 130 homebound and frail seniors 29,000 lunches. Senior Center In addition to enjoying lunch at the nutrition program, seniors are encouraged to participate in activities at the center. Staff and volunteers plan and offer a variety of activities on a monthly basis. We have morning exercise classes, a ceramics class, group singing classes, odori, bingo, arts and crafts, day trips, and overnight trips. The program annually serves 300 seniors and offers 700 hours of exciting activities. Transportation Safe and reliable door-to-door transportation services are provided to help seniors maintain a connection with their community and friends. Transportation can also be requested for medical trips and grocery shopping. The program annually assists 150 seniors receive 10,000 rides. Kimochi Home - Home of Healthy Attitudes 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 • Tel: (415) 922-9972 • Fax: (415) 922-6821 Adult Social Day Care Program (License # 380504138) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide seniors in need of supervision and support with a schedule of social and recreational activities in a safe and secure setting. The program annually assists 40 seniors receive 21,000 hours of services and activities. Residential/Respite Care (License # 380504099) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide 24 hour non-medical care to ambulatory seniors. We have the capacity to house 20 seniors in either single or shared rooms. 19 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT NO. 2764 1715 Buchanan Street • San Francisco, CA 94115 Kimochi, Inc. Directory KIMOCHI ADMINISTRATION 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 KIMOCHI SENIOR CENTER 1840 Sutter Street # 101, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2287 fax (415) 931-2299 SAN MATEO PROGRAM 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (650) 346-0849 KIMOCHI HOME 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 CLUB NIKKEI 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 KIMOCHI LOUNGE 1581 Webster Street # 202, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 563-5626 fax (415) 931-2299 tel (415) 922-9972 fax (415) 922-6821 SOCIAL SERVICES 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2275 fax (415) 931-2299 Please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org for more information about our various programs, services and up coming events! ©2014 Kimochi, Inc. All rights reserved. • Designed by NDD Creative 20
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