A soccer game between Kinki University and the

The public atelier performance was held.
ay 2, 2013, The atelier
Body movements and facial
Illumination was changed
was held by The
expressions in Space of limited
as scenes of drama and that
Drama club “Sabotenza”
are ranmaimu. That is feeling
set the mood for every scene.
o f K i n ki U n i v e r s i t y. T h e
so windy. The audience was
Along with that, powerful
title is “Teyan day!” This
staring to as sucked into the
sound also made audience
spring performance is
drama that unfolds story full
happy, sad, and scary. Tools
annual freshman welcome
of a sense of reality in front of
that used in drama were
performance. Hall was
their eyes.
looking more like real things.
filled with audiences before
The story is “Garbage
Costume of actors was subtle
performance start and
fox help the girl that was
and well-made as you can
Audience stood on both sides
kidnapped”. It is simple
image historical backdrop
of the aisle. Moderator got
s t o r y. S c e n e w e r e b e i n g
easily. And there also was
off the stage and all actors
deployed evil organization
funny costume that made
appeared with rhythmical
and police appeared one after
audience laugh. The drama
Music and colorful
another. The actors made
was great success because of
illumination effect.
audience enjoyed with tears
background work. This year
The actors gave
and laughter until the end.
they changed atmosphere of
heated performance in front
Audience enjoyed all the time
drama as unusual.
of Audience. Especially, Only
because of great staging.
Kano Mikiya(19) who
(Photo by R.Mori)
played leading character
I forgot line and spoke ad-
speaks that “Last year I
lib, but it was fresh to me
watched this The atelier as
to play comedy. ” Sabotenza
freshman of Kindai and I
evolves and keeps trying to
belonged Sabotenza. But I
anything new. Surely they
never expected that I play
could express their sensation
leading character 1 year later.
to audience.
(by R.Mori)
Over night hike
They went to the Ohama park.
n May 2, Overnight Hike
University.This year, they were
gathering place.They seemed to
When they took a rest,
overnight hike. After, the closing
was hold by the rover
walking from Kinki University to
be excited while hearing his talk.
club member behaved participant
ceremony held,Overnight hike
scout club of Kinki University.
OhamaPark in Sakai city, between
Althoughthe temperature
drank and rise boll, sweets.The
is finished in form called the
Overnight hike is fresh man
9 o’clock of 2nd and the morning
was low, the weather was no
person who they run around
each person dissolution.The
welcome event that was held
of 3rd. Before leave, everyone
problem and the participant
played among participant.
second grader planed a key role
with Rover scout club of Kinki
heard organizer’s talk in a ring on
started walking, lined up in two.
But, the more rest, the less
and decided the Overnight hike
They walking as they told and
participant’s voice. 4:40 am, in the
exciting. The content had various
sky begins to become bright; they
kinds,for instance Love talk,
reached MikataPark near the
purpose is not only the
School talk and subject etc. People
goal.5:20 p.m, at last they arrived
interchange between fresh men
who guide went a line directed
Ohama park of goal. Although
but also observed them stamina.
it not to be confused, they were
the last break was taken in the
R o v e r s c o u t c l u b ’s c a p t a i n ,
careful safely with a flashlight.
MIkataPark, more than half of
Yu s h i k a w a A k i n o b u s a i d , “ I
There are few people pass along
members slept and there more few
thing that succeed because good
on the way to mid night.There
people who move around when
a fresh man’s reaction in this
are several times of breaks, some
last break time in Mikataprak.
event .I want to loud big voice
club member had waited while
The participants said “I’m tired”
next year.”
opening a blue sheet earlier in a
“We arrived here at last.” and
rest station.
looked they basked fulfillment of
(Photo by Y.Takeuchi)
Another, this event’s
(by Y.Takeuchi)
Page 2
A soccer game between Kinki University and the University
of Marketing and Distribution Sciences was played.
n April 28th, a soccer game
1 : 0 0 p . m . Te n m i n u t e s l a t e r,
between Kinki University
Kinki University scored first
and the University of Marketing
with a header. Thereafter, Kinki
began, Kinki University was about
and Distribution Sciences was
University scored second and third
to lose a point; however, Kinki
played at the field on the E
with a shot from good coordination,
University saved a completion
campus of Kinki University.
and Kinki University defended a
and waited for an opportunity to
until the end of the game. Kinki
what they should do themselves
Because the weather was fine,
violent attack from the University
counterattack. In the middle of the
University won the game by a score
and increase their judgment.” In
many spectators gathered to
of Marketing and Distribution
last half, Kinki University scored
of six to zero.
addition, he said, “Our aim in the
watch this game.
Sciences. The intense game had
on a free kick. Moreover, Kinki
Kiyotaka Matsui, manager
future is that they come to be able
The players had been
spectators shouting for joy. At 1:50
University added more points
of the Kinki University Soccer
to change their feelings and think
warming up before the game
p.m., the first half of the game
afterwards. Kinki University
Club, said, “We put stress on
positively in various situations.”
started. The game started at
finished with a score of three to
continued their aggressive stance
players to always think about
As soon as the last half
(Photo by Y.Takeuchi)
(by S.Yoshida)
Kinki University Baseball Club took a step toward Meiji Jingu stadium because of winning this game.
n May 11th, the Kansai
Kinki University Baseball Club
making steals many times; however,
and clapped their hands. The player
hand, however we didn’t feel much
Student Baseball Spring
batting first. There were cloudy
scoring runs was far from easy. Both
who scored the run gave a high five
pressure. We want to play baseball
League was held at Koshien
skies and it seemed as if it would
Kinki University and Ritsumeikan
to the other players and shared
as hard as possible with the aim
Baseball Stadium. The Kinki
rain at any moment. The players
University fought a fierce battle
his joy. In the bottom of the ninth
of playing baseball at Meiji Jingu
University Baseball Club faced
played baseball as hard as they
with no runs until the bottom of the
inning, they defended the attack
Ritsumeikan University.
could for the championship. Kinki
eighth inning. The first runner of
from Ritsumeikan University and
University’s players succeeded in
Kinki University got to second base
won the game by a score of 1-0.
championship of this league, they
in top of the ninth inning. Next,
Kenjirou Hashimoto, the
can play at Meiji Jingu Stadium,
the second runner hit a grounder.
captain of the Kinki University
the goal of every university
Because of this, the first runner was
Baseball Club and also a catcher,
student. They took a step toward
able to advance to third base, and
said, “It was good that we could
the championship because they
home plate came into his sights.
decide the victory on a bunt that
won this game. We want to keep
The third runner hit a bunt, and
we had practiced all the time
our eyes on Kinki University
the first runner came in to home
before Spring League began. The
Baseball Club as they make
plate and scored. At that moment,
championship of the Kansai Student
remarkable progress toward Meiji
the spectators gave a shout of joy
Baseball Spring League was near at
Jingu Stadium.
The game began with
(by K.Maehira)
New student-welcome magic show
Audiences were charmed for
Jugglery Lover’s Society of magic.
(Photo by K.Maehira)
n April 12, the Jugglery
and then audience gave him a big
and then let them practice. This year
Lover ’s Society sponsored
hand. Of all the magic tricks the
the magic show was improved from
the “New Student Welcome Magic
onesthatwere the most exciting came
last year with the addition of new
Show” was held in the Club Center.
at the end. These were Japanese-
The “New Student Welcome Magic
style magic tricks in which a flaming
Show”is heldevery year. This year
stick was changed into a Japanese-
representative of the Jugglery
was the 50th anniversary of this
style umbrella and confetti, and a
Lover’s Society said “The magic show
show. Thirty minutes before the
cherry branch dropped all its petals
didn’t tire the audience and got a
show started, the seats were full of
at once then turned into a huge fan
good reaction from them with cheers
new students.
and Japanese-style umbrella. The
and applause. We were able to hold
First, a magic trick was
audience admired the magic show
their interest until the show was
performed in which a number of
that developed rapidly before their
over and we taught the new students
flags were increased and decreased.
eyes in five minutes.After the magic
magic tricks. Because of this magic
Next, there was a trick in which a
show, the Jugglery Lover’s Society
show, I hope the number of people
small watch was turned into a big
staff taught magic to new students.
who have become interested in magic
watch. The magician took a pause
They explained the tricks to students
has increased.”
(by S.Fukuoka)
(Photo by R.Ueda)
Page 3
A student connects a city to rural areas
Vigor is regained in rural areas by a student's power.
n recent years, the
group that is working on
activities with the purpose of
activities for students to talk
revitalize those areas and
revitalization projects in
developing “primary industry,”
with those who have various
bring excitement to the
population of rural areas is
Shimane Prefecture, said, “I
and with the “goal of college
views, especially those who
towns in which they were
intense and the low birthrate
am informing people about
student's growth” without
live so far away. A student
raised. Participating in
and ageing have not been
the local charm by using
receiving any special support.
can be a bridge that connects
student organizations will
slowed. As the way things
IT technology, and I hope
Many things can be carried
people and connects rural and
help to significantly develop
stand, there are some areas
that this can contribute to
out because they are a student
urban areas.
oneself. It is a good idea to
that may disappear in the
revitalization of the area.”
In recent years,
participate in activities that
near future. Now various
M o r e o v e r, t h e g r o u p n o t
The feature of such
because of these activities,
allow you to interact with
kinds of activities exist on
only supports farmers and
activities is to respect each
there are young people
other people now while you
campus, including those
fishermen in depopulated
student's free way of thinking.
who want to return to their
can do so.
related to the environment,
areas, but it also introduces
There is no formal manual;
hometowns and help to
international exchange,
students in Osaka to the
both sides consider what is to
education, and culture.
problem. They cooperate in
be done on the spot, and the
Among these, there is also
activities such as the sale of
city person wishes to make
an activity in which students
products from the district,
the local people happy, thus
can connect urban and rural
a “café,” a “direct-delivery-
a trial-and-error method is
areas and help to revitalize
applied. Students can also
regional areas.
service,” “tour planning,” and
develop communication
Masaaki Goto,
“village revitalization.” With
skills by talking with people.
student association
other students in the Kansai
It will become a very good
representative of a
area, they participate in these
opportunity through their
(by H.Hatakeyama)
(Photo by H.Hatakeyama)
surplus intake of sugar
any people eat
quickly from this condition.
snacks after they
H o w e v e r, i t i s n ’ t
How do we suppress
difficult to eat more sugar
We should learn how to
the surplus intake of
than is necessary.
cut down on our intake of
good to consume sugars.
sugar? First, we should
There are a lot of
sugar and pay attention to
o r p l a y i n g s p o r t s . A The pancreas breaks down
to check ingredients
snacks in convenience
amount of sugar contained
fatigued body consumes
sugars for the function of
contained in food when
stores and supermarkets,
in food.
a l o t o f e n e r g y, s o t h e
secreting insulin. If you
we buy something. Most
so we can buy these easily.
blood sugar level falls
take in a lot of sugar, your
ingredients are shown.
m a r k e d l y. T h e d r o p i n
pancreasworks above what
Second, we should know
one’s sugar level brings a
i s n e c e s s a r y. W h e n t o o
the amount of sugar in
decline in thinking power,
much sugar isbroken down,
food. Finally, we should try
concentration and physical
our bodies have low blood
eating fruit, because fruit
strength, because the
sugar. A surplus intake
is better than snacks. Fruit
body can’t supply energy
of sugar brings about
has much dietary fiber so
efficiently. So we desire
sleepiness, fatigue and a
we feel full after eating just
to eat snacks to recover
fall in concentration.
a little. As a result, it is
become tired from working
(by Tirochoco)
Page 4
Juvenile literature
Juvenile literature can enjoy not only the children but also the adults.
e can find children’s
books in familiar places.
For example, we can borrow
them from the library, see
them in the waiting room of
a hospital, and so on. So we
have many opportunities to
come in contact with children
books, and they are easy
for us to get our hands on.
Not only children but also
adults can enjoy these works.
There are various kinds, as
well, such as picture books,
biographies, and poetry. The
reader can notice profound
themes by reading children’s
books again when he or she
has become an adult.
Juvenile literature
has developed by forming
child readers through
the development of print
technology and the spread of
education. Moreover, it has
developed since “children” were
recognized as one personality
type in humans. In particular,
Andersen’s fairy tales have
been translated and loved in
(Photo by H.Hatakeyama)
all countries around the world.
“The Naked King” is one work
that has become an idiomatic
expression in Japanese. In
addition, children’s books are
frequently made into animated
cartoons or made into movies
with the development of
media. That juvenile literature
attaches greater importance
on education rather than
entertainment is demonstrated
by parents who read to their
In a broad sense
picture books are also one
genre of juvenile literature.
Picture books are not only
to be enjoyed by one person
alone. They are media that can
be enjoyed because someone
reads to someone else. In short,
the reader can enjoy listening
to the words with their ears
while looking at the pictures.
Moreover, the readers and the
listeners can enjoy this activity
together. On occasions such as
this, picture books have some
unique features. The reader
can make changes in the speed
of turning the pages and can
change the rhythm of the story
as he or she tells it. Yasuko
(Photo by H.Hatakeyama)
Doi of the International
Juvenile Literature Hall at
the Osaka Prefectural Central
Library has this message for
children, “I hope you will be
able to find a book that you
will think dearly of when you
are an adult and want to read
throughout your lifetime.”
Much juvenile
literature includes
philosophical thought.
Moreover, picture books aren’t
lacking in artistic value.
Readers can enjoy these books
with the eyes of an adult.
Moreover, they can learn about
the sensitivity of children by
enjoying these books with
children. Furthermore, they
can find their inner child
once again by reading these
books. The ways of enjoying
children’s literature has the
possibility to increase. From
now on juvenile literature
works will include various
new effects and illustrations.
Juvenile literature will be
loved by children and will
remain in people’s minds as a
fond memory.
(by R.Ueda)
ummer has come, and more and more people are lightly dressed. Many people will go on a diet in preparation for summer vacation. However, losing
weight is not always a good thing.
Nowadays, many young people try to get thinner than the appropriate weight. In Japan, many people get much thinner and are diagnosed as being in
a starvation state. Some people say that Japanese women think about dieting too much. Immoderate dieting is bad for our health. Unbalanced eating habits
by misguided dieting increase the risk of malnutrition which can lead to conditions such as a lack of iron. The symptoms of a lack of iron are fatigue and
growth disorders. Moreover, if our desire to decrease our weight becomes too strong, we develop the obsession that we must reduce our weight, and there is a
chance of developing an eating disorder.
Why do Japanese women want to more lose weight than is normal? The first reason is the existence of fashion models. They admire girls on TV and
in magazines, and want to have the same proportions as those girls. Therefore, they diet too much. The second reason is that TV and the Internet broadcast
much information about dieting, and so and dieting becomes a part of their lives. Therefore, they go on a diet even though they are not fat.
Normally, dieting is meant for overweight people to achieve a healthy body type. Overweight people need to exercise in moderation, have nutritionally
well-balanced meals, and moderate their intake of fat and sugar. Dieting should never include things like eating unbalanced meals or taking medicine. BMI
is one thing that is used to measure whether you are overweight or not. First, we should confirm whether our weight is normal or not by using BMI. Next, we
should reflect on our meals and lifestyle and take care not to stray far from the ideal body weight.
(by T.Urisaka)
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Page 1
" 狐と少女が出会ったとき "
アトリエ公演「てやん day !」が行われた。会場は開演前から観客が多く
" みんなで歩いた、夜の道 "
5 月 2 日、近畿大学ローバースカウト部によるオーバーナイトハイク
ント。今年の参加者は 2 日の9時から 3 日の朝方まで近畿大学の本校か
・participant = 参加者
・freshman =大学 1 回生
・Over night hike =オーバーナイトハイク
・aisle =通路
・person dissolution =各自解散
・feeling so windy =疾走感
・bask = ~に浸る
・kidnapped =誘拐される
・fulfillment =達成感
・ad-lib =アドリブ
・fresh man =新入生
・The second grader =二回生
Page 2
” 晴天下の白熱の試合 ”
Page 2
Page 2
" 魅惑の世界へようこそ ”
4 月 28 日に E キャンパス内グラウンドで近畿大
に試合終了まで力を出し切って戦い抜き、結果は 6
対 0 で近畿大学の勝利に終わった。
” 明治神宮球場を 目指して ”
八回裏まで両大学とも 0 点のまま激しい攻防
戦を繰り広げたが、九回表に近畿大学が 1 点
・Marketing and Distribution Sciences =流通大学
・ground in E campus of Kinki University
= E キャンパス内グラウンド
・puts stress on =~に重点を置く
・judgment =判断力
・Kansai student baseball spring league
・Jugglery Lover’s Society =奇術部
= 関西学生野球春季リーグ
・New student-Welcome magic show
・steal = 盗塁
・bottom of the eighth innings = 八回裏
・a big hand =盛大な拍手
・top of the nine innings = 九回表
・Japanese-style magic =和風のマジック
・hit the grounder = ゴロを打つ
・Japanese-style umbrella =和傘
・hit a bunt = バントする
・paper storm =紙吹雪
・give a shout of joy = 歓声をあげる
・petal =花びら
・high five = ハイタッチ
・huge fan =扇
・bottom of the nine innings = 九回裏
・make remarkable progress = 躍進する
Page 3
Page 3
“ 学生の力で
地方に活気を取り戻す ”
“ 糖分の過剰摂取 ”
・longevity =長寿
・the blood sugar level =血糖値
・a primary industry =第 1 次産業
・sugar contents =糖分
・association =協会
・pancreas =すい臓
・insulin =インシュリン
・dietary fiber =食物繊維
企画者 畠山
Page 4
by Tirochoco
Page 4
“ ダイエット ”
“ 大人でも楽しむことのできる
児童文学 ”
・lightly dressed = 薄着する
・opportunity= 機会
・lose weight = 痩せる
・biography= 伝記
・diagnose = 診断する
・poetry= 詩
・starvation state = 飢餓状態
・juvenile literature= 児童文学
・immoderate = 過度の
・idiom= 慣用句
・innutrition = 栄養不良
・animate= アニメ化する
・obstacle = 障害
・cinematize= 映画化する
・philosophical= 哲学的な
・obsession = 強迫観念
企画者 植田
・nutritional = 栄養の
瓜阪 友美