Yozo Fujino 藤野 陽三 査読つき論文 (* : papers in Japanese) 学術雑誌論文リスト(Technical Papers with Review) 2014 14-1 Yutaka KAWAI, Dionysius SIRINGORINGO, Yozo FUJINO : Failure Analysis of The Hanger Clamps of The Kutai-Kartanegara Bridge from The Fracture Mechanics Viewpoint, Journal of JSCE, Vol. 2, No. 1, p.p.1-6, January 20, 2014 14-2 西川貴文, 紺野克昭, 藤野陽三, 中山雅哉 : 高層免震建物における既設ネットワークを利用した高密度振動観測システムと データの利活用, 日本地震工学会論文集, Vol.14, No.2, pp.1-15, 2014. NISHIKAWA Takafumi, KONNO Katsuaki, FUJINO Yozo and NAKAYAMA Masaya : High-density Structural Health Monitoring System for High-rise Seismic Isolated Building Using Existing Network Facilities, Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, Vol.14, No.2, pp.1-5, 2014 14-3 高本剛太郎, 水谷司, 藤野陽三, シリゴリンゴ ディオンシウス : 東北地方太平洋沖地震においてみられた横浜ベイブリッ ジの主塔主桁間の衝突とそのその再現による動的特性の解明, 構造工学論文集, Vol.60A, pp.242-248, 2014.3 Gotaro Takamoto, Tsukasa Mizutani, Yozo Fujino, Dionysius Siringoringo : Modeling of pounding behavior of the Yokohama-Bay Buridge during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, , Vol.60A, pp.242-248, 2014.3 14-4 蘇迪, 嶋田優樹, 三輪陽彦, 藤野陽三, 長山智則, 水谷司 : 交通荷重下の鋼桁橋の応答計測と局部応力の評価, 構造工 学論文集, Vol.60A, pp.205-213, 2014 Di Su, Yuuki Shimada, Akihiko Miwa, Yozo Fujino, Tomonori Nagayama and Tsukasa Mizutani : Measurement and prediction of lodal stress in steel girder bridge, , Vol.60A, pp.205-213, 2014.3 2013 13-1 Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Yozo Fujino and Tomonori Nagayama : Dynamic Characteristics of an Overpass Bridge in a Full-Scale Destructive Test, Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, Vol.139, pp.691-701, 2013 13-2 Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Yozo Fujino and Kenji Namikawa : Seismic Responses Analyses of the Yokohama-Bay Cable-Stayed Bridge in the 2011 Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake, J. Bridge Eng.ASCE, (In press) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000508 (May. 11, 2013) 13-3 Yozo Fujino, Dionysius M. Siringoringo : Vibration Mechanisms and Controls of Long-Span Bridges A Review, Structural Engineering International, Vol.3, August 2013 (in press) 13-4* 藤野陽三, シリゴリンゴ ディオンシウス, 並川賢治, 矢部正明 : 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震における横浜ベイブリッジの 応答, 土木学会論文集A1, Vol.69, No.2, pp.372-391, 2013 Yozo Fujino, Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Kenji Namikawa, Masaaki Yabe : Investifation of the Yokohama-Bay Cable-Stayed Bridge Seismic Response Characteristics Subjected to the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.69, No.2, pp.372-391, 2013 13-5* 井上雅夫,藤野陽三 : 欧州における道路橋設計照査制度に関する調査, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.69, No.1, pp.47-61, 2013. Masao Inoue, Yozo Fujino : Study one Higeway Bridge Design Check and Review Procedures in Europe, Journal of 1 Structural Engineering, Vol.69, No.1, pp.47-61, 2013 13-6* 井上雅夫,小澤一雅,藤野陽三 : 道路橋設計照査制度の日米欧比較分析, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.69, No.3, pp.190-2003, 2013 Masao Inoue, Kazumasa Ozawa and Yozo Fujino : A Comparative study on Highway Bridge Design Check and Review System in japan, The United States and Europe, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.69, No.3, pp.190-2003, 2013 13-7* 紺野克昭, 西川貴文, 藤野陽三 : 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震における不整形な立面・平面を持つ免震構造物の免震層 における並進, 回転成分の推定, 日本地震工学会論文集, Vol.13, No.3, pp.14-29, 2013.5 KONNNO Katuaki, NISHIKAWA Takafumi and YOZO Fujino : Estimation of Lateral and Rotational Vibrations of a Base- Isolated Buildig During the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, Vol.13, No.3, pp.14-29, 2013.5 13-8* 西川貴文, 紺野克昭, 藤野陽三, 中山俊哉 : 日本地震工学会論文集(2013.3, 査読後修正中)⇒14-2 13-9* 西尾真由子, 藤野陽三 : ベイズ推定による既存構造物数値モデルの不確定性定量化とキャリブレーション, 土木学会論文 集 A2(応用力学), Vol. 69, No.2 (応用力学論文集 Vol.16), pp.I_711-I_718, 2013. MayukoNISHIOandYozo FUJINO: Bayesian Inference Based Uncertainty Quantification and Calibration of Numerical Models of Existing Structures, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 69, No.2,pp.I_711-I_718, 2013. 13-10 Masato Abe, Makoto Shimamura, Yozo Fujino : Risk management and monitoring of Japanese railway bridges, Proceedings of the ICE - Forensic Engineering, Vol.167, Issue.2, pp88-98, 2013.12. 13-11 水谷司, 藤野陽三, 猪又憲治, 辻田亘, 長山智則 : 漏洩同軸ケーブル電界の乱れからのマルチフラクタル解析による降雨 検知の試み, 水文・水資源学会誌, Vol. 26, No.5, pp.258-268, 20143.9. 2012 12-1 Takafumi Nishikawa, Junji Yoshida, Toshiyuki Sugiyama and Yozo Fujino : Concrete Crack Detection by Multiple Sequential Image Filtering, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, vol.27, pp.29-47, 2012.1 12-2 Dionysius M. Siringoringo and Yozo Fujino : Estimating Bridge Fundamental Frequency from Vibration Response of Instrumented Passing Vehicle: Analytical and Experimental Study, Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol.15, No.3, pp.417-433, 2012 12-3 Mayuko Nishio, Juliette Marin, Yozo Fujino : Uncertainty quantification of the finite element model of existing bridges for dynamic analysis, Journal of Civil Struct Health Monit, Springer, Volume 2, Issue 3-4, pp.163-173, 2012.11 12-4 Dionysius M. Siringoringo and Yozo Fujino : Along-wind Vibration of a Suspension Bridge Tower, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.103, pp.107-121, 2012. 12-5* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 加速度記録からの地震時最大応答変位推定の非弾性応答への拡張, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地 震工学), Vol. 68, No. 1, pp.63-72 Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino : Maximum Seismic Displacement Estimation Using Acceleration Record for Ineastic Response, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.68, No.1, pp.63-72 12-6* 朝川皓之, 長山智則, 藤野陽三, 西川貴文, 秋本隆, 和泉公比古 : 一般車両の走行時動的応答を利用した舗装路面の簡 易状態評価システムの開発, 土木学会論文集E1, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 20-31, 2012.5 2 Hiroyuki ASAKAWA, Tomonori NAGAYAMA, Yozo FUJINO, Takafumi NISHIKAWA, Takashi AKIMOTO, and Kimihiko IZUMI : Development of a Simple Pavement Diagnostic System Using Dynamic Responses of an Ordinary Vehicle, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 20-31, 2012.5 2011 11-1 Jean-Charles Wyss, Di Su, Yozo Fujino : Prediction of vehicle-induced local responses and application to a skewed girder bridge, Engineering Structures, vol.33, Issue.4, pp.1088–1097, 2011 11-2 Yozo Fujino and D.M.Siringoringo : Bridge Monitoring in Japan: the Needs and Strategies, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.7, No7-8, pp.597-611, 2011 11-3 Xia, Y., Wu, Q. X., Xu, Y. L., Fujino, Y. and Zhou, X. Q. : Verification of a Cable Element for Auto-Parametric Vibration of Stay Cables Subject to Harmonic Excitation and Random Excitation, Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol.14, No.3, pp.589-595, 2011 11-4 H.M.Dinh, T.Nagayama and Y.Fujino : Structural parameter identification by use of additional known masses and its experimental application, Journal of Structural Control and Hearth Monitoring, Vol.19, No.3, pp.436-450, 2011 11-5 Achim Bleicher, Mike Schlaich, Yozo Fujino and Thomas Schauer : Model-based design and experimental validation of active vibration control for a stress ribbon bridge using pneumatic muscle actuators, Engineering Structures, Vol.33, pp.2237–2247, 2011 11-6 Siringoringo DM, Fujino Y, Nagayama T. : Dynamic Characteristics of an Overpass Bridge during a Full-Scale Destructive Test,Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, Vol.139, No.6, pp.691-701 11-7* 藤野陽三, 川井豊 : 招待論文 土木鋼構造分野における構造工学の変遷と今後の課題, 構造工学論文集, Vol.57A, pp1-15, 2011.3 Fujino Y and Kawai y: Technological developments in the structural engineering with emphasis on civil steel structures, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.57A, pp.1-15, 2011.3 11-8* 蘇迪, 藤野陽三, Jean-Charles WYSS : 汎用有限要素コードを利用した車両-橋梁連成系の動的応答予測と鋼I桁斜橋 へ の適用, 土木学会論文集, Vol.67, No.2, pp.374-385 Di Su, Yozo Fujino, Jean-Charles Wyss: Stress prediction of the vehicle-bridge interaction system and its application to a steel I-girder bridge,Journal of JSCE, Vol.67, No.2, pp.374-385 2010 10-1 Jennifer A. Rice, Kirill Mechitov, Sung-Han Sim, Tomonori Nagayama, Shinae Jang, Robin Kim, Billie F. Spencer, Jr., Gul Agha and Yozo Fujino : Flexible smart sensor framework for autonomous structural health monitoring, Smart Structures and Systems, An Int'l Journal, Vol.6, No.5-6, pp.423-438. 2010 10-2 Tomonori Nagayama, Parya Moinzadeh, Kirill Mechitov, Mitsushi Ushita, Noritoshi Makihata, Masataka Ieiri, Gul Agha, Billie F. Spencer, Jr., Yozo Fujino and Ju-Won Seo : Reliable multi-hop communication for structural health monitoring, Smart Structures and Systems, An Int'l Journal, Vol.6, No.5-6, pp.481-504, 2010 10-3 Di Su, Fujino Yozo, Nagayama Tomonori, Hernandez Jr, Jaime Y, Seki Masaki : Vibration of reinforced concrete viaducts under high-speed train passage: measurement and prediction including train-viaduct interaction, Structure & Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.6, No.5, pp.621-633, 2010.10 10-4* 3 山本泰幹, 半野久光, 藤野陽三, 矢部正明 : 横浜ベイブリッジの耐震補強設計に用いた非線形地震応答値の設計検証, 土 木学会論文集A, Vol.66, No.1, pp.31-36, 2010 Yasumiki YAMAMOTO, Hisamitsu HANNO, Yozo Fujino, and Masaaki YABE: Verification of Nonlinear Seismic Response Values Used for the Seismic Retrofit Design of YOKOHAMA BAY BRIDGE, Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No. 1, pp.31-36, 2010 10-5* 山本泰幹, 半野久光, 藤野陽三, 矢部正明 : 横浜ベイブリッジの耐震補強設計における鋼上部構造を対象とした性能照査, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.66, No.1, pp.13-30, 2010 Yasumiki YAMAMOTO, Hisamitsu HANNO, Yozo FUJINO, and Masaaki YABE : Performance Check for Steel Superstructure in the Seismic Design of YOKOHAMA BAY BRIDGE Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.1, pp.13-30, 2010 10-6* 磯光夫, 勝俣盛, 越後滋, 菅原登志也, 安江哲, 藤野陽三 : 橋梁の付着物調査と洗浄技術の実用化, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.66, No.2, pp.220-236, 2010 Mitsuo ISO, Mori KATSUMATA, Shigeru ECHIGO, Toshiya SUGAWARA, Satoshi YASUE, and Yozo Fujino : Journal of JSCE, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp.220-236, 2010 10-7* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 不規則外力に対する加速度記録からの最大応答変位推定, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.66, No.3, p p.477-490, 2010.8 Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Maximum Displacement Response Estimation from Accerelation Record for Random Excitation, Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.3, pp.477-490, 2010.8 10-8* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 移動体上の風センシングによる竜巻検知の試み, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.66, No.4, pp.637-642, 2010 Masato ABE and Yozo FUJINO : A Proposal of Tornado Detection Method Using Wind Sensing on Mobile Platform, Journal of JSCE , Vol.66, No.4, pp.637-642, 2010 10-9* 井上雅夫, 藤野陽三 : 米国ミネソタ州での落橋事故の社会的影響, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.66, No.1, pp.14-26, 2010 Masao INOUE and Yozo FUJINO : Study on Social Impact of the Ⅰ-35W Bridge Collapse in Minneapolis, Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.1, pp.14-26, 2010 10-10* 井上雅夫, 藤野陽三 : 米国における道路橋設計照査制度に関する調査, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.66, No.1, pp.193-207, 2010 Masao INOUE and Yozo FUJINO : study on Current Practices for U.S.Highway Bridge Design Quality Control, Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.1, pp.193-207, 2010 10-11* 稲垣博信, 水野裕介, 藤野陽三, 河村圭 : 地方自治体における橋梁の維持管理の状況と投資効果に関する調査検討, 土 木学会論文集F, Vol.66, No.3, pp.351-359, 2010 Hironobu INAGAKI, Yusuke MIZUNO, Yozo FUJINO and Kei KAWAMURA : A Survey on Current Bridge Management in Local Governments and Effects of Maintenance on bridge Condition, Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.3, pp.351-359, 2010 10-12* 貝戸清之, 松岡弘大, 渡辺勉, 曽我部正道, 藤野陽三 : 走行列車荷重下における鉄道橋桁の動的応答の特性とその利用, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.66, No.3, pp.382-401, 2010 Kiyoyuki KAITO, Kodai MATSUOKA, Tsutomu WATANABE, Masamichi SOGABE and Yozo FUJINO : Vibration Monitoring for Railway Bridges Using Pssing Train Load Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.3, pp.382-401, 2010 10-13* 水野裕介, 片岡慶太, 松本好弘, 長山智則, 藤野陽三 : 鉄道営業列車による移動体センシングの加速度応答を用いた位置 同定と軌道変状の検出, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.66, No.3, pp.360-365, 2010 Yoshihiro MATSUMOTO, Tomonori NAGAYAMA and Yozo FUJINO : Locating and Detecting Railway Track Irregularities Based on Vibration Responses of Passenger’s Vehicle, Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.3, pp.360-365, 2010 2009 4 09-1 Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Yozo Fujino : Noncontact Operational Modal Analysis of Structural Members by Laser Doppler Vibrometer, Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, vol.24, pp.249-265, 2009 09-2 Yozo Fujino, Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Masato Abe : The needs for advanced sensor technologies in risk assessment of civil infrastructures, Smart Structure and System, Vo.5, No.2, pp.173-191, 2009.2 09-3 Evan Monroig, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Yozo Fujino : Modeling dynamics from only output data, The American Physical Society, Physical Review E 79, 056208,pp.1-12, 2009.5 09-4* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 不規則振動理論を援用した加速度記録からの地震時最大応答変位のリアルタイム推定, 土木学会 論文集A, Vol.66, No.1, pp.136-150, 2009.2 Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Fast Evaluation Method for Seismic Displacement Response Based on Random Vibration Theory, Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.1, pp.136-150, 2009.2 09-5* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : システム制御理論の視点からのストックマネジメントのマクロ分析, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.65, No. 2, pp.474-486, 2009.5 Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Macroscopic Analysis on Stock Management Through Control System Theory, Journal of JSCE, Vol.66, No.2, pp.474-486, 2009.5 09-6* 長山智則, B.F. Spencer, Jr, 藤野陽三 : スマートセンサを用いた多点構造振動計測のためのミドルウェア開発, 土木学会 論文集A, Vol.65, No.2, pp.523-535, 2009.6 Tomonori Nagayama, B. F. Spencer, Jr. and Yozo Fujino : Smart Sensor Middleware Development for Dense Structural Vibration Measurement, Journal of JSCE, Vol.65, No.2, pp.523-535, 2009.6 09-7* 和泉公比古, 藤野陽三 : 首都高速道路ネットワークにおける維持管理の統合マネジメント, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.65, No.3, pp.326-345, 2009 Kimihiko IZUMI and Yozo FUJINO : Integrated Management of Maintenance in the Metropolitan Expressway Network, Journal of JSCE, Vol.65, No.3, pp.326-345, 2009 09-8* 藤野陽三 : 都市インフラの災害事故リスクの低減とモニタリング(基調論文), 構造工学論文集, CD-ROM, 2009.4(査読あ り) (※スディさんのリストからは外してあるが論文数には数えてよい!) 2008 08-1 Yozo Fujino and Nam Hoang : Design Formulas for damping of stay cable with a damper, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.134, No.2, pp.269-278, 2008 08-2 Yusuke Mizuno, Evan Monroig, and Yozo Fujino : Wavelet Decomposition-Based Approach for Fast DamageDetection of Civil Structures, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, Vol.14, No.1, pp.27-32, 2008.3 08-3 Dionysius M.Siringoringo, and Yozo Fujino : System identification applied to long-span cable-supported bridges using seismic records, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol.37, pp.361–386, 2008 08-4 Myung-Kwan Song, Yozo Fujino : Dynamic analysis of guideway structures by considering ultra high-speed Maglev train-guideway interaction, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol.29, No.4, pp.355-380, 2008 08-5 Muhammad Tariq Amin Chaudhary, and Yozo Fujino : System identification of bridges using recorded seismic data 5 and its application in structural health monitoring, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, vol.15, No.7, pp.1021-1035, 2008 08-6 Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Yozo Fujino : System identification of suspension bridge from ambient response, Engineering Structures, Vol.30, No.2, pp.462-477, 2008 08-7 Hoang, N, Fujino, Y : Combined damping effect of two dampers on a stay cable, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, vol.13, No.3, pp.299-303, 2008 08-8 Hoang, N, Fujino, Y, Warnitchai, P : Optimal tuned mass damper for seismic applications and practical design formulas, Engineering structures, vol.30, No.3, pp.707-715, 2008 08-9 Hassanien M. Serrore, Junya Inoue, Yoshinobu Adachic and Yozo Fujino: Shared computer-aided structural design model for construction industry (infrastructure), Computer-Aided Design, Vol.40, Issue7, pp.778-788, 2008.7 08-10* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 阿部允 : 取替を考慮した無限期間ライフサイクルコストによる維持管理戦略の評価法, 土木学会論 文集A, Vol.64, No.4, pp.814-824, 2008.11 Masato Abe , Yozo Fujino and Makoto Abe: Evaluation of maintenance strategies by infinite horizon line-cycle costs, Journal of JSCE, Vol.64, No.4, pp.814-824, 2008.11 08-11* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 自然災害リスクの特性に関する統計的分析, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.64, No.4, pp.750-764, 2008.11 Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Statistical analysis on characteristics of risk of naturl disasters, Journal of JSCE, Vol.64, No.4, pp.750-764, 2008.11 08-12* 石井博典 藤野陽三, 水野裕介, 貝戸清之 : 営業車両の走行時の車両振動を用いた軌道モニタリングシステム(TIMS)の開 発,土木学会論文集F, Vol.64, No.1, pp.44-61, 2008.2 Hironori ISHII, Yozo FUJINO, Yusuke MIZUNO, Kiyoyuki KAITO : A Development of Train Intelligent Monitoring System Using Acceleration of Train, Journal of JSCE, Vol.64, No.1, pp.44-61, 2008.2 08-13* 鈴木直彦, 平澤宏祐, 田中健一, 小林貴訓, 佐藤洋一, 藤野陽三 : 人物動線データ群における逸脱行動人物検出及び行 動パターン分類, 電子情報通信学会論文誌D, Vol.J91-D, No.6, pp. 1550-1560, 2008.6 Naohiko Suzuki, Kosuke Hirasawa, Kenichi Tanaka, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Yoichi Sato, Yozo Fujino : Detection of Abnormal Behavior and Patterns by Human Trajectories Analysis, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol.J91-D, No.6, pp. 1550-1560, 2008.6 2007 07-1 Erik A Johnson, Greg A Baker, Bill F Spencer Jr. and Yozo Fujino : Semiactive Damping of Stay Cables, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.133, No.1, pp.1-11,2007.1 07-2 Sopon Ritdumrongkul, Yozo Fujino : Identification of the location and size of cracks in beams by a piezoceramic actuator-sensor, structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol14, No.6, pp.931-943, 2007. 07-3 Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Yozo Fujino : Dynamic characteristics of a curved cable-stayed bridge identified from seismic records, Engineering Structures, 2007, Vol.29, (8), pp.2001-2017 07-4 Nam Hoang and Yozo Fujino : Analytical study on bending effect in a stay with a damper, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.133, No.11, pp.1241-1246, 2007.11 6 07-5 Yoshida J., Yozo Fujino and T. Sugiyama : Image Processing for Capturing Motions of Crowd and its Application to Pedestrian-Induced lateral vibration of a footbridge, Journal of Shock and Vibration Vol.14, No.4, pp.251-260,2007. 07-6 Hassanien M. Serror, Junya Inoue, Muneo Hori, Yozo Fujino, and Tsuyoshi Ichimura : Distributed object-based software environment for urban system integrated simulation under urban-scale hazard--Part Ⅱ : Application, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.36, No.11, pp.1561-1579, 2007. 07-7 Hassanien M. Serror, Junya Inoue, Muneo Hori and Yozo Fujino : Distributed object-based software environment for urban system integrated simulation under urban-scale hazard--Part Ⅰ: Infrastructure, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.36, No.11, pp.1545-1560, 2007. 07-8* 大島雅人, 田高淳, 鈴村恵太, 坂本良文, 藤野陽三 : 鋼箱桁橋梁の経済性を考慮した桁内除湿設計と実証試験, 土木学会 論文集F, Vol.63, No.1, pp.119-130, 2007.3 Masato Ohshima, Jun Takoh, Keita Suzumura, Yoshifumi Sakamoto and Yozo Fujino : Economical Dehumidification Design and Actual Proof Examination of Box Girder Bridge, Journal of JSCE, Vol.63, No.1, pp.119-130, 2007.3 07-9* 西尾真由子, 田中宏明, 名取通弘, 岸本直子, 藤野陽三 : 分散制御によるケーブルネットワーク構造の振動制御, 日本航 空宇宙学会論文集, Vol55, No.644, pp.411-417, 2007 Mayuko NISHIO, Hiroaki TANAKA, M.C. NATORI, Naoko KISHIMOTO and Yozo Fujino : Decentralized Approach of Cable Network Structures for Their Vibration Control, Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol55, No.644, pp.411-417, 2007 07-10* 宮下剛, 藤野陽三 : レーザードップラー速度計を用いた三次元多点振動計測システムの開発, 土木学会論文集A, Vol. 63, No.4, pp.561-575, 2007.10 Takeshi Miyashita and Yozo Fujino : Development of Three-Dimensional Measurement System Using Laser Doppler Vibrometers, Journal of JSCE, Vol.63, No.4, pp.561-575, 2007.10 07-11* 阿部雅人, 阿部允, 藤野陽三 : 我国の維持管理の展開とその特徴, 土木学会論文集F, Vol.63, No.2, pp.190-199, 2007.6 Masato Abe, Makoto Abe and Yozo Fujino : Development and Characteristics of Infrastructure Maintenance of Japan with Emphasis on Bridges, Journal of JSCE, Vol.63, No.2, pp.190-199, 2007 07-12* 宮下剛, 石井博典, 藤野陽三, 庄司朋宏, 関雅樹 : レーザー計測を用いた鋼鉄道橋の高速走行により発生する局部振動の 把握と列車速度の影響, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.63, No.2, pp.277-296, 2007.4 Takeshi Miyashia, Hironori Ishii, Yozo Fujino, Tomohiro Shoji and Masaki Seki : Understanding of High-Speed-Train-Induced Local Vbration of A Railway Steel Bridge Using Laser Measurement and Its Efect by train Speed: Journal of JSCE, Vol.63, No.2, pp.277-296, 2007.4 07-13* 西川貴文, 吉田純司, 杉山俊幸, 斉藤成彦, 藤野陽三 : 木構造状フィルタを用いたコンクリートのクラック抽出のためのロバ ストな画像処理システム, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.63, No.4, pp.599-616, 2007 Takafumi Nishikawa, Junji Yoshida, Toshiyuki Sugiyama, Shigehiko Saito and Yozo Fujino : Robust Image Processing for Detection of Concrete Cracks Using s Parallel Image-Filter, Journal of JSCE, Vol.63, No.4, pp.599-616, 2007 2006 06-1 Dionysius M. Siringoringo and Yozo Fujino : Experimental study of laser Doppler vibrometer and ambient vibration for vibration-based damage detection, Engineering Structures, Volume28, Issue13, pp.1803-1815, 2006, November. 06-2 Sopon Ritdumrongkul and Yozo Fujino : Identification of the Location and Level of Damage in Multiple-Bolted-Joint Structures by PZT Actuator-Sensors, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.132, No.2, pp.304-311, 2006.2. 06-3 Yong Xia, and Yozo Fujino : Auto-parametric Vibration of a Cable-Stayed-Beam Structure under Random Excitation, 7 Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.132, No.3, pp.279-286, 2006, Mar. 06-4 Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Yozo Fujino : Observed dynamic performance of the Yokohama-Bay Bridge from system identification using seismic records, Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol.13, No.1, pp.226-244, January/February 2006 06-5* 藤野陽三, 吉田純司, 杉山俊幸 : 群集の歩行により励起される橋梁の水平横振動の画像解析, 日本人間工学会論文集, Vol.42, No.5, pp.279-286, 2006. Y.FUJINO, J.YOSHIDA and T.SUGIYAMA : An image processing technique for capturing motions of crowd and its application to analysis of pedestrian-induced lateral vibration of a footbridge, Vol.42, No.5, pp.279-286, 2006 06-6* 石原孟, 岡新一, 藤野陽三 : 一様流中に置かれた正方形角柱の空気力特性の数値予測に関する研究, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.62, No.1, pp.78-90,2006.1 Takeshi Ishihara, Shinichi Oka and Yozo Fujino : Numerical Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Square Prism in a Uniform Flow, Journal of JSCE, Vol.62, No.1, pp.78-90,2006.1.(Japanese) 06-7* 山口敦, 石原孟, 藤野陽三 : 力学統計的局所化による新しい風況予測手法の提案と実測による検証, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.62, No.1, pp.110-125, 2006.1 Atsushi Yamaguchi, Takeshi Ishihara and Yozo Fujino : Dynamical Statistical Downscaling Procedure for Wind Climate Assessment and its Verification by Observation, Journal of JSCE, Vol.62, No.1, pp.110-125,2006 (Japanese) 06-8* 廖金孫, 田中正明, 原直人, 柴崎剛, 藤野陽三 : 橋梁化粧版内部の環境腐食性評価と鋼桁防食性向上への提案, 土木学 会論文集, NO.812, VI-70, pp.73-84, 2006.3. Jinsun LIAO, Masaaki TANAKA, Naoto HARA, Tsuyoshi SHIBASAKI and Yozo Fujino : Corrosivity Insid Bridge Enclosure and a Proposal of Improvement of Rusty Resistibility of Steel Girder, Journal of JSCE, No.812, VI-70, pp.73-84, 2006.3. (Japanese) 06-9* 吉田純司, 杉山俊幸, 藤野陽三 : 地震応答解析・耐震設計のための超高減衰ゴム支承のバイリニアモデルの提案, 土木学 会論文集A, Vol.62, No.2, pp.454-466, 2006 Junji Yoshida, Toshiyuki Sugiyama and Yozo Fujino : OPTIMAL BILINEAR MODELS OF SUPER HIGH DAMPING RUBBER BEARING FOR SEISMIC RESPONSE ANALYSES, Journal of JSCE, Vol.62, No.2, pp.454-466, 2006 06-10* 濱崎義弘, 岡田徹, 山口宏樹, 藤野陽三 : ケーブルのモード減衰評価における伸びと曲げの損失係数, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.62, No.2, pp.279-287, 2006 Yoshihiro Hamazaki, Tor Okada, Hiroki Yamagushi and Yozo Fujino : Loss Factors of structural Cables for Model Damping Evaluation,Journal of JSCE, Vol.62, No.2, pp.279-287, 2006 06-11* 小森和男, 吉川博, 小田桐直幸, 木下琢雄, 溝口孝夫, 藤野陽三, 矢部正明 : 「技術展望・首都高速道路における長大橋 耐震補強の基本方針と入力地震動」への討議・回答, 土木学会論文集A, Vol.62, No.4, pp.909-914, 2006 Kazuo Komori, Hiroshi Kikkawa, Naoyuki Odagiri, Takuo Kinoshita, Takao Mizoguchi, Yozo Fujino, Masaaki Ybe : Discussion/Closure "Basic Principles and Design Ground Motions in Seismic Retrofit Design of Large Cable-supported Bridges on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway", Journal of JSCE, Vol.62, No.4, pp.909-914, 2006 2005 05-1 T. Nagayama, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and K. Ikeda : Structural Identification of a Non-proportionally Damped System and Its Application to a Full-Scale Suspension Bridge, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.131, No.10, pp.1536-1545, 2005.10. 05-2 Kiyoyuki Kaito, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Development of non-contact scanning vibration measurement system for real-scale structures, Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.1, No.3, pp.189-205, 2005. 05-3 8 Yozo Fujino, Satoko Hashimoto and Masato Abe : Damage Analysis of Hanshin Expressway Viaducts During 1995 Kobe Earthquake, Part 1: Residual Inclination, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Vol.10, No.1, pp.45-53, 2005. 05-4 Satoko Hashimoto, Yozo Fujino and Masato Abe : Damage Analysis of Hanshin Expressway Viducts During 1995 Kobe Earthquake, Part 2: Damage Mode Analysis of RC Single Piers, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Vol.10, No.1, pp.54-60, 2005. 05-5 Satoko Hashimoto, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Damage Analysis of Hanshin Expressway Viducts During 1995 Kobe Earthquake, Part 3: An Analysis of 3-span Continuous Girder Bridge, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE,Vol.10, No.1, pp.61-68, 2005. 05-6 Yong Xia, Yozo Fujino, Masato Abe and Jun Murakoshi : Short-term and Long-term Health Monitoring Experience of a Short Highway Bridge: case study, Journal of Bridge Structures, Vol.1, No.1, pp.43-53, 2005. 05-7* 濱崎義弘, 本家浩一, 岡田徹, 山口宏樹, 藤野陽三 : 径長比の大きいケーブルのモード減衰理論と評価, 土木学会論文集, No.801, pp.113-122, 2005.10. Yoshihiro Hamazaki, Koichi Honke, Toru Okada, Hiroki Yamaguchi and Yozo Fujino : Theoretical Evaluation of Modal Damping for Shallow Cables with Large Diameter-to-Length Ratio, Journal of JSCE, No.801, pp.113-122, 2005.10. (Japanese) 05-8* 藤野陽三, 阿部雅人, Sakda Chaiworawitkul : レーザードップラー速度計を用いた動的外力の実験的同定, 土木学会論文 集, No.787, pp.57-69, 2005. Yozo Fujino, Masato Abe and Sakda Chaiworawitkul : An Experimental Study on Identification of Dynamic Force from Responses Using Laser Doppler Vibrometers, Journal of JSCE, No.787, pp. 57-69, 2005.(Japanese) 05-9* 小森和男, 吉川博, 小田桐直幸, 木下琢雄, 溝口孝夫, 藤野陽三, 矢部正明 : 技術展望 首都高速道路における長大橋耐 震補強検討, 土木学会論文集, No.801, pp.1-20, 2005.10. Kazuo Komori, Hiroshi Kikkawa, Naoyuki Odagiri, Takuo Kinoshita, Takao Mizoguchi, Yozo Fujino and Masaaki YAbe: Study on the Seismic Retrofit of Large Cable-Supported Bridges on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway, Journal of JSCE, No.801, pp.1-20,2005. (Japanese) 05-10* 小森和男, 吉川博, 小田桐直幸, 木下琢雄, 溝口孝夫, 藤野陽三, 矢部正明 : 技術展望 首都高速道路における長大橋耐 震補強の基本方針と入力地震動, 土木学会論文集, No.794, pp.1-19, 2005. Kazuo Komori, Hiroshi Kikkawa, Naoyuki Odagiri, Takuo Kinoshita, Takao Mizoguchi, Yozo Fujino and Masaaki YAbe : Basic Principles and Design Graound Motions in Seismic Retrofit Design of Large Cable-Supported Bridges on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway, Journal of JSCE, No.794, pp.1-19, 2005.(Japanese) 2004 04-1 S.Charuvisit, K. Kimura, Yozo Fujino : Experimental and semi-analytical studies on the aerodynamic forces acting on a vehicle passing through the wake of a bridge tower in cross wind, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 92, pp.749-780, 2004. 04-2 J. Yoshida, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and C.S. Lewangamage : Measurement Method for Continua by Image Processing, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.130, No. 8, pp.1145-1156, 2004. 04-3 M. Nagai, Yozo Fujino, H. Yamaguchi and E. Iwasaki : Feasibility of a 1,400m Span Steel Cable-Stayed Bridge, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Vol.9, No.5, pp.444-452, 2004. 04-4 M. Abe, J. Yoshida and Yozo Fujino : Multi -Axial Behaviors of Laminated Rubber Bearings and their Modeling. I : Experimental Study, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.130 (8), pp.1119-1132, 2004. 9 04-5 M. Abe, J. Yoshida and Yozo Fujino : Multi-Axial Behaviors of Laminated Rubber Bearings and their Modeling. II: Modeling, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.130 (8), pp.1133-1144, 2004. 04-6 J. Yoshida, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino : Constitutive Model of High Damping Rubber Materials, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.130, No.2, pp.129-141, 2004. 04-7 C.S. Lewangamage, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and J. Yoshida : Strain Field Measurements of rubber by image and Analysis and design criteria for laminated rubber bearings (LRB), Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.33 (4), pp.445-464, 2004. 04-8 J. Yoshida, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and H. WatanAbe : Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of High Damping Rubber Bearings, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.130, No.5, pp.607-620, 2004. 04-9 Zhu P., Abe M. and Fujino Y. : Evaluation of Pounding Countermeasures and Serviceability of Elevated Bridges during Seismic Excitation using 3D Modeling, Journal of Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 33: pp.591-609.2004 04-10 S. Charuvisit, K. Kimura, and Y. Fujino : Effects of wind barrier on a vehicle passing in the wake of a bridge tower in cross wind and its response, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.92, No.7-8, pp.609-639. 2004 04-11* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 吉田純司, 朱平 : 高架橋の3次元動的解析モデルを用いた桁間連結装置および車両通行性能の評 価,土木学会論文集, No.773, pp.47-61, 2004.10 Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino, Junji Yoshida and Ping Zhu : Evaluations of Pounding Counter-measures and Serviceability for Elevated Bridges with 3D Modeling, Journal of JSCE, No.773, pp.47-61, 2004.10. (Japanese) 04-12* 阿部雅人, 吉田純司, 藤野陽三, 森重行雄, 宇野禎史, 宇佐美哲 : 金属支承の水平終局挙動, 土木学会論文集, No.773, pp.63-78, 2004.10 Masato Abe, Junji Yoshida, Yozo Fujino, Yukio Morishige, Sadafumi Uno and Satoru Usami : Cxperimental Investigation of Ultimate Behavior of Metal Bridge Bearings Under Seismic Loading, Journal of JSCE, No.773, pp.63-78, 2004.10. (Japanese) 04-13* 水野裕介, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, Sandy MERET, 阿部允 : Webによる情報共有型橋梁マネジメントシステムの開発, 土木 学会論文集, No.770/VI-64, pp.65-77, 2004.9 Yusuke Mizuno, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino, Sandy MERET and Makoto Abe : Web-based data management architecture for bridges, Journal of JSCE, No.770, pp. 65-77, 2004.10 (Japanese) 04-14* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 吉田純司, 朱平, 柳野和也 : 地震時における桁間の衝突現象のモデル化と実験的検証, 土木学会論 文集, No.759, pp.181-197, 2004年 Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino, Junji Yoshida, Ping Zhu, and Kazuya Yanagino : Multi-Dimensional Models of Pounding of Girders for Elevated Bridges and Their Experimental Verification, Journal of JSCE, No.759, pp.181-197, 2004.(Japanese) 04-15* 山崎幹雄, 加藤覚, 若原敏裕, 岡崎真人, 上野眞, 藤野陽三 : 超高速鉄道トンネル内の圧力変動に対する覆工構造の設計, 土木学会論文集, No.752, pp.119-131, 2004. Mikio Yamazaki, Satoru Kato, Toshihiro Wakahara, Masato Okazaki, Makoto Ueno and Yozo Fujino : Design of a Tunnel Lining Versus Pressure Fluctuation in High-Speed Train Tunnel, Journal of JSCE, No.752, pp.119-131, 2004. (Japanese) 04-16* 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 免震用積層ゴム支承の復元力モデルの等価線形化, 土木学会論文集, No.752, pp.311-316, 2004. Junji Yoshida, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino : Equivalent Linearization of a Hysteresis Model of Laminated Rubber 10 Bearings, Journal of JSCE, No.752, pp.311-316, 2004. (Japanese) 04-17* 朱平, 堀宗朗, 清野純史, 藤野陽三: 地震被害の共通認識形成を目的とした広域都市モデルの構築.に向けて, 社会技術研 究論文集, Vol.2, pp.435-443, 2004.10. Ping Zhu,Muneo Hori, Junji Kiyono, Yozo Fujino : Towards constructing computer model of meterpolos for consensus recognition of earthquake hazard,…., Vol.2, pp.435-443, 2004.10 04‐18* 原恒雄, 吉岡修, 神田仁, 舟橋秀麿, 根岸裕, 藤野陽三, 吉田一博 : 新幹線走行に伴う沿線地盤振動低減のための高架橋 補強工の開発, 土木学会論文集, No.766, pp.325-338, 2004. Tsuneo HARA, Osamu YOSHIOKA, Hitoshi KANDA, Hidemaro FUNABASHI, Hiroshi NEGISHI, YozoFUJINO and KazuhiroYOSHID : Development of a New Method to Reduce SHINKANSEN - INDUCED Wayside Vibrations Applicable to Rigid Frme Bridges: Bridge-End Reinforcing Method, Journal of JSCE, No.766,pp.325-338,2004 04-19* 森園康之, 長井正嗣, 野上邦栄, 藤野陽三 : 塔高を中央径間長の1/10とした鋼斜張橋の試設計と自定式吊橋の比較, 構造 工学論文集, Vol.50A, pp781-789, 2004.3 Yasuyuki Morizono, Masatsugu Nagai, Kuniei Nogami, Yozo Fujino : Comparative Study of Steel Cable-Stayed Bridges with Tower having Height of 1/10 of Center Span Length and Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge,Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.50A, pp781-789, 2004.3 04-20 Sopon Ritdumrongkul, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Takeshi Miyashita : Quantitative health monitoring of bolted joints using piezoceramic actuator-sensor, Smart Materials and structures, INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING, pp.20-29, 2004 2003 03-1 Atsushi Yamaguchi, Takeshi Ishihara and Yozo Fujino : Experimental Study on the Wind Flow in a Coastal Region of Japan, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industril Aerodynamics, Vol.91, pp.247-264, 2003. 03-2 Thomas Le Diouron, Yozo Fujino, and Masato Abe : Control of Wind-Induced Self-Excited Oscillations by Transfer of Internal Energy to Higher Modes of Vibration Part I: Analysis in Two Degrees of Freedom, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.129, No.5, pp.514-525, 2003 03-3 Thomas Le Diouron, Yozo Fujino, and Masato Abe : Control of Wind-Induced Self-Excited Oscillations by Transfer of Internal Energy to Higher Modes of Vibration Part II: Application to Taut Cables, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.129, No.5, pp.526-538, 2003 03-4* 長山智則, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 池田憲二 : 常時微動計測に基づく非比例減衰系の非反復構造逆解析と長大吊橋の動特 性の理解, 土木学会論文集, No.745, pp.155-169, 2003.10. Tomonori Nagayama, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Kenji Ikeda : Non-Interative Identification of Non-Proportionally Damped System From Ambient Vibration Measurement and Analysis of Dynamic Properties of A Long Span Suspension Bridge, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.745, pp.155-169, 2003.10. 03-5* 貝戸清之, 阿部允, 藤野陽三 : 実測データに基づく構造物の劣化予測, 土木学会論文集, No.744, pp.29-38, 2003.10 Kiyoyuki Kaito, Makoto Abe and Yozo Fujino : Prediction of Deterioration of Bridge Structures Based on Actual Inspection Data, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.744, pp.29-38, 2003.10. 03-6* 山崎幹男, 若原敏裕, 永長隆昭, 上野眞, 藤野陽三 : 超高速鉄道トンネル内に生じる圧力変動評価, 土木学会論文集, No.738, pp.171-189, 2003.7. Mikio Yamazaki, Toshihiro Wakahara, Takaaki Nagaosa, Makoto Ueno and Yozo Fujino : Evaluation of Pressure Fluctuation in High-Speed Train Tunnel, Journal of JSCE, No.738, pp.171-189, 2003(in Japanese) 03-7* 11 曽我部正道, 松本信之, 田辺誠, 藤野陽三, 涌井一, 上野眞 : 超伝導磁気浮上式車両とガイドウェイ構造物との動的相互 作用に関する応答予測と振動低減, 土木学会論文集, No.731, pp.119-134, 2003. Masamichi SogAbe, Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Makoto TanAbe, Yozo Fujino, Hajime Wakui and Makoto Ueno : A Study on Dynamic Interaction Analysis for Manglev Vehicle and Guideway Structures, Journal of JSCE, No.731, pp.119-134, 2003.(Japanese) 03-8* 曽我部正道, 松本信之, 藤野陽三, 涌井一, 金森真, 宮本雅章 : 共振領域におけるコンクリート鉄道橋の動的設計法に関 する研究, 土木学会論文集, No.724, pp.83-102, 2003.1. Masamichi SogAbe, Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Yozo Fujino, Hajime Wakui, Makoto KANAMORI and Maaaki MIYAMOTO : Dynamic response and design of continuous concrete railway bridges in resonance area, Journal of JSCE, No.724, pp.83-102, 2003. (Japanese) 03-9* 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, LEWANGAMAGE Chamindara Sujeewa, 藤野陽三 : 画像解析を応用したゴム材料の破断特性の 把握とモデル化, 土木学会論文集, No.731, pp.135-146, 2003. Junji Yoshida, Masato Abe, Lewangamage Chamindara Sujeewa and Yozo Fujino: Failure Behaviors of Rubber Material and Their Modeling, Journal of JSCE, No.731, pp.135-146, 2003. (Japanese) 03-10* 石原孟, 山口敦, 藤野陽三 : 複雑地形における局所風況の数値予測と大型風洞実験による検証, 土木学会論文集, No.731, pp.195-211, 2003. Takeshi Ishihara, Atsushi Yamaguchi and Yozo Fujino : Numerical Modelling of Local Wind in Complex Terrain and its Verification by Wind Tunnel Test, Journal of JSCE, No.731, pp.195-211, 2003. (Japanese) 03-11* 野村敏雄, 藤野陽三, 加藤敏明 : 鋼管・コンクリート複合構造橋脚の架設時における対風応答特性, 土木学会論文集, No.724, pp.103-114, 2003.1. Toshio Nomura, Yozo Fujino and Toshiaki Kato : Aerodynamic characteristics of circular cylinders in a group for constructing composite steer-tube reinforced concrete bridge, Journal of JSCE, No.724, pp.103-114, 2003.(Japanese) 03-12* 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, Alessandro BEGHINI, 藤野陽三, 横川英彰 : 画像計測を利用した鉛の力学特性の把握, 土木学会 論文集, No.724, pp.127-139, 2003.1. Junji Yoshida, Masato Abe, Alessandro Beghini, Yozo Fujino and Hideaki Yokokawa : Mechanical properties of lead measured by the image processing technique, Journal of JSCE, No.724, pp.127-139, 2003. (Japanese) 03-13* 熊野史朗, 藤野陽三, 阿部雅人, 吉田純司, 松崎拓也 : 膜の動的変形を対象とした画像計測システムの構築, 膜構造研究 論文集2003, No.17, pp.7-13, 2003.12. Shirou Kumano, Yozo Fujino, Masato Abe, Junji Yoshida and Takuya Matsusaki : A Measurement System for Understanding Dynamic Behavior of Membranes by Image Analysis, Journal of Membrane Structures 2003, No.17, pp.7-13, 2003.12. (Japanese) 03-14* 廖金孫 松井繁憲, 串田守可, 篠原正, 藤野陽三 : 鋼製桁内部の環境腐食性および除湿剤による防錆に関する研究, 土木 学会論文集, No.749, pp.137-148, 2003. Jinsun Liao, Shigenori Matsui, Moriyoshi Kushida, Tadashi Shinohara and Yozo Fujino, Prevention of Corrosion Inside Steel Box Girder of Bridge, Journal of JSCE, No.749, pp.137-148, 2003. (Japanese) 2002 02-1 Yozo Fujino and Yoshitaka Yoshida : Wind Induced Vibration and Control of Trans-Tokyo Bay Crossing Bridge, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.128, No.8, pp.1012-1025, 2002 02-2 Yozo Fujino : Vibration, control and monitoring of long-span bridges- resent research developments and practice in Japan, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, No.58 pp.71-97, 2002. 02-3 12 Shun-ichi Nakamura and Yozo Fujino : Lateral Vibration on a Pedestrian Cable-Stayed Bridge, Structural Engineering International, IABSE, Vol.12, No.4,pp295-300, 2002. 02-4 Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Modeling Three-dimensional Non-Linear Seismic Performance of Elevated Bridges with Emphasis on Pounding of Girders, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.31, pp.1891-1913, 2002. 02-5 U. K. Roy, K. Kimura, R. P. Selvama and, Yozo Fujino : Effects of Approaching Flow on Response Characteristics of a Characteristics Bridge Model in the Wake of a Hill, Engineering Structures, Vol. 24, pp.1245-1255, 2002. 02-6 Chaudhary, M.T.A., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y. : Role of structural details in altering the expected seismic response of base-isolated bridges, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 16(2/3), pp.413-428, 2002. 02-7 T. Kitagawa, Yozo Fujino, K. Kimura and Y. Mizuno : Wind pressures measurement on end-cell induced vibration of a cantilevered circular cylinder, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 90, No.4-5, pp. 395-405, 2002. 02-8 Erkus B, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino : Investigation of semi-active control for seismic protection of elevated highway brigdges,Engineering Structures, vol.24, pp.281-293, 2002 02-9 Chaudhary, M.T.A., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y. : Investigation of atypical seismic response of a base-isolated bridge, Journal of Engineering Structures, Vol.24, No.7, pp.945-953, 2002. 02-10 Piotr Omenzetter, Krzysztof Wilde, and Yozo Fujino : Study of Passive Deck-Flaps Flutter Control System on Full Bridge Model. II: Results, J. Engrg. Mech., Volume 128, Issue 3, pp.280-286, 2002.3 02-11 Piotr Omenzetter, Krzysztof Wilde, and Yozo Fujino : Study of Passive Deck-Flaps Flutter Control System on Full Bridge Model. I: Theory, J. Engrg. Mech., Volume 128, Issue 3, pp.264-279, 2002.3 02-12* 阿部雅人, 吉田純司, 藤野陽三 : 免震用積層ゴム支承の水平2方向を含む復元力特性とそのモデル化, 土木学会論文集, No.696,pp.125-144,2002. Masato Abe, Junji Yoshida and Yozo Fujino : Uniaxial and Biaxial Property of Base -Isolation Bearings and Its Modeling, Journal of JSCE, No.696,pp.125-144,2002. (Japanese) 02-13* 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, Chamindalal Sujeewa Lewangamage, 藤野陽三 : 画像解析を利用した連続体の変形場の計測法, 土木学会論文集, No. 710, pp.165-179, 2002 Junji Yoshida, Masato Abe, Chamindalal Sujeewa Lewangamage and Yozo Fujino : Construction of Measurement System for Continua by Image Processing Technique, Journal of JSCE, No.710, pp.165-179, 2002 (Japanese). 02-14* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 長山智則, Vu-manh, H : 振動計測に基づく非比例減衰系の非反復損傷同定法, 応用力学論文集, Vol5, pp.855-862, 2002. Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino, Tomonori Nagayama and Hong Vu-Manh : A Non-iterative Approach in Vibration-Based Damage Detection for a Damped Mechanical System, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol5, pp.855-862, 2002 (Japanese). 02-15* 水口知樹, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 1999年集集地震における地表地震断層による落橋現象の再現と対策の試み, 土木学会 論文集, No. 710, pp.257-271, 2002 Toshiki Mizuguchi, Masato Abe, and Yozo Fujino : Modeling and Countermeasures for Unseating of Bridges Caused by Surface earthquake Fault in 1999TAIWAN CHI-CHI Earthquake, Journal of JSCE, No.710, pp.257-271, 2002 (Japanese). 02-16* 13 宮下剛, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : ピエゾインピーダンス法による梁の張力同定, 土木学会論文集, No. 710, pp.373-384, 2002. Takeshi Miyashita, Masato Abe, and Yozo Fujino : Tensile Force Identification in Beam by Piezo-Impedance Method, Journal of JSCE, No.710, pp.373-384, 2002 (Japanese). 02-17* 中藤誠二, 木村吉郎, 藤野陽三, 小川隆申, 石原孟 : 種々の辺長比を持つ矩形柱から発生する空力音特性, 土木学会論 文集, No.696, pp.145-155, 2002. Seiji Nakato, Kichiro Kimura, Yozo Fujino, Takanobu Ogawa and Takeshi Ishihara : Characteristics of Aerodynamic Sound form Rectangular Cylinder with Various Side Ratios, Journal of JSCE, No.696, pp. 145-155,2002. (Japanese) 02-18* 岩本政巳, 藤野陽三 : 有限次数近似モデルに基づく橋桁の非定常空気力同定の適用性, 土木学会論文集, No.696, pp.299-310, 2002. Masami Iwamoto, Yozo Fujino : Applicability of Identification of Unsteady Aerodynamic Forces of Bridge Deck Based on Finite State Approximate Formulation, Journal of JSCE, No.696, pp.299-310, 2002.1. 02-19* 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 高減衰積層ゴム支承の3次元有限要素解析法, 土木学会論文集, No.717, pp.37-52, 2002 Junji Yoshida, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of High Damping Rubber Bearing, Journal of JSCE, No.717, pp.37-52, 2002. 02-20* 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 高減衰ゴム材料の構成則, 土木学会論文集, No.710,, pp.209-224, 2002 Junji Yoshida, Masato Abe, and Yozo Fujino : Constitutive Model of High Damping Rubber Materials, Journal of JSCE, No.710, pp.209-224, 2002 (Japanese). 2001 01-1 Wilde K., Omenzetter P., Fujino Y. : Suppression of bridge flutter by active deck-flaps control system, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 127(1), pp. 80-89, 2001. 01-2 T. Pinkaew and Yozo Fujino : Effectiveness of semi-active tuned mass dampers under harmonic, Engineering Structures, Vol.23, No.7, pp.850-856, July 2001. 01-3 S. Phongkumising, K. Wilde, Yozo Fujino : Analytical study on flutter suppression by eccentric mass method on FEM model of long-span suspension bridge, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, No.89, pp.515-534, 2001. 01-4 S. Chaiworawitkul, P. Omenzetter, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino : Prediction of Traffic-Induced Vibration in Composite Girder Bridge Using Modal Based Method, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.47A, pp.419-430, 2001. 01-5 Chaudhary, M.T.A., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y. : Performance evaluation of base-isolated Yama-age bridge with high damping rubber bearings using recorded seismic data, Engineering Structures, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 902-910, 2001 01- 6 T. Kitagawa, Yozo Fujino. K. Kimur and Y. Mizuno : Wind Pressures on End-Cell-Induced Vibration of Circular Tower, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.127, No.11, pp.1135-1143, 2001.11 01-7 Chaudhary, M.T.A., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y. : Identification of soil-structure interaction effect in base-isolated bridges from earthquake records, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol.21(8), pp713-725, 2001. 01-8 14 Piotr Omenzetter and Yozo Fujino : Interaction of Nonconservative 1D Continuum and Moving MDOF Oscillator, J. Engrg. Mech., Volume 127, Issue 11, pp. 1082-1088 (November 2001) 01-9* 雪野昭寛, 澤田純, 長谷祐児, 武田浩三, 太田吉彦, 藤野陽三, 山口宏樹 : 送電ケーブルのフィールド実験, 日本風工学 会誌,第86号, pp.95-105, 2001 T. Yukino, J. Sawada, Y. Hase, K. Takeda, T. Oota, Yozo Fujino and H.Yamaguchi : Field Observation and Field Experiment of Transmission Line Cable, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.86, pp.95-105 2001.(Japanese) 01-10* 貝戸清之, 阿部允, 公門和樹, 藤野陽三 : ストック価値を考慮したトータルコスト最小化に基づく橋梁マネージメント, 構造工 学論文集, 土木学会, Vol.47A, pp.991-998, 2001. K. Kaito, M. Abe, K. Komon and Yozo Fujino : Bridge management based on minimization of total cost considering its stock value, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.47A, pp.991-998, 2001.(inJapanese) 01-11* 野村敏雄, 藤野陽三, 加藤敏明, 大場誠道 : 鋼管コンクリート複合構造橋脚の架設時における風荷重評価, 日本風工学会 誌, 第87号, pp.65-77, 2001 T. Nomura, Yozo Fujino, T. Kato and N. Oba : Evalluation of Static Wind Resistance Design During the Construction of Composite Steel-tuve Reinforced Concrete Breige Piers, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.87 pp.65-77, 2001. (in Japanese) 01-12* 野上邦栄, 齊藤一則, 長井正嗣, 藤野陽三 : 超長大吊橋の終局強度に着目した主ケーブル, ハンガー及び主塔の安全率 の合理化, 土木学会論文集, No.682, pp.323-334, 2001 K. Nogami, K. Saito, M. Nagai and Yozo Fujino : Rational Allocation of Safety Factor of Cables, Hangers and Towers in a Super Long-Span Suspension Bridge, Journal of JSCE, No.682, pp.323-334, 2001(in Japanese) 01-13* 貝戸清之, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 不確実性に起因する振動特性変化の定量化とその有意性検定手法, 土木学会論文集, No.682, pp.399-414, 2001 K. Kaito, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino : Quantification of Change of Vibration Characteristics Caused by Uncertainty and its Application to Significance Testing, Journal of JSCE, No.682, pp.399-414, 2001(in Japanese) . 01-14* 貝戸清之, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 依田秀 : :レーザー常時微動計測手法の構築と構造物の損傷検出への応用, 土木学会論 文集, No.689/I-57,183-199, 2001.10 Kiyoyuki Kaito, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino, Hidenori Yoda : Constrution of Ambient Vibration Measurement Method Using aser Doppler Vibrometer and Its Application to Structural Damage, Journal of JSCE, No.689/I-57,183-199,2001.10. (in Japanese) 01-15* 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 長山智則, 池田憲二 : 常時微動計測に基づく非比例減衰系の構造同定とその実橋への適用, 土木 学会論文集, No.689/I-57, pp.261-274, 2001 Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino, Tomonori Nagayama, Kenji Ikeda : Identification of Non-proportionally Damped System with Closely-spaced Modes Based-on Ambient Vibration Measurement and its Application to a Suspension Bridge, Journal of JSCE, No.689/I-57, 261-274, 2001(in Japanese) 01-16* 貝戸清之, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 熊坂和宏 : 局所的な振動特性に着目したコンクリー構造物の空隙検出, 土木学会論文集, No.690, pp.121-132, 2001. Kiyoyuki Kaito, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Kazuhiro KUMASAKA : Detection of Internal Voids in Concrete Structures Using Local Vibration Information, Journal of JSCE, pp.121-132, 2001. (Japanese) 01-17* 貝戸清之, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 本村均 : 実構造物の非接触スキャニング振動計測システムの開発, 土木学会論文集, No.693, pp.173-186, 2001.12. Kiyouki Kaito, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Hitoshi Motomura : Development of Non-Contact scanning Vibration Measurement System with Laser Doppler Vibrometer for Exciting Structures, Journal of JSCE, No.693, pp.173-186, 2001.12. (Japanese) 01-18* 討議者:頭井 洋, 回答者:岩本政巳, 藤野陽三, 「有限次数近似モデルに基づく橋桁の非定常空気力同定の定式化」への討 15 議・回答, 土木学会論文集, No.675, pp.355-358, 2001.4. (英語タイトル無し) 01-19* 阿部雅人, 柳野和也, 藤野陽三, 橋本哲子 : 1995年兵庫県南部地震における3径間連続高架橋の被害分析, 土木学会論 文集, No.668, pp.83-101, 2001. M. Abe, K. Yanagino, Yozo Fujino and S. Hashimoto : Damage Analysis of Three-Span Continuous Girder Bridges in 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu Earthquake, Journal of JSCE, No.668, pp.83-101, 2000.(Japanese) 01-20* 雪野昭寛, 澤田純, 長谷祐児, 武田浩三, 太田吉彦, 藤野陽三, 山口宏樹 : 送電ケーブルのフィールド実験, 日本風工学 会誌, 第86号, pp.95-105, 2001 T. Yukino, J. Sawada, Y. Hase, K. Takeda, T. Oota, Yozo Fujino and H.Yamaguchi : Field Observation and Field Experiment of Transmission Line Cable, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.86, pp.95-105 2001.(Japanese) 01-21* 貝戸清之, 阿部允, 公門和樹, 藤野陽三 : ストック価値を考慮したトータルコスト最小化に基づく橋梁マネージメント, 構造工 学論文集, 土木学会, Vol.47A, pp.991-998, 2001. K. Kaito, M. Abe, K. Komon and Yozo Fujino: Bridge management based on minimization of total cost considering its stock value, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.47A, pp.991-998, 2001.(in Japanese) 2000 00-1 Jankowski, R., Wilde K., Fujino Y.: Reduction of Pounding Effects in Elevated Bridges During Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol.29, pp.195-212, 2000. 00-2 Wilde K., Gardoni P., Fujino Y.: Base Isolation System with Shape Memory Alloy Device for Elevated Highway Bridges, Engineering Structures, Vol. 22, pp.222-229, 2000. 00-3 Omenzetter P., Wilde K., Fujino Y.: Suppression of wind induced instabilities of a long span bridge by a passive deck-flaps system. Part I: Formulation. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.87(1), pp. 61-79, 2000. 00- 4 Omenzetter P., Wilde K., Fujino Y.: Suppression of wind induced instabilities of a long span bridge by a passive deck-flaps system. Part II: Numerical simulations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.87(1), pp. 81-91, 2000. 00-5 Chaudhary, M.T.A., Abe, M., Fujino, Y. and Yoshida, J.: System Identification of Two Base-Isolated Bridges Using Seismic Records, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.126, No.10, pp.1187-1196, 2000. 00-6 Sakda Chaiworawitkul, Piotr Omenzetter, Masato Abe, and Yozo Fujino: 3D Prediction of Traffic-Induced Vibration in Composite Girder Bridge, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.47A, 2000.3 00-7* 前田研一,森園康之,中村一史,江口立也,藤野陽三:新素材(FRP)ケーブルを用いた超長大吊橋の構造特性と経済性,構 造工学論文集,Vol.46A,pp.1343-1352,2000. K.Maeda, Y.Morizono, K.Nakamura, T.Eguchi and Yozo Fujino: Structural Characteristics and Economical Efficiency of an Ultra Long-Span Suspension Bridge Using New Material (FRP) Cable, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.46A, pp.1343-1352, 2000.(Japanese) 00-8* 岩本政巳,藤野陽三:有限次数近似モデルに基づく橋桁の非定常空気力同定の定式化,土木学会論文集,No.647, pp.205-216,2000. M. Iwamoto and Yozo Fujino: Indentification of unsteady aerodynamic forces of bridge deck based on finite state approximate formulation, Journal of JSCE, No.647, pp.205-216, 2000.(Japanese) 00-9* 16 野村敏雄,藤野陽三:近接する円柱群の三分力特性―鋼管コンクリート複合構造橋脚の架設時を対象としてー,日本風工学 会誌,第85号,pp.41-52,2000. Toshio Nomura, Yozo Fujino ; Aerostatic Characteristics of Circular Cylinders in a Group – For Evaluation of Wind Forces of High Composite Steel-tube Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers --, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.85, pp.41-52, 2000.(Japanese) 00-10* 長井正嗣,坂根秀和,謝旭,山口宏樹,野上邦栄,藤野陽三:長大斜張橋のケーブル安全率設定が静的,動的不安定挙動に 与える影響に関する一考察,構造工学論文集,Vol.46A,pp.151-160,2000. M. Nagai, H. Sakane, X. Xie, H. Yamaguchi, K. Nogami and Yozo Fujino: Effect of safety factor of cables on static and dynamic instabilitiew of long-span cable-stayed bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.46A, pp.151-160, 2000. 00-11* 木村吉郎,井上学,藤野陽三,雪野昭寛,井上浩男,森島弘吉:大振幅加振時に着氷4導体送電線に作用する非定常空気力 の特性,構造工学論文集,Vol.46A,pp.1055-1062,2000. Kichiro Kimura, Manabu Inoue, Yozo Fujino, Teruhiro Yukino, Hiroo Inoue, Hiroyosi Morisima: Unsteady aerodynamic force characteristics of ice-accreted four-conductor bundle transmission lines under large amplitude motion, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.46A, pp.1055-1062, 2000. 00-12* 北川徹哉,水野裕介,木村吉郎,藤野陽三:風圧測定に基づく塔状円柱構造物のエンドセル励振の発生機構,土木学会論文 集,No. 647,pp.191-204,2000. T. Kitagawa, Y. Mizuno, K. Kichiro and Yozo Fujino: A Study on End-Cell- Induced Vibration of a Circular Tower Based on Wind Pressures Measurement, Journal of JSCE, No.647, pp.191-204, 2000.(Japanese) 1999 99-1 Wilde K., Fujino Y., Kawakami T.: Analytical and experimental study on passive aerodynamic control of flutter of bridge deck section, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 80(1-2), pp.105-119, 1999. 99-2 T. Kitagawa, Yozo Fujino and K. Kimura: Effects of Free-End Condition on End-Cell-Induced Vibration, Journal of Fluids and Structures, No.13, pp.499-518, 1999. 99-3* 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:兵庫県南部地震における阪神高速湾岸線松の浜免震橋の地震時挙動,土木学会論文集, No.626,pp.37-50,1999. Y. Yoshida, M. Abé and Yozo Fujino: Performance of base-isolated bridges during Kobe earthquake based on observed record, Journal of JSCE, No.626, pp.37-50, 1999.(Japanese) 99-4* 吉田好孝,藤野陽三,時田秀往,本田明弘:東京湾アクアライン橋梁部鋼箱桁橋に発現した渦励振とその特性,土木学会論 文集,No.633,pp.103-117,1999. Y.Yoshida, Yozo Fujino and H. Tokita; Wind Tunnel Study and Field Measurement of Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Continuous Steel Box Girder in Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway, Journal of JSCE, No.633, pp.103-17, 1999.(Japanese) 99-5* 吉田好孝,藤野陽三,佐藤弘史,時田秀往,三浦章三郎:東京湾アクアライン橋梁部鋼箱桁橋に発現した渦励振と振動制御, 土木学会論文集, No.633,pp.119-134,1999. Y. Yoshida, Yozo Fujino, H. Sato, H. Tokita and S. Miura: Control of vortex-induced vibration of a continuous steel box in trans-Tokyo bay highway, Journal of JSCE, No.633, pp.119-134, 1999.(Japanese) 99-6* 阿部哲子,藤野陽三,阿部雅人:1995年兵庫県南部地震による阪神高速高架橋の被害と2,3の分析,土木学会論文集, No.612,pp.181-199,1999. S. Abe, Yozo Fujino, and M. Abé: An analysis of damage to Hanshin Elevated Expressway during 1995 Kobe Earthquake, Journal of JSCE, No.612, pp.181-199, 1999.(Japanese) 99-7* 中藤誠二,木村吉郎,野村卓史,藤野陽三:吊膜の風による静的大変形の2次元数値流体-構造連成解析,土木学会論文 集, No.626,pp.135-145,1999. 17 Seiji Nakato, Kichiro Kimura, Takashi Nomura and Yozo Fujino: Two-dimensional computational fluid-structure interaction analysis on the wind induced large static deformation of a suspended membrane roof, Journal of JSCE, No. 626, pp.135-145, 1999.(Japanese) 99-8* 北川徹哉,藤野陽三,木村吉郎:自由端渦の形成特性に着目した高風速渦励振の発現メカニズムに関する研究,土木学会論 文集,No. 612/I-46,pp.229-238,1999. T. Kitagawa, Yozo Fujino and K. Kimura: A Study on Effects of Free end Condition on Vortex-Induced Vibration of Circular Tower at a High Wind Speed, Journal of JSCE, No.612, pp.229-238, 1999.(Japanese) 99-9* 大幢勝利,アーサン・カリーム,藤野陽三:建設工事中の風による災害に関する現状分析,日本風工学会誌,第81号, pp.59-70,1999. K. Ohdo, Ahsan Kareem, Yozo Fujino: Study on Wind- Induced Accidents of Civil Structures during Construction, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.81, pp.59-70, 1999. 99-10* 長井正嗣,謝旭,山口宏樹,藤野陽三:長大斜張橋の静的,動的安定解析に基づく最小主桁断面計上設定に関する考察,土 木学会論文集,No.633,pp.155-167,1999. M. Nagai, X. Xie, H. Yamaguchi and Yozo Fujino : Minimum Cross-Sectional Shape of Girder for Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridges Based on Static and Dynamic Instability Analyses, Journal of JSCE, No.633, pp.155-167, 1999. 99-11* 阿部雅人,藤野陽三,尾松智:振動モード形の変化を利用した磁石ダンパーによる自励振動のパッシブ制御,構造工学論文 集,土木学会,Vol.45A,pp.745-750,1998. M. Abé, Yozo Fujino, and S. Omatsu: Passive control of Self-Excited Oscillation by Change of Mode Shapes Using Magnetic Dampers, Journal of Structural Engineering, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.45A, pp.745-750, 1999.(Japanese) 99-12* 貝戸清之,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:不確定性を考慮に入れた多自由度非比例減衰系の同定と構造物の性能評価への応用,構 造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.45A,pp.701-712,1998. K. Kaito, M. Abé, and Yozo Fujino: Performance evaluation of non-proportionally damped structures considering uncertainty; Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.45A, pp.701-712, 1999.(Japanese) 1998 98-1 Wilde K., Fujino Y: Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter by Active Surfaces, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.124, No.7, pp.718-727, 1998. 98-2 Jankowski R., Wilde K., Fujino Y.: Pounding of Superstructure Segments in Isolated Elevated Bridge During Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 27, pp. 487-502, 1998. 98-3* 岩本政巳,藤野陽三:一般振動下の非定常空気力を用いた橋桁のフラッター解析,土木学会論文集, No. 598,pp.311-322, 1998. M. Iwamoto and Yozo Fujino: Flutter analysis of bridge deck using unsteady aerodynamic forces based on general oscillation, Journal of JSCE, No.598, pp.311-322, 1998.(Japanese) 98-4* 若原敏裕,藤野陽三:TMDのアナロジーを利用した円筒形TLDの振動特性の把握とモデル化, 土木学会,論文集No.584, pp.109-123,1998. T. Wakahara and Yozo Fujino: Modeling of Circular TLD using a TMD Analogy, Journal of JSCE, No.584, pp.109-123, 1998.(Japanese) 98-5* 阿部雅人,藤野陽三,吉見雅行:直下地震動が構造物の応答に及ぼす影響に関する一検討,構造工学論文集,土木学会, Vol.44A,pp.641-650,1998. M. Abé, Yozo Fujino and M. Yoshimi: Characteristics of structural response subject to near-field ground motions; Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.44A, pp.641-650, 1998.(Japanese) 18 98-6* 前田研一,岩本政巳,森園康之,田平秀和,長井正嗣,藤野陽三:MONO-DUO形式化とリジッドハンガーによる超長大吊橋 の耐風安定化策の実現性,構造工学論文集,Vol.44A,pp.1199-1210,1998. K. Maeda, M. Iwamoto, Y. Morizono, H. Tahira, M. Nagai and Yozo Fujino: Realiability of wind-resistant countermeasure by using mono-duo cable and rigid hanger for an ultra long-span suspension bridge, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.44, pp.1199-1210, 1998.(Japanese) 98-7* 長井正嗣,石田知久,謝旭,山口宏樹,藤野陽三:長大斜張橋の静的,動的耐風安定性を確保できる最小桁幅に関する検討, 構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.44A,pp.1191-1198,1998. M. Nagai, T. Ishida, A. Sha, H. Yamaguchi and Yozo Fujino: Minimum girder width ensuring safety against static and dynamic instabilities of long-span cable-stayed bridges under wind load, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.44, pp.1191-1198, 1998.(Japanese) 98-8* 阿部雅人,藤野陽三:高架橋構造全体系の耐震性能の向上を考えたパッシブ制震装置の最適化,土木学会論文集,No.605, 241-252,1998. M. Abé and Yozo Fujino: Optimal design of passive energy dissipation devices for seismic protection of bridges, Journal of JSCE, No.605, pp.241-252, 1998.(Japanese) 98-9* 北川徹哉,藤野陽三,木村吉郎:塔状弾性模型を用いた風洞実験による高風速渦励振の発現特性に関する研究,土木学会 論文集,No.591,pp.163-173,1998. T. Kitagawa, Yozo Fujino and K. Kichiro: A study on vortex-induced vibration of circular tower elastic model at a high wind speed, Journal of JSCE, No.591, pp.163-173, 1998.(Japanese) 98-10* 若原敏裕,藤野陽三:同調液体ダンパーを有する高層建物の応答予測に関する研究,日本風工学会誌 第76号,pp.37-54, 1998. T. Wakahara and Yozo Fujino: A Simple Estimation of Across-Wind Response of Tall Buildings with Tuned Liquid Damper, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.76, pp.37-54, 1998.(Japanese) 1997 97-1 Shinji Hiejima, Takashi Nomura, Kichiro Kimura and Yozo Fujino: Numerical study on the suppression of the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder by acoustic excitation, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.67&68, pp.325-335, 1997. 97-2 Kichiro Kimura, Yozo Fujino, Seiji Nakato and Hisashi Tamura: Characteristics of buffeting forces on flat cylinders, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.69-71, pp.365-374, 1997. 97-3 T. Kitagawa, T. Wakahara, Yozo Fujino : An ecperimental study on vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder tower at a high wind speed, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.69-71, pp.731-744, 1997. 97-4* 庄司学,藤野陽三,阿部雅人:高架道路橋システムにおける地震時損傷配分の最適化の試み,土木学会論文集,No.563, pp. 79-94,1997. G. Shoji, Yozo Fujino and M. Abé: Optimal allocation of earthquake-induced damage for elevated highway bridges; Journal of JSCE, No.563, pp.79-94, 1997.(Japanese) 97-5* 木村周二,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:可変オリフィスを利用したセミアクティブ同調液柱管ダンパーの制御則,構造工学論文集,土 木学会,Vol.43A,pp.671-678,1997. S. Kimura, M. Abé and Yozo Fujino: Control laws for semi-active tuned liquid dampers with variable orifice openings, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.43A, pp.671-678, 1997.(Japanese) 97-6* 19 野上邦栄,長井正嗣,木下博道,山本一之,藤野陽三:複数耐荷力曲線を用いた斜張橋主桁の終局強度特性と座屈照査法, 構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.43A,pp253-261,1997. Kuniei Nogami, Masatugu Nagai, Kazuyuki Yamamoto and Yozo Fujino: Load-carrying capacity of cable-stayed girders based on Multiple ultimate strength cureves of columns and its stability check; Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.43A, pp.253-261, Mar., 1997.(Japanese) 97-7* 前田研一, 岩本政巳, 森園康之, 田平秀和, 長井正嗣, 藤野陽三:MONO-DUO形式超長大吊橋の耐風安定性に及ぼすリ ジッドハンガーの効果,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.43A,pp.1209-1220,1997. K. Maeda, M. Iwamoto, Y. Morizono, H. Tahira, M. Nagai and Yozo Fujino: Effects of rigid hangers on aerodynamic stability of an ultra long-span mono-duo type suspension bridge, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.43A, pp.1209-1220, 1997.(Japanese) 97-8* 長井正嗣,吉田康治,藤野陽三:シンプルな横補剛システムをもつ鋼多主I桁橋の立体力学挙動,構造工学論文集,土木学会, Vol.43A,pp.1141-1151,1997. M. Nagai, K. Yoshida, Yozo Fujino: Three dimensional structural characteristics of steel multi I-girder bridges with simplified stiffening systems, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.43A, pp.1141-1151, 1997.(Japanese) 97-9* 吉田好孝,時田秀往,藤野陽三,勝浦啓:多径間連続鋼床版箱桁橋の起振実験とその動的特性,構造工学論文集,Vol.43A, pp.725-736,1997. Y. Yoshida, H. Tokita, Yozo Fujino and H. Katsuura : Excitation Experiment and Dynamic Characteristics of a Continuous Steel Box Girder, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.43A, pp.725-736, 1997. 97-10* 藤野陽三,クリストフワイルド,川上季伸: 補助翼による超長大橋のフラッターに対するパッシブ制御の提案,日本風工学会 誌 第71号,pp.153-154,1997.4. Yozo Fujino, Krzysztof Wilde, Toshinobu Kawakami: Passive aerodynamic control of flutter of long span bridges, Journal of Wind Engineering JEWE, No. 71, pp. 153-154, 1997. 4.(Japanese) 1996 96-1 K. Wilde, Yozo Fujino and J. Masukawa: Time Domain Modeling of Bridge Deck Flutter, Journal of JSCE, No.530, pp.93-104, 1996. 96-2 T. Pinkaew, Yozo Fujino and B. K. Bhartia: Control of Traffic-Induced Vibrations of Elevated Urban Highways, Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, Vol.11, pp.333-341, 1996. 96-3 J. Mongkol, B. K. Bhartia and Yozo Fujino: On Linear-Saturation (LS) Control of Buildings, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.25, pp.1353-1371, 1996. 96-4 Shinji HIEJIMA, Kichiro KIMURA, Yozo Fujino, Takashi NOMURA: An Experimental Study on The Control of The Vortex - induced vibration of a Circular Cylindr By Acoustic Excitation, Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, JSCE, Vol.13, No.1, 67s-72s, 1996. 4 96-5 Masami IWAMOTO, Yozo Fujino: Identification of Dynamic Parameters of a 2DOF Linear system With Closely- Spaced Natural Frequencies From Free-vibration data, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng, JSCE, Vol.13, No.1, 73s-81s, 1996. 4 96-6* 若原敏裕,藤野陽三,野村卓史:Boussinesque方程式を用いた円筒形同調液体ダンバーの非線形スロッシング解析,土木 学会論文集 No.549,pp.125-140,1996. T. Wakahra, and Yozo Fujino: Nonlinear Sloshing Analysis of Circular Tuned Liquid Damper by using Boussinesq Equation, Journal of JSCE, No.549, pp.125-140, 1996.(Japanese) 20 96-7* 阿部雅人,藤野陽三:アクティブ動吸振器の最適制御則の摂動解,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.42A,pp.739-746, 1996. M. Abé and Yozo Fujino: Perturbation solutions of optimal control laws for active tuned mass dampers ; Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.42A, pp.739-746, 1996.(Japanese) 96-8* 杉山俊幸,長井正嗣,藤野陽三:斜張橋に関するデータベースの作成と基本設計用エキスパートシステムの構築,鋼構造論 文集,JSSC,第3巻第10号,pp.61-71,1996.6. T. Sugiyama, M. Nagai, Yozo Fujino: Construction of Database and Development of Expert System for Preliminary Design of Cable-stayed Bridges, Journal of Steel Construction, JSSC, Vol.3, No.10, pp.61-71, 1996.(Japanese) 96-9* 前田研一,森園康之,岩本政巳,長井正嗣,藤野陽三:補助ハンガーシステムを併用したMONO-DUO形式超長大吊橋の構 造特性,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.42A,pp.1049-1060,1996. K. Maeda, Y. Morizono, M.Iwamoto, M. Nagai and Yozo Fujino: Structural characteristics of an ultra long-span mono-duo type suspension bridge taking jointly with supplementary hanger system, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.42A, pp.1049-1060, 1996.(Japanese) 96-10* 北川徹哉,若原敏裕,藤野陽三,木村吉郎:円柱塔状構造物における高風速渦励振の発生メカニズムに関する実験的解明, 土木学会論文集,No.543,pp.195-207,1996. T. Kitagawa, T. Wakahara, Yozo Fujino, K. Kichiro: An experimental study on vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinder towers at a high wind speed, Journal of JSCE, No.543, pp.195-207, 1996.(Japanese) 96-11* 松本泰尚,藤野陽三,木村吉郎:状態方程式表示を用いたガスト応答解析の定式化の試み,土木学会論文集,No.543, pp.175-186,1996. Yasunao Matsumoto, Yozo Fujino and Kichiro Kimura: Wind-induced gust response analysis based on state space formulation, Journal of JSCE, No.543, pp.175-186, 1996.(Japanese) 96-12* 木村吉郎,藤野陽三,手塚寛之,横沢和夫,太田匡司:ダム施工時の防雨用吊膜屋根の対風挙動,構造工学論文集,土木 学会,Vol.42A,pp.867-872,1996. Kichiro Kimura, Yozo Fujino, Hiroyuki Tezuka, Kazuo Yokoyama and Masanori Ohta: Wind-induced motions of rain shelter suspended membrane roof for dam construction, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, 99-107ol.42A, pp.867-872, 1996. (Japanese) 96-13* 大幢勝利,庄司 学,藤野陽三:天候が塔状構造物の施工および作業性に及ぼす影響,土木学会論文集,No.534, pp.125-134,1996. Ohdo, K., Shoji, G., and Fujino, Y.: Weather influence on constructability of tall structures, Journal of JSCE, No.534, pp.125-134, 1996.(Japanese) 96-14* 黒田充紀,長井正嗣,藤野陽三,柄川伸一,川井豊:並列I桁橋の有限要素モデル化に関する検討,構造工学論文集,土木 学会,Vol.42A,pp.1073-1080,1996. M.Kuroda, M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino, S. Egawa, and U.Kawai: On Finite Element Modeling of I-Girder Steel Bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.42A, pp.1073-1080, 1996. (Japanese) 96-15* 長井正嗣,藤野陽三,黒田充紀,山崎和夫,柄川伸一,下見成明:I桁橋の横方向補剛材撤去に伴う鉛直荷重下の全体,局 所変形挙動,,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.42A,pp.1081-1091,1996. M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino, M.Kuroda, K.Yamazaki, S.Egawa, and N. Shitami: Global/Local Structural Characteristics of I-Girder Bridges with Simple Transverse-Stiffening Systems Under Vertical Loading, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.42A, pp.1081-1091, 1996. (Japanese) 1995 21 95-1 Masami Iwamoto and Yozo Fujino: Identification of Flutter Derivatives of Bridge Deck from Free Vibration Data, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 54/55, pp.55-63, 1995. 95-2 L.M. Sun, Yozo Fujino, and K.: A Model of Tuned Liquid Damper for Suppressing Pitching Motions of Structure, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 24, pp.625-636, 1995. 95-3 Yozo Fujino and Thumanoon SUSUMPOW: Active Control of Cables by Axial Support Motion, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 4, A41-A51, 1995. 95-4 Yozo Fujino, T. SUSUMPOW, and P. Warnitchai: Active Control of Cable-Structure Systems; JSME International, Journal Series C, 38(2), pp.260-266, 1995. 95-5 T. SUSUMPOW, and Yozo Fujino: Active Control of Multi-modal Cable Vibrations by Axial Support Motion, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol,121(9), pp.964-972, 1995. 95-6 L.M. Sun, Yozo Fujino, P.Chaiseri, and B.M. Pacheco: The Properties of Tuned Liquid Dampers Using a TMD Analogy; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 24, pp.967-976, 1995. 95-7 P.Warnitchai, Yozo Fujino, and T.SUSUMPOW: A Non-Linear Dynamic Model for Cables and Its Application to a Cable-Structure System, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 187(4), pp.695-712, 1995. 95-8 Masami Iwamoto and Yozo Fujino: Identification of Flutter Derivatives of Bridge Deck from Free Vibration Data, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 54/55, pp.55-63, 1995. 95-9* 藤野陽三,Binod K. BHARTHIA,笠原覚:高架橋の交通振動に対するアクティブ制御,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.41A, pp.677-681,1995. Yozo Fujino, Binod K. Bharthia, and Satoru Kasahara: Active Control of Traffic-Induced Vibrations in Highway Bridges, Journal Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.41A, pp.677-681, 1995. (Japanese) 95-10* 木村吉郎,中村聖三,藤野陽三:風向を考慮した架設中斜張橋のガスト応答解析,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.41A, pp.801-808,1995. Kichiro Kimura, Shozo Nakamura, Yozo Fujino and Hiroshi Tanaka: Buffeting Response Prediction of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Construction in Yawed Wind, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.41A, pp.801-808, 1995. (Japanese) 95-11* 比江島慎二,木村吉郎,藤野陽三,野村卓史:音響撹乱による円柱の渦励振制御に関する実験的研究,土木学会論文集, No.525,pp.171-179,1995. S.Hiejima, K.Kimura, Yozo Fujino, and T.Nomura: An experimental study on the control of the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder by acoustic excitation, Journal of JSCE, No.525, pp.171-179, 1995. (Japanese) 95-12* 松井繁憲,寺西功,三田哲也,藤野陽三:鋼箱桁内部防錆実験の報告,鋼構造論文集,JSSC,第2巻第7号,pp.63-71, 1995.9. Shigenori Matsui, Isoa Teranishi, Tetsuya Sanda and Yozo Fujino: Reports for the Corrosion Protective Experiment of a Steel Box Girder, Journal of Steel Construction, JSSC, Vol.2, No.7, pp.63-71, 1995.9.(Japanese) 1994 94-1 Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino: Dynamic Characterization of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers and Some Design 22 Formulas, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 23, pp.813-835, 1994. 94-2 Limin Sun and Yozo Fujino: A Semi-Analytical Model for Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) with Wave Breaking., Journal of Fluids and Structures, 8, pp.471-488, 1994. 94-3 Yozo Fujino and Thumanoon SUSUMPOW : An Experimental Study on Active Control of In-Plane Cable Vibrations by Axial Support Motion ; Engineering and Structural Dynamics., 23, pp.1283-1297, 1994. 94-4* 藤野陽三,長井正嗣:吊形式橋梁の現状と将来(基調論文),鋼構造論文集,JSSC,1巻3号,pp.17-35,1994.5. Yozo Fujino and Masatsugu Nagai: Cable-Supported Bridges and Their Future (Invited paper), Journal of Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC,1, (3), pp.17-35, 1994. (Japanese) 94-5* 木村吉郎,藤野陽三:バフェティング応答解析におけるストリップ理論の仮定について,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.40A, pp.1049-1058,1994. Kichiro Kimura and Yozo Fujino: On the Strip Theory Approximation in the Buffering Analysis, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.40A, pp.1049-1058, 1994. (Japanese) 1993 93-1 Pennung Warnitchai, Yozo Fujino, Benito M. Pacheco and Remi AGRET: An Experimental Study on Active Tendon Control of Cable-Stayed Bridges, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 22, pp.93-111, 1993. 93-2 Anil K. Agrawal, Yozo Fujino and Binod K. Bhartia: Instability Due to Time Delay and Its Compensation in Active Control of Structures, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 22, pp.211-224, 1993. 93-3 Zhao, Z. and Fujino, Y.: Numerical simulation and experimental study of deeper-water TLD in the presence of screens, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.39A, pp.699-711, 1993.3. 93-4 Fujino, Y., Pacheco, B., Nakamura, S., and Pennung, W.: Synchronization of Human Walking Observed during Lateral Vibration of a Congested Pedestrian Bridge, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 22, pp.741-758, 1993. 93-5 Fujino, Y., Warnitchai, P. and Pacheco, B.: An experimental and analytical study of auto-parametric resonance in a 3DOF model of cable-stayed-beam, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 4, pp.111-138, 1993. 93-6 Pacheco, B., Fujino, Y. and Suelk, A.: Estimation Curve For Modal Damping In Stay Cables With Viscous Damper, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.119 (6), pp.1961-1979, 1993. 93-7 Yozo Fujino and Masato Abe: Design Formulas for Tuned Mass Dampers Based on a Perturbation Technique, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 22, pp.833-854, 1993. 93-8 Yozo Fujino, Pennung Warnitchai and Benito M. Pacheco: Active Stiffness Control of Cable Vibration, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, Vol.60, pp.948-953, 1993. 93-9 Fujino, Y., and Sun, L. M.: Vibration Control by Multiple Tuned Liquid Dampers (MTLDs), Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.119 (12), pp.3482-3502, 1993. 93-10 Yozo Fujino, Benito M.Pacheco: Case Studies of Structures With Man-Induced vibrations, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.119, No.12, 1993. 12 23 93-11* 比江島慎二,藤野陽三:吊床版橋の面内・面外固有振動特性の近似解,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.39A,pp.819-829, 1993. Shinji Hiejima and Yozo Fujino: Approximate Solutions for Natural Frequencies and Models of Stress Ribbon Bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.39A, pp.819-829, 1993. (Japanese) 93-12* 比江島慎二,藤野陽三:桁端ダンパーによる橋梁の交通振動の軽減,土木学会論文集,No.465,pp.107-116,1993. Shinji Hiejima and Yozo Fujino: Passive Control of Traffic-Induced Vibration of Viaduct with Viscous Dampers, Journal of JSCE, No.465, pp.107-116, 1993. (Japanese) 93-13* 阿部雅人,藤野陽三:マルティプル同調質量ダンパー(MTMD)の基本的特性,土木学会論文集,No.465,pp.87-96,1993. Abé, M. and Fujino, Y.: Dynamic characterization of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) and its frequency band width, Journal of JSCE, No.465, pp.87-96, 1993.(Japanese). 93-14* 阿部雅人,藤野陽三:マルティプル同調質量ダンパー(MTMD)の性能評価式,土木学会論文集,No.465,pp.97-106, 1993. Abé, M. and Fujino, Y.: Efficiency of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD), Journal of JSCE No.465, pp.97-106, 1993,(Japanese). 93-15* 佐々木葉,副島紀世代,藤野陽三:橋梁デザインにおける空気力学的合理性の意味と効果に関する基礎的研究,構造工学 論文集,土木学会,Vol.39A,pp.563-572,1993. Yoh Sasaki, Michiyo Soejima and Yozo Fujino: A Study on the Interaction between Aerodynamic Design and Form Selection in Bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.39A, pp.563-572, 1993. (Japanese) 1992 92-1 Yozo Fujino, Limin Sun, Benito M. Pacheco and Piyawat Chaiseri: Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) for Suppressing Horizontal Motion of Structures, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.118(10), pp.2017-2030, 1992. 92-2 Yozo Fujino, M. Iwamoto, M. Ito, Y. Hikami: Wind Tunnel Experiments Using 3D Models and Response Prediction for a Long-Span Suspension Bridge, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 42, pp.1333-1344, 1992. 92-3 Limin Sun, Yozo Fujino, Benito M. Pacheco and Piyawat Chaiseri: Modeling of Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD), Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, pp.41-44, pp.1883-1894, 1992. 92-4* 岡本章司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,中野善浩:水平横振動する床上での人の歩行特性,土木学会論文,No.441,pp.177-184, 1992. Okamoto, S., Abé, M., Fujino, Y., and Nakano, Y.: Characteristics of human walking on a laterally shaking floor, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.441, pp.177-184, 1992.(Japanese). 92-5* 阿部雅人,藤野陽三:2足剛体モデルを用いた歩行者による歩道橋の水平励振に関する1つのシミュレーション,土木学会論 文集,No.441,pp.199-202,1992. Abé, M. and Fujino, Y.: A simulation on pedestrian-induced lateral vibration of a bridge using a two-legs human model, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.441, pp.199-202, 1992. (Japanese). 92-6* 長井正嗣,藤野陽三:1000m を超える自定式斜張橋の構造形態に関する主に静的挙動からの一考察,構造工学論文集,土 木学会,Vol.38A,pp.1161-1174,1992. Masatsugu Nagai and Yozo Fujino: Possible Configurations of Self-anchored Cable-stayed Girder Bridges with Center Span Length more than 1000 m, Journal Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.38A, pp.1161-1174, 1992. (Japanese) 24 92-7* 藤野陽三,孫利民,山口宏樹:マルティプルTMDとTLDの特性の把握,JSCE,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.38A, pp.825-836,1992. Fujino, Y., Sun, L.M., and Yamaguchi, H.: A Simulation Study on Effectiveness of Multiple TMD and Multiple TLD, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.38A, pp.825-836, 1992. (Japanese) 92-8* 阿部雅人,藤野陽三:摂動解による同調質量ダンパー(TMD)-構造物系の動特性の理解と制振評価,土木学会論文集, No.446,pp.157-166,1992. Abé, M. and Fujino, Y.: Approximate eigenvalues of tuned mass damper (TMD) – structure dynamical system and design formulas of TMD, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.446, pp.157-166, 1992.(Japanese). 92-9* 岩本政巳,藤野陽三:自由振動波形からの固有振動数の近接した2自由度線形系のパラメータ同定,土木学会論文集,No. 450,pp.141-149,1992. Masami Iwamoto and Yozo Fujino: Identification of Dynamic Parameters in Closely Spaced 2DOF Linear System from Free Vibration Data, Journal of JSCE, No.450, pp.141-149, 1992. (Japanese) 1991 91-1* 藤野陽三,岩本政巳,伊藤 學,樋上陽一,武田勝昭,宮田利雄,辰巳正明:三次元弾性模型による箱型補剛桁を有する超 長大吊橋の風洞実験,日本風工学会誌,No.46,pp.1-17,1991. Fujino,Y., Iwamoto, M., Hikami, Y, Takeda, K., Mityata, T. and M. Tatsumi: Wind tunnel experiment of long-span suspension bridge using 3D models, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, 46, pp.1-17,1991.(Japanese) 91-2* 米田昌弘,Piawat CHAISERI,前田研一,藤野陽三:斜張橋主塔を対象としたTLDの減衰付加効果に関する実験的研究,構 造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.37A,pp.1019-1028,1991. Masahiro Yoneda, Piawat Chaiseri, Kenichi Maeda and Yozo Fujino: A Practical Study on Tuned Liquid Damper with Application to a Cable-stayed Bridge Tower, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.37A, pp.1019-1028, 1991. (Japanese) 91-3* 藤野陽三,Pennung WARNITCHAI,and Benito M. PACHECO:ケーブル・はりモデルを用いた斜張橋の内部共振に関する 実験と解析,土木学会論文集,No.432,pp.109-118,1991. Yozo Fujino, Pennung Warnitchai and Benito M. Pacheco: Experimental and Analytical Study on Internal Resonances in a Cable-stayed Beam Model, Journal of JSCE, No.432, pp.109-118, 1991. (Japanese) 91-4* 藤野陽三,孫利民,古賀健一:回転振動を受ける同調液体ダンパーに関するシミュレーションと実験,構造工学論文集,土木 学会,Vol.37A,pp805-814,1991. Fujino, Y., Sun, L. M. and Koga, K.: Simulation and experiment on tuned liquid damper subjected to pitching motion, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.37A, pp.805-814, 1991. (Japanese) 91-5* 藤野陽三, 孫利民, 金子誠一: TLDにおける破波のモデル化, 日本風工学会誌, 第47号, pp91-92, 1991. 4 Fujino, Y., Sun, L. M., Kaneko.,S: Modelling of braking waves for TLD simulation, Journal of Wind Engineering, JSCE, No.47, pp91-92, 1991. 4 1990 90-1 Chua, G. S., Pacheco, B. M, Fujino, Y. and Ito, M.: Classical Impact Damper and Pendulum Impact Damper for Potential Civil Engineering Application, Journal of JSCE, No.416, pp.113-124, 1990. 90-2 Yozo Fujino, Manabu Ito, Izumi Shino, Masami Iwamoto, Yu-ichi Hikami, Masaaki Tatsumi, Toshio Miyata: Wind Tunnel Study of Long-Span Suspension Bridge under Smooth and Turbulent Flow, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 33, pp.313-322, 1990. 25 90-3* 藤野 陽三,上田雅俊,延藤 遵:鋼ボックス内部の腐食環境と防錆について,構造工学論文集,土木学会,36A巻, 1021-1033,1990 Yozo Fujino, Masatoshi Ueda and Jun Nobuto: Corrosion Environment and Its Protection of Insides of Steel Box Structures, Journal Structural Engineering, Vol.36A, JSCE, pp.1021-1033, 1990. (Japanese) 90-4* Pennung WARNITCHAI, 藤野 陽三, Benito M. PACHECO and Shoji 岡本章司:ケーブル・桁系の線形・非線形連成振動 に関する解析と実験,構造工学論文集,土木学会,36A巻,719-732,1990 Pennung Warnitchai, Yozo Fujino, Benito M. Pacheco and Shoji Okamoto: Analysis and Experiment on Dynamic of Cable-Girder System with Emphasis on Linear and Nonlinear Coupling, Journal Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.36A, pp.719-732, 1990. (Japanese) 90-5* 藤野陽三,ベニート M.パチェコ,ピヤワット チャイセリ,孫利民,古賀健一:TMDアナロジーをベースにしたTLDの特性の 理解,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.36A,pp.577-590,1990. Yozo Fujino, Benito M. Pacheco, Piyawat Chaiseri and Kenichi Koga: Understanding of TLD Properties Based on TMD Analogy, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.36A, pp.577-590, 1990. (Japanese) 90-6* 藤野 陽三:構造物の制振対策,日本風工学会誌,44号,pp.53-68,1990. (レヴュー論文) Yozo Fujino: Control of Wind-induced Vibrations in Civil Engineering Structures (Review Paper), Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.44, pp.53-68, 1990. (Japanese) 90-7* 川島一彦,藤野 陽三,家村浩和:1989年ロマプリエータ地震の被害調査報告,土木学会論文集,422号,20-43,1990 Kawashima, K. Yozo Fujino, Hirokazu Iemura and Yozo Goto: Reconnaissance Report on the Loma Prieta Earthquake of October 17, 1989-Damage on Bridges-, JSCE, No.422, pp.20-43, 1990. (Japanese) 1989 89-1 Phoonsak PHEINSUSOM, Yozo Fujino, Manabu ITO: Galloping of Tower-like Structure With Two Closely-Spaced natural frequencies -, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 32, pp.189-198, 1989 89-2 Li-Min Sun, Yozo Fujino, Benito M. Pacheco and Masahiko Isobe: Nonlinear Waves and Dynamic Pressures in Rectangular Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) - Simulation and Experimental Verification-, Journal of JSCE, No.410, pp.81-92, 1989. 89-3 Piyawat Chaiseri, Yozo Fujino, Benito M. Pacheco and Li-Min Sun: Interaction of Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) and Structure Theory, -Experimental Verification and Application-, Journal of JSCE, No. 410, pp.103-112, 1989. 89-4 Pacheco, B. M. and Fujino, Y.: Perturbation Technique to Approximate the Effect of Damping Non-proportionality in Modal Dynamic Analysis, Journal of JSCE, No.404, pp.191-200, 1989. 4. 89-5 Pacheco, B. M. and Fujino, Y.: Approximate Explicit Formulas for Complex Modes of Two-Degree-of-Freedom (2DOF) System, Journal of JSCE, No.404, pp.213-222, 1989. 89-6* 藤野陽三,ベニート M.パチェコ,孫利民,ピヤワット チャイセリ,磯部雅彦:同調液体ダンパーに関する非線形波動シミュレ ーションとその実験的検証 —長方形容器の場合—,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.35A,pp.561-574,1989. Yozo Fujino, Benito M. Pacheco, Li Min Sun, Piyawat Chaiseri and Masahiko Isobe: Simulation of Nonlinear Waves in Rectangular Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) and Its Verification, Journal Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.35A, pp.561-574, 1989. (Japanese) 89-7* ベニート M.パチェコ, 金煕悳, 藤野陽三, 伊藤学: 摂動法による非比例減衰系の動的モード解析, 土木学会 構造工学論文 集, Vol.35A, 1989. 3 26 Benito M. Pacheco, Heeduck Kim, Yozo Fujino and Manabu Ito: Perturbation Technique for Modal Dynamic Analysis of Moderately Non-proportionally-Damped Systems, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.35A, pp.663-675, 1989. (Japanese) 1988 88-1 Pheinsusom, P. and Fujino, Y.: Galloping of Structure with Two Closely-spaced Natural Frequencies, Journal of JSCE, No.392, pp.215-225, 1988,. 88-2 Yamaguchi, H. and Fujino, Y.: Effects of Support Flexibility on Modal Damping of Cables, Journal of JSCE, No.398, pp. 99-107, 1988. 88-3 Sugiyama, T. and Fujino, Y.: Optimal Allocation of Safety Factors in Long-Span Suspension Bridge Design, Journal of JSCE, No.398, 1988, pp.167-175. 88-4 Pheinsusom, P. and Fujino, Y. Effect of Turbulence on the Modal Interaction in Galloping of Structure with Two Closely-spaced Natural Frequencies, Journal of JSCE, No.398, pp.193-196, 1988. 88-5 Fujino, Y. Pacheco, B. M., Chaiseri, P. and Sun, L. M.: Parametric Studies on Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) using Circular Containers by Free-Oscillation Experiments, Journal of JSCE, No.398, pp.177-187, 1988. 88-6 Yozo Fujino, Manabu Ito, Izumi Shino: Wind Tunnel Study of Long-Span Suspension Bridge under Smooth and Turbulent Flow, Japan Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No. 37, pp.447-456, 1988. (削除かも・・・探しても見当たらない.1990年の90-2と同じだと思う.スディさんのリストにはない) 88-7 Yozo Fujino, Manabu Ito and Hiroki Yamaguchi: Three-Dimensional Behavior of Galloping in Telecommunication Cables of Figure-8 Section, Journal Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 30, pp.17-26, 1988. 88-8 Yozo Fujino and Benito M. Pacheco: Discussion paper to Seismic Response Analysis of Non-proportional Damping System Due to Response Spectrum Method; Journal of JSCE, No.392, pp.235-238, 1988.. 88-9* 藤野陽三,B. パチェコ,チャイセリ、P.,藤井邦雄:同調液体ダンパー(TLD)の基本特性に関する実験的検討—円筒容器の 場合—,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.34A,pp.603-616,1988.3. Yozo Fujino, Benito M. Pacheco, and Kunio Fujii: An Experimental Study on Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) Using Circular Containers, Journal Strucutural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.34A, pp.603-616, 1988. (Japanese) 88-10* 岡林隆敏,山手弘之,藤野陽三:不規則交通流による道路応答の非正規課程による解析,構造工学論文集,土木学会, Vol.34A,pp.713-720,1988. Takatoshi Okabayashi, Hiroyuki Yamate and Yozo Fujino: Analysis of Highway Bridge Response to Stochastic Traffic Flow by Non-Gaussian Process, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.34A, pp.713-720, 1988. (Japanese) 88-11* 延藤 遵,藤野陽三,伊藤学:橋桁の連成フラッターに対するTMDの制振効果について,土木学会論文集,No.398, pp.413-416,1988. Jun Nobuto, Yozo Fujino and Manabu Ito: A Study on the Effectiveness of TMD to Suppress a Coupled Flutter of Bridge Deck, Journal of JSCE, No. 398, pp.413-416, 1988. (Japanese) 1987 87-1 Yamaguchi, H. and Fujino, Y.: Modal Damping of Flexural Oscillation in Suspended Cables, Journal of JSCE, No.386, pp.197-205, 1987.10. 27 87-2* 竹中秀夫,藤野陽三,伊藤学:強風下での長大吊橋の弾性変形と面外不安定,構造工学論文集,土木学会,33A, pp.537-548,1987. Hideo Takenaka, Yozo Fujino and Manabu Ito: Elastic deformation and Out-of-Plane Instability of Long-Span Suspension Bridges under Wind, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.33A, pp.537-548, 1987. (Japanese) 87-3* 藤野陽三,Binod Kumar BHARTIA,三木千寿,伊藤学:車両の同時載荷が道路橋の疲労損傷に及ぼす影響,構造工学論 文集,土木学会,33A,pp.775-786,1987. Yozo Fujino, Binod Kumar Bhartia, Chitoshi Miki and Manabu Ito: Effect of Multiple Presence of Vehicles on Fatigue Damage of Highway Bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.33A, pp.775-786, 1987. (Japanese) 87-4* 森川謙一,伊藤学,藤野陽三,久保喜延:吊形式橋梁の風洞試験におけるストリップ理論の適用性について,構造工学論文 集,土木学会,33A,pp.527-536, 1987. Morikawa, K., Ito, M., Fujino, Y., and Kubo, Y.: On Applicability of the Strip Thoery in Wind Tunnel Test of Cable Suspended Bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.33A, pp.527-536, 1987. (Japanese) 87-5* 藤野陽三,杉山俊幸:長大吊橋における安全率の配分に関する考察,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.33A,799-808, 1987.3. Yozo Fujino and Toshiyuki Sugiyama: Optimal Allocation of the Safety Levels of a Long-Span Suspension Bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.33A, pp.799-808, 1987. (Japanese) 1986 86-1 Pacheco, B., Fujino, Y. and Ito, M.: A Study on the Dynamic Uplifting of Flexible Structure on Compliant Ground, Journal of JSCE, No.374, pp.261-270, 1986. 86-2 Fujino, Y., Bhartia, B. K. and Ito, M.: A Stochastic Study on effect of Multiple Truck Presence on Fatique Damage of Highway Bridges, Journal of JSCE, No.374, pp.289-299, 1986. 86-3* 杉山俊幸,藤野陽三,伊藤学:材料強度分布形の裾切りが構造物の信頼性に及ぼす影響,構造工学論文集, 土木学会, Vol.32A,pp.495-507,1986.3. T. Sugiyama, Yozo Fujino and M. Ito: Effects of Truncation of Probability Distribution of Material Strength on Structural Reliability, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.32A, pp.495-507, 1986. (Japanese) 86-4* 杉山俊幸,藤野陽三,伊藤学:道路橋設計活荷重の規定方法に関する確率論的考察,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.32A, pp.539-549,1986.3. T. Sugiyama, Yozo Fujino and M. Ito: A Statistical Consideration on Highway Traffic Load Model for Design Code, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.32A, pp.539-550, 1986. (Japanese) 86-5* 高田和彦,藤野陽三:道路橋最大活荷重評価のためのコンピュータシミュレーションの効率化,構造工学論文集,土木学会, 32A,pp.551-560,1986. K. Takata and Yozo Fujino: An Efficient Method of Monte Carlo Simulation for Evaluating Extremes of Traffic Live Load on Highway Bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.32A, pp.551-560, 1986. (Japanese) 1985 85-1 Ito, M., Fujino, Y. and Yamaguchi, H.: Wind Tunnel Study on Galloping Oscillations of Suspended Figure-8 Telecommunication Cables, Journal of JSCE, No.356, pp.217-225, 1985. 85-2 Yamaguchi, H., Yamawaki, Yozo Fujino, Y. and Ito, M. : Analytical Study of An Overhead Figure-8 Telecommunication 28 Line under Steady Wind, Journal of JSCE, No.356, pp.259-268, April , 1985. 85-3 Sugiyama. T., Fujino, Y. and Ito, M.: A Method to Determine Fractile Values from Statistical Data, Journal of JSCE, No.362, pp.45-54, 1985. 85-4* 藤野陽三,高田和彦:自動車列のフローを考慮した活荷重の確率論的解析手法,構造工学論文集,土木学会,31A, pp.301-312,1985. Fujino, Y. and Takata, K.: Stochastic Analysis of Highway Bridge Live Loading for Congested Traffic Flow, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.31A, pp.301-311, 1985. (Japanese) 85-5* 杉山俊幸,藤野陽三,伊藤学:統計データからの分布形・特性値の決定,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.31A,pp.287-300, 1985.3. Sugiyama, T., Yozo Fujino and M. Ito: Determination of Distribution Model and Characteristic Value from Statistical Data, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.31A, pp.287-300, 1985.(Japanese) 85-6* 藤野陽三:ベイズの定理の適用についてへの討議(著者 長 尚),土木学会論文集,No.362,pp.489-493,1985. (英語タイトル無し) 1984 84-1 Fujino, Y., Yokota, T., Hamazaki, Y. and Inoue, R.: Multiple Event Analysis of 1979 ImperialValley Earthquake Using Distinct Phases in Near-field Accelerograms, Journal of JSCE, No.344, pp.165-174, April, 1984. 84-2* 藤野陽三:定常不規則変動外力を受ける構造物の初通過破壊確率の高精度評価について(小松・中山共著)への討議,土木 学会論文集,No.344,pp.391-395,1984. (英語タイトル無し) 1983 83-1 藤野陽三,長谷川彰夫,西野文雄:統計データに基づく設計値の決定に関する確率統計的考察(英文),土木学会論文集, No.335,pp.165-173,1983.7. Fujino, Y., Hasegawa, A. and Nishino, F.: Determination of Design Values from Statistical Data, Journal of JSCE, No.335, pp.165-173, July, 1983. 83-2 Fujino, Y. and Ito, M.: Statistical Estimation of Direction-Dependent Design Wind Speed, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.13, pp.115-125, 1983. 83-3* 大野友則,西岡隆,藤野陽三:構造物が地震時に受ける塑性ひずみエネルギー量の定量的評価,土木学会論文集,No.333, pp.91-99,1983. Ohno, T, Nishioka, T., and Fujino, Y.: Quantitative Estimation of Plastic Energy Absorbed in Structures Subjected to Seismic Excitation, Journal of JSCE., No.333, pp.91-99, 1983.(Japanese) 1982 82-1 Fujino, Y. and Ang. A. H-S.: Prediction of Seismic Response of Long-period Structures, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol.108, No.ST7, pp.1575-1588, July, 1982. 82-2 西野文雄,長谷川彰夫,三木千寿,藤野陽三:確率的特性値による構造物の信頼性設計(英文),土木学会論文集,No.326, pp.141-153,1982.10. Nishino, F., Hasegawa, A., Miki, C. and Fujino, Y.: A Fractile-based Reliability Structural Design, Journal of JSCE, 29 No.326, pp.141-153, 1982.(Japanese) 82-3* 井上涼介,藤野陽三,松原勝巳,伯野元彦:断層震源モデルを適用した周期10秒前後の地震動評価の試み,土木学会論文 集,No.317,pp47-60,1982. Inoue, R., Fujino, Y., Matsubara, K., and hakuno, M.: Application of Fault Dislocation Model to Predict Long-period Strong Ground Motion, Journal of JSCE, No.317, pp.47-60, 1982.(Japanese) 82-4* 杉山俊幸,酒井利夫,藤野陽三,伊藤学:構造設計における信頼性レベル・安全率の設定に関する考察,土木学会論文報告 集,第327号,pp.21-28,1982.11. Toshiyuki Sugiyama, Yozo Fujino, Toshio Sakai and Manabu Ito: Decisions on Reliability Level and Safety Factor for Structural Design, Journal of JSCE, No.327, pp.21-28, 1982. (Japanese) 1981 81-1* 藤野陽三,伊藤学,酒井利夫:年最大風速記録による設計基本風速の算定に関する研究,土木学会論文集,No.305, pp.23-34,1981. Fujino, Y., Ito, M., and Sakai, T.: Basic Design Wind Speeds Based on Yearly Maximum Wind Speed Records, Journal of JSCE, No.305, pp.23-34, 1981. (Japanese). 1979 79-1* 藤野陽三,伊藤学,遠藤元一:シミュレーションに基づく道路橋設計活荷重の評価,土木学会論文集,No. 286,pp.1-13, 1979. Fujino, Y., Ito, M. and Endo, M.: Design Traffic Live Load for Highway Bridges Based on Computer Simulation, Journal of JSCE, No.286, pp.1-13, 1979. (Japanese). 1978 78-1* 伯野元彦,松井芳彦,藤野陽三:強震記録による長周期構造物応答計算の精度,土木学会論文集,No. 240,pp.127-130, 1978. Hakuno, M., Matsui, Y., and Fujino, Y.: Accuracy of Computed Seismic Response of Long- Period Structures Using Strong Motion Accelerograms, Journal of JSCE, pp.127-130, 1978 (Japanese). 1977 77-1 Fujino, Y. and Lind, N. C.: Proof-load factors and reliability, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol.103, No.ST4, pp.853-870, April, 1977. 77-2* 藤野陽三:材料強度のばらつきを考慮した定常不規則振動体の初通過破壊確率(小松定夫・中山隆弘共著)への討議および 回答,土木学会論文集,No.262,pp.153,1977. (英語タイトル無し) 77-3* 藤野陽三:測定値の誤差を考慮した信頼性解析(馬場俊介,中川建治,成岡昌夫共著)への討議および回答,土木学会論文 集,No.268,pp.129,1977. (英語タイトル無し) 1976 30 1975 75-1* 藤野陽三,伯野元彦:地盤の非線形性を考慮した地震動特性,土木学会論文集,No.240,pp.1-9,1975.8. Fujino, Y. and M. Hakuno, M.: Characteristics of elasto-plastic vibration of the ground due to earthquakes, Journal of JSCE, No.240, pp.1-9, 1975. (Japanese). 31 国内シンポジウム論文 2013 2012 2011 11-1 藤野陽三 : 我国における鋼橋の発展(基調論文), 日韓鋼橋シンポジウム, CD-ROM, 2011.1 11-2 阿部雅人, 杉崎光一, 藤野陽三, 西川貴文, 紺野克昭 : 多点振動計測による構造物の常時健全性モニタリング, 第7回構 造物の安全性・信頼性に関する国内シンポジウム, pp.6(CD-ROM), 2011.10(査読付) 11-3 紺野克昭, 西川貴文, 藤野陽三, 阿部雅人 : 東北地方太平洋沖地震における芝浦工業大学豊洲キャンパスの地震観測記 録, 日本建築学会学術講演梗概集B-2(構造2), CD-ROM, 2011.8(査読付) 2010 2009 09-1 藤野陽三 : 橋梁振動の制御,シミュレーションとモニタリング, 香港構造家協会年次大会招待講演, 2009.6.8 09-2 藤野陽三 : 自然災害におけるリスク,ハザードと脆弱性の特性について, 中国 日本 JST-NSFC, 自然災害ワークショップ 基調講演&基調論文, 2009.6.11 09-3 藤野陽三 : 交通施設のモニタリングに対する基本的考え方, ANCRiSST国際会議,ボストン, 2009.8.1 09-4 藤野陽三 : 橋梁振動の制御とシミュレーションとモニタリング, 世界構造工学学会IABSE 80周年記念セミナー 基調講演& 基調論文, 2009.9.11 09-5 藤野陽三 : 鉄道橋ならびに道路橋の供用荷重下での挙動に関するいくつかのレッスン, 日韓鋼橋第五回ワークショップ 基 調講演, 2009.10.30 09-6 藤野陽三 : 日本の高速鉄道に関する振動とモニタリングに関する研究紹介, ヨーロッパ鉄道橋モニタリングに関するワークシ ョップ 基調講演, 2009.12.11 09-7 藤野陽三 : 社会基盤インフラのモニタリングと災害事故防止, 科学と技術の会 基調講演, 2009.6.19 09-8 藤野陽三 : 社会基盤インフラのモニタリングと災害事故防止, 光防災研究会 基調講演, 2009.5.29 32 2008 2007 07-1 西川貴文, 吉田純司, 龍田斉, 藤野陽三 : コンクリート部材におけるクラックの抽出と特徴量把握のための画像処理システ ムの開発, 第10回地震時保有耐力法に基づく橋梁構造の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, pp.59-66, 2007 07-2 長谷川信幸, 鈴木直彦, 水野裕介, 藤野陽三, 佐藤洋一 : 画像を用いた人物動線データの解析による行動理解の試み小 規模店舗を例として, 第35回土木計画学研究発表会(春大会), June 2007 ローソン学会? 07-3 藤野陽三, 西川貴文, 吉田純司 : コンクリートクラックの特徴量把握のための木構造状フィルタを用いた画像処理システムの 構築とその適用, 土木学会 第62回年次学術講演会概要集, V-058, 2007.9. (口頭発表) 07-4 西川貴文, 吉田純司, 藤野陽三 : 木構造状フィルタを用いた路面性状の合理化診断システムの構築, 土木学会 第62回年 次学術講演会概要集, V-290, 2007.9. 2006 06-1 西尾真由子, 田中宏明, 名取通弘 岸本直子, 藤野陽三 : 衛星搭載アンテナにおけるケーブルネットワーク構造の振動制御, 第48回構造強度に関する講演会講演前刷集, 2006.7. 06-2 中藤誠二, 木村吉郎, 藤野陽三, 石原孟 : 2次元柱および平板列からの空力音特性およびその発生メカニズムに関する実 験的研究, 第19回風工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.289-294,2006. 2005 05-1 中藤誠二, 木村吉郎, 石原孟, 藤野陽三, 比江島慎二 : 単独および複数の矩形柱から発生する空力音の特性, 日本流体 力学会年会講演論文集, pp.300, CD-ROM 8ページ, 2005.9. 05-2 磯光夫, 勝俣盛,渡辺喜紀, 安江哲, 三田村浩, 藤野陽三 : 橋梁洗浄技術に関する研究, 土木建設技術シンポジウム, 土 木学会, 2005 05-3 藤野陽三 : 夢かける橋 創立20周年記念誌, 鋼橋技術研究会, pp.44-45, 2005.5 2004 04-1 石原孟, ホ タイ ホム, チョン チー リョン, 藤野陽三 : 台風シミュレーションのための混合確率分布関数と修正直交変換法の提案, 第18回風工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.5-10, 2004. 04-2 山口敦, 佐々木庸平, 石原孟, 藤野陽三 : 地域気象モデルと地理情報システムを利用した洋上風力賦存量の評価, 第18回 33 風工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.139-144, 2004. 04-3 P. Zhu, M. Abé, Y. Fujino : Comparing seismic pounding effect of skew and straight elevated bridges, 地震時保有耐力 法に基づく橋梁の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, Vol.7, pp.383-386, 2004. 2003 03-1 熊野史朗, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 吉田純司 : 膜の動的変形を対象とした画像計測システムの構築, 運動と振動の制御シン ポジウム,日本機械学会, 2003 03-2 宮下剛, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 圧電体を用いたインピーダンス計測による応力同定, 第8回運動と振動の制御シンポジウム MoViC講演論文集, pp.125–129, 2003.11. 03-3 熊野史朗, 松崎拓也, 藤野陽三, 阿部雅人, 吉田純司 : 膜の動的変形を対象とした画像計測システムの構築, 宇宙航空研 究開発機構, 宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム, pp. 52-54, 2003. 03-4 熊野史朗, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 吉田純司 : 膜の動的変形を対象とした画像計測システムの構築, 土木学会 第58回年次 学術講演会概要集, 2003.9 03-5 東上床かよ子, 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 3次元画像解析を用いた橋梁の水平振動およびその歩行者の歩行特性の 分析とその応用, 土木学会 第58回年次学術講演会, I-758, pp.1515-1516, 2003.9. 03-6 P. Zhu, M. Abé, Y. Fujino : Parametric study of a 3D pounding model for seismic analysis on elevated bridges, 地震時 保有耐力法に基づく橋梁の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, Vol.6, pp.129-132, 2003 2002 02-1 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, Chamindalal S.L. : 積層ゴム支承の鉛直変形,ねじれ変形,回転変形,破壊基準に関する 設計式の構築, 第5回地震時保有耐力法に基づく橋梁等構造の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, Vol.5, pp.289-296, 2002. 02-2 横川英彰, 阿部雅人, 吉田純司 : 不規則振動論を用いた橋梁の応答予測法, 第5回地震時保有耐力法に基づく橋梁等構造 の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, pp.177-182, 2002. 02-3 Chamindalal S. Lewangamage, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Junji Yoshida : Failure Behaviour of Laminated Rubber Bearing, 第11回日本地震工学シンポジウム, CD-ROM Proceeding, pp.1801-1804, Tokyo, 2002.11. 02-4 熊野史朗, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 吉田純司 : 画像解析を利用した膜の振動計測, 第18回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム講演 会, pp.89-92, 2002. 02-5 水野裕介, 阿部 雅人, 藤野 陽三, MERET Sandy, 阿部允 : データベース技術を用いた社会基盤構造物に関する維持管 理データ管理手法の提案コンクリート耐久性データベースフォーマットに関するシンポジウム, 土木学会,2002. 02-6 宮下剛, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 波動伝播特性に着目したピエゾインピーダンス法による梁の直応力同定, 第51回理論応用 力学講演会講演論文集, pp.127-128, 2002. 34 02-7 石原孟, 由田秀俊, 久保悠也, 藤野陽三 : 設計基本風速の新しい評価手法の提案と測器補正, 第17回風工学シンポジウ ム論文集, pp.7-12, 2002. 02-8 山口敦, 石原孟, 藤野陽三 : 地形風の数値予測のための領域設定と境界処理, 第17回風工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.143-148, 2002. 02-9 岡新一, 石原孟, 藤野陽三 : 一様流中に置かれた正方形角柱の空力特性と表面風圧に関する数値予測, 第17回風工学シ ンポジウム論文集, pp.207-212, 2002. 02-10 宮下剛, 部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 圧電体を用いたスマート構造による構造ヘルスモニタリング手法の構築, 第18回宇宙構造・材 料シンポジウム講演後刷集, pp.141-144, 2002. 02-11 熊野史朗, 阿部雅人, 吉田純司, 藤野陽三 : 画像解析を用いた膜の振動計測システム, 土木学会 第57回年次学術講演 会, 2002. 02-12 吉田純司, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 積層ゴム支承の復元力特性を近似する等価剛性と等価減衰, 土木学会 第57回年次学 術講演会, 2002. 02-13 東上床かよ子, 阿部雅人, 吉田純司, 藤野陽三 : 画像解析を用いた橋梁の水平振動およびその歩行者の歩行特性の分析, 第57回年次学術講演会, 2002 02-14 熊野史朗, 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 吉田純司 : 画像解析を利用した膜の振動計測, 土木学会 第57回年次学術講演会講演 概要集, 2002. 2001 01-1 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:高減衰積層ゴム支承の3次元有限要素モデルの構築,土木学会 第26回地震工学研究発 表会講演論文集,pp.1109-1112,2001. 01-2 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:画像解析を利用した膜の振動計測システムの構築,第17回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム講 演会,pp.17-20, 2001. 01-3 P. Zhu, M. Abe and Y. Fujino: Application of a 3D Pounding Model for Seismic Analysis on Elevated Bridges, 第5回地 震時保有耐力法に基づく橋梁の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム, 土木学会, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 325-328, 2001. 01-4 阿部雅人,藤野陽三,宮下剛:圧電インピーダンス計測によるヘルスモニタリング, 第44回自動制御連合講演会論文集, pp.238-239,2001. 01-5 横川英彰,阿部雅人,吉田純司:不規則振動論を用いた橋梁の応答予測法,地震工学会第1回年次学術講演会,2001. 01-6 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:積層ゴム支承のねじれ,回転変形に関する簡易式の構築,地震工学会 第1回年次学術講 演会,2001. 01-7 Lewangamage C.S., Abe M. and Fujino Y.: A failure criterion for rubber, Proceedings of JAAE Annual Meeting, Japan, 2001. 35 01-8 Beghini, M. Abe, Y. Fujino and J. Yoshida, Experimental Analysis and Mechanical Behavior of Lead, Proc. JAEE conference, Tokyo, Japan, 28-30 November 2001. 01-9 P. Zhu, M. Abe and Y. Fujino: A 3D Contact-Friction Model for Seismic Pounding between Bridge Girders, Proceedings of The First JAEE Annual Conference, Japan, 2001. 01-10 Lewangamage C.S., Abe M. and Fujino Y.: Measurement of strain fields of continua by image analysis. Proceedings of The Third Summer International Symposium of JSCE, Tokyo, Japan, 2001. 01-11 P. Zhu, M. Abe and Y. Fujino: 3D Modeling of Pounding for Bridge Girders and Experimental Verifications using Image-Processing Method, Proceedings of The Third Summer International Symposium of JSCE, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 121-124, 2001. 01-12 藤 野 陽 三 , 阿 部 雅 人 : 310 PASSIVE AND SEMI-ACTIVE CONTROL OF SELF-EXCITED OSCILLAIONS BY TRANSFER OF INTERNAL ENERGY TO HIGHER MODES OF VIBRATION, 振動と運動の制御」シンポジウム講演論 文集,Dynamics and Design Conference Vol.2001, No.7,pp. 376-378,2001 日本機械学会 01-13 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:高減衰積層ゴム支承の有限要素モデルの地震応答予測性能,土木学会第56回年次学術講 演会講演概要集I, 2001. 2000 00-1 木村吉郎,ポンクムシム ソンポル,藤野陽三,大竹完治:橋梁主塔後流域通過時の車両に作用する変動空気力の特性,第 16回風工学シンポジウム論文集, pp. 225-230, 2000. 00-2 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,武貞聡:積層ゴム支承の水平2方向復元力モデル,第2回免震・制振コロキウム講演論文集, pp.129-136, 2000. 00-3 中藤誠二,木村吉郎,藤野陽三,小川隆申:種々の矩形柱から発生する空力音の特性,第16回風工学シンポジウム論文集, pp. 167-172,2000.12 00-4 貝戸清之,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,熊坂和宏:レーザードップラ速度計を用いたコンクリート構造物の空隙検出,第4回構造物の 安全性・信頼性に関する国内シンポジウム論文集,日本機械学会,pp.491-496,日本学術会議,2000.11 00-5 藤野陽三,阿部雅人,宇佐美哲,柳野和也,阿部哲子,森重行雄,鵜野禎史:金属支承に関連した兵庫県南部地震における 道路橋の被害分析と終局水平挙動に関する実験的検討,鋼構造物の非線形数値解析と耐震設計への応用に関する論文集, Vol.3,pp.191-198,2000. 00-6 宮下剛・阿部雅人・D.J.Inman・G.Park: 圧電インピーダンス計測によるヘルスモニタリング,第16回宇宙構造・材料シンポジ ウム論文集,2000. 00-7 宮下剛, 阿部雅人, G. Park, D.J. Inman: 圧電インピーダンス計測によるヘルスモニタリング, 第16回宇宙構造・材料シンポ ジウム講演後刷集, pp.92-95, 2000. 36 00-8 竹上浩史,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,吉田純司:画像計測を利用した鉛の力学特性の把握,土木学会第55回年次学術講演会講 演概要集I-B, 2000. 00-9 横川英彰・阿部雅人:不規則振動理論を用いた橋梁の応答予測法,第4回地震時保有耐力法に基づく橋梁の耐震設計に関 するシンポジウム論文集,2000. 00-10 朱平・阿部雅人・藤野陽三:MODELING OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL POUNDING OF BRIDGE GIRDERS,第4回地震時 保有耐力法に基づく橋梁の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム論文集,Vol.4, pp.499-504, 2000 00-11 水野裕介,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,阿部允:情報技術(IT)援用による橋梁の目視検査支援システムの構築,第25回土木情報シ ステムシンポジウム論文集,Vol.9, pp.11-18, 2000 00-12 橋本哲子,藤野陽三,阿部雅人: 1995年兵庫県南部地震における支承の損傷によるヒューズ効果,土木学会・地震工学委員 会,第4回地震時保有耐力法に基づく橋梁の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム論文集,Vol.4, pp.1-6,2000.12. 00-13 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:高減衰積層ゴム支承の3次元有限要素解析,土木学会第55回年次学術講演会講演概要集 I-B, 2000. 00-14 竹上浩史,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,吉田純司:画像計測による鉛の力学的特性の把握,土木学会第27回関東支部技術研究発 表会講演概要集,pp.28-29,2000. 1999 99-1 吉田純司,武貞聡,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:水平2方向加振に対応した積層ゴム支承のモデル化,土木学会第25回地震工学研 究発表会講演論文集,pp.741-744,1999. 99-2 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:高減衰ゴムの構成則の構築とその実験的検証,第4回都市直下地震災害総合シンポジウム 講演論文集,pp.263-266,1999. 99-3 貝戸清之,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,依田秀則:レーザードップラ速度計を用いた振動モード形の計測と損傷検出への応用,第2 回構造物の診断に関するシンポジウム論文集,土木学会,pp.157-162,東北大学,1999.8. 99-4 貝戸清之,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,依田秀則:レーザードップラ速度計を用いた空間的な振動計測と損傷検出への応用,第15 回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム論文集,pp.96-99,文部省宇宙科学研究所,1999.10. 99-5 宇佐美哲・阿部雅人・藤野陽三・森重行雄・鵜野禎史・柳野和也:金属支承の終局水平挙動に関する実験的研究,第25回地 震工学研究発表会講演論文集,pp.853-856,1999. 99-6 阿部哲子・藤野陽三・阿部雅人:1995年兵庫県南部地震による阪神高速高架橋の被害分析,第25回地震工学研究発表会講 演論文集,pp.909-912,1999. 99-7 Erik A. Johnson, Bille F. Spencer Jr., 藤野陽三: M131ケーブル振動のセミアクティブ制御, 第6回「運動と振動の制御」シン ポジウム講演論文集, No.99-7, pp.153-156, 1999. 37 99-8 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三, 賀川義昭: 低降伏点鋼の履歴吸収エネルギーを基準とした損傷指標, 鋼構造年次論文報告集, 第7 巻, pp331-336, 1999.11. 99-9 藤野陽三,阿部雅人,吉田純司:微小振幅領域における高減衰積層ゴム支承の復元力特性,土木学会第54回年次学術講演 会講演概要集I-B,pp.486-487,1999. 99-10 武貞聡,吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:微小振幅域まで考慮した免震用積層ゴム支承の復元力特性モデルの構築及びそ の多軸載荷状態への拡張,土木学会第54回年次学術講演会講演概要集I-B,pp.120-121,1999. 99-11 吉 田純 司,阿 部雅 人,藤 野陽 三:高減 衰ゴ ムの構 成則 の構築 ,土 木学会 第54回 年次 学術 講演会 講演 概要集 I-B, pp.118-119,1999. 99-12 阿部雅人,藤野陽三,吉田純司:画像を利用した有限ひずみ場の計測と積層ゴム支承の復元力特性の予測,土木学会第54 回年次学術講演会講演概要集CS,pp.60-61,1999. 1998 98-1 木村吉郎,ウダイK. ロイ,藤野陽三:円錐形の山の後流中の平板片持ちばり橋梁模型の鉛直応答特性,第15回風工学シン ポジウム論文集,pp. 371-376, 1998. 98-2 水野裕介,北川徹哉,藤野陽三,木村吉郎:円柱構造物の高風速渦励振における変動空気力特性,第15回風工学シンポジ ウム論文集,pp. 455-460, 1998. 98-3 山之内宏安,吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:実測記録に基づく免震橋梁の免震性能評価,第3回都市直下地震災害総合シ ンポジウム講演論文集,pp.269-272,1998. (pp.281-284かも?) 98-4 藤野陽三:橋梁などの土木系構造物における免震・制御技術,第10回日本地震工学シンポジウム,pp117-121, 1998. 98-5 柳野和也,藤野陽三,阿部雅人,阿部哲子:1995年兵庫県南部地震における3径間連続高架道路橋の被害分析,第10回日 本地震工学シンポジウム,pp.2375-2378, 1998. 98-6 阿部雅人・藤野陽三・Y.Zheng・大野隆平:極軟鋼による高架橋の制震構造化,第10回日本地震工学シンポジウム, pp.2851-2854, 1998. 98-7 阿部雅人,藤野陽三,Y.Zheng, K.Wilde:制震デバイスとしての極軟鋼の低サイクル疲労特性とそのモデル化,第2回鋼構造 物の非線形数値解析と耐震設計への応用に関する論文集,pp.85-92,1998. 98-8 野村卓史,山縣大樹,木村吉郎:ACサーボモータでファンを制御する風洞による風速風向変動の生成,第15回風工学シンポ ジウム,pp.197-202,1998. 98-9 貝戸清之,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,吉田純司:振動観測データから得られる推定値の信頼性区間評価,土木学会第53回年次 学術講演会概要集I-B,pp.904-905,1998. 98-10 山之内宏安,吉田純司,藤野陽三,阿部雅人:実測記録に基づく山あげ大橋の免震性能評価,土木学会第53回年次学術講 38 演会講演概要集I-B,pp.672-673,1998. 1997 97-1 藤野陽三,阿部雅人,吉田純司:実測記録に基づく免震橋梁の地震時挙動の解明,土木学会第24回地震工学研究発表会講 演論文集,pp.325-328,1997. 97-2 97-3 阿部雅人,藤野陽三,吉田純司:免震橋梁の地震時挙動と免震効果の検証, 第2回都市直下地震災害総合シンポジウム論 文集,pp.281-284,1997. 97-4 孫利民,藤野陽三,菊地敏男,後藤洋三:地盤―構造物連成系を考慮した隣接RC橋脚の相互作用に関する研究,第24回地 震工学研究発表会,p1073-1076, 1997. 7. 97-5 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三:実測記録に基づく免震橋梁の地震時挙動の解明, 土木学会第52回年次学術講演会講演概 要集第I-A,pp.684-685,1997. 97-6 阿部雅人・藤野陽三:磁性流体のスロッシングを利用したアクティブ振動制御,第13回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム講演後刷 集,pp.86-89,1997. 97-7 阿部雅人・Takeru Igusa:初期変位と可変減衰を利用したセミアクティブ動吸振器,振動制御コロキウム’97論文集, pp.247-254,1997. 97-8 阿部雅人・藤野陽三・佐野泰如:磁性流体を用いたアクティブ同調液体ダンパー(TLD)に関する実験的検討,日本機械学会 第5回「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集,pp.277-280,1997. 97-9 阿部雅人・藤野陽三:桁の回転慣性ならびに偏心がT型橋脚の地震時挙動に及ぼす影響,第24回地震工学研究発表会, Vol.24, pp.1005-1008, 1997 97-10 阿部哲子・阿部雅人・藤野陽三:1995年兵庫県南部地震による高架道路橋被害に関する総合的分析,第24回地震工学研究 発表会,1997. 97-11 藤野陽三・阿部雅人:橋梁構造全体システムからみた耐震性能のあり方,鋼製橋脚の非線形数値解析と耐震設計に関する論 文集,pp.59-66,1997. 1996 96-1 比江島慎二,野村卓史,木村吉郎,藤野陽三: 円柱表面上の湧き出し・吸い込みによる円柱渦励振抑制の数値流体解析, Numerical study on the suppression of the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder by monopoles on the cylinder surface, 計算工学会講演論文集,Vol.1, pp.389-392, 1996. 96-2 比江島慎二,野村卓史,木村吉郎,藤野陽三:周期的な湧き出し・吸い込みにより円柱渦励振抑制に関する数値流体解析, 39 第14回風工学シンポジウム論文集,pp. 187-192, 1996. 96-3 北川徹哉,藤野陽三,木村吉郎:円柱塔状構造物の高風速渦励振に関する実験的研究,第14回風工学シンポジウム論文集, pp. 299-304, 1996. 96-4 木村吉郎,田中伸英,藤野陽三,雪野昭寛:着氷4導体送電線の2次元模型の風洞実験と解析,第14回風工学シンポジウム 論文集,pp. 395-400, 1996. 96-5 阿部雅人・藤野陽三・Paolo Gardoni: 橋梁の耐震性能向上のための支承の最適設計,第1回免震・制震コロキウム論文集, Vol.1, pp.423-429, 1996. 96-6 藤野陽三: 土木構造物のアクティブ制御の動向, 非破壊検査45巻3号, pp.179-188, 1996. 96-7 藤野陽三・庄司学・阿部雅人:高架橋システムの最適損傷配分評価に関する試み,阪神・淡路大震災に関する学術講演会論 文集,pp.545-550,1996. 1995 95-1 比江島慎二,野村卓史,木村吉郎,藤野陽三: 周期的撹乱による円柱渦励振抑制の数値流体解析, Numerical study on the control of the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder by periodic excitation, 第9回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演 論文集,pp.415-416, 1995. 95-2 阿部雅人・藤野陽三:アクティブ動吸振器による建設系構造物のファジー制御,第38回自動制御連合講演会,pp.491-492, 1995. 95-3 田村央・阿部雅人・藤野陽三:振動特性の変化に基づく構造物の損傷同定,第11回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム論文集, pp.18-21,1995. 95-4 岩佐貴史・名取通弘・樋口健・阿部雅人・堀井秀之:テザー衛星システムの振動制御の地上実験,第11回宇宙構造・材料シン ポジウム論文集,pp.46-49,1995. 1994 94-1 坂野昌弘,長井正嗣,藤野陽三,三上市蔵:300 年耐用鋼道路橋の疲労設計法,鋼構造年次論文報告集,鋼構造協会,第2 巻 , pp.643-650, 1994. 94-2 長井正嗣,水上義彦,森園康之,藤野陽三:自定,一部他定式を用いた斜張橋の長大化の可能性に関する一考察,鋼構造年 次論文報告集, 鋼構造協会,第2巻, pp.635-642, 1994. 94-3 若原敏裕,北川徹哉,藤野陽三,木村吉郎:あるタワーで観測された“高風速渦励振”,第13回風工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.269-274,1994. 94-4 吉村健,戸塚誠司,水田洋司,Savage,M.G.,藤野陽三:Aerodynamic Stability of Concrete Stress-Ribbon Bridge-Jomon Pedestrian Bridge-,第13回風工学シンポジウム論文集,pp.395-400,1994. 94-5 Wilde,K. , 藤 野 陽 三 , Bhartia,B. : Active Control of Flutter Instability of Bridge Deck with Rational Function 40 Approximation of Aerodynamic Forces,第13回風工学シンポジウム論文集,pp.425-430,1994. 94-6 Adhikari,R. , 山 口 宏 樹 , 若 原 敏 裕 , 藤 野 陽 三 : Some Remarks on Wind-Induced Vibrations of Tall Building for Gain-Scheduled Active Control,第13回風工学シンポジウム論文集,pp.455-460,1994. 94-7 J. 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(Prodedia Engineering, Vol14, pp761-768,2011) 11-2 Di Su, Jitboon Laomenit, Yozo Fujino : Traffic-induced response prediction of highway bridges, Proceedings of Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Hong Kong, 2011. (Procedeia Engineering, Vol.14, pp.1071-1078, 2011) 11-3 D.M. Siringoringo, Y. Fujino, and H. Wenze l : Vibration Characteristics of an Overpass Bridge during Full-Scale 42 Destructive Testing, Proceeding of the 12th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-12),Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, 24-26 January 2011, CD-Rom (Procedia Engineering, Vol.14, pp.777-784, 2011) 11-4 D.M. Siringoringo, Y. Fujino : Observed Alongwind Vibration of a Suspension Bridge Tower and Girder, Proceeding of the 12th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-12),Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, 24-26 January 2011, CD-Rom (Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.103, pp.107-121, 2012) 11-5 D.M. Siringoringo, Y. Fujino : Along-wind Vibration of a Suspension Bridge Tower and Girder: Full-Scale Measurement, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, pp.1467-1472, Leuven, Belgium 4-6 July 2011 2010 10-1 Nagayama, T., Ushita, M., Fujino, Y., Ieiri, M. and Makihata, N. : The combined use of low-cost smart sensors and high accuracy sensors to apprehend structural dynamic behavior, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2010, Proc. of SPIE, Vol.7647, San Diego, USA, 2010. 10-2 Nagayama, T., Ushita, M., and Fujino, Y. : Efficient multihop data transport protocol for structural health monitoring and its evaluation at a full-scale bridge, Proc. of 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 10-3 Dinh, H.M., Nagayama, T., Fujino, Y., Sakurai, N., and Nakayama, H. : Boundary condition identification of a real-life bridge by use of additional known masses, Proc. of 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 10-4 Tandian, C.H., Fujino, Y., Nagayama, T., Siringoringo, D., and Su D. : Response variability among identical expressway bridges under moving vehicles, Proc. of 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 10-5 Mizutani, T., Fujino, Y., Inomata, K., Tsujita, W. Nagayama, T., Nishikawa, T., Shikai, M., and Sumi, K. : Leaky coaxial cable usage for monitoring real-time heavy rain, Proc. of 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 10-6 Su, D., Fujino, Y., Nagayama, T., and Yamazaki, S. : Identification of cable damping characteristics of a long-span cable-stayed bridge, Proc. of 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 10-7 Lin, T.H., Hung, S. L., Fujino, Y., and Nagayama, T : Study of energy harvesting technology in structural health monitoring, Proc. of 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 10-8 Nagayama, T., Jung, H.-J., Spencer, Jr., B. F., Jang, S.A., Mechitov, K. A., Cho, S., Ushita, M., Yun, C.-B., Agha, G. A., Fujino, Y. : International collaboration to develop a structural health monitoring system utilizing wireless smart sensor network and its development on a cable-stayed bridge, Proc. of 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 10-9 Nagayama, T., Ushita, M., and Fujino, Y. : High-throughput multihop wireless sensor network using multiple RF channels and its application to suspension bridge monitoring, Proc. of 3rd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 10-10 D.M. Siringoringo, T. Nagayama, Y. Fujino, D.Su & C.Tandian : Observed dynamic characteristics of an overpass bridge during destructive testing, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and 43 Management, IABMAS 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 2010, CD-Rom 2009 09-1 Nagayama, T., Ushita, M., Dinh, H. M., Fujino, Y., Spencer, Jr. B. F., Rice, J. A., Jang, S.-A. Mechitov, K. A., and Agha, G. A. : Structural health monitoring system development and full-scale bridge vibration measurement using smart sensors, Proc. 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Osaka, Japan, 2009. 09-2 Su, D., Fujino, Y., Nagayama, T., and Miyashita, T. : Local train-induced vibration in high-speed train steel bridge, 33rd International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009 09-3 Fujino, Y., Su, D., and Wyss, J.-C. : Prediction of traffic-induced vibration characteristics in a skew bridge, 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4), Zurich, Switzerland, 2009 09-4 Fujino, Y., Siringoringo, D. M., Nagayama, T., and Su, D. : Control, simulation and monitoring of bridge vibration – Japan’s recent development and practice, HKIE/IStructE Joint Structural Division Annual Seminar, pp.137-156, Hong Kong, 2009 09-5 2010? Yozo FUJINO : Control, Simulation and Monitoring of Bridge Vibrations, IABSE80周年記念シンポジウム基調講演, 2009.9 (IABSE-JSCE Joint Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering 2, pp.61-74, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010.8) 09Yozo FUJINO : Characterization of risk, hazard and vulnerability in natural disasters,JST-NSFC Joint Workshop, 基 調講演, Sapporo, 2096.6.11 2008 08-1 D.M. Siringoringo, Y. Fujino : System identification and seismic performance reevaluation of insrumented cable-stayed bridge, 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-11) Taipei 2008 08-2 T. Nagayama, D.M. Siringoringo, Y. Fujino : The importance of dense monitoring of long-span bridges for its performance re-evaluation, 17th Congress of IABSE, Chicago USA 2008. 08-3 ⇒ プリントできず Y. Fujino & D.M. Siringoringo : Bridge monitoring in Japan: the needs and strategies, Keynote paper at the International Association f or Bridge Maintenance and Safety(IABMAS) Conference, Seoul Korea 2008. (Sstructure and Infrastracture Engineering, Vol.7,pp.597-611, 2011.8) 08-4 Nagayama, T., Siringoringo, D. M., and Fujino, Y. : The importance of dense monitoring of long-span bridges for its performance re-evaluation, Proc., 17th IABSE Congress, Chicago, USA, 2008. 08-5 Asakawa, H., Fujino, Y., Nagayama, T., and Ohsumi, M. : Development and application of road monitoring system using dynamic response of vehicles, Proc.,11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008 08-6 Mizutani, T., Fuke, Y., Fujino, Y., Nagayama, T., and Mizuno, Y. : An experimental study on precipitation 44 measurement using leaky coaxial cables, Proc., 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008 08-7 Dinh, M.-H., Nagayama, T., and Fujino, Y. : Structural parameter identification by use of additional known masses and its application to damage detection, Proc.,11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008 08-8 Ushita, M., Nagayama, T., and Fujino, Y. : A distributed autonomous active-sensing approach for structural health monitoring using smart sensors, Proc., 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008 08-9 Su, D., Fujino, Y., Nagayama, T., and Miyashita, T. : Local dynamic characteristics of train-induced vibration of high-speed railway bridge, Proceedings of The Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008 08-10 Nagayama, T., Spencer, Jr., B. F. Ushita, M., and Fujino, Y. : Structural health monitoring systems using smart sensors, Proc.,4th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technologies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 2008 08-11 Y. Fujino and D.M. Siringoringo : Structural Health Monitoring for Risk Assessment of Bridges: Concept and Implementations (基調講演),EASEC-11 , 2008.11.20 08-12 Yozo Fujino : Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges in Japan - its need and direction -, 4th FRP国際会議,スイス,基 調講演 08-13 Yozo FUJINO : Japanese Research on Health Monitoring to Sustainable Infrastructure International Workshop on Performance-based Infrastructure and Asset ManagementJuly 7-9, 2008 Turkey, 基調講演 08-14 Yozo Fujino : Development of practical monitoring systems to mitigate disasters and accidents of civil infrastructure, 3rd International SMART conference, CIMTECH, June 9, 2008 基調講演 08-15 Yozo Fujino : Implementation of Structural Control and Monitoring to Civil Infrastructure, 5th International Workshop on Structural Control and Monitoring, June 4 & 5, 2008基調講演 08-16 Yozo Fujino : Recent issues on Bridge Accidents and Some Lessons, 3rd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Steel Bridges Pohang, Korea, 2008.5.31 基調講演 08-17 Yozo Fujino : Bridge under High-speed train passage and monitoring using vibration techniques ( 基 調 講 演 ) , International Conference on High-speed Railway Bridges Technology, 2008 , 2008.4.21 08-18 Yozo Fujino : Bridge monitoring - the needs and strategies -(基調講演),4th IABMAS ,2008.7.14 08-19 Nagayama, T., Spencer, Jr., B. F., and Fujino, Y. : Structural health monitoring using smart sensors, Proc., 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008. 08-20 T. Nishikawa, J. Yoshida, Y. Fujino : Detection of Pavement Cracks with Image Processing Techniques Using Parallel Image-Filters, Proceedings of The 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, CD-ROM, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008.11(査読付) 08-21 45 T. Nishikawa, J. Yoshida, Y. Fujino : Image Processing Techniques for Detection of Pavement Cracks Using Parallel Image-Filters, Proceedings of IABSE Conference: information and communication technology (ICT) for bridges, buildings and construction practice, CD-ROM, Helsinki, Finland, 2008.6(査読付) 2007 07-1 M. W. Sarwar, T. Ishihara and Y. Fujino: Numerical study on suppression of vortex induced vibration of box girder bridge section by aerodynamic countermeasures, Proc of 12th ICWE 2007, pp. 247-254, 2007. 07-2 M. B. Waris, T. Ishihara, M. W. Sarwar and Y. Fujino: Numerical study of aerodynamic forces on trains in crosswind using LES turbulence model, Proc of 12th ICWE 2007, pp. 551-558, 2007. 07-3 D. Su, J. Hernandez Jr., Y. Fujino, E. Ollinger and T. Miyashita: Local dynamic vibration prediction of interaction between high speed train and railway bridge, Proceedings of Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures 2007, Porto, Portugal, 2007.10. 07-4 Y. Fujino & D.M. Siringoringo, Monitoring of bridges and transportation infrastructures using vibration techniques, Keynote paper at the Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures Conference EVACES07, Porto Portugal 2007. 07-5 にたPDFあり「Synchronized sensing for structural health monitoring using smart sensors」 Nagayama, T., Spencer, Jr., B. F., and Fujino, Y.: Synchronized sensing toward structural health monitoring using smart sensors. Proc., World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (SMSST’07), Chongqing & Nanjing, China, 2007. 07-6 Yozo FUJINO: VIBRATION-BASED HEALTH MONITORING OF BRIDGES INFRASTRUCTURE SCAMI-2, Changsha, CHINA, November 19-21, 2007基調講演 AND TRANSPORTATION 07-7 J. Hernandez Jr., T. Miyashita, V. Phouthaphone and Y. Fujino: Understanding the Dynamic Behavior of Shinkansen RC Viaducts, Proc. of 25th Int. Modal Analysis Conf., (IMAC-XXV), in Florida, USA. CD-ROM, 2007.2. 07-8 Jaime Y. Hernandez Jr. and Yozo Fujino:Damage Detection in Pile Foundations using Changes in Identified Modal Properties of an RC Railway Viaduct,Published in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), held on September 2007 in Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA. 07-9 M.Abé and Y.Fujino: Distributed inversion algorithm for sensor networks, World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, SMSST'07, China, 2007. 07Y.Fujino and M.Abé: Characterization of risk, hazard and vulnerability in natural disasters, 10th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Tokyo, 2007. 07M.Abé and Y.Fujino: Reanalysis of life cycle costs in management of steel railway bridges, 2007 International Symposium on Integrated Life-Cycle Design and Management of Infrastructure, China, 2007. 2006 06-1 Takeshi Miyashita, Hironori Ishii, Keita Kubota, Yozo Fujino and Noriyuki Miyamoto: Advanced Vibration Measurement 46 System for Infrastructures using Laser Doppler Vibrometers, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Yokohama, Japan, 2006.12. (In Press) 06-2 Jaime Hernandez Jr., Takeshi Miyashita, Hironori Ishii, Phouthaphone Vorabouth and Yozo Fujino: Identification of Modal Characteristics of Shinkansen RC Viaducts using Laser Doppler Vibrometers, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Yokohama, Japan, 2006.12. 06-3 Takeshi Miyashita, Hironori Ishii, Yozo Fujino, Tomohiro Shoji and Masaki Seki: Clarification of the Effect of High-Speed Train induced Vibration on a Railway Steel Box Girder Bridge by Monitoring using Laser Doppler Vibrometer, Third International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS’06), Porto, Portugal, pp. 265-267, 2006.7. 06-4 L. V. Binh, P. V. Phuc, T. Ishihara and Y. Fujino: Analysis of response of wind turbine under wind load, Proc. of CWE2006, pp.345-348, 2006 06-5 Takeshi Miyashita and Yozo Fujino: Development of 3D Vibration Measurement System using Laser Doppler Vibrometers, SPIE Nondestructive Evaluation for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, #6177-18, 2006.2. 06-6 Ping Zhu, Yozo Fujino, Muneo Hori and Junji Kiyono : Constructing Structural Database of Megacities using 3D GIS Information for Disaster Reduction, Eighth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering - 8NCEE, USA, 2006. 06-7 M.Nagai, Y.Morizono, K.Nogami and Yozo Fujino : Comparative study of steel cable-stayed bridges with tower heights of 1/5 and 1/10 of a center span length, Proc. of 6th International Symposium, Steel Bridges – Prague 2006, pp.130-136, Czech Republic, 2006. 06-8 Chuadhary, M.T.A. and Fujino, Y. : Structural health monitoring and performance evaluation of bridges using recorded vibration data, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan. 2006. 06-9 A. Yamaguchi, T. Ishihara, and Y.Fujino: Numerical modeling of local wind focusing on computational domain setting and boundary treatments, Proc. of CWE2006, pp.185-188, 2006 06-10 T. Ishihara, A. Yamaguchi and Y. Fujino: A dynamical statistical downscaling procedure for wind climate assessment and its verification, Proc. of CWE2006, pp.353-356, 2006 06-11 Y. Fujino & D.M. Siringoringo, Lessons learned from health monitoring of instrumented long-span bridges, Proceeding of International Conference on Bridge Engineering, (Keynote paper http://www.hkiecvd.org/BRIDGE2006.htm ), Hong Kong, Nov 1-3, 2006. 06-12 Y. Fujino & D.M. Siringoringo, Lessons learned from monitoring of instrumented bridges, Proceeding of International conference on Bridge Maintenance Safety and Management (IABMAS), Porto, Portugal 2006 06-13 Jaime Hernandez Jr., Takeshi Miyashita, Hironori Ishii, Phouthaphone Vorabouth and Yozo Fujino: Dynamic Structure Interaction Between Adjoining Shinkansen RC Viaducts, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), held on September 2006 in Kyoto, Japan. 2005 05-1 Takeshi Miyashita, Hironori Ishii, Yozo Fujino, Tomohiro Shoji and Masaki Seki: Clarification of the Effect of 47 High-Speed Train Induced Vibrations on a Railway Steel Box Girder Bridge Using Laser Doppler Vibrometer, Proceedings of the international conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES’05), pp.349-357, Bordeaux, France, 2005.10. 05-2 Takeshi Miyashita and Yozo Fujino: Development of Three-Dimensional Vibration Measurement System using Laser Doppler Vibrometers, Proceedings of the first international conference on Advanced Structural Engineering (AESE’05), Vol.2, pp.649-656, Nagoya, Japan, 2005.7. 05-3 Ping Zhu, Yozo Fujino, Muneo Hori and Junji Kiyono : Constructing a Physical Layer of Virtual Cities for Disaster Mitigation, ICAT 2005: 15th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, New Zealand, 2005. 05-4 Ping Zhu, Yozo Fujino, Muneo Hori and Junji Kiyono : Using 3D GIS Information for Structural Modeling of a Metropolis, Civil-Comp2005: The Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Italy, 2005. 05-5 Ping Zhu, Yozo Fujino, Muneo Hori and Junji Kiyono : Simulating Megacities using 3D GIS Information for Urban Earthquake Disaster Reduction, CITSA 2005: The 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, USA, 2005. 05-6 Y. Mizuno, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino: Architecture for Universal Utilization of Bridge Management Data, International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Cancun, Mexico, 2005. 05-7 T. Ishihara, P. V. Phuc, Y. Fujino, K. Takahara and T. Mekaru: A Field Test and Full Dynamic Simulation on a Stall Regulated Wind Turbine, Proc. of APCWE VI, pp.599-612, 2005. 05-8 T. Ishihara, K. S. Khoo, C. L. Cheong and Y. Fujino: Wind Field Model and Mixed Probability Distribution Function for Typhoon Simulation, Proc. of APCWE VI, pp.412-426, 2005. 05-9 M. W. Sarwar, T. Ishihara and Y. Fujino: Prediction of Unsteady Lifts of Oscillating Rectangular Cylinder at Low Reduced Velocities By Large Eddy Simulation, Proc. of APCWE VI, pp.2476-2488, 2005. 05-10 Yozo Fujino: Monitoring of Bridges and Transportation Infrastructures, The Fourth International Seminar on Safety of Infrastructure Kolon Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea, pp.45-60, 22Jury.2005 05-11 Dionysius M. Siringoringo, Yozo Fujino, Modal Identification of instrumented bridges using seismic records, Proceeding of Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, pp 93-100, Bordeaux, France, Oct 2005 2004 04-1 Ping Zhu, Muneo Hori, Junji Kiyono and Yozo Fujino : Constructing Structural Models of Buildings of Megacities Using 3D GIS Data, The Third International Conference on Continental Earthquakes – Mechanism, Prediction, Emergency Management & Insurance (III ICCE), Beijing, China, 2004. 04-2 Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Conducting Precise 3D Analysis of Elevated Bridges using DABS, The 13th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering - 13 WCEE, Vancouver, Canada, 2004. 04-3 Yozo Fujino, Masato Abe,Hiroshi Kikkawa, Kenji Namikawa, Takao Mozogucchi: SEISMIC RETROFIT DESIGN OF LONG SPAN BRIDGES IN TOKYO METROPOLITAN EXPRESSWAY, The 13th World Conference of Earthquake 48 Engineering - 13 WCEE, Vancouver, Canada, 2004. 04-4 TG. Suntharavadivel, Yozo Fujino and Ping Zhu : Evaluation of Earthquake Caused Damage Using Non-linear Dynamic Numerical Analysis, the Third International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, , India, 2004. 04-5 Y. Mizuno, Yozo Fujino and M. Abe: Proposal of Data Management Architecture for bridge management system, Second International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS, 2004. 04-6 Sopon Ritdumrongkul, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Quantitative health monitoring of bolted joints using a piezoceramic actuator-sensor and Laser Doppler Vibrometers, 2nd European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. pp 891-898, Munich, Germany, 2004. 7. 7-9. 04-7 P. V. Phuc, T. Ishihara, Y. Fujino:A wind tunnel study on unsteady forces of ice accreted transmission lines, Proc of 5th international Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, pp373-376, 2004 04-8 Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Analysis of Pounding Effect on Skew Bridges using 3D Modeling, ASIA Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ACEE2004, Manila, Philippines, 2004. 04-9 D.M. Siringoringo, M. Abe & Y. Fujino, System Identification of instrumented bridges using earthquake induced records, Proceeding of International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXII), Dearborn Michigan, USA, Feb 2004 (CD ROM) 2003 03-1 T. Miyashita, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino: Identification of stress field using piezoelectric patch as actuators and sensors, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM’03), pp.1094–1101, Stanford, USA, 2003.9. 03-2 Sopon Ritdumrongkul, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Takeshi Miyashita: Quantitative health monitoring of bolted joints using piezoceramics actuator-sensor, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.5057, pp.126-137, San Diego, USA, 2003.8.(CD-ROM) 03-3 Sopon Ritdumrongkul, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Takeshi Miyashita : Quantitative health monitoring of bolted joints using piezoceramic actuator-sensor, Proceedings of SPIE: Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Systems and Nondestructive Evaluation for Civil Infrastructures, pp 126-137, San Diego, CA, 2003. 8. 2-6 03-4 Sopon Ritdumrongkul, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Experimental study on health monitoring of bolted joints using piezoceramic and Laser Doppler Vibrometers, First International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, pp 825-830, Tokyo, Japan, 2003. 11. 13-15 03-5 J. Yoshida, M. Abe, S. Kumano and Yozo Fujino: Construction of A Measurement System for the Dynamic Behaviors of Membrane by Using Image Processing, Structural Membrane 2003- International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Barcelona, Spain, 2003.7. 03-6 C.S. Lewangamage, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and J. Yoshida: Experimental Investigation and Modeling of temperature International Dependency Behaviors of High Damping Rubber, International Conference on Advanced Techniques in Experimental Mechanics, Nagoya, 2003.9. 03-7 J. Yoshida, M. Abe, Lewangamage. C.S, and Yozo Fujino: Temperature-Dependent Mechanical Behaviors of High 49 Damping Rubber Material and its Modeling, The 8th IURMS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Yokohama, 2003.10. 03-8 S. Nakato, K. Kimura, T. Nomura, Yozo Fujino: Numerical analysis on wind induced static deformation of suspended membrane, Twelfth International Conference on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problem, pp. 95-96, Nagoya, 2003.4 03-9 A. Alaghehbandian, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino, Ping Zhu: Simulation of Seismic hazards using VRML for Bridge structures and its publishing on the Internet, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Tokyo, 2003. 03-10 S. Aoki, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino: Intelligent bridge maintenance system using MEMS and network technology, Health Monitoring and Management of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Proceedings of SPIE,Vol.5057,pp37-42, 2003. 03-11 M. Abe & D.M. Siringoringo, Laser Doppler Vibrometer for Operational Modal Analysis, Proceeding of the International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, University of Keio Tokyo, Japan, 2003, 03-12 D.M. Siringoringo, M. Abe & Y. Fujino, Structural Health Monitoring by Laser Doppler Vibrometer and ambient vibration, Proceeding of Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Vol.2. pp.495-502, Tokyo, Japan 2003 03A.Alaghehbandian, M.Abé and Y. Fujino: Application of new computer graphic technologies for urban safety of Tokyo in the case of earthquake, New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, ICUS, Tokyo, 2003. 03A.Alaghehbandian, M.Abé and Y.Fujino: An internet oriented platform for structural health monitoring, 1st International Conference on Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Tokyo, 2003. 03Y.Fujino and M.Abé: Structural health monitoring in civil infrastructures, keynote lecture, 1st International Conference on Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Tokyo, 2003. 2002 02-1 T. Miyashita, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino: Structural Health-Monitoring by Piezo-Impedance Method, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering Symposium Report (IABSE’02), Vol.86, pp.280-281, Melbourne, Australia, 2002.9. 02-2 P. Zhu, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino: An Internet Oriented Platform for Civil Engineering Applications: Towards a Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation System for Metropolis under Severe Earthquakes, The 6th World Multi-Conference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS – SCI2002, USA,2002. 02-3 Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino: Precise 3D Modeling of Elevated Bridges and Implementation of a Dynamic Analysis System, China-Japan Workshop on Vibration Control and Health Monitoring of Structures and Third Chinese Symposium on Structural Vibration Control, Shanghai, China, 2002. 02-4 M.Abe Yozo Fujino and T.Miyashita: Structural Health Monitoring by Smart Structure Technology using Piezo-Impedance Method, invited paper, China-Japan Workshop on Vibration Control and Health Monitoring of Structures and Third Chinese Symposium on Structural Vibration Control, Shanghai, China, Dec, 2002 02-5 Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : A 3D General-Purpose Dynamic Analysis System for Bridges with Pounding Effects between Girders - Theory and Implementation, Third DIANA World Conference on Finite Elements in Civil Engineering Applications, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 413-420, 2002. 50 02-6 Alaghehbandian Ali, Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino : Simulation of Seismic Hazards using VRML for Bridge Structures, the Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT2002), Tokyo , Japan, 2002. 02-7 Beghini, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and J. Yoshida: Experimental Analysis of Lead Behavior, SPIE’s 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structure and Materials, San Diego, California, pp.336-346, 2002.3. 02-8 C.S. Lewangamage, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and J. Yoshida: Characteristics of rubber used in seismic isolation by digital and thermal image analysis, SPIE’s 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, pp.358-369, 2002.3. 02-9 M. Abe, J. Yoshida and Yozo Fujino: Modeling and Design Criteria for Laminated Rubber Bearings, the Third International Workshop on Performance Based Seismic Design and Retrofit of Transportation Facilities, pp.173-186, Tokyo, 2002.7. 02-10 J. Yoshida, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino: Finite Element Modeling for the High Damping Rubber Bearing, 3rd DIANA World Conference – Finite Elements in Civil Engineering Applications, pp.375-384, Tokyo, 2002.9. 02-11 K. Higashiuwatoko, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and J. Yoshida: Measurement and Analysis of Human Induced Sway Vibration of Pedestrian Bridges, Structural Engineers World Congress, CD-ROM, Yokohama, 2002.10. 02-12 J. Yoshida, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and K. Higashiuwatoko: Image Analysis of Human-Induced Lateral Vibration of A Pedestrian Bridge, International Conference of FootBridge 2002 Design and Dynamic Behaviour of Footbridges, Paris, 2002.11. 02-13 Yozo Fujino and M. Abe: Structural Health Monitoring in Civil Infrastructures and Research on SHM of Bridges at University of Tokyo, invited paper, The 3rd World Conference on Structural Control, Como, Italy, 2002. 02-14 Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino, Vu Mahn Hong, Dionysius Siringoringo: Damage Detection of Structural Members by Laser Doppler Vibrometer, The 3rd World Conference on Structural Control, Como, Italy, 2002. 02-15 M.Abe and Yozo Fujino: Vibration, Control and Vibration-based Monitoring of Bridges, China-Japan Workshop on Vibration Control and Health Monitoring of Structures and Third Chinese Symposium on Structural Vibration Control, Shanghai, China, Dec, 2002 02-16 D.M. Siringoringo, M. Abe, Y. Fujino, Damage detection of civil structure using ambient vibration with laser Doppler vibrometer, Proceeding of Advanced Structure Engineering Mechanics 2002, Busan, South Korea. 02-17 M. Abe, Y. Fujino, V.M. Hong, D.M. Siringoringo, Damage detection of structural members by LDV, proceeding of World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Como, Italy 2002. 2001 01-1 Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino: Analysis of Seismic Pounding Effects on Bridges with 3D Modeling, Proceedings of The Eighth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Singapore, 2001. 01-2 Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino: A 3D Contact-friction Model for Pounding at Bridges during Earthquakes, 51 Proceedings of The First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2001. 01-3 Ping Zhu, Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino: Modeling of Three-Dimensional Pounding of Bridges, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Ductility Design Method for Bridges, JSCE, Tokyo, Japan, 2001. 01-4 Chaudhary, M.T.A., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y. : Effect of structural details on seismic performance of base-isolated bridges , Proceedings of the 19th International Modal Analysis Conference, Kissimmee, USA, Vol. II,pp. 1351-1357 , 2001. 01-5 J. Yoshida, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and C.S. Lewangawage: Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Laminated Rubber Bearings using the Image Processing Technique, 7th International Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures, Assisi, Italy, October, 2001. 01-6 J. Yoshida, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino: Biaxial Modeling for Laminated Rubber Bearings, Proceedings of U.S.-Japan Joint Workshop and Third Grantees meeting, U.S.-Japan Cooperative Research on Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, pp.356-366, 2001. 01-7 S. Nakato, K. Kimura, Yozo Fujino and T. Ogawa: Aerodynamic Sound from Rectangular Cylinders at Incidence, J. of Wind Engineering, No. 89, pp. 133-136, The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Kyoto, 2001.10. 01-8 M.Nagai, H.Yamaguchi, K.Nogami, Yozo Fujino : Effect of cable size on static and dynamic instabilities of long-span cable-stayed bridges, Proc. of the IABSE, Vol.98, pp.1-8, 2001. 01-9 Abe, M., Fujino, Y. and Kaito, K: Damage Detection of Civil Concrete Structures by Laser Doppler Vibrometry, Proceedings of The 19th International Modal Analysis Conference, pp.704-709, Kissimmee, Florida, 2001.2 01-10 Kaito, K., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y.: An Experimental Modal Analysis for RC Bridge Decks Based on Non-Contact Vibration Measurement, Proceedings of The 19th International Modal Analysis Conference, pp.1561-1567, Kissimmee, Florida, 2001.2 01-11 Fujino, Y., Kaito, K and Abe, M.: Detection of Structural Damage by Ambient Vibration Measurement Using Laser Doppler Vibrometer, Proceedings of The SPIE’S 6th Annual International Symposium on NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, Vol.4337, pp.167-178, Newport Beach, California, 2001.3 01-12 Kaito, K., Abe, M., Koide, K. and Fujino, Y.: Bridge Management Strategy for a Steel Plate Girder Bridge Based on Minimum Total Life Cycle Cost, Proceedings of The SPIE’S 6th Annual International Symposium on NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, Vol.4337, pp.194-202, Newport Beach, California, 2001.3 01-13 Vu-Manh, H., Kaito, K., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y.: The Eigen System Realization Algorithm for Ambient Vibration Measurement using Laser Doppler Vibrometers, Proceedings of 2001 American Control Conference, pp.435-440, Washington D.C., 2001.7 01-14 Kaito, K., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y.: Decision Making for Bridge Maintenance Strategy Based on Its Total Cost, The Second International Symposium on Transportation Infrastructure Management, University of CaliforniAberkeley, California, 2001.10 01-15 Y. Mizuno, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino, M. Abe: Development of interactive support system for visual inspection of bridges, Health Monitoring and Management of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4337, 2001. 01-16 Yozo Fujino and M.Abe: Importance of structural health monitoring of civil infrastructures and some related research 52 at the University of Tokyo, 3rd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Invited Paper, 2001. 01-17 Y. Mizuno, M. Abe Yozo Fujino, and M. Abe: Development of Interactive Support System for Visual Inspection of Bridges, 2nd International Workshop Life-Cycle Cost Analysis and Design of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Yamaguchi, Japan, 2001. 01-18 S. Phongkumsing, K. Kimura, and Y. Fujino: Experimental study on the aerodynamic forces acting on a vehicle passing the wake of bridge towers, Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE 5), pp 501-504, October 2001. 01-19 Kaito, K., Abe, M., Fujino, Y. and Kumasaka, K.: A Non-Contact Investigation Technique for The Void of Concrete Structures based on Vibration Characteristics, The 9th International Conference on Structural Faults & Repair 2001, Kensington, London, England, 2001. 01-20 Abe M, Vu-Manh H, Fujino Y,: Towards a Reliable Structural Health Monitoring by Laser Doppler Vibrometers , Proceedings of the 8th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Singapore, 2001.12. 01-21 T. Ishihara, Y. Fujino, K. Hibi: A wind tunnel study of separated flow over a two-dimensional ridge and a circular hill, J. of Wind Engineering, No.89, pp573-576, 2001. 01-22 A. Yamaguchi, T. Ishihara, Y. Fujino: Experimental and numerical study of the wind flow in a coastal region of north of Japan, J. of Wind Engineering, No.89, pp.209-212, 2001. 01K.Maeda, K.Nakamura,T.Eguchi, Y.Fujino: Applicability of CFRP Cables to Ultra Long-Span Suspension Bridges, IABSE Conference on Cable-Supported Bridges Seoul,Korea June 12-14,2001 2000 00-1 H.Mochizuki, K.Hanada, T.Nakagawa, Y.Hanawa, I.Yamagiwa, K.Yasuda, Yozo Fujino and M.Nagai : Design and construction of a cable-trussed girder bridge, Jour. of the Transportation Research Broad, No.1696, Vol.1, (Fifth Int. Bridge Engineering Conference), pp.293-298, 2000. 00-2 J. Yoshida, M. Abe and Yozo Fujino: Constitutive law for the high damping rubber material and its experimental verification, International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, Illinois, 2000. 00-3 Kitagawa, T., Fujino, Y., Kimura, K. and Mizuno, Y.: Wind pressures measurement on end-cell-induced vibration of a cantilevered circular cylinder, Fourth Int. Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, 6p. 2000. 00-4 Kaito, K., Abe, M., Fujino, Y. and Yoda, H.: Detection of Structural Damage by Ambient Vibration Measurement Using Laser Doppler Vibrometer, Proceedings of The 5th International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering 2000, pp.135-143, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2000.4 00-5 Kaito, K., Abe, M. and Fujino, Y.: Identification of Vibration Mode Shapes for a Bridge Deck under Ambient Vibration, Proceedings of The 6th International Workshop on Material Properties and Design, The Present and Future in Health Monitoring, pp.347-358, Bauhaus-University, Weimar, Germany, 2000.9 00-6 Satoko Hashimoto, Yozo Fujino, Masato Abe: An analysis of damage to hanshin elevated expressway during 1995 Kobe earthquake,Technical Report of Third Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering, pp.141-150,2000.12. 53 00-7 M.Abe, B.Erkus, Yozo Fujino, K-S Park: Applicability of semi-active control for seismic protection of bridges, International Conference on Advances in Structural Dynamics, Hong Kong, 2000 00-8 M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and J. Yoshida: Dynamic behavior and seismic performance of base-isolated bridges during earthquakes, Twelfth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 2000. 00-9 Fujino, Y; Abe, M; Shibuya, H; Yanagihara, M; Sato, M; Nakamura, SI; Sakamoto, Y: Forced and ambient vibration tests and vibration monitoring of Hakucho suspension bridge, Jour. of the Transportation Research Broad, No.1696, Vol.1, (Fifth Int. Bridge Engineering Conference), pp.A57-A63, 2000. 1999 99-1 M.Nagai, X.Xie, H.Ymaguchi and Yozo Fujino : Identification of minumum width-to-span ratio of long-span cable-stayed bridges based on lateral torsional and flutter analyses, Proc. of IABSE, (Enclosed on CD-ROM), Sweden, 1999. 99-2 M.Nagai, X.Xie, H.Yamaguchi and Yozo Fujino : Possibility and limitations of long-span cable-stayed bridges based on static and dynamic instability analyses, Long-span Bridges and Aerodynamics, pp.125-136, Springer, 1999. 99-3 M.T.A. Chaudhary, M. Abe, Yozo Fujino, and J. Yoshida:System identification and performance evaluation of a base-isolated bridge during the 1995 Kobe earthquake, Proceedings of 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Baltimore, USA, 1999. 99-4 Kaito, K., Abe, M., Fujino, Y. and Chaudhary, M.T.A.: Performance Evaluation of a Base-Isolated Bridge Using Complex Modal Analysis, Proceedings of The 17th International Modal Analysis Conference, pp.1749-1755, Kissimmee, Florida, 1999.2 99-5 M. Abe, Yozo Fujino, T. Kajimura, M. Yanagihara, M. Sato: Monitoring of a long span suspension bridge by ambient vibration measurement, The Second International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, California, pp.400-407, 1999. 99-6 M. Abe, Yozo Fujino, Y. Zheng: Application of low yield point steel devices for seismic protection of bridges, 7th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Kochi, Japan, 1999. 99-7 M. Abe, Yozo Fujino, K. Yanagino and S. Abe: Damage analysis of three span continuous girder bridges during the 1995 Kobe earthquake, International Workshop on Mitigation of Seismic Effects on Transportation Structures, pp.37-45, Taipei, Taiwan, 1999. 99-8 Kichiro Kimura, Uday K. Roy & Yozo Fujino: Spiky Response of a Cantilever Bridge Model in the Wake of a Conical Hill, Proc. 7th East Asia-Pacific Conf. on Structural Engineering and Construction, Kochi, Vol. 1, pp. 693-698, 1999.8. 99-9 Kichiro Kimura, Manabu Inoue, Yozo Fujino, Teruhiro Yukino, Hiroo Inoue & Hiroyoshi Morishima: Unsteady Forces on an Ice-Accreted Four-Conductor Bundle Transmission Lines, Wind Engineering into the 21st Century, A. Larsen, G.L. Larose & F.M. Livesey (Eds), A.A. Balkema, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Wind Engineering, Copenhagen, Vol. 1, pp. 467-472, 1999. 99-10 Uday K. Roy, Kichiro Kimura & Yozo Fujino: Vertical Response Characteristics of a Flat Plate Cantilever in the Wake of a Hill, Wind Engineering into the 21st Century, A. Larsen, G.L. Larose & F.M. Livesey (Eds), A.A. Balkema, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Wind Engineering, Copenhagen, Vol. 2, pp. 1035-1040, 1999. 54 99-11 Nakamura, S. Fujino,Y. et al. : Vibration measuremment of long span suspension bridge using GPS. Proc. IABSE symposium on better quality of structures, pp. 219-224, Rio, Brazil, 1999. 99-12 Fujino, et. al: Forced and ambient vibration tests and vibration monitoring of Hakucho suspension bridge, Proc. Structure Congress, ASCE, 328-331, 1999. 99-13 K.Wilde and Yozo Fujino: Study on bridge flutter suppression by control surfaces on FEM model of control system, ICWE,Copenhagen, 1999. 99-14 Kichiro KIMURA, Manabu INOUE, Yozo Fujino, Teruhiko YUKINO, Hiiroo INOUE and Hiroyoshi MORISHIMA: Unsteady forces on an ice-accreted four-conductor bundle transmission line, ICWE,Copenhagen, 1999. 99-15 Erik A. Johnson, Billie F. Spencer,Jr., Yozo Fujino: Semiactive damping of stay cables: a preliminary study, Proceedings of the 17th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vol.1, pp417-423, 1999. 99-16 Yozo Fujino, Shun-Ichi Nakamura, Hajime Shibuya, Masashi Sato, Masato Yanagihara and Yoshifumi Sakamoto: Forced and ambient vibratio tests of Hakucho suspension bridge, Structural Engineering in The 21st Century, Structures Congress, pp. 328-331, 1999. 99-17 Kiyoyuki KAITO, Masato ABE, Yozo Fujino, Muhammad Tariq Amin CHAUNDHARY: Performance evaluation of a base-isolated bridge using complex modal analysis, IMAC,Oreland,USA, 1999.2. 99-18 M.Nagai, X,Xie, H,Yamaguchi and Yozo Fujino : Static and dynamic instability analyses of 1400-meter long-span cable-stayed bridges, Proc. of IABSE Symposium Kobe (IABSE Report Vol.79), Japan, pp.281-286 , 1999. 99-19 Fujino Y., Wilde K., Kawakami T. : New control method for flutter suppression of long-span bridges, Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Kobe, pp. 161-166, Japan, 1999. 1998 98-1 K.Nogami,M.Nagai, H.Kinoshita and Yozo Fujino : Inelastic buckling behaviors of long-span cable-stayed bridges and its stability check, Proc. of the 6th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Taiwan, pp.2281-2286 , 1998. 98-2 M.Nagai, T.Ishida, X.Xie, H.Yamaguchi and Yozo Fujino : Static and dynamic instability behaviors of long-span cable-stayed bridges under wind load, Proc. of the 6th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taiwan., pp.2143-2148 ,1998. 98-3 M.Iwamoto, K.Maeda, Y.Morizono, M.Nagai and Yozo Fujino : Coupled flutter behavior of ultra long-span suspension bridges, Proc. of IABSE Symposium Kobe (IABSE Report Vol.79), Japan, pp.211-216 , 1998. 98-4 Masami Iwamoto, Ken-ichi Maeda, Yasuyuki Morizono, Masatsugu Nagai and Yozo Fujino: Coupled Flutter Behavior of Ultra Long-Span Suspension Bridges, Proceedings of IABSE symposium, Kobe, Japan, pp.210-216, 1998. 98-5 Yozo Fujino and Ryousuke INOUE: Relation Among Magnitude Scales Relevant to Strong Ground Motion, Proc. of 9th world conference on Earthquake Engineering, pp.Ⅱ-367-Ⅱ-372, 1998.8, Kyoto, Japan. 98-6 M.Nagai, X.Xie, H.Yamaguchi and Yozo Fujino : Economical comparison between cable-stayed and suspension 55 systems with a span exceeding 1000 meters, Jour. of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.46, No.1-3, Paper No.49 (full paper on enclosed CD-ROM) ,Spain, Elsevier ,1998. 98-7 Y. Zheng, M.Abé, Yozo Fujino and K. Wilde: Controlling seismic damage in steel bridges by low yield point steel (LYPS) energy absorbing devices, Second World Conference on Structural Control, Kyoto, Japan, 1998. 98-8 M.Abé, Yozo Fujino and S.Kimura: Tuned liquid damper with high performance fluids, Second World Conference on Structural Control, pp.131-138, Kyoto, Japan, 1998. 98-9 M.Abé, Yozo Fujino and J.Yoshida: Seismic performance evaluation of base isolated bridges, IFAC Workshop on Control in Natural Disasters, CND’98, International Federation of Automatic Control, pp.139-143, Tokyo, Japan, 1998. 98-10 M.Abé, Yozo Fujino and S.Kimura: Tuned liquid damper with magnetic fluid, SPIE’s 5th Annual Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, 1998. 98-11 Y. Zheng, M.Abé, Yozo Fujino and K. Wilde: Seismic damage control of steel bridge piers by adding low yield point steel (LYPS) plates, SPIE’s 5th Annual Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, 1998. 98-12 M.Abé and Yozo Fujino: Optimal design parameters of bridge bearings for seismic protection, 6th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 1998. 98-13 Gardoni P., Wilde K., Fujino Y. : Smart base isolation with shape memory alloy devices, Proceedings of the Sixth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C, pp. 1537-1542, 1998.1. 98-14 Wilde K., Zheng Yi, Gardoni P., Fujino Y. :Experimental and analytical study on shape memory alloy damper Proceedings of Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways, SPIE Vol. 3325, pp. 182-191, San Diego, California, 1998.3 98-15 Abe M., Zheng Yi, Fujino Y, Wilde K. : Seismic damage control of steel bridge piers by adding low yield point steel (LYPS) plate, Proceedings of Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways, SPIE Vol. 3325, pp. 81-92, San Diego, California, 1998. 3. 98-16 Jankowski, R., Wilde K., Fujino Y. : Reduction of earthquakes induced effects of pounding in elevated bridges, Proceedings of Second World Conference on Structural Control, Kyoto, Japan, 1998. 6. 98-17 Omenzetter P., Wilde K., Fujino Y. : Passive bridge deck-flaps system for suppression of flutter in long span bridges, Proceedings of Second World Conference on Structural Control, Kyoto, Japan, 1998. 6. 98-18 Phongkumsing S., Wilde K., Fujino Y. : Analytical study on flutter suppression by eccentric mass method on 3D full suspension bridge model, Proceedings of Second World Conference on Structural Control, vol.3, pp1797-1806, Kyoto, Japan, 1998. 6. 98-19 Zheng Y., Abe M., Fujino Y., Wilde K. : Controlling seismic damage in steel bridges by low yield point steel (LYPS) energy absorbing devices, Proceedings of Second World Conference on Structural Control, Kyoto, Japan, 1998. 6. 98-20 Fujino Y., Jankowski R., Wilde K. : Pounding of elevated base-isolated bridges and its reduction, Proceedings of 3rd Symposium on near-field seismic problems, pp. 84-87 Sapporo, Japan, 1998. (in Japanese). 98-21 Abe M., Zheng Yi, Fujino Y, Wilde K. : Low-cycle fatique behaviour of low-yield point steel (LYPS) and damage index, Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Nonlinear Numerical Analysis and its Application to Seismic Desing of 56 Steel Structures, JSCE, pp. 85-92 , 1998. 11. (in Japanese). 98-22 Kichiro Kimura, Nobuhide Tanaka, Yozo Fujino, Teruhiro Yukino & Hiroo Inoue: Wind Tunnel and Analytical Study on a Section Model of Ice-Accreted 4 Bundled Conductor Transmission Lines, Proc. 6th East Asia-Pacific Conf. on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Vol. 3, pp. 2293-2298, 1998.1. 98-23 Yozo Fujino, Masato Abe and Gaku Shoji: Optimal damage allocation of seismically-isolated elevated bridge system for extremely severe ground motion, Structural Safety and Reliability, pp.1851-ICOSSAR, 1998. 98‐24 Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Shuji Kimura: Active tuned liquid damper (TLD) with magnetic fluid, SPIE conference on smart structures and integrated systems, pp.620-623, San Diego, California, 1998.3. 98‐25 H.Yamaguchi, Yozo Fujino: Stayed cable dynamics and its vibration control, Proceedings of the international symposium on advances in bridge aerodynamics, pp.235-251, Copenhagen Denmark, 1998.5 1997 97-1 K.Nogami,N.Narita,M.Nagai and Yozo Fujino:Buckling design method for steel cable-stayed bridges in Japan, Proc. of the 5th Int. Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, Japan, Vol.2, pp.1031-103, 1997. 97-2 M. Abe, Yozo Fujino and J. Yoshida:Examination of performance of a Menshin elevated highway bridge during the Kobe earthquake, NCEER-INCEDE Center-to-Center Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Frontiers in Transportation Facilities, Buffalo, New York, 1997. 97-3 K. Kimura, Yozo Fujino, U.K. Roy and S. Nakato: Toward More Accurate Buffeting Response Prediction of Long Span Bridges, Proc. First U.S.-Japan Workshop on Design for Wind and Wind Hazard Mitigation, Task Committee E, US-Japan Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, UJNR, pp. 25-28, 1997. 10. 97-4 M. Abé, Yozo Fujino and M. Yoshimi: Accuracy of seismic response prediction by SRSS method, 7th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Kyoto, Japan, 1997. 97-5 M. Abé, Yozo Fujino and Y. Sano: Vibration control by tuned liquid damper using magnetic fluid, ASME 16th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Sacramento, California, 1997. 97-6 Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino and Yasuyuki Sano: Vibration control by active tuned liquid damper using magnetic fluid, 1997 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 1997. 97-7 Yozo Fujino, M. Abé and S. Abe: An analysis of damage to Hanshin Expressway during 1995 Hyogoken Nambu Earthquake, NCEER-INCEDE Center-to-Center Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Frontiers in Transportation Facilities, Buffalo, New York, 1997. 97-8 M. Abé and Yozo Fujino: Optimal design parameters of bridge bearings for seismic protection, NCEER-INCEDE Center-to-Center Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Frontiers in Transportation Facilities, Buffalo, New York, 1997. 97-9 Wilde K., Gardoni P., Fujino Y., Seismic response of base isolated structures with shape memory alloy damping devices, Proceedings of Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways, pp. 122-133, San Diego, California, 1997. 3. 97-10 Wilde K., Gardoni P., Fujino Y., Analytical studies of shape memory alloy dampers for structural control of base 57 isolated bridges, Proceedings of NCEER-INCED Workshop, Buffalo, New York, 1997. 3. 97-11 Jankowski R., Wilde K., Fujino Y., Pounding in elevated bridges during earthquakes and reduction of its effects, Proceedings of NCEER-INCED Workshop, Buffalo, New York, 1997. 3. 97-12 Jankowski R., Wilde K., Fujino Y., Reduction of Effects of Earthquake Induced Pounding Between Superstructure Segments of Elevated Bridge, Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on Safety and Environmental Engineering, pp. 144-149, Kiryu, Japan, 1997. 10. 97-13 Zheng Yi, Abe M., Fujino Y., K. Wilde, Low-yield point steel (LYPS) Devices for Controlling Seismic Damage in Bridges, Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on Safety and Environmental Engineering, pp. 150-155, Kiryu, Japan, 1997.10. 97-14 Wilde K., Gardoni P., Fujino Y., Besseghini S., Design of shape memory alloy damper for base isolated structure, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Sacramento, USA, 1997. 9. 97-15 97-16 H.Katsuura, H.Makuta, H.Sato, Y.Yoshida, A.Honda and Yozo Fujino: Vortex-induced oscillation of trans-Tokyo bay highway bridge, US Wind Eng. Conference, 1997.6. 1996 96-1 M.Shigeta, K.Yoshida, M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino and F.Sakai:3-D structural characteristics of multi-I girder bridges with simple transverse stiffening systems, Proc. of the 4th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Japan, pp.585-594, 1996. 96-2 K.Yoshida, M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino and F.Sakai:3-D structural characteristics of composite 2-I girder bridges, Proc. of the 4th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Japan, pp.23-31, 1996. 96-3 M.Sakano,Yozo Fujino and M.Nagai:Concept of the 300 years fatigue free highway bridges, Proc. of the 7th IFIP WG7.5 Working Conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural System, Japan, pp.297-303, 1996. 96-4 M.Nagai, Y,Fujino, M.Kuroda, Y.Yamazaki, S.Egawa, H.Tajima and Y.Kawai : Possibilities of fatigue-free steel girder bridges with simple stiffening system based on 3-D finite element analysis, Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Bridge Management, UK, pp.352-360, 1996. 96-5 Kichiro Kimura, Yozo Fujino and Shinji Hiejima: An experimental study on aerodynamic noise from handrails of flat plate cascades, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wind Engineering, pp.49-56, 1996 96-6 Shinji Hiejima, Kichiro Kimura, Takashi Nomura and Yozo Fujino: An experimental study on the control of the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder by applied sound, Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications, pp.A II 5-A II 8, 1996 96-7 Shinji Hiejima, Takashi Nomura, Kichiro Kimura and Yozo Fujino: Numerical study on the suppression of the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder by acoustic excitation, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, 1996. 96-8 Tomohisa Ishida, Masatsugu Nagai, Yozo Fujino and Masami Iwamoto: Flutter Analysis and Characteristics of 58 Long-span Cable-stayed Bridges, Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Osaka, Japan, pp.267-274, 1996. 96-9 K. Kimura, Yozo Fujino, H. Tamura and S. Nakato: Characteristics of buffeting forces on flat cylinders, Third International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications, pp. CV1-CV4, 1996. 7. 96-10 K.Nogami, M.Nagai, K.Yamamoto, Yozo Fujino : Load-Carrying Capacity of Cable-Stayed Girders based on Multiple Ultimate Strength Curves of Columns and Its Stability Check, International Conference on Coupled Instabilites in Metal Structures, Vol.2, pp.421-428, 1996. 96-11 K.Nogami, N.Narita, M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino: Buckling Design Method for Steel Cable-Stayed Bridges in Japan, International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, Vol.5, pp.1031-1036, 1996. 96-12 Kitagawa, T., Wakahara, T., Fujino, Y. and Kimura, K.: An experimental study on vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder tower at a high wind speed, Third Int. Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, 6p, 1996. 96-13 Kitagawa, T., Wakahara, T., Fujino, Y. and Kimura, K.: An experimental study on vortex-induced vibration of circular tower at a high wind speed, Abstracts of the 19th Int. Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 6p, 1996. 96-14 M. Abé, S. Kimura, and Yozo Fujino: Semi-active tuned liquid column dampers with variable orifice openings, Third International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Chiba, Japan, pp.7-11, 1996. 96-15 K. Wilde, Y. Fujino, V. Prabis, Suppresion of Bridge Deck Flutter by Variable Eccentricity, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, pp. 141-151, Rome, Italy, 1996. 9. 96-16 Wilde K., Fujino Y., Variable Gain Control Applied to Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter, Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on DECISION and CONTROL, Vol. 1, WM08, pp. 682-687, Kobe, Japan, 1996. 12. 96-17 Wilde K., Fujino Y., Prabis V., Effects of Eccentric Mass on Flutter of Long Span Bridge, Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Structural Control, pp. 564-574, Hong Kong, 1996. 12. 96-18 Wilde K., Prabis V., Fujino Y. : Flutter Control of Long Span Bridges by Moving Mass, Proceedings of the 51th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 1B, pp. 4-5, Nagoya, Japan, 1996. 9. 96-19 Fujino Y., Wilde K. : Structural Control of Bridges for Non-Seismic Actions and New Direction using Smart Materials, Proceedings of US-Japan Workshop on Smart Structures Technology: Application to Large Civil Structures, Maryland, USA, 1996. 11. 96-20 Yozo Fujino: Seismic, structural, economic and societal impacts of the great Hanshin earthquake, Application of International Cnf. on Statistics and Probability to Soil and Structural Engineering, ICASP(invited lecture) pp.1387-1394, 1996. 1995 95-1 M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino, M.Kuroda, K.Yamazaki, S.Egawa, K.Kubota and N.Shitami : Structural characteristics of I-girder steel bridges with simplified transverse stiffening systems, Proc. of the 5th East-Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Australia, pp.1629-1634, 1995. 95-2 M.Sakano, Yozo Fujino, M.Nagai and I.Mikami: Fatigue Design Concept for 300-year-durable steel highway bridges, Proc. of the 5th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Australia, pp.1599-1604, 59 1995. 95-3 M.Kuroda, M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino, K.Yamazaki, .S.Egawa and Y.Kawai : On finite element modeling of I-girder steel bridges for prediction of forces in secondary stiffening members, Proc. of the 5th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Australia, pp.315-320, 1995. 95-4 T.Sugiyama, T.Katsumata, M.Nagai and Yozo Fujino : Improvement of expert system for preliminary design of cable-stayed bridge so as to evaluate sectional forces of three span continuous girder type with multiple cables, Proc. of the 5th East-Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Australia, pp.247-252, 1995. 95-5 M.Nagai, Y.Mizukami, Yozo Fujino, S.Kaneko and Y.Morizono : Challenge of extremely long-span steel bridges using self- and partially earth-anchored cable-stayed systems, Proc. of the 5th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Australia, pp.219-224, 1995. 95-6 M.Sakano, I.Mikami, Yozo Fujino and M.Nagai: Allowable live load stress range for 300-year-working steel highway bridges, Proc. of 4th Pacific Structural Steel Conference, Singapore, pp.597-604, 1995. Construction , Australia, pp.231-236, 1995. 95-7 M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino, Y.Mizukami, Y.Mizukawa and K.WatanAbe : Possibilities and limitations of self-anchored and partially earth-anchotred cable-stayed long-span cable-stayed bridges, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Bridges into the 21st Century, Hong-kong, pp.855-862, 1995. 95-8 Kichiro KIMURA, Yozo Fujino and Shinji Hiejima : An experimental study on aerodynamic noise from handrails of flat plate cascades, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Vol.5, pp.532-533, 1995. 95-9 Shinji Hiejima, Kichiro Kimura and Yozo Fujino : An experimental study on the effect of applied sound on the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder, Proceedings of the 5th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, pp.1231-1236, Gold Coast, Australia, 1995. 7. 95-10 Kitagawa, T., Wakahara, T., Fujino, Y. and Kimura, K.: An experimental study on the characteristics of vortex-induced vibration at higher wind speed in towers, Proc. of the 5th East Asia- Pacific Conf. on Struct. Eng. and Const. Vol.2, pp.1255-1260. 1995. 95-11 Wilde K. and Fujino Y. : Aerodynamic Active Control of Bridge Deck Flutter - System Sensitivity and Parameters Identification, The Fifth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, vol. 3, pp. 2123-2128, Australia, 1995. 7. 95-12 Wilde K. and Fujino Y. : Aerodynamic Active Control of Bridge Deck Flutter - System Sensitivity and Parameter Identification, Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 1B, pp. 1516-1517 , Matsuyama, Japan, 1995. 9. 95-13 Kichiro Kimura, Yozo Fujino and Shinji Hiejima: An Experimental Study on Aerodynamic Noise from Handrails of Flat Plate Cascades, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Wind Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 49-56, New Delhi, India, 1995.1. 1994 94-1 M.Sakano, Yozo Fujino, M.Nagai and I.Mikami : Fatigue Design Concept for super-long-life steel highway bridges, Proc of the 3rd Japan Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Korea, pp.184-188, 1994. 94-2 Yozo Fujino and M.Nagai : Steel cable-stayed bridges -with emphasis on Japanese bridges- (Invited paper), Proc. of International Conference on Cable-stayed and Suspension Bridges, France, pp173-184, 1994. 60 94-3 M.Nagai,Y.Mizukami and Yozo Fujino : Development of box cross sections of girders in extremely long-span cable-stayed bridges, Proc. of International Conference on Cable-stayed and Suspension Bridges, France, pp.545552, 1994. 94-4 M.Nagai and Yozo Fujino: Instability issues in extremely long-span cable-stayed bridges, Proc. of Strait Crossings, Norway, pp.271-276, Balkema, 1994. 94-5 Wilde, K., Fujino, Y, Masukawa, J., Bhartia, B.: Active Control of Flutter Instability of Bridge Deck, First World Conference on Structural Control, Vol. 1, WA4, pp. 50-59, Los Angeles, California, USA, 1994. 8. 1993 93-1 T.Sugiyama,T.Katsumata, M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino and Y.Noto : Development of expert system for preliminary design of cable-stayed Bridges, Proc. of 4th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Constructinal Engineering & Construction, Korea, pp.165-170, 1993. 93-2 T.Sugiyama,M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino,S.Omata,I.Sonobe and S. Egawa : Knowledge and information required to develop expert system for preliminary design of cable-stayed bridges, Proc. of 4th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Constructional Engineering & Construction, Korea, pp.141-146, 1993. 93-3 Kichiro Kimura, Yozo Fujino and Shinji Hiejima : An experimental study on aerodynamic sound generated from handrails of flat plate cascades, US-Japan Bridge Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan, 1993. 93-4 Masami Iwamoto and Yozo Fujino : Identification of Dynamic Parameters of a 2DOF Linear System with Closely-Spaced Natural Frequencies from Free-Vibration Data, Proceedings of the Fourth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction(EASEC), Seoul, Korea, pp.1967-1972, 1993. 93-5 M. Iwamoto and Yozo Fujino : Identification of Flutter Derivatives of Bridge Deck from Free Vibration Data, Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific Symposium on Wind Engineering, Hong Kong, pp.125-130, 1993. 93-6 Kichiro Kimura & Yozo Fujino: Turbulence Scale Effects on Buffeting Forces of a Flat Hexagonal Section, Proc. 3rd Asia-Pacific Symp. on Wind Eng, pp. 637-642, Hong Kong, 1993.12. 93-7 Yozo Fujino and Masaru Matsumoto: Bridge aerodynamics and response control-recent research and developments in Japan, Structural Engineering in Natural Hazards Mitigation, Structures Congress, ASCE, pp.544-549, 1993. 93-8 S.Uchida, Y.Hamada, K.Kawachi, Yozo Fujino, Y.Inoue, T.Suzuki, T.Nakada, T.Sugizaki: Development of New Low Lift Snow-retandant Insulated Wire for Overhead Distribution Line, IEEE, WM080-2 PWRD, 1993 1992 92-1 M.Nagai, Yozo Fujino: Possible Configuration of self- anchored cable-stayed bridges with center span length exceeding 1000m, Proc. of 2nd Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Japan, pp.277-286, 1992. 92-2 Yozo Fujino and M.Nagai:Static and Dynamic Problems in Extremely long span cable-stayed Girder Bridges 【Invited Papers】, Proc. of the International Workshop on Technology for Hong Kong's Infrastructures, Hong-Kong, 92-3 Sun, L. M., and Fujino, Y.: Effectiveness of Multiple Tuned Liquid Damper (MTLD), Proc. of 2nd International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Australia, 1992. 12. 61 92-4 Yozo Fujino and M. Abé: Dynamic characterization of multiple tuned mass dampers, First International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Yokohama, Japan, pp.176-181, 1992. 92-5 Yozo Fujino, Fumio NISHINO, Ei-ichi WATANABE: Recent developments and future of steel structures, Recent developments and future of steel structures, 1992.10 1991 91-1 Sun, L. M., Fujino, Y., Pacheco, B. M., and Chaiseri, P.: Modelling of tuned liquid damper (TLD), Proc. of Eighth International Conference on Wind Engineering, London, Ontario, Canada, 1991. 1990 1989 89-1 Sun, L. M., Chaiseri, P., Pacheco, B. M., Fujino, Y., and ISOBE, M.: Tuned liquid damper (TLD) for suppressing wind-induced vibration of structures, Proc. the second ASIA-PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON WIND ENGINEERING, Beijing, 1989. 6. 1988 88-01 Manabu Ito, Yozo Fujino, Izumi Shino, Masami Iwamoto, Kenichi Koga, Kenichi Morikawa: AN EXPERIENCE ON WIND TUNNEL TESTING OF AEROELASTIC FULL MODEL FOR LONG-SPAN SUSPENSION BRIDGES, International Symposium on Scale Modeling, Tokyo,1988. 7 88-02 M. Ito, M.ASCE, Y. Fujino, A.M. ASCB and M. Fujiwara: Bridge Loading Evaluation for Limit Statas Design in Japan, Proc. Structure Congress, ASCE, USA, 1988.3 1987 87-1 Phoonsak P, Yozo Fujino, M ITO: GALLOPING OF TOWER-LIKE STRUCTURE WITH TWO CLOSELY-SPACED NATURAL FREQUENC 工 ES, SUBMISSION TO 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WIND ENGINEERING,6-10 JULY l987,Aachen,F・R・G.(West germany). 年代不明 B. K. Bhartia, Y. Fujino and R. Inoue : Local Magnitude for Earthquakes in and Around Japan Yoshifui SAKAMOTO, Shun-ichi NAKAMURA, Yozo Fujino, Masato YANAGIHARA: Monitoring of wind-induced displacement on suspension bridges using GPS, 62 4]その他 2014 14-1 藤野陽三 : 橋の歩み より遠くへ、より安全に, 季刊新日鉄住金, Vol.6, pp.6-11, 2014. 14-2 藤野陽三 : 都市基盤の災害事故リスクの監視とマネジメント, 安全・安心な社会を実現するための先進的統合センシング技 術の創出(CREST), 科学技術振興機構, pp.119-128, 2014 14-3 藤野陽三 : 特別対談 センサーネットワークで持続可能な都市基盤へ VS小林純一, 日経ビジネス 14-4 聞き手 藤野陽三 : 後進へのメッセージ 伊東學先生, 日本鋼構造協会, No.54, 2014 14-5 藤野陽三 : インフラのメインテナンスとマネジメント 大事なことはDiscontinutyをなくすこと, セメント・コンクリート, pp.13-17, No.809, 2104.7 14-6 藤野陽三 : 社会インフラの老朽化・維持管理問題と求められる新技術, 研究開発リーダー, Vol.10, No.11, pp.4-7, 2014 14-7 藤野陽三 : 土木分野の技術開, 道路建設, No.744, pp.11-13, 2014.5 14-8 藤野陽三 : テニスクラブ会誌 14-9 藤野陽三 : マネジメントに強くなれ, 宮地技報, No.27 pp.1-3, 2014 14-10 藤野陽三, 佐藤卓夫, 長山智則 : クレーン付きトラックを利用した安価な災害用仮設橋梁の提案と試設計, 橋梁と基礎, Vol48, No.3, pp.43-38, 2014.3 14-11 藤野陽三 : インフラの維持管理・更新 ~「橋梁マネジメント」を基に~, JICE, 第25号, pp.2-17, 2014 2013 13-1 藤野陽三 : 特別記事(寄稿) センシング・モニタリング技術の課題と展望, RRR(鉄道総研レビュー), Vol.70, No.11, pp.4-9, 2013.11. 13-2 藤野陽三 : 高速道路インフラの安全を確保するために, JAMAGAZINE, #47, pp.8-15, 2013.8 13-3 藤野陽三 : インフラストラクチャセンシングへの期待, 運輸と経済, 第37号, 第10巻, 2013.10. 13-4 藤野陽三 : インフラストラクチャの事故を防ぐために, 学士会報, Vol.901, 2013.7 13-5 藤野陽三 : 安全に向けての高速道路インフラストラクチャーのマネジメント, 高速道路と自動車, 第56巻, 第3号, 2013.3. 13-6 藤野陽三 : この本を薦めます, 土木学会誌, Vol.98, No.6, pp.49, 2013 13-7 藤野陽三, 木村吉郎, 田中宏 : 日本風工学会出版賞を受賞して, 日本風工学会誌, Vol.38, No.4, pp.444, 2013 63 13-8 藤野陽三, シリンゴリンゴ ディオンシウス : 日本風工学会ベストペーパー賞を受賞して, 日本風工学会誌, Vol.38, No.4, pp.447, 2013 2012 12-1 藤野陽三 : [書評] 「cable stayed bridges」, 橋梁と基礎, pp.39, 2012.12. 12-2 藤野陽三 : 橋の技術を世界に発信, 学生が作る工学部広報誌Ttime!, Vol.50, pp.2-3, 2012.10 12-3 藤野陽三 : 深刻!インフラの老朽化, 公明新聞, 2012.12.15 12-4 藤野陽三 : [巻頭言] この40年に変わったこと,変わらなかったこと, 計算工学, Vol.17, No.3, pp.2, 2012 12-5 藤野陽三 : [特集] 建設の時代から保全の時代へ~ストックマネジメントを担う技術者の育成, JSSC, No.10, pp.3-5, 2012 12-6 ディオン M. シリンゴリンゴ, 藤野 陽三, 川井 豊 : [報告]インドネシア最長吊橋クタイ・カルタネガラ橋の崩落事故, 橋梁と 基礎, Vol.46, No.12, pp.32-39, 2012.12 12-7 藤野陽三 : 躍動の国インド 先生の記事あり, JICA’sWorld, No.50, pp.14-15, 2012.11 12-8 藤野陽三 : Integrated Approach toward Sustainability, JAU, special issue, No.7, pp.3, 2012.9 12-9 藤野陽三 : 震度6強で崩落する橋 I先生の記事コメントあり, AERA, No.40, pp.32, 2012.10.1 12-10 藤野陽三 : IABSE Days7 in south Africa 2012 先生の記事あり, ‘IABSE Days’in South Africa 2012, byJan A.Wium, 12-11 藤野陽三 : 戦略的創造研究推進事業 CREST 研究領域「先進的統合センシング技術」 研究課題「都市基盤の災害事故 リスクの監視とマネジメント」 研究終了報告書 H18.10-H24.3, 2011 11-1 藤野陽三 : [新刊紹介] 依田照彦,髙木千太郎 共著「橋があぶない―迫りくる大修繕時代―」, 高速道路と自動車, Vol.54, No.5, pp.77, 2011.5 11-2 藤野陽三 : 土木構造物の寿命 橋を中心に, 日本建築学会, 総合論文誌第9号, pp.19-22, 2011.1 11-3 藤野 陽三, 川井 豊 : [日本橋の保存と管理:第4回] 石造アーチ・日本橋の健全度評価とこれからのメインテナンス, 橋梁と 基礎, Vol.45, No.10, pp.58-61, 2011.10 11-4 藤野陽三 : [巻頭言] 橋梁の点検から性能評価へ, J-BECレポート, 海洋架橋・橋梁調査会, Vol.6,2011 11-5 藤野陽三 : [ひろば] 本誌前編集委員長 藤野陽三先生 ACSE2011 Robert H. Scanlan Medalを受賞, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.4?, pp.56, 2011.9 64 11-6 藤野陽三 : 大人の社会見学第37回「架橋工事」by江上剛, WEDGE, pp.50-51, 2011.7 11-7 (石原孟) : [寄稿] 藤野陽三会員2011年TheRobert H.S canlan Medalを受章, 日本風工学会誌, 第36巻第4号(通号第129 号), 2011.10 11-8 (長山智則) : 藤野陽三先生2011年RobertH.Scanlan Medalを受章,JSSC,No.7,pp.46,2011.10 2010 10-1 藤野陽三 : [巻頭言] 日本風工学会会長を退任するにあたって Remark on Stepping Down the JAWE President, 日本 風工学会誌, 第35 巻第3号(通号第124号), 2010 10-2 藤野陽三 : [特集] ダヴェンポート先生への小さな疑問 A Small Question to Professor A.G.Davenport, 日本風工学会 誌,Voi.35, No,4, pp.318-319, 2010 10-3 藤野陽三 : インフラストラクチャのヘルスモニタリング, JACIC情報97, Vol.25, No1, pp.5-14, 2010 10-4 藤野陽三 : 構造物の「見える化」, JR EAST, 第17巻, 7号, pp.4-7, 2010 10-5 藤野陽三 : センサーネットワーク研究会講演録 社会・都市基盤の事故災害リスクの低減とモニタリング, 技術と経済, No.519, pp.16-25, 2010 10-6 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : 橋の工学とマネジメントをめぐる複雑な関係, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.44, No.6, pp.33-41, 2010. 10-7 藤野陽三, 阿部雅人 : [報告] I-35Wミシシッピ川橋梁の再建と工期短縮のための契約方式, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.44, No.5, pp.24-27, 2010.5 10-8 藤野陽三 : インフラストラクチャのヘルスモニタリング, 日本大学理工学部学術講演論文集, S3-18, pp43-48 10- 原稿 藤野陽三 : 土木学会創立100周年にむけて, 土木学会誌, vol.95, No.6, pp.9, 2010.6 10-10 藤野陽三 : 高齢化していく道路インフラとの付き合い方(招待講演), 九州大学ネクスコ西日本技術フォーラム講演集, 2010.7 10-11 藤野陽三 : 我国の維持管理の展開とその特徴―鋼橋を中心としてー 社会基盤構造物のマネジメントー橋梁を中心としてー (基調論文) 腐食データシートシンポジウム論文集, 物質・材料研究機構, 2010.6 10-12 藤野陽三 : 構造工学における今後の研究の方向(基調論文), 名城大学ARCSECワークショップ論文集, CD-ROM, 2010.5 10-13 藤野陽三 : 橋梁インフラストラクチャのマネジメント(基調講演), STSG研究会, 2010.4 10-14 藤野陽三 : 断層モデルにもとづく地震動を使った長大橋梁の耐震補強(英文), 東京大学地震安全シンポジウム講演論文集, 2010 65 10-15 藤野陽三, 西川貴文, 長山智則 : 日常点検車を用いた道路高速モニタリングシステムの開発と実装化, 高速道路と自動車, Vol.53, No.5, pp.23-30, 2010 10-16 藤野陽三 : 日本風工学会の法人化に向けて, 日本風工学会誌, Vol.35, No.1, pp.3-4, 2010 2009 09-1 藤野陽三:[展望]「舗装の時代」にできるか?,舗装,vol44, No.1, pp.1-2, 2009.1 09-2 藤野陽三,阿部雅人:米国での高架橋火災の復旧対応,高速道路と自動車,Vol.52,No.4, pp.33-36,2009.4 09-3 Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino: Bridge Monitoring in Japan, Encyclopedia of Structural Hearth Monitoring, Johan Wiler & Sons.Ltd., vol.5 ,pp.2031-2148. 2009 09-4 阿部雅人, 藤野陽三 : [報告]カナダ・ケベック州跨道橋崩壊事故の調査報告, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.43, No.1, pp.59-62, 2009. 1 09-5 藤野陽三:橋の安全と対策,予防時報,vol.236, pp16-21, 2009 09-6 藤野陽三:橋の安全と対策,第51回電力土木講習会,pp.87-94, 2009.2 09-7 Yozo Fujino and T.Takada: Risk Assessment, Management and Monitoring of Infrastructure Systems, Stock Management for Sustainable Urban Regeneration, Springer, pp.233-254, 2009 09-8 藤野陽三:私の辿ってきた「国際化」, JISTEC REPORT,Vol.73,pp.8-12,2009 09-9 藤野陽三,楠原英樹,阿部雅人:長大橋の耐風動態観測記録のヘルスモニタリング研究への活用,日本風工学会誌,第34 巻第4号(通号第121 号),2009.10 09-10 藤野陽三:〔随筆〕「世界の中で生きる」意識を, ?,vol.47, No.11, pp.41, 2009.11 09-11 藤野陽三:〔HPコラム〕George W. Housner 先生を偲んで,日本地震工学会ホームページ,2009.11 09-12 藤野陽三:吉田和夫先生と構造物振動制御,吉田和夫先生追悼文集 和 ,pp.57-63,2009.9.22 09-13 藤野陽三:点検義務化 迅速に,橋梁新聞,2009.2.21 橋梁新聞紙面 09-14 楠原栄樹,藤野陽三,阿部雅人:長大橋の対風動態観測記録のヘルスモニタリング研究への応用,日本風工学会誌,Vol.34, No.4,pp.480-484,2009. 09-15 的場純一,畠中真一,藤野陽三,阿部雅人:センサを活用したインフラモニタリング技術の開発の方向性について,JICE Report, Vol. 15, pp.24-28,2009. 09-16 藤野陽三:構造物検査特集基幹論文「インフラの事故を防ぐために ー構造物検査の課題と期待ー」, 日本鉄道施設協会誌, 66 Vol.47, 2009.2 2008 08-1 長山智則,藤野陽三:高速道路の高頻度路面モニタリングシステム(VIMS)巡回者の動的応答を利用した路面状態の簡易点 検システムの開発,検査技術,Vol.13, No.1,pp.41-47,2008.1 08-2 藤野陽三,佐藤信彦:[対談]同時進行するインフラと技術者の高齢化,インフラの整備と保全,ROMAN-TEC TODAY, 道 路の保全と防災, Vol.14, pp.2-6, 2008.1 08-3 藤野陽三:[巻頭言]日本風工学会会長をつとめるにあたって A Message from The President of JAWE,日本風工学会誌, 第33 巻第3号(通号第116 号),2008.7 08-4 藤野陽三:〔寄稿文〕社会基盤の保全に向けて, ベース設計資料 土木編, No.136, pp.16-22, 2008 08-5 藤野陽三, 佐々木栄一, 鈴木康夫, 長山智則, 平山博, 水谷秀樹 : [報告]トークイン・日本の鋼橋を考える, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.42, No.9, pp.28-33, 2008. 9 08-6 藤野陽三 : 橋梁の事故防止と基準不適合問題(特集「荒廃させない日本」への道) TowardPrevendonofBridgeAccidents, 橋梁と基礎特集号, Vol.42, No.8, pp.9-13, 2008. 8 08-7 藤野陽三:橋梁(鋼橋)の維持管理,JSSC日本鋼構造協会, No69, pp.1-7, 2008.7 08-8 藤野陽三:「これからの時代をどう生きるのか?」, ハルテック技報, No.4, 2008 08-9 藤野陽三:「見える」メインテナンス,JR EAST Technical Review, JR東日本鉄道株式会社, No.25, pp.1-4, 2008 08-10 長山智則,藤野陽三: 路面モニタリングシステムの開発 車両応答を利用した簡易路面モニタリングシステムの開発,舗装, 43(6), pp.3-5,2008.6. 08-11 藤野陽三:インフラストラクチャの事故を防ぐために,学術の動向,第13巻,第3号,pp.50-51,2008 2007 07-1 藤野陽三: [ひろば]仙台市地下鉄東西線「広瀬川橋りょう他設計競技」の第二次審査最終編集委員会(藤野委員長・長井副 委員長)が開かれる, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.41 pp.31, No.1, 2007. 1 07-2 藤野陽三: [ひろば]藤野陽三先生 紫綬褒章と米国土木学会ASCE賞を受賞, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.41 pp.54-?, No.1, 2007. 7 07-3 藤野陽三:[報文]ロンドンのミレニアムブリッジの振動問題と関わって, プレストレスコンクリート, Vol.49, No.6, 2007.11 07-4 藤野陽三:これからの橋梁耐風技術の歩む道-振動・振動制御に関連して-日本風工学会誌, 第113号, pp.441-447, 2007.10 Yozo Fujino: Directions of Bridge Aerodynamics Research with Emphasis on Dynamics and Control, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.113, pp.441-447, 2007.(Japanese) 67 07-5 藤野陽三:社会基盤の災害事故防止に向けたメンテナンスとセンシング技術の活用,第20回鉄道総研講演会,2007.11 07-6 藤野陽三,阿部雅人:米国ミネソタ州での落橋事故,土木学会誌,Vol.92,No.10,pp.52-55,2007. 07-7 藤野陽三,阿部雅人:橋梁マネジメントにおけるアメリカでの新たな挑戦,土木学会誌,Vol.92,No.6,pp.70-73,2007. 07-8 藤野陽三, 西川和廣 : インタビュー 竹村公太郎さんに聞く, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.41, no.1, 2007.1 2006 06-1 藤野陽三,依田照彦,長井正嗣,山口栄輝,玉越隆史,村越潤,岡本隆,加藤真志,本間宏二,藤井康盛:鋼橋の性能・信頼 性向上のためのロードマップの提案,JSSC,pp.48-53,No.62,2006.10. 06-2 Yozo Fujino: History of steel bridges in Japan, Steel Construction Today & Tomorrow, No.15, pp.1-3, 2006. 7. 06-3 藤野陽三:〔時評〕防災・保全投資の効果を計測する,高速道路と自動車,Vol.49,No.3,2006.3 06-4 藤野陽三,水野祐介,田中健一:移動体と協調センシングによる知動化空間の構築,社団法人情報処理学会研究報告,pp 109-116,2006 YozoFujino, YusukeMizuno, Ken-ichi Tanaka: Collaborative Sensing of Mobile Agents for Intelligent Mobilized Space, IPSJ SIG Technical Repor, pp109-116, 2006 06-5 藤野陽三,柄登志彦:〔委員会報告〕土木学会論文集をより身近な存在に~電子化作業が終了して~,土木学会誌, Vol91, No.6, pp.91-92, 2006.6 06-6 藤野陽三,米田雅子:〔連続対談〕求められる維持管理技術への理解と地位向上,Civil Engineering Journal, pp.74-79, 2006.7 06-7 石井博典,藤野陽三:〔解説〕営業列車を用いた軌道モニタリングシステム-GPSと車両加速度による車両位置同定手法の開 発, 検査技法,pp.22-28,2006.6 06-8 藤野陽三:〔解説〕センシングから見た都市空間における安全安心問題への取り組み,システム/制御/情報,Vol.50, No.10. pp.371-375. 2006 06-9 藤野陽三:〔招待論文〕モニタリングデータから見えてくる構造物の真の挙動,土木構造・材料論文集,Vol.22,pp.1-15, 2006.12 06-10 藤野陽三: 風や揺れ 列車で観測を JR羽越線脱線, 朝日新聞, 2006.1.14朝刊 2005 05-1 中藤誠二,藤野陽三:台風0418号による北海道でのコンクリート橋の被害,2004年の強風災害に関する調査報告書,日本風 工学会風災害研究会,pp.131~135,2005.5. 05-2 68 森園康之、長井正嗣、野上邦栄、藤野陽三:塔高の低い鋼斜張橋の試設計と適用性に関する比較考察、橋梁と基礎、Vol.39, No.12, pp.49-53, 2005. 05-3 藤野陽三: 〔特集号まえがき〕1, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.39, No.8, 2005.8 05-4 石原孟,山口敦,佐々木庸平,藤野陽三:地域気象モデルと地理情報システムを利用した洋上風力賦存量の評価,風力エネ ルギー,Vol.29,No.1, pp.73-76,2005. 05-5 藤野 陽三: 教訓は十分に生かされているか?阪神・淡路大震災10周年に当たっての検証 第5章 施設の耐震設計に当たっ て,何がどれだけ進歩したか 5-2 構造工学委員会, 土木学会誌, Vol.90, No.1, pp.35, 2005.1 05-6 藤野陽三: 土木学会論文集が変わります ―電子ジャーナル,CD-ROM化と投稿・査読システムの電子化―,土木学会誌, Vol.90, No.7, pp.88-89, 2005.7 2004 04-1 藤野陽三, 安波博道, 長井正嗣 : 〔講座〕鋼橋の防食設計とLCC評価(その1), 橋梁と基礎, Vol.38, No.1, pp.51-60, 2004. 1 04-2 貝戸清之, 藤野陽三, 阿部允 : 〔講座〕鋼橋の防食設計とLCC評価(その4)―LCC 評価における目視検査結果の活用―, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.38, No.4, pp.49-54, 2004. 4 04-3 藤野陽三, 夏目惣治, 平栗一哉: 〔講座〕鋼橋の防食設計とLCC評価(その5)―道路橋のLCC 評価に向けての維持管理・補 修に関する-事例調査-, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.38, No.5, pp.43-48, 2004. 5 04-4 藤野陽三: 特集 施工技術の最前線〔特集号まえがき〕, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.38, pp.1,No.?, 2004.8 04-5 磯光夫,三田村浩,勝俣盛,池田健二,安江哲,藤野陽三: 〔報告〕橋梁洗浄に関する北海道での取組みと米国における実態 調査, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.38 pp.29-33, No.9, 2004. 9 04-6 藤野陽三 : 〔インタビュー〕鋼橋の疲労の父フィッシャー博士へのインタビュー, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.38, No.9, pp.43-?, 2004. 9 04-7 藤野陽三:〔巻頭言〕品質とスピードの時代,東京鉄骨橋梁技術報,No.50, 2004. 04-8 石原 孟, 山口敦,藤野 陽三:2003 年台風14 号による風車の被害調査と強風の推定 その1 被害調査,日本風工学会誌, 第99号,PP.69-70,2004. Damages of Wind Turbines Due to Typhoon 0314 and Estimation of Strong Winds Part 1 Summary of Field Surveys 04-9 ホム ホ タイ , 石原 孟, 藤野 陽三: 2003年台風14号による風車の被害調査と強風の推定その2 強風の推定,平成16年 度日本風工学会年次研究発表会,2004 Damages of Wind Turbines Due to Typhoon 0314 and Estimation of Strong Winds Part 2 Estimation of Strong Winds 04-10 藤野陽三:橋の学校としての鋼橋技術研究会,創立20周年記念誌,鋼橋技術研究会,pp44-45 04-11 69 藤野陽三(聞き手) : 後進へのメッセージ 伊藤學, JSSC, No.54, pp.1-6, 2004.10 藤野陽三 : 〔講座〕鋼橋の防食設計とLCC評価(その3), 橋梁と基礎, Vol. pp.51-?, No.1?, 2004. 1 藤野陽三: 〔講座〕鋼橋の防食設計とLCC評価(その2), 橋梁と基礎, Vol.38 pp.51-?, No.1?, 2004. 1 2003 03-1 藤野陽三 : 〔インタビュー〕M.C.Tang博士に聞く, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.37, No.3, pp.45-48, 2003. 3 03-2 藤野陽三: 〔報告〕国際会議Footbridge2002, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.37, pp.49-?, No.?, 2003.7? 03-3 藤野陽三: 特集 競争力の時代〔特集号まえがき〕, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.37, pp.1, No.?, 2003.8 03-4 藤野陽三: 橋の塗装への期待,Structure Painting, 橋梁・鋼構造物塗装,Vol.31, pp1-2, 2003.1 03-5 藤野陽三:〔巻頭発言〕インフラストラクチャの保全と建設マネジメント, 建設マネジメント技術,pp.1,2003.2 03-6 石原孟,山口敦,藤野陽三: 2003年台風14号による風力発電設備の被害とシミュレーションによる強風の推定, 事故・災害,, Vol.88, No12, pp45-48, 2003. 03-7 石原孟,山口敦,藤野陽三:2002年台風21号による送電鉄塔被害とシミュレーションによる強風の推定,土木学会誌,Vol.88, No.1, pp.90-93,2003.1. 03-8 藤野陽三:〔時評〕問題はどこも同じ,高速道路と自動車,Vol.46,No.7,2003.7 03-9 石原孟,山口敦,藤野陽三,鵜野伊津志:新しい風況精査手法の提案と実測による検証,風力エネルギー,Vol.27,No.4, pp.4-7,2003. 03-10 藤野陽三: 〔巻頭言〕学会誌について On Our JAWE Journal, 日本風工学会誌,No.94, 2003.1 03-11 藤野陽三:〔提言〕次世代に向けて人を育てる-一人一人が為すべきことを為すために,CE建設業界, pp.34-36. 2003.6 03-12 藤野陽三:〔巻頭言〕最近の橋梁事故が意味すること,サクラダ技報, No13, pp.1-4, 2003 03-13 藤野陽三: 〔年頭所感〕 アセットマネジメント,土木施工 Civil engineering Journal,Vol.44, No.1, 2003.1 2002 02-1 藤野陽三: 香港ストーンカッターズ橋の設計協議に参加して, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.36, No.5, pp.37-39, 2002. 5 02-2 藤野陽三: 首都高老朽 インフラ保全にも目を, 朝日新聞, 2002. 6.16 02-3 藤野陽三: 特集 ハイブリッドの時代〔特集号まえがき〕, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.36, No.8, 2002. 8 70 02-4 藤野陽三: NHMJプログラムによるアメリカ人大学院生の短期受け入れ, 地震工学ニューズレター, Vol.2, No.2, 2002. 02-5 石原孟,山口敦,藤野陽三,日比一喜:非線形風況予測モデルMASCOTの開発とその応用,風力エネルギー,Vol.26,No.4, pp.2-6,2002. 02-6 石原孟,山口敦,藤野陽三:複雑地形における風況の測定と予測,風力エネルギー,Vol.26,No.1,pp.63-66, 2002. 02-7 石原孟,山口敦,由田秀俊,藤野陽三:台風0221による送電鉄塔の被害と水郷地区の強風分布特性,日本風工学会誌,93 号,pp.23-34,2002.10 02-8 藤野陽三:橋のしくみを調べてみよう,調べ学習/橋,2002.6 02-9 藤野陽三:橋梁の耐風設計基準の国際化,建設工業調査会設計資料114????,pp.40-43 02-10 三木千壽, 藤野陽三: 土木学会国際委員会「国際化に向けてのアクションプラン」提案, 土木学会誌, Vol.87, No.9, pp.2-3, 2002.9 2001 01-1 平野茂, 藤野陽三, 山口敦: 数学が日本をつなぐ, エンカレッジ数学 微分法, 2, pp.1-5, 2001. 12 01-2 藤野陽三: 新しい橋学をめざしてーハードとソフトの組み合わせからー, 虹橋, 65号, pp.55-59, 2001.秋季. 01-3 藤野陽三: 特集 橋を守る技術と人〔特集号まえがき〕, 橋梁と基礎, pp.1,2001.8 01-4 藤野陽三:〔時評〕評価の時代,高速道路と自動車,Vol.44,No.6,2001.6 01-5 藤野陽三:IT時代の橋づくり,川田技報,N0.20,pp3-4,2001 01-6 嘉門雅史, 藤野陽三: 国際委員会活動報告 抄録, 土木学会誌, Vol.86,No.3,pp.97-98, 2001.3 01-7 藤野陽三, 池田尚治, Yanev Bojidar S. : インタビュー Virlogeux博士に聞く, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.24, ano.6, pp.39-41, 2001.6 2000 00-1 Workshop on design ground motion for east-asia region, 2000.4. 00-2 藤野陽三 : 〔インタビュー〕ニューヨーク市の橋守ヤネフ博士に聞く, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.34, No.1, 2000.1. 00-3 藤野陽三, 藤原稔: 対談 吊橋長大化への挑戦, 海峡横断道路調査会, 会報No.42, 2000. 5 00-4 藤野陽三: 特集 橋梁技術の国際展開〔特集号まえがき〕, 橋梁と基礎, pp.1, 2000.8 71 00-5 藤野陽三,竹内佐和子,外:海外における研究開発の評価について,道路,pp.41-50,2000.9 00-6 藤野陽三:橋梁分野における制振関連技術動向,振動技術,No.2,pp.19-27,2000.9 00-7 藤野陽三:巻頭言 「T」型思考から「Π」型思考へ,宮地技報,No.16, pp.1-2,2000 00-8 藤野陽三: 風工学の新しい発展に向けての3つの私見, 日本風工学研究会誌, 日本風工学会, Vol.83, No.54, pp.54. 2000.4 00-9 藤野陽三, 竹内佐和子: 社会資本整備の評価システム 海外における研究開発の評価について, 2000 道路, No.715, pp.41-50, 1999 99-1 藤野陽三: 新しい時代が始まる中で「3つのV」を, 虹橋, 62号, pp.4-5, 1999.春季. 99-2 藤野陽三, 阿部雅人: 対談 Housner博士からのメッセージ, 地震工学ニュース, No.164, pp.3-10, 1999.1. 99-3 藤野陽三: 足もとで免震 ― 阪神高速道路弁天高架橋での苦肉の大胆策, 土木学会誌, Vol.84, pp.13-15, 1999.4 99-4 藤野陽三: 「地震危険度解析で用いられる上下限値を有する極地分布の理論的背景」に対する討論, 日本建築学会構造系 論文集, 第519号, pp.151. 1999.5. 99-5 藤野陽三: 日本の橋梁マネジメントシステム(BMS)について, 北の技術者による北米BMSの現状 北米鋼橋技術調査団報 告書, pp.70-71, 1999.6. 99-6 藤野陽三: 若い人に魅力的な維持管理, 高速道路と自動車, 第42巻, 第7号, pp.15, 1999.7. 99-7 藤野陽三: 性能照査型設計の意味するところ, 佐藤鉄工技報, 第12巻, pp.1-2, 1999. 99-8 藤野陽三: 橋はどこまで長くなれるか?, 18αK, No.177, pp.2-3, 1999.Winter. 99-9 藤野陽三: 特集 橋梁の基礎および下部構造〔特集号まえがき〕, 橋梁と基礎, pp.1, 1999.8 99-10 藤野陽三,横井勉:〔対談〕日立造船の橋梁技術100年の蓄積を新世紀へ橋渡し,日立造船ニュース,No21,pp1-3, 1999 99-11 藤野 陽三: 鋼構造を支える新技術動向, 土木学会誌, Vol.84 , No.1, pp.149-150, 1999. 1 99-12 藤野陽三・木村吉郎・阿部雅人: 橋梁研究室の研究教育活動:過去・現在・将来,1999.8 1998 72 98-1 98-2 = TP98-10 若原敏裕, 藤野陽三: 同調液体ダンパーを有する高層建物の風向直角方向の加速度応答に対する予測式, 日本風工学会 誌, 第76号, pp.37-54, 1998.10. 98-3 藤野陽三: 明石海峡大橋開通記念特集号-長大橋技術の展開と展望-〔特集号まえがき〕, 橋梁と基礎, pp.1, 1998.8 1997 97-1 (藤野陽三, 長井正嗣, 三木千寿, 坂野昌弘, 奈良敬, 黒田充紀, 佐藤尚次, 柄川伸一, 中川知和)土木学会鋼構造委員会 新技術小委員会 設計法ワーキンググループ: ロングライフブリッジへの道(上), 橋梁と基礎, pp.23-31, 1997.7. Technical issues forward long-life bridges 97-2 土木学会鋼構造委員会 新技術小委員会 設計法ワーキンググループ: ロングライフブリッジへの道(中), 橋梁と基礎, pp.30-36, 1997.9. Technical issues forward long-life bridges 97-3 土木学会鋼構造委員会 新技術小委員会 設計法ワーキンググループ: ロングライフブリッジへの道(下), 橋梁と基礎, pp.31-36, 1997.10. Technical issues forward long-life bridges 97-4 藤野陽三, 「橋梁家」が育つ社会を, トピー鉄鋼技報, No.13, pp.3-13, 1997. Yozo Fujino: True bridge designers/engineers have to be brought up in our society, Topy Tekko Technical Report, No.13, 1997. 97-5 土木学会鋼構造委員会新技術小委員会設計法ワーキンググループ(分担執筆):ロングライフブリッジへの道(上),(中), (下),橋梁と基礎,Vol.31, No.7,9,10, pp.23-31, pp.30-36, pp.31-36, 1997. 97-6 藤野陽三: 橋の知能化とは?, 石川島播磨技報, Vol.37 No.1, 1997.1. 97-7 藤野陽三:特集 21世紀を拓く橋梁の新技術 〔特集号まえがき〕, 橋梁と基礎, pp.1, 1997.8 97-8 藤野陽三:ゼネラルなスペシャリストを育てる〔インタビュー〕,RRR,pp4-9,1997.8 97-9 藤野 陽三: [研究討論会] 高架橋の耐震設計のゆくえ, 土木学会誌, Vol.82 No.1, pp.21-24, 1997.1 1996 96-1 藤野陽三 : これからが本番(特集 強調の耐震・免震), 橋梁と基礎, Vol.30, No.8, pp.16-17, 1996. 8 96-2 藤野陽三:〔時評〕ふつうの橋,高速道路と自動車,Vol.39,No.8,1996.8 96-3 73 藤野 陽三 : 「全体」と「すきま」, 土木学会誌, Vol.81, No.4, pp.48, 1996.4 1995 95-1 藤野陽三: 留学生教育を経験して, 東大学内広報, No.1026, 1995.6.5 95-2 藤野陽三:土木鋼構造物の被害-道路橋を中心に-,鉄鋼界,pp.15-22,1995.10 95-3 藤野陽三:〔時評〕長大橋は風で揺れるのか?,高速道路と自動車,Vol.38,No.7,1995.7 95-4 藤野 陽三: 受賞者のプロフィール 【論文賞】野村卓史 (特集:第79回通常総会報告), 土木学会誌 Vol.78, No. 9, 30頁, 1993.8 1994 94-1 藤野陽三,山口宏樹:特集 土木構造物における振動制御の実施例-アクティブ制御を中心に-, JSSC, No.12, pp.16-22, 1994 94-2 藤野陽三: 夢かける橋 創立10周年記念誌, 鋼橋技術研究会, pp.21, 1994.10 1993 93-1 藤野陽三, 岩本政巳, 加藤雅史, 岡林隆敏, 本田秀行, 長井正嗣, 志水茂也, 平本勝吉, 飯村豊: 集成材を補剛桁に 用いた斜張橋(用倉大橋)の振動実験, 橋梁, Vol.29, No.6, pp.19-21, 1993. 93-2 藤野陽三: 橋に関わってまだ10年, 橋梁新聞, 第471号, 1993. 12.1 93-3 BENITO M.PACHECO, YOZO Fujino: KEEPING CABLES CALM, Civil Engineering, 1993.10 93-4 Yozo Fujino, 1 Member, ASCE and Benito M. Pacheco: Discussion of "Case Studies of Structures with Man-Induced Vibrations" by H. Bachmann (March, 1992, Vol. 118, No. 3), J. Struct. Engrg, Volume119, Issue12, pp.3682-3683, (December 1993) 93-5 藤野陽三:〔特別寄稿〕同調質量ダンパー(TMD)に関して-最近の成果をまじえて-,片山技報,No.13, pp2-10,1993 1992 92-1 中村俊一,森園康之,長井正嗣,藤野陽三:合成補剛桁を有する超長大吊橋の提案, 橋梁と基礎,Vol.26, No.12, pp.37-42, 1992. 92-2 成田信之,宮田利雄,藤野陽三,長井正嗣:斜張橋国際セミナ-報告-パネルデスカッションを中心として,橋梁と基礎, Vol.26, 74 No.6, pp.24-28, 1992. 92-3 藤野陽三: 次代を担う技術者を育成・輩出, 橋梁新聞, 第412号, 1992. 4.11 92-4 藤野陽三:土木構造物のアクティブ制振の研究動向,計測と制御,Vol.31,No.4,pp473-478, 1992.4 92-5 藤野陽三, BENITO P M, AJAI S : ダンパーをつけた斜張橋ケーブルの減衰評価曲線, 橋梁と基礎, Vol.26, No.4, pp.41‐ 45, 1992 92-6 藤野陽三:[技術展望]ブリッジエンジニアへの期待,MBE技法Vol1,三菱重工鉄構エンジニアリング株式会社,pp2-4 1991 1990 90-1 KNISELY, CW; HOLMES, JD; ITO, M; VICKERY, BJ; NIEMANN, HJ; KANDA, J; PRENNINGER, P; MATSUMOTO, T; ZDRAVKOVICH, MM; FUJINO, Y: AERODYNAMICS OF BUILDINGS AND TOWERS – DISCUSSION, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol.33, pp.446-449, 1990 90-2 TAKEDA, K; FUJINO, Y; ITO, M; PRENNINGER, PW; MATSUMOTO, M; YAMAGUCHI, H; RUSCHEWEYH, H; KNISELY, CW; HOLMES, JD; WARDLAW, RL; KAWAI, H; SHIRAISHI, N: BRIDGE AERODYNAMICS – DISCUSSION, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol.33, pp.449-453, 1990 1989 89-1 藤 野 陽 三 : 鋼 橋 の 防 錆 - ボ ッ ク ス 構 造 内 部 の 腐 食 環 境 と 湿 度 コ ン ト ロ ー ル に よ る 防 錆 - , Boshoku Gijutsu, 38, pp.546-552, 1989 89-2 Yozo Fujino: Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges, Corrosion Engineering , 38, pp .595-606, 1989. 6 89-3 藤野陽三,その他:橋のライトアップ・・・・,1989.1 89-4 藤野陽三, 岡村秀夫: 海外の長大橋建設プロジェクトの動向, 道路, No.580, pp.72‐74, 1989 89-5 藤野陽三, パチェコ ベニート, チャイセリ ピヤワット, 孫利民, 古賀健一: TLDにおける液体動揺の減衰特性について, 日本 風工学会誌, Vol.1989, No.41, pp.99-108, 1989 1988 88-1 藤野陽三:液体の動揺を利用したダンパー, 日本機械学会第674回講習会教材('88-7-7,8,東京,流体関連振動の基礎と最 近の話題 88藤野 陽三: 堀井会員,「IUTAM Bureau Prize」を受賞, 土木学会誌, Vol.73, No.10, 101頁, 1988.10 75 1987 87-1 藤野陽三: 土木技術者のための確率・統計(3),電力土木,No.209,pp111-115,1987.7 87-2 藤野陽三: 土木技術者のための確率・統計(2),電力土木,No.208,pp114-121,1987.5 87-3 藤野陽三: 土木技術者のための確率・統計(1),電力土木,No.209,pp109-114,1987.3 1986 86-1 藤野陽三: 春の大雪、送電鉄塔を倒す, 土木学会誌, Vol.71, No.5, 100頁, 1986.5 86-2 藤野陽三, 馬場俊介, 林田師照, 南部隆秋, 佐々木理一, 木村孟 : 明日の土木教育像を語る 未来の土木を支える技術者 像, 土木学会誌, Vol.71, No.10, pp.43-54, 1986.10 1985 1984 84-1 藤野 陽三 : 土木技術で土地問題の解決を(土木にかける若人の夢), 土木学会誌, Vol.69, No.1, pp.40, 1984.1 1983 83-1 伊藤学, 藤野陽三 : 自然災害の現状と問題点(1) 異常自然現象の最大規模と極値考 1b 気象災害に関する極値・強風, 土木学会誌, Vol.68, No.10, pp.11-15, 1983.9 1982 82-1 藤野陽三: 強震計記録を用いた大地震時の震源過程の解析, 東京大学工学部紀要A, No.20, 1982 1980 80-1 藤野陽三, 長谷川彰夫 : 不確定性における評価の問題 ②安全率の考え方, 土木学会誌, Vol.65, No.10, pp.39, 1980.9 1979 79-1 黒川 洸, 西村仁嗣, 藤野陽三 : 筑波大学における教育と研究 -土木工学関連部門を中心として-, 土木学会誌, Vol.64, No. 3, pp.50-56, 1979.3 76 1978 78-1 藤野陽三,佐々木有三,伯野元彦:地震による物体のすべりについて,地震研究所彙報,Vol.53, pp461-480, 1978 78-2 藤野陽三 : 確率論に基づく安全性照査法と構造設計, 土木学会誌,Vol.63, No.2, pp.33-39, 1978.2 78-3 Fujino, Y; Lind, NC: Statistical Combination of Extreme Loads, Journal of The Structural Division-ASCE, Discussion, vol.104, No.1, pp.233-234, 1978 78-4 Fujino, Y; Lind, NC: Proof-Load Factors and Reliability, Journal of The Structural Division-ASCE, Discussion, vol.104, No.6, pp.1025-1027, 1978 年次不明 9999-04 藤野陽三:土木構造物の制振技術について,鹿島建設土木設計社内報 アクシーズ,Vol.1,pp.11-16 9999-06 藤野陽三:アメリカに見る橋を守る仕組みと人,KAKEHASHIかけはし,pp10-13 5] 本 2012 12-01 Yozo Fujino, Kichiro Kimura, Hiroshi Tanaka: Wind Resistant Design of Bridges in Japan Developments and Practices, springer, 2012 ISBN: 978-4-431-54045-8 (Print) 978-4-431-54046-5 (Online) 12-2 藤野陽三(監修):プロが教える 橋の構造と建設がわかる本(史上最強カラー図解),ナツメ社,224ページ,2012.3 2011 11-01 藤野 陽三, 金子 彰, 堀田 昌英, 山村 直史, 赤塚 雄三:海外インフラ整備プロジェクトの形成,鹿島出版会,206ページ, 2011/01 2010 2009 09-1 77 Christian Boller, Fu Kuo Chang, Yozo Fujino: Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,Vol.1-5, pp.1-2700, ISBN978-0-470-05822-0, 2009 (Masato Abe and Yozo Fujino: Bridge Monitoring in Japan, Encyclopedia of Structural Hearth Monitoring, Chapter 125, pp.2131-2148, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2009) 09-2 Yozo fujino, T.Noguchi; Stock Management for Sustainable Urban Regeneration, Springer, pp.1-299, 2009.1 09-3 B.ヤネフ(藤野陽三ほか訳):橋梁マネジメント,700ページ,技報堂出版,2009,分担共訳(監修) 2007 07-1 藤野陽三, 野口貴文:アーバンストックの持続再再生 –東京大学講義ノート-,332ページ,技報堂出版, 2007.11 78
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