Saint Anthony of Padua Church Served by the Salesians of Don Bosco 853 Third Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07202 Parish Phone: (908) 351-3300 Parish Fax: (908) 351-3609 Convent Phone: (908) 354-0825 School Phone (908) 352-7419 Web page: Email: [email protected] ….FOR 91 YEARS OF DEVOTED SERVICE Page 2 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - A, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS FOR AUGUST 17, 2014 TO AUGUST 23, 2014 SATURDAY (August 16) 8:30 MARY KAUFHOLD/ The Baio Family 5:00 FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 7:00 VARIOUS INTENTIONS SUNDAY (August 17) Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 FRANK & CATERINA CRINCOLI/ Mr. & Mrs. Domenic LaFace MARY & PIETRO PIGA/ Children and Grandchildren 10:30 VINCENZINA MURACA (25TH ANNIV.)/ Laura & Pete Philipone 12:00 VARIOUS INTENTIONS MONDAY (August 18) Weekday Chapel: LOUIS & HELEN BONICA/ Janet Bonica 8:30 ONOFRIO CHILLEMI/ Antonia Chillemi Join us to say farewell to our Salesians. Sunday, August 17, 2014 at 2:00 PM in the Youth Center. Light refreshments will be available. Únase a nosotros para decir adiós a nuestros salesianos. Domingo, 17 de agosto 2014 a las 2:00 pm en el Centro Juvenil. Refrescos estarán disponibles. TUESDAY (August 19) St. John Eudes Chapel: A. MICHAEL, CHRISTINA, RITA & MARIA FACCONE/ Family Chapel: JOSE CORDERO/ Jose Cordero PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH, especially 8:30 RICK APONTE/ Grandmother Maria Antonacci WEDNESDAY (August 20) St. Bernard 8:30 ANGELO TROPEANO/ Wife Rosalia & Children SALVATORE MIRABILE/ Mary Costa & Family THURSDAY (August 21) St. Pius X 8:30 PAUL PARTAZANA/ Frank & Patricia Kus & Family FELICIA LA VECCHIA/ Mr. & Mrs. Frank O. Mazza FRIDAY (August 22) The Queenship of the BVM 8:30 DOMENICO DE SETA/ Paolina Lombardi SANTINO BELLI/ Daughter Rose Rinaldi SATURDAY (August 23) St. Rose of Lima 8:30 BUD MAXWELL/ Mr. & Mrs. Frank O. Mazza 5:00 MARY MAZZA/ Piga Family 7:00 VARIOUS INTENTIONS SUNDAY (August 24) Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 ELVIRA MORIELLO/ Rocco & Doria Guiducci 10:30 FRANK NIGRO/ Family 12:00 VARIOUS INTENTIONS The ALTAR BREAD AND WINE are donated this week in memory of Mary & Pietro Piga by Children and Grandchildren. A VOTIVE CANDLE will burn on the Main Altar this week in memory of Mary and Pietro Piga donated by Children and Grandchildren. A VOTIVE CANDLE will burn on the Main Altar this week in memory of Alfonso DiCosmo donated by Wife and Children. Two (2) VOTIVE CANDLES will burn at the Altar of Mary Help of Christians this week in memory of all the deceased Salesians who have served in this parish during the past 91 years requested by the Salesian Community. Alfonsina Aker Carmen Alava Lina Alfano Mary Brady Oran Bryant Caterina Campbell Isaac Castañeda Orlando Chavez Wayne Cook Mary Cusmano Leonor Sepulveda De Devia Marianna Dubell Denise Griest Jared Leonardo Henao Jacob Hinman Joshua Hinman Millie Infuso Joseph B. Jean-Mary Michelle Johnson Stanley Kuchno Lindsay LaMarre John Lapolla Theresa Lattanzio Rosa Leon Barbara McMurray John Mariano, Jr. Elvin Martinez Georgine Mazza Angelo Meo Leonarda Merlo Pat Nardone Nick Netta Declan Rocco O’Connor Robergeau Paul Frank Pierre Raul Atilio Portillo Carmen Fojo Prieto Edith Quijada Endy Quijada Usha Raja Oscar Eduardo Ramírez Sergio Ricciardi Isadora Rodriguez Magdalena Rodriguez John Ruela Maria Saavedra Hugo Santa Maria Kay Scaturo Cira M. Senese John Veltre Terry Vitale @Pontifex An appeal to all families: when you say your prayers, remember all those forced from their homes in Iraq. #PrayForPeace . Pope Francis Page 3 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - A, 2014 DALLO SCRITTORIO DEL PARROCO FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR Questo fine settimana, come Famiglia Salesiana, noi celebriamo 199° compleanno di Don Bosco!! Ringraziamo Dio per il grande dono che Don Bosco è la Chiesa, soprattutto ai giovani, e per il dono che egli è stato e continuerà ad essere per la parrocchia di S. Antonio a Elizabeth. Certo, questo fine settimana è dolce-amaro per tutti noi ... ..è è difficile dire "addio", e come vi perdete la comunità salesiana, abbiamo sicuramente mancherà a tutti voi! Padre Tom, Padre Javier ed io, voglio che tu sappia che rimarrete molto nei nostri cuori e nelle nostre preghiere, come ognuno di noi va nostre strade separate. Inoltre, di S. Antonio a Elizabeth rimarrà sempre nel cuore e le preghiere della nostra provincia. Grazie per aver dato i figli di Don Bosco una casa in questi ultimi 91 anni! Tutta la nostra provincia sarà sempre grato per l'amore e il sostegno che abbiamo trovato qui ... e per la grande cura ti ha dato tanti nostri fratelli salesiani nel corso degli anni. Grazie! Mentre lasciamo oggi di S. Antonio, vogliamo che il nostro messaggio d'addio a voi di essere nelle parole di Don Bosco ... le parole che scrisse ai suoi amici come un "addio", prima che lui li ha lasciati pel cielo. Sebbene stanco e sfinito de forze, io non lasciere píù di parlarvi e raccomandarvi i miei fanciulli, che sto per abbandonare; ma pur debbo far punto e deporre la penna. Addio, miei cari Benefattori, Cooperatori Salesiani e Cooperatrici, addio. Molti di voi io non ho potuto conoscere di persona in questa vita, ma non importa: nell’altro mondo ci conosceremo tutti, e in eterno ci rallegreremo insieme del bene, che colla grazia di Dio abbiamo fatto in questa terra, specialmente a vantaggio della povera gioventù. Se dopo la mia morte, la Divina Misericordia, pei meriti di Gesù Cristo, e per la protezione di Maria Ausiliatrice, mi troverà degno di essere ricevuto in Paradiso, io pregherò sempre per voi, pregherò per le vostre famiglie, prehgerò pei vostri cari, affinchè un giorno vengano tutti a lodare in eterno la Maestà del Creatore, ad inebriarsi delle sue divine delizie, a cantare le sue infinite misericordie. Amen. Sempre Vostro Servitore Sac. Giovanni Bosco Mentre la comunità salesiana lascia di parrocchia Sant'Antonio oggi, sapere che, come Don Bosco, vi teniamo nei nostri cuori e che sollevare voi e le vostre famiglie in preghiera ogni giorno fino a quando tutti siamo arrivati a incontrarsi di nuovo in quel giardino salesiano promesso da Don Bosco a tutti i suoi figli. Dio vi benedica! Arrivederci! Adios! Until later! This weekend, as a Salesian Family, we celebrate Don Bosco’s 199th birthday!! We thank God for the great gift that Don Bosco is to the Church, especially to young people, and for the gift that he has been and will continue to be for St. Anthony’s parish in Elizabeth. Certainly, this weekend is bitter-sweet for all of us… is hard to say “good-bye” and as you will miss the Salesian community, we surely will miss all of you! Father Tom, Father Javier and myself, want you to know that you will remain very much in our hearts and in our prayers as we each go our separate ways. Moreover, St. Anthony’s in Elizabeth will always remain in the heart and prayers of our province. Thank you for giving Don Bosco’s sons a home these past 91 years! All of our province will always be grateful for the love and support we have found here….and for the great care you gave so many of our brother Salesians throughout the years. Thank you! As we leave St. Anthony’s today, we want our parting message to you to be in Don Bosco’s own words….the words he wrote to his friends as a “farewell” before he left them for heaven. “Now that I am at the end of my life, and though I am tired and completely exhausted, I don’t want to leave my children without speaking to them and advising them, jotting down a few thoughts, before putting down my pen. Farewell, my dear benefactors and cooperators; farewell! I have not been able to meet many of you in person in this life, but it doesn’t matter; in the next world we will all meet each other, and in eternity, we will rejoice together over the good, that, by the grace of God, we have done on this earth, especially for the benefit of poor young people. If, after my death, the Divine Mercy, through the merits of Jesus Christ, and with the protection of Mary Help of Christians, finds me worthy of being received into paradise, I will always pray for you; I will pray for your families; I will pray for your dear ones, so that one day, in eternity, everyone will come together to praise the majesty of the Creator, and to become intoxicated with his divine joys and to sing his infinite mercies. Amen. Always your servant, Don Giovanni Bosco As the Salesian community leaves St. Anthony’s parish today, know that like Don Bosco, we hold you in our hearts and will lift you and your families in prayer every day until we all come to meet again in that Salesian Garden promised by Don Bosco to all of his children. God bless you! Arrivederci! Adios! Until later! Page 4 DEL ESCRITORIO DEL PÁRROCO Al celebrar la Familia Salesiana, este fin de semana, el 199 cumpleaños de Don Bosco, damos gracias a Dios por el don de Don Bosco a la Iglesia, especialmente a los jóvenes, y por el don que ha sido y continuará siéndolo a la parroquia de San Antonio en Elizabeth. Este fin de semana es ciertamente agridulce para todos nosotros… cuesta tener que decir “adiós” porque Ustedes echarán de menos la presencia de la comunidad salesiana, y nosotros pueden estar seguros, ¡los echaremos de menos a todos Ustedes! El P. Tom, el P. Javier y yo, queremos que sepan que los llevamos a todos Ustedes en nuestro corazón y en nuestras oraciones al ir cada uno al lugar de su destino. Y también pueden estar seguros que San Antonio se quedará en el corazón y oraciones de nuestra provincia salesiana. ¡Gracias por la hospitalidad que han ofrecido Ustedes a los hijos de Don Bosco por 91 años! Nuestra provincia estará siempre agradecida por el amor y el apoyo que hemos encontrado aquí… y por el cuidado que han tenido de tantos de nuestros hermanos Salesianos durante estos años. ¡Gracias, mil! Al dejar hoy la parroquia de San Antonio, queremos que el mensaje de despedida sea con palabras del mismo Don Bosco… las palabras que él escribió a sus amigos como el “último adiós” antes de dejarles para ir al Cielo. “Ahora que sé que he llegado al final de mi vida, y aunque estoy cansado y casi sin fuerzas, no quiero dejar a mis hijos sin hablarles y darles algún buen consejo, dejándoles escritos algunos pensamientos. ¡Adiós, mis queridos cooperadores y bienhechores; adiós! No he podido conocer a muchos de Ustedes en persona, pero da lo mismo; nos veremos en el otro mundo, y por toda la eternidad, nos regocijaremos por todo el bien que, por la gracia de Dios, hemos hecho en esta tierra, especialmente a favor de los jóvenes pobres. Si, después de mi muerte, la Divina Misericordia, por los méritos de Jesucristo, y la protección de María Auxilio de los Cristianos, me consideran digno de entrar en el paraíso, Rogaré siempre por Ustedes; rogaré por sus familias; rogaré por todas sus personas queridas, para que un día, en la eternidad, todos nos unamos para alabar la majestad del Creador, y quedemos intoxicados con el gozo divino de cantar su infinita misericordia. Siempre su servidor, Don Juan Bosco Al dejar hoy la parroquia de San Antonio, sepan que como Don Bosco, les llevamos en nuestros corazones y elevaremos nuestras oraciones al Cielo por Ustedes y por todas sus familias hasta que todos unidos nos reunamos en el Jardín Salesiano que Don Bosco prometió a sus hijos. ¡Que el Señor los bendigo a todos! Arrivederci! Adios! Until later! Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - A, 2014 SALESIAN PASTORS OF ST. ANTHONY’S 1923—2014 1923—1931 Rev. Leonard Ruvolo, SDB 1931—1933 Rev. Paul Zolin, SDB 1933—1939 Rev. Ceasar Rinaldi, SDB 1939—1948 Rev. Anthony Bregolato, SDB 1948—1948 Rev. Doninic Cecere, SDB 1948—1953 Rev. Aloysius Trifari, SDB 1953—1964 Rev. Dominic Battistello, SDB 1964—1967 Rev. Joseph A. Louis, SDB 1967—1980 Rev. August P. Bosio, SDB 1980—1985 Rev. Alvin Manni, SDB 1986—1989 Rev. Joseph Maffei, SDB 1990—1998 Rev. Vincent Zuliani, SDB 1998—2004 Rev. Don Delaney, SDB 2004—2010 Rev. Patrick Diver, SDB 2010—2013 Rev. Thomas Provenzano, SDB 2013—2014 Rev. Patrick Angelucci, SDB Page 5 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - A, 2014 St. Anthony’s Food Pantry St. Anthony’s Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays from 1 PM to 4 PM. Entrance is through the 3rd Avenue Basement. Please bring some form of identification. FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS Our Food Pantry is in need of food. Please drop off your food to help feed those in need of our parish in the baskets at the back of the church or at the rectory. Lectors for the Weekend of August 23—24 2014 Saturday, August 23 5:00 PM Sr. Clare 7:00 PM Jose Bonilla y Raul Alvares Sunday, August 24 8:00 AM Jennifer Markowycz 10:30 AM Rita Agliata 12:00 Noon Francisco Avelar y Jhony Rodriguez Eucharistic Ministers for the Weekend of August 23— 24, 2014 Saturday, August 23 5:00 PM Joe Gambino 7:00 PM Teresa Marin Sunday, August 24 8:00 AM Mary Wilk 10:30 AM Cristian Moron and Ariel Legacy 12:00 Noon Peter y Betsy Aleman y Patricia Zelaya Ministry to the Sick and Homebound The parish family of St. Anthony’s seeks to reach out and include the sick, the elderly, and the homebound in the life and prayers of our parish. Please contact the parish office if someone wants to receive Communion or needs to see the priest for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. *MONDAY: 7:00 PM Mass [in Spanish] (Youth Center) followed by prayer group *TUESDAY: Novena to St. Anthony (After 8:30 AM Mass — Chapel) 7:00 PM RCIA (Rectory Basement) *THURSDAY: Holy Hour after 7:00 PM Mass 7:30 PM AL-ANON - Spanish (Rectory Basement) Registration for the 2014-2015 Religious Education Program is in full swing. Parents of students currently enrolled in our (2013-2014) program are asked to submit the completed registration forms along with tuition payment to the Church by mail or in person at the rectory office Mondays through Fridays 9:30 AM—5:00 PM. Parents of NEW students may obtain a registration form at the rectory office. All parents are asked to stop by the rectory office and bring with them a RECENT / UPDATED copy of their child’s baptismal certificate, which parents must request from the Church of the child’s Baptism. It is VERY IMPORTANT that we review the baptismal certificate and have a copy on file in the rectory office. Welcome/ Bienvenidos Welcome New Parishioners! We are happy to have you with us. We would like to invite you to register at the parish office during the week. Registration is essential for sponsor/witness letters. If you move or change your address, please call the rectory. ¡Bienvenidos a los nuevos feligreses! Nos da mucho gusto de que estén con nosotros. Los invitamos a inscribirse en nuestra oficina entre semana. Tienen que estar inscritos para recibir cartas verificando su participación en la iglesia. Email Registration. Clip and Return. Registro de email. Clip y volver. 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