AATI American Association of Teachers of Italian Long Island Chapter With the cooperation of SUNY College at Old Westbury ************************************************************* Thirtieth Annual Secondary School Poetry Contest Recitation of Poems Friday, March 28th, 2014 *9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. SUNY College at Old Westbury Campus Center ************************************ DA LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE!!!!!! DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: *(PLEASE NOTE: earlier start time for contest) FOR THE RECITATION OF POEMS: I. Each teacher entering students for the recitation of poems on March 28th will be limited to a total of 10 students from each school in which he/she teaches, regardless of level. II. Since one of the purposes of this contest is to have students appreciate Italian poetry and poets, a poem chosen for recitation must be a published poem by a recognized Italian author and NOT one written by the student. Each student of a given teacher must recite a different poem. Please note the following procedure for 2013: It is suggested that students select from the included list of poems (Levels 1,2,3) or the list of poets (Levels 4,5) compiled by the Poetry Contest Committee. (p. 1) III. A. Poems must consist of at least 12 lines and not more than 20 lines for levels 1,2,3 and at least 12 lines and not more than 30 lines for levels 4,5. . B. All poems must be recited from memory and must reflect the appropriate level of study. C. Students are also asked to be prepared to explain what the poem is about in 1 to 2 sentences in English. Additional criteria for judging the recitations will be: A) Pronunciation D) Poise B) Intonation *E) Difficulty of poem C) Interpretation * only for levels 4&5 Students MUST bring three typed copies of the poem so that the judges may follow the recitation. The judges will deliberate after the recitation. The awards ceremony will follow immediately. We will strictly abide by the Jan. 31st deadline. No extensions are permitted. PLEASE COMPLETE THE TWO FORMS AND SEND VIA E-MAIL TO [email protected] If e-mail is not possible you may print the appropriate attached form and student registration sheet and mail to: Diana Riccoboni 1133 St. Johnland Rd. Kings Park, N.Y. 11754 Teachers of participating students must be 2013- 2014 paid members of our chapter prior to December 31st, 2013. There will be no exceptions. If you have not paid your 2014 dues, please send your $25 check to: Ms. Maria Brofka 114 Elliman Place Syosset, N.Y. 11791 Since the number of participating students for poetry recitation is limited to 10 per teacher, per school, teachers are encouraged to sponsor poetry contests in their individual schools, prior to March 8th, where possible. This will provide students, unable to attend the March 8th contest, the opportunity to perform before their peers and parents in the local school. For further information, please call Diana Riccoboni at (631)724-5320 or e-mail [email protected] Distinti saluti, Dr. Craig Butler, President of AATI Long Island (p.2) Teachers are requested to remit the form below with their names, school name and address, accompanied by the included student registration sheet (p. 4). No last-minute substitutions will be permitted. Form and list of students are to be e-mailed to sent to: [email protected] no later than Jan. 31,2014 Teacher’s Name (First)__________________(Last)_______________________ Teacher’s Home Address_____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s e-mail address_____________________________________________ Teacher’s Home Phone Number________________& cell #________________________ School___________________________________________________________ School Address____________________________________________________ City and Zip_______________________________________________________ Principal’s Name (First)_________________(Last)_______________________ I will be ____ not be ____attending the 2014 AATI Poetry Contest on Friday, March 28th. I will bring (or send): (Indicate the number of students per level.) Please note: Grades 6-8 = Junior High Level 1 Grade 9 with no previous study of Italian = High School Level 1 Grade 9 with previous study = High School Level 2. _____JH students, level 1 _____HS students, level 1 _____HS students, level 2 _____HS students, level 3 _____HS students, level 4 _____HS students, level 5 Teachers accompanying students on March 8th will be asked to judge at levels other than those of their participating students. Your willingness to judge is anticipated and deeply appreciated. (p.3) STUDENT REGISTRATION SHEET Teacher____________________________________ School_____________________________________ EACH TEACHER IS LIMITED TO A TOTAL OF 10 STUDENTS FROM EACH SCHOOL IN WHICH HE/SHE TEACHES, REGARDLESS OF LEVEL. Please write student’s name under the proper level. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY IF MANUALLY COMPLETING FORM JH Level 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HS Level 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HS Level 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HS Level 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HS Level 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HS Level 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (p.4) AATI Poetry Contest - March 28th, 2014 SUNY College at Old Westbury Regarding the length of the poem to be recited, you must follow the guidelines below in selecting a poem for recitation: Levels 1, 2 & 3: • • Recitations can be no fewer than 12 lines and no more than 20. Provided below is a list of some suggested poems ( this is only a suggested list) LEVEL 1 Ajmone, Graziella Il Nido della Felicità Bertolucci, Attillio Amore Carducci, Giosuè Il Treno Dea La Befana Montale, Eugenio Portami il girasole Negri, Ada Piove Nevicata Palazzeschi, Aldo Chi Sono? Lo Sconosciuto Pavese, Cesare “Lo spiraglio dell’alba....” Anche tu sei collina Rodari, Gianni Capodanno Carnevale Il Signore di Venezia L’America in Sette Giorni Gelato Dopo la Pioggia I Colori dei Mestieri Ungaretti, Giuseppe A riposo Silenzio (p.5) LEVELS 2 & 3 Alighieri, Dante “Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare” Alfieri, Vittorio Amore e morte Betti, Ugo La Notte Caproni, Giorgio Preghiera Spiaggia di sera Per lei Capuana,Luigi Autunno Corrado Il respiro del tempo Una storia d’amore D’Annunzio, Gabriele Consolazione I pastori De Medici, Lorenzo Di Bacco di Arianna Foscolo, Ugo Alla Sera In Morte del Fratello Giovanni Ginsburg, Natalia Memoria Leopardi, Giacomo L’infinito A Silvia Canto notturno di un pastore Levi, Primo Ricorda che questo è stato Montale, Eugenio Portami il girasole Negri, Ada La Prima Rosa Piove Novarro, Angiolo Silvio Diologo del Bimbo e la Luna San Francesco e il lupo Pascoli, Giuseppe Il Gelsomino Notturno Benedizione Petrarca, Francesco Chiare fresche e dolci acque Solo e pensoso Rodari, Gianni L’Accento sull’A Sospiri Il pennarello Signore e signori Saba, Umberto Sonetto di Primavera All’Anima Mia Goal C’era Ritratto della mia bambina Sica, Gabriella Otto marzo Tasso, Torquato Vittoria Colonna Ecco mormorar l’onde Ungaretti, Giuseppe La madre Valeri, Diego La Gioia Perfetta Levels 4 & 5: • • Recitations can be no fewer than 12 lines and no more than 30. You may choose a poem from the following list of authors: Dante Alighieri Giacomo Leopardi Francesco Petrarca Giuseppe Ungaretti Fiorella Silvestri Lorenzo De’Medici Torquato Tasso Natalia Ginsburg Ludovico Ariosto Primo Levi Angelo Poliziano Giovanni Boccaccio Gabriele D’Annunzio Guido Cavalcanti Michelangelo Buonarroti Ugo Foscolo Giovanni Pascoli (p.6)
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