Canadian Teachers’ Federation Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants CTF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM “Teachers’ Action for Learning” PROJECT OVERSEAS 2015 Teachers’ Action for Teaching (A joint endeavor by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation and its Members to support the professional development projects of partner organizations overseas) Please note that the application is divided into two sections. A copy of Section A, containing information of a general nature and related to academic background and professional experience, will be sent to the overseas partner organization. Section B asks for information of a more personal nature and access to it will be restricted to the National Selection Committee, your Team Leader, and to the staff of CTF’s International Program. PLEASE BE SURE TO CALL OR LOG ON TO YOUR MEMBER ORGANIZATION WEB SITE FOR APPLICATION INFORMATION, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND DEADLINE INFORMATION FOR PROJECT OVERSEAS (PO) APPLICANTS. Please read the following before applying: 1. All applicants must: be a member of a provincial or territorial teacher organization that supports PO hold a valid teachers’ certificate have completed at least five full years of teaching in Canada before the PO assignment commences be a Canadian citizen be in excellent health and able to work in developing country conditions show evidence of flexibility, mature judgment, and a strong willingness to put the team and project needs above personal needs at the time of application, hold a Canadian passport valid for at least 6 months after the PO assignment concludes; note - proof that a passport application has been made will be accepted 2. The travel and living expenses of participants are covered by contributions from CTF Members (provincial or territorial teacher organizations) and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation. 3. Travel to the overseas partner country will be arranged by CTF in accordance with the Travel Guidelines established by the Trustees of the CTF Trust Fund. These guidelines state: “THAT, efforts be made to apply the lowest possible airfares for travel associated with PO that are consistent with the objectives of the program.” Consequently, CTF will arrange travel by the most direct and most economical route and will purchase, whenever possible, excursion air tickets with the limitations that apply to such tickets. .../2 2490 Don Reid • Ottawa • ON • K1H 1E1 • Tel./Tél. 613-232-1505 • Fax 613-232-1886 • [email protected] • President/Présidente Dianne Woloschuk • Secretary General/Secrétaire général Dr. Calvin Fraser Past President/Président sortant Paul Taillefer Vice-Presidents/Vice-président(e)s Katherine Mackwood, Mark Ramsankar, Heather Smith, Maureen Weinberger 4. The commitment to PO is considerable both in and out of the classroom while in the partner country. In addition to long teaching days, you will be expected to participate in activities arranged by the partner organization. These could include social events as well as meetings with the Ministry of Education representatives, the Executive of the partner organization, etc. 5. Because of the nature of the Project, participants are not allowed to be accompanied by friends or family during the Orientation program or during the placement overseas. 6. Participants must accept that a project may be cancelled at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event of cancellation, CTF cannot guarantee placement on another team. 7. For budgetary and safety reasons, it is the usual practice that PO participants share accommodation with one or more colleagues. 8. Participants are not permitted to drive a motorized vehicle during their stay abroad. The teachers’ organization overseas is usually responsible for providing transportation in connection with the Project. Other necessary transportation will be arranged by the Team Leader. 9. There is considerable benefit to sharing PO experiences upon return to Canada. Participants are encouraged to speak at meetings of their teacher organization, community groups and school, and to participate in appropriate consultations and other events. Participants are also encouraged to write articles about their experiences and submit them for publication wherever possible. 10. PO operates in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and, occasionally, elsewhere. Participants must be prepared to be assigned to any location where there is a CTF Project. 11. CTF in not usually able to confirm the program dates until after the teams are formed. Programs usually take place in July and August, however, the commitment to PO begins in February, as team members work together to prepare workshop materials (via the internet and teleconferences), communicate and collaborate with their assigned co-tutor, conduct research on their country of assignment, etc. 12. Participants will be required to send their valid passport to the designated travel agent in order to secure required visas as early as May. Passports will be returned during the Orientation Program, prior to departure for country of assignment. Sponsoring Member Organizations Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO) Phone: 613-244-2336 Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) Phone: 416-925-2493 Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) Phone: 416-962-3836 Prince Edward Island Teachers’ Federation (PEITF) Phone: 902-569-4157 New Brunswick Teachers’ Association (NBTA) Phone: 506-452-8921 Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers (QPAT) Phone: 514-694-9777 Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (NLTA) Phone: 709-726-3223 Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) Phone: 306-373-1660 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association (NWTTA) Phone: 867-873-8502 Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU) Phone: 902-477-5621 Nunavut Teachers’ Association (NTA) Phone: 867-979-0750 The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) Phone: 780-447-9400 The Manitoba Teachers’ Society (MTS) Phone: 204-888-7961 Yukon Teachers’ Association (YTA) Phone: 867-668-6777 Canadian Teachers’ Federation Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants PROGRAMME INTERNATIONAL DE LA FCE : Action enseignante pour l’apprentissage PROJET OUTRE-MER 2015 Action enseignante pour l’enseignement (Une entreprise commune de la Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants et de ses organisations Membres pour soutenir les projets de perfectionnement professionnel des organisations partenaires d’outre-mer) Nous vous signalons que le formulaire de demande de participation comporte deux parties. Une copie de la partie A, qui renferme des renseignements généraux et relatifs aux antécédents scolaires et à l’expérience professionnelle, sera envoyée à l’organisation partenaire d’outre-mer. La partie B contient des renseignements d’ordre plus personnel, auxquels seuls le Comité national de sélection, votre chef d’équipe et le personnel du Programme international de la FCE auront accès. VEUILLEZ COMMUNIQUER AVEC VOTRE ORGANISATION MEMBRE OU CONSULTER SON SITE WEB POUR OBTENIR DES RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LA PRÉSENTATION D’UNE DEMANDE, LES EXIGENCES SUPPLÉMENTAIRES ET LA DATE LIMITE DE PRÉSENTATION DE LA DEMANDE DE PARTICIPATION AU PROJET OUTRE-MER (PO). Nous vous prions de lire les notes qui suivent avant de poser votre candidature : 1. Les exigences suivantes s’appliquent à toute personne qui fait une demande au PO : Adhérer à une organisation provinciale ou territoriale de la profession enseignante qui appuie le PO; être titulaire d’un certificat d’aptitude pédagogique reconnu; posséder au moins cinq années d’expérience de l’enseignement au Canada avant le début de l’affectation outre-mer; être de citoyenneté canadienne; jouir d’une excellente santé et pouvoir travailler dans les conditions propres aux pays en développement; faire preuve de souplesse, d’un bon jugement et d’une forte volonté de faire passer les besoins de l’équipe et du programme avant ses besoins personnels; avoir, au moment de la présentation de la demande, un passeport canadien qui sera valide pendant au moins six mois après la fin de l’affectation outre-mer (une preuve qu’une demande de passeport a été faite sera acceptée). 2. Les frais de déplacement et de séjour des bénévoles sont couverts par les contributions de la Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants et de ses organisations Membres (les organisations provinciales et territoriales de l’enseignement). 3. La FCE prendra les arrangements de voyage à destination du pays partenaire conformément aux lignes directrices établies par les fidéicommissaires du Fonds en fiducie de la FCE, qui prévoient ce qui suit : « QUE des efforts soient faits pour choisir les tarifs aériens les moins chers possible pour les voyages qui sont effectués dans le cadre du PO et qui sont conformes aux objectifs de ce programme. » Par conséquent, la FCE choisira l’itinéraire le plus direct et le plus économique, et achètera, autant que possible, des billets à tarif excursion aux conditions qui s’appliquent à ces billets. .../2 2490 Don Reid • Ottawa • ON • K1H 1E1 • Tel./Tél. 613-232-1505 • Fax 613-232-1886 • [email protected] • President/Présidente Dianne Woloschuk • Secretary General/Secrétaire général Dr. Calvin Fraser Past President/Président sortant Paul Taillefer Vice-Presidents/Vice-président(e)s Katherine Mackwood, Mark Ramsankar, Heather Smith, Maureen Weinberger 4. L’engagement envers le PO est considérable, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur de la classe, tout au long du séjour dans le pays partenaire. Outre de longues journées d’enseignement, vous devrez participer à des activités arrangées par l’organisation partenaire, notamment des activités sociales ainsi que des réunions avec des personnes représentant le ministère de l’Éducation et avec le Comité exécutif de l’organisation partenaire. 5. Vu la nature du PO, les bénévoles n’ont pas le droit d’être accompagnés de membres de leur famille ou d’amis ni au cours du stage d’orientation ni pendant l’affectation outre-mer. 6. Les bénévoles doivent accepter qu’un projet puisse être annulé à la dernière minute en raison de circonstances imprévues. En cas d’annulation, la FCE ne peut pas garantir le placement au sein d’une autre équipe. 7. Pour des raisons de budget et de sécurité, les bénévoles du PO partagent normalement un logement avec un ou plusieurs collègues. 8. Il est défendu aux bénévoles de conduire des véhicules automobiles pendant leur séjour à l’étranger. Il appartient d’ordinaire à l’organisation d’accueil de fournir le transport se rattachant au programme. Votre chef d’équipe arrangera tout autre transport nécessaire. 9. Il est très profitable de communiquer les expériences vécues dans le cadre du PO une fois de retour au Canada. Nous encourageons les bénévoles à parler de leurs expériences à des réunions de leur organisation de l’enseignement, à des groupes communautaires et à l’école, et à participer à des consultations et à d’autres activités pertinentes. Nous les prions également de rédiger des articles au sujet de leurs expériences et de les faire paraitre dans des publications chaque fois qu’ils le peuvent. 10. Le PO envoie des équipes en Afrique, en Asie, aux Caraïbes et, occasionnellement, ailleurs. Les bénévoles doivent être disposés à accepter une affectation à n’importe quel endroit où un programme de la FCE est offert. 11. La FCE n’est habituellement pas en mesure de confirmer les dates des programmes avant la formation des équipes. Les programmes se déroulent normalement en juillet et en aout; toutefois, les tâches relatives au PO débutent en février. Dès ce mois, les membres des équipes travaillent ensemble à préparer les documents des ateliers (au moyen d’Internet et de téléconférences), communiquent et collaborent avec la coïnstructrice ou le coïnstructeur qui leur a été assigné, effectuent des recherches sur le pays d’affectation, et ainsi de suite. 12. Dès le mois de mai, les bénévoles devront faire parvenir leur passeport valide à l’agence de voyage désignée afin qu’elle puisse se procurer les visas requis. Les passeports seront retournés aux bénévoles pendant le stage d’orientation, avant le départ à destination du pays d’affectation. Organisations Membres de parrainage Association des enseignantes et des enseignants du Yukon (AEY) Téléphone : 867-668-6777 Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO) Téléphone : 613-244-2336 Association provinciale des enseignantes et enseignants du Québec (APEQ) Téléphone : 514-694-9777 Fédération des enseignantes et des enseignants de la Saskatchewan (FES) Téléphone : 306-373-1660 Fédération des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’élémentaire de l’Ontario (FEEO) Téléphone : 416-962-3836 New Brunswick Teachers’ Association (NBTA) Téléphone : 506-452-8921 Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (NLTA) Téléphone : 709-726-3223 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association (NWTTA) Téléphone : 867-873-8502 Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU) Téléphone : 902-477-5621 Nunavut Teachers’ Association (NTA) Téléphone : 867-979-0750 Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) Téléphone : 416-925-2493 Prince Edward Island Teachers’ Federation (PEITF) Téléphone : 902-569-4157 The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) Téléphone : 780-447-9400 The Manitoba Teachers’ Society (MTS) Téléphone : 204-888-7961 Project Overseas 2015 “Teachers Teaching Teachers” APPLICATION FORM FOR ALBERTA TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION Information on this form is collected on behalf of the CTF • Please provide all information requested in the space assigned for each response. Incomplete applications will not be processed. • French applicants are asked to complete their initial application in English and in French in a final selection of the national level. • Date and sign each page of your application. Mail the original to the Alberta Teachers’ Association, 11010 142 Street NW, Edmonton AB T5N 2R1. Do not fax or e-mail your application. • Ensure that your application is received by November 3, 2014, at the latest. • Please contact Brenda Dobie at 780-447-9400 ext 657 for further information. • All applications MUST be original copies. Photocopied/faxed applications will not be accepted. SECTION A PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY OR TYPE ❒ Male Name (underline the name that you go by) (First) (Middle) (Last) Level of Membership: Name as it appears on your Canadian passport: Passport expiration date: Active Member of ATA Associate Member of ATA Life Member of ATA PLEASE ATTACH A PHOTOCOPY OF PAGE 2-3 OF YOUR CANADIAN PASSPORT TO THIS FORM OR PROVIDE PROOF OF YOUR PASSPORT APPLICATION Year of birth: Home address: Age: ❒ ❒ ❒ If retired, state month & year: City: Telephone: ( ) Postal Code: Cell: ( ) Current workplace name: Address: ❒ Female Present Position: City: Postal Code: Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Preferred e-mail: Alternate e-mail: Your last work day in June 2015 will be: Date on which your school will reopen after summer break: Latest date by which you must arrive home after the assignment: Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ____________________________ Page 5 Please complete this page. Do not send a résumé or curriculum vitae. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND (List most recent studies first.) Name and location of teacher training institution or university and recent summer courses. Dates Degree/Certificate received Major area of study TEACHING BACKGOUND (List most recent assignment first, and indicate if you worked full-time, part-time or as a substitute.) School and location Position (teacher, principal, etc.) Grades taught Subjects taught From Years To OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE (Do not list short-term or summer positions.) Job title Dates Certificate or Qualifications required Location Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ____________________________ Page 6 LINGUISTIC ABILITY Rate your ability by circling the appropriate level on each category for each language: English Poor/Fair/Good/Excellent Poor/Fair/Good/Excellent Poor/Fair/Good/Excellent Poor/Fair/Good/Excellent French Oral Comprehension ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ Written Comprehension Oral Expression Written Expression ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ Poor/Fair/Good/Excellent Poor/Fair/Good/Excellent Poor/Fair/Good/Excellent Poor/Fair/Good/Excellent In what language did you complete your studies? Secondary level: ❒ English ❒ French ❒ Other (specify)______________________ University: ❒ English ❒ French ❒ Other (specify)______________________ What is your first language? ❒ English ❒ French ❒ Other (specify)______________________ In what language can you competently teach? ❒ English ❒ French ❒ Other (specify)______________________ SUBJECT PREFERENCES Bearing in mind that you will likely be teaching both content and methodology to under-qualified teachers, what subjects and levels would you feel confident teaching and in which language(s)? (We typically receive many requests for teachers interested in teaching mathematics, English language arts, English as a foreign language, science, social studies, assistive technologies and school administration. Other topics in demand are classroom management, action research, teacher mentorship, special education, assessment, physical education, health, leadership, gender equity, and trade unionism.) Subject Primary Elementary Secondary English French Other Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ____________________________ Page 7 EXPERIENCE IN ORGANIZATIONS Outline your involvement in the Alberta Teachers’ Association: (eg Specialist Council conference director, presented a session at teachers’ convention, president of Economic Policy Committee) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Outline your involvement in other educational organizations: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMS a. Have you ever participated in CTF’s Project Overseas? ❒ Yes ❒ No ❒ Yes ❒ No If yes, in what year(s)? ______________________________________________________ In what country(ies)? _______________________________________________________ Are you interested in being a team leader? NOTE: Whenever possible, we select Team Leaders with prior Project Overseas experience. Team Leaders must be available to initiate and facilitate correspondence with and between the Team Members, the Host Organization and CTF from February to July. We do not recommend you volunteer to be a Team Leader if you will be unavailable for much of that period. Team Leaders are also required to attend a training session in Ottawa in late February and a debriefing in October. b. Have you ever participated in intercultural cooperation programs designed to assist people? ❒ Yes ❒ No _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overseas (specify countries, dates and nature of program): _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ In Canada (dates and nature of programs): _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ List any other international and/or intercultural experience that you have had, including location(s), dates and duration of the experience(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ____________________________ Page 8 SECTION B PLEASE RESPOND BRIEFLY. DO NOT ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES. a. Why do you wish to participate in Project Overseas? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Why do you think you are well suited to such an assignment? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. What do you see as the responsibilities of Project Overseas team members? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ____________________________ Page 9 d. In your opinion, what are some of the challenges of participating in Project Overseas? How would you cope with these challenges? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. What do you think the general aims and objectives of a Project Overseas in-service program should be? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ f. On Project Overseas, it is important to put what is best for Project Overseas and your team before your own needs and wants. Please provide at least one example of when you have done so in the past? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ g. Please describe any experience you have had facilitating workshops/teaching courses to adults: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Page 10 h. Please describe how you would share what you learn through Project Overseas upon return to Canada. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ i. How do you feel your experience will change your professional practice? Your engagement within the Association? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES j. Do you possess other training, experience or skills which will contribute to the success of the program Yes No (ie in a specific, sport, performing arts, etc) ❒ ❒ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Page 11 HEALTH k. How would you grade your current level of health? (Poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (Excellent) Project Overseas participants are often exposed to extreme weather conditions, less-than-perfect housing and sanitary conditions, unfamiliar diet and long work hours. Access to medical facilities and care may not be available in some locations. Given these circumstances, do you believe that your present level of health would allow you to be a fully active participant in a Project Overseas team? ❒ Yes ❒ No List any technical aids (cane, wheelchair, hearing aids, etc.), or accessibility requirements (ramps, grab bars in washrooms, etc.) you need, as well as food allergies or dietary restrictions you may have. Also indicate allergies or factors that we should be aware of prior to an overseas placement, such as sensitivity to malaria prevention or other medications, aversion to particular modes of travel, insects, etc. Note: If you are selected at the national level you will be required to send a written confirmation of good health by your doctor. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Page 12 REFERENCES I authorize the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation to contact the two persons listed below in order to determine my suitability to participate in Project Overseas. 1. Current principal, assistant principal or superintendent:* ___________________________________________________ Name and Position: _____________________________________________________ Work Phone: ( ) ______________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ( ) ______________ _______________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: ________________ 2. Either (1) an Alberta Teachers’ Association official at the provincial or local level or (2) someone in the field of education (such as a university professor or an official with Alberta Education) who can attest to your involvement in education and your suitability as an ambassador of Alberta teachers: Name and Position: _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________________ Work Phone: ( ) ______________ Cell Phone: ( ) ______________ Postal Code: ________________ *If retired, submit most recent Principal or Superintendent and, if appropriate, add the name and address of a reference with current information about your educational involvement. SCHOOL BOARD Name of present school board or employer: Address: City: Telephone: ( ) Postal Code: Fax: ( ) Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Page 13 ACKNOWLEDGMENT As a Project Overseas applicant, I understand and accept the following conditions: 1. I understand that every effort will be made to assign successful applicants in accordance with their skills and experience, but I am also aware that the nature of the requests from host countries may make this impossible. ❒ Yes 2. I am willing to accept an assignment in any country in which CTF organizes a cooperative project. ❒ Yes ❒ Yes 3. I understand that Project Overseas is a collaborative team effort and participants are expected to share accommodation, both in Canada and while on assignment overseas. 4. I understand that because of the nature of the Project, I am not allowed to be accompanied by friends or family during the Orientation program or during the placement overseas. ❒ Yes 5. I attest that I am a Canadian citizen. ❒ Yes ❒ Yes ❒ Yes 6. I attest that I have taught fulltime in Canada for five full years. 7. I attest that I am currently a member of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. If yes, indicate the category of membership: ❒ Regular ❒ Associate ❒ Life 8. Be in excellent health and able to work in developing country conditions. 9. Show evidence of flexibility, mature judgment, and a strong willingness to put the team and project needs above personal needs. 10. At the time of application, hold a Canadian passport valid for at least 6 months after the PO assignment concludes; note - proof that a passport application has been made will be accepted. ❒ Yes ❒ Yes ❒ Yes 11. I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information provided here by the Alberta Teachers’ Association on behalf of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation. I consent to and understand that the Alberta Teachers’ Association will use my personal information for the purpose of selecting Alberta Project Overseas nominees to be forwarded to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation for further consideration. I consent to and understand that, if I am selected as an Alberta nominee by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, my personal information will be collected, used, and disclosed by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation for the purpose of: a.Communicating with me respecting my involvement in Project Overseas. b.Administering all aspects of my Project Overseas assignment, travel, and return to Canada. c.Ensuring all regulatory and eligibility requirements related to my involvement in Project Overseas are met. I consent to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation’s further collection, use and disclosure of additional personal information required to grant final approval to my application to participate in Project Overseas. I understand that the privacy officer of the Alberta Teachers’ Association is available to answer my questions regarding that organization’s collection, use or disclosure of my personal information (780-447-9400 or 1-800-232-7208). I understand that the privacy officer of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation is available to answer my questions regarding CTF’s collection, use or disclosure of my personal information (1-866-283-1505). Date: ❒ Yes Signature: Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Page 14 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROJECTS OTHER THAN PROJECT OVERSEAS The ATA is involved in a number of International Cooperation projects other than Project Overseas. From time to time teachers are needed to assist with these projects in similar capacities. If you are interested in being considered for such work, please sign below to confirm your willingness to keep your file active with the Association. I would like to keep my file active with the Association for a period of one year, commencing January 1, 2016, in order to be considered for International Cooperation projects other than Project Overseas within this time period. I understand that my personal information will remain confidential and will be used for the sole purpose of such intiatives. SAVE PRINT Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Page 15 COOR-61 2014 11
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