September 23, 2014

Journal des étudiant-e-s
en droit de l’université McGill
Published by the McGill Law
Students’ Association
Volume 36, no 1
23 septembre 2014 | September 23th 2014
3644 Peel Street
Montréal, Québec H3A 1W9
[email protected]
Melissa Cederqvist
Ying Cheng
Nathan Cudicio
Charlie Feldman
Fortunat Nadima
Sunny Yang
Pouneh Davar-Ardakani
Kaishan He
Lindsay Little
Elspeth McMurray
Samantha Rudolph
David Searle
Andrew Stuart
Journal des étudiant-e-s
en droit de l’université McGill
McGill Law’s Weekly Student Newspaper
Volume 36, no 1
23 septembre 2014 | September 23th 2014
Linda Agaby
Samantha Rudolph
Suzanne Zaccour
Agatha Wong
Envoyez vos commentaires ou articles avant
jeudi 17h à l’adresse : [email protected]
Toute contribution doit indiquer le nom de
l’auteur, son année d’étude ainsi qu’un titre
pour l’article. L’article ne sera publié qu’à la
discrétion du comité de rédaction, qui basera
sa décision sur la politique de rédaction.
The Quid Novi is published by the McGill Law
Students' Association, a student society of
McGill University. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Quid
Novi staff. The views herein do not necessarily
reflect those of the McGill Law Students'
Association, the McGill Faculty of Law, or
McGill University.
Contributions should preferably be submitted
as a Word document.
The Quid Novi is published weekly by the students of the Faculty of Law at McGill University. Production is made possible through the direct support of students. All contents copyright 2014 Quid Novi. Les opinions exprimées sont propres aux auteurs et ne réflètent pas nécessairement celles de l’équipe du Quid Novi. The content of this publication does not
necessarily reflect the views of the McGill Law Students’ Association or of McGill University.
Welcome (back) to McGill!! Si vous lisez ceci, vous tenez entre vos
mains votre journal étudiant : le Quid Novi. The Quid Novi is YOUR
paper, and we’re so excited to be back for another school year!
Every Tuesday morning, a new Quid is published. It consists of the
submitted work of your peers, which has been edited, reviewed,
and transferred to the Quid layout by Student Associate Reviewers
and Layout Editors. We, the Managing Team, oversee the labour of
love that is this paper. Allow us to introduce ourselves :
(Left to right: Charlie, Ying, Melissa, Nathan)
Ying (Co-Editor-in-Chief)
Bonjour à tous et à toutes! Welcome to a brand new year and
a brave new world. My name is Ying. I’m a 3L and originally from
Montreal. I’ve worked and studied in a bunch of places in the U.S.
and Canada but, as a certain southern gal said to her dog Toto,
there’s no place like home. Along with the other Co-Editors-in-Chief and our In-House Diva
Emeritus, I invite you (yes, YOU!) to create some content for this
year’s issues. Send us an Overheard, a book review, a top 10 list,
your thoughts on transsytemia or passive bilingualism, or even a
haiku. En français ou en anglais. The Quid is your weekly newspaper. I’m really looking forward to reading your work and sharing
it with your colleagues. Have a fantastic semester and see you
Melissa (Co-Editor-in-Chief)
Hello all! My name is Melissa, new to the Quid and hailing from
Toronto. I’m looking forward to getting the Quid up and running
this year so that we can help you publish your ideas, create some
interesting discussions and contribute to your law community.
J’espère que le Quid arrivera à faire côtoyer des articles captivants et d’autres intrigants en plus de devenir la plateforme par
excellence pour un partage libre d’opinions. Alors bonne chance
dans vos travaux; octobre est à nos portes, signe que l’année
passera vite!
Nathan (Co-Editor-in-Chief)
Hi! My name is Nathan and I am one of the Co-Editors-in-Chief
of YOUR Quid Novi. Last week, I had the chance to meet the amazing team who is going to assemble, week after week, « à la sueur
de leur front », your newspaper - filled with your delightful stories
and contributions.
Needless to say, I cherish the comforting thought of being
prepared for the inconceivable. In other words, being to this Quid
what Joachim Löw was to the Mannschaft. This is how I recently
found my way out of my local library with New Quid on the Block,
Improve your Understanding of your Quid and How to Talk with
your Quid before your Quid can Talk (one of my favourites).
Pour ce tout premier éditorial, il m’avait été suggéré de discourir sur les recours s’offrant aux étudiants en droit pour devenir
de véritables « Quid Novi-eurs ». Il n’empêche que la prémisse de
départ de cette proposition est fausse : nul besoin de « devenir »
partie intégrante du Quid Novi puisque, à McGill du moins, étudiant rime avec journal. Vos pensées et vos prises de position nous
intéressent car, si lire est un droit, écrire se rapproche davantage
d’une opportunité!
Charlie (In-House Diva Emeritus)
Howdy y’all! Je m’appelle Charlie et je suis fier de m’impliquer
à nouveau au sein du Quid Novi. Lors de mon passage à travers le
premier cycle, j’ai occupé le prestigieux poste de In-House Diva (de
même que Ombudsman, Staff Writer, et Layout Editor). I’m back
for my LLM and delighted to be involved with the Quid, now with
my spiffy new title of In-House Diva Emeritus !
I have big dreams for the Quid – starting with reinstating the
Overheards, and making sure there’s more lighthearted content.
I look forward to engaging with you on the serious and the silly
(okay, mostly the silly) and making the Quid as awesome as it can
be. By way of background, I’m from the US originally and if you
don’t see me around, follow the sound of loud, out-of-place laughter and you’ll find me :-) Look forward to meeting you!
Et vous...
Si vous désirez faire publier un article dans le Quid Novi, faites
nous le parvenir par courriel, jeudi avant 17h00, pour qu’il soit
publié dans l’édition du mardi suivant. N’oubliez pas d’inclure un
titre pour votre article, ainsi que votre année d’étude. De plus,
s’il vous plaît vous assurez que votre article est enregistré comme
document Word et que vos photos sont sous forme de JPEG ou de
Nous attendons avec impatience de voir ce que l’année 20142015 réserve au Quid Novi! Bonne lecture!!
QN •
Submitted by Stephanie Feldman
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Law IV
What exactly is the Quid Novi? To their complete and utter
surprise, 1Ls might find that they are – for once at the beginning
of their law school careers – not the only ones to feel confused
about something going on around here. Our Faculty is experiencing – yet another! -– identity crisis, this one having to do with
our student paper.
Our beloved Quid Novi has gone, to say the least, through
upheaval last year. The first example that comes to mind is the
controversy over consent last year. But this is not all. Very thin
editions of the Quid – as well as those oddly filled with personal
letters and ads - are also problematic.
This is how I view it. Others might disagree–and I am prepared to
accept that. But I feel I have been here long enough, and wrote a
sufficient number of atypical contributions to this paper (apologies for that!), to give a piece of advice moving forward this year.
The Quid Novi is a paper run by students, for students, but also
for our whole Faculty.
There are many points that arise from this proposition. The first
one is a bit self-explanatory, and it goes like this: the Quid Novi
is a journal. It is not Facebook or Notice Board. Neither is it the
Faculty Council. There were a lot of valuable (and cathartic)
messages that found their way into the Quid last year that might
have been better suited to other forums.
There has been a lot of disagreement about what is ‘Quid material’, about whether this contribution lacks content or if another
is too ‘serious.’ But the key would be to find the right balance
between the two.
To get a good recipe with funny comments is awesome, and I
hope we will get more of those this year. But I also hope we will
also get many articles that deal extensively with topics that affect
each and every one of our lives.
This gets me to my second point: the Quid is a journal run by
students. I hope my comments are not interpreted as criticizing
the great work that has been done by last year’s Editors-in-Chief
and their team. They did a wonderful job of setting up the journal every week, but they just can’t write every article themselves. This is our job. It’s mine, and it’s yours.
The reason students should submit articles is related to my
third point: the Quid Novi is read by students and by our whole
Faculty. It represents a unique opportunity to share with your
peers your thoughts on an issue that you care about. But this is
also the chance to tell your story to your Dean, Professors, the
SAO and Library staff, and others.
Everyone reads the Quid. This is so because great students have
great things to say. Let’s hear them!
The Quid is a respectful, diverse and captivating journal. It should
primarily be a forum for exchange of ideas. Whether it is an
editorial on federal politics, a review of a conference held at the
Faculty, or a literary piece, there is a spot for it in these pages.
QN •
Mercredi dernier, le 17 septembre, j’ai assisté à ma première
réunion du Sénat de l’Université McGill en tant que sénateur étudiant. This oft-forgotten body of 107 voting members is chaired
by Principal Fortier and is the forum for Board members, faculty,
staff, students, and alumni to chart the course for the university,
chiefly in academic matters.1
I’m bringing to your attention two main items that may be of
interest to the student body: the Sexual Assault Policy/Consent
Campaign and the Budget.
Sexual Assault Policy & Consent Campaign
The first question that I posed to Senate was regarding the need
to address sexual assault and consent in our university community, specifically in the Athletics department.
Background: In November 2013, Ollivier Dyens, the Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning), sent an email to the McGill community responding to the sexual assault charges laid against three
members of McGill’s football team. He stated that “[McGill] will
take proactive measures to ensure that our community values
respect for others, both on and off campus.» After a discussion
with the Athletic Advisory Board, the Recreation and Athletics
Guide is in the process of being updated to address this issue.
My question: «I am concerned that this handbook largely goes
unread by the students. What is the best way for these policies to
come to light?»
• Consent info in Orientation Health Kits
• Sexual health/consent workshops in residences
• Developing website on sexual violence
• Purchased a Bystander intervention program (Athletics will
use this to train their staff and coaches)
My thoughts: I am not satisfied with the response I received.
More than just a handbook policy being changed online, we need
concrete awareness and training initiatives in place to be proactive in preventing sexual assault. The Deputy Provost is reticent to
target a specific group of students, but given limited resources, a
targeted approach makes sense rather than just general, diffuse
campus-wide measures. McGill already targets frosh leaders with
such training, it would be advisable to expand this to all student
leaders and ambassadors, especially including student-athletes.
My rationale for specifically including the Athletics department
as one of the first groups to receive training is supported by
research. A report on campus sexual violence from U.S. Senator
McCaskill, based on a survey of 440 American colleges and universities, notes:
«Schools are also still failing to provide targeted training for
certain groups of students among whom sexual violence
happens with greater frequency than the general population of students. For example, [...] only 37% provide training
targeted at student athletes.» 2
The response from the Deputy Provost was that the policy is
currently being vetted by lawyers and will soon be available
Additionally, in a meta-analysis of 29 studies relating college
online. Responding to a follow-up question, Dyens stated that the athletic participation to attitudes and behaviors associated with
University will not be implementing consent training for student- sexual aggression, a statistically significant association was found
athletes since this would be targeting one specific group of the
between athletic participation and self-report of sexual aggresMcGill community. He highlighted some other McGill / SSMU
sion among college men.3 While of course training would be
beneficial for all student leaders and the wider McGill community, we need to start somewhere. And the statistical realities point
• Hired a Harm Reduction Liaison Officer to run a cam
to including student-athletes as a starting point.
pus-wide education initiatives such as holding two Forums
on Consent
McGill is proud of its position as 21st in the recently released QS
World ranking of universities, but here is an area where we are
• Will host a Consent Campaign in October 2014
lagging behind, and it is a shame the administration refuses to be
proactive in this area.
• Frosh leader training
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Your thoughts:
• Do you agree with the Deputy Provost that the university
should not target one specific group of students and instead
focus on wider initiatives?
• Or do you support my position that in addition to providing McGill-wide initiatives, the Athletics department would
benefit from a targeted program?
Je voudrais entendre vos commentaires à ce sujet !
Mon courriel: [email protected]
Le budget 2014-15 du gouvernement provincial a annoncé une
réduction de la quantité d’argent que les institutions post-secondaires recevront. Ce mois-ci, McGill a reçu la formule pour
déterminer le financement du gouvernement. Il faudra à McGill
au moins un mois afin de déterminer exactement comment cela
aura un impact sur nos finances. La meilleure estimation actuelle
est que nous recevront 15 millions de dollars de moins que prévu.
Nous recevrons plus d’information le mois prochain lors de la
réunion du Sénat.
I meet with the other student senators weekly, and I would
greatly appreciate your feedback on these or other issues affecting the wider McGill community. My email again: lawsenator@
Your Senator,
Dan Snyder
1. See for Senate composition, committees, documents, meeting times, archives.
2. Sexual Assault on Campus., p.8
3. Murnen, Sarah K., and Marla H. Kohlman. «Athletic participation,
fraternity membership, and sexual aggression among college men: A
meta-analytic review.» Sex Roles 57.1-2 (2007): 145-157.
QN •
Law II
Êtes-vous doté-es de leadership ? L’extrait de l’essai de William
Deresiewicz publié par le New Republic et intitulé « Don’t Send
Your Kid to the Ivy League » a interpellé un grand nombre d’internautes parce qu’il nous met au défi de redéfinir cette expression
galvaudée. Selon Deresiewicz, les Ivy de ce monde échouent dans
la formation de leurs diplômés, alors que ces derniers seraient
emprisonnés dans des moules de performance préétablis. La
compétition effrénée qui caractérise notre génération me force
souvent à me poser la question : suis-je un leader ? Ne m’identifiant pas avec le stéréotype des individus dévoués uniquement à
leurs ambitions professionnelles, je me rabaisse souvent par ce
genre de questionnement (futile), me critiquant de lâcheté, de
manque de confiance, de direction, etc. C’est donc avec enthousiasme que j’ai lu et que je vous propose une courte critique d’un
essai rédigé par Janie Duquette, intitulé « Les 7 clés du leadership
au féminin ». Dans cet ouvrage, l’auteure encourage les femmes
de s’assumer dans leur rôle de leader, en se fiant à leurs traits dits
De ses expériences, elle retire sept clés qui lui permettent
aujourd’hui de mener une vie équilibrée tant au niveau professionnel, personnel, que spirituel. Sans rentrer dans les détails,
elle encourage ses lectrices à s’assumer en communiquant
leurs valeurs à leur entourage, à faire preuve d’empathie, tant
envers les autres qu’envers soi-même, à écouter leur intuition, à
se divertir, à se préoccuper de leur santé, tant physique qu’émotionnelle, et à être solidaires entre elles... des propos pas nécessairement innovateurs, mais néanmoins inspirants pour des âmes
L’ouvrage de Duquette m’a néanmoins déçu par le fait qu’elle
n’adresse pas le défi d’entamer une carrière en se fondant sur
ces 7 clés. Aurait-elle pu justement jouir de son succès professionnel sans avoir été un bourreau de travail, ayant ignoré pour
une bonne partie de sa carrière ses besoins et ses qualités plus
humains ? C’est loin d’être certain. Et si nous nous permettons
du temps de divertissement, des pauses santés, etc., pouvonsEn partant, je reconnais pleinement que certains de ses propos
nous nous attendre aux résultats scolaires escomptés, et évensont problématiques. Non, les femmes ne détiennent pas le
tuellement au degré d’épanouissement professionnel désiré ?
monopole des traits supposément féminins. Et non, les femmes C’est une question que je me pose et que j’entend souvent de
ne sont pas nécessairement ou uniquement dotées de tels traits; mes ami-es, mais sur laquelle cet ouvrage reste muet.
elles ont à leur disposition toute une gamme de traits, féminins
ou autres. Et finalement, je confirme que je ne suis pas une
En guise de conclusion, Duquette exhorte les femmes de fonfemme et que je ne peux donc pas saisir les enjeux et les obscer, car le monde dépend de leur leadership. Peu importe notre
tacles qui leur sont propres sur le marché du travail.
genre, son message demeure pertinent et se résume à un besoin
d’authenticité : Duquette nous offre un exemple de leadership qui
Cela dit, cet ouvrage m’a beaucoup interpellé par le fait qu’il
se définit en commençant par le je et non par les autres.
présente un modèle de leader différent, soit celui d’une personne
qui assume pleinement ses valeurs sociales, son intuition, et qui
se donne la permission de se traiter avec compassion. Diplômée
en droit, ancienne associée dans un grand bureau d’avocats et,
par la suite, PDG d’une importante entreprise dans l’industrie du
disque, Janie Duquette pond ce livre pour partager ses erreurs de
parcours afin d’aider les femmes à façonner le 21e siècle à leur
propre manière.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Law IV
This is a weekly column about law school and learning. The best advice is to do what works
best for you – but hopefully this column can help you figure out what that might be.
The most common question I hear from first-years is “do I have to a sense of the structure. Judges will often state the legal issue(s)
do all of my readings?”
early in the case, and the heading in your course outline may
indicate which issues are relevant.
Many first-years don’t have time to keep up with their readings.
Or they may reach the end of a reading without having any idea You don’t need to know every detail of every reading. Some secwhat it was about. This experience is common and frustrating. As tions, such as facts and procedural history, can often be skimmed
a result, many students turn to PubDocs summaries. These are
– they provide context but you won’t need to know all the details
compilations of notes and summaries of readings from a previous for the exam. Pay greater attention to facts emphasized in the
year’s version of the course, published online through the LSA
reasoning section of the judgment.
website or circulated among students.
The legal reasoning is most important, but some parts should
Summaries are often life-saving – and controversial. One profes- be read more closely than others. Judgments sometimes give a
sor of mine warned her students that she could tell when they
history of an area of law. This may be interesting but is not always
had used a summary, because their exam would cite cases that
vital to understanding the case. In old English decisions, it was
weren’t in the current coursepack. Another professor expressly
common for judges to list the facts and holdings of a series of
endorsed a specific summary.
prior cases. However, a key precedent or rule will usually receive
more extensive discussion; the lengthy summaries can often
Summaries are a great supplement, but they can also hurt you if be skimmed. Finally, pay attention in class – if you skimmed
you rely on them too much. They are great for clarifying a point
something your professor emphasizes, you can always review it
of confusion, or catching up when you have missed a class or
some readings. However, too often students use them as a substitute for reading. This is an efficient route to a B or B-minus, but For doctrine and articles, similar rules apply. Look at the abstract,
will usually prevent you from achieving higher grades – and from the table of contents or headings, and the conclusion. Try to
learning some essential legal skills.
determine why your professor assigned this reading (the same
rule applies for cases). There are generally three types of doctriWhen you use a summary, you don’t deal with the readings
nal readings:
directly, which makes it difficult to form original opinions. It also
1. “Why” readings
leaves you vulnerable to another student’s mistakes. The full
These are predominantly a theory or argument about the
decision – with the original language, facts, sources and leaps of
law. The most important thing is to discern the author’s
logic – goes far beyond the ratio1. Sophisticated analysis requires
thesis and their supporting arguments. The evidence they
understanding the reasoning, not just the conclusions.
use to support their arguments should be considered but not
learned in detail.
Beyond your grades, the ability to discern the ratio of a case, to
2. “What” readings
criticize it or to distinguish it,2 are legal skills learned through
These may have an argument, but are predominantly desreading a case. Reading cases is part of your legal education.
criptive. The examples and evidence are more important
than with “why” readings.
The key is to read strategically. It’s law school, not Game of
3. “How” readings
Thrones - spoilers are acceptable. Start with the headnote, if
These are more practical, and are common in Legal Methothere is one. PubDocs can be useful for this if you don’t have a
dology. These readings are not so much read as absorbed –
headnote, so long as you don’t let it influence your assessment of
you will probably revisit them at some point, so don’t be too
the case. Look at the conclusion, and look for any headings to get
worried if you can’t remember everything the first time.
10 •
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Don’t forget that a single article may fit in multiple categories.
Once you understand a reading, you can approach it more critically. Though these readings are often presented as “authorities”,
their reasoning is never ironclad. Some common questions to ask
1. What language choices does the author make?
2. What does the author assume?
3. Are there any gaps in the reasoning? Are there any logical fallacies?
4. Does the author apply any theoretical approaches?
5. Does the author emphasize law, policy, facts, or a combination of all three?
6. What sources does the author rely on?
7. Does the judgment reflect or enforce any values or
systems (good or bad)? Eg. individualism, egalitarianism,
patriarchy, multiculturalism, colonialism, etc.
8. If there is a dissent, does the dissent approach the facts
differently from the majority? If so, how?
9. Are any relevant issues not discussed in a judgment?
The fundamental question is: do you agree? The first-year curriculum sometimes leaves students feeling as though they don’t
have a right to an opinion – don’t fall into this trap! Your opinions
are valuable – more on that next week.
Upper-years – do you have any study tips or strategies to share
with first-years? Send them to [email protected] to
be included in the column. Future topics include exam writing,
study strategies, preparing a summary, and stress management.
1. The legal rule used to decide the case.
2. Show that it does not apply.
QN •
In-House Diva
Hello and welcome to a new Quid! Since some of you are new to
the Faculty, I thought it opportune to republish an advice piece
from yesteryear with a slight update. The question I had posed
was “What do you wish you knew as a 1L?” (Or in some cases,
“Do you have any advice for new students?” – I’m not great at
consistent interviewing.)
knowledge for the rest of law school, rather than forgetting it
over the summer!
*Find summaries written by Michael Shortt!!!!* Wish I knew that
a McGill law B was like an A. And that I would have loads of job
prospects despite mostly B/B+s on my transcript.
The compilation of answers was published in the September
*To the big nerds, like I was, who think that books are everything,
21st, 2010 issue of the Quid (Volume 32, Issue 1). That piece is
put down the books and try to have some fun.
republished below. This week, I asked on Facebook if anyone had
new tidbits to contribute. The new additions come first.
*Everyone gets Bs. And no one uses real books – all the useful
stuff is online. Don’t pay for books. Canlii has most everything.
Some of the advice may seem to contradict, and to me that’s the
point. Everyone has a different approach to law and law school:
*Anonymous wisdom to first years? There’s no real practice of
NCDH is not a one-size-fits-all-place. Hopefully some of the
«international law» and don’t let McLaw lead you to believe that
advice speaks to you. If you are an upper-year and have your own there is. Whether you practice within an international firm or an
“I wish I knew…” thoughts, think about a Quid article – you never international organization, your practice can include internatioknow who may benefit from your experience and insight.
nal/cross border deals or cases, but you must develop mastery of
the local law to do it. Even if your practice ends up mostly involBest of luck and have a great semester!
ving work with international agreements, to actually do anything,
that international agreement needs to interact with local law to
be able to set into action.
**2014 Advice Additions**
*Blindly following the prestige track has proven to be not rewar*Be nice to Thomas C., because he’s nicer to you than you
ding in the end for many of the people I know, myself included.
If you, like me, haven’t figured out what area of law ignites your
passions, if you’ve got to choose, following your gut on where
* Get your JCrew and online shopping delivered at the Faculty.
you feel like you fit in and can gain tangible skills is more imporLet’s be honest, you spend more time there than at home!
tant than a fancy name.
*Ask questions in class. People in my year seemed to be scared
of asking questions for fear of looking stupid. I asked a lot of
questions, many of which were indeed stupid. But the professor’s
answers cleared up my confusion. Other people, who did not ask
questions, never got that clarification and went into their exams
*You’re probably coming from an academic environment where
most people are somewhat like-minded, or at least share similar
interests (enough similarity to say, all major in Poli Sci). So it’s
kind of a shock to the system to land in an environment where
your classmates are coming at things from different academic
points of view. HOWEVER, my piece of advice (as obvious as it
may sound) is not to get hung up on what everyone else thinks
* Accept that you won’t be able to understand everything. Get
a lawyer, or the law should be. There are lawyers for literally
the big picture and move on. You will understand more and more EVERYTHING, so the fact that you majored in Psych, while the guy
as you go through.
next to you has a Masters in Biochem, and the girl behind you
studied Spanish before backpacking around Latin America for 2
*You won’t get everything in L1, so re-read your notes over
years doesn’t mean that you - or any of these people - are any
the summer, and maybe re-read some of the cases that you
more or less entitled to (a) be in law school, (b) share your points
had trouble with as well. That really helped me lock in my L1
of view and (c) go on to a career in whatever area of law most
12 •
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
aligns with your interests and abilities
*Even though the course guide does it somewhat, don’t mentally divide up your courses into «human rights/social justice»
and «corporate/business», as many people tend to do. There’s
more overlap between the two than some people like to think
--- to use a Professor’s example, what if you work for a Non-Profit
Human Rights organisation that wants to incorporate? Helpful to
have Bus Ass! Studying Tax Law can sound pretty square, but it is
about the distribution of wealth in our society - pretty important
when you’re looking at income inequality. And, wouldn’t it be a
good thing if more people in the corporate world had experience
studying human rights and social justice issues? Also, many businesses are looking at their human rights & environmental footprints more closely. Not to mention the intersection of business
and social development/justice in some aspects of community
economic development.
*In addition to being a professional training, the study of law,
like the study of anything else, is an academic discipline. Despite
what some upper years (and some profs) may tell you - the legal
way (IRAC, point-first writing, etc etc) is not the ONE CORRECT
WAY to approach the world; however, it is often the correct
way to approach any given legal question. You use a certain
methodology when conducting a chemistry experiment. You use
a different methodology when conducting a sociological study.
And, once again, you use a different methodology for answering
a legal question. So don’t get too stressed out if you feel some
sort of cognitive dissonance at the hands of colleagues who try
to convince you that the legal approach to a problem is the be all
and end all. It’s not the ONE APPROACH TO RULE THEM ALL, but
it is an academic discipline like any other, and has it’s own quirks
and rules.
critique. If you have an undergrad coming from something like
political science, by the end of your degree you get really good
at BSing and really bad at learning - in law you actually have to
4L: That no matter how much you study and know any law or
legal text, at McGill they grade you better for your philosophic,
feminist, hermeneutic, libertarian, liberal, etc. approach.
4L: Ninety-nine percent of the professors really care and pour
their hearts into their teaching, but be polite to them - just one
rude grade-grubbing student can really turn a professor off an
entire class. Professors have feelings too!
3L: Never listen to what anyone says about a professor. Make up
your own mind. People have different tastes and I would have
missed out on some excellent classes if I had listened to ‘The
word on the street’
4L: Get to know the people around you. Your classmates are the
best thing about your education. The professors are also worth
getting to know; go to office hours and help yourself stand out (in
a good way).
3L: Speak from your heart (not your summary- everyone will talk
about you if you do that) but not too much, and make annotated
syllabi for exams.
3L: Apply for everything - there is so much cool stuff you can do
in law school!
2L: Don’t let exam time sneak up on you. MUCH easier said than
*Take advantage of having all these people from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints around you for a few years -- because
it won’t be long before you may draw on your experiences with
them when you’re trying to «think outside the box» at a boutique
firm where everyone around you is doing the same kind of law
2L: Nothing in first year is as bad as you think it is in that moment/going to turn out later. It’s basic, but tremendously easy to
*We are exceptionally lucky (literally: the exception) in that we
don’t have to apply for jobs based just on our first year marks.
That means you should try your best in first year but not stress
too much if it takes a bit of time to get the hang of things and enjoy law school without immediately being concerned about your
next step. You have a bonus year so make friends, get involved in
different activities to figure out what interests you and recognize
how lucky you are!
2L: There are no assertions in law school - anything you put down
on an exam must be properly sourced with an authority - the rest
is just fluff, so make sure your notes are designed accordingly.
***2010 Advice (as previously published in the Quid, years
reflected then-year of study)***
2L: Professors actually want you to come and talk to them. As in,
they WANT you to come talk to them. Not that they don’t mind,
but as in they ENJOY students coming to speak to them.
3L: You’ll have to learn stuff - not just regurgitate, comment, and
4L: Sometimes using your time wisely means not going to class.
2L: Sometimes, less is more - you CAN get lost in the details if you
dive too much into
cases, and unless you have a steel trap memory really having
detailed recall of the more subtle points of any case you read is
most likely going to be irrelevant or lost on the prof in the exam.
2L: Always give yourself five minutes on an exam for a final readthrough.
2L: Don’t study for Civil Law Property like it’s a common law
course. Know the CCQ and the doctrine.
2L: Be mentally prepared to bust out the blue book if your com-
QN •
puter breaks down.
you think you’ll like – give everything a chance.
2L: Appreciate what you are learning as much as the grades you
are getting - in the long-term that is what is more valuable.
2L: Make sure the summary you use itself doesn’t have errors...
2L: Don’t take yourself too seriously!
4L: Every case can be summarized in two sentences. That’s about
all the space you’ve got on an exam, usually. If you can’t summarize it in two sentences...think about it until you can.
4L: Don’t sign up for everything just because it looks good –
3L: Know now that the grades you’ll get may not be the ones you people can see through that.
want, or even the ones you feel you deserve. Learn for learning’s
sake and learn that your GPA does not de- fine you.
3L: Don’t get mono in your first semester. It really sucks.
3L: I wish they told us how to study for law school exams and
what they would be like. They are different, and it’s hard sometimes to conceptualize just what you’re being asked. Basically,
my advice is to read a summary at the start of a semester, know
where the course is going, and structure yourself and your notes
accordingly. Don’t go case- by-case, thing about how it all fits
together and you’re doing it – it will be majorly helpful come
exam time, as you’re not simply asked to go case-by-case, but
rather, to illustrate how it all fits together.
**2010 Advice from Professors**
Prof. [Redacted]: I didn’t go to law school so I’m probably not the
best person to ask...
Prof. [Redacted]:: Take time to know what you want to do. Take
time to know what’s around you. You just got here – enjoy it!
Prof. [Redacted]: If you’re going to drop out, do it before you’re
eight months in!
3L: There’s nothing to be gained by comparing grades/offers, etc. Prof. [Redacted]: If you’re feeling lonesome after Coffeehouse,
Don’t talk about it.
don’t go home with a classmate, head over to St. Laurent.
3L: My advice would be to look at upper-years. Obviously, some
are smarter than you but a lot are just as smart or dumber. I
don’t say that to be mean, but it would have been helpful as a
1L if I had looked around and realized ‘These people can do it’ so
clearly I can to – there is not some sort of special magical thing
you need to do well here.
4L: Find the area of the law you like and then specialize in it
through courses or activities, don’t immediately jump in to what
Prof. [Redacted]: Proceed with caution on also social fronts at
first - life is long in a small community.
Prof. [Redacted]: Talk to your Prof if you don’t understand. Well,
at first, read it again, ask around, but if you really don’t get something, come to office hours. Don’t let something fester and then
become problematic for you come exams.
Green Law Committee is recruiting new committee members for
this academic year! Our main activity is running Plate Club, which Time commitment is minimal (<1 hour/week) and flexible. First
lends reusable plates, glasses and utensils to Faculty events to
years are particularly encouraged to apply!
reduce waste.
Holler if this interests you [email protected].
Nous continuerons également de poursuivre la compensation des
émissions de carbone de l’AÉD, et d’étudier les moyens de rendre
la Faculté plus respectueuse de l’environnement.
14 •
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Chers étudiants et chères étudiantes,
Nous espérons que vous avez passé un très bel été et que vous
êtes prêts à commencer la nouvelle année scolaire! Welcome to
all new undergraduate and graduate students, and welcome back
to those returning to Chancellor Day Hall for their second, third
or fourth year!
Nous vous écrivons pour vous informer de tous les services que
nous vous offrons durant l’année. We also write to announce the
new members of the Student Affairs Office (SAO), to update you
on the events that we have in store for you this upcoming year,
and to remind you of some general information.
The Student Affairs Office (SAO) provides a variety of support to
both undergraduate and graduate students in the Faculty of Law.
The office is responsible for administering policies on student
records, student evaluation, examinations and university policies
and regulations related to student affairs.
All students are encouraged to contact the SAO on a wide variety
of issues, some of which are listed below.
- Advising & general support
- Inscription aux cours
- B.C.L./LL.B. program requirements
- Degree audits
- Major, minor, honours programs
- Clinical legal education (mooting, legal clinic, internships)
- Examens
- Extension requests
- Prix et bourses
- Exchange & study abroad program
- Leave of absence requests
- Support for students with familial obligations: www.mcgill.
The SAO is currently developing a peer-to-peer support program please stay tuned for more information!
Comment communiquer avec le Secrétariat aux études :
- Par courriel : Envoyez-nous vos questions à [email protected]
- En personne : Visitez-nous (NCDH salle 433) durant nos heures
d’ouverture :
- Lundi à jeudi de 10h00 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 16h00
- Vendredi de 10h00 à 12h30
16 •
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Voici les membres du Secrétariat aux études:
Associate Dean (Academic): Professor Hoi Kong *nouveau
membre!: part-time status, honours program, leave of absence,
program changes, SIS applications
Director, Student Life & Learning: Nancy Czemmel: student advising & support, deferred/supplemental exam requests, extension
requests, transfer credits, late course changes, withdrawals.
SAO Front Counter: Jane Donga, Jess Gelinas, Lianne Barski
*returning member!
Student Advisor (1L, 2L, Exchange Programs): Vanessa Morelli: 1L
& 2L registration, degree audits, exchanges, student advising and
support for 1L & 2L.
Student Advisor (Upper Years): Giosi Rota *nouvelle membre!:
upper year registration, degree audits, clinical legal education,
student advising and support for upper years.
If you need to sit down with an SAO advisor for 5-10 minutes, no
appointment is needed. Come by during our open hours.
Voici notre calendrier d’événements pour la session d’automne
2014. The events written in Italics are the ones associated with
the mandatory 1L Student Life & Learning Series, the event
in bold is a 2L Student Life & Learning Series event, while the
other events are the general events that everyone is welcome to
attend. Pour les descriptions des événements suivants, veuillez
consulter le site :
Exchange Info
Mon Sep 29
1:00 - 2:30pm Moot Court
1L SLL Series,
Part 4 (Grp 1
& 2): Degree
Fri Oct 3
1:00 - 2:30pm NCDH 200
2L SLL Series, Mon Oct 6
Part 2: Library
1:00 - 2:30pm Moot Court
1L SLL Series,
Part 4 (Grp 3
& 4): Degree
Fri Oct 10
1:00 - 2:30pm NCDH 200
1L SLL Series,
Part 4 (Grp 5
& 6): Degree
Fri Oct 17
1:00 - 2:30pm NCDH 200
3L Degree
Fri Oct 24
1:00 - 2:30pm NCDH 200
Mon Oct 27
the Workshop
1:00 - 2:30pm NCDH 200
Money Monday
Mon Nov 3
1:00 - 2:30pm Atrium
1L SLL Series,
Part 5: Exam
Prep session
Wed Nov 5
1:00 - 2:30pm Moot Court
Nous vous encourageons à visiter le site web du Secrétariat aux
études (SAO) pour obtenir de l’information sur les dates importantes, et les procédures, règlements et politiques de la faculté.
Le SAO est en train de changer son site web et vous invite à
partager vos idées par courriel à [email protected].
SAO Drop Box: Si vous voulez nous remettre des documents
durant nos heures de fermeture, vous pouvez tout simplement
les déposer dans notre boîte (« SAO Dropbox »), située directement en face du SAO. If you need urgent help, you will always
find someone on the 4th floor during business hours.
Room bookings: Need room booking assistance? Thomas Chalmers is happy to assist you with room bookings, lockers, and
other building matters. You can make room booking requests
using this online form. S’il s’agit d’un évènement, veuillez préalablement vous assurer auprès du Centre de développement
professionnel ([email protected]) que votre date n’entre pas
en conflit avec le calendrier de développement professionnel :
Student Services: Sachez que l’Université McGill offre tout un
éventail de services pour favoriser un milieu accueillant. Parmi
ces services, vous trouverez les services de counselling, d’aide
en santé mentale, les programmes de bourses d’études et d’aide
financière aux étudiants, ainsi que la Maison des premières
nations. Veuillez visiter pour plus
de détails ou procurez-vous un dépliant au comptoir du SAO.
Transcripts and Student fees: If you have questions regarding
transcripts or student fees, please visit Service Point on McTavish
Nous vous souhaitons une année pleine de succès!
Dear returning Law students welcome back! And to all new incoming students: Soyez les bienvenus !
Welcome tours
If you would like to know more about our facilities and services,
take one of the Welcome tours that are offered at the Nahum
Gelber Law Library
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
• Monday, September 22
• Wednesday, September 24
• Monday, September 29
• Wednesday, October 1
En tant qu’étudiants et professeurs de la Faculté de droit de
l’Université McGill, l’une des facultés participant au programme
d’accès gratuit aux services de SOQUIJ, vous aurez accès en
primeur, dès cette semaine, à la version bêta du nouveau service
Recherche juridique qui remplacera l’ancienne plateforme de
A présent, le nouveau Portail SOQUIJ est accessible avec votre
ancien mot de passe AZIMUT à partir de l’écran « Services » de
QN •
Electronic McGill Cite Guide, NEW Westlaw Next, and NEW
La Reference
Since this week, we have access to the new platforms with
improved user interfaces for the Westlaw Next Canada and La
Reference (former DCL/ REJB).
Changes in access to electronic resources
This summer, the McGill Library made some important changes in
the access to electronic resources (databases and journals):
• Print books and journal as well as other physical items
can still be found in the Classic Catalogue. New print mateOne of the most important new features of the Westlaw Canada
rials purchased will continue to be updated in Classic CataNext is the access to an electronic version of the Canadian Guide
to Uniform Legal Citation (8th edition).
• Electronic journals and e-books can be found (by title)
in the WorldCat catalogue. Alternatively, to find electronic
All the links in the Law Subject guide and on the Law Library
journals by title and to access full text, you can use the link
branch page have been updated to lead to the new platforms.
E-journals available at McGill
atoztitles/search#journal. You can always find this link under
Opening hours – Fall 2014
Key Resources in the Law subject guide http://www.mcgill.
Our hours have changed this semester. As of Tuesday, September
2nd until October the 18th, the Law Library is open for study 9
• Articles published in the legal journals can be found (by
a.m. – 11 p.m. on the weekdays and 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. on Saturtitle, author, or keywords) in the databases: Law subject
days and Sundays. The full opening and service hours for the
guide/ E-journals and periodical indexes http://www.mcgill.
Fall term are posted at the Law Library’s webpage: http://www.
New Edition of the Red Book
Beginning in July 2014, McGill has a new, more secure VPN server.
New, 8th, edition of the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal CitaYou must go through the steps to install the Cisco AnyConnect
tion, a.k.a. McGill Cite Guide or Red Book is published. What’s
VPN client on your computer (a one-time procedure). ThereafNew in the 8th edition:
ter, you only need to click the AnyConnect icon and sign in using
• A new section in the General Rules giving guidance for
your McGill Username and Password. You can then access McGill
citing to online sources
internal resources, such as departmental and personal files. You
• A new section providing a rule for «point in time» citacan find more about the new VPN here:
tions for legislation
• The section on the Government Documents rules was
reorganised to provide clarity, especially for Non-Parliamentary Documents
Law Library blog, Facebook & Twitter
• A greatly expanded section on online sources, including The Law Library is on social media:
forms for blogs, twitter, and online video (including a pin• Read Law Library’s blog
point form)
At present, we have nine print copies of the new Red Book avai• Like our Facebook page
lable: eight on Law Library reserve and one in the Reference colNahumGelberLaw.Library
lection. The access to the electronic version is available through
• Follow us on Twitter
the Westlaw Next Canada.
18 •
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
In-House Diva
Since I believe the Quid is a place for sharing - and that sharing
is caring - what follows is an absolutely true story. May it both
serve as a warning and inspire you to greatness… and hopefully it
doesn’t gross you out too much! (Although, realistically this story
is disgusting. It will gross you out. Read it anyway! SHARING IS
Like many a McGill Law graduate (BCL/LLB 2011 Represent!),
I signed up to take a bar exam. No, I didn’t do this right after
graduating; instead, I decided I was too cool for school and would
get a job doing something else. Eventually, I came to my senses: If
I got through law school I might as well just take this one last test.
Worst case I’d fail, and that would be that – encouragement to
pursue my dreams of being on television, despite my face being
best suited for radio and my voice arguably best left for print.
After all, I had already given up my passion to front a Destiny’s
Child cover band to come to law school – so what was one more
shattered dream?
So, lo and behold, I get the material. Let’s ignore the province
in question for a moment, suffice it to say there are two exams:
the Barrister and the Solicitor. The Barrister materials seemed
straightforward and reflected many courses I took and did well
in* while attending McGill. (*“Did well” as defined in the McGill
sense, so let’s just say they were all Bs or below).
The Solicitor exam was another story. I hadn’t taken any of the
subjects while in law school because I made it a point to avoid
anything that sounded hard (business law, I’m looking at you). I
will not lie, I was scared of the Solicitor exam, mostly because I
kept falling asleep while reading the materials, and had to cut a
portion of a page out of my binder because, well, I got too much
drool on it. (Yes, dependant support claims under the Succession
Law Reform Act was just that exciting).
Fast-forward to the actual exams. I take the Barrister exam and,
to my surprise, thought it was the most straightforward and
simple thing in the world. I kicked myself for having waited so
long to take it after graduating. They have this rule that you can’t
leave during the last half-hour of each exam sitting (you take one
part in the morning and the other in the afternoon) and, well, I
think I finished the morning portion with 50 minutes left, enough
to drive off site and procure some chocolate since I forgot to
bring any with my lunch.
Here’s where the story takes a turn. At the Barrister exam I run
into a beloved McGill Law classmate. Let’s call her Katie… because
she actually is named Katie. While close in law school, Katie is not
from (province of the exam) so I was genuinely surprised to see
her at the same Barrister sitting. She told me she would be there
for a few weeks between the two exams and we made plans to
meet up. We also made plans to have dinner the night before the
Solicitor exam, the goal being to unwind and get our minds off it
before the big day.
Cue the fateful dinner before the night of the Solicitor exam.
Katie suggested a burger place in her neighbourhood that she’d
never been to and I had heard good things about. Being that
I don’t eat non-Kosher meat, we checked to see if there were
vegetarian options. Curiously, they had a falafel burger – enter
the villain in our story.
Mr. Falafel Burger tasted ... meh. It was only an okay burger,
nothing to write home about. I’d never had one before but figured it couldn’t be that bad, and nothing immediately suggested
it would pose some sort of digestive issue. However, when I got
home, my stomach had plenty to say. I couldn’t sleep. I kept
getting up because of this incredible pressure in my stomach. Mr.
Falafel was seemingly out for revenge.
Bleary-eyed, I drove to the exam site in what turned out to be
an awful commute because it was snowing (hello March) and it
was the crack of dawn, and I felt like hell. (Side note: I know, you
shouldn’t drive tired, but luckily we never got above 20kph really,
due to the snow).
I arrive at the exam feeling awful. My McGill friends notice. Thankfully, I just look awful and whatever it is hasn’t manifested itself
otherwise. The exam starts a bit late owing to the snow and the
organizers realizing it wasn’t easy to get there. I squirm awkwardly in my chair trying to settle my stomach, which at this point
was rumbling a little from time to time, and occasionally making
a growl that I attempted to quell with some pretzels.
The first session (three-and-a-half hours) goes by and after hour
one… I could not stop farting. Like, COULD NOT STOP. Luckily,
most were not audible. However, some were quite expressive –
prompting me to turn several times out of habit (and pure pity)
to the nice young woman behind me to say “Sorry!” in that most
Canadian of self-absolution rituals. After the ninth or tenth sorry,
QN •
I realize perhaps she’s writing in French, so I switch it up with
“Desole” and “Je m’excuse”.
fewer than 30 minutes on the clock. Knowing what had just happened, I didn’t want to take that risk. So, with twelve minutes on
the clock before the 30-minute-rule I endeavored to answer eveI never did find out her linguistic preference, but I will note that
rything I had left unanswered – questions I had skipped before
after lunch she was no longer at the table behind me…
my surprise washroom adventure, questions I had yet to answer
and had been avoiding since I decided to approach the exam in
Cue lunch. I feel awful. I have no appetite. I feel like I’m droworder of my comfort with the subjects (i.e. get the easier stuff out
ning. The farts continue. This was the exam I had the most stress of the way first)… all of it. There was no penalty for guessing, and
about, the one I really felt like I had to prove myself on since
let’s just say that as the clock had 32 minutes left, some of the
it was material I had never encountered prior to studying, and
questions may not even have been read despite being answered
there I am, tired as anything… I can’t stop my stomach from rum- on the sheet.
bling, and my body is emitting like Fukushima – with everyone
keeping their distance.
The clock shows 31 minutes left. My hand shoots up. Invigilator
who escorted me earlier pretends not to see (I don’t blame him).
I cough loudly. Another comes quickly and says “Just in time!” …
I return to the washroom, regrettably, but this time at least I’m
The afternoon sitting is another three hours and 30 minutes.
There’s a giant countdown clock at the front of the room. I’m
going through the material, stressing about my incompetence
Some time later, I get to my car and call my mom. I tell her what
when it comes to tax and kicking myself furiously for never taking I’m sure every mom wants to hear – “My bowels exploded and
Business Associations (Note: it wasn’t required when I was a
I’ll have to retake the bar exam so I’m probably not coming home
this summer”.
Finally, I can’t take it. There’s an hour and forty minutes left for
the exam and I have to use the facilities (I tried at lunch with no
real success). I wait to see if maybe I can just awkwardly reposition myself. No such luck. I raise my hand and the invigilator
comes to escort me to the washroom, taking my exam materials
to ensure I don’t somehow cheat.
I position myself at a stand-up urinal thinking “If I just get some
pressure off I can make it through the rest of the exam”. No such
luck. I turn and the invigilator (who was in the bathroom with
me) helpfully opens the faucet, prompting me to say – in what
remains one of the most awkward interactions I’ve ever had with
another human – “Sorry - I have to use the sit down”.
That night I console myself with some mac and cheese and go
to bed early. Returning to work the following day I’m received
with excited queries of “How did it go!?” only to recount my tale
of Pepto and woe. In case it isn’t yet obvious (okay I know it’s
obvious), I’m a sharer.
Several weeks pass, and I’ve resigned myself to retaking the
exam… I’ve also cursed Mr. Falafel Burger repeatedly and gave
the place a super scathing review on Yelp which, I’ll be honest,
made me feel better in the moment but probably wasn’t the best
course of action.
And now we get to the results. Well, uhh, I passed! Both exams!
To the stall I away… and stay. That poor, poor invigilator. That man
deserves a medal. The room was small - it had little to no ventiThus my cautionary tale: NEVER TRY NEW FOODS THE NIGHT
lation and a rather unforgiving echo. There were things he could BEFORE THE BAR EXAM, particularly if you have a sensitive
not unhear, things he could not un-smell, and when all was said
and done, he couldn’t look me in the eye.
And, my note of inspiration: You can spend over an hour out of
We return to the main exam room not speaking to each other
the exam room (last 30 minute plus additional bathroom time)
and keeping our distance, a distance noticeably greater than just and still pass the bar! Keep that in mind the next time you stress
the usual spacing dictated by the mores of WASP politeness. As
about becoming a lawyer :-)
he hands me back my exam he crosses himself (no, I’m serious,
he made the sign of the cross). I truly think my bowels reminded
him that evil walks among us, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he
dropped an extra $20 in the collection plate the following Sunday.
I sit down and look up at the clock. When I left the room about
1:32 remained on the exam… there were now 42 minutes left.
That’s right, I spent close to 50 minutes of my bar exam on the
toilet having the worst diarrhea of my life.
Now, let’s get real…. The rule is that you can’t leave if there are
20 •
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Lorsque c’est possible, le Quid publie toutes les contributions
qu’il reçoit. Cependant, dans le but de favoriser un climat où
chaque étudiant sera confortable d’exprimer ses opinions, les
rédacteurs-en-chef se réservent le droit de modifier des articles
ou même, dans des circonstances rares, de les refuser. Ce pouvoir
sera exercé à la discrétion des rédacteurs-en-chef.
Nous présumons que toutes les contributions sont dignes de
publication. Néanmoins, des propos potentiellement criminels
(i.e. le discours de haine) et des propos diffamatoires ne bénéficient pas de cette présomption. Dans de tels cas, l’auteur doit
démontrer de façon probante que les informations contenues
dans sa contribution sont véridiques et que les principes de la
déontologie journalistique ont été suivis. La décision de publier
ces articles relève uniquement des rédacteurs-en-chef.
Le Quid appartient aux étudiants de la Faculté de droit de l’Université McGill. Il est donc essentiel qu’il suive des politiques et
principes transparents, qui prennent en considération la valeur
de la liberté d’expression ainsi que les intérêts des étudiants et
des professeurs. Les politiques et les principes d’opération sont
exposés ci-bas. Les questions et commentaires s’y rapportant
peuvent être adressés à : [email protected]. Cette politique
est mise à jour à la discrétion des rédacteurs-en-chef, à la seule
condition qu’un préavis de la mise à jour soit publiée dans le
Cette version de la politique s’applique depuis 2010. Sa traduction française date de 2011.
Ce document contient cinq sections :
Principes généraux
Politique de contribution et de révocation
Politique de contribution anonyme
Politique de correction
Politique de révision du contenu
Procédures de préavis et d’amendement
Chaque item apparaissant dans le Quid Novi est un article
d’opinion qui reflète uniquement le point de vue de la personne
ou des personnes qui ont écrit l’item. Ni le Quid Novi, ni l’AÉD,
ni la Faculté de droit n’endosse les opinions contenues dans les
contributions publiées. Étant donné la nature de cette publication et ses ressources limitées, le Quid ne s’engagera pas dans la
vérification de la véracité factuelle des contributions.
Les contributions sont présumées dignes de publication, à moins
de ne pas se conformer aux principes énumérés ici.
Le Quid est une publication qui survit grâce aux contributions.
La date limite pour les contributions apparaîtra dans chaque
numéro. Les articles soumis doivent contenir le nom de l’auteur
ainsi que son année d’étude. Si l’auteur écrit dans un rôle particulier (i.e. “Président de l’AÉD”; “Président d’un club étudiant”),
ceci doit également être indiqué.
Aucun item soumis après la date limite ne sera publié sans le
consentement explicite des rédacteurs-en-chef. Les contributions
tardives seront conservées et publiées dans le numéro subséquent.
Les articles soumis pour publication peuvent être révoqués par
l’auteur, du moment que cette requête soit faite au moins deux
jours avant la publication du numéro en question. Le Quid fera de
son mieux pour faire suite à une requête tardive, mais il n’arrêtera pas la publication d’un numéro qui est déjà en impression.
Le Quid publiera des articles anonymes, à la condition que ceuxci se conforment à ses politiques et principes d’opération. Les
articles anonymes présentent un défi particulier pour la révision
du contenu, car ils ne permettent pas aux rédacteurs-en-chef de
consulter avec l’auteur. Ainsi, si un article anonyme est refusé, un
avis de refus doit être publié dans le Quid.
Chaque item soumis au Quid sera révisé. Le Quid se réserve le
droit de faire des modifications grammaticales afin d’améliorer
la présentation et la lisibilité d’un article. Les rédacteurs peuvent
également corriger les fautes d’orthographe. Si une contribution nécessite des modifications importantes, dans l’avis de la
personne qui le révise, ceci sera indiqué aux rédacteurs-en-chef.
Ceux-ci peuvent refuser de publier l’article ou bien effectuer des
modifications importantes pour ensuite le publier. Les modifications mineures ne sont pas nécessairement communiquées à
l’auteur avant la publication.
Toutes les contributions au Quid seront révisées au niveau du
contenu. Il existe un processus de révision comportant quatre
QN •
consulter avec des individus mentionnés dans l’article, d’autres
étudiants, des professeurs ou des anciens étudiants, à leur propre
1) Révision par le rédacteur
discrétion. La consultation n’est pas un concours de “combienLe rédacteur ou rédacteur-en-chef chargé de la révision d’un
sont-pour vs. combien-sont-contre”. Compte tenu de la nature
article accomplit cette tâche en vérifiant s’il contient du contenu et du rôle du Quid, la consultation doit déterminer si le contenu
contestable. Le contenu contestable dénote du contenu que le
spécifique est digne de publication. L’auteur peut être consulté à
rédacteur en question juge comme potentiellement offensant ou de nombreuses reprises si les rédacteurs-en-chef jugent que ceci
autrement inadéquat pour la publication. Les facteurs suivants
est nécessaire.
seront considérés lors de l’évaluation du potentiel offensant: le
ton général de la contribution, les mots précis utilisés dans leur
4) Décision
contexte précis, ainsi qu’une appréciation de la réaction potenLes rédacteurs-en-chef discuteront des résultats de leurs consultielle du corps étudiant, des professeurs, des anciens étudiants
tations et rendront une décision de: a) accepter la contribution
et de la communauté juridique montréalaise. Si le rédacteur
comme telle; b) accepter la contribution avec des modifications
individuel estime que le contenu est contestable, il communique mineures portées par eux-mêmes; c) retourner la contribution
ceci aux rédacteurs-en-chef.
à l’auteur pour modification avec des suggestions portées à la
discrétion des rédacteurs-en-chef; d) rejeter la contribution sans
Les items qui sont potentiellement inadéquats pour la publication offrir des suggestions. La décision des rédacteurs-en-chef est
incluent (sans s’y limiter): les contributions qui sont trop longues finale et incontestable.
ou trop courtes; les contributions qui possèdent le potentiel de
créer un environnement hostile pour les professeurs ou les étuLes rédacteurs-en-chef, à leur discrétion, peuvent publier un avis
diants; et les contributions à nature diffamatoire.
de refus dans le Quid avec les raisons du refus ainsi que le nom
de l’auteur. L’auteur peut également demander qu’un tel avis
2) Discussion
apparaisse; dans un tel cas, l’avis portera le format suivant: «
À la deuxième étape de la révision, les rédacteurs-en-chef et le
AUTEUR --- ANNÉE --- TITRE a été soumis pour publication mais
rédacteur qui a accompli la révision initiale discutent de leurs
ne sera pas imprimé, en accord avec les politiques et principes
conclusions spécifiques vis-à-vis l’article. S’il existe un consensus d’opération du Quid ».
de contenu contestable parmi une majorité (moins deux sur trois
parmi le rédacteur et les rédacteurs-en-chef), l’article procède
à l’étape de la consultation. S’il n’existe pas un tel consensus,
Les rédacteurs-en-chef publieront ces principes dans le premier
l’article est publié comme tel ou avec des modifications portées à numéro du Quid à chaque semestre. Des amendements peuvent
la discrétion des rédacteurs-en-chef.
être proposés uniquement par le personnel du Quid. Si un amendement est proposé, il sera indiqué dans le numéro subséquent
3) Consultation
du Quid afin d’offrir une opportunité d’au moins une semaine aux
Au stade de la consultation, les rédacteurs-en-chef doivent aviser étudiants de rédiger des contributions. Les amendements doivent
l’auteur qu’il existe des préoccupations au niveau du contenu. Les être approuvés par une majorité du personnel actif du Quid. Les
rédacteurs-en-chef peuvent consulter d’autres individus au sujet rédacteurs-en-chef doivent publier un avis de tout changement
de la contribution, à la condition de ne fournir aucune inforou de toute tentative de changement dans le Quid.
mation permettant d’identifier l’auteur. Les rédacteurs peuvent
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SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Since the Quid belongs to all Law students, it is essential to adopt take to evaluate the factual accuracy of submissions. Submissions
a transparent editorial policy that will guarantee both freedom of are presumptively publishable unless they do not conform to the
expression and the protection of individual interests.
guidelines contained herein.
You will find below some principles that we hope will guide you
when you write your articles. While they were developed after
consultation with students and members of the LSA executive,
they may not be perfect: we welcome your comments at quid.
[email protected].
Wherever possible, the Quid publishes everything submitted.
However, to encourage a climate where each student will feel
comfortable sharing his/her opinions, in rare circumstances,
articles may be edited, and in extreme cases refused, at the discretion of the editors-in-chief.
While all submissions are presumptively publishable, potentially
criminal speech (i.e. hate speech) and-or libelous speech are not
presumptively publishable. In such cases the author must make
a strong case that the information is accurate, that journalistic
standards and ethics were followed; discretion to publish such
articles lies solely with the Editors-in-Chief.
The Quid is a submission-driven publication. The deadline for
submission shall appear in every issue. Articles submitted must
include the author’s name and year of study. If the author is writing in a particular capacity (i.e. ‘LSA President’; ‘Head of Student
Club’) this is to be indicated by the author.
No material submitted after the deadline shall be published without the express consent of the Editors-in-Chief. Late submissions
will be slated for publication in the subsequent edition.
Articles submitted for publication may be revoked by the author.
The Quid will honour all such requests provided they are made
at least two days prior to publication. The Quid will do its best to
honour a late revocation request but will not stop the printing of
an issue that has already gone to press.
The Quid will publish anonymous articles provided they conform
to the Quid policy and operating guidelines. Anonymous articles
The Quid belongs to students enrolled in the Faculty of Law at
present a challenge for content review for they do not allow the
McGill University. It is essential that it maintains transparent
Editors-in-Chief to consult with the author. As such, if an anonypolicies and guidelines that take into consideration values such
mous article is rejected for publication, notification of rejection
as the freedom of expression as well as interests such as those of must be published in the Quid.
students and faculty. The policies and operating guidelines are set
forth below. Questions and comments may be directed to: quid. 4) EDITING GUIDELINES
[email protected]. This policy is updated at the sole discretion of the Every item submitted to the Quid shall be reviewed. The Quid
Editors-in-Chiefs provided notice of update has been published in reserves the right to make grammatical edits to improve the
the Quid.
readability or suitability for publication of an article. Editors may
also correct spelling mistakes. If a submission requires significant
This version of the policy is enacted as of 2010.
editing - in the view of the first person reviewing the article - this
This document has five sections:
shall be indicated to the Editors-in-Chief. The Editors may refuse
1) General Guidelines
to publish the article for lack of suitability or may conduct signi2) Submission and Revocation Policy
ficant edits and publish the submission. Minor edits need not be
3) Anonymous Submission Policy
communicated to the author prior to publication.
4) Editing Guidelines
5) Content Review Policy
6) Notice and Amendment Process
All submissions made to the Quid shall be reviewed for content.
There is a four-step review process.
1) Review by Editor
Every item appearing in the Quid Novi is an opinion piece that
The Editor assigned to review the article (or an Editor-in-Chief)
reflects only the views of the person (s) submitting the item. Nei- individually reviews the submission for content they believe to be
ther the Quid Novi, the LSA, nor the Faculty of Law endorse any
questionable. Questionable content is content that, in the appreof the material or views contained therein. Given the nature of
ciation of that respective Editor, is either potentially offensive or
the publication and its limited resources, the Quid will not under- potentially not suitable for publication. The following factors will
QN •
be considered when assessing potential offensiveness: the overall
tone of the submission, the specific word(s) used, the context
in which they are used, coupled with an individual appreciation
of the potential reaction to said material by the student body,
professors, alumni, and the Montreal legal community. If, on
balance, any individual Editor or an Editor-in-Chief believes there
is questionable content, this is communicated to the Editors-inChief.
content is suitable for publication. The author may be consulted
numerous times if the Editors-in-Chief feel this is necessary.
4) Decision
The Editors-in-Chief will discuss the results of their consultations
and will render a decision to: [a] accept the submission as is; [b]
accept the submission with minor edit(s) to be completed by the
Editors-in-Chief; [c] return the submission to the author for modification with suggestions provided at the discretion of the EditorsItems that are potentially not suitable for publication include,
in-Chief, or, alternatively, [d] reject publication without modificabut are not limited to: submissions that are too long or too short; tion suggestions. The decision of the Editors-in-Chief is final and
submissions that have the potential to create a hostile environbinding. The Editors-in-Chief, at their discretion, may publish a
ment for faculty or students; and submissions that are defamanotice of rejection in the Quid with their reasons, indicating, at
tory in nature.
their discretion, the name(s) of the author(s). Alternatively, the
author(s) may request that such a notice appear, in which case
2) Discussion
the notice will bear the format: AUTHOR -- YEAR -- TITLE OF SUBAt the second stage of review, the Editors-in-Chief and Editor
MISSION was submitted for publication but will not be printed in
who did the initial review discuss their specific findings with
accordance with the Quid Policy and Operational Guidelines.
one another in relation to the submission. If there is a finding of
questionable content that is agreed to by a majority (i.e. at least 5) NOTICE AND AMENDMENT PROCESS
two-out-of-three between the reviewing editor and the Editors- The Editors-in-Chief shall publish these guidelines in the Quid in
in Chief), the article goes for consultation. If there is no agreed
the first issue of every semester. Changes may only be proposed
finding of questionable content, the article is published as is or
by Quid staff. If there is a proposed change, it will be indicated
with edits at the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief.
in the next issue of the Quid with the opportunity for students
to make submissions for a period of at least one week. Changes
3) Consultation
must be approved by a majority of active Quid staff. The EditorsAt the Consultation stage, the Editors-in-Chief must advise the
in-Chief must publish notice of any change or change attempt in
author that there is a content concern. The Editors-in-Chief
the Quid.
may consult others about the submission, provided there is no
information given identifying the author(s). The Editors-in-Chief
may consult with any individuals mentioned in the article, fellow
students, faculty members, and/or alumni, at the discretion of
the Editors-in-Chief. Consultation is not a question of how-many-for vs. how-many-against; rather, given the nature and role
of the Quid, consultation is premised on whether the specific
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SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
In-House Diva
Welcome to the Quid Overheard section 20142015!!
For this week, we have a slew of Prof. quotes because the student submissions were low this
first week.
Quelque chose à partager? Envoyez vos soumissions à [email protected].
uhhh, because it makes the Quid fun? Your teachers will never know? It’s quick and easy?
Prof. Anker: I see people laughing and I’m not saying anything
funny so I guess there’s something on Facebook.
Prof. Abramovitch (Re calculating royalties): Just because you
went to law school because you weren’t good at math doesn’t
get you off the hook here!
Prof. Campbell: You do not want your reader ever to fall asleep whether it’s an e-mail or your thesis.
Prof. Weinstock (in a co-taught course): We’re not going to teach
you anything because we don’t know the answers to these questions.
Prof. Abramovitch: I said phonographic, not pornographic. […] I
see some of you going back in your notes.
Prof. Christians (in a new classroom): There’s no smart board?
Good thing there’s a smart professor!
Prof. Weinstock (regarding an old classroom): In that room, the
best ideas fall out of the sky like dead birds shot by … ruthless ...
dead-bird killers.
Prof. Abramovitch: The Iraq war happened because of music
licensing. People just don’t know it!
Prof. Christians (thinking aloud): If I’m right about this… and I
Prof. Weinstock (coming up with an example): Suppose we ask
my aunt, Miriam. Not that I have an aunt named Miriam. Okay,
let’s ask my mother-in-law. Wait, do I have a mother-in-law?
(thinks) Yes!
Okay, maybe I need to sell this better. If you submit the most quotes in a given month, you’re getting dessert on me at T-House. Maybe. Possibly. I
don’t know but probably. The Quid doesn’t have
a budget, so I’ll just give you a toonie. :-P
Have an awesome week and put on those listening ears!
Prof. Abramovitch (Re Sentence structure): I know you don’t care
about capitalization anymore… with … SMS… wait, that was really
old school of me.
Prof. Christians: So, we - you and I - want to start a coffee shop.
Where do we incorporate? Class: Delaware.
Prof: No, I mean, we’re both here. So, where do we incorporate?
Class: ... Delaware.
Prof: No, I mean, you and I here... in Montreal... want to start a
coffee shop right here. Where do we incorporate?
Class: ... Delaware?
Prof. (REDACTED): Is the word «sh*t» okay to use in the
classroom. Is that a swear word? I don’t even know what swearing is.
(Student concluding his introduction on the first day of an Air and
Space Law class): So, I’m not even sure if I can take this class.
Prof. (Redacted): Well, as we’ll learn in airline economics, one
extra person on the plane doesn’t really make that much of a
Prof. Adams: I’m clearly not motivated by money or status. If I
didn’t like what I was doing, I’d go work at the doggy day care at
Petsmart. The employees look happy there!
Me. Lamed: ....I keep talking about «stuff» and I don’t see the
«stuff» guy.
Prof. Weinstock: I don’t like to go to restaurants with long
menus. It’s hard to make a decision. I ask my wife decide for me.
Prof. Anker: That’s why we have judges and not slot machines.
We can’t have computer justice”
QN •
Prof. Anker: We can keep going back, and keep going back, until
someone says ‘Shut up and eat your fries!’ (Quid Note: +10 for a
Louis CK shout-out!)
1L: NCDH is a prison. It’s Orange is the New Black.
1L: Yeah, you best be getting a 2L prison wife or you’re done.
Prof. Jukier: Why do you want to study transsystemically? Yes, to
let you work in different jurisdictions… or to make yourself more
Quote of the Week:
Me. Lamed: Have you started working on Skit Nite yet?
Quid Charlie: Yes, actually… I’m thinking of casting you as the lead
in a sort of homage to Joan Rivers.
Me. Lamed: Too soon since what? Her demise or her last plastic
This article is re-printed with the permission (orally, before coffeehouse) of Prof. Leckey. Thanks Prof. Leckey! This piece previously
appeared in La Presse on June 12th, 2014. FACULTY – Please send
us any recent articles you have written - students LOVE to know
what you’re up to, besides writing hard exam questions!
lorsque l’administration se trompe en versant un bénéfice excessif au récipiendaire, la loi en tient solidairement responsable pour
le remboursement son conjoint de fait.
Bref, l’inclusion des conjoints de fait dans les lois sociales et leur
exclusion du droit familial du Code civil peut déboucher sur de
Dans son avis récent, le Conseil du statut de la femme appelle le nettes injustices. Ces injustices découlent directement de l’action
droit familial québécois à mieux protéger les conjoints de fait. Ce gouvernementale. Elles sont distinctes de la possibilité qu’un
texte nous offre un portrait sociologique des ressemblances fonc- conjoint de fait ait enrichi l’autre pendant l’union. À ce que je
tionnelles entre les couples mariés et non mariés ainsi qu’une
sache, aucune valeur québécoise ne justifie l’imposition de tels
comparaison des approches adoptées ailleurs. Comme juriste, je désavantages sur la simple base du toit partagé.
crois qu’il y a lieu de souligner la mesure dans laquelle le droit
québécois inclut déjà les bases d’une reconnaissance robuste des Pour aller plus loin, l’assimilation des conjoints de fait aux époux
conjoints de fait.
qu’effectuent nos lois sociales représente un choix de société.
À travers nos élus, nous avons décidé que les ressemblances
Comme l’avis du Conseil nous le rappelle, le Code civil n’impose fonctionnelles entre ces deux groupes en justifient un traitement
aux conjoints de fait aucun des droits et obligations qu’il impose similaire, voire identique.
aux couples mariés. En revanche, depuis plusieurs années, de
nombreuses lois sociales assimilent les conjoints de fait à ceux
En tant que comparatiste, j’admets l’intérêt du chapitre sur le
s’étant unis par le mariage ou l’union civile. C’est ainsi que nos
droit comparé de l’avis du Conseil du statut de la femme. C’est inlois fiscales, nos régimes d’indemnisation et notre assistance
téressant de savoir de quelle façon des juridictions comparables,
sociale s’appliquent à tous les couples, peu importe leur état civil. y compris les autres provinces canadiennes, ont répondu à la
montée de la cohabitation hors mariage. Toutefois, étant donné
Pour certains, cette asymétrie risque de semer de la confusion
la nécessité de protéger le caractère distinct de la seule province
parmi les conjoints de fait quant à leur situation juridique. Cette canadienne de droit civil et du seul territoire francophone de
confusion, voire l’ignorance répandue du droit, discrédite la
l’Amérique du Nord, il est plus pertinent d’étudier les implications
notion que les conjoints de fait ont sciemment choisi de vivre à
des choix déjà faits par le législateur québécois.
l’extérieur du régime protecteur du mariage. Elle justifie donc de
nouvelles campagnes de sensibilisation.
Nos lois sociales témoignent qu’une pondération des valeurs qui
nous sont chères – dont la liberté, l’égalité des sexes et la solidaPlus concrètement, les lois sociales imposent aux conjoints de
rité – appuie une réglementation des couples adultes par le fond
fait certaines obligations sans que le Code civil ne leur reconplutôt que par la forme. Bref, la tâche qui nous attend est moins
naisse les droits qui en seraient la contrepartie. Par exemple, une un débat de fond déchirant qu’un arrimage de notre droit privé
loi sociale peut retirer un bénéfice sur la base qu’une personne
aux choix législatifs déjà faits.
en recevra l’équivalent de son conjoint de fait, tandis que le
droit privé n’impose pas un tel partage de ressources. D’ailleurs,
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SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
In-House Diva
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