大学、教育業界を 得意とする 広報制作物・翻訳 の プロフェッショナル 大学案内や学内資料、翻訳を依頼したいが、 どの会社に依頼していいかわからない…。 そんな経験はありませんか? 株式会社 メリットファイブ Public Relations Materials 広報制作物 様々な広報ツールを一貫して手がけています メリットファイブは企業や自治体の広報物制作と翻訳業務で 20 年以上の経験とノウハウを持つプロフェッショナル集団で す。とりわけ教育関連団体や大学を得意とし、業界に精通した編集者が学校案内、ホームページ、留学生向け資料など様々な 広報制作物の企画から取材・制作・校正・印刷までを一貫して手がけています。さらに、業界の専門用語にも明るい英語・中 国語などの翻訳業務でもお客様からの高い評価をいただいています。 「大学の顔」ともいえる大学案内。あるいは留学生のコミュニケーションツールとしても有効な留学生向け生活ガイド。さら に今や大学の情報発信に欠かせないホームページ。 当社ではこうした様々な広報ツールについて、コンセプトやターゲットの設定から企画、取材・執筆・撮影、デザイン・レ イアウト、印刷・発送まですべての業務を一貫して請け負います。 ■大学案内 History University Statistics (as of October 20, 2012) Rikkyo University was founded in 1874 as Rikkyo School by Bishop Channing Moore Williams, a missionary of the American Episcopal Church. Nearly 140 years later, Rikkyo University’s system of education, which was modeled after the traditional Western liberal arts college, has focused on “the education based on Christian values” by adhering to the principle of Pro Deo et Patria (for God and country). ■留学生向け生活ガイド 18 74 1918 1990 Founded in Tsukiji Moved to Ikebukuro Opened Niiza Campus 20,672 1. 2. 3. 5. Total Number of Students International Students Founder: Bishop Channing Moore Williams Graduate Students: Application preparation Ikebukuro Campus Graduate School of Christian Studies Graduate School of Arts Graduate School of Economics Graduate School of Business Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Sociology Graduate School of Law and Politics Graduate School of Business Administration Graduate School of Social Design Studies Graduate School of Intercultural Communication (Graduate Degree Program in Intercultural Communication, Graduate Degree Program in Language Sciences) Law School ■広告 Enrollment preparation Enrollment “ 外国人留学生入試要項 ” To request an admission application and other related forms, refer to the instructions at the links below (Japanese only). https://www.umcnavi.jp/rikkyo/kaigai_seikyu.html Rikkyo University home page (Japanese) “ 入試案内 ” (admission information) “ 資料請求・入試要項 ” (request materials/ admission guidelines) “ 海外からの資料請求について ” (requesting materials from overseas) To apply for admission to Rikkyo University, you must take the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) (except for some undergraduate courses). For details, refer to the link below. (Japanese and English) http://www.jasso.go.jp/eju/ For details regarding admission systems, download the admission guidelines from the link below. http://www.rikkyo.ac.jp/invitation/admissions/graduate/ Niiza Campus Graduate School of Tourism Graduate School of Community and Human Services Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology Niiza Campus College of Tourism College of Community and Human Services College of Contemporary Psychology Entrance examination “ 大学入試 ” (university entrance exam) “ 入試要項(閲覧用)” (admission guidelines [for viewing]) (international student admission guidelines) Undergraduate College of Arts College of Intercultural Communication College of Economics College of Business College of Science College of Sociology College of Law and Politics Application For details regarding international student admission, refer to the admission guidelines at the link below. http://www.rikkyo.ac.jp/invitation/admissions/undergraduate/ Graduate Ikebukuro Campus 1,414 How to Apply Graduate Schools ■リーフレット South Korea: 234 China: 157 Taiwan, R. O. C. / United States: 17 each France: 12 Undergraduate Students: 19,258 Bishop Williams was born in Richmond, Virginia, United States on July 18, 1829. He arrived in Shanghai for a missionary assignment in 1856. Bishop Williams was sent to Nagasaki in 1859 and in 1874, he opened the private school that became Rikkyo University in Tsukiji, Tokyo. He died in 1910 in his hometown of Richmond. He was 81 years old. Undergraduate Colleges 519 International Students Countries and Regions of Origin of International Students: 140th Anniversary Guide for ■ホームページ 2,265 Instructors 2014 “ 大学院入試 ” (graduate school admissions) “ 大学院入試要項 ” (graduate school admissions guidelines) For the admission guideline of the Master of in International Business (MIB) Program in the Graduate School of Business, refer to the link below (English). http://www.rikkyo.ac.jp/mib/admissions/ Hours: 9:00 Inquiries via Telephone (Japanese only) a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Sundays and holidays, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Rikkyo University Material Requests Coordinator, Toll-free (not available from overseas or mobile phone numbers): 0120-450-807 Daigaku Annai Mail Center From a mobile phone in Japan: 042-732-0020 From overseas: +81-42-732-0020 There are over 400 international students enrolled from 55 countries* *As of May 2012 TUAT is ranked number 1 in Japan for income earned from its registered patents* *MEXT 2011 1 Document reviews are carried out by 5,000 researchers and panel reviews by 1,000. They are chosen from a JSPS database through a process conducted fairly and impartially by the program officers of JSPS’s Research Center for Science (Research in a proposed research area) 5 years Multi-year Fund is partly introduced in FY 2012. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) As a rule 5 years ¥50 million to ¥200 million per project Up to age 39 2 – 4 years (B) Up to ¥5 million per project Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up Number of Proposals Proposals submitted New proposals selected 138,000 138,000 Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research (C) Up to ¥5 million per project 1 – 3 years Up to ¥5 million per project Creative and pioneering research by a researcher(s) Research at an early stage with highly challenging goals 120,000 97,000 30,000 FY 2012: ¥256.6 billion Engineering The STEP program accepts international students from overseas partner universities for enrolment in TUAT for one year. We accept up to 20 international students from countries all over the world every year and offer education on Japanese language and culture as well as research activities in our laboratories. STEP St ■ ng Resea eeri rc ginMy professor is quite famous so I am very lucky to be able to conduct research under him and I can benefit from studying at TUAT in this France way. BASE rs in ste a TUAT has various hi-tech equipment available for students to use that we wouldn’t normally be able to, I was amazed by the resources on offer. ■ I chose TUAT because I was very impressed with the facilities and the animal hospital on campus as well as the teaching atmosphere. French Language and Culture The course aims to equip students with the following kinds of abilities and knowledge – that is, to acquire specialized knowledge and proficiency in the French language; gain a deep understanding of the linguistic cultures that are based on the French language and the social circumstances of French-speaking societies; and extend their view to Germanand other European language-speaking cultures, or French speaking cultures around the world, and develop an interest in interaction with other cultures. rinary Sc Vete i in ■ MORE SENSE ■ The basic philosophy of TUAT reflects the university’s effort to strive for global sustainability through mission oriented research and education. Through these sincere efforts we work toward playing an active role in resolving the issues humankind is facing in the 21st century. English Language and Culture As a language that is widely understood around the world, English has become entrusted with the very future of growing internationalization. The course offers insight into the linguistic characteristics of English and the nature of its use and study. At the same time, it provides an opportunity to learn the multitude of literary and cultural representation of the language as an expression of the thoughts, emotions, and imagination of native speakers. Mission Oriented Research & Education giving Synergy in Endeavours toward a Sustainable Earth Chinese Language and Culture Chinese is one of the most important languages in today’s international community. There are many faces of China. The China that is rapidly growing as a global presence both politically and economically, albeit with many internal contradictions. The China that has 3,000 years of literary history. The China whose network of people is expanding worldwide. The course delves into the riches of Chinese culture from a variety of angles through the Chinese language. Thailand Malaysia Japanese Language and Literature The Japanese language is the basis of the Japanese people’s thoughts and expression; classical and modern Japanese literature are the essence of Japanese culture. The course revisits the origins of this language and literature in classics and works up to modern works to offer a comprehensive view of the country’s cultural issues. The course is a compass that takes students on a journey of unraveling mysteries, and enables them to form a clear picture of the intrinsic nature and current state of Japanese culture. The Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering (BASE), established as a doctoral course (two-year master’s course and three-year doctoral course) graduate school independently from the departmental system, aims to foster capable individuals endowed with both a wide range of perspectives in the combined disciplines of agriculture and engineering and with sophisticated expertise and skills. It also aims to help them develop into students or researchers capable of self-reliantly conducting research. En STEP@TUAT Program http://www.li.ocha.ac.jp/ Graduate School of Bio-Applications & Systems Engineering TUAT campus is located just 30 minutes from central Tokyo, one of the world's most exciting cities Short Term Exchange Program in Science and Engineering (STEP) for Undergraduates and Graduates Agriculture BASE 15 07 Ochanomizu University Ochanomizu University 08 Website http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-grants/index.html Awards of Recognition 65,000 59,000 26,000 30,000 24,000 0 2009 2010 2009 2010 2011 24.9% 24.7% 30.4% 大学院医歯学総合研究科案内 UNIVERSITY GUIDE 2014 Guide to Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Selection Ratios of New Proposals Appendix Forming new research areas, challenging research Securing diversity of research based on researchers’ free ideas 8 99,000 72,000 60,000 Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows Up to 3 years Up to ¥1.5 million per year This efficient system of screening a total of about 141,000 new and ongoing applications takes only four months from the submission deadline to selection. An electronic system has been installed to streamline the process even further. Budget 104,000 90,000 Up to 2 years Up to ¥1.5 million per year Self-reliance support for young researchers 141,000 3 – 5 years (A) ¥20 million to ¥50 million per project (B) ¥5 million to ¥20 million per project Languages and Culture Faculty of Faculty of Proposals selected New proposals submitted 150,000 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), (B) or (C) Increasing in number year by year, 99,000 new applications were received for FY 2011 grants. JSPS generally processes these applications under the following schedule: Call for applications: September Application deadline: mid-November Screening: December of the previous year to March Notification of selection results: April DEPARTMENT There are four courses in the Languages and Culture Department for learning the Japanese, Chinese, English, and French languages as well as the culture of the societies speaking those respective languages. Students (1) steadily enhance their command of the relevant languages while (2) training their ability to comprehend and process written materials, and while doing so (3) acquire basic knowledge, and furthermore become exposed to the latest research on language culture by way of the language of their studies, and (4) accumulate specialist knowledge. Classes are small in size, and students learn in depth about the language and culture while developing their capacity to think, communicate and express themselves, becoming able to think deeply and communicate their thoughts. Poland Research Center for Science Systems (A) ¥5 million to ¥30 million per project Only newly selected projects from FY 2011 are placed under the multi-year Fund. Letters and Education Ghana Scientific Outreach Marked advancement of creative and cutting-edge research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists ¥10 million to ¥300 million yearly per area Creating new domains by interlinking research fields Creating new domains or markedly advancing existing domains through joint research Annual research-progress reports are databased and posted on NII’s homepage for public access. Research-results reports are also posted on NII’s database, starting with projects ending in FY 2008. Faculty of Support for University Reform Scale of research funding / Advancement of research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas International Collaborations 3 – 5 years ¥500 million or more per project Internationally appraised research Systems. The names of the examiners are released after the screening process is completed. A list of selected projects is posted on the homepage of the National Institute of Informatics (NII). Fostering Next Generation of Researchers Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research Screening and Evaluation Process JSPS’s screening process begins with a document review of the applications, followed by a panel review based on the document review results. If requested, unsuccessful applicants are provided their approximate ranking vis-à-vis the screening results. o Master nt t si n de u It was an advantage to be able to study under the STEP program. Then I continued to Masters because it was such a conducive study environment here. ces en Note: Research categories under which new application calls are issued in FY 2012. Promotion of internationally appraised research 30 1 r he Configuration of Grant Categories Support for Research Initiatives Ⅰ JSPS 2012-2013 Support for Research Initiatives gram Pro EPEvery weekend there is some kind of activity or trip, and the best part is that the Japanese students are also involved so we can bond, talk and of course practice the language with them. China TUAT ranked Number 1 in Japan for amount of collaborative research with industry and research funding from industry partnerships per faculty members* *2010 MEXT Ranked 15th in the Times Higher Education rankings for universities in Japan* *2011 rankings TUAT Voices gineering En Ph D 55 n The knowledge I have gained at TUAT will help me achieve my dream of working in a motor company after graduation. M ■その他広報ツール 75 riculture Ag TUAT has partner agreements with 75 universities in 33 countries worldwide* *As of Sept. 2012 ST The TUAT Figures Maste rs i ■学内資料翻訳 2011 (FY) 9 2013 Shibaura Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering and Science The graduate school conducts even more advanced coursework than In April 2011, the Graduate School of Engineering was renamed the the four-year undergraduate courses. During their time outside lecture Graduate School of Engineering and Science as part of our efforts to periods, students can apply themselves to research topics they specify expand the graduate school’s educational programs. In addition, we themselves. Such research is what is fun about graduate school. In the established a new Division of Systems Engineering and Science. In this end, the results are presented in thesis form within the school as well as new division, we train researchers and engineers to develop the ability externally to academic societies and other bodies. Around 30 percent of to unearth and resolve issues that span multiple disciplines based on Shibaura Institute of Technology graduates go on to graduate school. interdisciplinary background expertise and systems theories. Point 1 Training Development Engineers and Researchers Point 2 Our educational philosophy is to furnish professional expertise in specialized Shibaura Institute of Technology fields, develop the student’s ability to respond to new aspects of society, and help them immediately apply their abilities in ways that contribute to society. Graduate School of Engineering and Science master’s programs Established in 1963 with the goal of training development technicians in spe- cialized fields Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Division of Materials Science and Engineering Division of Applied Chemistry Division of Mechanical Engineering Division of Architecture and Civil Engineering Division of Systems Engineering and Science Graduate School of Engineering and Science doctoral programs Established in 1995 to promote research and train researchers Practical Training Program for Technicians: Science Communication Studies This is a joint program with the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Koto Ward, Tokyo, for students in the six master’s degree programs of Partner Universities and Institutes Overseas (as of April 2012) Guildford, U.K. • University of Surrey Harbin, China • Harbin University of Science and Technology Shenyang, China • Northeastern University Stockholm, Sweden • KTH Royal Institute of Technology Vaasa, Finland • VAMK, University of Applied Sciences Seoul, South Korea • Yonsei University • Chung-Ang University • Hanyang University • Turbo and Power Machinery Research Center, Seoul National University Vientiane, Laos • National University of Laos School of Engineering and Science students who are learning about specialized um visitors, which enables them to think about what place cutting-edge scientific technology and their own research have in society. Point 3 Educational and Research Exchanges in Japan and Overseas The graduate school actively interacts with other educational and research institutions in Japan and abroad. The primary agreement in Japan is for shared research between the graduate school and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. Research exchange programs are also conducted with universities overseas. We do student exchanges as well, particularly with partner schools in Division of Regional Environment Systems Europe, the United States, and Southeast Asia, as a way to provide an education Division of Functional Control Systems that reflects the realities of globalization. Shibaura Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering Management Hamilton, Canada • McMaster University Moscow, Russia • Moscow Architectural Institute the Graduate School of Engineering and Science. Under this program, Graduate science and technology volunteer their time to discuss science topics with muse- Troy, USA • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University Park, USA • The Pennsylvania State University Daejeon, South Korea • Korea Aerospace Research Institute Krakow, Poland • AGH University of Science and Technology Vienna, Austria • Vienna University of Technology L’Aquila, Italy • University of L’Aquila Lausanne, Switzerland • École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Paris, France • Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville Bangkok, Thailand • King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi • Chulalongkorn University • Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand • Suranaree University of Technology Shanghai, China • Donghua University Tainan, Taiwan • National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan • Southern Taiwan University Hanoi, Vietnam • Hanoi University of Science and Technology Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam • Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Malang, Indonesia • Brawijaya University Yogyakarta, Indonesia • Universitas Gadjah Mada Bandung, Indonesia • Institut Teknologi Bandung Irvine, USA • University of California, Irvine Johor, Malaysia • Universiti of Teknologi Malaysia Charlottesville, USA • University of Virginia Shah Alam, Malaysia • Universiti Selangor Penang, Malaysia • Universiti Sains Malaysia Kuching, Malaysia • University Malaysia Sarawak Curitiba, Brazil • Universidade Positivo Sao Paulo, Brazil • University of Sao Paulo • Federal University of ABC (MOT; specialized professional degree programs) In today’s world of more sophisticated and complex corporate activities, leaders active on the front lines need to have a clear overall under- original ideas and turn them into new products and services, as well as bring innovations to existing manufacturing processes. standing of technology. At the same time, the ability to devise manage- Matriculation is possible from any undergraduate course, and students ment and strategy concepts and sensibilities regarding markets and can also study together with working adults. Internships and other cur- marketing is indispensable. ricula tailored to new college graduates are also available. On-Campus International and Cross-Cultural Interaction Shibaura Institute of Technology not only provides support to its students on overseas exchange programs, but also actively hosts interna- Our graduate school’s objective is to develop innovators who can take tional students through a variety of programs. Special Features of the Graduate School of Engineering Management The Graduate School of Engineering Management’s goal is to develop people who can devise concepts that strategically meld engineering and management. Our teaching staff consists of experts with a wealth of practical work experience and teachers conversant in and knowledgeable about systematization of theory, offering specialized teaching that blends the practical and theoretical. Moreover, our robust educational environment offers nearly one-on-one instruction through our instructor system of primary lecturers and assistants. Accessible study schedules for working adult learners International Student Support Program Superior research environment in graduate student offices Cross-Cultural Events Annual factory tours for international students Along with tours of the Oya stone quarry and Furukawa Electric The Center for International Programs provides international stu- Co., Ltd.’s plant, inter- dents with support programs in English, Chinese, and Korean that national students and includes advice about university life. International students can also Ja p a n e s e s tu d e n t s participate in various events. Making friends with other international had fun sightseeing at Classes are conducted on Individual workspaces are students from different backgrounds and exchanging opinions based Nikko’s World Heritage weekday evenings and on Saturdays. equipped with personal computers. on their respective perspectives enables cross-cultural interaction sites on a visit to Tochigi that cannot be gained at a desk. Prefecture. Translation 翻訳 業界・業種・制作物を問わず高い翻訳精度を実現 一口に翻訳といっても、分野や使用目的によって様々な種類があります。私たちはお客様との初期の打ち合わせ段階において、 その翻訳が「どんな媒体に載るのか?」 「誰に読まれるのか?」 「どんな文体が望ましいのか?」 「指定の固有名詞はあるのか?」 といった要点をしっかり共有させていただくことで、「ネイティブが手がけた正しい翻訳なのに、どこか的外れなニュアンスに なってしまった」といった行き違いを防いでいます。当社ではお客様、案件ごとに異なる多様な翻訳ニーズにきめ細かく対応 するため、毎回お客様に対して必ずヒアリングを行い、“ 正しい翻訳 ” をご提供できるよう心がけています。 メリットファイブのこだわり 1 カスタムオーダー制を採用 お客様のニーズをお聞きしたうえで、「お客様×用途」を勘案し、適切な翻訳者や文体を選択しています。お客様 の過去と現在の案件における整合性を重視し、お客様専用の「用語集」(翻訳用語データベース)を作成しています。 メリットファイブのこだわり 2 ダブルチェック態勢 高精度な翻訳を生む最大の秘訣は日本人とネイティブによるダブルチェック態勢にあると考えています。複数言語 間にまたがる翻訳業務に真の “ ネイティブ翻訳者 ” は存在しません。当社が外国語のネイティブと日本人によるダブ ルチェックにこだわる理由はそこにあります。手間と時間をかけた入念なチェック態勢こそが質の高い翻訳を生み出 す源泉となるのです。 メリットファイブのこだわり 3 アフターサービス 厳格なチェックプロセスを経て完成した翻訳文は時に日本語の表現や順序と大きく異なるケースも出てきます。こ れらの変更点について、すべてお客様に対する説明責任を負っているとの考え方から、翻訳原稿に訳注・確認事項を 付記して提出しています。「なぜその訳に至ったか」など翻訳経緯についての説明を逐次レポートしています。 それだけではありません。 メリットファイブは英語、中国語、ハングル語などのメジャー言語だけでなく、世界数十ヶ国語のマルチリンガル翻訳にも 対応しています。過去 25 年の実績で培われたノウハウや経験は多言語の翻訳にも活かされています 【サポート言語】 ■アジア言語 日本語、中国語、韓国語、タイ語、ベトナム語、タガログ語、ミャンマー語、インドネシア語、ネパール語、ラオス語、 クメール語、トルコ語、アラビア語、ペルシャ語 ■欧米言語 英語(英国・米国)、スペイン語(スペイン・中南米)、ポルトガル語(ポルトガル・ブラジル)、フランス語、ドイツ語、 イタリア語、オランダ語、クロアチア語 ※その他言語についてはお問い合わせ下さい。 Workflow 作業の流れ (翻訳のみの案件はのぞきます) お打ち合せ・ヒアリング 編集者もしくは営業担当者が貴社のニーズをうかがいます。これから作りたい広報物や翻訳したい原稿な どについてご要望をすべてお話しください。目的や用途に応じて、媒体から企画、デザイン、スケジュール、 価格などご提案させていただきます。 ヒアリングで伺った情報や要件を整理して、全体の構成や取材・撮影の有無、スケジュールを検討し、 ラフなイメージをお伝えします。 企画・構成 取材・撮影・原稿作成 必要に応じて取材やインタビュー、現場の写真撮影などを行い、また記事やコピーなどの原稿を作成する ほか、いただいた原稿の整理をします。 翻訳 外国語版が必要なお客様のニーズにきめ細かく対応し、日本人とネイティブによるダブルチェック態勢に より、精度の高い翻訳を実現しています。 デザイン・レイアウト 企画の意図や記事の内容を見きわめ、読みやすくて、洗練されたデザインを考え、ページを制作していき ます。 校正 デザイン・レイアウトされたページ内容を校正します。誤字・脱字のチェックはもちろんのこと、一般常 識に照らし合わせた言葉の選び方にも注意します。 印刷・製本・発送 印刷・製本は弊社が長年取引のあるもっともコスト競争力のある複数の印刷会社から選びます。完成した 制作物は拠点ごと、組織単位ごとの発送など柔軟に対応しています。また在庫の管理も引き受けています。 About Us 超マルチリンガルな企画・制作プロダクション 私たちは企画から編集・翻訳・制作・印刷までをワンストップで手がける “ 超マルチリンガル ” な企画・制作プロダクションです。 企業や自治体、大学などの広報誌や会社案内、ホームページ、広告など様々な制作物に加え、世界数十ヶ国語に対応した高精度な翻 訳サービスを強みとしています。急速なグローバル化に直面する貴社のご要望にワンストップでお応えする “ マルチリンガルな ” 企 画・制作プロダクションとして、ぜひご活用ください。 ■制作実績 <教育機関> 東京大学、東京芸術大学、東京工業大学、東京外国語大学、東京農工大学、東京海洋大学、東京学芸大学、電気通信大学、東京医科歯科大学、 お茶の水女子大学、埼玉大学、横浜市立大学、立教大学、明治大学、法政大学、中央大学、芝浦工業大学、東京電機大学、東京理科大学、 東京女子大学、青山学院大学、テンプル大学、武蔵大学、目白大学、大東文化大学、明海大学、国士舘大学など <企業> メタルワン、メタルワン建材、メタルワン特殊鋼、メタルワン鉄鋼製品販売、メタルワン鋼管、メタルワン菱和、スズヤス、 サステック、三菱商事、双日、伊藤忠丸紅鉄鋼、日鐵住金物産、JFE 商事、日立金属、他多数 <自治体、団体、大学> 厚生労働省、文部科学省、総務省、東京都庁、神奈川県庁、千葉県庁、埼玉県庁、東京 23 区の各区役所・多摩地区の各市役所、 横浜市、川崎市、さいたま市、千葉市など 日本貿易振興機構 (JETRO)、日本学術振興会 (JSPS)、日本学生支援機構 (JASSO)、UR 都市再生機構、科学技術振興機構など 株式会社メリットファイブ 〒 104-0061 企画編集部 東京都中央区銀座 8-16-13 中銀城山ビル 11F TEL:03-6909-2231 FAX:03-3546-6766 http://www.merit5.co.jp [email protected] 2014.6
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