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キューバ フィデル・カストロさんが亡くなる
[11月28日 16時10分]
Translations will be displayed only once for each word/phrase.
キューバ : 玖馬(ateji) 【キューバ(P); クーバ】 (n) (uk) Cuba; (P); ED; Name(s): ; (p) Cuba
フィデル・カストロ (?) Fidel Castro; GA
25日 : 二十五日; 25日 【にじゅうごにち】 (n) (1) twenty-fifth day of the month; (2) twenty-five days; ED
亡くなり 《verb stem》 亡くなる 【なくなる】 (v5r,vi) to die; (P); ED
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
90 【きゅうじゅう】 (n) ninety; SP
歳 : 歳(P); 才(P) 【さい】 (suf) (1) -years-old; (2) (才 only) ability; gift; talent; aptitude; genius; (P); :
年(P); 歳 【とし】 ; (n) (1) year; (2) age; years;
でした (v) was ; KD
カストロ (n) Castro; Fidel Castro; Fidel Castro Ruz; JWN; Name(s): ; (p) Castro (Chile); Castelot
さん (suf) (1) (hon) (fam) Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san; (2) (pol) makes words more polite (usu. in
fixed expressions); KD
1959 【せんきゅうひゃくごじゅうきゅう】 (n) 1959; one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine; NUM
年 : 年(P); 歳 【とし】 (n) (1) year; (2) age; years;
アメリカ : 亜米利加(ateji); 亜墨利加(ateji) 【アメリカ】 (n) (1) (uk) America; (2) (uk) United States of
America; (P); ED; Name(s): ; (p) America
同じような from : 同じよう; 同じ様 【おなじよう】 (adj-na) similar; ED
考え方 【かんがえかた】 (n) way of thinking; (P); ED
だった (exp) was; KD
政府 【せいふ】 (n) government; administration; (P); ED
倒し 《verb stem》 倒す : 倒す(P); 斃す; 殪す; 仆す 【たおす】 (v5s,vt) (1) (倒す only) to throw down; to
bring down; to blow down; to fell; to knock down; to set (something) down on its side; to turn
(something) on its side; (2) to kill; to defeat; to beat;
革命 【かくめい】 (n,adj-no) (1) revolution; (2) (See 三革・2,辛酉) 58th year of the sexagenary cycle
(in Onmyōdō); (P); ED
起こし : 興し; 起こし 【おこし】 (suf) development; revitalization; 《verb stem》 起こす : 起こす(P); 起す
【おこす】 ; (v5s,vt) (1) to raise; to raise up; to set up; to pick up; (2) to wake; to wake up; to waken;
to awaken;
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
とは (prt) indicates word or phrase being defined; KD
違う 【ちがう】 (v5u,vi) (1) to differ (from); to vary; (2) to not be in the usual condition;
社会主義の from 社会主義 【しゃかいしゅぎ】 (n,adj-no) socialism; (P); ED
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
作る : 作る(P); 造る(P); 創る(P) 【つくる】 (v5r,vt) (1) (造る usu. for large-scale building, manufacturing,
etc. 創る usu. for creating) to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct; (2) to
prepare (food); to brew (alcohol);
国 : 国(P); 邦; 國(oK) 【くに】 (n) (1) country; state; (2) region;
トップ (n) (1) top; (2) top position;
になりました (suf) (1) became; (2) (with "o" and masu-stem of verb) grammatical form creating an
honorific verbal expression; KD
1962 【せんきゅうひゃくろくじゅうに】 (n) 1962; one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two; NUM
には (prt) for (in regard to); in order to; KD
近くに from 近く 【ちかく】 (n-adv,n) (1) (See 近い) near; neighbourhood; neighborhood; vicinity; (nsuf) (2) nearly (e.g. "it took nearly one year"); close to; (adv)
ある (v5r-i,vi) (1) to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to exist; to live; (2) (uk) to have;
ソビエト : 蘇維埃(ateji) 【ソビエト】 (n) (1) (uk) soviet (rus: sovet); (2) (uk) (abbr) (See ソビエト連邦・ソ
ビエトれんぽう) Soviet Union; (P); ED; Name(s): ; (p) Soviet
ミサイル (n) missile; (P); ED
置く 【おく】 (v5k,vt) (1) to put; to place; (2) to leave (behind);
とが (n) southern Japanese hemlock (species of conifer native to Japan, Tsuga sieboldii); KD
問題にならなく from 問題にならない 【もんだいにならない】 (exp,adj-i) unthinkable; count for nothing;
not matter; out of the question; ED [Partial Match!]
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
間 【あいだ(P); あわい(ok)】 (n-adv,n) (1) space (between); gap; interval; distance; (n-adv,n-t) (2)
time (between); pause; break; (n-adv,n,n-t)
核兵器 【かくへいき】 (n) nuclear weapons; (P); ED
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (plain, past)
使う : 使う(P); 遣う 【つかう】 (v5u,vt) (1) to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use;
(2) (See 人使い) to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to
戦争 【せんそう】 (n,vs) war; (P); ED Name(s): 【せんそう】 (f) Sensou
始まる 【はじまる】 (v5r,vi) (1) to begin; to start; to commence; (2) to happen (again); to begin
かもしれない (exp) may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly; KD
世界中の from 世界中 【せかいじゅう; せかいちゅう】 (n,adj-no) around the world; throughout the
world; ED
人 【じん】 (suf) (1) -ian (e.g. Italian); -ite (e.g. Tokyoite); indicates nationality, race, origin, etc.; (2) er (e.g. performer, etc.); person working with ...; indicates expertise (in a certain field);
心配しました from 心配 【しんぱい】 (adj-na,n,vs) (1) worry; concern; anxiety; (n,vs) (2) care; help;
aid; assistance; (P); ED
2008 【にせんはち】 (n) 2008; two thousand and eight; NUM
さん (suf) (1) (hon) (fam) Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san; (2) (pol) makes words more polite (usu. in
fixed expressions); KD
弟 【おとうと(P); おと; おとと(ik); てい】 (n) (1) (hum) younger brother; little brother; kid brother; (2)
(てい only) (arch) pupil; apprentice; (P); ED Name(s): 【てい】 (g) Tei
になりました (suf) (1) became; (2) (with "o" and masu-stem of verb) grammatical form creating an
honorific verbal expression; KD
さん (suf) (1) (hon) (fam) Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san; (2) (pol) makes words more polite (usu. in
fixed expressions); KD
強い力 【つよいちから】 (n) {physics} (See 強い相互作用) strong interaction; strong force; ED
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
持つ 【もつ】 (v5t) (1) to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry; (2) to possess; to have; to own;
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
去年 【きょねん(P); こぞ(ok)】 (n-adv,n-t) last year; (P); ED
7月 : 七月(P); 7月(P) 【しちがつ】 (n-adv) July; (P); ED
とまた (n) kanji "strike" radical at right (radical 66); KD
交流 【こうりゅう】 (n,vs) (1) (cultural) exchange; interchange; interaction; (inter-) mingling; (social,
etc.) networking; intercourse; (2) alternating current; AC; (P); ED
始める : 始める(P); 創める 【はじめる】 (v1,vt) (1) to start; to begin; to commence; to initiate; to
originate; (2) to open (e.g. a store); to start up; to establish (business. etc.); (aux-v,v1)
になりました (suf) (1) became; (2) (with "o" and masu-stem of verb) grammatical form creating an
honorific verbal expression; KD
さん (suf) (1) (hon) (fam) Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san; (2) (pol) makes words more polite (usu. in
fixed expressions); KD
このこと (exp) about this; this subject or thing; KD
賛成しました from 賛成 【さんせい】 (n,vs,adj-no) approval; agreement; support; favour; favor; (P); ED
亡く from 亡い 【ない】 (adj-i) (See 無い・1) dead; ED
って (prt) (1) casual quoting particle; (2) indicates supposition; if ... then;
これから (n-t) after this; KD
なる (suf,adj-f) (1) (arch) that is in; (2) who is called; that is called;
注目して from 注目 【ちゅうもく】 (n,vs) notice; attention; observation; (P); ED
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
氷の中に魚が入ったスケートリンク 意見を聞いてやめる
[11月28日 16時10分]
Translations will be displayed only once for each word/phrase.
福岡県 【ふくおかけん】 (n) Fukuoka prefecture (Kyushu); ED Name(s): 【ふくおかけん】 (p) Fukuoka
北九州市 【きたきゅうしゅうし】 (p) Kitakyuushuu (city)
スペースワールド (?) Space World; GA
12日 : 十二日; 12日 【じゅうににち】 (n) (1) twelfth day of the month; (2) twelve days; ED
氷 : 氷(P); 凍り 【こおり】 (n) (1) ice; (2) (See かき氷) shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple
syrup); (P); : 氷; 冰 【ひ】 ; (n) (1) (arch) ice; (2) hail; ED;
水族館 【すいぞくかん(P); すいぞっかん】 (n) (すいぞっかん is colloquial) aquarium; (P); ED Name(s):
【すいぞくかん】 (p) Suizokukan
という (exp) (1) called; named; (2) (uk) as many as; as much as;
スケートリンク : スケートリンク(P); スケート・リンク (n) skating rink; (P); ED
オープンしました from オープン (adj-na,n,vs) open; (P); ED
中に from 中 【ちゅう】 (n,pref,suf) (1) (See 並・1) medium; average; middle; (n) (2) moderation;
25 【にじゅうご】 (n) twenty-five; SP
種類 【しゅるい】 (n) (1) variety; kind; type; category; (ctr) (2) counter for different sorts of things;
(P); ED
魚 【さかな(P); うお】 (n) fish; (P); ED;
約 【やく】 (adv) (1) approximately; about; (n) (2) promise;
5000 【ごせん】 (n) 5000; five thousand; NUM
匹 : 匹(P); 疋 【ひき(P); き】 (ctr) (1) (ひき only) counter for small animals; (2) counter for rolls of
cloth (two han in size);
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
入る 【いる; はいる】 (v5r) (いる) to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in; (はいる)
to enter; to break into; to join; to enroll; to contain; to hold; to accommodate; to have (an income
of); SP
見 【けん】 (n) view (of life, etc.); outlook; 【み】 ; (n-suf,n) looking; viewing; 《verb stem》 見る : 見る
(P); 観る; 視る 【みる】 ; (v1,vt) (1) to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe; (2) (See 診る) to look
over; to look on; to assess; to examine; to judge;
ながら (prt) (1) while; during; as; (2) (uk) while; although; though; despite; in spite of;
スケート (n,vs) skating (esp. ice); skate; skates; (P); ED
できます (aux-v) is able to do; KD
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
入る 【いる; はいる】 (v5r) (いる) to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in; (はいる)
to enter; to break into; to join; to enroll; to contain; to hold; to accommodate; to have (an income
of); SP
いる (v5r,vi) to need; to want; KD
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (plain, past)
死ぬ 【しぬ】 (v5n,vn,vi) (1) (sens) to die; to pass away; (2) to lose spirit; to lose vigor; to look dead;
いろいろな from いろいろ (adj-na,adv,n) various; KD
勉強する from 勉強 【べんきょう】 (n,vs) (1) study; (2) diligence;
機会 【きかい】 (n) chance; opportunity; (P); ED
にして (exp) (1) only; just because; (2) although; even;
ほしい (adj-i) (1) wanted; wished for; in need of; desired; (aux-adj) (2) I want (you) to; KD
考え 【かんがえ】 (n) (1) thinking; thought; view; opinion; concept; (2) idea; notion; imagination;
作り 【つくり】 (n) (1) making; producing; manufacturing; building; construction; make; structure;
(2) appearance (i.e. attire, make-up);
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
しかし (conj) however; but; KD
命 【いのち】 (n) (1) (sometimes written as 生命) (See 生命) life; life force; (2) lifetime; lifespan;
大事に from 大事 【だいじ(P); おおごと】 (adj-na,n) (1) important; valuable; serious matter; (2) (だいじ
only) (See だいじょうぶ・1) safe (Tochigi dialect); OK; (P); ED
ていない (exp) (...て+いない) is not; KD
とか (prt,conj) among other things; such things as; or something like that; KD
かわいそう (adj-na,n) poor; pitiable; pathetic; pitiful; KD
とか (prt,conj) among other things; such things as; or something like that; KD
気持ちが悪い 【きもちがわるい】 (adj) disconcerting; upsetting; JWN
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
意見 【いけん】 (n,vs,adj-no) opinion; view; comment; (P); ED
インターネットに from : インターネット(P); インタネット (n,adj-no) {comp} Internet; (P); ED
たくさん (adj-no,adj-na,n,n-adv) (1) a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a
good deal; (2) (uk) enough; sufficient; (n-suf)
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (polite, past)
出る 【でる】 (v1,vi) (1) (ant: 入る・はいる・1) to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out; (2) to
leave (on a journey); to depart; to start out; to set out;
このため (exp) because of this; KD
27日 : 二十七日; 27日 【にじゅうしちにち; にじゅうななにち】 (n) (1) twenty-seventh day of the month; (2)
twenty-seven days; ED
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
中 【ちゅう】 (n,pref,suf) (1) (See 並・1) medium; average; middle; (n) (2) moderation;
から (prt) (1) from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity); since; (2) from (originator); by;
出す 【だす】 (v5s,vt) (1) to take out; to get out; (2) to put out; to reveal; to show;
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
言う : 言う(P); 云う; 謂う 【いう(P); ゆう(P)】 (v5u) (1) to say; to utter; to declare; (2) to name; to call;
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
来たり 《verb stem》 来たる : 来る; 来たる 【きたる】 (adj-pn) (1) (ant: 去る・6) next (e.g. "next April");
forthcoming; coming; (v5r,vi) (2) (orig. meaning) to come; to arrive; to be due to; ED [Partial
人たち : 人たち(P); 人達(P) 【ひとたち】 (n) people; (P); ED
生きていき 《verb stem》 生きていく : 生きていく; 生きて行く; 生きてゆく 【いきていく(生きていく,生きて行く);
いきてゆく(生きて行く,生きてゆく)】 (exp,v5k-s) to subsist; to keep on living; ED [Partial Match!]
魚の 【うおの】 (p) Uono
上 【うえ】 (n,adj-no,n-adv,n-suf) (1) above; up; over; elder (e.g. daughter); (2) top; summit;
子どもたち : 子供たち(P); 子どもたち(P); 子供達(P); 子ども達(P) 【こどもたち】 (n) children; (P); ED
遊ぶ 【あそぶ(P); あすぶ(ok)】 (v5b,vi) (1) to play; to enjoy oneself; to have a good time; (2) to mess
about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.);
はあ (int) (1) yes; indeed; well; (2) ha!;
ないと (exp) (1) (abbr) (col) have to (verb); must (verb); (2) is indispensable; absolutely necessary;
思い : 思い(P); 想い; 念い 【おもい】 (n) (1) thought; (2) imagination; mind; heart;
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
とか (prt,conj) among other things; such things as; or something like that; KD
生きた 【いきた】 (adj-f) (See 生きる・1) live; living; ED
まま (prt) (1) as it is; as one likes; because; as; (2) (uk) condition; state; KD
入れ 【いれ】 (n-suf) container; receptacle; 《verb stem》 入れる : 入れる(P); 容れる; 函れる 【いれる】 ;
(v1,vt) (1) to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. a
tattoo); (2) to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire;
ではない (exp) is not; KD
ので (prt) that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ....; given that...; KD
そんなに (exp) so much; so; like that; KD
騒ぐ : 騒ぐ(P); 騷ぐ(oK) 【さわぐ】 (v5g,vi) (1) to make noise; to make racket; to be noisy; (2) to rustle;
to swoosh;
話 : 話(P); 話し(io); 咄; 噺 【はなし】 (n) (1) talk; speech; chat; story; conversation; (2) discussions;
negotiation; argument; (P); 【わ】 ; (ctr) counter for stories, episodes of TV series, etc.; ED Name(s):
【はすいけ】 (u) Hasuike
でもない (exp,adj-i) it is not (like that); used to explicitly deny one thing while also implicitly
denying other things; KD
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
言う : 言う(P); 云う; 謂う 【いう(P); ゆう(P)】 (v5u) (1) to say; to utter; to declare; (2) to name; to call;
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
[11月28日 11時30分]
Translations will be displayed only once for each word/phrase.
コンビニ : コンビニ(P); コンベニ(ik) (n) (abbr) convenience store; (P); ED
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
売る 【うる】 (v5r,vt) to sell; (P); ED
いる (v5r,vi) to need; to want; KD
食べ物 : 食べ物(P); 食べもの 【たべもの】 (n) food; (P); ED
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
スマホ : スマホ; スマフォ (n) (abbr) (See スマートフォン) smartphone; smart phone; ED
スマートフォン : スマートフォン; スマートホン; スマート・フォン; スマート・ホン (n) smartphone; smart phone;
カメラ : カメラ(P); キャメラ (n) camera; (P); ED
撮る : 撮る(P); 録る 【とる】 (v5r,vt) (1) (esp. 撮る) to take (a photo); (2) (esp. 録る) to record (video,
audio, etc.); to make (a film); (P); ED
材料 【ざいりょう】 (n) ingredients; material; (P); ED
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (adj. -> adverb)
詳しい : 詳しい(P); 精しい; 委しい 【くわしい】 (adj-i) (1) detailed; full; accurate; (2) (ant: 疎い・2)
knowing very well; well-acquainted; well-informed; (P); ED
わかる (v5r,vi) (1) to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow; (2) (uk) to
become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out; KD
うに (n,adj-no) sea urchin; sea urchin eggs; KD
なります (exp) becomes; KD
セブンイレブン (n) Seven-Eleven; ED
会社 【かいしゃ】 (n) (1) company; corporation; (2) workplace; (P); ED
NTT 【エヌティーティー】 (c) NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) 【エヌティティ】 (c) Nippon
Telegraph and Telephone Corporation; NTT SrcHNA
考え 【かんがえ】 (n) (1) thinking; thought; view; opinion; concept; (2) idea; notion; imagination;
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
画面 【がめん】 (n) terminal screen; scene; picture; the field (in TV); photo; (P); : 絵面; 絵づら; 画面
(iK) 【えづら】 ; (n) the impression given by a painting or image; ED
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (polite, non-past)
出る 【でる】 (v1,vi) (1) (ant: 入る・はいる・1) to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out; (2) to
leave (on a journey); to depart; to start out; to set out;
アレルギー (n,adj-no) allergy (ger: Allergie); (P); ED
起こす : 起こす(P); 起す 【おこす】 (v5s,vt) (1) to raise; to raise up; to set up; to pick up; (2) to wake; to
wake up; to waken; to awaken;
物 【もの(P); もん】 (n) (1) thing; object; article; stuff; substance; (2) (as 〜のもの, 〜のもん) one's
things; possessions; property; belongings;
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
入る 【いる; はいる】 (v5r) (いる) to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in; (はいる)
to enter; to break into; to join; to enroll; to contain; to hold; to accommodate; to have (an income
of); SP
いるか (gikun) (n) dolphin (or other small toothed whales, such as porpoises, belugas, etc.); KD
どうか (adv,n) please; somehow or other; KD
かり (n) (1) wild goose; (2) (uk) (abbr) (col) glans; head of a penis; KD
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
外国人 【がいこくじん】 (n) (See 内国人) foreigner; foreign citizen; foreign national; alien; nonJapanese; (P); ED
安心して from : 安心(P); 安神 【あんしん】 (adj-na,n,vs) relief; peace of mind; (P); 【あんじん】 ; (n)
{Buddh} obtaining peace of mind through faith or ascetic practice; ED
買い物 : 買い物(P); 買物(P) 【かいもの】 (n,adj-no) shopping; purchased goods; (P); ED
ように (exp) (1) in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as); (2) (uk) hoping or wishing
for something; KD
日本語 【にほんご(P); にっぽんご】 (n,adj-no) (1) (See 国語・こくご・2) Japanese (language); (n) (2) (にほ
んご only) (esp. as a school or university subject) Japanese as a second language; (P); ED
だけではなく (exp) not only .. but also ..; KD
英語 【えいご】 (n,adj-no) English (language); (P); ED
中国語 【ちゅうごくご】 (n) Chinese (language); (P); ED
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
15 【じゅうご】 (n) fifteen; SP
言葉 : 言葉(P); 詞; 辞 【ことば(P); けとば(言葉)(ok)】 (n) (1) (See 言語) language; dialect; (2) (See 単語)
word; words; phrase; term; expression; remark;
見ることができる 【みることができる】 (adj) visible; seeable; JWN [Partial Match!]
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
この (adj-pn) this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas
expressed by the speaker); KD
今 【いま】 (n-adv,n) now; the present time; just now; soon; immediately; (one) more; (P); 【こん】 ;
(pref) (1) the current ...; this; (2) today's ...; ED;
東京 【とうきょう】 (n) Tokyo; (P); ED;
千代田区 【ちよだく】 (p) Chiyodaku
ある (v5r-i,vi) (1) to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to exist; to live; (2) (uk) to have;
でこ (n) (1) brow; forehead; (2) (uk) bump; KD
システムの from システム (n,adj-no) system; (P); ED
実験 【じっけん】 (n,vs) experiment; (P); ED
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
行る : 遣る(P); 行る 【やる】 (v5r,vt) (1) (uk) (col) (See 為る・する・1) to do; to undertake; to perform; to
play (a game); to study; (2) (uk) to send; to dispatch; to despatch;
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
来年 【らいねん】 (n-adv,n-t) next year; (P); ED
ごろ (n,n-adv,n-suf) (1) (approximate) time; around; about; toward; (2) suitable time (or
から (prt) (1) from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity); since; (2) from (originator); by;
一部の from 一部 【いちぶ】 (n-adv,n) (1) one part; one portion; one section; some; (2) one copy
(e.g. of a document); (P); ED
店 : 店(P); 見世 【みせ】 (n) (orig. an abbr. of 店棚; 見世棚) store; shop; establishment; restaurant;
(P); 【てん】 ; (n-suf) (See 土産店) -store; -shop; (P); 【たな】 ; (n) (1) (See 御店・1) merchant's home;
(2) (See 御店・2) rented home;
でこ (n) (1) brow; forehead; (2) (uk) bump; KD
システム (n,adj-no) system; (P); ED
使い : 使い(P); 遣い 【つかい】 (n) (1) (See 使いにやる) errand; mission; going as envoy; (2)
messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl;
たい (aux-adj) (1) want to ... do something; would like to ...; (prt) (2) (kyu:) indicates emphasis;
てい (n) (1) Di (ancient Chinese ethnic group); (2) (astron) Chinese "root" constellation (one of
the 28 mansions); KD
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
[11月28日 11時30分]
Translations will be displayed only once for each word/phrase.
東南アジア 【とうなんアジア】 (n) Southeast Asia; ED Name(s): 【とうなんアジア】 (p) Southeast Asia
では (conj,int) then; well; so; well then; KD
日本 【にほん(P); にっぽん】 (n) Japan; (P); ED;
アニメ (n,adj-no) (1) animated film; animated cartoon; anime (when referring to Japanese
cartoons); (2) (abbr) (See アニメーション) animation; (P); ED
とても (adv) (1) very; awfully; exceedingly; (2) (uk) (not) at all; by no means; simply (cannot); KD
人気 【にんき】 (n,adj-no,adj-na) popularity; popular feeling; business conditions; (P); : 人気; 人け 【ひ
とけ】 ; (n) (1) (often 人気(が,の)ない - deserted) sign of life; human presence; (2) humanity;
humaneness; 【じんき】 ; (n) prevailing mood of a locality; emotional climate of a district; ED
あります (v) to be (polite); KD
しかし、 (conj) however; but; KD
映画 【えいが】 (n,adj-no) movie; film; (P); ED
はあ (int) (1) yes; indeed; well; (2) ha!;
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (plain, negative, nonpast)
知らない 【しらない】 (adj-i) (1) unknown; strange; (2) (id) I don't care; I don't know and I feel
nothing; ED
人 【じん】 (suf) (1) -ian (e.g. Italian); -ite (e.g. Tokyoite); indicates nationality, race, origin, etc.; (2) er (e.g. performer, etc.); person working with ...; indicates expertise (in a certain field);
たくさん (adj-no,adj-na,n,n-adv) (1) a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a
good deal; (2) (uk) enough; sufficient; (n-suf)
ます (aux-v) (1) (pol) used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader); (2) (arch) (hum) used to
indicate respect for those affected by the action; KD
国際交流基金 【こくさいこうりゅうききん】 The Japan Foundation; RW Name(s): 【こくさいこうりゅうききん】
(o) Japan Foundation
紹介する from 紹介 【しょうかい】 (n,vs,adj-no) introduction; presentation; referral; listing; (P); ED
ため (n) (col) the same (age, social status); peer; KD
インドネシア : 印度尼西亜(ateji) 【インドネシア】 (n) (uk) Indonesia; (P); ED; Name(s): ; (p) Indonesia
ジャカルタ (n) Jakarta; (P); ED; Name(s): ; (p) Djakarta; Jakarta (Indonesia)
映画祭 【えいがさい】 (n) film festival; ED
開き 【ひらき】 (n) (1) opening; gap; (suf) (2) dried and opened fish; (P); 《verb stem》 開く : 開く(P);
空く(P); 明く 【あく】 ; (v5k,vi) (1) (esp. 開く) to open (e.g. doors); (2) (esp. 開く) to open (e.g.
business, etc.);
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
では (conj,int) then; well; so; well then; KD
コメディー : コメディー(P); コメディ (n) comedy; (P); ED
サスペンス (n) suspense; (P); ED
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
最近の from 最近 【さいきん】 (adj-no,n-adv,n-t) most recent; these days; right now; recently;
nowadays; (P); ED
14 【じゅうし; じゅうよん】 (n) fourteen; SP
紹介しました from 紹介 【しょうかい】 (n,vs,adj-no) introduction; presentation; referral; listing; (P); ED
始まる 【はじまる】 (v5r,vi) (1) to begin; to start; to commence; (2) to happen (again); to begin
前の 【まえの】 (adj-no) in front of; anterior; SP
日 : 日(P); 陽 【ひ】 (n-adv,n-t) (1) (日 only) day; days; (2) sun; sunshine; sunlight;
会場 【かいじょう】 (n) assembly hall; meeting place; venue; grounds; (P); ED;
では (conj,int) then; well; so; well then; KD
テレビ (n) (1) (abbr) (See テレビジョン) television; TV; (2) (abbr) TV program; TV programme; TV
broadcast; (P); ED
新聞の from 新聞 【しんぶん】 (n,adj-no) newspaper; (P); ED
記者 【きしゃ】 (n,adj-no) (See ジャーナリスト) reporter; (P); ED
映画の from 映画 【えいが】 (n,adj-no) movie; film; (P); ED
仕事 【しごと】 (n,vs,adj-no) (1) work; job; business; occupation; employment; vocation; task; (2)
{physics} work; (P); ED
をして (exp) indicates patient of a causative expression; KD
いる (v5r,vi) to need; to want; KD
など (prt) (1) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (uk) or something;
ちはや (n) (obsc) thin, white ceremonial haori worn by miko; KD
という (exp) (1) called; named; (2) (uk) as many as; as much as;
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
見る : 見る(P); 観る; 視る 【みる】 (v1,vt) (1) to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe; (2) (See 診
る) to look over; to look on; to assess; to examine; to judge;
もらい (n) tip; gratuity; alms; KD
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
この (adj-pn) this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas
expressed by the speaker); KD
高校生 【こうこうせい】 (n) senior high school student; (P); ED
かるた (n) karuta (por: carta); traditional Japanese playing cards; KD
試合 : 試合(ateji)(P); 仕合(ateji) 【しあい】 (n,vs) match; game; bout; contest; (P); ED
勝つ : 勝つ(P); 克つ; 贏つ 【かつ】 (v5t,vi) to win; to gain victory; (P); ED
ために (conj) (1) for; for the sake of; to one's advantage; in favor of; in favour of; on behalf of; (2)
(uk) because of; as a result of; KD
一生懸命 : 一生懸命(P); 一生けん命 【いっしょうけんめい】 (adj-na,n-adv,n) (yoji) (See 一所懸命) very
hard; with utmost effort; with all one's might; for dear life; (P); ED
がんばる (v5r) to persist; to insist on; to stand firm; to try one's best; KD
話 : 話(P); 話し(io); 咄; 噺 【はなし】 (n) (1) talk; speech; chat; story; conversation; (2) discussions;
negotiation; argument; (P); 【わ】 ; (ctr) counter for stories, episodes of TV series, etc.; ED Name(s):
【はすいけ】 (u) Hasuike
です (exp) (pol) be; is; KD
映画に from 映画 【えいが】 (n,adj-no) movie; film; (P); ED
出 【で】 (n,n-suf) (1) coming out; going out; outflow; efflux; rising (of the sun or moon); (2)
attending (work); appearing (on stage); one's turn to go on;
俳優の from 俳優 【はいゆう】 (n,adj-no) (See 役者) actor; actress; player; performer; (P); ED
野村 【のむら】 (p,s) Nomura 【いむら】 (s) Imura 【かずよし】 (s) Kazuyoshi SrcHNA
周平 【しゅうへい】 (g) Shuuhei 【かねひら】 (g) Kanehira SrcHNA
さん (suf) (1) (hon) (fam) Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san; (2) (pol) makes words more polite (usu. in
fixed expressions); KD
人たち : 人たち(P); 人達(P) 【ひとたち】 (n) people; (P); ED
皆さん 【みなさん】 (n) (hon) all; everyone; everybody; (P); ED
Possible inflected verb or adjective: (te-form)
見る : 見る(P); 観る; 視る 【みる】 (v1,vt) (1) to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe; (2) (See 診
る) to look over; to look on; to assess; to examine; to judge;
もらう (v5u,vt) (1) to receive; to take; to accept; (aux-v,v5u) (2) (uk) to get somebody to do
something; KD
とが (n) southern Japanese hemlock (species of conifer native to Japan, Tsuga sieboldii); KD
本当に 【ほんとうに(P); ほんとに(ik); ホントに; ホントーに; ホントウに】 (adv) really; truly; (P); ED
しい (int) (1) shh! (used to silence someone); sh!; (2) shoo! (used to drive off an approaching
animal, etc.); (suf,adj-i)
です (exp) (pol) be; is; KD
楽しみさ from : 楽しみ(P); 愉しみ 【たのしみ】 (adj-na,n) (1) (See 御楽しみ) enjoyment; pleasure;
diversion; amusement; hobby; (2) (See 楽しみにする) anticipation; looking forward to; (P); 《verb
stem》 楽しむ : 楽しむ(P); 愉しむ; 楽む(io) 【たのしむ】 ; (v5m) to enjoy (oneself); (P); ED [Partial
んで (prt) that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ....; given that...; KD
ください (exp) (1) (hon) please give me; (2) (uk) (hon) please do for me; KD
言い 《verb stem》 言う : 言う(P); 云う; 謂う 【いう(P); ゆう(P)】 (v5u) (1) to say; to utter; to declare; (2)
to name; to call;
まし (aux) (1) (pol) please; (2) used to increase the politeness of a greeting, apology, etc.; KD
来年 【らいねん】 (n-adv,n-t) next year; (P); ED
9月 : 九月(P); 9月(P) 【くがつ】 (n-adv) September; (P); ED
まで (prt) (1) until (a time); till; to; up to; (2) (uk) to (a place); as far as;
間に 【あいだに】 (adv) while; during (the time when); ED
オーストラリア : 濠太剌利(ateji)(P); 豪太剌利(ateji) 【オーストラリア】 (n) (uk) Australia; (P); ED;
Name(s): ; (p) Australia
11 【じゅういち】 (n) eleven; SP
国 : 国(P); 邦; 國(oK) 【くに】 (n) (1) country; state; (2) region;
開く 【あく; ひらく】 (v5k) (あく,vi) (1) to open; to become open; to become empty; (ひらく,vt) to open
(e.g., a bank-account, festival, etc.); SP
予定 【よてい】 (n,vs) plans; arrangement; schedule; program; programme; expectation; estimate;
(P); ED
です (exp) (pol) be; is; KD
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