THE WEAK WIND OUR SET MENU $1280 Per Cominciare / 開胃小點 Amuse Bouche Involtini di melanzane al Parmigiano e basilico / 蘿勒蕃茄義大利麵捲 Eggplant rolls with parmesan cheese and basil Branzino di lenza con patate, olive e pomodori canditi / 海鱸魚搭配燉洋芋與蕃茄 Sea bass fishing line with potatoes, olives and tomatoes confit Macedonia di frutti di stagione / 水果沙拉與冰沙 Seasonal fruit salade with sorbet Caffé o Thé / 咖啡或茶 Coffee or Tea THE WIND OUR SET MENU $1880 Per Cominciare / 開胃小點 Amuse Bouche Burrata con pomodoro candito e basilico / Burrata起司與新鮮蕃茄 Burrata cheese with dressing tomato and fresh zucchini Fregola al Pecorino di Sardegna, prosecco e nero di seppia / Pecorino米型麵佐墨魚sauce Fregola with Pecorino di Sardegna, prosecco and ink sauce Costata di Maiale Aborigeno alla Milanese / 噶瑪蘭豬肋排 櫻桃蕃茄與生菜沙拉 Milanese Aboriginal Pork chop with tomato and arugula Granita di mandorle con pan di Spagna ai fiori d’arancia / 橙花杏仁蛋糕與杏仁冰沙 Almond granite with “Pain Jaune” in orange flower Caffé o Thé / 咖啡或茶 Coffee or Tea All item are subject to 10% service charge / 酌收ㄧ成服務費 THE WAVE OUR SET MENU $2880 Per Cominciare / 開胃小點 Amuse Bouche Marlin marinato alle spezie con limone e olio d’oliva extra / 旗魚薄片佐香料檸檬sauce Marlin marinated with spices lemon dressing and olive oil Spaghetti con calamari rucola insaporiti al Patanegra / 西班牙火腿風味花枝義大利麵 Spaghetti with calamari, arugula and Iberico ham flavored Napoleone alla “Matalotta” / 石老魚搭配西西里橄欖番茄海鮮湯 Napoleon fish in a Sicily Matalotta soup with clam and mussel Petto d’anatra laccato al miele con pure di patate / 嫩煎鴨胸與杏桃佐馬鈴薯泥 Roasted Duck breast with asparagus dried apricots and mashed potatoes Croccante ai Litchis con sorbetto all’uva nera / 荔枝幕斯搭配葡萄雪酪 Crunchy litchis mousse with black grape sorbet and mixed berries sauce Caffé o Thé / 咖啡或茶 Coffee or Tea All item are subject to 10% service charge / 酌收ㄧ成服務費 開胃菜 / APPETIZER COME INIZIO I NOSTRI ANTIPASTI Assortimento di Antipasti all’italiana / 義大利經典開胃菜 $380 Mix of original and typical style of Italian appetizer Burrata con pomodoro candito e basilico / Burrata起司與新鮮蕃茄 $480 Burrata cheese with dressing tomato and fresh zucchini Carpaccio di Manzo / 薄片生牛肉 朝鮮薊沙拉與帕瑪森乳酪 $680 Beef Carpaccio with artichoke, rocket and Parmesan cheese Marlin marinato alle spezie con limone e olio d’oliva extra / 旗魚薄片佐香料檸檬sauce $580 Marlin marinated with spices lemon dressing and olive oil Cappesante con Asparagi e coulis di pomodoro all’arancia / 嫩煎干貝與蘆筍佐蕃茄柳橙醬 $620 Scallops and Asparagus, tomato coulis flavored with orange L’Astice all’Isolana / 島嶼式龍蝦沙拉與柑橘油醋 $980 Island style Lobster with citrus flavor, tomato and red onion 燉飯與義大利麵 / FIRST COURSE PROSEGUIAMO CON I NOSTRI PRIMI PIATTI Spaghetti con calamari rucola insaporiti al Patanegra / 西班牙火腿風味花枝義大利麵 $620 Spaghetti with calamari, arugula and Iberico ham flavored Ravioli verdi di maiale e spinaci al burro e salvia / 豬肉菠菜麵餃搭配鼠尾草奶油醬 $580 Green ravioli, stuffed of pork and spinach with butter and sage sauce Maccheroncini alla pancetta, asparagi e uova salate di Pingtung / 鹹蛋培根與帕瑪森乳酪管麵 $480 Small Macaroni with Italian bacon, salty egg from Pingtung and Parmesan cheese Risotto ai Ricci con pomodori canditi e erbe fresche / 海膽燉飯佐油封蕃茄 $720 Sea Urchin Risotto with tomato confit and fresh herbs Risotto allo Zafferano e Ossobuco alla Milanese / 番紅花燉飯與米蘭式牛膝 $650 Saffron Risotto with Ossobuco in a Milanese style Tagliolini all’uovo con Scampi e ciliegino Pachino / 手工細麵搭配角蝦與櫻桃蕃茄 $750 Homemade Tagliolini with Langoustine and cherry tomato Pachino Minestrone Classico / 經典義大利蔬菜湯 $420 Classic Minestrone with vegetables, legumes, and extra virgin olive oil Vellutina di Bamboo ai sapori della Sicilia / 西西里風味筊白筍濃湯 $480 Water Bamboo soup with condiments of Sicily 主菜 / MAIN COURSE COMPLETIAMO CON I NOSTRI SECONDI DI PESCE E DI CARNE Bonito scottato al timo con Bobbia alla Mediterranea / 炙燒鰹魚與地中海燉蔬菜 $980 Pan seared Bonito with ratatouille in a Mediterranean style Coda di Rospo al timo con limone e capperi di Pantelleria /烤安康魚搭配檸檬酸豆白酒醬 $1180 Roasted Monkfish with lemon confit and capers from Pantelleria Napoleone alla “Matalotta” / 石老魚搭配西西里橄欖蕃茄海鮮湯 $1280 Napoleon fish in Sicily Matalotta soup with clam and mussel Costata di Maiale Aborigeno alla Milanese / 噶瑪蘭豬肋排 櫻桃蕃茄與生菜沙拉 $980 Milanese Aboriginal Pork chop with tomato and arugula Petto d’ anatra laccato al miele con pure di patate /嫩煎鴨胸與杏桃佐馬鈴薯泥 $1280 Roasted Duck breast with asparagus dried apricots and mashed potatoes Carre d’Agnello al rosmarino con scalogni caramellizzati / 迷迭香羊排與焦化小洋蔥 $1380 Rack of Lamb with rosemary and caramelized shallots Lombatello di Wagyu arrostito / 香料牛腹肉與碳烤蔬菜 $1480 Wagyu Hanger steak roasted with herbs and mixed vegetables All item are subject to 10% service charge / 酌收ㄧ成服務費 特定精選 / SPECIAL DISHES I PIATTI UN PO SPECIALI Ostriche fresche / “吉拉朵”生蠔 $280 (1 pc) Fresh oysters “Gillardeau” Caviale Italiano / 義大利產魚子醬 $1880 (10 gr) Italian Caviar Foie Gras scottato con salsa ai mirtilli / 香煎鴨肝搭配藍莓sauce $980 Seared Foie Gras with onion and blueberry sauce Prosciutto Patanegra 48 mesi / 伊比利火腿與天然酵母麵包 $2580 Jamón ibérico 48 months with bruschetta tomato Prosciutto di Parma 24 mesi / 義大利帕瑪火腿與季節水果 $1480 Parma Ham 24 months with fresh seasonal fruit Affettato di salumi misti / 綜合火腿盤與醃漬蔬菜 $1480 Mixed Italian ham cut with pickles Linguine mantecate all’Astice / 龍蝦義大利麵 $2680 Linguine « Mantecate » in a Lobster sauce with its coral (for 2 pers.) (建議兩人使用) Dal Mercato Di Su-Ao Pesce Intero (per 2) / 碳烤時令魚 $3280 Grilled Market Fish (for 2 pers.) in the flavors of the South (建議兩人使用) Costata di Wagyu(per 2 o piu` pers./ 60 min.) / 帶骨肋眼牛排 $7280 Grilled Wagyu Prime Rib steak (For 2 or more / takes 60 mins) with potatoes and sautéed vegetable (建議兩人使用 / 製作時間60分鐘) All item are subject to 10% service charge / 酌收ㄧ成服務費 THE WING OUR SET MENU $3880 Per Cominciare / 開胃小點 Amuse Bouche Granchio Reale con royale di Zucca e erbe miste / 帝王蟹與南瓜蒸蛋 King Crab with pumpkin royale and mixed herbs Cappesante con Asparagi e coulis di pomodoro all’arancia / 嫩煎干貝與蘆筍佐蕃茄柳橙醬 Scallops and Asparagus, tomato coulis flavored with orange Tagliolini all’uovo con Scampi e ciliegino Pachino / 手工細麵搭配角蝦與櫻桃蕃茄 Homemade Tagliolini with Langoustine and cherry tomato Pachino Coda di Rospo al timo con limone e capperi di Pantelleria / 烤安康魚搭配檸檬酸豆白酒醬 Roasted Monkfish with lemon confit and capers from Pantelleria Carre d’Agnello al rosmarino con scalogni caramellizzati / 迷迭香羊排與焦化小洋蔥 Rack of Lamb with rosemary and caramelized shallots Dolce Assaggino / 精緻小點 Pre-Dessert Tartelletta alle pere con gelato alla vaniglia / 洋梨塔與塩味焦糖冰淇淋 Marinated pear tart in a vanilla flavored with caramel ice cream Caffé o Thé / 咖啡或茶 Coffee or Tea All item are subject to 10% service charge / 酌收ㄧ成服務費 起司 / CHEESE NOSTRI FORMAGGI 每款價格 / EACH KIND / OGNI TIPO $180 PARMIGIANO REGGIANO (VACCA) EMILIA / 硬質/牛乳 PARMESAN CHEESE (COW) 無酸味,帶有新鮮果香 RAGUSANO (PECORA) SICILIA / 硬質/綿羊乳 RAGUSANO (SHEEP) 帶有甜、酸、鹹的蔬菜氣味 PIACENTINO AL PEPE NERO E ZAFFERANO (PECORA) SICILIA / 調味硬質/綿羊乳 PIACENTINO BLACK PEPPER AND SAFFRON (SHEEP) 略帶甜味,並有番紅花及黑胡椒帶來的刺激感 GORGONZOLA A FERMENTAZIONE NATURALE (VACCA) LOMBARDIA / 半硬質/牛乳藍黴乳酪 GORGONZOLA NATURAL FERMENTATION (COW) 略帶辛辣,鹹味略重 TALEGGIO DELLA VALTELLINA (VACCA) LOMBARDIA / 半軟質/牛乳 TALEGGIO VALTELLINA (COW) 具有發酵水果,高山野花的草本氣味 FIORE SARDO SEMI STAGIONATO (PECORA) SARDEGNA / 硬質/綿羊乳 FIORE SARDO SEMI REFINED (SHEEP) 帶有煙燻鹹味 ABBAYE DE TAMIE, FORMAGGIO FRANCESE DI LATTE CRUDO DI VACCA / 半軟質/牛乳 ABBAYE DE TAMIE, FRENCH CHEESE (COW) 口感溫和,並帶有香甜奶味 COMTE, FORMAGGIO FRANCESE DI LATTE CRUDO DI VACCA / 硬質/牛乳 COMTE, FRENCH CHEESE (COW) 帶有核果類及淡淡的奶油糖香氣 餐後酒款 / ITALIAN DIGESTIVE LIMONCELLO $260 AMARETTO DI SARONNO SAMBUCA FERNET $260 $260 $260 FRANGELICO BAILEYS I NOSTRI DIGESTIVI ITALIANI $260 $260 SELEZIONE DI GRAPPE Please Ask Our Server SELECTION of GRAPPA All item are subject to 10% service charge / 酌收ㄧ成服務費 甜點 / DESSERT I NOSTRI DOLCI Tiramisu “Angelo Restaurant” / 杯狀提拉米蘇與咖啡冰沙 $360 Tiramisu “Angelo Restauarnt” Granita di mandorle con pan di Spagna ai fiori d’arancia / 橙花杏仁蛋糕與杏仁冰沙 $360 Almond granite with “Pain Jaune” in Orange flower Torta sabbiosa con Giandujia e sorbetto al cioccolato / 榛果口味Piemonte蛋糕佐巧克力冰沙 $360 Piemonte traditional cake with Giandujia and chocolate sorbet Croccante ai Litchis con sorbetto all’uva nera / 荔枝慕斯搭配葡萄雪酪 $360 Crunchy Litchis mousse with black grapes sorbet and mixed berries sauce Strudel di mele con salsa alle more e gelato alla vaniglia /蘋果酥捲與香草冰淇淋 $360 Apple strudel with blackberry sauce and vanilla ice cream Tartelletta alle pere con gelato alla vaniglia / 洋梨塔與塩味焦糖冰淇淋 $360 Marinated pear tart in a vanilla flavored with caramel ice cream Macedonia di frutti di stagione / 水果沙拉與冰沙 $360 Seasonal fruit salad with sorbet of your choice Cannoli di ricotta come in Sicilia / 傳統西西里島Ricotta脆餅 $360 Cannoli with ricotta cheese, as in Sicily 冰沙 / SORBETS I NOSTRI SORBETTI 每球價格 / EACH KIND Menta / 薄荷 $80 Mint Fragole / 草莓 $80 Strawberry Arancia Amara / 血澄 $80 Bitter Orange Limone / 檸檬 $80 Lemon Cioccolato / 巧克力 $80 Chocolate 冰淇淋 / ICE CREAMS I NOSTRI GELATI 每球價格 / EACH KIND Vaniglia / 香草 $80 Vanilla Caffé / 咖啡 $80 Coffee Pistacchio / 開心果 $80 Pistachio Caramello / 塩味焦糖冰淇淋 $80 Caramel All item are subject to 10% service charge / 酌收ㄧ成服務費
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