リビア政治経済社会 リビア政治経済社会情勢 政治経済社会情勢 2011 年 5 月 ●政治(アフリカ) カダフィ大佐が停戦案受け入れか 仲介の南ア大統領(CNN.co.jp5 月 31 日) トリポリ(CNN) リビア内戦の仲介に向けて同国を訪問した南アフリカのズマ大統領 は 30 日、最高指導者カダフィ大佐と会談し、同大佐がアフリカ連合(AU)の停戦案を 受け入れる構えを示していると述べた。ただし大佐退陣の可能性には言及しなかった。 ズマ大統領は首都トリポリの空港から帰途に就く直前、リビア国営テレビを通した記者 会見で、カダフィ大佐は AU 案を実行する用意があると言明。一方で、同案には北大西 洋条約機構(NATO)軍による空爆の停止も含まれると語った。 同大統領は先月も AU 代表団とともにトリポリを訪れ、カダフィ大佐が和平への行程表 に基本的に同意したと発表。事態沈静化への期待が一時的に高まったが、政府軍による 攻撃は続き、反体制派は大佐への退陣要求が満たされないとしてこの案をはねつけてい た。 カダフィ大佐は身辺で離反者が相次ぐなど、権力基盤が弱まりつつある模様。イタリア 外務省が 30 日、CNN に明かしたところによると、同国には最近、リビア政府軍の将校 8 人が兵士 100 人余りとともに脱出した。国境を越えた将校らを、チュニジア側でイタ リア情報当局者らが出迎えたという。また、NATO のラスムセン事務総長は同日、ブル ガリアでの演説で「カダフィ大佐は国内外で孤立を深めている」と述べ、NATO は政府 軍による自国民の殺傷を食い止めるうえで「大きな前進」を遂げていると強調した。 南ア大統領がリビア訪問、国営テレビはカダフィ大佐の映像放映 ロイター 5 月 31 日 (関連記事) [トリポリ 30日 ロイター] リビアの国営テレビは30日、同国の最高指導者カ ダフィ大佐が、首都トリポリで南アフリカのズマ大統領を迎える映像を放映した。カダ フィ大佐の映像が確認されたのは5月11日以来。リビアで政府側と反体制派の衝突が 激化して以降、ズマ大統領が同国を訪れるのは2回目。即時停戦などを盛り込んだアフ リカ連合(AU)の仲介案は先月に一度拒否されているが、ズマ大統領は現地メディア に対し、カダフィ大佐は北大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍による空爆停止を含む停戦を 求めていると述べた。さらに、「われわれはリビア国民が自分自身で問題を解決できる 機会を与える必要性についても話し合った」と明らかにした。ただ具体的な協議の内容 は明らかにしなかった。 1 I will soon stop updating the site with the hope that it will continue later under the supervision of an editorial group. Ibrahim Ighneiwa (リビア政府のウェブページは 5 月 24 日以来配信停止状態にあり、5 月 31 日になって も上記アナウンスのままである。 も上記アナウンスのままである。) ●政治(ロシア) ロシア大統領、カダフィ大佐の退陣を要求 (CNN 2011.05.28 Sat) トリポリ(CNN) フランスのドービルで開かれていた主要国首脳会議(G8サミッ ト)は27日、首脳宣言を採択して閉幕した。首脳宣言にはリビアの最高指導者カダフ ィ大佐の辞任を求める文言が盛り込まれ、これまで北大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍に よるリビア攻撃に批判的だったロシアのも足並みをそろえた。 ロシア政府はこれまで、NATO軍によるリビア空爆は国連安全保障理事会が承認した 市民保護の委任から大きく逸脱するものだとして空爆に強く反対してきた。しかし、ロ シア国営RIAノーボスチ通信によると、メドベージェフ大統領は「カダフィ政権は正 当性を失った。カダフィ氏は辞任すべきだ」と述べたという。 メドベージェフ大統領の会見の直前に、G8首脳はロシアに停戦に向けた調停を求めた。 カダフィ政権も以前からロシアに調停を求めており、数カ月間に及ぶ戦争終結への道を 模索していると見られる。 ロシア外務省が26日に出した声明によると、ロシアはリビアのマハムーディ首相から 停戦の実現と無条件交渉の開始に向けた協力を要請されたという。ロシアのラブロフ外 相はリビア政府に対し、国連安保理の委任を順守し、市民に危害を与えるいかなり行動 も中止する必要があると伝えたとしている。 またG8サミット開幕前にドービルでメドベージェフ大統領と会談したオバマ米大統 領も27日、カダフィ大佐がリビア市民への攻撃を続けるカダフィ軍の指揮を執り続け る限り、リビアの市民を保護するという国連安保理の委任は達成できないと語った。 ●政治(リビア空爆) 英仏、攻撃ヘリ投入=対リビアこう着打破へ(時事通信 5 月 24 日) 【ブリュッセル時事】当地を訪れたジュペ仏外相は 23 日、北大西洋条約機構(NATO) 軍の対リビア空爆をめぐり、フランスが攻撃ヘリコプターを戦線に投入することを明ら かにした。AFP 通信などが伝えた。英国も攻撃ヘリを派遣する計画という。NATO 当局 者によると、リビア政府軍は空爆を回避するため、武器を市街地に隠すなどして兵力を 温存。しかし、攻撃ヘリなら近距離から精度の高い爆撃が期待でき、戦局のこう着状態 を打破する可能性もある。 ●政治(EU) EUの Catherine Ashton 外国政策局長はベンガジに連絡事務所を開設。同時期には NATO がトリポリ港とカダフィ大佐の居住区を爆撃した。 Monday, 23 May, 2011: EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton yesterday opened a mission 2 office in the rebel capital of Benghazi, hours after Nato bombed Tripoli port and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s compound. “We are here for the long term,” Ashton told a press conference at the Tibesti hotel where the European Union mission was opened and where she met Mustafa Abdul Jalil, head of the rebels’ Transitional National Council (TNC). The opening of an EU office to represent the 27-member bloc coupled with the vow of long-term support came as a boost for the rebels lobbying world powers to formally recognise the TNC. [Gulf Times] ●政治(リビア攻撃) ヘリコプター搭載用の水陸両用強襲船 Le Tonnerre 号が Toulon 港を出航しリビアの洗浄 に向かったことをフランスの新聞が報じたことに対して、フランス軍広報官は否定。 Monday, 23 May, 2011: PARIS — A French military spokesman says a French amphibious assault ship set sail from the port of Toulon last week, but he declined to confirm a French newspaper report that the helicopter-carrying ship was heading to battle in Libya. Military spokesman Thierry Burkhard told The Associated Press that the ship, Le Tonnerre, left port on May 17. Burkhard described the vessel as a command and force projection ship. The French Navy's website says the ship can carry up to 16 military helicopters. French daily newspaper Le Figaro said in a story posted on its website Sunday that the Tonnerre was carrying 12 helicopters and was sailing for the Libyan coast. [Canadian Press] ●政治(人権) フランス外務省は、反政府軍にスパイ行為の疑いで拘束されていた4名のフランス人は 解放されたと発表。 Sunday, 22 May, 2011: The foreign ministry of France says four French nationals held by Libyan rebels on suspicion of spying have been freed. A ministry statement Saturday said the four men were brought to Egypt and taken into the care of French consular officials. The four worked for a private security firm and were detained by Libyan rebel forces in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi late last week. A fifth member of the group, Pierre Marziali, was shot at the checkpoint and later died of his wounds. Marziali was the founder of the SECOPEX security firm. The French nationals are not the only foreigners who have been caught up in the unrest in Libya. [VOA News] (関連記事) ・Thursday, 19 May, 2011: Cairo/Tripoli - Four foreign journalists captured in Libya in early April were released from detention, but remained in Tripoli late Wednesday. The chief photographer at the European Pressphoto Agency epa in Cairo told the German Press Agency dpa that the four journalists had contacted their families to notify them of their release on Wednesday. One of the journalists was a photographer with epa, of which dpa is a shareholder. The four, who include two US nationals and a Spaniard, were seized on April 5 after entering 3 Libya across its eastern border. They were charged with illegally entering the country. [M&C] ・南アフリカの写真ジャーナリストの死に関するカダフィ軍の関与。 Sunday, 22 May, 2011: (CNN) -- Rights groups are calling for the release of the body of a South African freelance photojournalist and investigation into the role Moammar Gadhafi's forces played in his death in the Libyan desert. The fate of Anton Hammerl, who had been missing since early April, came to light this week when two journalists detained by Libyan forces came forward after their release to say the 41-year-old had been shot six weeks earlier. In a joint statement late Friday, Human Rights Watch and the Committee to Protect Journalists accused Libya of deliberately withholding information about Hammerl. [CNN] (関連記事) Saturday, 21 May, 2011: The New Zealand family of a South African photojournalist who was killed in Libya are struggling to come to terms with his death. Anton Hammerl, 41, who lived in London, was shot in the stomach and abandoned in the Libyan desert by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi on April 5, family friend Bronwyn Friedlander said in London. Two American journalists and a Spanish photographer, who were with him at the time, were taken captive. His family believed Mr Hammerl was detained, but his colleagues confirmed his death after being released in Tripoli on Thursday. "From the moment Anton disappeared in Libya we have lived in hope as the Libyan officials assured us that they had Anton," his family said in a statement. "It is intolerably cruel that Gaddafi loyalists have known Anton's fate all along and chose to cover it up." [Stuff] ●政治(内戦) 国連安全保障委員会とアフリカ連合平和保障委員会は 21 日、リビア内戦の即時停止を 要請。 Sunday, 22 May, 2011: Addis Ababa – The UN Security Council (UNSC) and the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) on Saturday demanded the immediate establishment of ceasefire in Libya. A communiqué issued in Addis Ababa after a meeting by the two Councils which discussed and reviewed situations in Libya, Sudan, Cote d’Ivoire and Somalia called for an end to violence and attacks against, and abuse of, civilians and a solution to the crisis. Mr Ramtane Lamamra, the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, who declared the meeting open, however, said that there was no deadline for the demanded ceasefire. [Vanguard] ●政治(内戦) NATO による 3 ヶ所の港湾での爆撃でカダフィ政権側の船舶が撃沈。カダフィ政権側に 甚大なダメージ。 Saturday, 21 May, 2011: A series of NATO airstrikes on Libyan government vessels left ships burned, battered and sunk in three ports Friday as the alliance sought to degrade the ability of Moammar Kadafi's regime to attack from the sea. The strikes came after alliance forces in 4 recent weeks observed Libyan vessels threatening NATO ships and carrying out "indiscriminate mining" in sea lanes off the rebel-held city of Misurata, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization said. In Tripoli, foreign journalists were taken to the sprawling port area, where at least five vessels had been hit, including one that was sunk in the harbor and several that were scorched from fires. The strikes blew apart gun turrets, tore gaping holes in hulls and collapsed decks, sending debris and shrapnel across the docks. [Los Angeles times] ●政治(人道支援) 米国国防省はリビアの反政府勢力に宗教などを考慮した 12 万食分の食料などの支援物 資を送ったことを明らかにした。 Saturday, 21 May, 2011: WASHINGTON, May 20 (Xinhua) -- The Pentagon on Friday said the United States has sent Libya's anti-government forces ready-to-eat meals as part of the non-leathal aid it promised, and will provide supplies and uniforms in the near future. Pentagon spokesman Dave Lapan announced that the U.S. has delivered 120,000 ready-to-eat meals that complies with religious traditions of that country to the rebel forces. The first shipment arrived in Benghazi on May 10. Lapan said the United States will also deliver medical supplies, tents, uniforms, sandbags, flak jackets and other non-lethal aid " in the coming weeks," as part of the 25-million-dollar non-lethal aid the White House promised. U.S. President Barack Obama in April authorized up to 25 million U.S. dollars in non-lethal aid to the opposition in Libya. [Xinhuanet] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ大佐の妻と娘がチュニジアに出国。独裁者への圧力が高まってサインだと見ら れている。 Saturday, 21 May, 2011: TRIPOLI: Muammar Gaddafi's wife and daughter have fled Libya for Tunisia in a sign of mounting pressure on the dictator. Safiya Gaddafi and her daughter Aisha had crossed the border ''a few days ago'' with a Libyan delegation, Tunisian security sources said. They are said to be at a refugee centre on the island of Djerba. The departure, if confirmed, would be a serious blow to Colonel Gaddafi's embattled regime, already rocked by the apparent defection of the Oil Minister, Shukri Ghanem. Dozens of officials have left the country or abandoned the regime since the uprising began, including the Interior Minister, Ali Abdussalam el-Treki, a former foreign minister and a former UN ambassador, Abdel-Fatah Younes al-Obeidi, who worked closely with Colonel Gaddafi for decades, and a former justice minister, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, who is now the head of the rebel Transitional National Council. [SMH] (関連記事) リビア政府はカダフィ大佐の母娘が外国に亡命したことを否定。 Friday, 20 May, 2011: A Libyan government spokesman yesterday denied reports that Colonel Muammar Qaddafi's wife, daughter and top oil official had fled the country. Days after the 5 reports first surfaced, which claimed Colonel Qaddafi and his family were on the southern Tunisian island of Djerba, Libyan officials produced no evidence of the whereabouts of the three, raising new questions about Colonel Qaddafi's ability to hold together his entourage in the face of Nato bombing and pressure for him to quit. Libyan rebel officials, as well as official sources in Tunisia, have also said that Shokri Ghanem, a former prime minister who runs Libya's oil sector, had left Libya via Tunisia. [The National] ●政治(内戦) セネガルの Abdoulaye Wade 大統領は反政府軍の支持を表明すると共に、民主選挙実施 のための国際社会からの支援が必要であるとコメント。 Saturday, 21 May, 2011: DAKAR (Reuters) - Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade has recognised Libya's Benghazi-based rebels as the legitimate opposition and said they should be given international support to lead the country's transition to democratic elections. Senegal's position, made known after a visit by officials of the rebel delegation National Transitional Council, appears to go further than that of the African Union, which has urged a ceasefire but not gone as far as recognising the rebels. "President Wade declared that he recognised ... Mustafa Abdel Jalil and the political forces he represents as the established and legitimate opposition, whose natural role -- with African and international support -- is to prepare republican institutions in Libya via democratic, free and transparent elections," a presidency statement late on Thursday said. [Reuters] (関連記事) セネガルの Wade 大統領が反政府勢力の招聘でベンガジを訪問。 Monday, 23 May, 2011: DAKAR — Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade on Sunday accepted an invitation by Libya's rebel council chief to visit Benghazi, the presidency said in a statement. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, chief of the National Transitional Council (NTC) based in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, phoned Wade to rally his support during an upcoming extraordinary summit of the African Union in Addis Ababa. The phonecall follows a visit by a special envoy of the council to Dakar on Thursday, during which Wade proposed the creation of a new constitution and elections organised under the authority of the rebel leaders, who he recognised as the "legitimate opposition". [AFP] ●政治(アフリカ連合) アフリカ連合の緊急サミットが 25 日、26 日エチオピアのアジス・アベバで開催される。 Saturday, 21 May, 2011: ADDIS ABABA — African Union leaders will gather for an extraordinary summit meeting next week to discuss the Libyan conflict, the organisation announced on Friday. The meeting meeting will be held on Wednesday and Thursday at the bloc's headquarters in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, it said in a statement. "The session will be devoted to the consideration of peace and security in Africa in light of the challenges and 6 crises facing the continent," it said. "The summit will provide an opportunity to review the situation in Libya on the basis of the work being carried out by the AU High-Level ad hoc committee on Libya." Libya's Foreign Minister Abdelati Obeidi had called for a summit in April to find ways for the continent to fight "external forces". [AFP] ●政治(欧州) クロアチア政府は駐クロアチア・リビア公使を国外追放。 Saturday, 21 May, 2011: ZAGREB, Croatia — Croatia says it is expelling the Libyan charge d'affairs over activities deemed "inappropriate and contrary to the customary diplomatic practice." The foreign ministry says Abdulkarim Naas has been informed that his diplomatic status will be revoked and asked to leave Croatia "within a reasonable timeframe." Croatian media say Naas has recently criticized Croatia's support for a U.N. Security Council resolution that paved the way for international strikes on Moammar Gadhafi's forces. Croatia's foreign ministry said late Thursday that it was maintaining diplomatic ties with Libya. Croatia closed its embassy in Libya in March for security reasons. Diplomatic representation between the two countries has been at the charge d'affairs level. [Canadian Press] ●政治(人道支援) 国連はカダフィ軍、反政府軍、NATO に対して、リビア国民とくに西部に残っているリ ビア人に対する食料、衣料品などの人道支援物資供給のために 24~72 時間の停戦を要 請。また、国連職員の安全を保証する事も要請。 Friday, 20 May, 2011: (Reuters) - The United Nations is negotiating with Libya's government, rebels and NATO to stop fighting for 24 to 72 hours to allow food and medical supplies to reach civilians, especially in the west, its envoy said on Wednesday. Panos Moumtzis, humanitarian coordinator for Libya, said he would also seek security guarantees for U.N. aid workers to reach the besieged city of Misrata and the Western Mountains in talks with authorities in the Libyan capital Tripoli on Friday. "The humanitarian pause is driven by humanitarian principles and the need to be able to provide urgently needed life-saving assistance to the civilian population in distress," Moumtzis told a Geneva news conference before leaving for Tunis. [Reuters] ●政治(人道支援) 国連は戦禍に苦しむ約 210 万人のリビア国民に対する人道支援として新たに 2 億 3300 万ドルが必要であることを表明。 Thursday, 19 May, 2011: UNITED NATIONS, May 18 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations called for an additional 233 million U.S. dollars to help around 2.1 million civilians affected by the ongoing conflict in Libya, UN spokesman Martin Nesirky told reporters Wednesday. As the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate in the North African country, UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos warned member states of widespread shortages in resources. "The conflict, the breakdown of state infrastructure, and shortages of cash and fuel are causing problems for 7 the population of Libya," Amos said in Geneva on Wednesday. "Widespread shortages are paralyzing the country in ways which will gravely impact the general population in the weeks and months ahead; particularly the poorest and most vulnerable," she added. [Xinhuanet] ●経済(漁業) リビア、クロマグロ乱獲か 欧州委が警告(2011.5.19 産経 MSN) 欧州連合(EU)の欧州委員会は18日、個体数の減少が懸念されている地中海産ク ロマグロを、リビアが自国領海で違法に乱獲する恐れがあるとして、EU加盟国にリビ ア漁船の動向に注意するよう呼び掛けた。大西洋と地中海でのクロマグロの今年の漁期 は5月15日から6月15日まで。各国の漁船には国際監視員が乗り込み、漁を監視し、 漁獲証明書を出しているが、内戦が続くリビアの漁船には監視員が乗っておらず、大西 洋まぐろ類保存国際委員会(ICCAT)が定めたクロマグロの漁獲枠を無視して乱獲 する恐れがある。ダマナキ欧州委員(漁業・海洋担当)は「リビア漁船の捕るクロマグ ロは違法漁獲の可能性がある」として、リビア漁船から購入しないよう警告した。EU は、産地証明書のないクロマグロの取引などを禁止している。(共同) ●政治(内戦) 英仏伊が軍事教官を反政府軍に派遣して1ヶ月経った今、EU はベンガジに反政府勢力 側をさらに支援する連絡事務所を設立する計画。 Thursday, 19 May, 2011: EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - One month after France, Britain and Italy sent military trainers to help the Libyan opposition in its fight against the Gaddafi regime, the EU is about to open its own liaison office in Benghazi to give more long-term, institutional support to the Transitional National Council (TNC). "Our vision is that the UN and the EU will play a leading role in the post-Gaddafi period. A lot of work is now gearing up on what the priorities are, the interaction with the TNC, which has been very open to this, since they have very significant capacity issues," one European diplomat with first-hand experience of the matter told a group of journalists on Wednesday (18 May). The diplomat, who asked not to be named, insisted that the rebels "are not a bunch of Al-Qaeda fanatics." [Euobserver] More [Euobserver] (関連記事) Thursday, 19 May, 2011: Eleven British trainers have joined "significant numbers" of military advisers from France and Italy to help the Libya's rebel Transitional National Council set up an operational command structure capable of taking on the Gaddafi regime. A senior European diplomat, active in building ties with the Benghazi based rebels, said that the creation of a "joint operations centre" with the help of Western trainers had increased "military capacity". "The main job is to coordinate and make more effective the processing of military and tactical information back to Nato so air operations are based on the best information available," he said. The admission will fuel concerns that Britain could be drawn into mission creep in Libya and 8 appears to contradict William Hague's assurance that military advisers would not be involved in training rebel fighting forces. [Telegraph] ●政治(内戦) リビア軍事介入 長引く内戦をどう終わらせる(5 月 19 日 読売) 民衆の独裁政権に対するデモが内戦に転じた北アフリカのリビアに、米英仏を中心と する多国籍軍が軍事介入を始めて2か月になる。命運が尽きるとみられたカダフィ氏は、 政権の座に居座り、反体制派への攻撃をやめる気配はない。北大西洋条約機構(NAT O)が指揮する多国籍軍の作戦の有効性が問われている。作戦の当初の目的は、政権側 の攻撃にさらされる市民を守ることだった。そのために、国連安全保障理事会は、地上 軍の投入を除く「あらゆる措置」を認めた。政権側の空軍基地や戦車に対する多国籍軍 の空爆によって、反体制派の拠点都市ベンガジの陥落や市民の虐殺は回避できた。しか し、その後、政権側と反体制派の攻防は一進一退を続けている。NATOに対しては、 「兵力も装備も劣る反体制派をてこ入れしているに過ぎない」との批判さえある。この まま内戦が長引けば、死傷者は増え続ける。軍事介入の正当性も揺らぎかねない。 膠着した戦況を打開するため、地上軍を投入しようとするなら、新たな安保理決議が 必要だ。だが、カダフィ政権転覆を目的とする本格的な軍事介入を、拒否権を持つ中露 両国が認めるはずがない。何より、アフガニスタンとイラクへの関与で余力の乏しい米 国自身が消極的だ。オバマ米大統領は「カダフィ政権の転覆は目指してはいない」と言 い続けてきた。仏英両国は、リビアの体制変革に意欲的だが、米国抜きで作戦を遂行す る力はない。リビア介入に対する欧米諸国の姿勢に大きな温度差がある以上、軍事介入 の強化による事態の打開は難しいだろう。 調停による内戦終結の道も残されてはいる。だが、軍事介入の人道目的の性格が薄れ、 内戦の当事者の一方に肩入れする構図が日増しに色濃くなる現状では、その展望はなか なか開けそうにない。国際刑事裁判所(ICC)の検察官が、「人道に対する罪」でカ ダフィ氏の逮捕状を請求したことも、どう影響するか。カダフィ氏が退路を断たれたと 考え、一層の徹底抗戦に向かう懸念もある。リビア内戦の長期化は、アラブ諸国に広が る民主化要求の動きにも水を差す。シリアのアサド政権は、反政府デモへの徹底的な弾 圧を続けている。リビアへの軍事介入で行き詰まる米英仏は、手を出せないと見ている のだろう。 欧米諸国には、対リビア戦略の練り直しが急務である。 ●政治(内戦) リビア西部のナフサ山脈でカダフィ軍と交戦している反政府軍は、激しい攻撃にさらさ れ、援助を要請。 Wednesday, 18 May, 2011: Benghazi, Libya (CNN) -- Rebel forces in the Nafusa Mountains of western Libya were under heavy attack Tuesday by forces loyal to leader Moammar Gadhafi and had issued a call for help, the National Transitional Council said. "Representatives have 9 confirmed that Gadhafi forces are using GRAD missiles, snipers, and a previously unseen type of mortar," it said, adding that three locals were killed and another nine wounded on Tuesday. The Tunisian border is a portal for the delivery of humanitarian aid, which can no longer reach civilians in the area, it said. Pro-Gadhafi forces were also attacking the northwest Libyan city of Yafren, focusing on the hospital there, the statement said. [CNN] ●政治(内戦) 国連難民事務所が明らかにしたところでは、チュニジアやエジプトに逃れていたリビア 人が大挙してリビア国内に戻っている。欧州に向かう船に乗船するためである。その中 にはソマリア人、エリトリア人エチオピア人などが含まれている。 Wednesday, 18 May, 2011: The UN refugee agency said Tuesday that hundreds of displaced people have been crossing back into Libya from Tunisia and Egypt with the intention of boarding boats to reach Europe. “Among them are refugees, including members of the Somali, Ethiopian and Eritrean communities in the camps at Choucha near Tunisia’s border with Libya,” UNHCR’s chief spokesperson, Melissa Fleming, told journalists in Geneva. UNHCR is in discussions with these communities about the dangers involved in sailing the high seas as well as the risks people take in crossing the Libyan border. In March, UNHCR learnt from the Somali community in Choucha that two Somalis were shot dead in Libya after crossing back from Tunisia. To date, around 14,000 people have arrived by boat in Italy and Malta from Libya. Of this number, 1,669 arrived on Friday and Saturday. [Gozo News] ●政治(国外追放) カナダ外務省はオタワで勤務する5名の外交官に対して、通常ではない勤務内容の理由 から国外退去命令を出した。 Wednesday, 18 May, 2011: OTTAWA - Five Libyan diplomats working in Ottawa have been booted from their jobs and have to leave the country, according to Canadian Foreign Affairs. "The activities carried out in Canada by the five Libyan diplomats are considered inappropriate and inconsistent with normal diplomatic functions," the department said Tuesday evening in a statement. Canada has not cut off its diplomatic relations with Libya, according to a news release. It has, however, suspended operations at the embassy located in Tripoli. The Libyan Embassy in Ottawa remains open. The diplomats and their families have been asked to make arrangements for departure. Canada is taking part in the NATO mission, which has enforced a no-fly zone over Libya. [Toronto Sun] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ大佐に逮捕令状。 Tuesday, 17 May, 2011: (Reuters) - The world's top war crimes prosecutor sought an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, accusing him of killing protesters who want an end to end his four-decade rule. International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo 10 also asked judges, who must now see if there is enough evidence to issue warrants, for the arrest of Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam and his spy chief brother-in-law Abdullah al-Senussi. In the uprising, civilians were attacked at home, protests were suppressed using live ammunition, heavy artillery was used against funeral processions and snipers deployed to kill people leaving mosques after prayers, the prosecutor said on Monday. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ政権、石油相が離反(朝日 2011.5.18) ガーネム石油相が 17 日、カダフィ政権から離反し、チュニジアに出国。ロイター通信 がチュニジア治安当局者の話として伝えた。 (関連記事) ・リビア石油相がチュニジアへ出国(MSN 産経 2011.5.17) フランス通信(AFP)によると、チュニジア政府当局者は17日、隣国リビアのガ ーネム石油相が14日に陸路でチュニジア入りしたと明らかにした。出国目的などは不 明。石油相は現在、同国東部の保養地ジェルバ島に滞在しているという。 ・Tuesday, 17 May, 2011: CAIRO May 16 (Reuters) - Shokri Ghanem, chairman of Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC), has defected from the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, Arab television stations reported on Monday. It was not possible to immediately verify the reports and Libyan officials in Tripoli were not available for comment. Al Arabiya television quoted sources in the rebel Transitional National Council as saying that Ghanem had defected and joined rebel ranks. Al Jazeera also reported that Ghanem had defected and left Libya, but it did dnot give any details. Ghanem denied in an interview with Reuters in late March that he had left Libya, after al Jazeera carried a similar report saying he had defected from the Gaddafi regime to Tunisia. [Reuters] ・Wednesday, 18 May, 2011: Libyan Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem has left the country, amid reports that he has defected. Tunisian officials say Mr Ghanem - a former prime minister crossed into Tunisia by road before going to the island of Djerba. A spokesman for the Libyan rebels told the BBC the minister had defected, and was on his way to a European country. The Libyan government said he had been on official business in Tunisia, but that Tripoli had lost touch with him. The BBC's Andrew North, in Tripoli, says that if Mr Ghanem's defection is confirmed, he would be the highest-level figure to go since Libya's former Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa fled to the UK in March. [BBC] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ氏、負傷し避難か 伊外相、リビア政府は否定(MSN 2011.5.14) イタリアのフラティニ外相は13日、リビア最高指導者カダフィ大佐が負傷し、首都 トリポリから砂漠地帯など別の場所に避難した可能性があるとの見方を示した。イタリ ア紙コリエレ・デラ・セラ(電子版)とのインタビューで語った。ロイター通信による 11 と、リビア政府報道官は大佐が「意気軒高で、けがなどしていない」と述べ、外相の見 方を否定した。外相は情報源について「信頼できるトリポリのカトリック司祭」とした。 カダフィ氏は、4月30日の北大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍による空爆で、息子セイ フアラブ氏らが死亡した後、姿を見せていなかったが、リビア国営テレビは今月11日、 カダフィ氏が部族長らと会談する映像を放映した。しかし、外相は「その日に撮影され たものか、ましてやトリポリでの映像かどうかは疑わしい」と述べた。(共同) ●政治(亡命者) ムサ・クサ元外相を含めたカダフィ政権からの亡命者ネットワークは NATO に協力して カダフィ側の軍事施設などの破壊活動に協力姿勢を示している。 Monday, 16 May, 2011: A network of Libyan defectors, including the former regime stalwart Moussa Koussa, are helping Nato to destroy Muammar Gaddafi's military sites, including bunker complexes from which much of the war has been run, according to senior officials in Libya. Nato planners have stepped up their operations over the capital, Tripoli, and the western mountains in recent days, despite a strike on the eastern city of Brega early on Friday that killed up to 11 people, many of them Islamic clerics. But British defence chiefs are applying pressure on other Nato countries to escalate the bombing campaign against Gaddafi amid deepening concerns that military action will end in stalemate. [Guardian] ●政治(内戦) チュニジア国営通信は国内に侵攻したカダフィ軍を阻止したことを報じた。またアル・ カーイダに関係していると見られる 2 名を逮捕したことも合わせて報じた。 Monday, 16 May, 2011: TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) - Tunisian official news reports said Sunday that the country's forces thwarted a push by 200 of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's troops into Tunisian territory and arrested two people suspected of links to al-Qaida. Tensions have flared on the border in recent weeks as fighting in Libya has spilled over into Tunisia, which is struggling to restore stability after an uprising earlier this year that sparked revolts around the Arab world. The Tunisian military sent tanks, armored vehicles and reinforcement troops to the Tataouine region on its southern border with Libya in response to the latest tensions Saturday, resident Mohamed Hedia told The Associated Press. [AP] (関連記事) Wednesday, 18 May, 2011: (Reuters) - Tunisia threatened to report Libya to the U.N. Security Council if it fired into Tunisian border areas again, and a hospital doctor in rebel-held Misrata said seven people died in fighting there on Tuesday. Libyan rebels and a Tunisian security source said the head of Libya's National Oil Corporation had defected and fled to Tunisia, an act that if confirmed would be a major blow to Muammar Gaddafi's efforts to cling to power. Libyan state television said its forces had hit a NATO warship that was shelling targets in western Misrata, but a NATO official denied the report as "a totally fabricated allegation." 12 [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) ベンガジ近郊のチェックポイントでフランス人の軍事コントラクター5 名が拘束され、 内 1 名が射殺された。フランス政府が発表した。 Sunday, 15 May, 2011: PARIS — The French government says a French citizen has been killed at a checkpoint in the Libyan rebel stronghold of Benghazi. The Foreign Ministry says five French citizens were detained at a police check. One of the five was shot and died later in the hospital. The ministry did not identify any of the five. Officials in Libya’s rebel administration say the victim was a French military contractor, and he was shot in the back Wednesday in unclear circumstances. The sources in Benghazi’s interior security and the office of the administration’s spokesman spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to talk to reporters. [Washington Post] (関連記事) Sunday, 15 May, 2011: PARIS — French President Nicolas Sarkozy met Saturday with a Libyan opposition leader amid questions about the death of a French military contractor in a Libyan rebel stronghold. The meeting also came amid questions about the future U.S. role in the NATO air campaign against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s forces. U.S. officials in Washington met Friday with Mahmoud Jibril, top representative of the Libyan Transitional National Council, before he came to Paris. Neither Sarkozy nor Jibril spoke after their meeting Saturday in Paris. France has been a major backer of the rebels and has played a leading role in the NATO campaign. [Washington Post] ●政治(内戦) 米国と NATO はカダフィ軍が国民への攻撃を続ける限り空爆をする予定。反政府軍代表 と会談したオバマ政権高官が明らかにした。 Saturday, 14 May, 2011: WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. and NATO will continue military operations in Libya as long as Moammar Gadhafi keeps attacking his people, the White House said Friday as top U.S. officials met in Washington with leaders of the Libyan opposition. President Barack Obama's national security adviser, Tom Donilon, met at the White House with a delegation from the Libyan Transitional National Council, including top representative Mahmoud Jibril. While the U.S. stopped short of recognizing the Council as Libya's legitimate government, as France and Italy have done, the White House said in a statement following the meeting that the Council is a "credible interlocutor of the Libyan people." Obama did not meet with the opposition leaders. [Seattle PI] (関連記事) Saturday, 14 May, 2011: WASHINGTON — President Obama and his legal advisers are deliberating about how the United States military may lawfully continue participating in 13 NATO’s bombing campaign in Libya after next week, when the air war will reach a legal deadline for terminating combat operations that have not been authorized by Congress. Under the War Powers Resolution of 1973, a president must terminate such operations 60 days after he has formally notified lawmakers about the introduction of armed forces into actual or imminent hostilities. The Libya campaign will reach that mark on May 20. Though Congressional leaders have shown little interest in enforcing the resolution, James Steinberg, the deputy secretary of state, was asked Thursday about the deadline at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. [New York Times] ●政治(内戦) リビア反政府勢力の代表がホワイトハウスでオバマ大統領と会談へ。 Friday, 13 May, 2011: Representatives of Libya's Transitional National Council will visit the White House on Friday. The Libyan rebel representatives will sit down with President Barack Obama's national security advisor. The White House put out a brief written statement saying National Security Advisor Tom Donilon would meet Friday afternoon with Dr. Mahmoud Jibril, who is heading the delegation from the Libyan Transitional National Council. There was no indication that the president plans to join the meeting, though Press Secretary Jay Carney hedged a bit on this, saying he did not know whether others may or may not be part of the meeting. [VOA News] (関連記事) ・Saturday, 14 May, 2011: After three days in Washington seeking financial help, the Libyan rebels’ finance minister is heading back to Benghazi with little to show for his effort other than expressions of “overwhelming support and sympathy.” Such encouragement won’t pay for food, fuel and other necessities which are running short in the rebel-held part of Libya, Ali Tarhouni said in an interview. “I am desperate,” said Tarhouni, who gave up his job teaching microeconomics at the University of Washington to return to his homeland to raise cash for the opposition. “I can repay you with really good interest and in a few weeks also.” The U.S. has frozen about $34 billion in Libyan assets, part of the more than $165 billion in frozen Libyan assets worldwide. That money is, for now, beyond the reach of the rebels. [Bloomberg] ・Saturday, 14 May, 2011: Representatives of the Libyan Transitional National Council [TNC] met with President Barack Obama's national security advisor on Friday, as they continue to press for more aid in their fight against Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi. Libya also was a focus of talks that Obama had with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon met with the rebel delegation headed by Dr. Mahmoud Jibril. The president did not drop in on the talks. A White House statement said the meeting was aimed at continuing "the close consultations" about the situation in Libya. The statement said Donilon reiterated that the United States views the TNC as a legitimate and credible interlocutor of the 14 Libyan people. [VOA News] ●政治(留学生) コロラド州の法律家達が米国に留学しているリビア人学生が戦火のリビアに強制帰国 させられないようにする規制緩和をオバマ政権に求めた。しかし、政権側からは回答は 今のところなし。 Friday, 13 May, 2011: Colorado lawmakers on Wednesday called on the Obama administration to relax a freeze on Libyan assets — or extend visas - so that Libyan students aren't deported back to war-torn Libya. But the administration made no commitment, and immigration agents said they have no plan to relax rules that might send the students home. As many as 2,400 Libyans study in the U.S. — about 350 at Colorado universities and language schools — using Libyan government scholarship funds now frozen under the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, which administers sanctions against Libya. [Denver Post] ●政治(内戦) リビアの北朝鮮大使館、NATO軍空爆で被害=国営テレビ(ロイター5 月 13 日) [アルジェ 12日 ロイター] リビアの国営ジャマヒリヤ・テレビは12日、首 都トリポリにある北朝鮮大使館が、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍による空爆で被害 を受けたと報じた。報道によると、NATO軍がトリポリの軍関連地域や住宅地に空爆 を行い、北朝鮮大使館の建物も激しく損傷したという。空爆があった日時や大使館が直 接爆撃されたかどうかについては言及されていない。 ●政治(内戦) カダフィ大佐が 2 週間ぶりに姿見せる、国営TVが放映(2011 年 05 月 12 日) [トリポリ 12日 ロイター] リビアの国営テレビは11日、首都トリポリのホ テルを訪れた最高指導者カダフィ大佐の映像を放送した。カダフィ大佐が公の場所に姿 を見せるのは、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍が同大佐の拠点に空爆を行った4月3 0日以来、約2週間ぶりとなる。11日の映像では、カダフィ大佐は茶色の衣服、黒い 帽子、サングラスを身に着けて登場。周りにいた数人を指差し「世界に告げる。彼らは リビアの部族の代表者だ」と述べると、1人の男性が大佐に向かって「あなたは勝利を 収めるだろう」と語った。カダフィ大佐の後方にあるテレビには国営ジャマヒリヤ・テ レビの番組が映っており、画面に11日の日付が確認された。このホテルに滞在中のロ イターのジャーナリストは、この日複数の部屋が何らかの行事で封鎖されていたが、カ ダフィ大佐の姿は見ていないと話した。 リビアの報道官は、NATO軍が4月30日に実施した空爆でカダフィ大佐の息子と 3人の孫が死亡したと発表していた。 ●政治(空爆) NATO 軍の新たな空爆作戦がトリポリ上空で展開。 Thursday, 12 May, 2011: Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Renewed bombing could be heard Thursday 15 morning in Tripoli shortly after NATO jets were heard flying over the city. The explosions came a few hours after Libyan state television broadcast video late Wednesday that it said showed Col. Moammar Gadhafi meeting earlier in the day with tribal elders in a hotel in the capital -marking the Libyan leader's first public appearance in nearly two weeks. "The leader met with tribal elders in Tripoli a few hours ago, and this proves the perseverance and permanence of the Libyan nation and its leader," the announcer said. "God willing, they are victorious." The camera panned from a television program bearing the date May 11 to the group of more than a dozen men, including Gadhafi. [CNN] (関連記事) ・Thursday, 12 May, 2011: Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said "substantial progress" is being made in Libya amid claims of a military stalemate. Speaking from Chicago, Mr Rasmussen said Nato had significantly degraded Col Muammar Gaddafi's military capacity. "Time is up for the Libyan regime. It has no future. The future belongs to the Libyan people," he said. He told the BBC's Katty Kay that the mission to defend the population in Libya would continue. [BBC] ・Wednesday, 11 May, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya–A series of air strikes by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Tuesday hit command centers in Tripoli, while the alliance stepped up its campaign to halt Col. Moammar Gadhafi's advance on rebel-held areas by pounding government forces near the town of Ajdabiya. In an operation that rebel commanders said was coordinated with NATO, rebel units equipped with Grad rocket launchers launched an attack westwards from Ajdabiya toward the oil town of Brega. The rebels claimed to have destroyed 14 pick-up trucks belonging to Col. Gadhfai loyalists in the attack, but said that instead of advancing west following the battle, they immediately retreated to bait pro-Gadhafi forces into a trap. A rebel commander said that NATO had told the rebels to pull back for about 12 miles after making the preliminary assault, in order to provide a zone in which NATO bombers could hit any target they could see. [Wall Street Journal] ●政治(資産凍結) John Kerry 議員はカダフィ大佐の現金資産を反政府側に移行させる規則の草案を作成す る用意のあることを明らかにした。 Thursday, 12 May, 2011: (Reuters) - Senator John Kerry said on Wednesday he was drafting legislation to authorize the transfer of available cash assets of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to a Libyan opposition group. Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said there would be "a specific amount" for the Libyan opposition Transitional National Council, but he did not have the final number yet. The rebel group has said it needs up to $3 billion to keep going in the coming months as the fighting reaches stalemate. "I am currently drafting legislation at the request of the State Department and the administration that will authorize the 16 transfer of available cash assets to the council so that they will have available money. [Reuters] ●政治(空爆) NATO 軍のカダフィ軍空爆作戦の一環で、カナダ空軍のパイロットが 10 日以内にイタ リアに着任予定。 Thursday, 12 May, 2011: OTTAWA — A new group of Canadian Forces pilots will be arriving in Italy within the next 10 days, part of a routine personnel shift that comes as NATO steps up strikes against forces loyal to Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. There is also no indication that a ceasefire will take effect any time soon, despite UN calls for a halt to fighting to find a diplomatic solution to end the civil war. A Canadian Forces spokesman said Wednesday that NATO has not provided any direction to Canadian troops to halt bombing as part of a ceasefire. "We haven't received such guidance," said Brig.-Gen. Richard Blanchette. "We are continuing with our mission." [Vancouver Sun] ●政治(避難民) リビア沖で避難者乗せた船が転覆 ソマリア人ら多数死亡か(CNN.co.jp5 月 10 日) トリポリ(CNN) リビアの首都トリポリ沖で同国からの外国人避難者ら数百人を乗せ た船が転覆し、多数の死者が出ていることが分かった。ソマリアの在リビア大使は 10 日、乗船していたソマリア人 54 人が死亡したとの見方を示した。同大使によると、船 は 6 日に転覆した。600 人以上が乗っていたとみられる。乗客の国籍はアラブ、アフリ カ諸国などさまざまで、240 人がソマリア人だったという。同じ時にトリポリの港を出 発した複数の船が 7 日、イタリア南部ランペドゥーサ島に到着。避難者らは、転覆した 船から数百人が海に投げ出されるのを目撃したと話した。国連難民高等弁務官事務所 (UNHCR)駐イタリア事務所の報道担当者は、港で 16 人の遺体が収容されたが死者全 体の数は不明だと述べた。 転覆船に乗っていたあるソマリア人女性は、連れていた生後 4 カ月の子どもを失い、1 人で岸まで泳いでイタリア行きの別の船に乗ったと話している。同報道担当者によると、 3 月末以降、同国を出発した船が 2 隻行方不明となっている。一方の船には 320 人、も う一方には 160 人が乗っていた。これとは別に 4 月 4 日にも船が沈没し、250 人が死亡 したという。 (関連記事) ・Sunday, 8 May, 2011: TRIPOLI (BNO NEWS) -- Dozens of immigrants are feared dead after an overcrowded boat carrying about 600 migrants heading for Europe capsized off the coast of Libya, ANSA news agency reported Saturday. The boat departed early Friday and it wrecked soon after, a few meters away from the coast. Sixteen bodies have been recovered so far, but the death toll is expected to be higher. Some of the migrants were able to swim ashore to safety. On Friday, Spanish maritime rescue services were looking for 22 would-be immigrants originally from North Africa after their boat capsized off the southern coast of the country. The missing 17 included 19 men, one woman and two babies, while 29 had been rescued. [Wire Update] ・Wednesday, 11 May, 2011: GENEVA—Almost everyone on an overcrowded ship carrying some 600 African migrants to Europe is believed to have died when the vessel broke apart within sight of the Libyan capital, the United Nations said. The U.N. accused the Libyan government of complicity in a rising number of deadly smuggling incidents, many involving workers from sub-Saharan Africa who had moved to Libya to find work before war broke out there in March. International agencies say some recent migrants report being forced onto dangerously packed ships at gunpoint by Libyan soldiers. A spokesman for Moammar Gadhafi suggested that increased illegal immigration was the price European nations would pay for their military and political support of the rebels trying to topple Libya's strongman. [Denver Post] ●政治(リビア空爆) NATO、政府施設空爆 10日ぶり威嚇作戦再開(毎日新聞 5 月 10 日) 北大西洋条約機構(NATO)主導の多国籍軍は10日、リビアの首都トリポリの政府 施設を空爆した。カダフィ政権側は子供4人が負傷したと非難した。NATO側は「証 拠がない」と反論した。NATOは4月30日のトリポリ空爆で、カダフィ大佐の六男 と孫3人を殺害して以降、政府の中枢施設を爆撃する威嚇作戦は控えていたが、10日 ぶりに再開した。背景にはカダフィ政権の徹底抗戦を崩せない苦しい事情がある。政権 側によると、空爆で破壊されたのは児童関係の委員会が入るビル、大佐用図書施設、携 帯電話の電波塔など。近くの病院の窓も割れた。爆発の破片で負傷した子供4人のうち 男児(4)が重体。NATO側は10日の会見で、「軍事関連の司令施設を空爆した」 とし、子供を含む市民が負傷したとの情報は「確認できない」と述べた。大佐を狙った 意図については「個人は標的でない」と否定した。NATO側は先の大佐の親族殺害に ついて「意図的な誤爆」(英BBC)との見方も出る中、中枢施設空爆を控え、明白な 軍事施設だけを空爆してきた。しかし、政府軍が各地で攻撃をエスカレートさせている。 NATO側は大佐親族誤爆後も「やるべきことはある」(ラスムセン事務総長)と攻撃 強化姿勢を変えていない。 ●エネルギー(石油) 反体制派支配下の2油田 生産再開めど立たず(毎日新聞 5 月 10 日) リビア情勢を巡り、政府軍の先月の爆撃で損傷した同国最大級のサリール油田など反 体制派の支配下にある2油田で、生産再開のめどが立たないことが分かった。反体制派 はリビアの東半分を支配しており、2分割された形の国営石油会社(NOC)の反体制 側の責任者、ワヒド・ブガイギス氏(74)が毎日新聞に証言した。原油は反体制派の 主要外貨獲得源やエネルギー源で、生産停止の長期化は、政府軍との戦闘継続や市民生 活の維持にとって大きな打撃となりそうだ。反体制派支配地域の南部には、サリール、 メスラの2油田(原油確認埋蔵量計約150億バレル)がある。政府軍は4月4~5日 に両油田を攻撃し、日量10万バレルとされる生産は完全に停止した。 18 ブガイギス氏によると、両油田では依然「損害を調査中」だが、「修理を再開できる 状況にない」。施設周辺には反体制派の警備部隊が展開しているが、再び政府軍が攻撃 した場合、防御できるかは不透明だ。「(油田がある)砂漠地帯は広大だが、政府軍は 少人数の部隊に分かれて移動しており、攻撃を防ぐのは難しい」という。反体制派は、 支配下の同国東部の原油積み出し港トブルクに貯蔵されていた原油約100万バレル を輸出して約1億ドル(約80億円)を得たと見られるが、2油田の生産途絶により、 新たな収入を得る見通しは立っていない。ブガイギス氏によると、戦闘などの資金はカ タールやクウェートなどの支援でしのいでおり、当面の石油需要は賄える。ただし「国 連決議で凍結されたリビア政府資産の利用が許容されることが望ましい」とし、「戦時 なのに市民のガソリン消費などに規制はなく、今後個人の努力を含め消費を抑えていく 必要がある」とも述べた。 ●政治(内戦) リビア:政府軍ヘリが赤十字章掲げる? 反体制側明かす(毎日 2011.5.10) リビア政府軍が反体制派住民に対する猛攻を続ける西部ミスラタ上空で、政府軍のもの とみられる赤十字章をつけたヘリコプターを住民が視認していたことが分かった。ミス ラタの反体制側報道担当者が明らかにした。港湾に機雷を投下したとの情報もあり、赤 十字国際委員会(ICRC)は「事実なら深刻な悪用」と非難している。赤十字章の軍 事作戦での利用は戦時国際法で禁止されている。 政府軍は7日も国連安保理決議が設定した飛行禁止空域に違反してヘリコプターで ミスラタの石油貯蔵施設を破壊するなど、国際規範を無視した軍事作戦を続けている。 ミスラタは首都トリポリの防衛上重要な港湾都市。現在は反体制派が支配しているが、 政府軍は約2カ月間にわたり攻撃を続け、約900人が死亡、9000人が負傷した。 住民30万人のうち約10万人が避難した。 ベンガジで8日に会見したミスラタの報道担当、サドゥーン・ミスラティ氏らによる と、赤十字章をつけたヘリコプターが視認されたのは6日と7日。地元住民はAFP通 信に「港湾に機雷を投下していた」と語ったが、ミスラティ氏は「活動内容については 調査中だ」と述べた。ICRCは9日の声明で「赤十字章は紛争被害者の保護活動を示 すもので目的外使用は許されない」と述べた。ミスラタの港は人道支援物資の搬入や住 民の避難に使用されている。ミスラティ氏によると、政府軍はここ数日、港湾部へのロ ケット攻撃を強化しているという。政府軍は一般国民を無差別攻撃するなどしており、 安保理の付託を受けた国際刑事裁判所の検察官は、戦争犯罪などで政権関係者少なくと も3人を訴追する意向を示している。 ●政治(内戦) 反政府軍が 9 日東部のみならず西部でも攻勢を強める。 Tuesday, 10 May, 2011: QARYAT AZ ZURAYQ, Libya — Rebel fighters made significant gains Monday against forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in both the western and eastern 19 areas of the country, in the first faint signs that NATO airstrikes may be starting to strain the government forces. In the besieged western city of Misurata hundreds of rebels broke through one of the front lines late on Sunday, and by Monday afternoon were consolidating their position on the ground a few miles to the city’s west. The breakout of what had been nearly static lines came after NATO aircraft spent days striking positions and military equipment held by the Qaddafi forces, weakening them to the point that a ground attack was possible, the rebels said. [New York Times] ●政治(制裁) ガンビア最高裁は国内にあるリビア資産を差し押さえることを承認。 Tuesday, 10 May, 2011: BANJUL — The Gambian high court on Monday granted an application allowing the government to seize millions of dollars worth of Libyan assets in the tiny west African country. Judge Awa Bah ruled that the Gambian goverment can take immediate possession and control of the Libya African Investment Company "until a government recognized by the United Nations is in place in Libya". While the assets were not named in court, the investment company owns a multi-million dollar five-star hotel, the Jerma Beach, the Laico Atlantic Hotel in the capital, Banjul, said to be worth $18 million (12 million euros), and Dream Park, a children's amusement park. [AFP] (関連記事) ・ヨルダンが国内のリビア資産(5 億ドル)を凍結。またアンマン証券取引所の投資金 額 7 億 8200 万ドルも差し押さえ。 Tuesday, 10 May, 2011: AMMAN, Jordan — A Jordanian finance official says the kingdom has frozen Libyan assets totalling about $500 million. Jordan also has frozen Libyan investments, mainly in the Amman Stock Exchange, of about $782 million. The official says the freeze took effect five weeks ago in line with a U.N. Security Council request. He says it was not acknowledged to the press earlier because authorities were trying to locate all targeted Libyan assets. The official insisted on anonymity Monday, citing the sensitivity of the information. Libya's Moammar Gadhafi is a fiery critic of Jordan because of its alliance with the U.S. and diplomatic ties with Israel. Jordan is helping to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya. [Canadian Press] ・Tuesday, 10 May, 2011: The sanctions have included a ban on Americans dealing with Libya's state-owned investment company assigned to build a defense industry in the North African state. The company has already been working with Italy for aerospace production and maintenance. "The United Nations and countries around the world are locking down the government of Libya's assets to prevent the Gadhafi regime from sponsoring further bloodshed," Treasury Department official Adam Szubin said. [World Tribune] ●政治(NATO) 20 多国籍軍司令官が 9 日述べたところでは、NATO 軍の空爆はカダフィ軍からの一般人へ の攻撃を完全には防いでいない。 Tuesday, 10 May, 2011: ATLANTA -- NATO air strikes can’t protect Libyan civilians fully against Gadhafi forces, the multinational alliance’s leader said Monday. “We can do a lot through air campaigns, but we cannot, 100 percent, guarantee that a roughish machine, like the Gadhafi machine, does not attack its own people,” said Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Snipers deployed by forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi are able to evade the 5,500 sorties flown by NATO aircraft. Still, those attacks have taken out tanks, rocket launchers and command centers. “By that, we have significantly degraded Gadhafi’s war machine, and we will continue as long as there are attacks against the civilian population,” Rasmussen said. [RN-T] Monday, 9 May, 2011: Tunis, Tunisia (CNN) -- Eman al-Obeidy, who garnered worldwide attention for her vocal rape allegations against the regime of Moammar Gadhafi, says she has fled Libya, fearing for her safety. Al-Obeidy told CNN that she crossed into Tunisia on Thursday with the help of a defecting military officer and his family. She said she left Tripoli in a military car, wearing a head cover that hid everything except one eye. Al-Obeidy said she entered at the Dahibah border crossing disguised "in the local manner" and was not challenged. She described the trip from Tripoli as "very tiring." [CNN] ●政治(内戦) NATO の事務局長がカダフィ政権の末期が近いことを示唆。解決には軍事的ではない政 治的手法が必要とのコメント。 Monday, 9 May, 2011: WASHINGTON May 8 (Reuters) - The head of the NATO military alliance said on Sunday he was optimistic Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's "time is over," but said the conflict would require a political -- not military -- solution. "We have stopped Gaddafi in his track. His time is running out. He's more and more isolated," NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told CNN's "State of the Union" program. Rasmussen said with the pro-democracy "wind change in North Africa and the Middle East," the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and the Taliban under pressure in Afghanistan, he was "very optimistic" that "Gaddafi's time is over." NATO coalition aircraft have been bombing Libyan government military targets and enforcing a no-fly zone since March under a U.N. resolution. [Reuters] (関連記事) アフリカ連合はリビア問題の解決には政治的で平和的な解決方法が唯一であることを 示唆。 Monday, 9 May, 2011: The African Union says its roadmap for peace is the best option for settling Libya’s political crisis. El-Ghassim Wane said the AU “is convinced that only a political solution will make it possible to promote peace in a lasting manner that will also fulfill the 21 aspirations of the Libyan people to democracy…and good governance.” The AU plan calls for a ceasefire, and a dialogue between all Libyan parties for a solution to the crisis. It also calls for the protection of African workers in the country. Wane said the proposal, which is geared towards achieving stability in Libya, is the basis for AU talks with both the administration of Moammar Gadhafi and the opposition National Transitional Council. [VOA News] ●エネルギー(石油) Qatar makes oil payments to Libyan rebel group(OGJ Newsletter May 9, 2011) 反政府軍はカタールが設立した信託ファンドを通じて原油売却代金を受領。100 万バレ ルの代金は 1 億ドルと伝えられている。 LOS ANGELES, May 9 -- Opponents to the rule of Libya’s leader Moammar Gadhafi are receiving payments from oil sales through a trust fund established in Qatar, according to officials familiar with the transactions. A member of the oil and gas support group for Libya, confirming earlier reports about Doha’s role in the sales, said the payments for the Libyan crude are being made in US dollars through a bank account in Qatar. The source said about 1 million bbl have so far been sold at $100 million. The money is being used by rebel forces to purchase basic commodities like food and other aid. The oil and gas support group now has an office in Doha, and Qatar is helping to market the crude, with southern Europe being the main target market, the industry source said. The oil and gas support group plans to repair the systems and restore oil recovery from Libya’s fields, said the source, who added that further plans for exports are uncertain at the moment. In April, Qatar marketed 1 million bbl of oil on behalf of Libya’s Interim National Council (INC), according to a report by Qatar’s state news agency QNA. Soon after the QNA announcement, the chairman of Libya's National Oil Corp. sent a letter of protest to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries about the help fellow member Qatar is giving to Libyan rebels with sales of oil (OGJ Online, Apr. 20, 2011). Despite denials by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a stalemate prevails in much of Libya, with the fighting now increasingly focused on Misrata, the last city in the west held by rebels. A rebel spokesman in Misrata said that there is fighting in the east, west, and south, including the areas of al-Ghiran, Bourouya, and Zeriq. Another spokesman said rebels were still trying to extinguish fires at a fuel storage depot bombarded by the government on May 6. The spokesman said that government forces used crop dusters to mount the attack. Four storage tanks were totally destroyed and an ensuing fire spread to four more tanks. The government attack left Misrata without fuel, according to the spokesman, who said the tanks held about 3 months’ supply. NATO last week dismissed claims that the fighting between pro- and anti-Gaddafi forces in Libya has reached a stalemate. 22 "I personally don't think there is a real stalemate. Let's say we are going slowly but steady," said NATO Vice-Adm. Rinaldo Veri, brushing off concerns that Gadhafi's forces continued to lay siege to the oil port of Misrata, bombing the town and mining the harbor (OGJ Online, May 3, 2011). (関連記事) ・Sunday, 8 May, 2011: WASHINGTON — US President Barack Obama thanked Kuwait's emir for the oil-rich country's "generous pledge" of $180 million to the Libyan opposition Transitional National Council. Obama spoke by telephone to Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and also thanked him for Kuwait's "steadfast support" of US troops, the White House said in a statement. "The president thanks the emir for Kuwait's generous pledge of assistance to the Transitional National Council of Libya and stressed the importance of such financial support to the opposition given their urgent needs," the statement said. Kuwait on April 24 announced the pledge of "urgent humanitarian aid" to Libyan civilians, through the national council. [AFP] ・Tuesday, 10 May, 2011: Opponents to the rule of Libya’s leader Moammar Gadhafi are receiving payments from oil sales through a trust fund established in Qatar, according to officials familiar with the transactions. A member of the oil and gas support group for Libya, confirming earlier reports about Doha’s role in the sales, said the payments for the Libyan crude are being made in US dollars through a bank account in Qatar. The source said about 1 million bbl have so far been sold at $100 million. The money is being used by rebel forces to purchase basic commodities like food and other aid. The oil and gas support group now has an office in Doha, and Qatar is helping to market the crude, with southern Europe being the main target market, the industry source said. [Oil and Gas Journal] Monday, 9 May, 2011: Critics decry his lack of a coherent 'doctrine', yet the president proves a careful reader of Samantha Power's book on genocide. As the fighting in Libya threatens to settle into a long civil war, President Obama's decision to intervene on behalf of Libya's rebels has come under increasing questioning. The death of Osama bin Laden in a firefight with American forces has bought the president more time, and so has the call by Turkey's prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for Muammar Gaddafi to "immediately step down" as Libya's leader. But what has not changed in recent weeks is the charge by President Obama's critics that, in Libya, he is pursuing a feckless foreign policy with no exit strategy in mind. [Guardian] ●政治(核兵器) 2004 年にリビアで見つかった核物質は北朝鮮で製造されたものである可能性が高い、 との見解を VOA のキャスターが明らかにした。 Monday, 9 May, 2011: The nuclear materials found in Libya in 2004 were highly likely to have been produced by North Korea, U.S.-funded broadcaster Voice of America said Saturday, citing an interview with a former senior official of the U.N. nuclear watchdog. In the interview, Olli 23 Heinonen, the former deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said uranium hexafluoride, or UF6 ― used in uranium enrichment in Libya ― was very likely to have been made by the communist state. Heinonen made the allegations based on North Korea’s purchase of parts to develop nuclear capabilities, information provided by Pakistan and other pieces of evidence. [Korea Herald] ●政治(難民) 400 人のリビア避難民がイタリアの沿岸警備隊の船に奇跡的に救出される。 Lampedusa: 400 Libyan migrants in dramatic sea rescue(BBC8 May 2011) More than 400 migrants from Libya had to be rescued by Italian coast guards after their fishing boat hit rocks on the small island of Lampedusa. TV images of the dramatic night-time rescue showed some migrants jumping or falling into the sea. Others held on to ropes strung between the boat and the shoreline as Italian coast guards helped them to shore. It came hours after Pope Benedict urged Roman Catholics to show more tolerance towards migrants from north Africa. At a Sunday mass for 300,000 people in Venice, he told them not to fear or reject the new arrivals, but to build bridges between peoples and nations, the BBC's David Willey reports. All safe Police official Fabrizio Pisanelli told Associated Press news agency that the boat's steering had stopped working as the vessel was nearing the port in Lampedusa shortly after 0400 (0200 GMT).Strong winds and choppy waters pushed the boat against the rocks, and threw some of the passengers overboard. "It was a difficult situation. Our patrol boats couldn't come close because of the shallow water and the undertow was very strong," Antonio Morana, a coast guard spokesman, told AFP news agency. Mr Pisanelli said three police officers who had earlier boarded helped to control the situation and allow the rescuers to reach the migrants immediately. He said everyone on board - including women and children - were rescued safely. Tens of thousands of migrants have reached Lampedusa in recent months amid fighting and political unrest in North Africa.Mr Berlusconi has called on his European counterparts to do more to help with the worsening humanitarian situation. ●政治(内戦) リビア軍がミスラタで 3 基の巨大燃料タンクを破壊。 Sunday, 8 May, 2011: Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi destroyed three huge fuel tanks in the besieged city of Misurata, aggravating an already dire humanitarian crisis there, the rebel leadership said Saturday. The bombardment of the stored fuel could lead to critical shortages of gasoline for vehicles and fuel for electricity in the stricken city, said Jalal el Gallal, an opposition spokesman in Benghazi, the rebel stronghold in eastern Libya. Misurata, the last major city in western Libya that remains in rebel hands, has been under siege from pro-regime forces for more than two months. [Los Angeles Times] ●政治(内戦) 24 カメロン首相とサルコジ大統領が対リビア国連安保理決議の履行を改めて強調。 Sunday, 8 May, 2011: UK Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have restated their determination to enforce the UN resolution on Libya. Downing Street said the leaders of the UK and France had agreed to intensify the pressure on the regime "militarily, politically and economically". The call comes after Mr Cameron and Mr Sarkozy spoke on the phone on Friday. It also comes as the allied military operation to protect civilians in Libya reaches the end of its seventh week. [BBC] ●政治(内戦) チュニジア政府はリビア政府に対して国境越境を警告。 Sunday, 8 May, 2011: TUNIS May 7 (Reuters) - Tunisia warned Libya that it considered the shelling of a border town on Saturday "extremely dangerous" and said it would take all necessary measures to protect its sovereignty. Close to 100 shells or mortar rounds fell on or near the Tunisian border town of Dehiba on Saturday, causing no injuries but doing damage to one house, a Reuters witness said. The shelling sent residents scurrying for safety. The town has been hit repeatedly by stray shells in recent weeks as forces loyal to Libya's Muammar Gaddafi battle rebels for control of the Dehiba-Wazzin border crossing. [Reuters] ●政治(制裁) 国際社会の対リビア制裁は、リビア国外の米国。カナダで勉強する留学生にも深刻な影 響を与えている。生活の拠り所となるファンドが来月にも停止するため。 Saturday, 7 May, 2011: PULLMAN, Wa. — The civil war in Libya is about to inflict new casualties far from the battle zone – Libyan students studying abroad whose stipends are about to dry up as a result of the U.N. Security Council’s freezing of Libyan government assets. More than 2,500 Libyan students studying in North America and Canada are facing an end to their funding next month. Among them is Talal Amara, a 36-year-old graduate education student at Washington State University in Pullman, Wash. “To have enough money to stay here, I will have to sell my car,” said Amara, who lives with his wife and two young children. “It will only allow to me survive here another two to three months, but it is the only option for me.” [MSNBC] ●政治(人道) 国際刑事裁、リビア政権の弾圧で 3 人に逮捕状請求へ(ロイター5 月 5 日) 国際刑事裁判所(ICC)のモレノオカンポ主任検察官は4日の国連安全保障理事会で、 リビアのカダフィ政権によるデモ参加者らへの弾圧をめぐる捜査について、数週間以内 に人道犯罪容疑で3人の逮捕状を請求する方針を表明した。モレノオカンポ氏は声明で 「リビアでは、人道に対する犯罪が今なお続いており、武器を持たない市民が攻撃を受 けている。リビア国内の多くの都市で殺害や迫害が繰り返されている」と述べた。同氏 は逮捕状を請求する3人の名前については公表しなかった。ただ、国連の外交官や人権 25 問題の専門家らは、最高指導者カダフィ大佐に対する逮捕状が請求される可能性もある と指摘している。一方、ロシアや南アフリカの国連特使らは、飛行禁止空域を設定し、 市民を守る目的で始まった北大西洋条約機構(NATO)主導の対リビアの軍事作戦を厳 しく批判。ICCは捜査対象をカダフィ政権に制限すべきではないと主張している。 ●政治(資金援助) 反政府軍は米国及びその同盟国からの資金援助導入に成功。 Friday, 6 May, 2011: Libyan rebels won a financial lifeline potentially worth billions of dollars from the United States and other allies on Thursday. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, attending a contact group meeting on Libya in Rome, also spoke of the need to increase pressure on Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, saying ousting him was the best way to help the population. The NATO-backed coalition against Moammar Gadhafi said at a contact group meeting on Libya that efforts are under way to unlock billions of dollars in frozen Libyan assets to provide assistance to cash-strapped Libyan rebels. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the Obama administration is trying to free up some of the more than $31 billion it has frozen in Libyan assets. [VOA News] (関連記事) Saturday, 7 May, 2011: TRIPOLI — Moamer Kadhafi's regime reacted angrily Friday to a decision by world powers to provide funding to Libya's rebels, asserting that plans to tap assets frozen abroad were "piracy." Meanwhile, rebels were bracing for a ground assault by Kadhafi forces on the besieged western port city of Misrata as NATO warplanes struck regime targets further to the west. The fund, agreed at a meeting of the International Contact Group on Libya on Thursday, is intended to provide an emergency lifeline to the rebels, whose provisional administration has no source of financing to replace receipts from oil exports, which have come to a virtual halt. It will initially receive international donations. Blocked assets -- estimated to be worth $60 billion (40 billion euros) in Europe and the United States -- are to be used at a later date. [AFP] ●政治(支援) 「連絡調整グループ」が反体制派への財政支援で一致(MSN 産経 2011.5.6) リビアに軍事介入した多国籍軍参加国などからなる「連絡調整グループ」の第2回会 議が5日、ローマで開かれ、リビアの反体制派組織「国民評議会」を財政的に支援する ことで一致した。会議にはクリントン米国務長官ら22カ国の外相級と欧州連合(EU)、 イスラム諸国会議機構(OIC)など6国際機関の代表が出席。世界銀行など金融関係 の6機関もオブザーバーとして参加した。イタリアからの報道によると、財政支援につ いて米国は、国連が凍結しているリビアの最高指導者カダフィ大佐とその家族の海外資 産(約300億ドル=約2兆4000億円)の活用を主張した。凍結資産の活用には法 的な問題を解決する必要がある。 26 一方、軍事情勢に関しては仏英が先に、反政府派への武器供給などは見合わせる方針 で一致したが、伊レプブリカによると、議長国のイタリアのフラティニ外相は会議で、 「自衛に必要な装備の(「国民評議会」への)供与は国際的に正当化されるとの結論に 至った」と述べた。リビア北西部の反体制派の拠点ミスラタは、カダフィ氏側軍部隊の 猛攻撃に遭っているが、多国籍軍側では「数週間、長くても数カ月で解決する」(ジュ ペ仏外相)との見方が支配的だ。「連絡調整グループ」は3月29日にロンドンで開か れた多国籍軍参加国などによる外相級会合で創設され、第1回会議は4月13日にカタ ールで開かれた。次回は6月にアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)で開催の予定。 ●政治(国外追放) William Hague 外相は 2 名のリビア人外交換に対する国外退去命令を出し、さらなる鯛 リビア空爆を主張。 Friday, 6 May, 2011: William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, ordered the explusion of two Libyan diplomats from its London embassy as he travelled to Rome to demand heavier military bombardment of Col Muammar Gaddafi's regime. By Rosa Prince, and Nick Squires in Rome 5:47PM BST 05 May 2011 Mr Hague called for the beginning of a final push to topple the beleagured regime in Tripoli, more than seven weeks after a UN Security Council resolution authorised military action to protect civilians. "The tempo of military activity should continue to be increased, as it has been increasing in recent days," Mr Hague said. "A great deal has been achieved. Probably thousands of lives have been saved. We now need to intensify that in order to push through to a successful outcome." [Telegraph] (関連記事) フランス政府はリビア政府側の外交官 14 名に国外退去命令。 Saturday, 7 May, 2011: (RTTNews) - France has ordered fourteen Libyan diplomats loyal to the regime of Colonel Moammar Qadhafi to leave the country within two days, the foreign ministry announced Friday. The French foreign ministry in a statement said the 14 Libyan diplomats have been declared "persona non grata," and ordered to leave the country within 48 hours. However, the identities of the Libyan diplomats were not revealed. France is one of the few countries that have formally recognized the leadership of the Libyan rebel movement , better known as the Transitional National Council (TNC), as the north African country's legitimate government. [RTT News] ●政治(亡命) カダフィ大佐のお抱え看護士として有名になったウクライナ人 Halyna Kolotnytska さん は 2 月 27 日にリビアからキエフに帰国した後、ノルウェーに渡りそのまま政治亡命を する可能性がある。 Friday, 6 May, 2011: (RTTNews) - Halyna Kolotnytska, a Ukrainian national and a former private nurse of embattled Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi, is currently in Norway and has 27 sought political asylum in the Scandinavian country, news reports quoting officials said Thursday. Kolotnytska was one of four Ukrainian nurses working for Qadhafi. She, along with 185 others, was evacuated from Libya by the Ukrainian military in February, soon after the revolution against Qadhafi's autocratic regime began in the north African country. She arrived in the Ukrainian capital Kiev from Libya on February 27. Until her surprise arrival in Norway in March, she is reported to have stayed along with her daughter and mother in an apartment complex in the Ukrainian town of Brovary near Kiev. [RTT News] ●政治(制裁) 米国政府は対リビア制裁を国営通信社と 2 つの国営会社に科すことを 5 日発表。 Friday, 6 May, 2011: The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on Libya's state broadcaster and two other government-owned companies, Xinhua reported. The Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control ( OFAC) identified Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation, Dalia Advisory Ltd. and Lafico Algeria Holdings as subject to sanctions. The Libyan state broadcaster owns several radio and television stations in the North African country, Dalia is a London-based investment firm that is 100 percent owned by the Libyan Investment Authority, while Lafico is an Algeria-based subsidiary of the Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company, the Treasury said in a statement. It said the latter two were identified by OFAC as Libyan government entities on March 15. [Trend] ●政治(内戦) デンマーク政府はリビア暫定政権を公式に承認したとする報道を否定。 Friday, 6 May, 2011: COPENHAGEN, DENMARK - Denmark on Thursday denied it had formally recognised Libya's rebel National Transitional Council, as announced earlier by the NTC. The foreign ministry said in a statement that "in response to news reports that are incorrectly suggesting that Denmark has formally recognized NTC," its official position on the rebel's council had not changed. "Denmark recognises - in accordance with the decision of the European Council - the NTC as a relevant dialogue partner," it said. "It is believed that there are other political actors in Libya that could potentially be involved in order to ensure an inclusive process," the ministry said. [Asia One] (関連記事) ・オランダ政府も公式承認したとする報道を否定。 Friday, 6 May, 2011: THE HAGUE (Netherlands) - THE Netherlands on Thursday denied it had recognised Libya's rebel National Transitional Council (NTC), as announced earlier by the NTC. 'We haven't formally recognised the council,' Dutch foreign ministry spokesman Ward Bezemer told AFP. Libyan rebels earlier said in Benghazi that Denmark, Spain and the Netherlands had become the latest states to recognise the council, set up to rival the regime of Muammar Gadaffi. The rebels later added that Canada had also recognised the NTC. But 28 speaking from Rome, where Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal joined talks at the International Contact Group on Libya, Mr Bezemer said the NTC announcement had taken the Netherlands by surprise. [Straits Times] ・オランダ政府も否定。 Friday, 6 May, 2011: Madrid (CNN) -- Spain denies it has officially recognized the Libyan rebels' transitional council as the legitimate leadership of Libya, despite sending a diplomat to talk to them, a Spanish Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Thursday. "There has been no change in our position," said the spokeswoman, who by custom is not identified. The Libyan rebels earlier said that Spain, Canada, Denmark and the Netherlands had recently recognized the rebels' interim Transitional National Council. Canada, Denmark and the Netherlands have also denied an official recognition. Spain still has an embassy in Tripoli, although it evacuated its personnel from the city, like many other nations, as fighting between the regime of Moammar Gadhafi and rebels intensified in late March. [CNN] ●政治(リビア空爆) 地上部隊派遣に反対 露外相、リビア情勢で(産経 MSN2011.5.6) ロシアのラブロフ外相は6日、リビアへの空爆を続ける北大西洋条約機構(NATO) による地上部隊派遣の可能性について、一般市民の保護を目的にリビア攻撃を容認した 国連安全保障理事会決議が「明確に排除している」と述べ、あらためて反対を表明した。 ラブロフ外相は訪ロした中国の楊潔●(=簾の广を厂に、兼を虎に)外相と会談した 後の共同記者会見で、ロシアと中国は中東情勢を深く懸念していると強調、事態の正常 化に向け協力を強めることで一致したと述べた。ラブロフ氏はまた、国連安保理決議の 効力は安保理の決定以外で変更されることはないとし、リビア問題をめぐる欧米やアラ ブ諸国による「連絡調整グループ」の動きに不快感を示した。(共同) ●政治(内戦) 反政府軍への資金調達方法などを協議する会合がローマで開催。 Thursday, 5 May, 2011: Ministers from the NATO-backed coalition against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi meet in Rome on Thursday seeking ways to get money to rebels who are desperate to buy food and medicine and shore up their administration. The meeting of Libya Contact Group will bring together foreign ministers from countries including France, Britain, the United States, Italy and Qatar as well as representatives of the Arab League and the African Union. As the conflict in Libya has ground into stalemate, the rebel Transitional National Council, which controls the region of eastern Libya around Benghazi and has been recognised by both France and Italy, has appealed for loans of up to $3 billion. But efforts to unblock state assets frozen in overseas accounts, or to allow the rebels to get past UN sanctions that prevent their selling oil on international markets, have been held up. [Aljazeera] (関連記事) 29 Friday, 6 May, 2011: BRUSSELS, May 5 (Reuters) - Libya's food supplies could run out within six to eight weeks unless plans are put in place to avoid a full-scale humanitarian crisis, the head of the United Nation's World Food Programme (WFP) said on Thursday. Supply concerns are particularly acute in the rebel-held east of the country, where the interim authorities are struggling to buy and distribute food, WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran said in an interview. "The challenge in Libya is that this is a centrally controlled food system that was run by the government, and it's not being restocked now. That whole system could run out of food in six to eight weeks," Sheeran told Reuters in Brussels. [Reuters] ●政治(制裁) オーストリアはカダフィ大佐関連の資産 12 億ユーロの凍結を発表。 Thursday, 5 May, 2011: VIENNA May 4 (Reuters) - Austria has frozen around 1.2 billion euros ($1.78 billion) in funds that authorities think could be linked to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's inner circle, a top central bank official told Reuters. Austrian National Bank Governor Ewald Nowotny had cited that figure in February as the overall amount of Libyan assets in the Austrian financial system, but officials had not previously confirmed how much of it was actually blocked. "The amount that has been frozen is in the order of magnitude of the figure mentioned by the governor," Austrian National Bank Director Andreas Ittner said on the sidelines of a central bank news conference on Wednesday. He did not give any details about the funds' owners. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) 反体制デモへの無差別攻撃、刑事訴追を協議、国連安保理と国際刑事裁(2011.5.5) リビア政府による反体制デモへの無差別攻撃に関連して、国連安全保障理事会と国際 刑事裁判所(ICC)が人道上の犯罪に抵触するかどうかについて4日、協議を開始し た。リビア中部に位置するミスラタでは4月下旬に米英出身のカメラマンが戦闘に巻き 込まれて死亡した。このため、安保理メンバーである米英が刑事訴追を積極的に求めて おり、ICCのルイス・モレノオカンポ主任検察官も同様に、ベンガジにおける民間人 の殺害を問題視しているという。国連安保理の議長国であるフランス大使は産経新聞の 取材に対して「(刑事訴追に向けて)後戻りはできない。最後は(刑事訴追に必要な) 令状が出ると思うが、具体的に誰に対して発行されるかは分からない」とコメントした。 (関連記事) ・Wednesday, 4 May, 2011: Senior Libyan officials face international arrest warrants for crimes against humanity, the United Nations security council will be told today. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, is to brief the council about crimes committed by Muammar Gaddafi's forces since the Libyan uprising began in mid-February. Western diplomats say the move is intended to ratchet up international pressure on Tripoli. Ocampo revealed that up to five warrants are likely to be issued in the next few weeks with the 30 approval of the ICC's pre-trial chamber. No names have been disclosed. But Al-Arabiya TV reported that the warrants could include Gaddafi himself and his son, the discredited reformist Saif al-Islam, who has strong UK links. [Guardian] ・Thursday, 5 May, 2011: TRIPOLI, May 4 (Xinhua) -- Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Luis Moreno Ocampo will submit requests, during the coming few weeks, to ICC judges to issue arrest warrants against some Libyan officials thought to be responsible of war crimes in Libya. Ocampo will refer an eight-page report Wednesday to the UN Security Council (UNSC) over his investigations into war crimes and crimes against humanity that were committed recently in the troubled Libya. The report may not reveal exact names, yet names of Libyan Leader Muammer Gaddafi and his son Saiful Islam will be mentioned in the first arrest warrant to be issued by the court preliminary, said Al-Arabiya that obtained a copy of the report. [Xinhuanet] ●エネルギー(制裁) 英国のキャメロン首相はリビア政府がイタリアから不法にガソリンを輸入していると の報道を受けて、対リビア制裁の徹底を要請。 Wednesday, 4 May, 2011: LOS ANGELES, May 3 -- UK Prime Minister David Cameron, following reports that the Libyan government has been illicitly importing gasoline from Italy, called for tightening sanctions on oil and products against the North African country. “We actually think there are opportunities for tightening sanctions over things like oil and oil products to make sure this regime comes to its senses and realizes it cannot go on terrorizing its own people,” Cameron told Parliament. “So we are going to be looking in the coming days to stepping up the action we are taking as well as encouraging others to enforce what has already been put in place,” he said, calling it “unacceptable” for countries to help Libya’s embattled leader Moammar Gadhafi get around sanctions. Cameron’s statement follows recent reports the Libyan government, exploiting an apparent loophole in United Nations’ sanctions, imported gasoline in early April from Saras, Italy’s third-largest refiner, which has the 300,000 b/d Sarroch facility on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. [Oil and Gas Journal] ●政治(医療) ベンガジで働く医療関係者は医療機器などの不足、それを支える基金の欠如などで苦闘。 Wednesday, 4 May, 2011: BENGHAZI, 3 May 2011 (IRIN) - Medical specialists in the Libyan city of Benghazi are struggling to work as lack of funding for supplies and equipment seriously hinders their efforts. "The conditions here are bad," said Zainab al Beidi, manager of Benghazi's only public rehabilitation centre designed for patients suffering from spinal injuries or recovering from strokes. There were 65 long-term residents at the centre, but when IRIN visited, it was clear that patients' recovery prospects were limited by a severe lack of equipment. "We do the simplest things with whatever we have available, but I constantly feel we are not able to 31 do enough," Al Beidi said. "The best we can do is to offer diapers and wheelchairs, and we don't even have enough of these. We have terminal cases that should be treated abroad, but how can we send them there?" [IRIN] ●政治(内戦) トリポリ市内にある在リビア・トルコ大使館は NATO の空爆でカダフィ大佐の家族が 爆殺されたことによって怒り心頭に達した群衆に恐怖。 Tuesday, 3 May, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya — Turkey closed its embassy in Tripoli on Monday, apparently spooked by the angry crowds that have threatened the embassies of NATO countries after the NATO airstrike that reportedly killed a son of Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi and three of his grandchildren. Since the airstrike on Saturday night, Qaddafi supporters have vandalized or torched the Italian, British and American embassies, which were already shut, and ransacked United Nations buildings, forcing officials there to withdraw. “In light of recent changes in the security conditions in Libya and emergence of the potential security risks, we took an important decision last night to temporarily evacuate our embassy in Tripoli,” Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s Foreign Minister told reporters in a live broadcast in Ankara. [New York Times] ●政治(金融支援) 反政府軍はアラブ首長国連邦とカタールに対して融資依頼に対する話合いを実施。 Tuesday, 3 May, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya, May 2 (Reuters) - Rebels controlling Libya's east are in talks for loans from the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, a spokesman said, as they scramble to avoid running out of funds as the Libyan conflict drags on. The Benghazi-based rebel interim national council has scraped together enough cash to pay salaries for public workers in April but will struggle to meet May expenses without a fresh injection of funds, spokesman Abdel Hafiz Ghoga said. "Without the use of the frozen assets or at least loans that will have frozen assets as collateral, our finanical situation will be quite critical," Ghoga told reporters. "February and March we had no problems, April I think we just about managed it, but if we don't get any financing for May we will be in difficulty." [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) 30,000 人以上の国民を殺害したにもかかわらず、カダフィ大佐は退陣を拒否。 Tuesday, 3 May, 2011: Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has vowed to stay in the country, as reports claimed up to 30,000 people may have been killed in the internal conflict that has gripped the north African state. ‘‘I’m not leaving my country," Gaddafi said in a televised address on Friday night. ‘‘No one can force me to leave my country." He also called for negotiations to stop the coalition’s air strikes against his country. ‘‘The door to peace is open. ou are the aggressors. We will negotiate with you," he said. Gaddafi’s words came just days after the US ambassador to Libya estimated that up to 30,000 people may have been killed in the conflict over the past three months. [The Post IE] 32 (関連記事) Tuesday, 3 May, 2011: (Reuters) - International Criminal Court investigators have proof that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's forces committed crimes against humanity, and the court's chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said on Monday he would soon ask for up to five arrest warrants. The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously in February to refer Gaddafi's violent crackdown against anti-government demonstrators to The Hague-based ICC and Moreno-Ocampo said his first recommendations for indictments should reach ICC judges within weeks. "We have strong evidence on the beginning of the conflict, the shooting of civilians," he told Reuters in an interview, noting that killing unarmed civilians would qualify as a crime against humanity. "Also, we have strong evidence of the crime of persecution," he said. [Reuters] ●宗教 リビアのキリスト教司教が内戦終結のための祈りを捧げる。 Tuesday, 3 May, 2011: VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The top church official in Libya said he was praying to Blessed John Paul II for peace and an end to civilian casualties in the North African country. Bishop Giovanni Martinelli of Tripoli also questioned the morality of the NATO airstrikes against the residence of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. The attack April 30 reportedly killed one of Gadhafi's sons and three of his grandchildren, but the Libyan leader was said to be unharmed. "The bombs, as precise as the aim can be, lead to civilian victims. Bombs are immoral. I wonder also whether it is moral to kill a head of state. What right do we have to do so?" Bishop Martinelli told the Vatican missionary news agency Fides April 30. [Catholic News] ●政治(リビア・英国) 駐英リビア大使が英国から国外追放処分。 Monday, 2 May, 2011: Libya's ambassador to the UK has just hours to leave the country after being expelled, as Colonel Gaddafi's government said it regrets the damage caused to foreign embassies in Tripoli. Foreign Secretary William Hague said Omar Jelban was "persona non grata" and had been given 24 hours to leave the country after the diplomatic missions of a number of Nato states were targeted by Gaddafi loyalists. Angry mobs trashed the embassies of Britain and Italy, a US consular department and a United Nations office, Libyan deputy foreign minister Khaled Kaim acknowledged. He said that the damage would be looked into by the Libyan government and repaired. [Sky News] ●政治(内戦) リビア政府軍と反政府軍はともに、勢力を優勢にするために部族の指導者に対する時軍 への勧誘を強める。 33 Monday, 2 May, 2011: Libya’s eastern opposition and Colonel Muammer Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, are both stepping up their attempts to woo tribal leaders, hoping that the support of influential clans and families will tip the balance in Libya’s revolution. The rebels received a significant fillip last week when leaders and representative of 61 major Libyan tribes gathered in Benghazi, the rebel capital to the east, to declare their support for the opposition movement. “Faced with the threats weighing on the unity of our country, faced with the manoeuvres and propaganda of the dictator and his family, we solemnly declare: nothing will divide us,” the tribal leaders said in a statement. [FT] ●エネルギー(石油) 東部を実効支配している反政府軍地域の油田はセキュリティの精度は上がっている。し かし他の時間のかかる方策が必要となっている。Misla, Nafoora および Sarir の 3 油田は 内戦が勃発するまでは 40 万バレル/日生産していた。 Monday, 2 May, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya, May 1 (Reuters) - Rebels controlling eastern Libya have boosted security at oil fields, but other time-consuming measures are needed before they can resume crucial exports, an oil official said. The rebel-held Arabian Gulf Oil Company (Agoco) halted production at its Misla, Nafoora and Sarir oilfields after Gaddafi loyalists attacked Misla and Sarir in early April. The three fields had produced about 400,000 barrels per day before the rebels rose up against Muammar Gaddafi's four-decade rule in mid-February. Rebels have exported three shipments of crude since the uprising, and the storage facility at the Tobruk export terminal near the Egyptian border is now empty. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) リビア首都から国連職員12人が国外避難(Yomiuri Online 2011 年 5 月 2 日) 国連は1日、リビアの首都トリポリで人道支援にあたっている外国人職員12人が、 同市内の治安悪化のため、隣国チュニジアに避難したと発表した。 複数の外国公館が襲撃されたことを受けた措置とみられる。国連筋によると、トリポ リの国連事務所も4月30日夜から1日未明にかけて市民らに襲撃され、車を略奪され た。当時、事務所は不在で負傷者はいない。 職員は4月中旬から、カダフィ政権と国連の合意に基づき、食糧難が深刻化した西部 ミスラタなどへの支援を行ってきた。避難後も、国内に残ったリビア人職員の協力を得 て支援を続ける方針だ。 (関連記事) リビア暴徒化群衆、英伊大使館に放火 国連事務所も襲撃(asahi.com2011 年 5 月 2 日) リビア政府が、最高指導者カダフィ大佐の息子セイフルアラブ氏が北大西洋条約機構 (NATO)軍の空爆で死亡したと発表したことを受け、暴徒化した群衆が1日、首都 トリポリの英国、イタリアの各大使館に放火した。建物内は無人で、けが人はいなかっ た。カダフィ政権支持者らによる襲撃の可能性がある。 34 英BBCは、焼け焦げた英国大使館内の映像を報道した。ヘイグ英外相は、外交使節 団の保護責務を定めたウィーン条約に違反していると批判し、駐英リビア大使を国外に 追放すると発表した。 (関連記事) Tuesday, 3 May, 2011: More than a thousand people have filled the streets of Tripoli as a coffin said to contain the body of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's youngest son was carried through the capital. Saif al-Arab Gaddafi was reportedly killed along with his three children by a NATO air raid on Gaddafi's compound on Saturday night. Residents crowded around the hearse on Monday, chanting "Revenge, revenge for you, Libya'' and flashing victory signs as a coffin adorned with a green cloth was taken out of an ambulance that had slowly inched its way into the sea of people. "The people want revenge for the martyr!" the crowd shouted, amid chants of support for the Libyan leader. [Aljazeera] ●政治(内戦) クリントン国務長官が来週ローマを訪問し、関係者とリビア問題を話し合う。 Monday, 2 May, 2011: WASHINGTON — US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit Rome next week for fresh talks on how to help the rebels fighting in Libya and protect civilians caught in the cross-fire, US officials said Friday. The talks will focus on how to supply arms to the rebels battling Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi and whether to allow them to sell oil on international markets, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has said. "Clinton will travel to Rome, Italy May 4-6 to participate in a meeting of the Libya Contact Group," the State Department's acting deputy spokesman Mark Toner said in a statement. This will be the second official meeting of the contact group after one in Doha on April 13, which was attended by leaders of the Libyan opposition's shadow government, the Transitional National Council. [AFP] (関連記事) Monday, 2 May, 2011: Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd is to attend the Libya Contact Group meeting in Rome for talks on ongoing implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions. The group comprises Western countries, Turkey, Arab states, the UN, the Arab League and NATO and was set up in London on March 29. Mr Rudd, vocal in urging firm action against the Libyan regime, is scheduled to attend the Rome meeting on Thursday as a full participant following an invitation from Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and Qatar Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al Thani. [SMH] ●政治(人道) 在リビア・クウェート大使館はクウェート赤新月社(KRCS)と協力して、内戦にあえ いでいるリビア人の救済を推進することを明らかにした。 Sunday, 1 May, 2011: KUWAIT: Kuwait's embassy in Libya is cooperating fully with the 35 Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) in the distribution of humanitarian relief aid to people in Libya affected by the adverse conditions there, said Kuwait's ambassador in Libya Mubarak al-Adwani, after a meeting he had yesterday with KRCS's chairman Barjas Humoud Al-Barjas. The Kuwaiti aid has been ongoing ever since fighting broke out in Libya, he said in a press statement, noting that the KRCS was among the first relief aid organizations that arrived on the Libyan soil, particularly in the area of the Libyan-Tunisian border, where droves of Libyan refugees had amassed to cross the border to safety. [Kuwait Times] ●政治(リビア空爆) リビア:カダフィ大佐親族死亡 NATO側は苦しい立場に(毎日 2011.5.1) 北大西洋条約機構(NATO)主導の多国籍軍が4月30日、空爆でリビアの最高指 導者カダフィ大佐の未成年を含む親族を死亡させたことで、カダフィ政権側に非難の口 実を与え、空爆の正当性が揺らぎかねない事態となった。地上軍派遣ができず、制約の ある中で攻撃の実効性をあげようと、カダフィ政権中枢施設の空爆という苦肉の策を続 けてきたが、誤爆ともいえる失策で軍事作戦はさらに困難を強いられそうだ。NATO の対リビア作戦の司令官、シャルル・ブシャール中将(カナダ)は今月1日に出したコ メントで「NATOの標的は市民を攻撃しているカダフィ政権の軍関連などの施設で、 個人ではない」とし、カダフィ大佐の六男セイフ・アルアラブ氏を殺害する意図があっ たとの見方を否定した。 リビア空爆の根拠は今年3月に国連安保理で採択された決議の「市民を守るため、必 要なあらゆる方策を取る」との文言だ。セイフ氏は、反体制派との戦闘の前線に送られ 指揮にあたったとの情報もあるが、ドイツのミュンヘン工科大の現役学生で、軍歴はな い。また、大佐の親族とはいえ未成年の子供を殺害することは安保理決議と明らかに矛 盾する。カダフィ政権のスポークスマンはこれをとらえて、セイフ氏の自宅が「普通の リビア市民の家だ」と主張、「国際法違反だ」と非難した。セイフ氏が空爆の「標的だ ったことは明白だ」として、中枢施設を空爆するNATO側の作戦が安保理決議を逸脱 したものだとも強調した。 NATO側は今回の空爆は「軍施設への正確な攻撃」だったと述べ、ブシャール中将 も「NATOは市民を保護するという安保理決議による使命を全うしている」とカダフ ィ政権側に反論した。その一方、セイフ氏ら死亡の報道について「現在進行している紛 争で、罪もない市民が命を落としているのを遺憾に思う」と弁明、NATOの苦しさを 浮き彫りにした。NATO側は4月1、7日に反体制派の車両を誤爆したのに続き、1 2日にもカダフィ政権軍の包囲攻撃が続く北西部ミスラタで誤爆、反体制派の12人が 死亡している。 (関連記事) ・Monday, 2 May, 2011: The Libyan government was quick to announce the deadly accuracy of a NATO missile strike on the compound of Moammar Gadhafi, but rebel leaders today said the 36 claims that four Gadhafi family members were killed are a publicity stunt by the flamboyant strongman. The government announced early today that the dictator and his wife had survived a NATO attack on his compound, but that Gadhafi's son Saif al-Arab was killed, along with three of Gadhafi's grandchildren, all younger than 2 years old. A government spokesman said it was positive proof that NATO is focused on trying to kill Gadhafi, not merely neutralize his military capabilities, as the alliance has said. "This was a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country," Moussa Ibrahim, Libyan government spokesman, said at a news conference today. [ABC News] ・Sunday, 1 May, 2011: Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi survived a NATO airstrike in the capital that killed one of his sons and three of his grandchildren, a government spokesman said on state television Saturday. Killed was Saif al Arab Kadafi, 29, said government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim. He said the Libyan leader and his wife were in the house at the time, but that both survived the North Atlantic Treaty Organization strike. "Western nation crusader aggression against the Libyan nation continued and proved again that it has no moral foundation," Ibrahim said in Tripoli. State television showed scenes of heavy damage to a structure, but it did not identify the site as Kadafi's sprawling compound in the capital. [Los Angeles Times] 37
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