リビア政治経済社会情勢 リビア政治経済社会情勢 2011 年 2 月 ●政治(内戦) 米国政府は反政府勢力を支援する考えを表明。 Monday, 28 February, 2011: Feb. 28 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. said it will assist Libyan rebels trying to force Muammar Qaddafi from power, as pro- democracy protests that have swept the Middle East spread to Oman and reignited in Tunisia. "We’ve been reaching out to many different Libyans who are attempting to organize in the east and, as the revolution moves westward, there as well," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said en route to Geneva for talks on Libya. President Barack Obama’s administration will provide "any kind of assistance" to those seeking to end Qaddafi’s 41-year dictatorship, she said. The disclosure of contacts with Qaddafi’s opponents signaled an intensified U.S. effort to prod him from power following military defections that have left much of the east coast in the hands of the rebels. [Businessweek] (関連記事) ・反政府勢力がトリポリ近郊まで侵攻。カダフィ体制に圧力。 Monday, 28 February, 2011: Libyan rebels pressed the regime of Col. Moammar Gadhafi Sunday, taking control of a key city near the capital of Tripoli, declaring a provisional government and allowing oil shipments to resume from territory under their control. An oil tanker was expected to depart the port of Tobruk in the northeast corner of Libya sometime Sunday night carrying 700,000 barrels of oil, said Hassan Bulifa, a member of the management committee of Arabian Gulf Oil Co., Libya's largest oil producer and the only oil company based in the country's opposition-controlled eastern territory. Moammar Gadhafi's grip on Libya seems to be weakening, as anti-government forces take control of Zawiyah - a city just 50km west of the capital Tripoli. Video courtesy of Reuters. The management committee has assumed control of day-to-day operations at the company after its chairman, Abdulwanis Saad, resigned during the uprising against Col. Gadhafi. Mr. Bulifa said he believed the tanker would be bound for China. [Wall Street Journal] ・カダフィ大佐と常に行動を共にしていたウクライナ人看護婦が帰国。 Monday, 28 February, 2011: Galyna Kolotnytska, one of four Ukrainian nurses said to dote on the dictator and by all accounts his favourite, returned to her native Ukraine in the early hours of Sunday morning on a plane that evacuated 122 Ukrainians. Her daughter Tatyana, who lives just outside the Ukrainian capital Kiev, had previously said she was expecting her mother in the near future after talking to her on the phone last Friday. "She spoke in a calm voice, asked us not to worry, and said she would be home soon," the daughter, a student, told a local newspaper. 1 A leaked US diplomatic cable last November described the 38-year-old divorced nurse, as a "voluptuous blonde" who travelled with Col Gaddafi everywhere. [Telegraph] ●政治(大量破壊兵器) リビアは 9.5 トンのマスタードガスを保有しているが、それを輸送する手段を持ってい ない、との Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)の専門家の指摘。 Monday, 28 February, 2011: Libya retains 9.5 tonnes of deadly mustard gas but no longer has weapons to deliver it, a watchdog agency has said, amid international concern that embattled leader Muammar Gaddafi might resort to its use. Michael Luhan, spokesman for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), told Reuters the chemicals were under the army's control but were stored in a remote location far from the capital Tripoli, Gaddafi's main bastion. "As far as we have been able to verify, and we have no information that indicates anything to the contrary, Libya destroyed the entire stockpile of its chemical weapons munitions - a cache of several thousand aerial bombs that are designed for chemicals - in early 2004, seven years ago," he said by telephone from the OPCW's base in The Hague. [Aljazeera] (関連記事) ・Monday, 28 February, 2011: ZAWIYA, Libya (AP) — Cities under the control of rebels in eastern Libya have announced the formation of council to govern their affairs. The move appears to shoot down an earlier bid by leader Moammar Gadhafi's former justice minister to form his own provisional government. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is echoing President Barack Obama's demand for Gadhafi to step down. CAIRO (AP) — Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah continues to take steps aimed at pre-empting the kind of anti-government protests spreading through other Arab nations. Today he ordered government workers on temporary contracts be given permanent jobs. But a group of more than 100 Saudi academics and activists are urging him to enact sweeping reforms. [AP] ●政治(隠し資産) カダフィ一族の隠し資産は数十億ドルに上るといわれ、ドバイや東南アジアの銀行に保 管しているといわれている。カダフィ大佐の家族はそれぞれの立場でリビアでの要職を 占めている。 Monday, 28 February, 2011: Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi and his family are estimated worth in several billion dollars, according to UK Guardian report. Despite the instant grasp of information that internet may provide, the Gaddafi family are smart enough to hide their wealth into secret bank accounts in Dubai and South-East Asia. Colonel Gaddafi has been the leader of Libya since a coup in 1969 and the longest serving ruler in Libya history. Gaddafi is married to Sofija Farkaš from Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, who is his second wife. Gaddafi has eight biological children, seven of them sons. They are Muhammad al-Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam Muammar Al-Gaddafi, Saadi Gaddafi, Mutassim Gaddafi, Saif Al Arab, Khamis, Ayesha 2 al-Gaddafi, Hanna and Milad. Gaddafi's nepotism. Muhammad, the oldest son, dominated telecommunications, another son, Muatassim, was National Security Adviser, Hannibal was influential in maritime shipping specialized in oil exports, Khamis commanded a top military unit, while daughter Aisha ran a quasi-governmental organization. [Tehran Times] (内戦関連記事) ・Monday, 28 February, 2011: Feb 27 (Reuters) - Opponents of Muammar Gaddafi in eastern Libya said on Sunday they had formed a National Libyan Council, saying it was not an interim government but described it as the face of the revolution. A spokesman for the new council said he saw no room for any negotiation with Gaddafi's government. Opponents of Gaddafi, speaking in a news conference after a meeting to discuss forming a council that would support the movement to oust the Libyan leader, described an interim government announced by the former justice minister was his own "personal view". [Reuters] ・フランスがリビアとの外交関係を停止 Monday, 28 February, 2011: France has broken off its diplomatic relations with Libya to protest Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi regime's violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters. The French Foreign Ministry announced Saturday that its embassy personnel in the Libyan capital of Tripoli have been evacuated, DPA reported. In reaction to the Libyan government's brutal response to pro-democracy mass rallies, Botswana and Peru have also terminated ties with the North African country. The UN Security Council (UNSC) on Saturday imposed sanctions on Gaddafi and members of his inner circle and referred Gaddafi to the International Criminal Court. The 68-year-old Gaddafi, nine members of his family, and six other members of his clique will now face international travel bans. [Press TV] ●政治(国連制裁) 国連安全保障理事会は対リビア武器禁輸などを全会一致で可決。 Sunday, 27 February, 2011: The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted an arms embargo against Libya, a travel and assets ban on Moamer Gaddafi's regime and ordered a crimes against humanity investigation into the bloodshed. The council made a new demand for an immediate end to attacks on civilians by Mr Gaddafi's loyalists which it said had been incited "from the highest level of the Libyan government." The UN says more than 1,000 people have been killed in the unrest. The travel ban and assets will target the 68-year-old Libyan leader, seven of his sons and daughter Aisha, other family members and top defence and intelligence officials accused of playing a role in the bloodshed. [New York Times] (関連記事) ●政治(内戦) 「何の価値もなく無効だ」カダフィ大佐、国連決議を一蹴(産経新聞 2 月 28 日) ロイター通信によると、リビアの最高指導者、カダフィ大佐は27日、セルビアのテ 3 レビ局RTVピンクの電話インタビューに応じ、国連安全保障理事会が採択した対リビ ア制裁決議について、「何の価値もなく、無効だ」と一蹴した。インタビューでカダフ ィ大佐は「ある国が別の国に対して攻撃を行ったのでなければ、国連は内政に干渉する ことを許されていない」と反発した。さらに、国連安保理を「報道に基づいて決定を行 っている」と批判し、リビアで実際に調査するよう要求した。国連安保理は26日、カ ダフィ政権に「暴力の即時停止」を求め、カダフィ大佐やその家族らに資産凍結や渡航 禁止などを科す対リビア制裁決議を全会一致で採択していた。 カダフィ大佐はまた、「国民は私を支持している。反逆者の小さな集団は包囲されて おり、処分されることになる」と強気の姿勢を貫いた。セルビアのテレビ局は、大佐が リビアの首都トリポリの執務室でインタビューに応じたと伝えており、大佐は「私はこ こにいる。どこへも行ってはいない」として、政権を手放さない意志を改めて強調した。 ただし、反体制派はリビア東部地域に加え、トリポリの西約50キロのザーウィヤなど を制圧したと伝えられている。国連安保理決議は、デモ弾圧について国際刑事裁判所 (ICC)への付託を盛り込んでおり、今後、カダフィ政権は人道に対する罪に問われる ことになる。 ●政治(国連決議) 国連安保理のリビア制裁決議要旨(共同通信 2011.2.27) 国連安全保障理事会が26日採択したリビア制裁決議の要旨は次の通り。 ・情勢に深刻な懸念を表明し、暴力と民間人への武力行使を非難。 ・組織的で激しい人権侵害を非難し、民間人の死に深い懸念を表明。 ・暴力の即時停止と、国民の正当な要求に応える措置を要求。 ・リビア当局に最大の自制、人権と国際人道法の尊重を促す。 ・今回の事態を国際刑事裁判所(ICC)検察官に付託。ICC非加盟国は協力義務を 負わないものの、全ての国連加盟国に協力を促す。ローマ条約の規定によりICCは安 保理が要請すれば捜査を12カ月停止。 ・全加盟国は自国を出発、経由地とするリビアへの武器販売や移動をさせず、自国民の リビアからの武器調達を禁止。 ・全加盟国はカダフィ大佐と家族、軍幹部ら計16人の自国入国、通過をさせないため 必要な措置を取る。 ・全加盟国はカダフィ大佐と家族計6人が各国内で直接、間接に保有する全資産を遅滞 なく凍結する。 ・Sunday, 27 February, 2011: UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council moved as a powerful bloc Saturday to try to halt Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's deadly crackdown on protesters, slapping sanctions on him, his five children and 10 top associates. Voting 15-0 after daylong discussions interrupted with breaks to consult with capitals back home, the council imposed an arms embargo and urged U.N. member countries to freeze the assets of Gadhafi, his 4 four sons and his daughter. The council also backed a travel ban on the Gadhafi family and close associates, including leaders of the revolutionary committees accused of much of the violence against opponents. Council members additionally agreed to refer the Gadhafi regime's deadly crackdown on people protesting his rule to a permanent war crimes tribunal for an investigation of possible crimes against humanity. [Chron] ・Sunday, 27 February, 2011: Anti-government forces in Libya have decided to form an interim government in preparation for the eventual ouster of the country's strongman Muammar Gadhaffi. The interim government is lead by the former justice secretary of Libya who resigned a few days ago in protest of the mass killing of the people who are helpless and unarmed. Justice Minister Mustafa Mohamed Abud Al Jeleil who resigned Monday for what he termed as the "use of excessive force against protesters" by forces loyal to Gadhaffi, is being groomed as head of the interim government. Reuters/Yahoo news reports, "The formation of the interim government followed a meeting in Benghazi of "interim local leaderships in the eastern region," he said. [Digital Journal] ・Sunday, 27 February, 2011: About 100 people rallied near CNN’s downtown Atlanta headquarters Saturday to draw attention to violent efforts to put down the popular uprising in Libya. Libya’s strongman, Moammar Gadhafi, is accused of ordering brutal retaliations in the civil war, using mercenaries, military aircraft and anti-aircraft guns. Some foreign diplomats have said at least 1,000 people have been killed in the uprising. In Atlanta, Libyan-Americans and others waved the red, green and black Libyan flag and chanted “Down, down, with Gadhafi. Support human rights.” Drivers in passing cars honked their horns. “I’m here because this is not a struggle for Libya. It’s a struggle for everybody,” said Sameh Abdelaziz, who came to the United States from Egypt in 1988. “It’s very brave, people facing these airplanes and these guns.” [Atlanta Journal] ・Sunday, 27 February, 2011: ROME—Italy has suspended a treaty that forbids it from participating in any military action against the regime of Col. Moammar Gadhafi, according to Italy's defense minister, making it easier for Rome to participate in any potential peace-keeping mission to the North African country. "The treaty is de-facto no longer operational," Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa said in a phone interview on Saturday. Mr. La Russa said Italy no longer considered the treaty enforceable, because the popular uprising in Libya had weakened Col. Moammar Gadhafi's regime to the point that it could no longer uphold its end of the accord. "A treaty is in force if a counterpart exists," Mr. La Russa said, adding: "That doesn't seem to be the situation in Libya at the moment." [Wall Street Journal] ・Sunday, 27 February, 2011: After 42 years of Gaddafi's brutal dictatorship, no one seemed to be in control of anything, yet somehow in Tobruk everyday life continues. Last month Faisal Hassan was an insignificant labourer, eking out a meagre living in Colonel Gaddafi's Great 5 Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and resigned like everyone else to the colonel's crushing control of everyday life. Today, a revolutionary armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, he is in charge of an ammunition dump on the outskirts of Tobruk, ready to defend it with his last breath if Colonel Gaddafi launches an attack. "We expect him to send warplanes to bomb us and we are ready!" he said, pointing his gun at the sky to show how he would shoot at the colonel's jets. By the chaotic standards of "Free Libya", as the anti-Gaddafi forces call the massive expanse of their nation that is now out of the dictator's control, Mr Hassan's little unit was relatively well organised. [Telegraph] ●政治(米国) 米国が在リビア米国大使館を閉鎖。 Saturday, 26 February, 2011: Washington: The United States closed its embassy in Tripoli on Friday and imposed unilateral sanctions against Libya, including the freezing of billions in government assets, as the Obama administration made its most aggressive move against Col. Muammar el-Gaddafi since his security forces opened fire on protesters. Just minutes after a charter flight left Tripoli carrying the last Americans who wanted to leave Libya, officials markedly toughened the administration's words and actions against Colonel Gaddafi, announcing that high-ranking Libyan officials who supported or participated in his violent crackdown would also see their assets frozen and might, along with Colonel Gaddafi, be subject to war crimes prosecution. [NDTV] ●政治(米国の制裁措置) オバマ政権は米国のリビア資産を凍結。 Saturday, 26 February, 2011: WASHINGTON — The Obama administration froze assets of the Libyan government, leader Moammar Gadhafi and four of his children Friday, just hours after it closed the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli and evacuated its remaining staff. U.S. officials said announcements of the steps were withheld until Americans wishing to leave the country had departed as they feared Gadhafi might retaliate amid worsening violence in the North African country. The measures announced Friday ended days of cautious U.S. condemnation of Gadhafi that had been driven by concerns for the safety of U.S. citizens in Libya. They struck directly at his family, which is believed to have amassed great wealth over his four decades in power. [Chron] ●政治(内戦) トリポリで反カダフィ・デモ隊に傭兵が発砲。 Saturday, 26 February, 2011: Protesters demanding Muammar Gaddafi's ousting came under a hail of bullets when pro-regime militiamen opened fire to stop the first significant anti-government marches in days in the Libyan capital. The Libyan leader, speaking from the ramparts of a historic Tripoli fort, told supporters to prepare to defend the nation. Witnesses 6 reported multiple deaths from gunmen on rooftops and in the streets shooting at crowds with automatic weapons and even an anti-aircraft gun. "It was really like we are dogs," one man who was marching from Tripoli's eastern Tajoura district said. He added that many people were shot in the head, with seven people within 10 yards of him cut down in the first wave. Also, troops loyal to Mr Gaddafi attacked a major air base east of Tripoli that had fallen into rebel hands. [UK Press] (関連記事) Saturday, 26 February, 2011: (Ras Ijdir, Tunisia) - Libyan security forces and pro-government groups in the western city of Zawiyah have violently attacked anti-government protesters and Egyptian migrant workers, Human Rights Watch said today. Hundreds of Egyptian migrants crossed the border into Tunisia on February 25, 2011, joining thousands of other migrants who had been stranded there for three days awaiting assistance, Human Rights Watch said. "West of Tripoli in Zawiyah city, government security forces firing on demonstrators are causing bloodshed and chaos," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "Pro-Gaddafi thugs have terrorized Egyptian migrant workers, causing hundreds to flee to Tunisia." [HRW] ●エネルギー(その他) サイフ氏はカダフィ大佐が混乱に乗じて石油施設を破壊するのではないかとの報道を 否定。 Saturday, 26 February, 2011: The son of Libya's strongman Muammar Gadhaffi has denied reports that his father will destroy oil supply facilities in Libya in the wake of violent confrontation between government security forces and anti-government protesters. Saif al-Islam Gadhafi told CNN-Turk on Friday, "We will never demolish the sources of oil. They belong to the people," Saif said in an interview translated from English into Turkish on the CNN-Turk website. He said the Gaddafi family had no intention of fleeing Libya, and the government was in control of the west, south and centre of the country. "We have plans A, B and C. Plan A is to live and die in Libya. Plan B is to live and die in Libya. Plan C is to live and die in Libya," Saif said. [Digital Journal] ●政治(国連) シャルガム駐国連・リビア大使がカダフィ大佐の手からリビアを助けてほしい旨を懇願。 制裁を強化することを要請。 Saturday, 26 February, 2011: Libya’s ambassador to the United Nations appealed to the Security Council today to “save” his nation from the violence unleashed on protesters by leader Muammar Qaddafi and to impose sanctions on the regime. “Please UN, save Libya,” Ambassador Mohammed Shalgham said at a meeting of the Security Council. “I tell my brother Qaddafi, leave the Libyans alone.” Shalgham, a former Libyan foreign minister, was embraced 7 by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. Deputy Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo and other diplomats following his speech. He hugged Libya’s Deputy Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi, who denounced the regime earlier in the week and was crying as Shalgham’s speech ended. After the speech, Britain and France circulated a draft resolution that would freeze the assets and ban foreign travel of Qaddafi, his seven sons, his daughter, two cousins and 11 other government officials. [Bloomberg] (関連記事) ・Saturday, 26 February, 2011: Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Libya’s ambassador to the United Nations compared leader Muammar Qaddafi to Adolf Hitler in appealing to the Security Council yesterday to “save” his nation from violence being unleashed on protesters and impose sanctions on the regime. “Please United Nations, save Libya,” Ambassador Mohammed Shalgham said at a meeting of the Security Council. “I tell my brother Qaddafi, leave the Libyans alone.” Shalgham, a former Libyan foreign minister, was embraced by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. Deputy Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo and other diplomats following his speech. He hugged Libya’s Deputy Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi, who denounced the regime earlier in the week and was crying as Shalgham’s speech ended. After the speech, Britain and France circulated a draft resolution that would freeze the assets and ban foreign travel of Qaddafi, his seven sons, his daughter, two cousins and 11 other government officials. [Businessweek] ・Saturday, 26 February, 2011: (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Libya's deputy ambassador to the UN says thousands of people have been killed during protests, as unconfirmed reports have come in claiming the regime has used poison gas on demonstrators. Ibrahim Dabbashi, who has turned against the Gaddafi regime, said the death toll is expected to rise as Muammar Gaddafi continues his bloody crackdown against the opposition. "There are already thousands of people who have been killed, we expect more. They are gathering all the bodies and they are taking them to the desert or somewhere. No one knows where are the bodies of the victims," AFP quoted Dabbashi as saying. His comments came ahead of a UN Security Council meeting on the crisis in Libya. Dabbashi said the "psychologically unstable” Gaddafi has the choice between being killed or committing suicide. “He might seek to send some of his family members abroad but I believe he prefers to die in Libya because of his narcissistic character, he wants to act like a hero." [Abna] ・Saturday, 26 February, 2011: Abdurrahman Shalgam, an ally of Gaddafi since the pair were teenage radicals in the late 1950s, compared the leader's actions to those of Pol Pot and Hitler and backed the protesters in Tripoli. In an emotional speech to the UN Security Council in New York, Mr Shalgam, who had previously remained loyal, said: "Muammar Gaddafi is telling the Libyans 'either I rule you or I kill you'." He told the 15 members of the council, who are 8 considering an Anglo-French plan for sanctions against the Gaddafi regime: "We need a courageous resolution from you". Outside the chamber, he gave another speech in which he pleaded for the outside world to do something "within hours, not days" to stop the bloodshed in the country. [Telegraph] ●政治(難民問題) 中東混乱 伊に難民続々 「150万人流入」警戒(毎日新聞 2 月 25 日) チュニジア、エジプトからリビアへの民衆蜂起の飛び火を受け、地中海を挟み「対岸」 に位置する南欧諸国が難民・移民の流入に対する警戒を強めている。イタリアはリビア から「100万~150万人」 (マローニ内相)が押し寄せかねないとして欧州連合(E U、加盟27カ国)に支援を求めている。だが、北欧・中欧諸国の反応は鈍く、中東激 震でEUの「連帯」が揺らいでいる。 地中海に浮かぶイタリア領ランペドゥーサ島には13日以降、チュニジアから800 0人以上が漁船や船外機付きボートで漂着した。政変で国を追われた政治難民と、欧州 に職を求める不法移民だ。イタリア政府は約6500人を本土などの施設に移し、EU も聞き取り調査にあたる専門家などを派遣した。ランペドゥーサ島などイタリア沿岸部 への漂着者は07年まで年間2万人強で推移していたが、08年に約3万7000人に 増えた。ベルルスコーニ政権が09年に同島の収容施設を閉じて漂着船を追い返す措置 を取った結果、09年に約9600人となり、10年には3000人台にまで減ったと ころだった。 チュニジア政変に続きリビア情勢が悪化すれば、イタリアを目指して地中海を渡る難 民や不法移民が急増し、社会不安を招きかねない。懸念を見透かしたようにリビアの最 高指導者、カダフィ大佐は「反政府デモを支持すれば移民対策の協力をやめる」とEU に脅迫状を突き付けている。 グテーレス国連難民高等弁務官は欧州諸国に対して、リビアの内戦突入時などに発生 が想定される難民の保護を要請している。危機感を深めるイタリアなど南欧6カ国は2 4日、ブリュッセルで開かれたEU内相会議で「欧州全体の問題だ」(マローニ内相) と主張、「難民受け入れ基金」を新設して、他加盟国も負担を分担するよう提案した。 だが、内相会議では負担増を嫌う他加盟国から「現時点では難民の殺到は起きていない」 (デメジエール独内相)、「イタリアから他国への難民の振り分けには反対だ」(フェ クター・オーストリア内相)など南欧諸国に冷淡な発言が相次ぎ、EUとしての「一枚 岩」の対応は打ち出せなかった。 ●政治(内戦) スイス、カダフィ大佐一族の資産を封鎖(Wall Street Journal 日本版 2011 年 2 月 25 日) スイス政府は 24 日、同国内銀行に対しリビアの最高指導者カダフィ大佐の一族などが 保有する資産を封鎖する命令を出した。直ちに発効し、3 年間継続される。 銀行はこ 9 の間に、大佐や家族、さらには一部閣僚など 29 人について預金口座などを探せること になる。封鎖命令の対象には、不動産やぜいたく品も含まれる。 スイスが外国の指導 者の資産を封鎖したのは、この 1 カ月間でコートジボワール、チュニジア、エジプトに 続いて 4 件目。スイスは長い間、外国の腐敗した指導者が不正な資産を蓄財する安全な 逃避先だったが、最近ではこうした資産を速やかに封鎖するようになっている。 カダフィ政権は世界中に大量の資産を保有しているとみられており、リビアの政府系 投資ファンド(SWF)であるリビア投資局は英米に多額の資産を持っている。内部告 発サイトのウィキリークスが公開した米国の外交公電によると、リビア投資局は現金で 320 億ドル(約 2 兆 6200 億円)を保持し、ロンドンを中心に運用を行っているという。 ただ、大佐の一族の資産がどの程度スイスにあるのかは不明。2008 年にスイス警察 が大佐の息子と妻について、ジュネーブのホテルで使用人を殴打したとの容疑で逮捕し た。スイス当局はその後、息子と妻の取り調べを取り止めたが、その後、リビア政府は 同国がスイスの銀行に預けている資産をすべて引き揚げると表明したり、スイス人 2 人 を入国管理法違反で 1 年以上拘束するなど両国の関係はこじれていた。 ●政治(内戦) リビア無政府状態…部族ら割拠、原油輸出に懸念(Yomiuri Online2 月 25 日) 最高指導者カダフィ氏の独裁体制への抵抗運動が強まるリビアは、東部に続いて西部 でもカダフィ氏に反旗を翻す動きが相次ぎ、諸部族が割拠する事実上の無政府状態に陥 った。カダフィ氏は首都トリポリを死守する構えだが、混乱が広がる中、原油輸出への 影響のほか、かつてカダフィ体制下で開発が進んでいた大量破壊兵器の行方にも国際社 会の懸念が高まっている。AP通信などによると、首都西方のザウィアでも、1969 年にカダフィ氏が無血クーデターで倒したイドリス王政時代の国旗が街頭で目立つよ うになっている。王政時代の国旗は、すでに反体制派が制圧した東部では公然と掲げら れており、カダフィ現体制への反旗の象徴となっている。 カダフィ氏は、トリポリ周辺の西部部族を重用したため、王政時代に栄えた東部では、 早くからカダフィ体制への不満が強かった経緯がある。治安部隊との衝突が、東部ベン ガジでまず激化したのもそのためだ。ただ、諸部族も一枚岩ではない。東部には油井の 約半数が集中しているが、部族同士が石油権益を巡って対立する可能性もある。東部の 有力部族ズワイヤの指導者は、反体制デモ弾圧が続けば「石油輸出を停止する」と脅し、 石油を盾にする戦術をほのめかしている。 ●エネルギー(需給) リビア反政府勢力、一部主要石油ターミナルを管理下に 2011 年 02 月 25 日 リビアの反政府勢力が、首都トリポリの東にある主要な石油・石油製品ターミナルを 管理下に置いた。同地域の住民と連絡を取っているベンガジの住民が24日、ロイター に対し明らかにした。住民によると、ラスラヌフとマルサ・エル・ブレガにある石油・ 石油製品ターミナルは、反政府勢力によって守られている。 10 また、輸出は継続して いるものの、一部影響が出ている可能性もあるという。ターミナル関係者からは、これ ら情報に関する確認は得られていない。 ●政治(大量破壊兵器) 米国が恐れるリビアの化学兵器(Wall Street Journal 2 月 25 日) リビアのカダフィ政権は、マスタードガスや他の化学兵器物質を保有している。リビ ア情勢が混迷を深めるにつれ、それらが使用されるのではないかという懸念がワシント ンに広がっている。米当局者によると、カダフィ政権は旧式のスカッドBミサイルも保 持している。それ以外にもウランの粉末であるイエローケーキ 1000 トンや、カダフィ 大佐がスーダンやチャドのような国々に提供した大量の通常兵器を保有しているとい う。 現役および元米政府当局者らはインタビューで、リビアに対する米国の核不拡散の取 り組みは功を奏し、リビア政府による初期の核兵器プログラムを中止させ、スカッドC ミサイルを廃棄させたと語った。だがリビアの政情不安と独裁政権がつづくなか、米国 は残りの武器や化学物質に警戒し続けてきたという。ある政府当局者は、「カダフィの ような無分別な人間が、強力な武器を意のままにできることは問題だが、事態の沈静化 を図るために、彼がマスタードガスや化学兵器の使用に踏み切ったという情報はない」 と述べた。 ブッシュ前政権は 2003 年に、リビア政府に大量破壊兵器の廃棄を求め、その見返り に国交を正常化することで合意した。 ●経済(内戦の影響) リビアで大きな経済的損失、略奪や破壊で被害=中国商務省(ロイター2 月 25 日) 中国商務省は 24 日、反政府デモに対し武力弾圧が行われているリビアで、略奪や破 壊などにより中国系企業に大きな経済的被害が出ていることを明らかにした。同省はウ ェブサイト上で公表した声明で、27 の建設現場や宿泊施設が「攻撃を受け略奪された」 と説明。「中国はリビアで大規模な経済的損失を受けた。作業現場での略奪、車両や機 械の破壊・放火、オフィス設備の損壊、現金の盗難などが起きた」としている。具体的 な被害額には言及していない。数人が負傷したが、死者が出たとの報告はないという。 商務省によると、リビア在住の中国人は 3 万 6000 人で、中国企業 75 社が同国に進出し ている。 ●政治(内戦) 反カダフィ勢力が国営ラジオ局を占領し「自由のリビア」に改名。 Thursday, 24 February, 2011: SHAHHAT, Libya — Opponents of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi held a former state radio station in this town on Wednesday, which they had renamed Free Libya and clearly intended to keep. Stationed in front of the gate were burly guards with enormous machines guns and ammunition belts slung over their shoulders. Not far away, other armed men guarded an airport, and throughout the rebellious eastern half of this country, the 11 protesters set up checkpoints and flew the old Libyan flag. But at the radio station, Hamdi Zaidy, a former Libyan ambassador to Nigeria who has joined the antigovernment protesters, asked that any conversations about the state of the country be conducted outside of the building. [New York Times] (関連記事) ・カダフィ大佐がトリポリでの対反政府軍攻防のための準備を進めている。 Thursday, 24 February, 2011: BAIDA, LIBYA - Moammar Gaddafi tightened his grip on Libya's capital, Tripoli, on Wednesday, flooding the streets with militiamen and loyalist troops, as rebels consolidated their control of key eastern cities and continued advancing west across the coastal strip, where most of the country's population is clustered. By Wednesday evening, Libya appeared dangerously fractured, with Gaddafi's regime intent on fighting but its authority beyond Tripoli in doubt. In the capital, witnesses said regime loyalists roamed the streets, shooting opponents from SUVs. The opposition has called for a large protest Friday. Oil prices hit $100 a barrel because of the turmoil in the North African oil exporter, a peak not reached since 2008. In Washington and other capitals, attention turned to the possible responses, including economic sanctions or imposition of a no-flight zone over Libya to prevent the use of aircraft against civilians. [Washington Post] ●政治(ロッカビー事件) リビアの前法務大臣がロッカビー事件はカダフィ大佐が命じたものであるとのコメン トを明らかにした。スウェーデンのタブロイド新聞 Expressen が報じた。 Thursday, 24 February, 2011: (CNN) -- The Swedish tabloid Expressen reported Wednesday that Libya's former justice minister has accused Moammar Gadhafi of ordering the 1988 bombing of a jet over Lockerbie, Scotland, that killed 270 people. "I have evidence that Gadhafi ordered the Lockerbie," Mustafa Abdul Jalil is reported to have told the newspaper, though the article cited no specifics. The tabloid said the interview lasted about 40 minutes and was carried out Wednesday by Expressen reporter Kassem Hamade in Libya "in the local parliament in a major city." In the December 21, 1988, incident, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded in the air carrying 259 people. Everyone aboard and 11 people on the ground were killed. An investigation concluded that a bomb had been placed on the plane. [CNN] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ大佐の傭兵が葬式に参加している反政府側の人間を狙撃。 Thursday, 24 February, 2011: TRIPOLI: Snipers from Libya's government forces fired on mourners attending a funeral for slain protesters Saturday, killing at least 15 people as demonstrations calling for the ouster of President Moammar Gadhafi continued for the fifth straight day. Snipers targeted the thousands of people who were attending a mass funeral in Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city and the site of violent protests. The mourners had 12 gathered to honour the 35 protesters who were shot by government forces on Friday. Dozens of mourners were also injured, with many of the victims suffering from gunshot wounds to the head and chest. "Many of the dead and the injured are relatives of doctors here," an official at the local hospital told The Associated Press. "They are crying and I keep telling them to please stand up and help us." [The News] ●政治(内戦の影響) 何万人もの出稼ぎエジプト人が命からがらリビア国境から帰国の途に。 Thursday, 24 February, 2011: ON THE EGYPT-LIBYA BORDER—Tens of thousands of fearful Egyptians streamed into this lonely desert border post Tuesday, fleeing violence in Libya and carrying whatever they could manage. “Everybody is leaving,” said Mohamed Saad, 28, a lean, curly-haired construction worker who had spent roughly 12 hours on the road through northern Libya on an overnight drive from Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city. More than 1 million Egyptians live and work in Libya, and tens of thousands have fled the country overland in the past three days — by far the largest component of a mounting exodus of foreign nationals from the country, where dictator Muammar Gadhafi is fighting to hold on to power in the face of huge public resistance. [The Star] (関連記事) Thursday, 24 February, 2011: On Tuesday, the Libyan-Egyptian border was throbbing with traffic. One Egyptian soldier said it was the busiest day he's seen yet; but it had been consistently busy — with thousands crossing — for the past few days. The traffic consists mostly of Egyptian workers, many of whom express outrage over the atrocities of Libya's Muammar Gaddafi that they witnessed as they fled. "This man is a war criminal!" cries one Egyptian who had just crossed back into his country. "They were firing on people from planes." "We left at 5 a.m. this morning, we saw a lot of gunfire; a lot of killing," says another returnee, a construction worker who had arrived in a packed car full of his fellow countrymen from Tobruk, the Libyan city about 100 miles from the border. They had come from all parts of Libyan but car-pooled the final leg back home. "I saw them firing in Benghazi [Libya's second-largest city about 500 miles west of the border]. [Time] ●エネルギー(価格、需給) リビアの混迷が石油市場を不安定にさせている。 Thursday, 24 February, 2011: Unrest in Libya continues to wreak havoc on world oil markets, with prices soaring and European nations weighing how to offset disruptions in gas and crude imports from the North African country. As much as a quarter of Libya's oil production is now offline, along with all gas exports, according to reports. Most analysts expect interruptions to increase, especially with Muammar Qaddafi’s threat to blow up energy pipelines. While analysts agree that global oil and gas supplies are hardly at risk, as Libya accounts for only 2 13 percent of world oil output, countries like Italy, France, and Spain relied on Libya in 2010 for as much as 22 percent, 16 percent, and 13 percent of total crude consumption, respectively – a supply not easily replaced on short notice. Europe receives over 85 percent of Libya's crude exports. [Christian Science Monitor] Thursday, 24 February, 2011: Tobruk is a name that history has written in blood. This small port on the Mediterranean coast of Libya was ‘liberated’ three times during the desert war of Montgomery and Rommel. Each was an epic of resistance and sacrifice. Now, during this convulsion of democracy-hungry revolts which have come to be known as the Arab Spring, Tobruk has been liberated again. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi might still cling on to power in the distant capital, Tripoli. But in the eastern half of Libya his 41-year regime has been cast off. Since last week the streets here have been controlled by civilian militias and soldiers who have mutinied against Gaddafi’s often eccentric but always ruthless tyranny. I stood on the peaceful harbour front of Tobruk last night. There was no sound of even distant conflict, only that of local dogs. [Daily Mail] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ大佐、四面楚歌 腹心も離反 残るは一族、一部の軍(産経新聞 2 月 24 日) 【カイロ=大内清】リビアの最高指導者カダフィ大佐は、長年の「盟友」であるオベ イディ公安書記(公安相)にも離反され、四面楚歌(そか)に陥った。41年にわたり 同国を支配してきた独裁者に生き残りの手立ては残されているのか。「アブドルファッ ターフ・ユーニス(オベイディ公安相)はどこにいる? 裏切り者(反体制派)に殺さ れてしまったのだ!」カダフィ氏は22日の演説で何度も、1969年のクーデターで 政権を奪取した当時からの腹心であるオベイディ氏に言及した。そのオベイディ氏は数 時間後、北東部ベンガジからの声明で、「私は生きている」と反論。中東の衛星テレビ 局アルアラビーヤとの電話インタビューでは、カダフィ氏が自分を暗殺しようとし、間 一髪で命拾いしたとも明らかにした。この暗殺未遂が起きたとみられるのはカダフィ氏 の演説の前後。軍や部族に大きな影響力を持つオベイディ氏を恐れたカダフィ氏が排除 に動き、その責任を反体制派になすりつけようとした-との見方が一般的だ。しかし、 暗殺が失敗に終わったことは、逆に反体制派を勢いづかせる結果につながった。リビア の国営ジャマヒリヤ通信は23日、「オベイディ氏は反体制派に誘拐された」と報じ、 自発的な離反ではない、と火消しに回っている。孤立無援のカダフィ氏を支えるのは、 有力後継候補の次男サイフルイスラム氏ら一族のほか、なお忠誠を誓う一部軍部隊、外 国人傭兵(ようへい)ら。どれだけの戦力が残されているかは不明だが、カダフィ氏の 息子には、軍に影響力を持つ国家安全保障顧問の四男ムアタセム氏や、独自の部隊を持 つとされる七男ハミース氏などがいる。ただ、アルアラビーヤによれば、23日にはサ イフルイスラム氏の側近も辞任を表明した。部隊の任務放棄も続くとみられる。オベイ ディ氏によれば、ベンガジなどの住民は現在、軍から提供を受けた武器で武装。カダフ 14 ィ氏が退陣を拒否する中、リビアは内戦とさえいえる状況となっている。「彼は逃げた りしない。 (権力を手放すとすれば)自殺するか殺されるときだ」。40年以上にわたり 「右腕」としてカダフィ氏に付き従い、その性格を知り尽くすオベイディ氏はこうも語 り、本格的な戦闘が起きる可能性を示唆した。 ●政治(内戦) 各国は混乱状態の続くリビアから自国民のあらゆる脱出策を講じている。 Wednesday, 23 February, 2011: ROME — Governments around the world scrambled Tuesday to evacuate their citizens from an increasingly chaotic Libya, chartering military and civilian planes and, in the case of Britain and Turkey, mobilizing military ships. The British foreign secretary, William Hague, said in a statement that many of the hundreds of British citizens inside Libya were stuck “in Tripoli airport without immediate flights out of the country, following flight cancellations, closures of airspace and difficulties securing permits from the appropriate authorities.” Mr. Hague said that landing clearances were urgently being sought for a charter flight within 48 hours and that the frigate Cumberland had been sent toward Libya from the eastern Mediterranean “in case it is required to play a role in assisting British nationals.” [New York Times] (関連情報) ・Wednesday, 23 February, 2011: Britain is to send a Royal Navy frigate to Libyan waters to support efforts to evacuate Britons from the troubled country and has chartered a plane to fly to Tripoli to rescue stranded nationals. William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, said that as the Libyan state was collapsing it was necessary to have a military component to the rescue efforts. Foreign Office diplomats were trying to get permission last night for the chartered plane to land. Mr Hague said British nationals in Libya were facing "significant difficulties" in leaving the country. He said HMS Cumberland would be sent to international waters near Libya to assist and added: "We are making arrangements of a charter plane to travel to Libya in the next 48 hours. We are urgently seeking landing clearances and permissions from the Libyan government." [Telegraph] ・Thursday, 24 February, 2011: HONG KONG (MarketWatch) — China will attempt to rescue more than 30,000 nationals from Libya in the wake of the violent struggle that has gripped the North African nation, Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post reported Thursday. A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Tripoli reportedly said Chinese nationals, mostly construction workers, as well as other staff working for companies with operations in Libya, had been attacked as protests erupted there in the struggle against Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s regime. At least 15 people were seriously injured and were taken to a hospital, the report said. The newspaper also published a picture of the first batch of 83 Chinese workers to be rescued arriving in Egypt from Libya by bus. [Market Watch] 15 ・カダフィ大佐は「反政府勢力には屈さない。自分はリビアで殉教者となる」と宣言。 Wednesday, 23 February, 2011: Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi says anti-government protests will not force him out, and that he expects to die a "martyr" in Libya. Mr. Gadhafi spoke on Libyan state television Tuesday in his first detailed address to the country since the bloody wave of demonstrations began. He urged his supporters to help defend Libya against people he called "gangs" and "terrorists." Clenching a green book that appeared to be a guide to his political philosophy, he threatened the death penalty for anyone who takes up arms against Libya or engages in espionage. Also Tuesday, one of Mr. Gadhafi's closest associates, Interior Minister Abdel Fattah Younis, announced his defection and support for the "February 17 revolution." [VOA News] ・Wednesday, 23 February, 2011: As Libya's leader Muammar al-Qaddafi vowed today to escalate his campaign to crush the popular uprising that threaten his rule, the country's cadre of once loyal foreign envoys began offering up resignations and challenging the strongman's decision to crack down violently on civilians. In the past 24 hours, Libyan diplomats posted in the United States, the United Nations, the Arab League, Australia, Bangladesh, and Indonesia have either stepped down or broken ranks with what one Libyan envoy called the "dictatorship regime." But one prominent Libyan diplomat, Abdurraham Mohamed Shalgam, Libya's U.N. envoy, stood up for Libya's self-styled Leader and Guide of the Revolution even as he acknowledged his government's role in killing civilians. "I am still with Qaddafi. He is my friend," Shalgam, an old schoolmate of Qaddafi's and member of his inner circle, told reporters. "I am not one of those who would kiss his hands and his feet in the daytime and denounce him at night." [Foreign Policy] ●政治(エネルギー) ケリー上院議員がリビアで操業する全ての石油企業の操業を即座に停止するように呼 びかけ。 Wednesday, 23 February, 2011: (Reuters) - A burgeoning revolt in Libya led to a call from Senator John Kerry, who is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, for all oil companies to cease operations in the country immediately. Many U.S. oil companies have interests in Libya. The following are details of their exposure, based on their latest annual reports: CONOCOPHILLIPS: ConocoPhillips, the third-largest U.S. oil company, holds a 16.3 percent interest in Libya's Waha concessions, which encompass nearly 13 million gross acres. Net oil production from Libya averaged 45,000 barrels per day in 2009 -- or 2 percent of worldwide output -- down from 47,000 bpd in 2008. [Reuters] ・アラブ連盟はリビアが同連盟で活動することを停止させることを決定。 Wednesday, 23 February, 2011: Cairo - The Arab League on Tuesday suspended Libya from its sessions in light of violent crackdowns on anti-government protests, regional news network Al 16 Jazeera reported. The decision came at an emergency meeting held by the Arab League in Cairo to discuss the situation in Libya. Earlier on Tuesday, Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa spoke of 'Arab anger about what is happening to civilians in Libya.' The announcement came after Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi gave a televised speech saying he had no intention of stepping down and that 'any use of force against the authority of the state will be sentenced to death.' [M&C] ●政治(内戦) 宗教指導者がファトワでカダフィ大佐の蛮行は決して許されるものではないと非難。 Wednesday, 23 February, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya, Feb. 22 (UPI) - A cleric called for a fatwa Tuesday against embattled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, saying fighting his citizens "is not heroism." Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi, head of the International Union for Muslim Scholars, issued a fatwa on live television, urging the Libyan army to kill Gadhafi, the Los Angeles Times reported. [UA Port] ・リビア軍の戦闘機やヘリコプターが反政府活動を行なっている群衆に向けて射撃。 Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: SANAA, YEMEN - Libyan warplanes and helicopters fired from the air and loyalist militias fatally shot protesters in the streets as the government of Moammar Gaddafi fought back viciously Monday against demonstrations that appear to be fast eroding the autocrat's four-decade-long hold on power. In Tripoli, the capital, residents reported seeing heavily armed mercenaries hunting down demonstrators as buildings burned, looters ransacked police stations, and fighter jets and helicopter gunships rained ammunition from the skies. Senior Libyan officials and diplomats resigned in outrage over the attacks against civilians, while soldiers fled their units and joined the opposition. Ibrahim Dabbashi, Libya's deputy ambassador to the United Nations, accused Gaddafi of killing his own people and urged the international community to act against the regime. [Washington Post] ・Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi said he hadn’t fled the country as diplomats resigned and soldiers deserted in protest over a crackdown on anti-government protesters that has left hundreds dead. “I am here in Tripoli and not in Venezuela,” the Libyan leader said in comments broadcast on state TV. “Don’t believe the dog news agencies,” he said, leaning out of his car to speak into a microphone, while holding a white umbrella over his head. Qaddafi’s remarks came after his son threatened “rivers of blood” amid an eruption of violence that the International Federation for Human Rights says has killed more than 300 people. As oil prices surged to the highest in more than two years, Libya’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations accused his government of “genocide.” [Businessweek] ●政治(内戦) デモに戦闘機が空爆、カダフィ氏は退陣否定(毎日新聞 17 2 月 22 日) 中東の衛星テレビ、アルジャジーラによると、反政府デモが拡大した北アフリカ・リ ビアの首都トリポリや近郊都市で21日夕(日本時間22日未明)、戦闘機などが一斉 にデモ隊や市民に対する空爆を始めた。最高指導者カダフィ大佐は22日未明(日本時 間同午前)、国営テレビで演説し、国外逃亡や辞任を明確に否定。デモを徹底した武力 弾圧で封じ込める姿勢を改めて示した形だ。21日だけでトリポリで約250人が殺害 されたとの情報もあり、15日夜にデモが始まって以来、初の無差別虐殺が行われた模 様。一連の武力弾圧による死者は計500人近くに上った。閣僚が武力弾圧に抗議して 辞任を表明するなどカダフィ大佐への包囲網が狭まる中、英国のヘイグ外相が21日、 カダフィ氏がベネズエラに向かったとの情報があると言及。ベネズエラ政府高官が否定 するなど、国外脱出説が飛び交っていた。演説はこれに対する反論で、カダフィ氏は「私 は今から(トリポリ中心部の)緑の広場に行く。ベネズエラではなくトリポリにいるこ とを証明し、(逃亡情報を流した)テレビの報道を否定するためだ。彼らは犬だ」と語 った。演説は自宅前での生中継とされ、傘を差しながら約20秒語り、乗用車に乗り込 んだ。放送時、トリポリ市内では雨が降っていた。リビア国営テレビは21日夕、「治 安部隊がテロリストの住み家や妨害工作者に対する攻撃を始めた」と報道。アルジャジ ーラに証言した住民の話では、首都トリポリでは戦闘機や武装ヘリコプターが機銃掃射。 地上部隊は手りゅう弾や重火器を使ってデモ隊を攻撃した。西方の都市アズザウィーヤ や東方の都市ミスラタでも戦闘機や戦車で市民が攻撃されたという。トリポリ空港には 外国人雇い兵を乗せたとみられる航空機が到着したとの情報もあり、虐殺はエスカレー トする恐れがある。 (関連記事) ・Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: SANAA, YEMEN - Libyan warplanes and helicopters fired from the air and loyalist militias fatally shot protesters in the streets as the government of Moammar Gaddafi fought back viciously Monday against demonstrations that appear to be fast eroding the autocrat's four-decade-long hold on power. In Tripoli, the capital, residents reported seeing heavily armed mercenaries hunting down demonstrators as buildings burned, looters ransacked police stations, and fighter jets and helicopter gunships rained ammunition from the skies. Senior Libyan officials and diplomats resigned in outrage over the attacks against civilians, while soldiers fled their units and joined the opposition. Ibrahim Dabbashi, Libya's deputy ambassador to the United Nations, accused Gaddafi of killing his own people and urged the international community to act against the regime. [Washington Post] ・Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi said he hadn’t fled the country as diplomats resigned and soldiers deserted in protest over a crackdown on anti-government protesters that has left hundreds dead. “I am here in Tripoli and not in Venezuela,” the Libyan leader said in comments broadcast on state TV. “Don’t believe the dog news agencies,” he said, leaning out of his car to speak into a microphone, while holding a 18 white umbrella over his head. Qaddafi’s remarks came after his son threatened “rivers of blood” amid an eruption of violence that the International Federation for Human Rights says has killed more than 300 people. As oil prices surged to the highest in more than two years, Libya’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations accused his government of “genocide.” [Businessweek] (関連記事) リビアから退避する外国企業が相次ぐ ・Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: The federal government is considering evacuating Australians from Libya as the violence there intensifies. Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Tuesday said the estimated 80 Australians believed to be in the North African country should get out. "We are starting to canvass evacuation options should that be necessary," she told reporters in Canberra. Advertisement: Story continues below The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has lifted its Libya travel warning to the highest "Do No Travel" level as deadly clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces rage into a second week. "Australians are advised to avoid all travel to Libya because of the volatile and uncertain security situation," DFAT said. [SMH] ・Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: European countries sent planes and ferries to Libya on Monday to evacuate their citizens, and some oil and gas companies pulled their foreign staff out and suspended operations, as anti-government protests spread to Tripoli for the first time. Passengers returning Monday night to Rome aboard an Alitalia aircraft from Tripoli said they had heard gunfire through the night in the Libyan capital, but an eerie silence had blanketed the city as they drove to the airport in the morning. “We had civilians with guns on every corner, so it is not safe at all,” said Zoran Siljak, a Serbian working in Libya for a paint company. “Last night, there were shots through the night, there was fighting in the streets.” Italy hadn’t ordered any evacuations for the estimated 1,500 Italians in Libya, but state-owned Alitalia was sending in larger aircraft on its routes to accommodate increased demand, a spokesman said. [Wall Street Journal] ・Monday, 21 February, 2011: LONDON (AFP) – British energy giant BP was on Monday making preparations to evacuate some of its staff from Libya amid escalating unrest in the country, a spokesman told AFP. "We're just monitoring the situation and making preparations to evacuate some of the families, and some non-essential staff in the next day or two," said the spokesman. The company has about 140 staff in the country, about 40 of whom are expatriates, he said. [AFP] ●政治(米国・リビア関係) 米国が大量殺戮を行なうカダフィ大佐を非難。 19 Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: The United States has condemned the violence against anti-government protesters in Libya and called on Moammar Gadhafi's government to stop the "unacceptable bloodshed" taking place in the North African nation. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday the world is watching events unfold in Libya "with alarm." Her statement came amid reports from the Libyan capital, Tripoli, that helicopters and warplanes were besieging parts of the city and foreign mercenaries had begun to open fire on protesters. Qatar's prime minister told the satellite television channel Al Jazeera the international community must act immediately to end the crackdown. Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabr al-Thani called for an Arab League meeting Tuesday to discuss the crisis in Libya. [VOA] ●エネルギー(石油、天然ガス) BP はリビアの内戦状況を受けて試掘井掘削を延期。 Monday, 21 February, 2011: (Reuters) - BP PLC (BP.L) has suspended preparations for exploratory drilling for oil and gas in western Libya due to growing unrest in the north African country, a spokesman for the British energy giant said on Monday. The company does not produce any oil or gas in Libya but has been readying an onshore rig to start drilling for fuel in the west of the country. "We are looking at evacuating some people from Libya, so those preparations are being suspended but we haven't started drilling and we are years away from any production," the spokesman said. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) 駐インド・リビア大使と駐中国・リビアの外交官がカダフィ大佐によるリビアでの混乱 を非難して辞任。 Monday, 21 February, 2011: New Delhi: Reports suggest that Libya's ambassador to India and a senior Libyan diplomat to China have resigned in protest at their government's violent crackdown on demonstrators calling for the ouster of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. The BBC on its Arabic service website has reported that Ali al-Essawi, the Ambassador to India, has also accused the government of deploying foreign mercenaries against the protesters. There has been no immediate response from the Libyan embassy in New Delhi or the Ministry of External Affairs. [NDTV] ●政治(中東) トルコが自国民救出のため救出チームを派遣。 Monday, 21 February, 2011: Turkey sent a relief team and foodstuff to the Libyan city of Benghazi Monday to help Turks living there as unrest swept the country, local media reported. A plane, which carried a five-member team sent by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including two doctors and a nurse, and food aid from Turkish relief agency Red Crescent, was scheduled to take off from Istanbul's Ataturk Airport early Monday morning, the semi-official Anatolia news agency said. Turkey has evacuated 581 of its citizens from Libya and additional 20 flights will be sent to bring back some 3,000 Turks, the foreign ministry was cited as saying. [People Daily] ●政治(内戦) サイフ氏が「もし内戦になったらリビアは計り知れないダメージを追う」と警告。 Monday, 21 February, 2011: Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam, has warned that civil war could hit the country. His comments came in a lengthy TV address to the nation broadcast as anti-government protests spread to the capital Tripoli. He offered significant political reforms, and admitted that the police and army had made "mistakes", but said the death toll was lower than reported. Human Rights Watch says at least 233 people have died since last Thursday. It urged governments to tell Libya to stop the unlawful killing of protesters amid accounts of authorities using live ammunition against them. Earlier reports said Col Gaddafi had fled Libya, prompting crowds to come out on to the streets of Tripoli to celebrate, but his son told state TV viewers that his father remained in Libya "leading the battle". On Sunday evening, witnesses spoke of tear gas and live ammunition being used against protesters by the security forces. [The Nation] ●政治(内戦) 反政府勢力が制圧、リビア東部の現在(CNN.co.jp 2 月 22 日) 反政府勢力が制圧したとみられるリビア東部に 21 日、CNN のベン・ウィーデマン 記者が入り、街の様子などを取材した。西側のテレビ局が現地入りしたのはデモ発生以 来初めて。同地では、民間人の服装をした集団が拳銃や機関銃を装備し、通りで警戒に 当たっている。政府軍を退却させた反政府勢力は、一定の秩序を保つために委員会を設 置した。反政府勢力の指導者を名乗る人物は、同地の軍司令官と接触しており、軍の大 部分が反政府勢力に加わったと話している。近郊の砂漠では、軍が撤退する際に火を放 ったとみられる弾薬が燃えていた。反政府勢力側は、同国最高指導者カダフィ大佐を支 持する部隊が同地奪還の動きに出ることを警戒、武装した人員を配置しているという。 商店などの多くは 21 日現在も営業しており、市民生活は一見、平常に近い状態に見 える。しかし道路には帰国を目指すエジプト人のものとみられる車が連なっており、国 境警備隊によれば、同日までに約 1 万 5000 人がエジプトへ出国したという。リビアの デモは、チュニジアとエジプトで政権を崩壊させた反政府デモに触発されて始まった。 しかしカダフィ大佐はこの両国以上に強硬な姿勢を示している。 ●エネルギー(原油価格) 石油各社が退避の動き=輸出に支障も(時事通信 2 月 22 日) リビア情勢の緊迫化を受け、石油関連各社が同国から退避する動きを見せている。石 油輸出国機構(OPEC)に加盟する同国からの原油輸出に支障が出るとの見方などから、 国際原油相場は高騰。北海ブレント原油の中心限月は 21 日、1 バレル=105 ドル台に 上昇し、約 2 年 5 カ月ぶりの高値を付けた。 21 独化学大手 BASF の石油・ガス関連会社ウィンターシャルは同日、リビアから従業 員らを退避させ、原油生産(日量約 10 万バレル)の停止を検討していることを明らか にした。同社広報担当者は時事通信に対し、「安全が最優先だ」と語った。イタリアの 石油・ガス大手 ENI は、従業員の家族や一部社員らをリビアから避難させ始めたとす る声明を発表した。同国での操業は通常通り行われているものの、安全対策を強化する 方針としている。複数のメディアによれば、ノルウェーのエネルギー大手スタトイルや 英・オランダ系石油大手ロイヤル・ダッチ・シェルなども、一部従業員らをリビアから 退避させている。 このほか、英 BP はリビアで進めていた試掘準備作業を一時中断した。 同社のダドリー最高経営責任者(CEO)は英メディアに対し、 「われわれは(リビア情 勢を)注視している」と述べた。 ●政治(欧州・リビア関係) 実力行使、即時停止を=「デモ隊弾圧」とリビア非難―EU(時事通信 2 月 22 日) 欧州連合(EU)は 21 日、外相理事会を開き、リビアに対して反政府デモ隊への実力 行使を直ちに停止するよう呼び掛ける声明を採択した。声明は「デモ参加者弾圧を非難 する」とした上で、国民が示している改革への要求に「包括的で開かれた国民対話」を 通じて応えるべきだと訴えた。声明は、中東・北アフリカ諸国の民主化や経済振興に対 する EU の支援も表明。アシュトン外交安全保障上級代表(EU 外相)によると、EU は支援策の具体化に向け、欧州投資銀行(EIB)を交えた協議を重ねる。 ●政治(内乱) リビアで軍の一部が反体制派支持に、イエメンなどもデモ拡大(ロイター2 月 21 日) 北アフリカのリビアで、デモ隊と治安部隊の衝突で多くのデモ参加者が死亡したことを 受け、同国軍の部隊メンバーは、治安部隊から離脱し、第2の都市ベンガジを解放した と述べた。ベンガジの住人2人が20日、ロイターに語ったところによると、軍の部隊 の1つである「サンダーボルト」のメンバーが、数日にわたる衝突を受け、反体制派側 に回った。中東の衛星テレビ局アルジャジーラが、匿名の関係筋の話として伝えたとこ ろによると、トリポリの緑の広場で、数千人の反体制デモ参加者がカダフィ大佐支持派 と衝突した。ベンガジの住人2人は、「サンダーボルト」部隊のメンバーが、カダフィ 大佐の護衛との衝突で負傷した兵士を現地の病院に運んだと述べた。地元の弁護士によ ると、彼らはカダフィ大佐の護衛を制圧し、反体制派に加わったと述べているという。 地元の病院関係者によると、20日1300GMT(日本時間午後10時)以降に、少 なくとも50人が死亡し、100人が重傷を負っている。人権団体ヒューマン・ライツ・ ウォッチは、19日から20日にかけて84人が死亡し、死者数は20日朝までに17 3人に達したとしている。 (関連記事) Sunday, 20 February, 2011: At least 15 people were killed on Saturday when snipers reportedly opened fire at the crowd of mourners in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, bringing the 22 overall death toll in six days of protests to 100. A doctor at a Benghazi hospital told Al Jazeera that his hospital received at least 15 dead bodies bearing "bullet injuries from high-velocity rifles." The shooting took place during a funeral procession. "All are very serious injuries, involving the head, the chest and the abdomen. All are civilians aged from 13 to 35, no police or military injuries," he said. "Absolutely a shoot-to-kill policy." Sky News said, however, that the number of deaths might be at about 120. "Exiled Libyan opposition groups claim up to 120 people have been killed in Libya," the channel said. [RIAN] ●政治(内政) リビア反政府デモ、5 日目に突入。西部にも拡大の兆し(CNN.co.jp2 月 20 日) リビアのカダフィ大佐の長期強権支配に反発する抗議デモは 19 日、発生から 5 日目を 迎えた。同国第 2 の都市、東部ベンガジでは軍兵士らがデモ隊に発砲し、30 人以上が 死亡したとの情報もある。デモはさらに同国西部にも拡大している模様だ。ベンガジ市 内の病院の医師が匿名で語ったところによると、デモ隊は上空のヘリコプターから銃撃 を受け、頭部を撃たれるなどして少なくとも 30 人が死亡した。これとは別に、同市の 裁判所前広場や大通り沿いで、前日に死亡した 11 人の葬儀の列と軍兵士が衝突。目撃 者らによると、軍が催涙ガスや銃で攻撃したのに対し、参列者側は投石や手投げ弾で反 撃した。一方、首都トリポリ東郊のミスラタの情報筋によると、同市ではこの日、デモ 隊と治安部隊との衝突で少なくとも 3 人が死亡、70 人が負傷した。同様の反政府デモ はアルバイダ、アジダビヤなどの都市でも報告されている。 同国の事情に詳しい匿名の在外リビア人によると、東部一帯では部族の勢力が強く、警 官や軍兵士らも同じ部族に属しているため、当局の取り締まりが及びにくい構造になっ ている。当局はデモ鎮圧に向け、地元部族とのつながりを持たない特殊部隊を送り込ん でいるという。各地のデモの状況については、当局が CNN からの問い合わせに応じな いうえ、通信を厳しく規制しているため、詳細は依然として確認できていない。CNN が電話取材などで入手した情報によると、同国では 19 日現在、インターネット接続や 携帯電話によるメッセージのやり取りは遮断され、国際電話の発信もできなくなってい る。国営テレビはトリポリ市内でカダフィ大佐を支持する勢力が集会を開いたとのニュ ースを詳しく伝え、19 日には、反政府勢力が病院や銀行、警察本部に放火するなどの 破壊行動を繰り返し、治安部隊が数十人を拘束したと報じた。当局は、デモの背後に外 国勢力の扇動があると主張している。 (関連記事) ・ベンガジで捕らえられたサブ・サハラ出身と思われる外国人傭兵はカダフィ大佐の子 供であるカミスに雇われたことを白状。 Sunday, 20 February, 2011: Embattled Libyan leader Muammar Kadafi has flown in hundreds of mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa to quash protests threatening his 41-year-old regime, the Al Arabiya network reported Saturday, quoting witnesses to the arriving foreign recruits. 23 Protesters in Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city and an anti-Kadafi stronghold, captured some of the imported gunmen, the news agency said. The captured French-speaking mercenaries admitted to having been recruited by Kadafi's son, Khamis, to confront the unrest threatening to topple one of the region's longest-reigning regimes, Al Arabiya reported. The agency said witnesses reported seeing four planes carrying mercenaries land in Benina International Airport near Benghazi. The British-based website jeel.libya.net reported earlier that several planes carrying foreign recruits in Libyan army uniforms landed at a military airport near Tripoli. The crackdown on anti-Kadafi demonstrators has resulted in at least 84 deaths, the New York-based Human Rights Watch reported from sources in the region. [LA Times] ・Sunday, 20 February, 2011: There are reports at least 15 people have been killed after Libyan security forces opened fire at a funeral, as the regime struggles to suppress an uprising against veteran ruler Muammar Gaddafi. It brings the estimated death toll in the country since the unrest began to almost 100. The brutal crackdown comes as a wave of protests sweep through the Arab world, including Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq, Alergia, Tunisia and Kuwait. With foreign journalists banned from entering Libya and internet and mobile phone communications frequently cut, reports on the violence have been sketchy, with some protesters relying on YouTube to publish images of the clashes. [ABC] ・Sunday, 20 February, 2011: TRIPOLI, Feb 20 (Reuters) - Libya forces have killed dozens of protesters in the eastern city of Benghazi in the latest violence to threaten Muammar Gaddafi's authority, with national Muslim leaders appealing for an end to the growing death toll. Before the latest reports of deaths, Human Rights Watch said 84 people had been killed over three days in a fierce security crackdown mounted in response to anti-government protests that seek to emulate uprisings in neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia. Britain's Independent on Sunday said the body count in Benghazi may be as high as 200. "Dozens were killed ... not 15, dozens. We are in the midst of a massacre here," a witness told Al Jazeera television. The man said he helped take the victims to hospital in Benghazi, Libya's second city. [Reuters] ●政治(米国・リビア関係) 19 日、ホワイト・ハウス前で約 200 名のデモ隊がリビアで続くデモ参加者への残虐行 為をやめさせるべくオバマ大統領に訴える行動を起こした。 Sunday, 20 February, 2011: Washington (CNN) -- About 200 people demonstrated in front of the White House on Saturday challenging President Obama to help end recent violence in Libya. The group was responding to reports of bloody clashes between protesters and soldiers in the isolated North African nation. Malik Sahad, who helped organize the event outside the White House, said Libyans are now smuggling stories to the outside world via social media, essentially creating their own news coverage in hopes that the international community will step in. "We have people that are risking their lives, who are finding ways to send their messages, their 24 videos, their recaps, their recounts of what's been going on," Sahad said. "They're asking us, 'Where is the media? Where is the rest of the world? We don't have cameramen down here. We don't have Anderson Cooper down here. We don't have people on the ground level to give us support and to show the rest of the world what we've been going though.'" [CNN] ●政治(内戦) 死者 46 人、騒乱深刻化=カダフィ体制最大の危機(時事通信 2 月 19 日) エジプトから北アフリカのリビアに飛び火した反政府運動は 18 日、北東部のベイダ で武装した反体制派と治安部隊との戦闘が伝えられたほか、ベイダに近い第 2 の都市ベ ンガジでも数千人が弾圧に抗議する反政府デモを行い、ラジオ局が放火されるなど騒乱 状態が深刻さを増している。国際人権団体アムネスティ・インターナショナルは 18 日、 同日までの 3 日間で死者が少なくとも 46 人に上ったとの見方を明らかにした。全土で 数万人がデモに加わっていると伝えられており、最高指導者カダフィ大佐は 1969 年の 無血クーデターで権力を掌握して以来、最大の危機に直面している。 (関連記事) ・Saturday, 19 February, 2011: Cairo/Tripoli - Renewed protests turned violent across Libya on Friday, with opposition activists saying dozens were shot dead during funerals and marches for those killed in anti-government demonstrations earlier this week. The protests against the rule of Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi had spread to the capital Tripoli by late Friday night. Witnesses reported people taking to the streets in a number of western neighbourhoods. Sources from northeastern city of Benghazi told the German Press Agency dpa that 25 protesters were killed there Friday. There was no independent or official confirmation. Residents of Benghazi also reported that police there had been replaced with military troops. [M&C] ・リビア政府側は高まる反政府運動に対抗して Facebook など全てのインターネットサ イトを閉鎖。 Saturday, 19 February, 2011: In response to rising anti-government protests in Libya, leaders have started to cut off citizens' access to Facebook and other Internet sites. The folks over at Center Networks pose an interesting question: what happens to all those companies that have no business in Libya but use the .ly suffix in their domain names? Link-shortening service Bit.ly is probably the most prominent one, but there are others like Deck.ly, which shortens links so they can be posted on Tweetdeck, and Embed.ly, which turns links into more interesting embeddable content by putting images and other material around them. [SF Gate] (関連記事) リビアでアルジャジーラの放送妨害、ウェブサイトも遮断(ロイター2 月 19 日) カタールに拠点を置く中東の衛星テレビ局アルジャジーラは18日、反体制デモが続く リビアで、放送信号が妨害され、同局ウェブサイトも遮断されたと発表した。リビアで は同日、治安部隊の強制排除に抗議する大規模なデモが行われ、中東バーレーンでも、 25 治安部隊がデモ隊に発砲し、60人以上の負傷者が出た。 国際人権団体アムネステ ィ・インターナショナルは、18日までの3日間でリビア治安部隊の強制排除による死 者が少なくとも46人に上ったと発表した。アルジャジーラはリビアやバーレーン、イ エメンで発生している反体制デモを、デモ隊や政府支持派に電話で接触するなどして報 道。インターネットを通して送られた現場の映像も放送している。1996年に設立さ れたアルジャジーラは、同局ウェブサイトによると400人を超える記者が60カ国以 上で取材活動を行い、100カ国以上の2億2000万世帯で視聴可能だという。 ●政治(内政) 死者24人に…反体制デモ、7都市に拡大(毎日新聞 2 月 18 日) 北アフリカのリビアで続く大規模な反体制デモは、イスラム教徒による金曜礼拝が行わ れる18日午後も計画されており、さらなる流血の事態も予測される。一方、ムバラク 政権が崩壊したエジプトでも金曜礼拝に合わせ「勝利の行進」と銘打つ大集会が全国各 地で行われた。参加者は民主化への誓いを新たにし、政権崩壊までのデモで犠牲になっ た365人を追悼した。この日はバーレーンやイエメンでも引き続きデモがあった。 リビアで最高指導者カダフィ大佐の退陣を求めるデモは、反体制派ウェブサイトなどに よると16日の発生以来、首都トリポリや第2の都市ベンガジを含む7都市に拡大した。 国際人権団体ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(本部ニューヨーク)によると、17日ま でに治安部隊による弾圧などで少なくとも24人が死亡した。ベンガジの男性住民は毎 日新聞に「戦場のようだ。治安部隊は実弾を発砲している」と語った。 (関連記事) Friday, 18 February, 2011: CAIRO — Libyan security forces killed at least 24 people in a violent crackdown on anti-regime demonstrations during a "Day of Anger" against strongman Moamer Kadhafi, Human Rights Watch said Friday. The New York-based rights group, citing witnesses, said 24 protesters were killed and scores injured during Thursday's assaults on protests in two Libyan cities. "The authorities should cease the use of lethal force unless absolutely necessary to protect lives and open an independent investigation into the lethal shootings," HRW said in a statement. [AFP] ●内政(騒乱) リビアで大規模デモ 「怒りの日」14人死亡(産経新聞 2 月 17 日) チュニジア、エジプトの政権を転覆させた民衆による反政府デモの波が、中東・北アフ リカの産油国を揺るがしている。最高指導者カダフィ大佐(68)による独裁が40年 以上続くリビアではこれまでに少なくとも14人が、ペルシャ湾岸のバーレーンでも少 なくとも5人が死亡、デモが終息に向かうかは不透明だ。両国の不安定化は原油価格に 直結するほか、米国の中東政策にも大きな影響を与えるだけに、米欧各国は両国の情勢 に懸念を表明している。リビアでは、反政府デモ発生から3日目の17日、 「怒りの日」 と銘打たれたデモが複数の都市で行われた。首都トリポリなどでは体制支持派も数千人 26 規模で集会を開いた。デモの「発火点」となったのは、第2の都市のベンガジ。イスラ ム主義勢力の地盤で、反政府感情が強いとされる土地だ。ベンガジでは15日、200 6年に起きたイタリア領事館への襲撃に対する取り締まりで殺害された同勢力メンバ ーの家族が、メンバーを支援する弁護士の釈放を求め座り込みを始めたのを契機にデモ が拡大した。当局はこの要求に応じるなどして沈静化を図ったが、AP通信によると、 同市東部ベイダなどでは16日、デモ隊と治安部隊の衝突で少なくとも14人が死亡し た。トリポリ南部のゼンタンでも同日、数百人が警察署に放火した。当局は電話の一部 を遮断したり、報道を規制したりしてデモの押さえ込みを図っているもようだ。リビア との経済関係が深い欧州連合(EU)は16日、リビア政府に国民の言論の自由を認め るよう促す一方、デモ隊と政府双方に自制を呼びかけた。 (関連記事) Thursday, 17 February, 2011: (New York) - Libyan Internal Security forces have arrested at least 14 people as protests began in connection with peaceful demonstrations planned for February 17, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The Libyan authorities should immediately free all activists, writers, and protesters detained solely for their role in preparing for the February 17 protest and allow Libyans the right to protest peacefully, Human Rights Watch said. On the evening of February 15, authorities used teargas and batons, as well as attackers in street clothes, to disperse protesters in Benghazi, Libya's second largest city, injuring 14 people, the online daily Quryna reported. Sources in Libya told Human Rights Watch that one person was killed in the ensuing violence. [HRW] ●内政(騒乱) リビアで民衆と警察・政府支持派が衝突、14 人負傷=(2 月 16 日(水)ロイター) リビア東部の主要都市ベンガジで15日夜から16日にかけて人権運動家の逮捕に抗 議する民衆が、警察や政府支持派と衝突した。地元メディアが伝えた。 リビア国営テレビはこれとは別に、同国の最高指導者で事実上の元首であるカダフィ大 佐を支持する行進が全土で行われたと伝えている。 ベンガジに拠点を置くリビアの民間紙 Quryna(電子版)によると、衝突はすでに終息 したが、これにより警官10人を含む14人が負傷した。 (関連記事) ・Thursday, 17 February, 2011: CAIRO -- The anti-government protest wave unleashed in Tunisia and Egypt swept into Libya, where demonstrators battled security forces in a rare public outpouring of anger at longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi, according to news reports and Internet posts and videos Wednesday. The tumult in Bengazi, Libya's second largest city, came as anti-government protests grew in the Persian Gulf kingdom of Bahrain and in Yemen, where one person was killed in a clash with police in the southern port of Aden. In Egypt, meanwhile, scattered labor unrest flared five days after the ouster of former President Hosni Mubarak. 27 Activists called for major protests Friday to maintain pressure on the ruling military council to enact promised reforms. [Miami Herald] ・Thursday, 17 February, 2011: Muammar al-Gaddafi is under pressure as the wave of protests occurring across the Middle East is sweeping towards Libya. As one of the longest serving rulers in history, he has held his post as the north African country’s leader since 1969. In his first speech since Egyptian protesters made news around the world as Hosni Mubarak resigned, Gaddafi asserted his support for Palestinian refugees. "All Arab states which have relations with Israel are cowardly regimes." He also expressed his disapproval of the Western powers. "The white color has decided to get rid of the green color," Gaddafi also said, referring to the Western powers of the US, Europe and allies as “white” and the Muslim world as “green.” [Thirdage] ●政治(内政) Amnesty International がリビア政府に平和裏に事態を収束させるよう要請。 Thursday, 17 February, 2011: Amnesty International is calling on the Libyan government to end its clampdown on peaceful political activists after violence erupted at demonstrations in the city of Benghazi following the arrest of activists ahead of a protest planned for Thursday. Hundreds of people took part in demonstrations on Wednesday following the arrests of Fathi Terbel and Fraj Esharani, both members of the Abu Salim families’ organising committee set up by relatives of victims of a prison massacre in 1996, and three other activists. They were leading calls for a major demonstration on 17 February in support of calls for far-reaching political reforms, inspired by similar protests in Tunisia and Egypt. [Amnesty] ●政治(内政) ベンガジからの報道によれば、政府を批判する法律家などの逮捕によって不安定な状況 はますます悪化している。 Wednesday, 16 February, 2011: There are reports of protests in the Libyan city of Benghazi. Eyewitnesses told the BBC that the unrest had been triggered by the arrest of a lawyer who is an outspoken critic of the government. The lawyer was later said to have been released, but the demonstrations reportedly continued. Pro-democracy protests have swept through several Arab countries in recent weeks, forcing the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt from power. There is no independent confirmation of the protests in Benghazi, but eyewitnesses say that at one stage some 2,000 people were involved. [BBC] ●エネルギー(石油) ロシアの Gazprom は ENI の保有する Elephant 油田へ参入することを表明。Eni がシベリ アでの資源開発に参入する案件との交換ディール。 Wednesday, 16 February, 2011: Russian energy giant Gazprom will join the Elephant oilfield in Libya in an asset-swap deal with Italian energy company Eni on Wednesday, Russian presidential aide Sergei Prikhodko said on Tuesday. Under the deal, Gazprom is to take half of 28 Eni's stake in the deposit or a total of 33% in the project. In exchange, Eni will be allowed to take part in projects to develop northwest Siberian assets owned by the Arctic Gas company. Prikhodko said the document will be signed in Rome during the visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The Elephant oilfield, which has recoverable reserves of around 700 million barrels, is located in Murzuq Basin in the southwestern Libyan desert, about 800 km (465 miles) south of Tripoli. The deposit, also known as the El Feel oilfield, was discovered in 1997. [RIAN] (関連記事) Thursday, 17 February, 2011: ROME (AP) — Italy's Eni oil and natural gas company has reached a deal to hand over half of its 33 percent stake in Libya's Elephant oilfield to Russia's Gazprom. Eni says the deal worth $170 million was signed in Rome Wednesday by Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni, in the presence of Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The deal is still to be approved by Libyan authorities. The two companies also agreed to sign by Feb. 28 a sale agreement for gas production in the Siberian fields of Severenergija. The Italian-Russian partnership includes the launch of South Stream pipeline, which will carry gas from Russia to the European Union. [Bloomberg] ●政治(内政) カダフィ大佐がエジプト騒乱の事態がリビアに飛び火することを懸念して反体制派の Jamal al-Hajji 氏を拘束。同氏がインターネットで反政府抗議行動を呼びかけたことが拘 束の理由。 Monday, 14 February, 2011: (TRIPOLI, Libya) -- After weeks of protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square led to the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, reports say Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi fears his country may soon face similar protests. Last week, Gaddafi used his security forces to detain political opponent Jamal al-Hajji for posting a message online urging people to protest the government. The message told the public to begin peacefully protesting on March 2. Gaddafi has been in power for over 40 years after assuming control in a military coup during the 1960s. Al-Hajii's call is similar to that which began the revolution in Egypt. A call for protesters to take to the streets began online, especially on Twitter using the hashtag #Jan25, denoting the first day of the protests. [Wall Street Journal] (関連記事) Amnesty International がリビア当局に拘束されている人権活動家 Jamal al-Hajji 氏につい ての説明を求めた。 ・Sunday, 6 February, 2011: Amnesty International today called on the Libyan authorities to immediately clarify the legal status of former prisoner of conscience Jamal al-Hajji, who is being detained seemingly in connection with his political and human rights activities in Libya. 29 Jamal al-Hajji was arrested earlier this week officially in relation to an alleged car accident, but Amnesty International is concerned that his detention relates chiefly to a call he made on the internet for peaceful demonstrations to take place in different parts of Libya on 2 March 2011 in support of greater freedoms in the country. If he has been detained solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression, the organization would consider him to be a prisoner of conscience and call for his immediate and unconditional release. [Bikyamasr] ・Saturday, 12 February, 2011: Libyan President Muammar al-Qaddafi apparently fears he may be next in line to face the wrath of his people. The dictator, who has been head of the country for 40 years, had his security forces detain opponent Jamal al-Hajji, this week. He was arrested after posting a call for protest on the Internet. He asked that people across Libya rise up on March 2, to peacefully protest against Qaddafi. Al-Hajji was arrested in Tripoli on allegations that he hit a car and fled the scene of the accident. Amnesty International is calling on the Libyan government to explain the allegations, which they say are unfounded. The group called Al-Hajji " a prisoner of conscience." [Washington Examiner] ・Monday, 14 February, 2011: In the wake of the resignation of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, online activists are threatening to test one of the Arab world's most repressive regimes: Col. Moammar Gadhafi's Libya. Expatriate activists and an amorphous group of bloggers and social-network users—it isn't clear how many of them are in Libya—are calling for protests across the oil-rich North African nation on Thursday. They are hoping to draw momentum from the revolts in Egypt and Tunisia and to commemorate two of the grislier events in Col. Gadhafi's nearly 42-year reign. On Feb. 17, 1987, nine young Libyans were publicly executed after being convicted of plotting to kill Libyan and foreign officials. The executions—some by hanging, some by firing squad—were repeatedly aired on state TV. [WTMA] (関連記事) Sunday, 13 February, 2011: Libyan authorities are expected to release political prisoners, including activists in Islamic organizations, soon, according to a source cited Friday by the London-based Arabic daily Al-Hayat. The source said the step is being taken because of growing calls to demonstrate against Libyan dictator Muamar Ghadafi next week. [Artuz Sheva] ●政治(内政) チュニジア、エジプトに続いてリビアも政変が起きる可能性? Monday, 14 February, 2011: (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - After the fall of 30-year regime of Hosni Mubarak, there have been that Libya will be doing a similar protest. The current prime minister has been in the position for almost 40 years. Similarly, the Egypt former president held the position for 3o years. Now, some people from Arab countries are speculating that Libyan will follow Egyptians, who just followed the Tunisians. According to sources, on February 17, 30 the alleged massive protest will be launched. Al-Jazeera said that the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi held these days, a series of meetings with a high ranking officers. [Abna] ●政治(近隣諸国関係) マルタの Lawrence Gonzi 首相 Borg 外相が先週リビアを訪問した件についてアナリスト が批判。 Monday, 14 February, 2011: Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg has rejected suggestions that an unannounced visit to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi last Wednesday was ill-timed in the light of the revolutions sweeping the Arab world. The visit of Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Dr Borg to Libya was criticised by some analysts who said the government was embracing a dictator who runs a repressive government which stifles freedom of speech or press or pluralism in politics. But contacted yesterday, Dr Borg said it would be naive to halt diplomatic efforts with a neighbouring country. The Foreign Minister was asked how Malta why was discussing “stability in the region” with Col. Gaddafi when he has a reputation for being a hardliner who has openly endorsed the recently ousted Tunisian and Egyptian presidents. [Times of Malta] ●経済(外国人労働者) 昨年リビアで働いたベトナム人は 5242 人、その前年の労働者を含めると 9840 人となっ た。2011 年にはベトナム政府は 4000 人の労働者を送り込む予定。建設部門の労働人口 が多い。リビアでの彼らの評判は上々である。 Saturday, 12 February, 2011: (VOV) - The number of Vietnamese labourers working in Libya last year was 5,242, making the total of 9,840 including previous years. As scheduled, in 2011, Vietnam will send about 4,000 labourers to Libya, who will be mainly employed in the construction sector. Vietnamese companies, which send large numbers of labourers to Libya, have their own representative offices, and systems of coordinators and interpreters, in order to timely solve issues relating to Vietnamese labourers. Recent surveys show that almost employers and local authorities in Libya are fairly satisfied with Vietnamese labourers, especially in terms of their ability to cope with unexpected problems. On their part, most Vietnamese labourers are content with the level of income, working conditions and the climate in Libya. [VOV News] ●エネルギー(その他) EPSA 契約の下でリビア人新規大学卒業者 253 名を対象にした教育プログラムが開始。 教育訓練は外国石油企業の指導の下で実施される。 Thursday, 10 February, 2011: Oil-sector training-Libya - In line with its national programme to have a large number of Libyans employed in the nation's oil sector, Libyan oil companies have started training 253 new graduates, according to the website of the Libyan National Oil Company (NOC). 'These training is part of the programme, titled '1,000 opportunities for 31 specialization in petroleum engineering', initiated by the human resources department of the NOC, which began 5 December, 2010,' the website said. Supervised by foreign oil companies operating in Libya, the training programme is executed under the terms of agreements for exploration and production sharing signed between the companies and the NOC. [Afriquejet] ●政治(スパイ) ドイツ法廷はドイツでスパイ活動をした疑いで拘束中の 46 歳のリビア人 Omar K に対 して執行猶予付き 14 ヶ月の服役を命じた。 Wednesday, 9 February, 2011: BERLIN — A German court says it has convicted a 46-year-old Libyan man of spying for his country's intelligence service and sentenced him to a suspended 14 months prison term. A Berlin court said in a statement Tuesday the man, identified only as Omar K., was found guilty of gathering information for Libya's intelligence service on opposition figures living in Germany between May and September 2010. It says Omar K. was paid by another convicted Libyan spy, identified only as Adel A., to gather information on the exiled opposition figures. Adel A. was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison last month. [Canadian Press] ●経済(ホテル) Marriott International, Inc.はリビアに初となる JW Marriott Hotel in Tripoli を開業(2 月 15 日)。客室数 370 室の 5 ツ星。 Wednesday, 9 February, 2011: Tripoli - Marriott International, Inc., is to open its first hotel in Libya, the JW Marriott Hotel in Tripoli. Perched on the shores of the Mediterranean, the 5-star hotel features 370 guest rooms and suites, stylish lounges and restaurants, a state-of-the-art fitness centre and the delights of the Saray Spa. The hotel will open its doors on February 15, 2011. All rooms and suites are equipped with luxurious JW Revive bedding, cable TV, high speed internet, mini bar, safe and an en-suite bathroom with luxurious soaking tub and separate shower. The hotel's specialty restaurants offer the finest indoor and al fresco dining options. [Tripoli Post] ●経済(病院建設) 韓国の Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co Ltd はトリポリに総合病院を建設。2 億 400 万ドルで受注した。2013 年 10 月の完成予定。 Wednesday, 9 February, 2011: South Korea's Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co Ltd has received a $204 million order to build a general hospital in Libya as it is beefing up operations in the North African market. The nine-storey hospital under the Swani Hospital Project will be located in Tripoli with 200 beds and additional facilities, and it will be completed in October 2013, Daewoo said in a statement. The South Korean builder signed the contract with a subsidiary of Libya's state-run Economic and Social Development Fund, it added. [Tripoli Post] 32 ●政治(内政) チュニジアの政変やエジプト情勢を受けて、北アフリカの最大産油国リビアは社会情勢 の不安定化の要因を抱えている。石油、天然ガスが豊富な一方で、人口増加率は高く、 失業率も高く、国民の不満要因は高い。 Wednesday, 9 February, 2011: RABAT (Reuters) - The risk of social unrest in Libya has come under greater scrutiny after street revolts in its neighbors Tunisia and Egypt. The wealthiest North African country has began to dig deeper into its pockets to address social grievances which might spark similar unrest at home. Despite its vast oil and gas wealth and a relatively small population of 6.5 million, Libya has both the highest demographic growth and unemployment rates in North Africa. While he has sent mixed signals about the Tunisian revolt, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, the longest-serving Arab ruler, did not say if he would be prepared to embrace reforms advocated by some close members of his entourage. [FOX for KC] ●経済(支援・協力) リビアはギニアが負っている 2400 万ドルの債務を帳消しにするとともに、石油、バス、 トラクターなどを提供すること、首都コナクリの郊外に 5 ツ星ホテルを建設することを 約束。 Wednesday, 9 February, 2011: Libya has cancelled a debt of US$24 million owed by Guinea, according to the Libyan national television, following the recent working visit of President Alpha Conde to the north African nation. Libyan leader Muammar Kadhafi has also promised to supply Guinea with hydrocarbons, buses and tractors, after which a strong Libyan delegation will travel to Conakry to discuss the modalities for the proposed High Joint Cooperation Committee between the two countries. The delegation will also discuss the construction in Kipe, a suburb of Conakry, of a 5-star hotel to be financed by Libya, which has also promised, from 2012, to make available 30 scholarships for Guinean students. [PANA] ●エネルギー(石油) CNPC に買取先取権があるにもかかわらず NOC がカナダの Verenex の株式を買収でき た理由がまた WikiLeakes によって暴露された。 Tuesday, 8 February, 2011: Libya’s national investment arm was able to pick up a small Canadian oil company at a steep discount – after blocking its sale to a Chinese firm – because Tripoli delayed the deal’s approval for months, leaked documents reveal. Further, the Libyan Investment Authority had been willing to pay full price for Calgary-based Verenex Energy Inc. before its share price was whittled down during the delay. New revelations in leaked U.S. embassy cables also suggest that Libya wanted Verenex’s assets in part so it could fund its obligations to a massive fund for terrorism victims. Wikileaks’ dump of confidential information has shed fresh light on the international intrigue surrounding the sale of Verenex in 2009, which was forced out of a $10-a-share deal with China National Petroleum Corp. so the 33 Libyan Investment Authority, which claimed a right of first refusal, could buy in at $7.09. [CTV] ●宗教 トリポリのタジュラ地区で第 7 回コーラン暗礁国際大会が 1 月 30 日から始まった。 Monday, 7 February, 2011: (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The 7th edition of international Quran memorization contest titled “Wa’Tasemu” was held for women from January30 in Tajura region in Tripoli. According to Arab Online website, the competition has been organized by the General Authority for Endowment and Zakat Affairs in the capital city of Libya in cooperation with Abi Al-Ashhar Cultural, Sport and Social Club. Besides this edition of Quran memorization contests in which about 350 female Quran memorizers participated, the 22nd edition of Quranic competitions for men also began in cooperation with the club in this city with 125 participants. [Abna] ●政治(マスコミ) アル・ジャジーラはチュニジア、エジプトの騒乱の機械を利用して、リビアに対する扇 動的報告を行なっている、という噂を否定。 Monday, 7 February, 2011: Sources at Al-Jazeera TV channel have denied press reports regarding its intention to air programs "against Libya or programs that would affect the security and stability of that country." These sources added that "Al Jazeera is working according to disciplined and ethical editorial policy." Earlier, Libyan press sources said that the Qatar-based channel started its preparations for a new program aimed at "undermining stability and security in the streets of Libya." A Libyan official who refused to be named was quoted as saying that the channel has started to work on the programs which would "affect the behavior of the Libyan citizen." He added that the channel is preparing to produce programs that "rely on the incitement of Libyan youth movements." [Albawaba] ●政治(アジア) 韓国外相が UAE、アルジェリア訪問と同時にリビアを訪問。 Saturday, 5 February, 2011: South Korea’s foreign minister will meet his counterparts in the United Arab Emirates and Algeria next week, during which he is also seeking to visit Libya to patch up a months-long diplomatic row, the ministry here said. “We are currently discussing the details with the Libyan government so that the minister can visit the country upon his trip to the Middle East,” a ministry official said, asking not to be named as the plans are yet to be finalized. According to the ministry’s official announcement, Minister Kim Sung-hwan will meet with UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahayan and Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci during his Feb. 5-10 trip, discussing bilateral ties and other pending issues between Korea and the Middle East. [Korea Herald] 34 ●政治(人権) リビア当局はサイフ氏に関係する人権グループとの仲介によって 12 名の政治犯を釈放 することを発表。それぞれ刑期の 1/4 を終えた時点での釈放である。6 名は終身刑、6 名は少なくても 3 年の収監を言い渡されていた。いずれもリビアで禁止されている政治 グループのメンバーである。 Friday, 4 February, 2011: TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan authorities freed 12 political prisoners on Thursday after mediation by a human rights group which has had links to Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. "The 12 were released this afternoon after spending close to a quarter of their jail terms for belonging to various banned political groups," the chairman of the Libya-based Human Rights Association Mohamed Ternish told Reuters. "About six of them had been sentenced to life imprisonment and the remainder to jail terms of at least three years. The released are in their 20s, others in 30s and 40s," he added. [Reuters] ●政治(開発協力) ニジェールデルタの内陸部に位置するマリ共和国はその湿地帯でユニークな生態系を 形成しており、多くの農民、漁民、遊牧民、野生動物などに恩恵を与えている。その生 態系が今崩れる危機にある。同国の大統領がカダフィ大佐と協力して大農業地帯を作ろ うとしているからである。 Friday, 4 February, 2011: The inland Niger delta of Mali is a unique wetland ecosystem that supports a million farmers, fishermen, and herders and a rich diversity of wildlife. But now, the country’s president and Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi have begun a major agricultural project that will divert much of the river’s water and put the delta’s future at risk. Daouda Sanankoua is an aquatic mayor, and proud of it. The elected boss of the district of Deboye arrived for our meeting in the West African state of Mali last month by overnight ferry. At this time of year, the majority of his district is flooded. Thank goodness. “More water is good,” he said... [E360] ●政治(アフリカ) アラブ連合サミットはアフリカ連合構想を実施するための注目を引く絶好の機会であ る、とリビアの新聞が報じている。 Friday, 4 February, 2011: Tripoli, Libya – A Libyan newspaper has said the African Union summit is the appropriate opportunity to draw the attention of African leaders to the need to complete the setting up of AU institutions to implement the United States of Africa project. Al-Zahf Al-Akhdhar, in its editorial on Monday, urged African leaders to see to it that the dream of African populations of a United States of Africa materialises, as it is one of the important keys for Africa’s development and at all levels. The newspaper said the United States of Africa would ensure a prosperous future for the continent in a world that no longer recognised small countries that were unable to face the challenges of our era. [Afriquejet] 35 ●経済(支援) Tanzania Investment Bank (TIB)はリビアがタンザニア国内の投資家を支援するために振 り込んだ 2000 億ドルを、リビア側の承認なしでは拠出しないことを発表。 Thursday, 3 February, 2011: Dar es Salaam. The Tanzania Investment Bank (TIB) said on Monday that it will not release the $20million (about Sh30billion) that the Libyan government has deposited in the bank to assist local investors without instructions from the foreign country. “We will not release the funds without the authorisation from the Libyan government through its embassy in Dar es Salaam,” a senior TIB official told The Citizen in a telephone interview. The TIB official was reacting to reports that the Libyan government has notified the government of Tanzania not to release the $20million from its TIB account pending completion of lawful withdrawal procedures. The TIB reaction comes in the wake of revelations by this newspaper on Monday that the Libyan government has written to the ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs after a local company, MEIS Industries Company Ltd, claimed it has won an investment agreement with the two governments for the construction of a cement factory in Lindi Region. [The Citizen] ●政治(内政) エジプトとチュニジアの国内騒乱を受けて、両国にはさまれているリビアのカダフィ大 佐が苦境に立たされている。またアラブ社会での評判も下がっている。これは WikiLeakes によってカダフィ大佐とそのファミリーの庶民離れした生活ぶりが報じら れたことによる。 Thursday, 3 February, 2011: Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi finds himself in a potentially dangerous predicament. He is sandwiched between two Arab countries (Tunisia and Egypt) which have convulsed with massive social unrest. Moreover, his prestige among the Arab world has been severely damaged by some embarrassing revelations in diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks. The cables indicated that Qaddafi and his sons live a life filled with wine, women and song, as well as domestic violence, drunk driving and wild parties – all in stark contrast to their image as upholding traditional Islamic and Bedouin tribal values. Although nothing remotely similar to what’s happening in Egypt has yet infected Libya, media reports indicate that Qaddafi’s plans to hand over his throne to one of his licentious sons is causing great concern among the population. [IB Times] (関連記事) Monday, 7 February, 2011: THE violence and corruption of members of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's family have made Libya a gangster state with a worse record of governance than Egypt or Tunisia, according to leaked US diplomatic cables. The documents reveal previously undisclosed details of how family greed, rivalry and extremism have complicated British and US efforts to normalise relations with Libya since it decided to abandon nuclear weapons and 36 renounce terrorism. Gaddafi's children plunder the country's oil revenues, run a kleptocracy and operate a reign of terror that has created simmering hatred and resentment among the people, according to the cables released by WikiLeaks. In the light of the upheavals in the Arab world, the diplomatic traffic also shows that far from being stable, Libya could be another corrupt authoritarian domino poised to fall. [The Australian] ●政治(北アフリカ) Amman News が報じたところでは、Al Jazera が行なっているエジプト報道に対する電波 妨害の活動拠点はエジプトではなくリビア。 Thursday, 3 February, 2011: AMMONNEWS - The jamming and outages of the pan-Arab satellite network Al Jazeera's broadcast has been pinpointed at Libya, and not Egypt. Informed sources told Ammon News that technical coordinates' monitoring devices have identified Libya as the location of the jamming and interference activities rather than Egypt, as has been reported before. Al Jazeera's main news channel, Al Jazeera Mubasher (Live) and several other channels within its network have been facing interference, jamming and outages since its coverage of the widespread protests and demonstrations in Egypt, before the Egyptian government closed the network's offices last week and banned its reporters from resuming their coverage. [Ammon News] ●政治(核開発協力) WikiLeakes によると、昨年韓国は米国に対して、対リビア核開発協力の是非を問い合わ せていたことが明らかになった。 Wednesday, 2 February, 2011: South Korea consulted with the United States last year about strengthening its civilian nuclear cooperation with Libya, a leaked U.S. cable says. According to a cable from January obtained by WikiLeaks, Korean Ambassador to Tripoli Chang Dong-hee asked his U.S. counterpart, Gene Cretz, if Washington would object to such a development. Chang told Cretz that the Korean Embassy in Washington had already broached the subject with the government without receiving a reply. “Specifically, South Korea would like to provide nuclear reactors for power generation to Libya,” the cable said, adding that the Korean envoy stressed any cooperation would be fully coordinated with the IAEA. [Korea Times] ●政治(北米) 米国外交文書は、カダフィ大佐とカナダ政府がパンナム航空機爆破犯人の釈放(2009 年 9 月)をめぐってギクシャクしている最中に、どのようにして 100 名以上のカナダ人 を本国に帰還させたかを暴露した Wikileakes の情報を開示。 Tuesday, 1 February, 2011: A U.S. diplomatic cable released by the WikiLeaks website on Monday show how close the former Petro-Canada was to being expelled from Libya following a diplomatic row between strongman Moammar Gadhafi and the Canadian government. According to the cable, which was published on the London, England-based Telegraph website, 37 Petro-Canada had prepared plans to repatriate more than 100 employees from the North African nation after federal foreign minister Lawrence Cannon announced plans to confront Gadhafi over the treatment of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi who was released from prison in Scotland for medical reasons in September of 2009. [Calgary Herald] ●政治(アジア) 韓国の外務大臣がリビア訪問を計画中。昨年の両国関係悪化を受けて関係修復の兆しと 思われる出来事である。 Tuesday, 1 February, 2011: SEOUL, Feb. 1 (Yonhap) -- South Korea is working to set up a visit by its foreign minister to Libya, an official said Tuesday, which would symbolize the full restoration of relations between the two countries that had frayed over an espionage row last year. Minister Kim Sung-hwan plans to travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Algeria from Feb. 5-10 for cooperation talks with his counterparts, and a trip to Libya could be added to the itinerary, the official said on condition of anonymity. "We've been working on it, but we could not make an announcement because the travel plan has not been finalized yet," the official said. "The minister hopes to discuss ways to further boost cooperation between the two countries that marked the 30th anniversary of relations" in December. [Yonhap News] ●経済(協力 Oxford Business Group (OBG)はリビア産業・経済・貿易省と協力してリビアの経済活動 に関する情報誌編集活動を実施。 Tuesday, 1 February, 2011: Oxford Business Group (OBG), the global publishing, research and consultancy firm, is building on its successful operations in Libya by teaming up once again with the General People's Committee (GPC) of Industry, Economy and Trade. The collaboration will see the GPC pool resources with OBG's editorial and research team as the groundwork gets under way on the Group's third publication on Libya's economic activity and investment opportunities, The Report: Libya 2011. OBG's Country Director, Jana Treeck, said the Group's team was delighted to be back in Libya to produce the company's new country report which, she said, would undoubtedly benefit from the GPC's expertise and resources. [Tripoli Post] ●経済(産業) リビア電力庁とポルトガルの企業がコンピューターの製造、保守、販売などに関する MOU を締結。 Tuesday, 1 February, 2011: A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed Wednesday between the General Company of Electronics and a Portuguese company aimed at establishing a joint venture. The new venture is to produce, maintain and distribute computers. The signing of the contract comes within the plan by Libya to import one million educational PCs which will be among the main tasks of the new joint venture, a Libyan official told news reporters. The MOU will enable the company into 'strategic industrial activities', the official said. The new 38 company will sign agreements with other companies for the manufacturing of TVs, communication equipments and air conditioning. [Tripoli Post] ●エネルギー(原油) エジプトの騒乱によってスエズ運河が閉鎖される可能性があることから、リビア産、サ ウジ産の原油価格が軒並み値上がり。 Tuesday, 1 February, 2011: Oil prices surged Friday as traders bid up prices on concerns that widening protests against the government in Egypt could spread across the Middle East to major oil producers such as Libya and Saudi Arabia. The price spike also was fueled by concerns that any interruption of shipping through the Suez Canal could add 6,000 miles to some oil shipments and raise the cost of crude oil delivery, analysts said. Prices shot up about $2 a barrel in less than half an hour as thousands of protestors took to the streets and clashed with police, burned cars and stormed government buildings in Egypt. By the end of the trading session oil prices were about 4 percent higher, at a bit over $89 a barrel. Stock prices fell sharply, while anxious traders bid up the value of the dollar and gold, typically safe-haven investments. [NBC Philadelphia] 39
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