リビア政治経済社会 リビア政治経済社会情勢 政治経済社会情勢 2011 年 4 月 ●政治(人道) リビア政府は 29 日、ミスラタに船で輸送される人道支援物資の供給妨害をする可能性 を示唆。同日 NATO 軍は港に機雷敷設を試みていたリビア政府軍の船舶を捕獲したこと を明らかにした。 Saturday, 30 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya - Libya’s government threatened Friday to prevent humanitarian aid being delivered by sea to Misurata, on the same day as NATO said it had intercepted Libyan government vessels trying to lay anti-ship mines in the harbor. “This is another demonstration of Gaddafi trying to completely ignore humanitarian law,” Brig. Gen Rob Weighill said, speaking via the Internet from the Naples headquarters of NATO’s Operation Unified Protector. The vessels were driven back by the threat of a NATO attack, he said. Libya’s government says the port, which it has repeatedly shelled, is also being used by the rebels to deliver arms and “terrorists” to Misurata. [Washington Post] ●政治(リビア問題) クリントン国務長官は来週イタリア政府がリビア問題で主催する国際会議に出席予定。 Saturday, 30 April, 2011: Washington - US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will attend an international meeting on Libya hosted by the Italian government next week, the State Department said. The gathering of the so-called Libya Contact Group is a follow-up to a meeting held April 13 in Doha, Qatar. The gathering comes as NATO-led operations continue against Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi's forces, with the goal of protecting civilians under a UN mandate. US President Barack Obama this week authorized 25 million dollars in non-lethal aid to Libyan rebels. Clinton will hold a separate meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and other top Italian officials. [M&C] ●政治(人権) 国連米国代表団はカダフィ政権側が性的暴力を助長させるためにバイアグラなどを配 給していることを安保理に報告。 Saturday, 30 April, 2011: (Reuters) - The U.S. envoy to the United Nations told the Security Council on Thursday that troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were increasingly engaging in sexual violence and some had been issued the impotency drug Viagra, diplomats said. Several U.N. diplomats who attended a closed-door Security Council meeting on Libya told Reuters that U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice raised the Viagra issue in the context of increasing reports of sexual violence by Gaddafi's troops. "Rice raised that in the meeting but no one responded," a diplomat said on condition of anonymity. The allegation was first reported by 1 a British newspaper. Pfizer Inc's drug Viagra is used to treat impotence. [Reuters] ●政治(リビア内戦) ロシアの議員が米国の外交高官と会談後、米国の対リビア内戦への地上戦介入はないこ とを断言。 Saturday, 30 April, 2011: The United States is not planning to begin a ground operation in Libya, senior Russian senator Mikhail Margelov said after talks with top U.S. diplomats, defense and intelligence officials in Washington. "As I understand, the Americans are ready to help the people in Benghazi to create some institutions, but it's clear that Washington cannot imagine its participation in any kind of ground operation [in Libya] even in a nightmare," Margelov, who heads the foreign relations committee of the Russian parliament's upper house, told Russian journalists on Friday. The provision of military assistance to Libyan rebels has also been out of the agenda, he said. [Rian] ●政治(内戦) いま、カダフィ大佐はあらゆる支援の方策を模索中だが、命運はやがて尽きるように思 われている。 Saturday, 30 April, 2011: With each progress the revolutionaries make, Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi loses ground. Feeling that a defeat might be more imminent than he expected, Colonel Qaddafi is now seeking all the support he can garner. The tribes can be his only remaining hope. Following a statement issued by a forum of East Tripoli tribes, which condemned the revolutionaries as saboteurs, speculation has been rife about the role tribes will play in the next stage of the revolution in Libya. “We call for penalizing all those who engaged in vandalism and all those who sought the help of foreign powers or facilitated military intervention in Libya,” said that statement. “Those have committed high treason.” [Alarabiya] ●政治(健康) チェコ共和国は 1980 年代にリビアと締結した健康管理協力協定を破棄する考え。 Saturday, 30 April, 2011: Prague, April 27 (CTK) - The Czech Republic will terminate the health care cooperation agreement signed with Libya in the 1980s, the government decided Wednesday, spokesman Jan Osuch has told journalists. Czech diplomacy says the Czech state does not want to continue providing Libyans with free necessary treatment of acute illnesses or injuries the agreement guarantees. Czechs have the same possibility in Libya, but they do not use it. The Czech Republic spent almost 719,000 crowns on health care for Libyan citizens last year and about 815,500 crowns in 2009. However, the Czech Health Ministry does not have finances for this. Libyan tourists will have to have common travel health insurance in the Czech Republic. [Prague Monitor] ●政治(リビア内戦) カダフィ政権側がチュニジア国境付近で避難民などを攻撃し、チュニジアからの反撃に 2 会う。 Friday, 29 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya—Libyan government forces drove rebels from a border outpost Thursday, the Tunisian state news agency reported, shutting off one of their vital supply lines, pursuing them across the mountainous frontier into Tunisia and provoking a sharp protest from that country. After a day of fierce combat, the rebels were trying to regain the outpost near the Libyan town of Wazen. The two sides exchanged artillery fire into the evening, causing panic among Libyan civilians trying to flee to Tunisia, according to reports from the area. Tunisia voiced "extreme indignation" to Col. Moammar Gadhafi's regime over what it called an incursion by Libyan forces, the Foreign Ministry said. [Wall Street Journal] (関連記事) Friday, 29 April, 2011: A NATO airstrike in the besieged rebel-held city of Misurata mistakenly killed 12 Libyan rebels, an official with the transitional government confirmed Thursday, while new fighting was reported on Libya's western border with Tunisia. The strike Wednesday was at least the third reported friendly fire incident since North Atlantic Treaty Organization fighter jets began pounding forces loyal to Moammar Kadafi more than five weeks ago in a mission to protect Libyan civilians. Leaders of the anti-Kadafi forces have labeled the incidents unfortunate accidents in a worthy cause, reflecting wide support in rebel ranks for the NATO strikes. [Los Angeles Times] ●経済(金融) 為替レートは公式レートは依然 1.2 ディナール/ドルであるが、内戦勃発後からは 1.8~ 1.9 ディナール/ドルになっている。闇市場では 3 ディナール/ドルにまでなっている。 Friday, 29 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, April 28 (Reuters) - In Tripoli's gold souqs and on its black market, a dollar buys you more dinars now than it did before the war and in the supermarkets prices are beginning to creep up as sanctions and currency woes bite. Banks still exchange money at the official rate of 1.2 to the dollar, but the black market rate hovers between 1.8 and 1.9 dinars having reached over 3 dinars when short-lived protests shook the capital in February. "People wanted to buy dollars at the start and they bought a lot in the first week," said one jeweller who changes money on the side. "The dollar was at 3.00 dinars or more at the beginning when things were really confused. Now it is at 1.85. It has stabilised a little. There's no fear now." Demonstrations have fizzled out in Tripoli since the start of the rebellion against Muammar Gaddafi in February saw rebels take over the country's second-largest city, Benghazi. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) NATO 軍がミスラタで展開している反体制派を誤爆し、12 名が死亡。 Thursday, 28 April, 2011: MISURATA, Libya — At least one NATO warplane attacked a rebel position on the front lines of this besieged city on Wednesday, a rebel commander said, killing 3 12 fighters and wounding five others in what he called an accident that could have been avoided. The rebels were at first reluctant to admit the killings had occurred, saying they did not want to discourage further air strikes against the forces of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, who have been shelling Misurata and pounding it with ground-to-ground rocket fire. The pace of NATO strikes had picked up noticeably in recent days, after rebel leaders complained of a lack of support after the United States turned over operational control of the air campaign to NATO at the end of March. But as the bodies of the killed fighters were being collected at a medical clinic in the Qasr Ahmed neighborhood, a grieving rebel commander, Abdullah Mohammed, provided an account of the errant strikes. [New York Times] ●政治(内戦) イタリアの植民地政策に抵抗して殉死したリビアの英雄 Omar al-Mukhtar 師が反政府軍 のシンボルとなっている。 Thursday, 28 April, 2011: BEIJING, April 27 (Xinhuanet) -- With the Opposition in Libya trying to gain popularity, a dead resistance hero has become a symbol for those rising up against Muammar Gaddafi. Omar al-Mukhtar is the Libyan resistance leader who fought the Italian occupation in the early twentieth century. Towns like Al-Badya are now in rebels' hands, but as the battle for Libya rages on to the west, al-Mukhta has become a potent symbol for those against Gaddafi. Mohamed Mahmoud Agila said, "To Libyans, Omar al-Mukhtar means struggle, and fighting to force the occupier out of our Libyan Land. But Muammar Gaddafi has erased this from the memory of the people and made himself the only hero. Our demand is freedom, no more and no less, and we are calling for the departure of Gaddafi and his family." [Xinhuanet] ●政治(人権) 国連人権チームがリビアを訪問し、内戦勃発以来の人権問題に関して調査開始。 Wednesday, 27 April, 2011: A UN team is due to arrive in Tripoli to investigate allegations of human rights violations in Libya since the start of the conflict in February. The team was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council following the Libyan government's crackdown on protesters. The government has said it will co-operate with the inquiry. The three investigators say they will look at all alleged abuses, including those the government says have been committed by rebels or Nato forces. The original mandate - to examine human rights violations allegedly committed by the forces of Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi - remains the priority, says the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva, where the UN Human Rights Council is based. [BBC] (関連記事) Thursday, 28 April, 2011: A United Nations fact-finding mission arrived in the capital city of Tripoli on Wednesday to look into reports of human rights violations by Libyan authorities. The 4 UN delegation raised a number of issues, including the "indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, civilian casualties, torture, the use of mercenaries and other questions of the sort," said delegation leader Cherif Bassiouni, who is from Egypt. Elsewhere in Libya, forces loyal to leader Moammar Gadhafi fired mortar rounds into the west side of Misrata, rebel sources told Reuters. The offensive represented a new tactic for the pro-Gadhafi forces, who have previously confined their attacks to the port area on Misrata's rebel-held east side. [CBC] ●政治(停戦模索) カダフィ大佐の使者がベネズエラを訪問。チャベス大統領による停戦解決策を模索。 Wednesday, 27 April, 2011: CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has sent a delegation to Venezuela to seek peaceful solutions to the conflict in the North African nation, President Hugo Chavez said Tuesday. Chavez provided few details about the delegation sent by Gadhafi, saying only that "they have come to our country to search for a political way out of Libya's crisis." Shortly after the violent upheaval in Libya began in February, Chavez proposed the creation of an international peace commission to mediate an end to the conflict. He said his government is continuing to seek a negotiated solution. The Venezuelan president calls Gadhafi a friend and has been a staunch opponent of the military intervention by U.S. and European air forces. The leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua and Bolivia have taken similar stances. [AP] ●政治(制裁) オバマ政権は反政府側が支配している石油輸出を承認。その収入によって武器購入を可 能とさせる措置。 Wednesday, 27 April, 2011: WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration has eased its sanctions on Libya to allow for the sale of oil controlled by the rebels. The move will allow Libya's opposition forces to use the income from oil sales to purchase weapons and other supplies. The U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control issued the order Tuesday. It will allow U.S. companies to engage in transactions involving oil, natural gas and other petroleum products if the petroleum exports will benefit the opposition Transitional National Council of Libya. The new order modified sanctions the administration had imposed in February freezing $34 billion in assets held by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, his family members and top government officials. The original order had imposed sanctions on Libya's oil companies. [AP] ●政治(人権) 16 名のジャーナリストがリビアで拘束あるいは行方不明になっている。 Wednesday, 27 April, 2011: NEW YORK, N.Y. — Sixteen journalists covering the conflict in Libya are reported missing or detained by authorities in the North African country. One Canadian national and three Americans are on the list of endangered journalists, compiled 5 Tuesday by the Committee to Protect Journalists and other reports. Lotfi Ghars, a journalist with dual Canadian and Tunisian citizenships who was working for Iran's state-run Al-Alam television news channel, was arrested on March 16 while trying to enter Libya from Tunisia, his news organization said. Two American reporters were taken into custody on April 5 by forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi: James Foley, a photojournalist working for GlobalPost, a Boston-based news agency; and Clare Morgana Gillis, who was covering the fighting for The Atlantic and USA Today. The third American is freelance journalist Matthew VanDyke. [Canadian Press] ●政治(亡命) リビア難民約 1000 名が英国に亡命する可能性。 Wednesday, 27 April, 2011: UP to 1,000 Libyan refugees could soon be heading to the UK to seek asylum. Hundreds were already massing near the Paris Eurostar terminal yesterday - and their numbers are growing by dozens a day. The Libyans, along with desperate Tunisians fleeing the turmoil in their country, have set up camps in squares close to the France-UK rail hub. Most will find it impossible to travel directly from the Gare du Nord terminal to Britain because travel visas are checked before departure. But some have already vowed to pay people smugglers to sneak them into the UK while others are heading for Channel ports in a bid to board ferries. [The Sun] ●政治(国連) Ban Ki-moon 国連総長は 26 日、Abdelilah Al-Khatib 国連特使が反政府軍の拠点であるベ ンガジを訪問することを明らかにした。 Wednesday, 27 April, 2011: UNITED NATIONS, April 26 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said here Tuesday that his special envoy to Libya, Abdelilah Al-Khatib, will travel to Benghazi, the stronghold of Libyan rebels, on Friday. "The continuing imperative is to protect civilians," Ban told reporters at the end of the UN Security Council closed-door consultations and he added that the humanitarian situation is " growing increasingly urgent." "Diplomatic efforts focus on securing a ceasefire and achieving a political solution," he said. "On Friday, my special envoy, Mr. Al-Khatib, will travel once again to Benghazi." Benghazi, a city of more than one million people, is the stronghold for rebels in the east of Libya. Earlier this month, Al-Khatib held talks in the embattled North African country with both rebels and the government of Muammar Gaddafi. [Xinhuanet] ●イタリア大統領のベルルスコーニはオバマ大統領との会談後、リビア空爆参加の意思 を表明。 Tuesday, 26 April, 2011: ROME – Premier Silvio Berlusconi says Italy will take part in strategic bombing raids over Libya. Berlusconi's office issued a statement late Monday, after the premier spoke with U.S. President Barack Obama, saying Italy had decided to beef up its military action 6 to better contribute to protecting civilians. Italy had previously said it wouldn't take part in air strikes against Libyan targets, given its 40-year colonial rule over the country. Italian aircraft and navy ships have, however, been involved in refueling and other operations for NATO forces. The statement stressed that Italian airstrikes would only be for "specific military objectives." [Fox News] ●政治(バチカン) ベネディクト XVI 法王がリビアのための祈りを復活祭のミサで捧げた。また欧州市民 に対してリビア難民の受入を要請。 Tuesday, 26 April, 2011: Pope Benedict XVI included Libya in his Easter prayers on Sunday. He prayed for diplomacy to prevail in the country and for the citizens to build a brand new society that is rooted on respect. He also asked Europeans to welcome North African refugees. While the pope delivered the “Urbi et Orbi” (a tradition of giving a Papal message from the central balcony of the St. Peter’s Basilica) he said that in heaven, peace and gladness overflows. Thus, it pains him that it is not the case down here on Earth. The pope said that he is praying for dialogues and diplomacy to replace arms and wars in Libya. [YDNF] ●エネルギー(石油) 反政府勢力の指導者は原油輸出まで 1 ヶ月はかかる見込みであることを示唆。 Tuesday, 26 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya, April 25 (UPI) -- Rebel leaders in Libya said it would take about a month for the opposition to ship oil out of their territory after weekend strikes on two oil fields. Wahid Bougaighis, the director of rebel-controlled National Oil Co., said his company needs about a month to survey damage caused when forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi attacked two oil fields during the weekend, the Platts news service reports. "We're in the process of mobilizing the repairs," he was quoted as saying. "We need four weeks to see our plans for reconstruction to give a process of a start date." [UPI] ●政治(米英) 英国の Liam Fox 国防大臣が訪米し、Robert Gates 国防長官と混迷を極めるリビア情勢に ついて会談。 Tuesday, 26 April, 2011: LONDON — British defence minister Liam Fox travelled to the United States on Monday for talks with his American counterpart Robert Gates on the conflict in Libya, defence officials in London said. The head of the British armed forces, Chief of Defence Staff General David Richards, was also due in Washington and would meet with his US counterpart, a Ministry of Defence (MoD) spokeswoman said. Discussions will focus on "how the campaign has gone so far and what further opportunities we can exploit on the ground there," the spokeswoman said. Plans to step up precision targeting of Libyan forces following the deployment of US Predator drones would also be discussed, said the spokeswoman. [AFP] ●政治(英国・リビア関係) 7 英国政府はウィリアム王子とミドルトンさんの結婚式に駐英リビア大使を招待しない ことを決定。 Tuesday, 26 April, 2011: LONDON, April 25 (Reuters) - Britain has decided against inviting a Libyan representative to the wedding this week of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey, official sources said on Monday. An invitation to Libya's ambassador was prepared before the conflict in the country intensified in March but was not delivered, according to the sources. The decision not to issue the invitation to the wedding on Friday was made by the Foreign Office which is dealing with the issue of which foreign dignitaries should attend, they said. Protocol dictates that all ambassadors based in London should be invited unless there is a diplomatic problem. [Reuters] ●政治(国連) Ban Ki-moon 国連事務総長はロシアのメドベージェフ大統領と、大統領邸のあるゴール キで会談し、国連の対リビア制裁と軍事行動に理解を求めた。 Tuesday, 26 April, 2011: GORKI, Moscow Region — United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon courted support on Friday from President Dmitry Medvedev, who has criticized UN-sanctioned military action in Libya. “I’d like to really count on your strong support, leadership and guidance in continuing my work as secretary-general,” Ban told Medvedev at the start of a meeting at the president’s Gorki residence. Ban is in the final year of his term as head of the world body, and diplomats say the United States and other key Security Council members have given preliminary pledges of support for a second five-year term. But his spokesman said Ban’s comment was not intended as a request for support for a possible second term. [The Moscow Times] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ政権 徹底抗戦の構え(NHK ニュース 4 月 26 日) 戦闘が長期化しているリビアで、多国籍軍による空爆によって、首都のトリポリにある カダフィ大佐の執務室がある施設が破壊されたことを受けて、カダフィ大佐の息子は 「絶対に降伏しない」と述べ、改めて徹底抗戦の姿勢を示しました。 カダフィ政権と反政府勢力との戦闘が続くリビアでは25日、NATO=北大西洋条約 機構が指揮する多国籍軍の空爆によって、トリポリ中心部にあるカダフィ大佐の執務室 などがある施設が破壊されました。カダフィ政権の報道官によりますと、この攻撃で3 人が死亡し、45人がけがをしましたが、カダフィ大佐自身は無事だったということで す。首都にある政権の中枢施設が多国籍軍の攻撃を受けたのは初めてで、カダフィ大佐 の次男のセイフ・イスラム氏は25日、「NATOはリビア国民に脅しをかけている」 と攻撃を強く非難したうえで、「われわれはこうした攻撃を恐れないし、絶対に降伏も しない。この戦いに負けるのはNATOのほうだ」と述べ、改めて徹底抗戦の姿勢を示 しました。カダフィ政権側は先週、激しい戦闘が続いてきた西部の都市ミスラータから 8 部隊を撤退させる姿勢を見せていましたが、25日には、再びミスラータへの攻勢を強 めており、多国籍軍によるトリポリへの攻撃を受けて戦闘がさらに激しさを増すことが 懸念されています。トリポリへの攻撃について、NATO=北大西洋条約機構は25日、 声明を発表し、「市民に対する攻撃を指揮しているカダフィ政権の通信本部を狙って精 密な攻撃を行った」として、空爆はあくまでも政権側の攻撃から市民を守るためのもの だったと強調しました。そのうえでNATOの報道官は「カダフィ政権が市民への攻撃 をやめ、部隊を撤退させるまで圧力をかけ続ける」と述べ、カダフィ政権に対して直ち に軍事行動をやめるよう、改めて警告しました。 ●政治(空爆) リビア報道官「カダフィ大佐は無事」、NATOによる拠点空爆で(ロイター4 月 26 日) リビアの首都トリポリ中心部にあるカダフィ大佐の拠点に北大西洋条約機構(NAT O)軍が行った空爆で、同国政府のスポークスマンは25日、大佐にけがはなく、現在 は安全な場所にいると明らかにした。このスポークスマンは、空爆がカダフィ大佐の命 を狙ったものだと強く非難。攻撃を受けた施設は事務所で、職員や警備員ら3人が死亡 し、45人が負傷したという。またスポークスマンは、鉄骨が曲がりコンクリートが崩 れた現場で記者団に対し、「このテロ行為が、どうやってリビア市民を保護していると 言えるのか」とNATO軍による攻撃を批判した。カダフィ大佐については、身を潜め ているわけではないが、安全な場所にいるとした上で、「無事で、意気揚々としている」 と説明。リビアの国営テレビも、25日に撮影されたとするテント内で会合するカダフ ィ大佐の映像を公開した。 (関連記事) Monday, 25 April, 2011: TRIPOLI - NATO airstrikes targeted the center of Muammar Qaddafi's seat of power early Monday, destroying a multi-story library and office and badly damaging a reception hall for visiting dignitaries, in what a press official from Qaddafi's government said was an attempt on the Libyan leader's life. Qaddafi's whereabouts at the time of the attack on his sprawling Bab al-Azizya compound were unclear. A security official at the scene said four people were lightly hurt. A press official, who asked not to be identified, said 45 people were injured, including 15 who were seriously hurt, and some were still unaccounted for after the attack. There has been no independent verification of those figures as yet. [CBS] ●政治(内戦) リビアを電撃訪問したマケイン上院議員は、リビアでの内戦状況が長引くことで行き詰 まり状況が生まれ、アル・カーイダがその隙に乗じてくることを懸念するというコメン トを述べた。 Monday, 25 April, 2011: Senator John McCain warned on Sunday that he feared the conflict in Libya was heading toward a “stalemate” and threatened to create a vacuum that could result in Al Qaeda gaining control of the North African country. Speaking from Cairo, Mr. McCain, a 9 strong advocate of intervention in Libya, also said that Al Qaeda could take advantage of an encroaching stalemate as a tenacious Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi continued to cling to power. "I really fear a stalemate," said Mr. McCain, Republican of Arizona, speaking on CNN television’s “State of the Union” program after visiting the rebel strongholds in Libya. He said the rebel fighters were “badly outgunned in armor, in equipment, in training” against forces loyal to Col. Qaddafi. [New York Times] ●政治(支援) クウェート政府は東部リビア人に対する支援として 5000 万クウェート・ディナール(1 億 7720 万ドル)を寄付する考えを明らかにした。 Monday, 25 April, 2011: (Reuters) - Kuwait will contribute 50 million Kuwaiti dinars ($177.2 million) to Libya's rebel council to help pay salaries in the breakaway east of the country, a rebel leader said on Sunday. "His Highness the Emir gave us a financial grant valued at 50 million Kuwaiti dinar. This amount will help us a lot in paying the salaries of employees who did not receive their little salaries for two months," said Mustafa Abdel Jalil, head of the Libyan rebel national council. "We are capable of only covering 40 percent of this amount. We are in need of urgent aid," he told a Kuwait news conference. On April 4, Kuwait became the second Arab state after Qatar to officially recognize the Libyan rebel forces. [Reuters] ●政治(リビア空爆) 米、無人機でリビア初攻撃=詳細非公表、作戦関与深める(時事通信 4 月 23 日) 【ワシントン時事】米国防総省当局者は 23 日、リビアで米軍無人攻撃機プレデター を使って、初めて攻撃を実施したことを明らかにした。オバマ政権はリビア作戦への限 定的な関与を主張しているが、無人機による空爆実施で介入を深めた形だ。 ゲーツ国防長官は 21 日にリビアの軍事作戦について、政府軍が群衆に紛れ込み、市 民や反政府勢力との識別が困難になっているとして、低空飛行で精密攻撃できる無人機 プレデターの投入をオバマ大統領が承認したと発表していた。 (関連記事) ・Sunday, 24 April, 2011: The US military has confirmed the first strike by an unmanned Predator drone aircraft in Libya. Nato said the drone destroyed a Libyan government multiple rocket launcher near Misrata at approximately 1100GMT. Drones can hit military targets more easily in urban areas, minimising the risk of civilian casualties. Earlier, Libya's government warned that tribes loyal to Col Muammar Gaddafi might take over the fight against the rebels in the western city of Misrata. The deputy foreign minister said the Libyan army was being withdrawn and suggested that the tribes would not show the same level of restraint over civilian casualties. But a rebel military spokesman in Benghazi said Col Gaddafi was "playing games" and would not allow his forces to leave Misrata. Human rights groups say more than 1,000 people have died there. [BBC] 10 ・Sunday, 24 April, 2011: MISURATA, Libya — Libyan rebels said they had flushed more government soldiers from the besieged western city of Misurata on Saturday, consolidating their control after another day of heavy fighting marked by the first strike by U.S.-armed Predator drones. “We are winning. All of [Moammar Gaddafi’s] tanks and weapons have been seized inside Misurata,” said Mohamed Ali, a spokesman for the rebel city council. Ali said he had earlier witnessed what appeared to have been the first Predator drone attack of the conflict, on the vegetable market on Tripoli Street, the main three-mile avenue that divides the city, where a few of Gaddafi’s troops were still holed up and attacking. NATO said a U.S. Predator drone destroyed a multiple-rocket launcher Saturday in the Misurata area that was being used against civilians. [Washington Post] ●政治(内戦) リビア:反体制派アブドゥル氏「NATO対応遅い」(2010.4.24 毎日) リビア政府軍との戦闘を指揮する反体制派野戦部隊長のバシル・アブドゥル氏(52) が、アジュダビアで毎日新聞と会見。「捕虜にした政府軍兵士が『敵(反体制派)は(国 際テロ組織)アルカイダなど外国からの侵略者と聞いた』と証言している」と語る一方、 「北大西洋条約機構(NATO)はカダフィ軍に決定的打撃を与えておらず、現状維持 を狙っているとしか思えない」と強い調子で批判した。政府軍の攻勢も伝えられる中、 バシル氏の発言は、反体制派軍事部門とNATO主導の多国籍軍との間に不協和音が広 がっていることを示唆している。反体制派内の「アルカイダ」の存在について、NAT O欧州連合軍のスタブリディス最高司令官(米海軍大将)は3月末の米議会で、「わず かながら存在を示す情報がある」と証言。リビア東部にはエジプト・ムバラク前政権下 で弾圧されたイスラム主義者が逃げ込んだとの情報もあるほか、アフガニスタンの対米 闘争などに参加した住民がいるとされる。 こうした状況を踏まえ、カダフィ政権が政府軍兵士の戦意を鼓舞するため「外国の侵 略」を強調している可能性がある。バシル氏は、敵が自国民と知った政府軍兵士の士気 が「低下している」との見解を示した。NATOの空爆についてバシル氏は「対応が遅 い」と非難した。ただ、航空機や精密誘導爆弾の不足、砂嵐などの悪天候、反体制派側 との情報連携の不十分さも背景として指摘されている。英仏はベンガジに軍事顧問団を 派遣するなど両者の「共闘」は今後強化されるものと見られる。 バシル氏は元政府軍大佐で、2月の蜂起後に反体制派へ。現在は兵士約200人を指 揮する。武器は政府軍から獲得した自動小銃や重機関砲が中心といい、外国の支援は、 カタール政府からの衛星電話約500台と四輪駆動車30台などで「武器弾薬は一切な い」と断言した。必要な支援については「最新型の重火器と弾薬、それらの使い方を訓 練する専門家。戦闘機とヘリコプター」を挙げた。パイロットは訓練を受けた元政府軍 兵士がいるので「いらない」と言った。 11 リビアに対しては国連安保理決議1970で武器禁輸措置が設定されたが、決議19 73が民間人保護のためなら外国駐留軍の派遣以外は「すべての必要な措置」を認めて いる。ただ、反体制派内にイスラム過激勢力が存在する可能性や、指揮命令系統や訓練 が不十分な反体制派に武器が渡った場合に「第三者」に流出する恐れも指摘されており、 各国とも慎重な姿勢を崩していない。 ●政治(リビア空爆) オバマ大統領のリビア政策に対する共和党の圧力が強まる。そうしたなか、マケイン上 院議員がリビア訪問。 Sunday, 24 April, 2011: President Obama’s foreign policy is facing increased pressure from Republicans amid an ongoing military stalemate in Libya and a poll showing a drop in support for his actions. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) traveled to Libya on Friday and stepped up his call for the U.S. to increase support for the rebels and to officially recognize their government in Benghazi. The visit from the president’s former campaign rival put the Obama administration in an awkward position, as the White House said it was aware of the trip but that McCain was not carrying a diplomatic message from the U.S. government. A day before McCain met with rebel leaders in their Benghazi stronghold, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that the president had authorized the use of Predator drones against forces loyal to Muammar Gadhafi, an re-escalation of the U.S. military intervention. [The Hill] (関連記事) Saturday, 23 April, 2011: U.S. Sen. John McCain called for increased military support for Libya's rebels Friday, including weapons, training and stepped-up airstrikes, in a full-throated endorsement of the opposition in its fight to oust Moammar Gadhafi. In the Libyan capital, meanwhile, a senior official said government troops would step back and allow local armed tribesmen to deal with rebels in the besieged city of Misrata. The action came a day after the U.S. began flying armed drones to bolster NATO airstrikes, and having the tribesmen take up the fight could make it harder for the Predators to distinguish them from Misrata's civilians or the rebels. McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the United States and other nations should recognize the opposition's political leadership as the "legitimate voice of the Libyan people." The White House disagreed, saying it was for the Libyan people to decide who their leaders are. [Nola] ●政治(内戦) フランスのサルコジ大統領が来週にもベンガジを訪問し反政府代表と会談。 Sunday, 24 April, 2011: Against the backdrop of American drone attacks on Muammar Qaddafi’s forces, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France announced plans to travel to Benghazi to meet the country’s opposition, reported Agence-France Presse. Mr. Sarkozy agreed to meet with the Transitional National Council sometime next week, a top presidential aide said in Paris. On 12 Friday, US Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, visited Benghazi, the center of the uprising, as a show of support for insurgents trying to overthrow Colonel Qaddafi. He urged his government to recognize the rebel council as the country’s government and provide financial assistance and more military aid to the insurgents. Despite sanctions placed against Libya by the United States, the European Union and the United Nations, Mr. Qaddafi’s forces are said to be receiving funds from oil sales, according to various reports. [Alarabiya] ●政治(内戦) リビア西部ミスラタで死者20 人以上 政府側が撤退表明(CNN.co.jp4 月 24 日) トリポリ(CNN) リビア西部ミスラタの住民が CNN に語ったところによると、同 市内で 23 日、政府軍と反政府派の衝突により少なくとも 22 人が死亡した。一方、政府 側は同市での対応を地元部族に引き継ぐ考えを表明した。同住民によると、ミスラタの 戦闘では 65 人が負傷した。死者の大半は、政府軍による市西部への砲撃で死亡した。 また市中心部では不発弾により数人の死者が出たという。同市では激しい市街戦の末、 反体制派が中心部や主要道路を奪還した模様。同住民によれば、道路の閉鎖は不発弾処 理後に解除される見通しで、通信網の復旧作業も進んでいる。カイム外務次官はこれに 先立ち、同市での戦闘や交渉には今後、部族指導者らが対応するとの申し入れがあった と述べ、引き継ぎの方針を示した。 一方、反政府派の報道担当者はこれを一笑に付し、ミスラタは「解放」されたが政府 軍は敗退をごまかそうとしていると主張。一部の政府軍兵士は身の安全の確保と引き換 えに、反政府派に武器を渡して投降する交渉を開始していると語った。一方、米国防総 省によると、米軍は同日午後、リビアで初の無人機攻撃を実施した。国防総省は通例に より詳細を公表していないが、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)によると、政府軍がミスラ タ住民らへの攻撃に使っていたロケット弾発射装置を破壊した。 (関連記事) Sunday, 24 April, 2011: Tripoli: Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister, Khaled Kaim, told journalists in the capital Tripoli on Friday that the Libyan army was being withdrawn from fighting in the town of Misrata, with the task of subduing rebels in the area being handed over to local "tribes". He said the army tactic had been to use "a surgical solution" but that had not worked because of NATO airstrikes. "We will leave it to the tribes around Misrata and Misrata's people to deal with the situation there in Misrata," he said. Kaim said that tribal leaders had warned the army to step aside if it could not retake the city and they would fight the rebels if they don't surrender. [NDTV] ・Friday, 22 April, 2011: REBEL FORCES fighting government troops in the far west of Libya seized control of the border crossing with Tunisia yesterday in an insurgency that has been largely dominated by the siege of Misurata and battles in the east. At least 13 Libyan army officers, including two commanders, fled across the border into Tunisia, according to the official 13 Tunisian news agency, TAP. “Rebels are now manning Dehiba crossing,” rebel commander Shaban Abu Sitta told the Associated Press. He claimed his fighters had destroyed 30 army pick-up trucks. The Tunisian defence ministry said four rockets had hit territory a few hundred metres on its side of the border earlier this week. No one was injured. [Irish Times] ・Saturday, 23 April, 2011: MISRATA, Libya—Rebel fighters in this besieged city hoisted their flag atop the roof of the Libya Insurance Co. on Friday capping a month long battle for the strategically and symbolically important office tower. In the past month of fighting, the nine-story bullet-scarred building became the emblematic heart of the battle for this city. The building marked the deepest point Mr. Gadhafi's forces penetrated into downtown Misrata in mid-March. Ever since it has served as a nest for Mr. Gadhafi's sniper teams. Its capture on Friday gave a boost to a city that is waging a gritty fight against a siege of artillery, rockets, and cluster bombs for over two months. [Wall Street Journal] ●政治(内戦) 米国のマケイン上院議員(共和党アリゾナ州選出)がベンガジを電撃訪問し、反政府軍 代表と面談。 Saturday, 23 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya - Sen. John McCain became the highest ranking U.S. official to meet with Libyan rebels during a surpise visit to opposition capital of Benghazi. The Arizona Republican walked the streets of Benghazi where he was greeting with American flags and chants of "Thank You America." The White House supported the trip, but McCain did not deliver any official messages, instead splitting from the more cautious tone the administration has maintained. In a press conference he urged NATO to step up airstrikes, and the United States to recognize the opposition government. "I would encourage every nation, especially the United States, to recognize the transitional national council as the legitimate voice of the Libyan people," said McCain. [AZ Family] (関連記事) リビア:米マケイン議員 ベンガジを訪問し反体制派と会談(毎日 jp) 米共和党のマケイン上院議員は22日、リビア反体制派の拠点都市ベンガジを訪問し、 国民評議会の幹部らと会談した。会談後の会見でマケイン氏は「(同評議会を)正当な リビア国民の代弁者と認めるべきだ」と語り、米国など各国政府に対して正統な政府と して承認するよう要求した。さらに、市内の病院で多くの遺体や重傷者を見たことを明 らかにした上で、「こうした事態を収束させ、カダフィ(大佐)を排除すべきだ」と発 言。米国や他のNATO加盟国による、反体制派への武器供与の必要性を強調した。 ●政治(内戦) 中国が英国のリビア反政府軍へのアドバイザー派遣に警告。国連安保理決議を越えた行 動に警鐘。 Saturday, 23 April, 2011: BEIJING, April 23 (Reuters) - China has warned Britain over plans to 14 send military officers to advise Libyan rebels struggling against the forces of Muammar Gaddafi, saying that Beijing opposes any steps that go beyond the mandate of a United Nations resolution. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei stopped short of directly accusing Britain of violating the U.N. Security Council resolution on the Libyan conflict, but he left no doubt that China is unhappy about Prime Minister David Cameron's decision to send about a dozen officers to Libya to help insurgents improve their fighting capabilities. [Reuters] ●政治(国連) Ban Ki-moon 国連総長がリビアに対して早期の停戦を要請。 Friday, 22 April, 2011: (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday urged Libyan authorities to "stop fighting and stop killing people" and said the priority of the world body was to secure a ceasefire. "At this time our priority is to bring about a verifiable and effective ceasefire, and then we can expand our humanitarian assistance, and we are going to engage in political dialogue," Ban said during a visit to the Russian capital. "I urge the Libyan authorities to stop fighting and stop killing people," he told reporters. Ban said more than half a million people had fled the fighting in Libya between forces loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi and rebels. Hundreds of people are thought to have been killed. [Reuters] ●政治(人道支援) ドイツの経済大臣がカダフィ・ファミリーの凍結資産を人道支援に利用することを提案。 Friday, 22 April, 2011: Germany's economy minister is suggesting using Moammar Gadhafi's frozen assets to pay for humanitarian aid deliveries to alleviate suffering from the war in Libya. Rainer Bruederle on Monday was quoted by magazine Der Spiegel as saying that the European Union should agree to transfer all frozen funds to the United Nations so that the money could be used "to pay for supplies of humanitarian aid." The ministry confirmed the remarks. A German official, speaking on condition of anonymity citing the sensitivity of the issue, said any decision on the assets required "a multilateral, international agreement." Gadhafi's government has said about $120 billion in assets have been frozen worldwide. Germany says they have frozen "several billion." [Businessweek] ●政治(内戦) リビアに米無人機投入、政府軍はクラスター爆弾使用か(ロイター4 月 22 日) ゲーツ米国防長官は21日、政府軍と反体制派の戦闘が続くリビアの西部ミスラタで、 無人機による政府軍への爆撃を開始すると発表した。無人機による作戦は既に始まって いるという。長官はワシントンでの記者会見で、オバマ大統領が無人機「プレデター」 による爆撃を承認したと発表。カートライト統合参謀本部副議長は、プレデターによる 初の爆撃を21日に予定していたが悪天候のため延期したとし、今後も常時2機を投入 していくと述べた。クリントン米国務長官はこれに先立ち、リビア政府軍がミスラタで 激しい攻撃を行っていると指摘。市民に対しクラスター爆弾を使用した可能性もあると 15 明かした。リビアの第3の都市であるミスラタは、同国西部では反体制派の唯一の拠点 となっているが、過去7週間は政府軍によって包囲されている。戦闘によるミスラタで の死者は数百人に上っている。 (関連記事) ・Friday, 22 April, 2011: Reporting from Washington— President Obama has approved the use of armed Predator drone aircraft to launch airstrikes against ground targets in Libya, the latest sign of mounting concern in Washington that the NATO-led air campaign has failed to stop Moammar Kadafi's forces from shelling the besieged city of Misurata and other populated areas. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who announced the decision at a Pentagon news conference, said Predators armed with Hellfire missiles would be used to augment airstrikes by warplanes from other North Atlantic Treaty Organization nations against the intensifying attacks by forces loyal to Kadafi. The decision marks a resumption of a direct combat role for U.S. aircraft in Libya and represents a shift for the White House. [Los Angeles Times] ・Saturday, 23 April, 2011: President Obama's authorisation of the use of missile-armed drones is a further escalation of the Libya conflict that is sure to result in yet more civilian casualties (Obama sends in Predator drones to help Misrata, 22 April). The evidence is overwhelming that drone usage in Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere massively increases "collateral damage". On 6 May 2002 a drone killed 10 Afghan civilians in a car convoy. On 5 January 2006 a drone targeting al-Qaida's Ayman al-Zawahiri blew up a house in Pakistan. He wasn't there and eight civilians were killed. A week later a Predator ordered into action from CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, destroyed three houses in Demadola, Pakistan, killing 22 civilians, including five women and five children. [Guardian] ●政治(内戦) オスカー賞にノミネートされたこともある映画監督の Tim Hetherington 氏が激戦の続く ミスラタで死亡。同行者 3 名も負傷。 Thursday, 21 April, 2011: An Oscar-nominated film director and war photographer was killed Wednesday in the besieged Libyan city of Misrata, and three Western colleagues were wounded while covering battles between rebels and government forces. British-born Tim Hetherington was killed by a round of mortar fire on Tripoli Street, the main thoroughfare and focus of the fighting in Misrata, the only rebel-held city in western Libya. The city has come under weeks of relentless shelling by forces loyal to leader Moammar Gadhafi. News reports say two photographers - Chris Hondros and Guy Martin - were gravely wounded in the blast. Their prospects for survival are unclear. A third photographer, Michael Brown, suffered light injuries. [VOA News] (関連記事) リビアでカメラマン 2 人が死亡、アカデミー賞候補者も(ロイター4 月 21 日) 16 政府軍と反体制派の戦闘が続くリビアの西部ミスラタで20日、英国のドキュメンタ リー映画監督でカメラマンのティム・ヘザリントン氏(41)とゲッティイメージズの 米国人カメラマン、クリス・ホンドロス氏(41)が砲撃を受けて死亡した。2人は市 内中心部で戦闘に巻き込まれ、病院の医師がヘザリントン氏の死亡を確認。ホンドロス 氏は重傷とされていたが、ゲッティが同氏の死亡を発表した。ヘザリントン氏は、20 07年に世界報道写真大賞を受賞したほか、2010年に共同製作したアフガニスタン 戦争のドキュメンタリー映画「レストレポ」でアカデミー賞にもノミネートされた。ま た、ホンドロス氏のウェブサイトによると、同氏はコソボやアフガニスタン、イラクな どで戦争取材の経験があり、ピュリツァー賞候補にもなったことがある。 ●政治(内戦) フランスとイタリアの政府関係者が 20 日述べたところでは、両国は英国に同調してリ ビア反政府軍を支援するための連絡将校を数名派遣することにした。 Thursday, 21 April, 2011: PARIS — France and Italy said Wednesday that they would join Britain in sending some liaison officers to support the rebel army in Libya, in what military analysts said was a sign that there would be no quick and easy end to the war in Libya. The dispatching of the liaison officers — probably fewer than 40 of them, and carefully not designated as military trainers — is a sign also, they said, that only a combination of military pressure from the sky, economic pressure on the government and a better-organized and coordinated rebel force will finally convince Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi that he has no option but to quit. “Some countries thought the Libya operation could be over quickly,” said a senior NATO ambassador. “But no military commander thinks so.” [New York Times] (関連記事) ・Thursday, 21 April, 2011: PARIS, April 20 (Reuters) - France, jointly with Britain, will send military liaison officers to opposition rebel forces locked in a conflict with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's army. Government spokesman Francois Baroin stressed France had no intention of sending troops into Libya, where Western powers are struggling to break a deadlock in a two-month-old conflict. "A small number of liaison officers (will be placed) with the National Transition Council in order to organise the protection of the civilian population," he told a news briefing. He said they would number up to 10 and that this was an initiative in partnership with the Western-led coalition intervening in Libya. [Reuters] ・Thursday, 21 April, 2011: The Italian and French foreign ministries on Wednesday said they too are going to send advisers to help Libyan rebels in their battle against forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi, following a decision made by the U.K. a day before. Rebels and government forces have been deadlocked for weeks, with the main battleground centering around the port city of Misrata, prompting the three NATO allies to send military advisers. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini echoed statements made by NATO officials in support 17 of the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC). The NTC, based in the rebel-stronghold of Benghazi, has asserted itself as the legitimate ruler of Libya. [The Epoch Times] ●政治(内戦 オバマ政権はリビア反政府勢力に兵力増強目的ではない支援物資 2500 万ドルを用意。 Thursday, 21 April, 2011: The Obama administration is preparing to provide $25 million in non-lethal aid to Libya’s opposition Transitional National Council, the TNC. The plan was confirmed Wednesday by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also expressed concern about mounting casualties among pro-democracy protesters in Syria. Clinton is stressing that the aid package contains no weapons and does not amount to a "blank check" of unlimited U.S. aid to the TNC. But it does represent a significant upgrade of U.S. backing for the umbrella Libyan opposition organization, which Clinton said is "holding its own" militarily in the face of what she termed a "brutal assault" by Moammar Gadhafi’s forces. [VOA News] (関連記事) 米国、リビア反政府勢力に20 億円相当の直接支援へ(ロイター4 月 21 日) クリントン米国務長官は20日、米国はリビアの反政府勢力に対し、総額2500万 ドル(約20億円)相当の医薬品など支援物資を提供する意向を明らかにした。武器は 含まないとしている。記者会見でクリントン長官は、反政府勢力の連合体である「リビ ア国民評議会」を支援するため、米政府は最大2500万ドルの物資提供の承認に動い ていると説明。具体的には、医療品や食料のほか、ブーツやテント、無線機などで、米 政府が備蓄している物資の提供になるため、新たな支出は発生しないとしている。米国 務省によると、今回の直接支援の実施には、オバマ大統領の承認が必要。カダフィ政府 軍と反体制派の激しい戦闘が続くリビア情勢をめぐっては、フランスと英国はすでに、 反体制派に軍事顧問団を派遣する方針を明らかにしている。ホワイトハウスによれば、 オバマ大統領は米軍地上部隊の派遣には反対の姿勢を崩していないが、英仏の軍事顧問 団派遣には協力する意向だという。 ●政治(内戦) カダフィ大佐の次男サイフ・アル・イスラムは反政府軍を駆逐した後、既に出来ている 憲法草案を最終的なものにする考えを明らかにした。 Thursday, 21 April, 2011: CAIRO, April 20 (Reuters) - The son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said the government would prevail over rebels trying to oust his father and a new constitution was ready for when the insurgency was defeated, Al Arabiya TV reported on Wednesday. The Dubai-based satellite channel said Saif al-Islam, speaking on Libyan state television, accused the Benghazi-based rebel national council as being motivated by "power and oil wealth". "Libya will not go back to what it was," Al Arabiya quoted Saif al-Islam as saying. "The era of the first Jamahiriya (people's republic) is gone and a new draft constitution has been prepared". Saif al-Islam has the highest profile among Gaddafi's sons although, like his father, 18 he has no official government position. [Reuters] ●政治(制裁) リビア政府はずるがしこいやり方でガソリンを西部リビア地域に輸入することで制裁 措置を回避している。仲介人を通じてチュニジアから輸入する方法。 Thursday, 21 April, 2011: LONDON, April 20 (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi's government is circumventing international sanctions to import gasoline to western Libya by using intermediaries who transfer the fuel between ships in Tunisia. U.N. diplomats in New York said they suspected Gaddafi's attempts to import gasoline might consistute a violation of U.N. Security Council sanctions banning any transactions with Libya's state-owned National Oil Corp (NOC). One intermediary company, Hong Kong-based Champlink, previously unknown to the oil trading community, has sought a transaction for fuel delivery into Libya, and European oil traders said they had been approached by other such firms. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) リビア空爆1カ月、見えぬ着地点 焦燥感強める反体制派(産経新聞 4 月 20 日) 欧米などの多国籍軍がリビア軍事作戦を開始して19日で1カ月となったが、同国最 高指導者カダフィ大佐側と反体制派との戦闘は膠着(こうちゃく)状態に陥り、反体制 派への新たな軍事支援をめぐる国際社会の歩調もそろわないままだ。外交的にカダフィ 氏に退陣を促す動きも、同氏の「完全排除」を目指す反体制派の理解を得るのは難しく、 交渉による着地点は見えていない。16日付の米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズ(電子版) は米当局者の話として、オバマ米政権がアフリカでカダフィ氏の受け入れ先を探す作業 を水面下で進めていると報じた。国際刑事裁判所(ICC)による訴追を懸念するカダ フィ氏側に配慮し、ICCへの被告人引き渡し手続きなどを定めた条約の未批准国への 脱出も検討されているという。だが、こうした形でのカダフィ氏退陣は「カダフィ氏だ けでなく、反体制派からも拒絶される可能性が高い」と、エジプトの北アフリカ専門家 は指摘する。カダフィ氏は、各国で凍結された資産のほかにも金塊などの形で潤沢な資 金を保有しているとみられる。反体制派にとっては、同氏が国外から部族対立を扇動す るなどして復権を狙う懸念が払拭できないわけだ。ただ、反体制派も現状の戦力でカダ フィ氏を追い詰めるのは難しい。カダフィ氏側はこれまでの多国籍軍による空爆で数多 くの戦車や機関砲などを失っている。しかし、AP通信によると、北東部ベンガジを拠 点とする反体制派組織「国民評議会」のアブドルジャリル議長は先週、空爆がなければ ベンガジ防衛さえ困難だとの認識を示した。 多国籍軍を主導する英国やフランスは、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)加盟国に空爆 強化を求めているが、作戦の指揮権をNATOに移譲し側面支援に回った米国をはじめ、 各国の反応は鈍い。イタリアなどが主張する反体制派への武器供与も反対論が根強い。 そんな中、ロシアのラブロフ外相は15日、多国籍軍が事実上、反体制派の戦闘を支援 しているとして、「(市民保護が目的の)国連安全保障理事会決議を逸脱している」と 19 批判した。これを受けたように、多国籍軍はここ数日、空爆対象をカダフィ氏側の市民 攻撃が続く北西部ミスラタ周辺などに集中させている。カダフィ氏側のクラスター爆弾 使用が指摘されるなど同市への攻撃は激しく、18日には英国や国際移住機関(IOM) の救援船が、5千人規模の負傷者や外国人らの収容を開始するなど、人道支援が活発化 している。 半面、反体制派とカダフィ氏側の戦闘が続く東部地域の空爆はその分、手薄となって おり、反体制派は焦燥感を強めている。 リビア情勢 2月15日 リビア北東部ベンガジで反体制デモ 20日 反体制派がベンガジを制圧。デモが首都トリポリに波及 22日 カダフィ大佐がテレビ演説。退陣を拒否 24日 スイス政府がカダフィ大佐らの資産を凍結 25日 米大統領が対リビア制裁を発動 26日 国連安全保障理事会がリビア制裁決議採択 3月17日 安保理がリビアに飛行禁止区域を設定 19日 米英仏などがリビア攻撃を開始 30日 クーサ外相が英国で辞任を表明 31日 北大西洋条約機構が米国から全指揮権継承を完了 4月10日 アフリカ連合が内戦終結に向けた仲介案を発表。反体制派は拒否 13日 軍事介入した欧米やアラブ諸国等連絡調整グループがカタールで初会合 (関連記事) ・Wednesday, 20 April, 2011: Libya's foreign minister says a British plan to send a military team to advise rebels fighting Col Gaddafi would harm chances of peace in the country. A UK military presence in rebel-held Benghazi would "prolong" fighting, Abdul Ati al-Obeidi told the BBC. UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said the move complied with a UN resolution to protect civilians in Libya, which forbids foreign occupation forces. The team is set to provide logistics and intelligence training in Benghazi. The BBC understands about 10 UK officers and a similar number from France will be despatched on the mission. [BBC] ・Wednesday, 20 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya -- Britain is sending up to 20 military advisers to help Libya's ragtag rebel force break a military stalemate with Moammar Gadhafi's army, even as NATO acknowledges that airstrikes alone cannot stop the daily shelling of the besieged opposition-held city of Misrata. Gadhafi's troops have been pounding Misrata indiscriminately with mortars and rockets, a NATO general said Tuesday, and residents reported more explosions and firefights in Libya's third-largest city. Hospitals are overflowing and 120 patients need to be evacuated from the city that has been under siege for nearly two months, the World Health Organization said. [Mercury News] 20 ●経済(支援) 世界食料計画(WFO)は戦闘が長期化するリビア西部地域への食料輸送支援を開始。 Wednesday, 20 April, 2011: The World Food Program has started moving food assistance by land into parts of western Libya heavily affected by fighting for the first time since violence between the government and protesters began two months ago. The World Food Program reports a convoy of eight trucks loaded with wheat flour and high-energy biscuits crossed into western Libya on Monday. WFP says these supplies are enough to feed nearly 50,000 people for 30 days. WFP spokeswoman Emilia Casella says earlier this week, the agency signed an operational agreement with the Libyan Red Crescent to coordinate the delivery and distribution of food assistance to the areas facing food shortages. [VOA News] ●政治(内戦) フランスは戦闘が激化している西部地域に空爆実行を誘導する部隊を派遣することに 反対の意を唱えた。 Wednesday, 20 April, 2011: (Reuters) - France is opposed to the idea of sending troops into Libya to guide air strikes as the West struggles to break a military stalemate in the North African country, Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said on Tuesday. Juppe said the situation in Libya was "difficult" and "confused" a month after France launched the first U.N.-mandated strikes against Muammar Gaddafi's forces. He added that the West had underestimated the Libyan leader's ability to adapt his tactics in response to the coalition campaign. Gaddafi's army has switched to light vehicles like pickup trucks after strikes led by France, Britain and the United States targeted his tanks and heavy weaponry. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) イタリアの Luiss 大学の Giuseppe Sacco 教授はリビアが国家 2 分の可能性のあることを 示唆。 Wednesday, 20 April, 2011: ROME, April 19 (Xinhua) -- The Libyan crisis faces the risk of turning into a "prolonged conflict" which will end up splitting the country in two, a leading Italian expert said in a recent interview with Xinhua. "I see no immediate solution to the conflict between NATO forces and the Libyan rebels on one side, and Muammar Gaddafi on the other. The ongoing civil war is fated to become an internal cancer that will destroy territorial unity and lead to a partition," Giuseppe Sacco, a professor of international relations at the Rome-based Luiss University said. According to Sacco, Gaddafi will not easily surrender and will fight till the very end, while rebels of the Transitional National Council (TNC) will pursue a tough resistance. However, the rebels will not be able to oust Gaddafi from the country on their own. [Xinhuanet] ●政治(空爆) NATO はシルテにある通信等を空爆。リビア国営放送が報じた。 21 Tuesday, 19 April, 2011: TUNIS, April 18 (Reuters) - NATO air strikes destroyed the main telecommunications tower in the city of Sirte on Monday, Libyan state news agency Jana said. Citing an engineer in the city 450 km (281 miles) east of the capital Tripoli, Jana said "the bombardment of the colonial and crusader aggressors" also hit two other telecommunications stations there early in the morning. "The three stations provide telephone services for residents across Libya. The stations also provide communications networks for the fire brigades, rescue services and hospitals," it said. Western officials say NATO is targeting only military targets consistent with the alliance's U.N.-mandated campaign to impose a no-fly zone and protect Libyan civilians from Muammar Gaddafi's forces. [Reuters] ●エネルギー(石油) 反政府派は主要 2 油田(Messla フィールドと Sarir フィールド)が生産再開しない限り さらなる原油販売は行なわないことを明らかにした。 Tuesday, 19 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Libyan rebels will not sell any additional oil until production resumes from two key fields that suffered battle damage in the breakaway east, the region's top oil official said Monday. The repairs — which rebels say could be completed in weeks — are a priority for opposition forces that are counting on oil revenues to maintain the fight against Moammar Gadhafi's stronger military. Wahid Bughaigis, who serves as oil minister for the rebel-held eastern swath of the country, said a main challenge was finding parts to repair damaged generators and other sites at the Messla and Sarir fields, which the rebels maintain were hit by pro-Gadhafi forces. The government, however, has blamed British warplanes for the damage — a charge NATO had denied. [AP] ●政治(人道) 1 隻のフェリーボートが、カダフィ派と反政府組織が戦闘を行っているミスラタのリビ ア人など 1000 名を救助。英国によるとさらに 5000 人を救出する予定。 Tuesday, 19 April, 2011: Misrata: A ferry has rescued almost 1,000 people from Misrata and Britain said it plans to pick up 5,000 more, as UN officials said Moamer Gaddafi government has guaranteed "safe passage" for foreign aid workers and to let a UN mission into the besieged port city. The safe passage was part of an accord on humanitarian access to the capital and other Libyan cities secured in Tripoli on Sunday by UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos, said deputy UN spokesman Farhan Haq. The Gaddafi government also agreed to let a UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs mission into Misrata, said UN humanitarian spokeswoman Stephanie Bunker. "We want to assess the situation and determine the needs with our own eyes," Bunker told AFP. [ZeeNews] ●エネルギー(OPEC) NOC のガーネム総裁はカタールが反政府側を支援している点について OPEC に異議を 申し立て。 22 Tuesday, 19 April, 2011: LONDON, April 18 (Reuters) - Libya's National Oil Corporation has protested to OPEC about help fellow member Qatar is giving to Libyan rebels, sources familiar with the matter said on Monday. The complaint by Shokri Ghanem, the chairman of NOC, hints at rising political tension as a result of the Libyan crisis within the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, which pumps more than a third of the world's oil. His letter to OPEC described the Qatari action as "very unfortunate," said one of the sources, who declined to be identified because the source is not authorised to speak to journalists. [Reuters] (関連記事) Tuesday, 19 April, 2011: DOHA, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Qatar's Amir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani on Monday met Libya's Transitional National Council Chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the Qatar News Agency reported. The report said the two discussed the latest developments in Libya, days after the amir said the Gulf emirate was ready to arm the opposition group. Qatar was the first Arab nation to recognize the Libyan opposition group and has exported two shipments of oil from Tobruk, the main oil hub in the east of Libya. Sheikh Al-Thani said last Thursday during a visit to the United States that his country stands ready to provide arms to the Libyan opposition on request. [Xinhuanet] ●政治(内戦) <リビア>空爆1カ月 反体制派「手詰まり」(毎日新聞 4 月 18 日) 国連安全保障理事会決議に基づくリビア空爆が始まって19日で1カ月。「民間人保 護」が大義名分だが、政府軍の攻撃で死傷する市民は今も後を絶たない。最高指導者カ ダフィ大佐の排除を目指す反体制派は、軍事力で決め手に欠ける手詰まり状態で、国づ くりや諸外国の承認も進んでいない。国土の分断と内戦の固定化への懸念が深まる中、 リビアはどこに向かうのか。経過を振り返り、展望をさぐった。 ◇NATO軍に失望 「なぜカダフィ軍への攻撃を強化しないんだ」。反体制派の拠点都市ベンガジ。裁判所 前広場で男たちが北大西洋条約機構(NATO)を口々に批判した。政府軍の攻撃が続 く北西部ミスラタでは一般人の死傷者が増え続け、「勝利と自由をもたらしてくれる」 とのNATO軍空爆への期待は失望に変わっている。会社員のファウジ・ディオウムさ ん(47)は「カダフィを倒す力があるのに倒さないのはなぜか。戦争を長引かせ、焦 土になった後に油田を自分たちで自由にコントロールするつもりだ」と訴えた。 ◇市民の犠牲絶えず 地元テレビはミスラタでの政府軍によるクラスター爆弾の使用や被害の様子を連日詳 細に報道、NATO批判をあおるかのようだ。運転手のイスマイルさん(45)は「ミ スラタでの犠牲は女性や子供など一般市民で、虐殺だ。どれだけ犠牲を払わなくてはい けないんだ」と声を荒らげた。NATO主導の多国籍軍は3月27日に空爆指揮権を得 た後、 31 日から攻撃のための飛行を 1146 回実施。 16 日も首都トリポリや北中部シルト、 23 北西部ジンタンで政府軍の弾薬庫や対空ミサイル施設などを破壊した。しかし、政府軍 はミスラタでクラスター爆弾を使用して住民を死傷させ、18 日も攻撃を継続。ベンガ ジの南160キロのアジュダビアにも猛攻を仕掛けている。現状は「手詰まり」(オバ マ米大統領)だ。NATO軍の空爆部隊の主力は英仏で、カナダなどを含めても6カ国。 爆撃機や誤爆の確率を下げる精密誘導爆弾の不足が表面化している。反体制派も装備や 訓練の不足に悩む。兵力や錬度に勝る政府軍に劣勢を強いられているのが現状だ。 ◇国づくりも難航 カダフィ政権との内戦状態が続く中、反体制派は国づくりにも取り組んでいる。今年2 月27日、司法相を辞任して反体制側についたムスタファ・アブドルジャリル氏を議長 に国民評議会(議会)を設立。3月23日には、在米経験が長くカダフィ政権の経済開 放政策づくりに関与していたマフムード・ジブリル氏を首班とする暫定内閣も組織した。 評議会に勤務するアマル・タルフニさん(32)によると、評議会に助言する専門家か ら成る諮問委員会が、複数政党制や立憲民主制を基本とする憲法草案作りに取り組んで いる。カダフィ政権崩壊後には民主的選挙を実施し、トリポリを首都とした新政権に移 行する構想だ。ただ、評議会はカダフィ政権が掌握する都市にも地域代表を持つが、定 員31人のうち活動に参加できているのは11~12人に過ぎない。外務、経済財政な ど7大臣の中には海外を拠点にする者もおり「正式な閣議は一度も行われていない」 (タ ルフニさん)のが現状だ。 暫定政府の中核になりうる専門家や官僚はトリポリ駐在者が多く、適材適所の人材確保 が最大の課題となっている。避難民の人道支援関係者は反体制派について「危機的な状 況でよく活動しているが、すべての面で対応が不十分で遅い」と指摘する。タルフニさ んは「ゼロからのスタート。しかし、民主的で自由な国を実現したいとの意欲は高く、 みな朝から深夜まで働いている」と語った。 (関連記事) 政府軍攻撃で 110 人死亡か=リビア(時事通信 4 月 19 日) 【カイロ時事】リビア西部ヤフランの住民は 18 日、AFP 通信に対し、最高指導者カダ フィ大佐を支持する政府軍がヤフランや西部ナルトなど首都トリポリ西方の地域を攻 撃し、過去 24 時間で 110 人が死亡したと語った。ナルトの住民は「(政府軍は)ロケ ット弾で民家や病院を攻撃し、住民の一部はチュニジア方面へ逃げ出した」と述べた。 ●政治(内戦) カダフィ軍に包囲されたミスラタから負傷兵や移住者を乗せた船がベンガジに到着。 (18 April 2011 BBC) A ship carrying injured people and migrant workers from the besieged Libyan city of Misrata has arrived in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. 24 Aid workers and Misrata residents have said the situation there is "dire".They have reported shortages of food, power, water and medicine, as forces loyal to Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi intensify their shelling of the city. (Sunday 18 は Monday 18 の間違い 間違い!!) ●政治(内戦) ミスラタとアデュジャビヤ近郊での戦闘で反政府軍はカダフィ軍を敗走させようとし て試みており、トラックに乗ったカダフィ軍が敗走したというニューヨークタイムスと AP の報道があった。 Sunday, 18 April, 2011: Fighting raged around the Libyan cities of Misrata and Ajdabiya amid conflicting reports that rebels trying to oust Muammar Qaddafi were fleeing. Rebels in pickup trucks mounted with machine guns were running away from Ajdabiya, according to the New York Times and the Associated Press, while Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya television networks said the rebels had halted Qaddafi’s forces at the Western gate of the city. All the news services have correspondents on the scene. Shelling in Misrata, the main rebel-held city in the west and Libya’s third-largest city, has killed five people and injured 47 since yesterday, Al-Jazeera reported. Qaddafi’s forces have fired rockets and cluster bombs into residential areas, according to the New York Times and Human Rights Watch. [Bloomberg] ●政治(内戦) かつてリビアの期待の星であったサイフ・アル・イスラム、かつての“盟友”であった 米国との決別。 Sunday, 18 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya — Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the influential second son of Moammar Gaddafi who was once seen as the great hope for reform in Libya, is clear on two points: He and his government have done nothing wrong, and they are not going to back down. In an interview that reflected the defiance of the Gaddafi family more than two months into its efforts to put down a rebellion supported by the United States and its allies, the 38-year-old said the world had gone to war with Libya based on nothing more than rumor and propaganda. In Saif Gaddafi’s telling, he has been betrayed by his “best friend,” who defected to join the rebels. His father’s government is besieged by al-Qaeda. And President Obama has proved no different than his predecessor, George W. Bush. [Washington Post] ●政治(内戦) 未確認情報によれば、反政府軍は武器の供与を受け始めている。 Sunday, 17 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya — Libyan rebels say they have begun receiving arms shipments from abroad, although there has been no independent confirmation of that. The rebel military leader, Gen. Abdel Fattah Younes, on Saturday said in an interview with Al Arabiya, a satellite news channel, that his forces had received weapons supplies from 25 unidentified nations that support their uprising. A spokesman for the rebels' National Transitional Council, Mustafa Gheriani, confirmed Younes' statement but also refused to provide details. On Thursday, the emir of Qatar, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, told CNN that his country would provide weapons to the rebels and that deliveries of antitank weapons might already have reached them. [Statesman] ●政治(内政) Human Rights Watch はミスラタ近郊でカダフィ軍がクラスター爆弾を使用したと報じ、 非難声明を出した。 Saturday, 16 April, 2011: Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi have fired cluster bombs into residential areas of the besieged city of Misrata, according to witnesses. Human Rights Watch reported that four cluster bombs exploded in the city on Thursday and Friday, and two Libyan residents of Misrata told the Guardian that they suspected the munitions were being used. Cluster bombs, banned by most countries in the world, explode in midair, indiscriminately throwing out dozens of high-explosive bomblets which cause widespread damage and injuries over a large area. The submunitions often fail to explode on impact but detonate when stepped on or picked up. The claims came as the leaders of US, Britain and France committed their countries to pursue military action until Colonel Gaddafi has been removed from power. [Guardian] (関連記事) リビア クラスター爆弾使用か(NHK ニュース 4 月 16 日) カダフィ政権と反政府勢力との戦闘が長期化するリビアで、政権側が国際的に批判され ているクラスター爆弾を使用していると、アメリカの人権団体が発表しました。 ニューヨークに本部を置く国際的な人権団体「ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ」が15日、 明らかにしたもので、西部の都市ミスラータの上空で14日、クラスター爆弾が爆発す るのが少なくとも3度目撃されたとしています。クラスター爆弾は、戦闘機から投下し、 多数の小さな爆弾が広範囲に飛び散るもので、団体側は、投下された爆弾の一部を 入手して調べたところ、21個の小型爆弾からなるスペイン製と確認されたとして、写 真をホームページに公開しました。人権団体側は、カダフィ政権はクラスター爆弾を 使っており、直ちに使用をやめるよう求めていますが、カダフィ政権側は使っていない としています。クラスター爆弾を巡っては、戦闘のあとにも多くが不発弾として残り、住 民を危険にさらすとして、爆弾の生産や使用を全面的に禁止する国際的な条約が去 年8月に発効しましたが、リビアは加盟していません。 ●政治(カダフィ後) 反政府軍はベンガジでカダフィ後の憲法起草に着手。性別、宗教などに関係ない平等で 民主的な内容が盛り込まれている。 Saturday, 16 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya—Rebels here have drafted a constitution that calls 26 for full equality regardless of gender, race or religion, part of their effort to convince the world they are committed to democracy and deserve international support. The document represents a milestone in the rebels' effort to move rapidly from a grass-roots uprising to a government with all the trappings of statehood. The progress in Benghazi contrasted with the rebel fighters' struggle to make gains in the military battle against Col. Moammar Gadhafi's forces. President Barack Obama, in an interview with the Associated Press, said the fight was at a stalemate, but that Col. Gadhafi was under growing pressure to quit. [Wall Street Journal] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ大佐の長女アイーシャ(35 歳)はトリポリの自宅から支持者に向けて NATO の空爆に抗議するメッセージを配信。 Saturday, 16 April, 2011: As if to show the world that she too, like all members of the Al Qathafi family are still in Libya, early Friday morning the Libyan leader's only daughter, 35-year-old Ayesha, a lawyer by profession, delivered a defiant message to hundreds of supporters from her father's compound at Bab al-Aziziya in the Libyan capital, Tripoli. This must have been the only time that Ayesha has publicly come out in full support of her father. To anti-NATO slogans and dancing by the gathering to Arabic music, she addressed the crowd from the second floor balcony of the compound that a few days ago was targeted by NATO airstrikes. She compared the current NATO strikes on Libya to the 1986 bombing. She said: “They dropped their rockets and bombs on us (in 1986), and they tried to kill me. [Tripoli Post] ●政治(カダフィ後) 反体制派の法律専門家がパリを訪問し、カダフィ政権崩壊後の体制作りなどの話合いを 実施するためのアドバイスを受けた。 Saturday, 16 April, 2011: PARIS — Legal specialists from Libya's opposition movement are visiting Paris to get advice about how to write a new constitution and build state institutions — in case Moammar Gadhafi's regime is ousted one day. The Foreign Ministry says the three-person delegation from the opposition National Transitional Council is meeting officials from parliament, and the ministry's legal adviser among other judicial experts. Salwa Daghili, a French-trained legal scholar who heads the council's judicial committee, said by phone Friday she and two other envoys arrived Wednesday from the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. France is among the strongest foreign supporters of the Libyan opposition. [Canadian Press] ●政治(リビア内戦) 英米仏の首脳はカダフィ大佐が政権を去るまで NATO 軍は攻撃を継続することを改め て確認。 Friday, 15 April, 2011: The leaders of Britain, France and the United States say the NATO coalition will continue its military campaign in Libya until Moammar Gadhafi leaves power, while rebels said loyalist attacks killed 23 people in the besieged city of Misrata. British Prime 27 Minister David Cameron, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and U.S. President Barack Obama said Friday that leaving Mr. Gadhafi in power would be an "unconscionable betrayal" of the Libyan people. In a joint article published in several international newspapers, The Times of London, France's Le Figaro and The Washington Post , the leaders wrote it is "unthinkable that someone who has tried to massacre his own people can play a part in their future government." [VOA News] ●政治(リビア内戦) 英国に亡命した Moussa Koussa 前外相は EU および英国の制裁者リストから除外された。 Friday, 15 April, 2011: Moussa Koussa, the defected former Libyan foreign minister, was removed from the list of Libyan officials under European Union and British sanctions, the U.K. government said. Koussa fled from Libya to Britain at the end of March, and he faced questioning in Scotland over his role in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie. Lifting the sanctions removed an asset freeze and a travel ban placed on Koussa. “Sanctions are introduced to invoke behavioral change and as (Moussa Koussa) has chosen to leave the regime he is no longer sanctioned in this way,” said a U.K. The European move follows similar action 10 days ago by the U.S., which sought to encourage more defectors with its quick action. Thus far, there have been few others taking the carrot. [Wall Street Journal] (関連記事) Saturday, 16 April, 2011: (Reuters) - Switzerland is set to remove former Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa from its sanctions list, a government spokeswoman said on Friday, following a similar move by the European Union. In a move by the West to encourage more defections from Muammar Gaddafi's regime, the EU has lifted a freeze on the assets of Koussa, who fled to Britain on March 30. The United States lifted sanctions against him on April 4. "The Swiss sanctions list will be adapted analogously to that of the EU," Antje Baertschi, spokeswoman for the State Secretariat for Economics (SECO) told Reuters. The SECO oversees the sanctions list. Switzerland has sought to improve its image as a haven for ill-gotten assets and in February froze assets of 29 Libyans linked to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. [Reuters] ●エネルギー(石油) イタリアの Eni SpA は自社で備蓄している原油を西部リビアのターミナルからベニス に移送する計画であることを明らかにした。 Friday, 15 April, 2011: ROME—Eni SpA, Italy's biggest energy company by market value, said Thursday it plans to transport as much as possible of its own oil stored in a Western Libyan terminal to Venice for safety reasons. "We are trying to lift as much equity oil as possible" from the Mellitah terminal via a tanker to Venice, said an Eni spokesman. "No specific time frame is available, but we hope to have one [tanker] in a few days," he added. The crude had been stored 28 before Eni stopped all its oil production due to the safety threat posed by the fighting between forces loyal to Col. Moammar Gadhafi and the rebels. Eni is the foreign oil company with the biggest operations in Libya, a former colony of Italy. [Wall Street Journal] ●政治(リビア混乱) アル・カーイダ No.2 の Ayman al-Zawahiri がカダフィ政権と NATO に対して蜂起を呼び かけ。 Friday, 15 April, 2011: WASHINGTON — Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri incites Muslims to rise up against both NATO and Moamer Kadhafi's forces in a newly released video apparently taped before the Western intervention in Libya. Zawahiri, wearing a white robe, was speaking in a one hour and nine minute video produced by Al-Qaeda?s media arm, as-Sahab, according to the US-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors Islamic extremist websites. SITE said Zawahiri split his lecture into three distinct parts, addressing in turn the uprisings in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia. [AFP] ●政治(反体制派支援) リビア情勢の国際会合、反体制派への資金支援で合意(CNN 2011.4.14) ドーハ(CNN) アラブ・アフリカ諸国や国連、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)など の代表がリビア情勢を協議する「連絡調整グループ」の初会合が13日、カタールの首 都ドーハで開かれた。リビア反体制派の代表らも出席した。人道的支援を強化するとと もに、反体制派の資金支援を目的とした一時的基金を創設することで合意した。ドイツ のベスターベレ外相が報道陣に語ったところによると、会合では、凍結されているリビ アの資産を基金に使用する可能性について話し合われたという。 反体制派の代表組織「国民評議会」のゴーガ副議長は同日夜、1000億ドルを超える 資金の凍結が解除され、反体制派に提供されることで合意したと述べたが、解除を行う 国や時期については語らなかった。ゴーガ氏はまた、反体制派がNATOに対し、空爆 と民間人保護を強化するよう要請したとしている。 国連の潘基文(パン・ギムン)事務総長は会合で、紛争により最終的に最大360万人 の支援が必要になるとしたうえで、支援を提供するための資金拠出が遅れていると指摘 した。潘氏によると、国連が緊急資金として求めた3億1000万ドルのうち、現時点 で集まっているのは39%に過ぎないという。リビアでは、西部ミスラタなど各地でカ ダフィ大佐の政府軍と反体制派の攻防が続いており、民間人の犠牲者も増大している。 NATO主導の空爆も行われているが、カダフィ大佐が退陣する気配はない。こうした なか、先月ロンドンで行われた会議で連絡調整グループが設立された。 ●政治(内戦) 国連安保理が個人および企業に関する制裁の範囲を広げようとしたが、ロシア、中国、 インドがもっと時間をかけて検討すべきである、との要請によって困難にぶつかってい る。 29 Friday, 15 April, 2011: UNITED NATIONS, April 14 (Reuters) - U.N. Security Council plans to expand a list of Libyan individuals and firms subject to U.N. sanctions have hit a snag due to Russian, Chinese and Indian demands for more time, diplomats said on Thursday. Diplomats said the resistance of the three countries was worrying, since they have become increasingly critical of the U.N.-approved no-fly zone and air strikes officially intended to protect civilians in Libya but which critics say are aimed at supporting rebels seeking to overthrow the government. "We'd rather not see a big split in the international community on Libya at this crucial time," a Western diplomat told Reuters. "Let's hope they come around and join the consensus (on expanding the sanctions). The point is to reduce the ability of the Gaddafi regime to attack its own people." [Reuters] ●政治(リビア問題) 米補佐官がサウジ訪問 リビア問題など国王と協議(MSN2011 産経.4.14) 米ホワイトハウスは13日、ドニロン大統領補佐官(国家安全保障問題担当)がサウ ジアラビアを訪問し、リヤドで12日にアブドラ国王と会談したと発表した。政治と安 全保障、経済問題について「包括的な協議」を行ったとしており、リビア情勢や中東各 地で続く反体制派デモが議題となったとみられる。ドニロン氏はイエメン情勢をめぐり、 サウジなどで構成する湾岸協力会議(GCC)がサレハ大統領の権限移譲に向けた仲介 工作を行っていることを評価した。ドニロン氏は13日、リビアで多国籍軍の軍事作戦 に参加しているアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)も訪問し、アブダビ首長国のムハンマド皇 太子と会談した。(共同) ●政治(内戦) リビア外相、キプロス訪問へ(MSN 産経 2011.4.13) キプロス政府スポークスマンは13日、ロイター通信に、リビアのオベイディ外相が キプロスのキプリアヌ外相と会談するために同国を訪問すると述べた。日程などの詳細 は不明。オベイディ氏側の提案という。同氏は外務次官だった今月初めにギリシャとト ルコ、マルタを訪問し、反体制派との早期の停戦を望むとする最高指導者カダフィ大佐 の意向を伝達しており、キプロスにも同様のメッセージを伝えるとみられる。(共同) ●政治(リビア空爆) 米国国防省によれば、米空軍戦闘機がカダフィ派の対象物を空爆。今月初めに米軍が NATO の後方支援を発表して以来 3 度目の空爆。 Thursday, 14 April, 2011: WASHINGTON – U.S. warplanes have bombed three ground targets in Libya since the Obama administration announced earlier this month that America was shifting to a support role in the NATO-led air campaign, the Pentagon acknowledged. Col. Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said Wednesday that U.S. fighter jets have attacked Libyan air defense sites to support the no-fly zone imposed last month under a United Nations mandate to deter attacks against civilians by forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi. Administration 30 officials previously said that the U.S. had halted strike sorties on April 4, several days after turning over command of the air campaign to the NATO alliance, and that attacks on Libyan tanks and other ground units would be handled by aircraft from Britain, France and other allies. [Los Angeles Times] ●経済(通信) アブダビに本社のある米国/リビア合弁通信企業が独立した通信システムをリビア東部 に構築。 Thursday, 14 April, 2011: A Libyan-American telecom exec in Abu Dhabi has launched an independent phone network in Libya, connecting users in rebel-held parts of east Libya whose network had been shut down by Libyan leader Moammar Ghadafi. "For almost a month no one could call into Libya," said Ousama Abushagur, 31, who has family members in east Libya. "It was totally blocked off and monitored by Ghadafi's men." Critically, rebel groups couldn't communicate during military operations, and according to some reports, resorted to hand gestures and flags during fights. In February, Ghadafi took control of his country's telecom operator, Libyana Mobile Phone, and routed all calls through centralized systems in government-held Tripoli. [PCMag] ●政治(内戦) リビアの反体制派代表が今週末にワシントンを訪問する意向。 Thursday, 14 April, 2011: (RTTNews) - A envoy of the Libya's Transitional National Council (TNC), an opposition group fighting the regime of authoritarian leader Moammar Qadhafi, is expected to visit Washington later this week to hold talks with senior US administration and defense officials, the State Department announced Wednesday. According to State Department spokesman Mark Toner, Mahmoud Jibril is visiting the United States in an effort to convince Washington to provide greater support to the rebel movement trying to topple the repressive Qadhafi regime in Libya. Toner said Jibril is expected to arrive in the United States on Thursday and added that the Libyan would hold talks with senior Pentagon and State Department officials as well as members of Congress in the course of his visit. But Toner did not specify when those talks would take place. [RTT] (関連記事) 反体制派の訪米は航空機のキャンセルによって延期。 Friday, 15 April, 2011: The leader of Libya's National Transitional Council, Mahmud Jibril, was supposed to be in Washington today and tomorrow to meet with administration officials and senators, but was forced to postpone his trip at the last minute due to a cancelled flight. "Dr Jibril's commercial flight to the United States was cancelled and he is unable to attend the meeting. We hope to reschedule in the near future," Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) said in a statement. Jibril was scheduled to have coffee with 31 SFRC members today. Jibril was also set to meet with Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg, some Pentagon officials, and give a speech Friday at the Center for International and Strategic Studies. He was not scheduled to meet with any White House or National Security Council senior officials. [Foreign Policy] ●政治(内戦) 2004 年にブレアー首相がカダフィ大佐と和解し、リビアは国際社会に帰ってきたが、 現在の反政府勢力に対する軍事攻撃の残虐さをみるにつけ、それが偽りの態度であった ことが判明。この点をキャメロン首相はブレアー元首相の市制共々批判。 Thursday, 14 April, 2011: Tony Blair has defended his “great” deal in the desert with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi because it “welcomed” the Libyan leader’s decision to give up terrorism. The former Prime Minister shook hands with Col. Gaddafi after talks in Libya in 2004 and re-opened diplomatic links. David Cameron has criticised Mr Blair’s government for conducting “dodgy deals in the desert” after Gaddafi regime used air attacks and tanks in attempts to crush rebels. “When Libya was prepared to give up sponsoring terrorism and support the fight against it, to give up its chemical and nuclear weapons, that was good and we were right to welcome it,” he said. “We are right, equally, to condemn what has happened now and in the last weeks. [Telegraph] ●政治(内戦) リビアは経済制裁に向けて自国の金や他の資産でなんとか食いつなぐことが出来るが、 人道的必要性から対外凍結資産の解除をあわせて要請。 Thursday, 14 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, April 13 (Reuters) - Libya said on Wednesday it had reserves in gold and other assets that would help its people cope with sanctions, but it also called for funds it holds abroad to be "unfrozen immediately" for humanitarian needs. Planning and Finance Minister Abdulhafid Zlitni estimated that about $120 billion of Libya's assets had been frozen as part of sanctions, but that the North African country still had significant "contingency reserves," without giving details. He also told a news conference there were "no legal grounds" for diverting Libyan assets to rebels fighting the government of Muammar Gaddafi. "We have confidence that the banks cannot do that, they don't have the legal grounds to do it," Zlitni said. [Reuters] (関連記事) Wednesday, 13 April, 2011: Libya's Finance Minister Abdulhafid Zlitni fears the Muammar al-Gaddafi regime may run out of funds within months if there is no quick resolution to the political and military crisis. Zlitni said the government would double interest rates in the next week in an attempt to encourage citizens to stop hoarding money at home and deposit their cash in banks. The decision to raise interest rates is one of a number of emergency measures taken by the regime in recent weeks, including the rationing of fuel, restricting cash withdrawals from 32 banks, increasing public sector pay by 50 percent and doubling pensions, the Guardian reports. [Sify] ●政治(内戦) Al Hawari 病院はベンガジで最も近代的な病院であるが、この 2 ヶ月多くの負傷者が運 び込まれて立錐の余地がない。手術の器具なども不足しており、500 のベッド数の病院 が 800 名から 1000 名のけが人を受け入れている。 Thursday, 14 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, 13 April 2011 (IRIN) - Al Hawari hospital may be the most modern medical centre in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, but the large number of war wounded it has received in the last two months has stretched its limited resources. "When the fighting began, most of the injured - both civilians and soldiers - were transferred here," said the hospital's senior medical officer Fabri El Jroshi. "We were missing a lot of important equipment to treat them, and we still are. We need material for fractures and fixtures and we badly need more nursing staff. "Sometimes patients will find a doctor here, but no equipment for fixing a broken bone." The 500-bed hospital has received 800-1,000 patients with war-related problems, El Jroshi told IRIN. [IRIN] ●政治(内戦) ロシアのイスラム系組織、カダフィ大佐に兵士支援を申し出(2011 年 04 月 13 日) ロシアの北カフカス地方のイスラム系組織が、反体制派と激しい戦闘を続けるリビア のカダフィ政権に戦闘要員の支援を申し出ていることが分かった。同地方の指導者が1 2日明らかにした。 それによると、この申し出は4月初め、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍によるリビ ア政府軍空爆への対応について協議するための会合で提案されたという。 カダフィ大佐への書簡作成にかかわった関係者は、 「 (19世紀の)カフカーズ戦争の 際にチェルケス人を受け入れてくれたリビアへの借りを返したかった」と語った。カダ フィ氏からの返信はまだないという。 また、この指導者は、この提案が発表された数時間後には、60─70人から志願の 申し出があったと話した。 ●政治(内戦) 2 週間前に英国に亡命したムサクサ前外相は英国の MI6 の安全な居住区を離れて湾岸の カタールに移動。かつてのカダフィ大佐の側近であった同氏はカタールで開催される米 国、EU, AU アラブ連盟、米国主導の同盟国 20 カ国などの首脳会議で対リビア問題の解 決策を提案することが期待される。 Wednesday, 13 April, 2011: The former Libyan foreign minister, who defected from Col Muammar's Gaddafi regime just two weeks ago, left his MI6 safe house yesterday to depart for the Gulf state. Qatar is co-chairing with Britain the first meeting of the Libya contact group. As a recent member of Col Gaddafi's inner circle, Mr Koussa will offer insights to ministers and 33 diplomats in the wings of the summit on the need to keep up the pressure to topple a divided regime. "He's a Gaddafi insider. He may be able to offer solutions where others are falling short," said a Whitehall source. The talks in Doha will be dominated by discussions on overthrowing Col Gaddafi. The meeting will be attended by foreign ministers and officials from the British, French and American-led Libya coalition of 20 countries. Also present will be Nato, the United Nations, European Union, Arab League and African Union. [Telegraph] ●政治(内戦) リビア前外相カタールへ 関係者と情勢協議(MSN 産経 2011.4.13) 英外務省は12日、リビアから英国に渡航し辞任を表明したクーサ前外相が、同日カ タールを訪問すると発表した。多国籍軍の構成国などでつくる「連絡調整グループ」が 13日に開く会合の前に、カタール政府やリビアの関係者と会談、今後の情勢について 協議する。1988年の米パンナム機爆破事件への関与が取り沙汰されるクーサ氏の出 国については、英政界から懸念の声も上がったが、外務省報道官は「クーサ氏は自由に 英国を行き来できる」と指摘。帰国予定などの詳細は明らかにしなかったが、ロイター 通信は英政府筋の話として、クーサ氏はカタールでの会談後、英国に戻る見通しだと伝 えた。(共同) ●政治(内戦) リビア国営テレビはトリポリ近郊の Kikla で NATO による空爆で多くの民間人が殺害さ れたことを報じた。一方 NATO はこれを事実に反すると否定。 Wednesday, 13 April, 2011: RABAT, April 12 (Reuters) - Libya's state-run television said on Tuesday that a NATO air strike on the town of Kikla, south of the capital Tripoli, killed a number of civilians but NATO said the report was misinformation. "A bombardment by the crusaders' colonial aggression yesterday struck members of the public security force in charge of organising road traffic and checking identities," the Al-Jamahiriya channel said in a written newsflash. "All the security force members as well as a number of children, women and men were martyred in the attack." Kikla lies more than 100 km (60 miles) south of Tripoli. Al-Jamahiriya gave no details on the number of casualties in the incident on Monday. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) ドイツ政府、リビア外交官5人追放(産経 MSN 2011.4.13) ドイツ外務省は13日、リビアの駐ドイツ大使を同省に呼び、ドイツ駐在のリビア外 交官5人について、7日以内に国外退去させるよう命じた。ドイツのメディア報道によ ると、5人はドイツ国内でリビア反体制派の支持者らに対し、非合法のスパイ活動など をしていた。 ●エネルギー(石油) 内戦状況が続くなか、原油トレーダーの Trafigura 社 と Vitol 社 がブレガとベンガジか らそれぞれ原油とガソリンを輸出。 34 Wednesday, 13 April, 2011: LONDON (Reuters) - Trade house Trafigura plans to export a cargo of Libyan oil from the port of Brega and Vitol has shipped a gasoline cargo into rebel-held Benghazi in signs oil trade is reviving despite heavy fighting. Trafigura has contacted at least two oil firms to offer a Sarir grade crude sourced from eastern Libya and shipped from Brega, trade sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters on Tuesday. "Trafigura has offered a Brega-loading cargo....they are looking for a refiner who can run the oil," said a trader. A spokesman for Trafigura was unable to give an immediate comment. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) 英国とイタリアはアフリカ連合がイニシアチブを発揮して問題解決に当たることを歓 迎。カダフィ一家が将来政治関与することは拒否。 Tuesday, 12 April, 2011: Paris/London - Britain and Italy Monday welcomed as 'sincere' the latest African Union (AU) initiative on Libya but rejected any future role for Moamer Gaddafi or his family in the country's political future. Speaking after a meeting in London, British Foreign Secretary William Hague, and his Italian counterpart, Franco Frattini, said they both agreed to increase the military pressure on Libya to reach a genuine and verifiable ceasefire. Frattini said Italy was following the AU initiative 'very closely' and hoped that a 'way forward' could be found. But he added: 'A political perspective for the future of Libya should include the departure of Gaddafi.' [M&C] ●政治(人権) Amnesty International はアジュダビア近郊でカダフィ軍による司法管轄外の処刑の証拠 を入手。手を後ろ手に縛られて後頭部から射撃された反政府軍の 2 人の兵士の遺体を確 認。 Tuesday, 12 April, 2011: Amnesty International has today revealed fresh evidence of extrajudicial executions apparently committed by Colonel Mu'ammar al-Gaddafi's forces near the town of Ajdabiya in recent days. Amnesty International researchers in eastern Libya yesterday saw the bodies of two opposition fighters who had been shot in the back of the head after their hands had been bound behind their backs. Today they saw a body of another man who had been shot dead while his hands and feet were bound. “Based on what our delegates have seen in eastern Libya over the last six weeks, the circumstances of these killings strongly suggest that they were carried out by the forces loyal to Colonel al-Gaddafi," said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s director for the Middle East and North Africa. [Amnesty] (関連記事) ・Tuesday, 12 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya — Soldiers loyal to Moammar Gadhafi may be torturing and executing rebel prisoners, human rights workers and doctors near the front lines say. The bound and bullet-riddled bodies of three Libyan rebels were found Sunday dumped near a rebel checkpoint east of Ajdabiya, where the rebels and Gadhafi forces have been 35 involved in battles for days, according to the morgue where the bodies were taken. A human rights worker gathering information for the International Criminal Court said the bodies could be evidence that Gadhafi's forces are committing war crimes. [USA Today] ・Tuesday, 12 April, 2011: Tens of thousands of children trapped in intense fighting in Misrata are in serious danger amid concern over a humanitarian crisis in the only city in western Libya not under the control of Muammar Gaddafi. At least 20 children, mostly under the age of 10, have been killed in the besieged city in the past month, according to Unicef, the UN children's agency. Many more have been injured by gunfire or shrapnel from mortars and tank shells. Thousands of children are caught in the middle of the battle to control the city that has been raging for more than six weeks. Most lack access to sanitation and safe drinking water, Unicef said. Shelling by Libyan troops continued on Monday, with al-Jazeera quoting a rebel spokesman as saying five people had been killed and about 20 wounded. [Guardian] ●政治(リビア内戦) 米国国務省 No.3 の William Burns 次官は 2 人の次官補と共に今週末カタールで開催され る国際会議に出席予定。 Tuesday, 12 April, 2011: WASHINGTON — William Burns, the number three diplomat at the US State Department, will attend international talks on Libya in Qatar later this week, the State Department said Monday. "Undersecretary for Political Affairs, William J. Burns will travel to Doha, Qatar, for the meeting of the Contact Group on Libya April 12-13," the State Department said in statement. "He will be accompanied by Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip H. Gordon and Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman," it added. The group, set up in late March at a London international conference held to give political leadership to UN-mandated air strikes against Kadhafi's Libya, is to review the state of play four weeks into the military campaign. [AFP] ●政治(内戦) 国連の Ban Ki-moon 総長は 14 日にカイロで開催される国際会議(リビア情勢における 国際協調目的)の議長を務める意向。 Tuesday, 12 April, 2011: United Nations, April 12 (IANS) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is expected to chair an international conference on Libya in Cairo, Thursday to "ensure close coordination" between the world body and main regional organisations, said UN spokesman Martin Nesirky. The conference is held "to ensure close coordination between the United Nation, the African Union, the League of Arab States, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and the European Union, " Xinhua quoted Nesirky as saying at a daily news briefing here Monday. The secretary-general supports efforts and initiatives that help achieve key objectives of UN Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973: an end to hostilities; full access for humanitarian assistance; and a political process to address fully the legitimate demands and aspirations of the 36 Libyan people, the spokesman said. [Mangalorean] ●政治(内戦) <リビア>反体制派、停戦案を拒否…AU使節団仲介(毎日新聞 4 月 11 日) 南アフリカのズマ大統領が率いるアフリカ連合(AU)の使節団は11日、リビア北 東部の都市ベンガジで、政府軍と戦闘を続けている反体制派の代表と停戦案を協議した。 最高指導者カダフィ大佐は前日の協議でAU案を受け入れたとされるが、会見した反体 制派指導者のアブドルジャリル氏は「カダフィは去るべきだ」と明言、同案の受け入れ を実質的に拒否した。 (関連記事) ・Thursday, 14 April, 2011: Libyan rebels refused to meet defector Musa Kusa yesterday, accusing Colonel Gaddafi’s former foreign minister of having blood on his hands. In a rebuke for Britain’s policy of cosseting the former intelligence chief, they said he had no role to play in the movement to replace Gaddafi. Musa Kusa, who is accused of being involved in the Lockerbie bombing and the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher, was allowed by ministers to fly to Qatar yesterday for an international summit on Libya. Diplomatic officials let him go because they wanted him to talk to Arab leaders about how to oust Gaddafi – even though victims of Lockerbie want to see him put on trial. But Kusa was snubbed by the Libyan Interim National Council which has emerged as the government in waiting. [Daily mail] ・Tuesday, 12 April, 2011: Reporting from Benghazi, Libya, and Houmt Souk,— Libyan rebels delivered an emphatic "no" to an African Union proposal for an end to fighting in their country, insisting that Moammar Kadafi must step down from power as part of any diplomatic solution. The opposition council's announcement after closed-door talks with an African Union delegation in Benghazi quashed hopes for an early end to the nearly 2-month-old conflict between Kadafi's forces and opposition fighters based in eastern Libya. South African President Jacob Zuma said late Sunday after meeting with Kadafi in Tripoli, the capital, that the Libyan leader had endorsed the African Union's road map for peace. [Los Angeles Times] ●政治(内戦) カダフィ大佐、AU 調停で停戦受け入れ 南ア大統領(CNN.co.jp4 月 11 日) 南アフリカのズマ大統領は 10 日、リビアのカダフィ大佐がアフリカ連合(AU)の代 表団との協議で、内戦終結に向けた条件の受け入れに基本合意したと記者団に語った。 カダフィ大佐と AU 代表団の協議は現地時間の同日夜にかけても続いた。合意の詳しい 内容は公表されていないが、カダフィ大佐率いる政府軍と反体制派との間で 2 カ月近く にわたって続いた戦闘の即時停止が盛り込まれているとみられる。ズマ大統領は、飛行 禁止区域設定を目的とする北大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍の空爆の停止にも言及した。 トリポリに滞在していた AU の代表団は 11 日、反体制派が拠点とする東部の都市ベン ガジを訪れ、反体制派の指導部と会談する。 37 カダフィ大佐はこれまで AU を積極的に支援し、多額の資金を提供してきた。リビア は 15 カ国からなる AU 平和・安全保障理事会の理事国でもある。こうした経緯から反 体制派の指導部は、AU の仲介による停戦がカダフィ大佐の追放をはじめとする反体制 派の目標に沿ったものになるのかどうかについて、不信感を募らせている。AU のリビ ア特別委員会は、モーリタニア、コンゴ民主共和国(旧ザイール)、マリ、ウガンダ、 南アフリカが代表を務める。カダフィ大佐はトリポリで開かれた AU との協議の合間に 珍しく海外メディアの前に姿を見せ、支持者に向けて手を振ったあと、車で走り去った。 (関連記事) ・Monday, 11 April, 2011: A delegation of African leaders said Sunday that their Libyan counterpart, Moammar Gadhafi, accepted their "road map" for a cease-fire with rebels, whom they will meet Monday. They met hours after NATO airstrikes battered Gadhafi's tanks, helping Libyan rebels push back government troops who had been advancing quickly toward the opposition's eastern stronghold. The African Union's road map calls for an immediate cease-fire, cooperation in opening channels for humanitarian aid and starting a dialogue between the rebels and the government. AU officials, however, made no mention of any requirement for Gadhafi to pull his troops out of cities as rebels have demanded. [WN] ・Monday, 11 April, 2011: PARIS — The international contact group on Libya will meet on April 13 in the Qatari capital Doha, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said on Thursday. France is trying "to convince the African Union to be present in Qatar next week because that's where the contact group is to meet on April 13," Juppe told lawmakers. The AU did not attend the March 29 international conference in London that set up the contact group which is "charged with ensuring the political governance of the military intervention and the implementation of UN resolutions," Juppe said. France wants members of the rebel Transitional National Council (TNC) that is fighting Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's forces to attend a European Union foreign ministers' meeting next week ahead of the contact group. [AFP] ●政治(アジア) 北朝鮮政府はリビアに滞在している自国民の帰国を承認しない方向。リビアでの反政府運 動が北朝鮮国内に広がることを懸念するため。 Monday, 11 April, 2011: North Korea has ordered its citizens in Libya not to return home, a move apparently aimed at preventing the news of anti-government movements in the northern African state from spreading among its isolated people, a source here said Sunday. The communist North has ordered its embassy in Libya to “obey the measures taken by the Libyan government” instead of sending people back home, the source said, asking not to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue. Some 200 North Korean doctors, nurses and construction workers are believed to be residing in Libya mostly for foreign currency earning purposes. Two North Korean doctors were recently hurt while working at a hospital in the southern Tripoli area amid bombardment by allied forces against 38 the Libyan government, according to reports. [Korean Herald] ●政治(内戦) RAF Tornados はカダフィ側の戦車 7 台を爆破。 Sunday, 10 April, 2011: RAF Tornados have destroyed seven tanks in Libya as air strikes there continue, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said. The jets hit two tanks in Ajdabiyah and five in Misratah on Friday - areas which have seen fighting between rebels and Col Muammar Gaddafi's troops. RAF Typhoons have also been involved in policing the UN-backed no-fly zone. The MoD also said HMS Cumberland would return to the UK after HMS Liverpool took over its surveillance and embargo operations alongside HMS Brockelsby. A spokesman said the Tornado GR4 planes used Brimstone missiles and Paveway IV bombs. [BBC] ●政治(内戦) かつてアフガニスタンでのイスラム戦士であった Abdel Hakim al-Hasady は現在反政府 軍の兵士を訓練している。 Sunday, 10 April, 2011: DARNA, Libya (Reuters) - Abdel Hakim al-Hasady, a former Islamic fighter in Afghanistan, now recruits, trains and deploys 500 rebels fighting to topple Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. He says he was once questioned for two months by U.S. agents in Pakistan for suspected ties to al Qaeda -- which he denies -- and was later imprisoned in Libya for three years. The presence of Hasady and other Islamists among the rebels raises difficult questions for the United States and other Western powers, who want Gaddafi's overthrow but worry al Qaeda may establish a stronghold on the Mediterranean coast. Gaddafi has accused al Qaeda of playing a direct role in Libya's unrest in a plot to destabilise the oil-producing, North African Arab country and set up a regional base. [Reuters] ●政治(内戦) ポーランドは NATO のリビア空爆には参加せず。 欧州側の人権に関する偽善姿勢と人権 に対する不一致政策がその理由。 Sunday, 10 April, 2011: WARSAW, April 9 (Reuters) - Poland refuses to join NATO's military campaign against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi because of Europe's "hypocrisy" and inconsistency over human rights, Prime Minister Donald Tusk was quoted on Saturday as saying. Tusk, whose country assumes the European Union's rotating six-month presidency in July, said Europe risked creating an impression it only intervenes when oil supplies are at stake. "Although there exists a need to defend civilians from a regime's brutality, isn't the Libyan case yet another example of European hypocrisy in view of the way Europe has behaved towards Gaddafi in recent years or even months?" Tusk told the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper in an interview. [Reuters] ●政治(制裁) 対リビア追加制裁、首相の資産も凍結 米財務省は8日、リビアのマフムーディ首相やガネム石油相兼国営石油会社総裁ら高官 39 5人と、リビア最高指導者カダフィ氏の親族に連なる財団など2団体を資産凍結の対象 に追加指定したと発表した。オバマ政権は2月、カダフィ氏や親族、政権高官などを対 象に資金凍結を行う制裁を発動。一方で、3月に英国に亡命したクーサ外相への制裁は 解除し、カダフィ氏からの離反を促す工作を展開している。 (2011 年 4 月 9 日読売新聞) (関連記事) ・Saturday, 9 April, 2011: WASHINGTON — The US government hit Libya's prime minister and its oil and finance ministers with sanctions Friday, in a fresh bid to fracture Moamer Kadhafi's inner circle. The US Treasury Department said it had frozen the assets of five senior Kadhafi aides, including Shukri Ghanem, the head of the country's powerful oil company. It also targeted prime minister Baghdadi Mahmoud. The US has frozen around $34 billion in Libyan assets since mid-February and has tried to use the unblocking of funds as a carrot for aides to defect. "We will continue to expose and impose sanctions on senior Libyan government officials who choose to remain at Kadhafi's side," said US sanctions czar David Cohen. [AFP] ・Friday, 8 April, 2011: WASHINGTON, April 7 (Reuters) - Libyan assets frozen by the United States as part of sanctions against Muammar Gaddafi and his top officials have now risen to more than $34 billion, the U.S. Treasury's top official for sanctions, anti-terrorism and money laundering said on Thursday. David Cohen, who is nominated to take over as the Treasury's undersecretary secretary for financial intelligence, told a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing that European authorities have frozen a "substantial amount" of other such assets. He said the amount is difficult to gauge, but probably is less than the more than $34 billion frozen by U.S. authorities. [Forex Yard] ・Sunday, 24 April, 2011: WASHINGTON — The international drive to freeze the Libyan regime’s foreign assets is running into stiff resistance in many parts of the world, allowing Moammar Gadhafi to dig into a vast hoard of cash that has helped him cling to power as he battles rebel forces. Although the United States and the European Union have blocked access to more than $60 billion in Libya’s overseas bank accounts and investments, other countries have done little or nothing to freeze tens of billions more that Gadhafi and his family spread around the globe over the last decade, according to U.S., European and U.N. officials involved in the search for Libyan assets. Gadhafi has moved billions of dollars back to Tripoli since the rebellion began in mid-February, the officials said. [Boston Herald] ●政治(内戦) ムサ・クサ前外相が反政府軍に参加したい意思を表明するも、反政府勢力は拒絶。 Saturday, 9 April, 2011: Moussa Koussa, the Libyan defector currently in Britain, has told intermediaries he wants to join the rebels but they have rejected his overtures, the Daily Telegraph has learned. Mr Koussa, who is currently being debriefed by MI6, is keen to join the 40 ranks of former officials from the government of Col Muammar Gaddafi who have switched sides, security sources say. He is also thought to have received private medical treatment in Britain since his arrival last week. Mr Koussa is said to have been in touch with Abdel Rahman Shalgham, the former Libyan ambassador to the United Nations. However Mahmoud Shammam, a spokesman for the Interim Transitional National Council told the Daily Telegraph there had been no direct contact and added: “I don’t think the council is ready to deal with him.” [Telegraph] ●政治(内戦) トルコのエルドアン首相がリビア内戦終結のロードマップを宣言。 Saturday, 9 April, 2011: Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has declared a roadmap to end the war in Libya through measures that would include the withdrawal of Muammar Gaddafi's forces from some cities, but the Libyan rebels, who are dismayed at Turkey for not openly calling for Gaddafi's removal, remained critical, saying it is not enough. Erdoğan announced the three-point plan at a press conference late on Thursday. According to the plan, which Erdoğan said would be discussed at a meeting by the international Libya contact group set up to guide the international intervention in Libya in Qatar next week, an immediate cease-fire must be achieved and Gaddafi's forces should retreat from besieged cities. [Today's Zaman] ●政治(リビア内戦) リビア内戦を終結さえるためにアフリカや国連から首脳、総長がカイロに集結。 ・Saturday, 9 April, 2011: New York - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will chair a meeting of the League of Arab States in Cairo next week as part of efforts to coordinate the international response to the situation in Libya, a UN spokesman said Friday. The meeting at the Arab League's headquarters in Cairo on Thursday will be led by its leader Amr Moussa and also be attended by other international and regional organizations. Jean Ping, chairman of the Commission of the African Union; Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Conference; and Catherine Ashton, the European Union's foreign affairs chief; will attend. [M&C] ・Saturday, 9 April, 2011: South African President Jacob Zuma will travel to Libya tomorrow as part of an African Union delegation to discuss a ceasefire with the country’s leader Muammar Qaddafi and rebel forces, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation said in an e-mailed statement. The delegation will meet with Qaddafi in Tripoli and with rebel leaders in Benghazi, and has been given permission to enter Libya by NATO, the statement said. “Key on the Agenda of both meetings will be the immediate implementation of a ceasefire from both sides and the opening of a political dialogue between the two parties,” the statement said. Before traveling to Libya, Zuma will attend an AU meeting on Libya in Mauritania, the statement said. [Bloomberg] 41 ●政治(内戦) マイクロソフト社の社員の Khalid Elhasumi(リビア担当マネージャー)3 月 19 日以来 リビア政府側に拘束されている。 Friday, 8 April, 2011: A Microsoft employee has been detained by Libyan authorities. Khalid Elhasumi, Microsoft's country manager for Libya, has been held in Tripoli since March 19, Microsoft said in a statement. Libya has been rocked by civil unrest for the past several weeks, with rebels fighting the government, led by Moammar Gadhafi. Gadhafi has asked President Obama to stop NATO-led airstrikes on Gadhafi's forces in Libya. Microsoft says it has been working for the past two weeks with Elhasumi's family and international organizations to gain his release. "We currently have no information about the reasons for his detention," Microsoft said. [Seattle Times] ●政治(内戦) 4 名の外国人ジャーナリスト/カメラマンがカダフィ政権側に拘束された後に行方不明。 スペイン人 1 名、南アフリカ人 1 名、米国人 2 名。 Friday, 8 April, 2011: Four foreign journalists have been missing in Libya for several days after being detained and taken away by Libyan troops in the country's war-ravaged east, the Spanish national television said on Thursday. One Spanish press photographer, one South African and two U.S. journalists are missing, the TVE1 channel said. The journalists' car was reportedly stopped by Libyan soldiers at a highway linking the eastern rebel-controlled town of Ajdabiya to the nearby Mediterranean port of Marsa-el-Brega on Monday, the TV channel said. The car was set on fire and the journalists taken in an unknown direction, it said. The incident was witnessed by a security guard accompanying a New York Times journalist on an assignment in Libya, who was driving his car on the same highway, the TV channel said. [Rian] (関連記事) ・Friday, 8 April, 2011: A freelance correspondent working for Boston-based GlobalPost is among four journalists taken prisoner by Libyan troops earlier this week, according to a spokesman for the international news Web site. The organization Human Rights Watch contacted GlobalPost earlier today and told them witnesses saw its correspondent — James Foley of Rochester, N.H. — and three other journalists taken captive by pro-Gadhafi forces Tuesday afternoon on the outskirts of Brega. “They haven’t been heard from since,” said GlobalPost spokesman Rick Byrne. He said the news organization last heard from Foley on Monday evening. [Boston Herald] ・Sunday, 10 April, 2011: OKLAHOMA CITY — A Pulitizer Prize-winning journalist who was detained by forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi says he feels guilty about his decision to remain in a Libyan city as fighting intensified because it may have led to the death of his young driver. New York Times Beirut Bureau Chief Anthony Shadid became emotional Thursday as he 42 described to an audience at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum how he and his three colleagues were threatened during their six-day captivity in March. Shadid, who grew up in Oklahoma City, said he was wrong when he didn't heed warnings not to return to Ajdabiya or to leave sooner. The journalists and driver Mohammed Shaglouf were pulled out of their car after driving into a checkpoint manned by Libyan forces. Shaglouf is still missing. [Wall Street Journal] ●政治(内戦) 前エネルギー大臣のシャトワン氏が、カダフィ政権による攻撃が続くミスラタから一般 人を脱出させることが可能とのコメントを明らかにした。 Friday, 8 April, 2011: Former Libyan energy minister Omar Fathi bin Shatwan said today that he felt he was better able to help the people of Misrata now that he had managed to escape from the port city which is being bomberded by Gaddafi forces. Shatwan arrived in Malta on Friday on a fishing boat and was granted a visa on humanitarian grounds. The former minister said he saw no future for the Gaddafi family in Libya. Misrata, he said, was under constant bombardment. People were being shot at random and essential services, including the water supplies, had been targeted. Shatwan said he would like to get aid to Misrata and felt he was better able t ohelp, politically, now that he had been able to escape. [Times on Line] ●政治(内戦) リビア反政府軍がチャド政府がカダフィ政権を支援していることを非難。 Friday, 8 April, 2011: London, Asharq Al-Awsat- A leading member of the Libyan Transitional National Council has accused the Chadian Government of backing Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi's regime against the revolutionaries for the purpose of preventing it from collapse. He said the Chadian president was trying to pay back an old debt he owes Gaddafi when the opposition tried to enter Ndjamena in February 2008. But the Chadian Government has denied these accusations vehemently saying they are baseless and seeking to destroy the historic relationship between the two peoples and announced it has closed its borders with Libyan to stop the infiltration of any Al-Qaeda organization elements to Chad, according to a senior official in Ndjamena. The Libyan leader, who preferred not to be named for security reasons, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the talk about mercenaries from Chad as reported by some news agencies and satellite channels was not right "since what is happening is an intervention in the Libyan affair by the regime of Idriss Deby in support of Gaddafi. Its aim is to protect his regime from collapsing." [Asharq Al-Awsat] ●エネルギー(石油) カダフィ側の攻撃によって反政府側が支配している石油施設が被害を蒙り、石油輸出活 動が停止。 Thursday, 7 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Three days of attacks by supporters of 43 Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi have halted oil production in rebel-held fields in the country's east, a rebel spokesman said Wednesday. The rebels had just begun exporting oil again after a weekslong hiatus in an effort to raise funds for their struggle against Gadhafi, who still controls the western half of the country. The rebels have a deal to sell their oil from the port of Tobruk through the help of Qatar and use the profits to pay salaries and buy food, medicine and weapons. "I think we will not depend on oil revenues in the coming stage because our production has been affected in this crisis," rebel spokesman Abdel-Hafidh Ghoga said. Ghoga said armored vehicles attacked the rebel-held oil field of Messla on Monday and Tuesday and then a day later, the field of Sarir. [AP] (関連記事) カダフィ氏派が攻撃、東部2油田が生産停止 ロイター通信によると、リビアの最高指導者カダフィ氏派と反体制派との攻防が続く東 部の石油拠点ブレガ近郊で7日、反体制派部隊が多国籍軍の空爆を受け、5人が死亡した。 反体制派の車両などが破壊されたといい、誤爆とみられる。多国籍軍の誤爆では、1日に 13人が死亡している。反体制派はその後も、軍事作戦を指揮する北大西洋条約機構(N ATO)に空爆実施を要請してきた。だが、誤爆が繰り返されたことで、今後はNATO への反発が高まることも予想される。一方、反体制派は6日、支配下にある東部のサリル、 ミスラ両油田で、カダフィ派部隊の攻撃により原油の生産が停止したと明らかにした。被 害規模は不明。(2011 年 4 月 7 日読売新聞) ●政治(米国) 米国の代表団がベンガジに到着。反政府側にたいして財政支援などどのような協力が出 来るかを探る目的。 Thursday, 7 April, 2011: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. envoy has arrived in Benghazi to get to know Libya's opposition and discuss how the United States might help it meet its financial needs, a U.S. official said on Tuesday. The visit by Chris Stevens, former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, reflects a U.S. effort effort to deepen its contacts with the rebels, who are fighting a civil war against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's forces. NATO-led air power is now maintaining the balance in Libya, preventing Gaddafi's forces from overrunning the seven-week old revolt but unable for now to hand the rebels outright victory. While U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has twice met a top representative of the opposition Transitional National Council, the United States has not followed its allies France and Italy in formally recognizing it. [Reuters] ●政治(リビア内戦) 市民に強まるNATO、トルコ批判 戦闘長期化で(毎日新聞 2011.4.7) リビア反体制派が拠点を置く北東部ベンガジで、政府軍への攻撃が不十分だとして、 北大西洋条約機構(NATO)への不満を訴える声が高まっている。特に、NATO加 44 盟国ながら反体制派への武器供与に反対しているトルコへの批判が強く、反体制派を率 いる「国民評議会」がトルコからの人道支援物資の受け入れを拒否する騒ぎにまで発展 している。戦闘の長期化に苦しむ反体制派は、カダフィ政権打倒のための収入源として 期待していた油田も政府軍に破壊された。反政府デモが起きてから2カ月近くたっても 混乱終息の展望が見えず、そのあせりが市民の怒りにつながっているようだ。 「エルドアン、我々は飢えていない!」反体制派が連日、デモを繰り広げているベン ガジ港近くの裁判所前広場では6日、エルドアン・トルコ首相からの食糧支援拒否を訴 えるプラカードが掲げられた。国民評議会は5日、こうした住民の反トルコ感情を受け、 トルコの人道支援船の入港を拒否したが、人々の怒りは収まっていない。デモ参加者は 取材中の記者を取り囲み、「トルコが弱腰なのは(最高指導者)カダフィと癒着してい るからだ」「外交官を含め、この国に滞在するトルコ人全員を追い出せ」などと口々に 訴えた。 国民評議会は6日、トルコ政府代表団とベンガジで協議した。3月にリビアへの飛行 禁止空域設定に反対し、最近では反体制派への武器供与に反対しているトルコに真意を ただす目的だった。国民評議会側は「NATOが空爆回数を減らしているのは(空爆に 消極的な)トルコに責任がある」(ゴガ報道官)とみている。協議でトルコ側は「カダ フィ体制排除を望むリビア国民を支持する」とのギュル大統領のメッセージを提示した が、評議会側はこれに満足せず、トルコ政府としてのカダフィ政権に対する正式な立場 を表明するよう求めた。 2月の政府軍との戦闘で数百人の市民が犠牲になったベンガジでは、再び街が戦場に なるのではとの不安が高まっている。そのため旅券発行所には、古い旅券の更新や新規 発行を求める市民が押し寄せている。24年前にパレスチナ自治区から移住してきたス ーディさん(50)は、家族12人分の申請書を手に「最悪の事態に備え、リビアから いつでも脱出できる準備はしておかなければ」と語った。 (関連記事) ・Thursday, 7 April, 2011: Turkey wants Moammar Gaddafi to step down as the ruler of Libya, according to the Turkish Foreign Ministry, in the wake of discussions with both Libyan government officials and representatives of the opposition. “We are not in favor of the Gaddafi family’s rule continuing in Libya. A new administration should be set up in line with the Libyan people’s demands,” an official from the Turkish Foreign Ministry told the Hürriyet Daily News, a Turkish newspaper based in Ankara. On Tuesday, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met Mahmoud Jibril, a leader of Libyan opposition member, in Qatar to discuss a possible ceasefire in Libya. “We are looking for common ground, a starting point but both sides [in the Libyan conflict] have lots of objections,” a Turkish official said. “Our efforts aim to achieve an immediate truce, then a political negotiation between the parties and a new administration that will take power following an election.” [IBTimes] 45 ●政治(リビア内戦) 反体制派13人死亡 NATO再び誤爆か(毎日新聞 4 月 7 日) 北大西洋条約機構(NATO)が主導する多国籍軍は7日、リビア北東部アジュダビア 周辺で反体制派軍勢を爆撃した。英BBCテレビは病院関係者の話として、少なくとも 13人が死亡したと報じた。反体制派の現場指揮官は少なくともミサイル4発が発射さ れたと証言しており、誤爆の可能性が大きい。今月1日にも多国籍軍の誤爆で市民ら1 3人が死亡している。一方、AFP通信によると、フランスのジュペ外相は7日、リビ ア情勢を話し合う「コンタクトグループ(関係国会合)」の初会合を13日にカタール の首都ドーハで開催することを明らかにした。リビアが加盟するアフリカ連合(AU) の出席も呼びかけている。 ●政治(リビア内戦) カダフィ大佐 米大統領に攻撃終了を書簡で懇願(毎日 2011.4.6) カーニー米大統領報道官は6日、リビアの最高指導者カダフィ大佐から、オバマ大統領 宛ての書簡が届いたことを明らかにした。内容は公表されていないが、AP通信による と、NATO主導の多国籍軍によるリビア攻撃は「不当な戦争」だとして、中止させる ようオバマ大統領に懇願しているという。クリントン国務長官は同日、フラティニ伊外 相との会談後の記者会見で「カダフィ大佐は何をしなければならないか分かっている」 と述べ、要求をはねつけた。書簡は5日付。オバマ大統領を「不正で誤った行動を正す 勇気を持った男」と持ち上げ、「次期大統領選での勝利を期待している」とのメッセー ジもあったという。カダフィ氏は09年、イタリアで開かれた主要8カ国(G8)首脳 会議(ラクイラ・サミット)の場でオバマ大統領と握手したことがあり、「旧知」の大 統領を頼った可能性もある。カーニー報道官によると、カダフィ氏から大統領への書簡 は初めてではないという。 (関連記事) ・Thursday, 7 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya — The White House acknowledged Wednesday that President Obama had received another letter from Colonel Qaddafi. Officials refused to divulge the contents, but The Associated Press reported that it rambled for three pages before appealing for a cease-fire. The president did not respond but Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said that Colonel Qaddafi “knows what he must do.” She added: “There needs to be a cease-fire, his forces need to withdraw from the cities that they have forcibly taken at great violence and human cost. There needs to be a decision made about his departure from power.” In the rebel-held city of Misurata in western Libya and on the eastern front with the rebels around the oil town of Brega, Qaddafi forces continued to hammer rebels with rockets, artillery and mortars, as rebel leaders expressed exasperation at the limits of NATO’s support. [New York Times] ●経済(協力) Port of Houston Authority はリビアの港湾近代化計画協力契約のキャンセルを発表。 46 Wednesday, 6 April, 2011: In an effort to distance itself from the strife in Libya, the Port of Houston Authority on Tuesday terminated an agreement to advise the North African nation on modernizing its ports. In voting during their monthly board meeting to end the pact, some Port Authority commissioners said they didn't know about the deal until after it was done. "It was signed in February 2010 without board approval," said Commissioner Janiece Longoria, who introduced the motion to abolish the memorandum of agreement with Libya. In related action, commissioners voted to do away with the Port of Houston Authority International Corp., which was created a decade ago to help foreign ports in the interest of increasing business, according to Port Authority CEO Alec Dreyer. [Chron] ●政治(内戦) 英国に亡命したムサ・クサ前リビア外相が英国で英国在住リビア人の暗殺に関与した証 拠を MI5 資料が公開。 Wednesday, 6 April, 2011: MI5 files reveal that the embassy run by Moussa Koussa, the Libyan defector, was involved in directing assassinations against Libyan dissidents in Britain. The files show that the security service believed they had “conclusive evidence” that the Libyan embassy, where Mr Koussa was the ambassador, was “directing operational and intelligence gathering activities against Libyan dissidents.” The intelligence, related in Defence of the Realm, the official history of MI5, also says that Mr Koussa was reprimanded by Tripoli for failing to stop a dissident protest and was told that at least one of the demonstrators would have to be killed. He subsequently told a newspaper reporter that the Gaddafi regime had decided to kill two dissidents in Britain, adding: "I approve of this." [Telegraph] ●政治(内政) リビア政府は 5 日、新しい外務大臣に Abdelati Obeidi 氏を任命。 Wednesday, 6 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, April 5 (Reuters) - The Libyan government has appointed Abdelati Obeidi as its new foreign minister, a senior government official said on Tuesday. Obeidi, who had served as deputy foreign minister, has been on a foreign tour to discuss solutions to Libya's crisis. Asked if he had been promoted to the top ministry job, another deputy foreign minister, Khaled Kaim, said: "Yes, he has." Obeidi replaces Moussa Koussa, once one of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's closest advisers and a former spy chief, who defected and flew to Britain last week. [Reuters] ●政治(リビア空爆) 反体制派、作戦遅いとNATO批判(MSN産経ニュース 2011.4.6) リビア反体制派の軍事部門「軍事評議会」のアブドルファタハ・ユニス参謀長が5日、 北東部ベンガジで記者会見し、最高指導者カダフィ大佐率いる政府軍に対する北大西洋 条約機構(NATO)の作戦行動は「極めて遅く、政府軍の進軍を許している」と厳し く批判した。米英やフランスなどの多国籍軍は、政府軍による市民攻撃の阻止を目的と 47 して3月19日に空爆を開始。だが、反体制派の西部の拠点ミスラタでは反体制派市民 に対する政府軍の攻撃が続き、人道危機に直面。反体制派からは不満の声が高まってい る。 (共同) (関連記事) ・Wednesday, 6 April, 2011: The Libyan rebel commander, Gen Abdul Fattah Younis, has accused Nato of standing idly by while pro-Gaddafi forces kill people in Misrata. If Nato waited another week to intervene, the besieged city's people faced extermination, he told reporters in the de facto rebel capital Benghazi. A Nato-led coalition mandated by the UN to protect civilians is enforcing a no-fly zone and attacking ground targets. It accuses Gaddafi forces of sheltering weapons in civilian areas. A tanker reportedly arrived at the eastern port of Tobruk on Tuesday to pick up the first consignment of oil to be exported from the rebel-held region. [BBC] ・ 「ヒトラーの100倍危険」前外相がカダフィ氏非難(MSN 産経ニュース 2011.4.5) リビアのカダフィ政権を離脱して3月に英国に渡航したクーサ前外相が、やはり同政権 から離反したリビア国連代表部のシャルガム国連大使と電話で話し、カダフィ大佐を 「ヒトラーの100倍危険」などと非難したことが分かった。リビア国連代表部が4日 明らかにした。電話での会話は2日。クーサ氏はシャルガム氏に「トリポリを去る前に カダフィ氏と最後に電話で話したとき感じたのは、彼はヒトラーの100倍危険であり、 大量の兵器と多数の雇い兵を持つ、異常な悪意の人物だということ」と述べた。 さらに「彼はソマリアのような長期の内戦を起こしてリビアを破壊しリビア人を滅ぼ そうとしている」と訴えたという。 (共同) ●政治(リビア内戦) アルカイダ系組織、リビアから武器入手=アルジェリア高官(ロイター4 月 5 日) [アルジェ 4日 ロイター] アルジェリアの治安当局高官は、国際武装組織アル カイダが、政府軍と反体制派の戦闘が続くリビアの混乱に乗じて地対空ミサイルなどの 武器を入手し、組織の拠点であるマリ北部に密輸しているとの見方を明らかにした。治 安当局の高官が匿名で明らかにしたところによると、武器は反体制派が掌握しているリ ビア東部からトラックで運ばれ、隣国のチャドやニジェールを経由してマリに輸送され ているという。武器にはロシア製の対戦車ロケットや機関銃、ライフル、爆発物などが 含まれ、北アフリカに拠点を置く「イスラム・マグレブ諸国のアルカーイダ組織(AQ IM)」が地対空ミサイルを入手したという情報もある。この高官は、リビア東部でA QIMが活動しているとの見方を示し、「AQIMが、良好な関係を持っている密輸人 に武器を輸送させるとみられる」と語った。アルジェリアは近年、自国内のイスラム武 装グループ対策に力を入れている。 ●政治(内戦) ゲーツ国防長官はリビアにおけるカダフィ大佐の権力喪失は家族、軍部、あるいは治安 当局者がカダフィ大佐を暗殺しない限り訪れないだろう、との見解を示した。 48 Tuesday, 5 April, 2011: It’s going to take time before Moammar Gaddafi and his family are gone from power in Libya, and, frankly, the ending may not come until the dictator is assassinated by a member of his family or a Libyan military or security officer. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates delivered those messages to Congress last week as he repeatedly preached patience before the House and Senate armed services committees. In contrast, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has remained the commander of the impatient crowd, those who want to plunge ahead militarily, ignoring lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan. There also is a congressional Greek chorus, those Republican and Democratic politicians who now question President Obama’s decision to intervene and even his authority to act. They have forgotten that in late February and early March a rush of lawmakers called for a no-fly zone and protection for protesting Libyans. [Washington Post] ●政治(内戦) トルコ「仲介案」対話か カダフィ大佐側と反体制派(産経新聞 2011 年 4 月 5 日) 【カイロ=大内清】中東の衛星テレビ局アルアラビーヤは4日、リビアの最高指導者 カダフィ大佐側と反体制派双方の外交団が同日、トルコの首都アンカラに向かったと報 じた。また同テレビは、トルコ政府がリビアの内戦状態解決のため、「中立的な勢力」 への権限移譲後にカダフィ氏が退陣するとの仲介案を用意しているとも伝えた。「中立 的な勢力」が何を指すかは明らかではないが、何らかの形で双方の対話が実現すれば、 議論のたたき台となる可能性もある。一方、リビアのオベイディ外務次官は3日、アテ ネでギリシャのパパンドレウ首相と会談し、カダフィ氏のメッセージを伝達した。ロイ ター通信によると、反体制派との早期停戦などを提案したとみられる。 ギリシャのドルツァス外相は会談後、「カダフィ氏側は(内戦状態終結の)解決策を 探っているようだ」とする声明を発表。現在の膠着(こうちゃく)状態打開に向けた外 交努力が活発化しているもようだ。オベイディ氏はトルコやマルタも訪問するとしてい るが、反体制派との対話に臨むためかは不明。リビアでは4日も、中部ブレイガをめぐ る反体制派とカダフィ氏側の戦闘が続いた。カダフィ氏の部隊に包囲されている北西部 ミスラタでは3日、トルコの医療支援船が重傷の市民ら約250人を乗せ出航、反体制 派の本拠地ベンガジを経由してトルコに向かった。またイタリアは4日、国民評議会を リビアで唯一の代表機関と承認した。 (関連記事) ・Tuesday, 5 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya — Rebels fighting government forces in eastern Libya were bolstered on Monday by new diplomatic recognition and gains on the battlefield as a bid by the government to resolve the country’s crisis by replacing Moammar Gaddafi with one of his sons appeared to fizzle amid international skepticism. Italy became the third country after France and Qatar to recognize the opposition Transitional National Council as Libya’s legitimate government, and Kuwait said it expected to follow suit in the coming days. Acting 49 Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi arrived in Turkey for talks with its government, just a day after he delivered a message from Gaddafi to Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou in Athens. Turkey and Greece, both NATO members, have said that they want to listen to proposals from both sides on a way to end the violence. Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas said after meeting with Obeidi that “there is mobility, and there is a chance, albeit small, for a politico-diplomatic solution.” [Washington Post] ・Tuesday, 5 April, 2011: Italy on Monday became the third country to recognize the opposition Transitional National Council as Libya’s legitimate government, and Britain said it would supply communications equipment to rebels battling forces loyal to Moammar Gaddafi. Opposition leaders crossed paths with a Gaddafi representative pushing in Europe for a diplomatic solution that would allow Gaddafi or his sons to remain in power. Acting Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi arrived in Turkey for talks with that country’s government, just a day after he met with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou in Athens. Turkey and Greece, both NATO members, have said they want to listen to proposals from both sides on a way to end the violence. Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas said after meeting with Obeidi that “there is mobility, and there is a chance, albeit small, for a politico-diplomatic solution.” [Washington Post] ●政治(リビア内戦) リビア特使、アテネ訪問…事態収拾模索か(読売新聞 4 月 4 日) 【ローマ支局】リビアのオベイディ外務次官が3日、同国の最高指導者カダフィ氏の 特使としてアテネを訪問し、ギリシャのパパンドレウ首相と会談した。ギリシャのドル ツァス外相は会談後、 「カダフィ政権は解決策を探っているようだ」との声明を発表し、 同外務次官が事態収拾に向けて何らかの提案を行ったことを示唆した。AP通信による と、オベイディ外務次官は4日にはトルコとマルタを訪問する予定。地理的にリビアに 近い北大西洋条約機構(NATO)や欧州連合(EU)の加盟国を通じ、対リビア軍事 行動を展開する米欧側との停戦交渉の余地を探る狙いとみられる。声明によると、ギリ シャ側は即時停戦と市民に対する暴力停止を要求した。 (関連記事) ・Monday, 4 April, 2011: TRIPOLI, April 3 (Reuters) - The Libyan government sent an envoy to Greece on Sunday to discuss an end to fighting, but gave no sign of any major climbdown in a war that has ground to a stalemate between rebels and forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Abdelati Obeidi flew to Athens carrying a personal message from Gaddafi to Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou that Libya wanted the fighting to end, a Greek government official told Reuters. "It seems that the Libyan authorities are seeking a solution," Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas told reporters. But there was no indication on what Tripoli might be ready to offer -- beyond a willingness to negotiate -- to end a war that has 50 become bogged down on a frontline in the eastern oil town of Brega, while leaving civilians trapped by Gaddafi's forces in the west. [Reuters] ●政治(リビア内戦) リビア政府、選挙を実施し改革する用意がある=報道官(朝日新聞 2011 年 4 月 5 日) トリポリ4日 ロイター]リビア政府のイブラヒム報道官は4日、リビアは選挙を実 施し、政治システムを改革する用意があるが、カダフィ大佐が最高指導者の地位にとど まるかどうかは国民だけが決められる、と語った。報道官は西側諸国との協議の内容を 問う質問に対し、「われわれは、憲法や選挙などのいかなる政治システムの変革にも対 応が可能だ。ただ、最高指導者(カダフィ大佐)が改革を進める必要がある。これがわ れわれの信念だ」と答えた。また、「彼ら(西側諸国)はなぜ、リビア指導者の進退や 異なる政治システムを持つべきかどうかの決定にリビア国民が必要だと言わないの か? リビアに対し、外部から指導者の退陣や体制変更を求めることは誰もできない」 と語った。報道官はさらに、リビアはイタリアが反体制派の支持を決めたことを残念に 思う、と述べた。 (関連記事) Tuesday, 5 April, 2011: Libya is ready to negotiate reforms such as elections or a referendum but the resignation of leader Muammar Gaddafi is non-negotiable, a government spokesman says. "How Libya is governed, this is a different matter. What kind of political system is implemented in the country? This is negotiable, we can talk about it," spokesman Mussa Ibrahim told journalists on Tuesday. "We can have anything, elections, referendums." Advertisement: Story continues below Ibrahim said Gaddafi was "the safety valve" for the unity of the country's tribes and people. "We think he is very important to lead any transition to a democratic and transparent model," he added. Gaddafi meanwhile greeted supporters in his first public appearance since March 22 at his Bab el-Aziziya residence in Tripoli, which had been bombed by coalition forces two days earlier, national television said. [SMH] ●経済(インフラ) リビア政府は NATO 主導のリビア空爆が大人工運河(Great Man-Made River)を破壊す ればリビア国民及び環境への大損害をもたらす、と警告。 Monday, 4 April, 2011: TRIPOLI — Libya warned on Sunday that NATO-led air strikes could cause a "human and environmental disaster" if they damaged the country's massive Great Man-Made River (GMMR) project. Built at a cost of 33 billion dollars, the GMMR extracts water from deep beneath the Sahara desert at a depth of between 500 and 800 metres (1,600 to 2,500 feet), purifies it and transports it to the coastal cities of the north where most of the population is concentrated. Engineer and project manager Abdelmajid Gahoud told foreign journalists in the ultra-modern control centre on the outskirts of Tripoli, that a "human and environmental disaster" was on the cards if the GMMR was hit. [AFP] 51 ●政治(リビア内戦) アルジャジーラは米国とエジプトの特別部隊がリビアの反政府勢力に対して隠密トレ ーニングを与えていると報じた。 Monday, 4 April, 2011: US and Egyptian special forces have reportedly been providing covert training to rebel fighters in the battle for Libya, Al Jazeera has been told. An unnamed rebel source related how he had undergone training in military techniques at a "secret facility" in eastern Libya. He told our correspondent Laurence Lee, reporting from the rebel-stronghold of Benghazi, that he was sent to fire Katyusha rockets but was given a simple, unguided version of the rocket instead. "He told us that on Thursday night a new shipment of Katyusha rockets had been sent into eastern Libya from Egypt. He didn't say they were sourced from Egypt, but that was their route through," our correspondent said. [Aljazeera] ●政治(リビア内戦) 政権側の攻撃で人道危機深まる 市民の死者243人に 医師明かす(MSN 産経ニュ ース 2011.4.3) リビア反体制派の西部の拠点で、政府軍の包囲が続くミスラタの医師は3日までに、 2月下旬からの戦闘で市民ら計243人が死亡、約千人が負傷したと明らかにした。政 府軍は市街地への激しい砲撃を続行、食料や医薬品が欠乏し人道危機が深刻化するとの 懸念が広がっている。AP通信が伝えた。ミスラタは首都トリポリの東約200キロで、 人口約50万人のリビア第3の都市。反体制派が2月下旬に制圧した後、奪還を試みる 政府軍が攻撃を続けている。政府軍は今月2日も激しい砲撃を加えたほか、市内に展開 する狙撃手の発砲で市民計6人が死亡した。3月末には多国籍軍の空爆で政府軍の艦艇 が沈没。港の封鎖が解けたため在外リビア人や人道団体が送った小麦や缶詰、医薬品な ど150トンを乗せた支援船が到着した。だが陸路は封鎖されているため依然として医 薬品が不足しているという。 (共同) (関連記事) ・Sunday, 3 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya — Libya’s rebel military struggled Saturday to explain an apparent rift within its highest ranks while acknowledging its soldiers’ role in a mistaken NATO bombing of rebel columns the night before. The strike, which killed 13 rebels and injured seven, illustrated the hazards of conducting an aerial bombing campaign against a fluid and fast moving front line. Several cars and an ambulance were also incinerated, and opposition leaders said rebels may have been responsible for the bombing because they had fired their guns into the air in celebration. “It was a terrible mistake, and we apologize, and we will not let it happen again,” said Abdul Hafidh Ghoga, vice president and spokesman of the opposition’s Transitional National Council. [Washington Post] ・Sunday, 3 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya, April 2 (Reuters) - Libya's rebel council named what it called a "crisis team" on Saturday, including a new armed forces head, which will 52 administer parts of the country it holds in its struggle to topple Muammar Gaddafi. The team headed by Mahmoud Jebril will take its direction from the transitional national council, which remains the top rebel political body, council spokesman Hafiz Ghoga told a news conference. Omar Hariri is in charge of the military department, with General Abdel Fattah Younes al Abidi, a long serving officer in Gaddafi's armed forces, as his chief of staff. Younes will be in charge of staff matters and field operations, Ghoga said. Younes, a former Libyan interior minister, changed sides at the start of the uprising in mid-February but is distrusted by many in the rebel camp because of his past ties to Gaddafi. [Reuters] ・Sunday, 3 April, 2011: Thirteen rebel fighters were killed in a NATO airstrike, the opposition's chief spokesman said Saturday, but the attack drew little anger against the West as fighters continued to rely on the alliance's warplanes to hold off Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi. The incident late Friday came as North Atlantic Treaty Organization warplanes struck government forces' positions on the edges of Port Brega, a contested city on the edge of rebel-controlled eastern territory. Spokesman Abdelhafed Ghoga, calling the strike "a regrettable incident," made clear that the opposition wanted the West's help in fighting Kadafi. "It was an error in the placement of the revolutionaries," he said. The loss of fighters drew unwanted attention to the rawness of the opposition's recruits. Some fighters and medical aides near the front lines outside Port Brega said Saturday that the rebels had probably let loose with celebratory gunfire after witnessing a NATO strike or capturing some Kadafi fighters. [Los Angeles Times] ●政治(内戦) リビア情勢 カダフィ政権、停戦条件拒否(産経新聞 2011 年 4 月 3 日) 内戦状態にあるリビアのカダフィ政権のイブラヒム報道官は1日、北東部ベンガジを 拠点とする反体制派組織「国民評議会」が停戦に応じると表明したことについて、提示 された停戦条件を拒否する考えを表明した。国民評議会のアブドルジャリル議長は同日、 リビアの最高指導者カダフィ大佐側の軍部隊が北西部ミスラタなどへの攻撃を停止し 撤収することなどを停戦の条件として提示した。これについて、同報道官はトリポリで の会見で、 「自分たちの都市から撤収することなどあり得ない」と述べた。 カダフィ氏側の反攻を受けベンガジの南約150キロの要衝アジュダービヤ付近ま で後退している反体制派はここ数日、同市西方の工業都市ブレイガの支配をめぐりカダ フィ氏側と交戦。フランス通信(AFP)によると、1日までに民間人5人を含む少な くとも11人が死亡した。 Sunday, 3 April, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — A plan to sell rebel-held oil to buy weapons and other supplies has been reached with Qatar, a rebel official said Friday, in another sign of deepening aid for Libya's opposition by the wealthy Gulf state after sending warplanes to help confront Moammar Gadhafi's forces. It was not immediately clear when the possible oil sales could begin or how the arms would reach the rebel factions, but any potential revenue stream 53 would be a significant lifeline for the militias and military defectors battling Gadhafi's superior forces. Rebel units were pushed back about 100 miles (160 kilometers) this week along the Mediterranean coast, but still held parts of oil-rich eastern Libya and the key city of Benghazi. In recent clashes, rebels displayed more firepower including mortars and rockets, but remain significantly outgunned. [AP] ●経済(金融) リビア政府は 2 日、リビア中央銀行総裁の新人事を発表。 Sunday, 3 April, 2011: TUNIS, April 2 (Reuters) - Libya appointed a new central bank governor on Saturday, the official Jana news agency reported. Mohammed al Zarroug Rajab was sworn in as the governor of the Libyan Central Bank, Jana said, adding his appointment would take effect immediately and his term would last until the next meeting of Libya's General People's Congress, or parliament. Libyan state television broadcast footage of him taking an oath and shaking hands with Libyan officials. Jana gave no other details about the appointment nor about his predecessor at the central bank, Farhat Omar Bin Guidara. Last month a government official said Libyan Finance Minister Abdulhafid Zlitni had temporarily taken over as head of the central bank because Bin Guidara was abroad. [Reuters] ●政治(リビア空爆) 反体制派を誤爆か 民兵10人死亡(MNS 産経 2011.4.2) リビア最高指導者カダフィ大佐側の部隊と反体制派が戦闘を繰り広げる同国中部ブレ イガ付近で1日夜、多国籍軍の航空機が反体制派の民兵少なくとも10人を誤爆したも ようだ。ロイター通信が2日報じた。カダフィ氏側部隊と誤認したとみられる。誤爆で 反体制派の死者が伝えられるのは初めて。民兵の一人がロイターに語ったところでは、 反体制派側に潜入したカダフィ氏側兵士が対空砲を撃ち、空爆を受けたという。ただ、 別の民兵は「対空砲を撃ったのは反体制派だった」としており、真相は不明だ。AP通 信によると、空爆を実施している北大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍は2日、事実関係の 調査を開始した。 ●政治(リビア空爆) ドイツと中国が軍事的手段以外の方法でのリビア問題解決に関する共同声明を発表。 Saturday, 2 April, 2011: Beijing - Germany and China on Friday issued a joint statement calling for renewed effort toward a political, non-violent solution of the conflict in Libya. During a visit to Beijing, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and his counterpart Yang Liechi said there could be no military solution. Both countries abstained from a UN Security Council vote two weeks ago that approved the imposition of a no-fly zone over the Middle Eastern country. Yang said he was 'very concerned' by recent developments as the conflict in Libya between rebel forces and troops loyal to leader Moamer Gaddafi showed no sign of abating. [M&C] ●政治(リビア空爆) 54 NATO が主導権を取ってカダフィ派を空爆する一方で米軍は前面から撤退。 Saturday, 2 April, 2011: WASHINGTON — The US military is poised to withdraw its combat jets and Tomahawk missiles from the air campaign against Libya's regime, as NATO allies take the lead in bombing Moamer Kadhafi's forces. With NATO taking charge of the coalition effort on Thursday, US officials confirmed Friday that American fighters, ground-attack aircraft and cruise missiles would be pulled out of the operation starting this weekend. The move follows pledges by President Barack Obama to quickly shift the lead to allies in the NATO-led coalition, with the US military playing a supporting role -- providing planes for mid-air refueling, jamming and surveillance. "As we transition to a support role, our focus will be on providing enabling capabilities and not on strike capabilities," a US defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP. [AFP] (関連記事) Wednesday, 6 April, 2011: Published reports say CIA officers are at work inside Libya. But just what they are doing is not clear and, in keeping with practice, the CIA would not comment on the reports. The Obama administration has said it has not yet decided whether to arm the Libyan rebels. But, there is much the CIA may be doing in Libya short of that. Analysts say it should come of no surprise that the CIA is already at work in Libya. Reva Bhalla, Middle East analyst for the private intelligence firm, Stratfor, says gathering intelligence is the most basic function of the CIA. "Obviously when you have a military campaign like this under way you’re going to need people on the ground, painting [identifying] targets for air strikes, [and] not only on the military aspect but just in trying to figure out just who is the opposition - who are they actually dealing with, are there any viable leaders who show the potential for unifying this very fractious country," said Bhalla. [VOA News] ●政治(リビア空爆) NATO は単独でのリビア空爆を実施。 Friday, 1 April, 2011: WASHINGTON, March 31, 2011 – NATO has taken sole command of international air operations over Libya, Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced in Stockholm today. NATO has all the assets in place for Operation Unified Protector, including forces for the arms embargo and no-fly zone and actions to protect civilians and civilian centers, Rasmussen said. The operations are taking place under the auspices of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. Adm. Giampaolo Di Paola of the Italian navy, chairman of the NATO Military Committee, said the alliance has gradually taken over command of these operations from U.S. Africa Command. “This decision followed a constructive debate among NATO political and military authorities, and has been taken by the alliance in a remarkable short lap of time,” he said. [Defence] ●政治(英国・リビア関係) 55 1980 年代にロンドン在住のリビア人殺害の容疑で国外追放されたムサ・クサ現外相が、 30 年の時を経て再び英国に戻ってきた。 Friday, 1 April, 2011: He is the man Britain kicked out in 1980 for advocating killing Libyan dissidents living in London, but over 30 years on Musa Kusa is back. His presence in the UK is a necessary political evil. The former spy master is a plum prize for Britain in PR terms, sending the message that support for Colonel Gaddafi is crumbling at home. The Libyan foreign minister's resignation and defection to Britain will buoy the rebels and may act as a catalyst for others to jump ship. And what Mr Kusa knows is gold. He can provide information on Col Gaddafi's military capabilities and the mindset of those around him. But, and it is a big but, this is the man accused of masterminding the Lockerbie bombing which killed 270 people. [Sky News] ●政治(内戦) 米国国務省高官はムサ・クサ外相の英国亡命はカダフィ政権にとって大きな痛手となろ うとのコメント。 Friday, 1 April, 2011: WASHINGTON — The United States said Thursday the defection of Libya's foreign minister Mussa Kussa would provide critical intelligence about Moamer Kadhafi's mental state and military plans. As British officials debriefed Kussa after his flight to London late Wednesday, the White House also reiterated a senior official's earlier assessment that his decision was a major blow to Kadhafi's government. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor hailed a "major defection and a significant blow to the Kadhafi regime." "Mussa Kussa is one of Kadhafi's most trusted aides who can help provide critical intelligence about Kadhafi's current state of mind and military plans. [AFP] ●政治(内戦) リビア情報庁長官もチュニジア脱出か(産経新聞 4 月 1 日) 中東の衛星テレビ局アルアラビーヤは31日、リビア情報庁のブーゼイド・ドゥルダ 長官が、隣国チュニジアに脱出したとの情報があると報じた。同氏は1990年から9 4年にかけて首相に相当する全人民委員会書記長を務めた政権の重鎮。3月30日にチ ュニジア経由で英国へ脱出したクーサ氏の後任として、2009年に情報庁長官に就任 していた。 56
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