リビア政治経済社会ディリー情報 2010 年 9 月 ●政治(ロッカビー事件) 米国国務省は BP が権益取得の見返りにロッカビー事件の犯人の早期釈放を保証したと いう証拠は見つけられなかったことを明らかにした。 Thursday, 30 September, 2010: The US State Department says it has found no evidence that oil company BP tried to secure the early release of the Lockerbie bomber. The US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations is examining claims that BP helped to secure the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi from a Scottish prison to safeguard an oil exploration deal with Libya. But State Department spokeswoman Nancy McEldowney says there is no evidence of that. "We have examined all available State Department records and have not identified any further materials beyond publicly available statements and correspondence concerning attempts by BP or other companies to influence matters related to Megrahi's transfer," she said. The bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie in 1988 killed 270 people, mostly Americans. [ABC] (関連記事) ・Thursday, 23 September, 2010: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held a 30-minute meeting with her Libyan counterpart in New York on Tuesday, but she did not bring up the case of Lockerbie bombing convict Abdel Baset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley confirmed on Tuesday evening that Clinton did not mention Megrahi during what he described as “a relatively brief meeting” with Foreign Minister Mussa Kussa. Instead, the meeting, held in Clinton’s hotel on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly, dealt with the situation in Sudan, the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, and Libya’s “desire for broader relations,” he told reporters. [CNS] ・Tuesday, 28 September, 2010: WASHINGTON - A key US Senate panel will hold a long-awaited hearing Wednesday on the controversial release of the Lockerbie bomber, the lawmaker scheduled to chair the session announced Monday. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee "will focus on the circumstances surrounding the terrorist's release, including possible influence of commercial interests," according to the office of Democratic Senator Robert Menendez. In August 2009, Scotland's devolved government released Libyan Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi -- the only man convicted in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing -- on compassionate grounds after he was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and was thought to have just three months to live. But Megrahi, convicted over the downing of the Pan Am jumbo jet which killed 270 people, most of them US nationals, is still alive in Libya, sparking fury among Americans who believe he should never have been released. [AFP] 1 Monday, 27 September, 2010: MILAN - The ouster of Alessandro Profumo from the top post at Unicredit this week has sparked concern about future governance at Italy's largest bank as other shake-ups rattle the European banking world. Profumo's dramatic exit following a shareholder rebellion over Libya's growing stake in the bank rocked Italy's financial elite and weighed down Unicredit's share price at a time when the country's economy is being scrutinised by investors because of its high debt levels. Profumo, who oversaw a major international expansion by the bank in central and eastern Europe, resigned late on Tuesday after losing a shareholder confidence vote during a four-hour board meeting. [AFP] ・Wednesday, 29 September, 2010: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a long-awaited hearing Wednesday that aims to find out why Scotland last year gave a controversial "compassionate release" to cancer-stricken Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi. But the session may only widen the gulf between U.S. politicians demanding a more detailed medical explanation of how Mr. Megrahi won his freedom and Scottish officials who are declining to provide one. Securing Release: Megrahi's Medical Saga A review of the events that led to the August 2009 release of convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset Al-Megrahi. A Senate staffer's fact-finding trip to Britain this month appears to have produced even more conflict between the U.S. and Scotland, particularly surrounding the details of Mr. Megrahi's prognosis and the question of whether he began chemotherapy treatments before or after he was released by the Scots. [Wall Street Journal] Thursday, 30 September, 2010: The Chairman and Executive Director of the Energy Cities Development Company (ECDCo), Dr. Abdullah Mahmud, says the planned Libyan energy cities at Al Brega and Ras Lanuf will provide opportunities for investors to access high quality hydrocarbon resources. Dr. Mahmud is one of a top line-up of industry experts who will speak at the upcoming annual Middle East Chemical Week in Bahrain from 10-13 October, during which the global challenges facing the Gulf fertilizer and petrochemical industries will be discussed. Energy cities : Libya has launched a US$54 billion master plan to construct the two energy cities at Al Brega and Ras Lanuf, which includes job creation opportunities, the construction of petrochemical complexes, tourism, economic diversification for Libya and opportunities for private investment. [Zawya] ●政治(内政) カダフィ大佐の有力な後継者候補の一人といわれているサイフ氏が上海万博を訪問し、 リビア館は興味をそそる展示物がない、と政府を暗に批判する発言を行なった。 Thursday, 30 September, 2010: SHANGHAI, Sept 29 (Reuters) - A son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi who is seen as a potential successor to his father accused Libya's government of ineptitude on Wednesday, highlighting splits within the oil exporter's ruling elite. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi leads a reformist camp in Libya which is locked in a 2 struggle for influence with an old guard including senior figures within his father's own entourage. He attacked the government after visiting the Libyan pavilion at the World Expo, an international exhibition, in the Chinese city of Shanghai. Saif al-Islam, who holds no official post, said he personally oversaw Libya's display at the Expo because the government failed to take sufficient interest. "The Libyan government did not even bother to send a junior employee to attend Libya's day at the exhibition," he told reporters. "That shows that there is no state in Libya." [Reuters] ●政治(外国労働者問題) 米国国務省の Bureau of Population,と Refugees and Migration (PRM) および Middle East Partnership Initiative (Mepi)が移住労働者の改善条項設定のため、International Organization for Migration に 50 万ドルを提供する。 Wednesday, 29 September, 2010: Geneva, Switzerland (GenevaLunch) - Two US agencies, US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) and its Middle East Partnership Initiative (Mepi), are each providing the International Organization for Migration in Geneva with $500,000 to help Libya improve its provisions for migrant workers. The money will be used to “build and consolidate the capacity of government bodies and civil society in Libya to help address irregular migration and protect the most vulnerable migrants in the North African country, including victims of trafficking,” says the IOM. The country has between 1 and 1.5 million irregular migrants, drawn to Libya because it is close to southern Europe, but also because of good demand for unskilled labour and the strength of the local economy, according to the IOM. [Genevalunch] ●政治(欧州) ドイツで拘束されたリビア人諜報員がベルリンで裁判にかけられることになった。ドイ ツ在住のリビアの反体制派の情報を集めていた疑いがかかっている。 Tuesday, 28 September, 2010: Two men suspected of spying for the Libyan intelligence service have gone on trial in Berlin, accused of gathering information on Libyan opposition members living in Germany. The two men, aged 42 and 47, who can only be identified as Adel Ab and Adel Al, were arrested in the spring of this year. Germany has charged them with "spying for the Libyan intelligence service between August 2007 and May 13, 2010, the day of their arrest here in Germany," said Robert Baeuml, a spokesman for the Berlin justice authorities. Baeuml said the spying was "on a personal level" and "there was no technical eavesdropping involved". "There were attempts to contact opposition members through personal contacts and gaining their trust in order to gather information," he said. [Aljazeera] ●政治(アジア) 韓国大統領の兄弟と韓国の政治家が近々リビアを訪問し、悪化している両国関係改善に 努める計画が浮上している。 3 Tuesday, 28 September, 2010: A senior Korean lawmaker and brother of President Lee Myung-bak is considering visiting Libya this week, a source said yesterday, a trip that could help defuse a diplomatic row plaguing relations between the two countries for months. Representative Lee Sang-deuk of the ruling Grand National Party is considering the visit to attend the dedication ceremony for a Korean-built hotel in Libya, the source said on the condition of anonymity. But widespread views are that Lee could also meet with Libyan officials in an effort to resolve the dispute that was touched off over alleged espionage by a Korean intelligence agent. The lawmaker was expected to depart yesterday if he decided to go, the source said. [Joon Gang Daily] ●経済(通信) Vodafone はリビアの通信会社 Al Madar との間でローミング・サービス契約【ある地域 内でサービスを提供している回線業者(携帯電話会社やインターネット・プロ バイダー)が他の地域の回線業者と提携することによって、利用者が現在使用 中の携帯電話またはIDを他の地域からでも使えるようにしたもの】を締結し、 リビアでもサービス提供が出来るようにしたことを明らかにした。 Monday, 27 September, 2010: Vodafone has announced that its data roaming service has now been extended to Libya, after it reached an agreement with Libyan operator Al Madar. Vodafone prepaid and postpaid customers travelling to Libya can now access data on their smartphones or Vodafone Internet Key starting at €1.75 per MB on a postpaid plan. “The demand for accessing data services from persons travelling to, and doing business with Libya, has increased,” said Alexandre Froment-Curtil, Head of Marketing at Vodafone Malta Ltd. “We have added Libya to our portfolio to enable our customers to use email, browse the internet and network on social sites from their Vodafone Internet Key, BlackBerry® smartphones, iPhone or any other smartphone.” [Gozo News] ●経済(貿易) シンガポールを訪問中のサイフ氏はゴー・チョク・トン上級相と会談し、リビアが近々 シンガポールに貿易関連事務所を設立することで合意した。 Sunday, 26 September, 2010: SINGAPORE : Libya may set up a trade office in Singapore soon. This was discussed between the President of the Ghaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation, Dr Saif Al-Islam Al-Ghaddafi, and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong during their meeting at the Istana on Saturday. Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Zainul Abidin Rasheed and Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Education S Iswaran were also present. A statement from the Foreign Ministry said Mr Goh and Dr Saif expressed satisfaction with the progress achieved in bilateral cooperation. They also re-affirmed the mutual commitment to further enhance economic cooperation and share experiences in areas of mutual interest. [Channel News Asia] 4 ●経済(協力) 駐ザンビア・リビア大使がザンビアとの経済・貿易協力(通信、観光分野)を投資を通じ て促進していくことを発表。 Sunday, 26 September, 2010: LIBYAN ambassador Khalifa Omar Swiexi has said his country and Zambia are working towards enhancing and developing economic and trade relations through investments in communication and tourism. And local government and housing minister Dr Eustarckio Kazonga has said it would be important for Zambia and Libya to ensure that continental unity was preserved at all times in collective march towards political and economic integration. Speaking at the 41st anniversary of the September 1st Revolution or Libyan day in Lusaka on Thursday, Ambassador Swiexi commended Zambia’s past presidents and President Rupiah Banda for deepening the Libya-Zambia relationship. [Post Zambia] Saturday, 25 September, 2010: Homeless Palestinians in the Gaza Strip would soon get money enough to build 1,250 houses with Libya 's funding, an official with a UN humanitarian agency said Thursday. Libya granted five million U.S. dollars to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and each of the 1250 family would get 10,000 dollars to start building their homes which were destroyed in Israel's military operation in Dec. 2009, Adnan Abu Hassna, a spokesman for UNRWA said. The Libyan grant is part of an undeclared compromise between Israel, Libya and Egypt, reached after Israeli navy stopped a Gaza- bound Libyan aid ship, chartered by the Gadhafi foundation. [People Daily] ●エネルギー(石油) リビア政府は Hess 社に対して探鉱・生産・ライセンスを 5 年間延長する旨を発表。同 社はシルテ堆積盆の Area54 で 2008 年に原油を発見している。 Friday, 24 September, 2010: ALGIERS (Reuters) - Libya's government said on Thursday it had given Hess a five-year extension on its exploration and production license off Libya's coast. The license is for Area 54, about 480 km (300 miles) off the Libyan coast in the Sirte basin, where the company discovered hydrocarbons in 2008 on the Arous Al-Bahar prospect. Hess acquired the license in 2005. A statement posted on the Libyan government's Internet site said the license had been extended to allow Hess "to carry out appraisal operations ... and carry out an additional exploration programme". The statement did not give any details on the terms of the extended license or how much Hess paid for it. Hess and other U.S. firms including Occidental, Exxon Mobil and ConocoPhillips were earlier this year warned by the Libyan authorities their interests could be jeopardised by a diplomatic row between Washington and Tripoli. [The Africa Report] ●経済(運輸) 英国の航空会社 BMI が 12 月 1 日からロンドン‐トリポリ間を就航。 Friday, 24 September, 2010: UK airline BMI is to launch a daily service from London to Tripoli from 1 December 2010, it said yesterday, in a possible sign of thawing UK/Libyan relations 5 Until now British Airways was the only UK airline to operate a route to Libya, with flights to Tripoli beginning in1999. BMI will operate flights from?Heathrow with the first seats available to book from today. Libya is keen to expand its tourism market as the country attempts to rehabilitate its international reputation following the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988, which killed all 243 passengers. However, relations have been strained over the last year following the release by the Scottish government of the only man ever convicted of the bombing, Abdelbaset al Megrahi, on compassionate grounds. [Cityam] ●政治(北米) スパイ行為に関係したとして一時的に拘束されていたカナダ人が 21 日出国を許可され た。リビアの Oea 紙が報道した。 Wednesday, 22 September, 2010: A Canadian citizen who was briefly implicated in a supposed spy scandal was allowed to leave Libya late on Tuesday. “We have been informed that there are no further restrictions preventing [Douglas] O'Reilly from leaving the country,” Catherine Loubier, a spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon, said in an emailed statement. It wasn’t immediately clear when Mr. O’Reilly would leave Tripoli. Earlier, Canadian diplomats had said only that an unnamed citizen was being “prevented” from leaving Libya, and being made to stay in his Tripoli hotel room while local authorities pursued an espionage investigation. According to an article published in the Libyan newspaper Oea, a Canadian named “Douglas Oriali” – the name was apparently mistranslated – had been placed under surveillance by Libyan authorities who didn’t believe his claims he was a simple touring archaeologist concerned about a new British Petroleum offshore rig. [The Globe and Mail] (関連記事) セキュリティの理由からリビア出国を許可されず。 Tuesday, 21 September, 2010: TRIPOLI - A Canadian suspected of industrial espionage on behalf of the United States has been prevented from leaving Libya for security reasons, the newspaper Oea reported on Monday. It said Douglas Oriali, who also has Australian and Irish citizenship, is suspected of working with US intelligence "to gather information aiming to ensure the failure of a drilling project off the Libyan coast by Britain's BP." The paper quoted "a senior official" as saying that Oriali on arrival said he was an archaeologist visiting Libya as a tourist. Oriali was placed under surveillance, the official said, adding he was then prevented from leaving the country after "contacts with a US diplomat in Libya who is suspected of being an intelligence agent." The Canadian embassy, contacted by AFP, refused to comment. [AFP] ・24 日付の地元紙によると、23 日に出国した模様。 Friday, 24 September, 2010: TRIPOLI - A Canadian held since mid-September in Libya where he was suspected of industrial espionage on behalf of the United States has left the country, a local newspaper reported on Thursday. "The Canadian citizen Douglas Oriali left Libya on 6 Wednesday afternoon," Oea said on its website. Oriali, who also has Australian and Irish citizenship, was arrested at Tripoli airport in mid-September, just before he was due to leave the country, for security reasons, the newspaper earlier reported. He was suspected of working with US intelligence "to gather information aiming to ensure the failure of a drilling project off the Libyan coast by Britain's BP," Oea had said. The Canadian foreign ministry told AFP on Monday that Ottawa was "aware" of Oriali's situation and that "the Canadian mission in Tripoli was working with local officials in order to get more information." [AFP] ●政治(人道支援) リビアのパレスチナ人支援の民間団体"Jerusalem 5" が英国の支援団体"Lifeline"と共に ガザ地区への支援団を結成する計画。 Wednesday, 22 September, 2010: Gaza, September 21, (Pal Telegraph) The Libyan Civil Mission to Support the Palestinian People is preparing to conduct a convoy holding the title of "Jerusalem 5" heading to the Gaza Strip in conjunction with the launch of the British aid convoy "Lifeline" which will be led by British MP George Galloway heading to Gaza early next month. Libyan site “Libya 24” quoted bin Othman saying: "The ‘Jerusalem 5’ will be launched from Britain towards Palestine to the besieged Gaza Strip through Latakia and Tripoli / Libya, stressing that the coordination in this regard is going on with the concerned authorities of the British convoy and the British Association. He added that many of Arab and North African parliamentary characters would be among the members of the convoy. [Palestine Telegraph] (関連記事) Wednesday, 29 September, 2010: Geneva – Libya lashed out last week after UN Watch continued its onslaught against the desert dictatorship’s membership in the UN Human Rights Council by bringing yet another victim to testify before the plenary to expose Muammar Qaddafi’s crimes. Libya demanded that the council president delete the victims’ remarks from the record, which included challenges to Libya’s new membership on the UN’s highest human rights body. Sparking last week’s commotion in the plenary was testimony by Mohamed Eljahmi, brother of the late Fathi Eljahmi, a noted Libyan dissident who died after suffering brutal imprisonment under the Qaddafi regime. Speaking on behalf of Freedom House, Eljahmi asked: “Why is the government of Mr. Qaddafi, which tortured and killed my brother – and which is one of the world’s worst violators of human rights – now an elected member of the UN Human Rights Council?” [Jewish Tribune] ●経済(全般) リビアはアフリカ大陸最大の石油埋蔵量を誇っている(440 億バレル:OGJ による)。 IMF の報告では輸出の 95%、2008-2009 年の年間国家収入の 80%を石油に頼っている。 前々から指摘されていたが、依然として石油依存体質は改善されていない。リビアの原 7 油生産量は 2009 年は 180 万バレル/日であったが、数年前から増産の意向を示している。 また原油の埋蔵量増加と天然ガス部門の更なる強化も目指している。 Wednesday, 22 September, 2010: The Libyan economy is heavily dependent on the hydrocarbon industry which, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), accounted for over 95 percent of export earnings and an estimated 80 percent of fiscal revenues in 2008 – preliminary 2009 data and short-term forecasts indicate that these figures will remain relatively stable through 2014. According to the Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ), Libya holds around 44 billion barrels of oil reserves, the largest in Africa, and slightly over 54 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural gas reserves. In 2009, total oil production (crude plus liquids) was approximately 1.8 million barrels per day (bbl/d). The Libyan government plans to increase its oil reserves, production capacity, and further develop the natural gas sector in the medium-term as the country continues to recover from over a decade of U.S. and international sanctions. The United Nations and the United States lifted sanctions on Libya in 2003 and 2004, respectively. In 2006, the United States rescinded Libya’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. Since then, international oil companies have stepped up investments in hydrocarbon exploration and production despite some degree of regulatory uncertainty. [EurAsia Review] ●政治(ロッカビー事件) ロッカビー事件の犠牲者遺族の一人がメグラヒ元受刑者と面談。 Tuesday, 21 September, 2010: The father of a woman who died in the Lockerbie bombings has travelled to Libya to visit the man convicted of the terrorist attack. Jim Swire, a Briton, spent an hour with Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, the man convicted of helping to bring down Pan Am flight 103, in the skies over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988. Swire’s 23-year-old daughter Flora was among the 270 victims of the bombing, yet Swire remains convinced of Al Megrahi’s innocence. Al Megrahi served eight years of a 20-year sentence, and was released on compassionate grounds last year after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and given only months to live. Swire met him last weekend in a hospital ward in Tripoli, where he is undergoing treatment for his cancer. “I was very relieved to see him as well as he was. He is a very sick man. [The Epoch Times] (関連記事) Monday, 20 September, 2010: The Libyan man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing and a victim’s father have accused a Maltese witness at the centre of the probe of “betraying a fellow human being for money”. Jim Swire, whose daughter Flora was killed in the 1988 bombing of the Pan Am aircraft, spoke exclusively to The Sunday Times just days after meeting Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, who was convicted of killing 259 people on board and 11 on the ground. The two men met in Tripoli last Tuesday where they discussed, among other issues, Tony Gauci, the owner of a shop in Sliema who claimed he had identified Mr Al-Megrahi as the man who had 8 bought clothes from him that were later found wrapped around the bomb. His testimony led to the imprisonment of Mr Al-Megrahi, until the Libyan was controversially released a year ago on compassionate grounds. [Times of Malta] ●経済(観光) 米国の旅行社が 10 月に'Libya, the sand of times'と名打った観光旅行企画を推進。 Tuesday, 21 September, 2010: Tripoli, Libya - A group of US travel and tourist companies and agencies will in October hold their first tourist trip to Libya for the season 2010-2011 under the theme: 'Libya, the sand of times'. The Libyan daily, Oya, said Monday on its electronic site, that the 16-day trip would feature visits to the Roman sites of Sabratha (80 km west of Tripoli) and Leptis (120 km east of Tripoli), as well as the old city of Ghadames, an oasis in the middle of the desert, located in the western part of the country along the borders with Algeria. According to Oya, a large number of directors of travel companies and agencies in the US were convinced that tourism in Libya would attract a large American audience, especially since all restrictions imposed by the Libyan government on the issuance of visas were lifted after a framework agreement on trade and investment was signed between Tripoli and Washington. [Afriquejet] ●経済(運輸) リビアの 2 大航空会社(リビア航空と Afriqiyah 航空)が合併の方向で話合いを進めている。 Monday, 20 September, 2010: TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya's two state-owned airlines, which have been spending millions of dollars expanding their fleets, hope to win government approval next month to merge, the head of the carriers' parent company told Reuters. Libyan Airlines and Afriqiyah Airways have been in negotiations about a merger for several years but the plan has been repeatedly delayed. "The decision will be announced by around mid-October ... Afriqiyah and Libyan Airlines will be one company," Sabri Shadi, chairman of the Libyan African Aviation Holding Company (LAAHC), told Reuters in an interview. He said the management of both airlines had agreed to the merger and the last remaining hurdle was approval from the Libyan government. "This decision will give us a strong company, a lot of aircraft, help us provide a good service. [Reuters] ●政治(拿捕) Borg Megheizel 村の漁船所有者がムバラク大統領に対して、拿捕された漁船を早急に返 還するようカダフィ大佐に圧力をかけるよう要請。 Monday, 20 September, 2010: The owners of ten fishing boats from the Borg Megheizel village in Kafr al-Sheikh urged President Mubarak to pressure his Libyan counterpart, Muammar Qaddafi, to return their seized boats. Libya has held most of the boats for nine months. Some of the vessels, however, have been in Libyan custody for three years, according to the fishermen. Two boat owners claim the Libyan coast guard fired on their vessels and sank them. The fishermen are demanding compensation. The Egyptians said they were on their regular fishing 9 route when their boats drifted to the Libyan coast, at which point they were apprehended by Libyan authorities. Seventy Egyptian fishermen are detained in Libyan prisons today in addition to the ten seized boats. Boat owner Essam al-Shami said his vessel has been held in Libya’s Benghazi Port since 29 March. [Almasry Alyoum] ●経済(運輸) リビア航空がエアバス社から購入したエアバス A320 の 7 機のうち1機がフランスのト ゥールーズから納入された。 Saturday, 18 September, 2010: Libyan Airlines, part of the Libyan Aviation Holding Company, has taken delivery of its first new Airbus A320 aircraft from the Airbus facility in Toulouse, France. The new aircraft, the first of seven on order, will be equipped with On Air in-flight connectivity services allowing passengers to stay in touch with colleagues, family and friends while they travel. Powered by CFM engines the aircraft will be operated on domestic and regional routes from the airlines hub in Tripoli, Libya. The aircraft is fitted with several rows of convertible seats that enable the carrier to choose a variety of cabin configurations depending on their requirements. These range from the standard two class configuration with 32 business class seats and 108 economy class seats to an all economy cabin seating 156 passengers. [Webwire] ●政治(人権) 人権団体 27 団体が協力して 47 カ国からなる国連人権委員会のメンバーからリビアを排 除するキャンペーンを開始。 Friday, 17 September, 2010: A global coalition of human rights groups is launching a campaign to remove Libya from the 47-member U.N. Human Rights Council. A coalition of 27 non-government human rights groups, joined by victims of Libyan human rights violations, are protesting the membership of what they call one of the world's worst human rights violators in the U.N. body that is supposed to uphold and protect the rights of people around the world. Human rights observers agree with Palestinian physician Ashraf El Hajouj who says that he and five Bulgarian nurses were framed, imprisoned and tortured in Libya for almost nine years on false charges of poisoning children with HIV. "Actually, we are the victims, the hidden victims of the Pan Am 103 [bombing over Lockerbie. [VOA News] (関連記事) リビアが関与したテロ事件の処理について Saturday, 18 September, 2010: Victims of Libyan-backed terrorism have been given a major boost with the prime minister throwing his weight behind their campaign for compensation. David Cameron's support has been welcomed by Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson and other UK victims campaigners. In a letter last week to a survivor of the 1996 London Docklands bombing, the PM praised those affected for their "courage and determination" and said his 10 government would "make sure the crimes of the past are dealt with correctly". The DUP MP described David Cameron's pledge as a "positive development". He said: "Of course it is important that the prime minister applies his pledge to the search for justice for those who lost loved ones as a result of terrorism in Northern Ireland. [Newsletter] ●エネルギー(石油) エクソンモービルの手がけたリビア大水深の試掘井は結果が思わしくなかった模様。 Friday, 17 September, 2010: HOUSTON, Sept 16 (Reuters) - A deepwater exploration well that Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N: Quote) drilled offshore Libya was not commercially viable, an executive said on Thursday. The well "ultimately proved to be unsuccessful," Andrew Swiger, a senior vice president at the Irving, Texas, company told the Barclays Capital CEO Energy-Power Conference. The project was first announced in 2009 was a collaboration between Exxon and Libya's National Oil Company. Shares of Exxon, the world's largest publicly traded oil company, fell 12 cents to $60.88 in afternoon trade on the New York Stock Exchange. [Reuters] ●政治(アジア) 駐リビア韓国大使がリビア国内法抵触の罪で拘束されている 2 名の韓国人と面会。 Friday, 17 September, 2010: The South Korean ambassador in Libya has met with two South Koreans detained in the African country for allegedly breaking local religious laws, a foreign ministry official in Seoul said Thursday. According to the official, Ambassador Chang Dong-hee met with a missionary named Koo on Tuesday and then a farmer named Jeon the following day. “The Libyan government granted the meetings, and judicial procedures are expected to begin soon,” the official said. Diplomatic sources believe the two South Koreans will stand trial and will eventually be expelled from Libya. Koo was arrested in June for violating Libya’s religious laws, and Jeon was arrested in July for the same charge. Libya didn’t grant consular access to them until mid-August. [Joongang Daily] ●政治(テロ事件) 25 年以上前にロンドンの在リビア大使館前で起きたフレッチャー婦警射殺事件の真相 解明要求を、キャメロン首相がカダフィ大佐への書簡で改めて強く求めている。 Friday, 17 September, 2010: The Prime Minister has written to Colonel Gaddafi to place further pressure on the Libyan leader to resolve the issue of the murder of PC Yvonne Fletcher in 1984. David Cameron wrote to Muammar Gaddafi in July over the stalled investigation into the shooting of PC Fletcher from inside the Libyan embassy more than 25 years ago, a debate in the House of Commons heard last week. The Prime Minister wrote to Colonel Gaddafi as part of a series of “intense representations” which resulted in a UK delegation visiting Tripoli in August. The debate was called by Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski, chairman of the all-party Parliamentary group on Libya, who said PC Fletcher’s killer must face justice in the UK. Mr Kawczynski also 11 described a deal reportedly done with Libya in 2006, in which anyone charged with PC Fletcher’s death would face trial in Libya, as a “shoddy backroom deal”. He said: “You cannot face British justice in a Libyan court. It is simply impossible to face British justice in a court under British jurisdiction in Tripoli.” [Police Professional] ●経済(金融) リビア株式市場は 14 日比で 0.82 ポイントダウンで退けた。出来高は 43 銘柄での 10523 株、122,491 ディナールとなった。 Friday, 17 September, 2010: Benghazi, Libya - Ending its business Wednesday at 1276.54 points, the Libyan stock market closed trading down by 0.82 points, or 0.06% compared to Tuesday's trading. The overall value for transactions reached 122,491 Libyan dinars (1.280 Libyan dinars = US$ 1) mainly on the trade of 10,523 shares for 43 financial transactions. Transactions concerned the securities of Al-Wihda Bank, Al-Joumhouriya Bank, the National Commercial Bank, Cimenterie Al-Ahliya, the Libyan brokerage company and Libyan Insurance. Quotations from the banking sector reached 66.21% of the overall operations at the stock market as those on the sectors of industry and insurance recorded 14.69 and 10.54% respectively. [Afriquejet] ●政治(医療) 9 月 22 日からリビア医療専門委員会が研究発表会を開催。 Friday, 17 September, 2010: Tripoli, Libya - The Libyan committee for medical specialities will host a two-day workshop from 22 September on the quality and approval of health teaching institutions in Libya in collaboration with the country's national centre for quality and norms. The meeting, to be held within the framework of cooperation between Libya and the European Union (EU), will be supervised by the technical assistance and data sharing department of the EU Commission. It targets the secretaries of universities and faculties of medicine, the directors of training centers, the secretaries of scientific committees to the Libyan committee for medical specialities and the directors of quality units in universities of medicine in Libya. [Afriquejet] ●政治(不法移民対策) リビアはリビア沖 30 マイルの地中海上でシシリアの漁船に発砲したことを受けて、イ タリアに正式に謝罪した。 Wednesday, 15 September, 2010: (RTTNews) - Tripoli has formally apologized to Italy after one of Libya's patrol boats opened fire on a Sicilian fishing trawler in the Mediterranean Sea some 30 miles off the Libyan coast, an Italian minister said in an interview televised Tuesday. "What happened the other day is something that should not have happened and Libya has apologized," Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said an interview with Canale 5 television channel. "Apparently there was an error of interpretation. Perhaps they mistook the fishing boat for a boat with illegal migrants. It was a serious incident, but just an incident nevertheless," he 12 said, adding that both countries have launched separate investigations into the incident. [RTT News] ●経済(金融) イタリアの最大手銀行でミラノに本店がある UniCredit SpA へのリビアの支配が日増し に強まっている。リビア中央銀行はすでに約 5%の株式を保有しているが、7 月にはリ ビア投資局が 2.1%の株式を取得した。 Wednesday, 15 September, 2010: UniCredit SpA is falling “further and further into Libya’s hands” and its Italian “roots” must be maintained, lawmaker Maurizio Fugatti, a member of the governing coalition, said today in parliament. The Central Bank of Libya owns almost 5 percent of Italy’s biggest bank, and the Libyan Investment Authority, a sovereign wealth fund, bought a 2.1 percent stake in the Milan-based lender in July, according to market regulator Consob. Fugatti is a member of the Northern League party, a key coalition ally of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Libya’s combined holdings would violate the lender’s statute if they were determined to be a sole entity because the bank restricts voting rights to 5 percent per shareholder, Fugatti said. [Bloomberg] (関連記事) ・Friday, 17 September, 2010: (Reuters) - The Italian government has asked Libya to clarify the nature of the stakes held by its sovereign wealth fund and central bank in Italy's biggest bank, UniCredit (CRDI.MI), but has so far received no answer, the Treasury said. The move adds pressure on Tripoli to show its hand after Italian market watchdog Consob and the Bank of Italy requested more information about the stakes, and some politicians voiced concern that Libya might raise its holdings even further. Libya's sovereign wealth fund took a 2.075 percent stake in UniCredit in late July, joining the Central Bank of Libya as a top shareholder. The two Libyan investors combined have a stake of just under 7 percent, and bank rules bar a shareholder from having a voting stake of more than 5 percent. [Reuters] ・Saturday, 18 September, 2010: Libya’s sovereign wealth fund has increased its stake in UniCredit, making it by far the largest shareholder in the Italian banking group and aggravating high emotions in Italy about a number of investments by Muammar Ghaddafi’s regime. The Libyan Investment Authority now holds a stake of 2.5 percent in Italy’s largest bank by assets, up from about 2 per cent, having made the purchase in July, according to several financial sources. This is in addition to the 4.9 per cent in the bank held by the Libyan Central Bank. Together, the stakes make Libya by far the largest shareholder in UniCredit, followed by the sovereign wealth fund of Abu Dhabi. Experts say the move may well add to political pressure on Alessandro Profumo. [Financial Times] ・Tuesday, 21 September, 2010: Unicredit has called a board meeting for Thursday following complaints about Libya's increased stake in Italy's largest bank. The Libyan Investment 13 Authority increased its stake in the bank from 2.075 percent to 2.594 percent as of Aug. 31, according to filings published Monday by Italy stock market regulator Consob. In addition, Libya's Central Bank has a 4.613 percent stake, meaning Libyan investors have some 7.2 percent. Some politicians of the Northern League, which is a key ally in Premier Silvio Berlusconi's government, have voiced concern about management decisions concerning the Libyans and focused their criticism on CEO Alessandro Profumo. News agency ANSA says Unicredit has called a board meeting to discuss management at the bank. [Businessweek] ・Thursday, 23 September, 2010: The ouster of UniCredit SpA Chief Executive Alessandro Profumo after his courtship of Libyan investment shows the growing sensitivity in Italy to its former colony's involvement in the Italian economy. Alessandro Profumo resigned Tuesday after years of feuding with UniCredit shareholders over a variety of issues. But the trigger for his departure was his defense of the Libyan investors in Italy's largest bank who supported his decisions as CEO which appeared to strengthen his control over UniCredit. Libyan institutions now hold 7.6% of UniCredit's shares. Though tighter business relations have improved Libya's standing in Italy, Mr. Profumo appears to have underestimated the public's lingering doubts over the former pariah state. Such concerns were eventually used by politicians and shareholders to undercut support for him at the bank, analysts say. [Wall Street Journal] ●政治(中東) リビア政府は第二次世界大戦中にナチの迫害を受けてリビアからイスラエルに移住し たユダヤ人について補償の対象になることを明らかにした。リビア政府はホロコースト 生存者の権利を守る会とともに運動を進めている。 Wednesday, 15 September, 2010: Jews who immigrated to Israel from Libya after being persecuted by the Nazis during World War II will be eligible for reparations, the Prime Minister's Office said Tuesday. The move was promoted by the PM's Office and Finance Ministry together with the Holocaust Survivors' Rights Authority. According to the statement, "The Libyan Jews' eligibility is based on their exposure to the Nazi persecution and their escape from their homes for fear of this persecution." Figures compiled by the Holocaust Survivors' Rights Authority show that some 5,000 survivors will be able to file for reparation, at a total cost of NIS 110 million (about $29 million). Israeli Jews of Libyan descent will also be eligible to a fixed monthly pension at a minimal sum of NIS 1,822 ($484), as well as benefits – including convalescence pay, funding of medicine, participation in purchase tax abatement and exemption from television fees. [Ynet News] ●政治(中東・アフリカ) アラブ連盟によると、アラブ・アフリカ諸国の代表が来月シルテで開催されるが、その 準備のためリビアに集合。 14 Wednesday, 15 September, 2010: CAIRO, Sept 14 (KUNA) -- Arab and African officials were meeting here Tuesday to prepare for the Arab-African summit to be held in the Libyan city of Sirt next month, an Arab League official said Tuesday. Director of Arab Africa Cooperation Department Ambassador Samir Hosni told reporters a preparatory meeting was held for the Executive Committee of the high-ranking investment and trade forum, due in Tripoli, Libya, on September 25-26. The recommendation of the committee meeting will be referred to the Arab-African summit, due in Sirt on October 10. An Arab extraordinary summit will be also held in Sirt on October 9. Another meeting will be held tomorrow to prepare the draft political declaration of the Arab-African summit, as well as wording a new strategy for joint cooperation, said Hosni. [KUNA] ●経済(輸送) Libyan Airlines は今後 5 年間に Lufthansa ナビゲーションシステムを用いる予定。 Tuesday, 14 September, 2010: Libyan Airlines will be using the navigation and performance solutions from Lufthansa Systems for another five years. The Libyan national carrier will continue to benefit from the navigation charts and runway weight charts developed by the IT provider. Libyan Airlines has also extended the use of both solutions to include all jet aircraft in its fleet. The Lido/FMS (Flight Management System) database contains all important route information including altitude and airport data for optimizing routes and supporting autopilots on board modern aircraft. The navigation data, which are based on global aeronautical information, are updated and organized monthly and can be customized for use in any type of aircraft and on specific routes. The FMS database also contains important data to ensure the most efficient engine power levels, ultimately resulting in fuel savings. The Lido/RWC (Runway Weight Charts) supply the necessary data for calculating take-off thrust. These settings vary depending on runway, type of aircraft, wind and outside temperatures. [Air Safety Week] ●経済(協力) リビアは主にインドからダイヤモンドや金の装飾品を輸入しているが、このたびインド に対してダイヤモンド研磨工場設立を求めた。機材などはリビアが提供し材料や労働力 はインドが提供するという内容である。 Tuesday, 14 September, 2010: Libya recently turned to India, seeking help in establishing a diamond polishing facility and a gold factory, according to the Libyan press. Libya is a major importer of diamond and gold jewelry from India. Libya will supply the facility with the needed hardware, while the Indian firm is expected to provide the materials and labor, according to yet to be signed agreement disclosed by Nourri Abu Chouheiwa, Secretary of the Libyan general union of gold and precious metals workers. It’s not clear from the reports what Indian firm is involved. The Libyan daily Oyia and LibyaOnline both refer to “the World Council for gold and 15 precious metals industry.” Abu Chouheiwa said that the agreement will be signed shortly. He added that the gold factory would be situated at the new gold market in Libya’s Capital Tripoli. The diamond polishing plant will be built in Tajura, a suburb of Tripoli. [Idex Online] ●エネルギー(石油) BP はリビアの沖合 125 マイルでメキシコ湾での悲劇的事故より 200m 深い海底で石油 掘削を開始する予定であるが(今年末までに開始予定)、それに対して世界中の各分野 から懸念する声が上がっている。 Sunday, 12 September, 2010: Plans by the energy giant BP to sink an oil well off the Libyan coast could have disastrous consequences for the region's rich heritage of coastal ancient city sites and shipwrecks – already under threat from oil tankers, coastal erosion and tourist developments – archaeologists from around the world have warned. The energy company has been under increased scrutiny following the leak from its well in the Gulf of Mexico earlier this year which spewed oil for three months in the world's worst maritime spill. Last week a report into the blowout from BP blamed a "complex and interlinked" series of events, including human errors and mechanical failures, for the explosion that killed 11 engineers and led to the spill. BP has, however, announced that it intends to go ahead with plans to sink a well – which would be 200m deeper than the one in the Gulf of Mexico – around 125 miles off the coast of Libya. Work is due to begin before the end of the year. [The Independent] ●経済(投資) フランス人の Frederic Marino はリビアでの投資活動の中心的役割をになうようになっ ている。Libyan Africa Investment Portfolio は 60 億ドルの投資基金を政府内に設けている。 それによってリビア人の若き投資家の卵を育てる計画である。 Sunday, 12 September, 2010: Frederic Marino is not the sort of man you might envisage Colonel Muammer Gaddafi approaching for investment advice. The mild-mannered Frenchman does not seem particularly revolutionary. But he is fast becoming something of a kingpin in Tripoli’s investment community. The managers of the Libyan Africa Investment Portfolio – a $6bn (£3.9bn) sovereign wealth fund set up by the Libyan government – have entrusted the former Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns trader with a few hundred million dollars to launch a series of funds on their behalf and train young Libyans in the ways of investing. Additional cash commitments from the LAI are expected if Mr Marino’s firm is a success, he says. At FM Capital Partners in Knightsbridge, the trading floor buzzes. A handful of Libyan pupils in their twenties are seated in a corner classroom, listening to a lecture. This is year one of a five-year academic programme which includes cash management, financial mathematics, foreign exchange, derivatives and the requisite Financial Services Authority licensing exams. [Financial Times] 16 ●エネルギー(価格・需給) ガーネム総裁は昨今の小麦価格の高騰を受け、OPEC 諸国は食料品目に対する支出が大 きいため、原油価格もそれに比例する形で 100 ドル/バレルあたりに設定すべきである と述べた。 Wednesday, 8 September, 2010: DUBAI (Zawya Dow Jones)--Libya's top oil official Tuesday said crude oil should be priced around $100 a barrel to counteract the recent surge in global wheat prices which is having an adverse financial impact on Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, members. "Because of what happened now in the food and wheat market with very high prices, that has made our income less, and since all OPEC countries are dependent on importing food from outside the food bill has increased very much due to rising wheat prices," Shokri Ghanem, chairman of Libya's National Oil Corp. (NOC), told Zawya Dow Jones by telephone from Tripoli. "Oil should be commensurate to this increase, and we feel that $100 a barrel should now be the new target for OPEC," he added. Libya imports more than 1 million tons of wheat from Europe and the west a year, Ghanem said. [Wall Street Journal] (関連記事) Thursday, 9 September, 2010: LONDON (Reuters) - OPEC needs a higher oil price of $100 a barrel because the rising costs of imports such as food have eroded OPEC members' income, Libya's top oil official told Reuters on Wednesday. Oil has traded largely between $70 and $80 a barrel all year, a range many in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries have said is high enough to give producers a decent income without hurting the world economy. Still, members of OPEC, a group of 12 countries that rely on oil for most of their income, have been hurt by rising food costs, Shokri Ghanem, the chairman of Libya's National Oil Corp, said by telephone from Tripoli. "It should be around $100 to compensate for the big increase in the food price," Ghanem said. "Prices of food have risen and it is tantamount to having a big cut in your income." [Reuters] ●政治(テロ事件) 労働党は 4 年前に秘密裏にフレッチャー婦警射殺事件の容疑者は英国ではなくリビア で裁判を行なうということに合意して論議を呼ぶこととなった。しかしこのたび、その 合意事項が議会の承認がないことを理由に無効にされる可能性が出てきた。前述の合意 は 2006 年駐リビア英国大使とリビア外相が合意したものである。 Wednesday, 8 September, 2010: The Labour Government controversially agreed four years ago in secret that the any suspected killers of WPc Fletcher could be tried in Tripoli, rather than the UK. However, in a Commons debate, Daniel Kawczynski, the chairman of the all-party Libyan group, will tell the Government to scrap the agreement, on the grounds that it was never approved by Parliament. The agreement or protocol was set out in an exchange of letters 17 between Anthony Layden, Britain’s ambassador in Libya, and Abdelati Obeidi, the Secretary for Foreign Affairs in April 2006. In an exchange of letters released by the Foreign Office yesterday, Mr Layden said: “It remains the UK’s understanding that, in concluding the joint investigation, it would be for the Libyan authorities to decide whether any suspect, if identified, should be prosecuted in Libya in accordance with the Libyan penal code.” In reply, Mr Obeidi said that “the Libyan authorities understand” the arrangement. [The Telegraph] (関連記事) ・Wednesday, 8 September, 2010: PM David Cameron has written to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi over the stalled probe into the death of Pc Yvonne Fletcher. He wrote to the Libyan leader in July - part of a series of "intense representations" which resulted in a UK delegation visiting Tripoli in August. The news emerged during an MPs' debate on the case of Pc Fletcher, who was shot dead in 1984 by a gunman believed to be inside Libya's embassy in London. Minister Alistair Burt said he hoped it would mark a new stage of co-operation. 'Backroom deal' The debate was called by Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski, chairman of the all-party parliamentary group on Libya, who said Pc Fletcher's killer must face justice in the UK. He condemned a deal done with Libya in 2006 in which anyone charged with Pc Fletcher's death would face trial in Libya as a "shoddy backroom deal". [BBC] ・Thursday, 9 September, 2010: The newspaper was singled out by Daniel Kawczynski, the Conservative MP and chairman of the all-party Libya group, during a debate in Westminster Hall this week. The Daily Telegraph and its Whitehall Editor Christopher Hope were praised for highlighting the difficulties facing the police probe into the unprovoked shooting of WPc Fletcher outside the Libyan embassy in April 1984. The Metropolitan Police investigation has been frustrated for the past three years after Libya repeatedly denied visas to the investigating officers. Scotland Yard detectives were only allowed into Tripoli last month after heavy lobbying by Prime Minister David Cameron and Foreign secretary William Hague over the summer. [The Telegraph] ●政治(中東) シリアのバッシャール大統領はカダフィ大佐から 2 つの招待状を受領。一つはアラブ連 盟臨時総会、もう一つはアラブ・アフリカ首脳会議である。 Tuesday, 7 September, 2010: President Bashar al-Assad received two invitations from Leader of the Libyan Revolution, Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi to attend the Arab Extraordinary and the Arab-African Summits scheduled to be held in Libya in early October. The invitations were conveyed by Secretary of Libya’s People’s Committee of Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Moussa Kossa during a meeting with President al-Assad on Monday morning. Moussa briefed President al-Assad on the underway preparations for convening the two summits and the efforts exerted to make them a success in serving the interests of the Arab and 18 African peoples and achieving their aspirations. The inter-Arab, the Arab-African relations and the importance of focusing on the economic issues to consolidate sound infrastructure for the relations among the Arab countries and expanding them towards Africa, were also discussed during the meeting. [DP-News] ●政治(労働問題) リビア労働雇用局は出稼ぎフィリピン労働者との間の問題解決に自信を見せた。 Tuesday, 7 September, 2010: The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said that it was able to settle a labor dispute involving 39 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Tripoli, Libya, who have complained of delayed salaries, unsuitable accommodations, inadequate food and water, and lack of medical benefits. In the report of labor attaché to Libya Nasser Mustafa to Labor and Employment Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz, it was stressed that the 39 OFWs were deployed by the First Cosmopolitan Manpower and Promotion Services Inc.—a licensed overseas recruitment agency, to the Al Makarem Company in Al Jameil, Libya. The Labor chief pointed out that the workers’ problems were first brought to the attention of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office in Libya in June 2010 by one of the affected workers. Later, he was joined by the other workers in filing a formal complaint. [Manila Times] ●経済(株式) Sovereign Wealth Fund-Libya は UniCredit の株式 2.075%を 7 月下旬に取得したことで、 Central Bank of Libya とともに筆頭株主(7%)になった。 Tuesday, 7 September, 2010: Libya's sovereign wealth fund took a 2.075 percent stake in UniCredit in late July, joining the Central Bank of Libya as a top shareholder. The two Libyan investors combined have 7 percent and bank rules bar a shareholder from having a voting stake of more than 5 percent. "We will ask these investors to show us the legal documentation to be able to evaluate from the legal point of view if they are independent investors or not," Profumo told reporters at a briefing. Profumo, who has overseen UniCredit's rise from a regional bank to a European player, said he had not contacted Libyan investors about taking stakes and the moves were "totally autonomous". Politicians from the federalist Northern League, part of the centre-right ruling coalition of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, have expressed concern about Tripoli's holding. [Reuters] ●経済(運輸) Etihad Crystal Cargo(Etihad Airways の系列会社)が Airbus A330-200 での輸送サービス を開始(アブダビ~トリポリ間)。 Tuesday, 7 September, 2010: Etihad Crystal Cargo, a division of Etihad Airways, has commenced scheduled services with its first Airbus A330-200 freighter aircraft, operating from Abu Dhabi to Tripoli in Libya. The Airbus A330-200 freighter aircraft will allow Etihad to increase frequencies and build its presence in key markets worldwide, as well as enhance its 19 worldwide charter services, said a company statement. The aircraft will operate to various Etihad Crystal Cargo destinations including: Hann; Beijing; Tripoli; Milan; and N’Djamena. Roy Kinnear, executive vice president of Etihad Crystal Cargo, said the new A330-200 freighter aircraft was a key part of the airline’s freighter fleet. "The A330-200 freighter will reinforce and build Etihad’s presence in the high-growth European and Asian freight markets, in particular China," he noted. [Trade Arabia] ●政治(欧州) リビア政府と英国政府は IRA による犠牲者への補償金支払い(200 万ポンド/各人)に 関して最終調整に入った。 Monday, 6 September, 2010: The Libyan and British governments are on the verge of finalising a deal which could see IRA victims securing up to £2m (€2.4m) each as compensation for Tripoli having provided weapons to republicans during the Troubles, campaigners have said. Willie Frazer of Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR) said a £2bn financial package from Libya was on the table after negotiations involving Colonel Gadaffi's regime, the British Foreign Office, and campaigners. Apart from the IRA victims' compensation, half the money from the package would be invested in the North's economy, Frazer said. "I'm told £1bn could be used for economic projects. I'll be arguing that Border areas, so often ignored, are targeted. The IRA campaign hit these places hard." [Tribune] (関連記事) Tuesday, 7 September, 2010: Talks to secure compensation from the Libyan government for victims of IRA violence are "making progress" the DUP's Jeffrey Donaldson has said. However, he described as "specuation" a newspaper report stating the Libyan and British governments were on the verge of a deal to secure IRA victims £2m each. Colonel Gaddafi's regime supplied the IRA with weapons during the Troubles. Mr Donaldson said a "definitive outcome" had not yet been reached. The Lagan Valley MP is a member of a cross-party delegation which has held a number of meetings with Libyan officials in a bid to secure compenation for victims. "We are pleased that we have got to a point where we believe that in the not too distant future there is the prospect of a settlement being reached," Mr Donaldson said. [BBC] ●政治(中東) パレスチナのアッバス議長がリビアを訪問し、政府高官と会談。 Sunday, 5 September, 2010: Tripoli - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Tripoli on Saturday and met with senior Libyan officials, the state- run Jana news agency reported without elaborating further.The visit was the Palestinian leader's second to the North Af Print this article email this article Comment on this article Tripoli - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Tripoli on Saturday and met with senior Libyan officials, the state- run Jana news agency reported without elaborating further. The visit was the Palestinian leader's second 20 to the North African country this year. Earlier this week, Abbas was in Washington to start the first direct peace talks in nearly two years with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The latest round aims to seal a peace agreement within a year. The next segment of the negotiations is expected to take place in the Egyptian resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh on September 14, with further bilateral discussions to follow once every two weeks. [Earth Times] ●政治(不法移民問題) マルタがリビアと共に欧州連合の抱える不法移民問題に協力する姿勢を示した。 Sunday, 5 September, 2010: Malta will put its good relationship with Libya and its experience to good use in helping the European Union to find a positive solution for the pan-European problem of illegal immigration, a spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Ministry said yesterday. “Although Malta experienced less illegal immigration this year, this does not mean that the problem is solved and that it cannot contribute in seeking an EU-wide solution. Malta will do so while respecting local and international laws,” continued the spokesperson. After a few days of silence the European Commission has come out and said that “much more can be achieved with much less if we work together” following Libya’s Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s request for €5 billion to mitigate illegal immigration in his country. He spoke during a three-day visit to Italy to mark the anniversary of the 2008 signing of a friendship treaty between Italy and Libya. “There is great scope to develop cooperation with Libya on migration,” said Matthew Newman, a commission spokesman. [The Independent] ●政治(人権) リビアに出稼ぎに出かけたバングラデシュ人約 200 名がリビア雇用者の暴力などに対 して路上デモを実施。 Saturday, 4 September, 2010: Dhaka, Sept 3 (bdnews24.com) – Nearly 200 Bangladeshi workers, who had gone to work in Libya, have taken to streets to protest alleged torture by the recruiter. More than one worker alleged that 196 Bangladeshi workers and 30 Indian workers had been living under open sky with empty pockets without food for four days in front of a police station of Borak Al Shafi, 900 kilometres from Libya's capital, Tripoli. They also alleged that they did not get any help from the Bangladesh embassy in Libya and the agency through which they went there. The workers went to work for a construction firm 'Al Rayed' at Borak Al Shafi one and a half years ago. Riaz Overseas of Gulshan-1 had sent Bangladeshi workers in Libya. Reazul Islam, director of the agency, told bdnews24.com: "I have heard about them, but what I can do sitting here. I have applied for visa and it will take some days." Hasan Kibria Siddiki, first secretary (labour) at the Bangladesh embassy, told bdnews24.com that they had sent an official to investigate the matter. [BD News 24] 21 (関連記事) ・Monday, 6 September, 2010: At least 197 Bangladeshi workers, protesting alleged torture, non-payment of salaries and substandard living conditions in Libyan labour camps, are refusing to join work despite the company's assurances of addressing grievances. The Bangladeshis, along with 28 Indian workers, left their camp on August 30. They have been staying in an open field near a police station of Borak Al Shati, about 1,000 kilometres from Libyan capital Tripoli. "An official [first secretary] from our embassy came and discussed our issues with the company and police. They asked us to go back to work, but we are still afraid. The company bosses might torture us on our return," said Mahbub, one of the workers. They went to the North African country five to 12 months ago to work for construction company Al Rayed at Borak Al Shati through recruiting agency Reaz Overseas. [The Daily Star] ・Friday, 10 September, 2010: The Bangladeshi workers in Libya finally went back to work for the company yesterday(September 8), which they had left a week ago protesting abuse and non-payment of salaries. "The workers joined work on Wednesday(September 8) morning," Ahsan Kibria Siddiqui, first secretary of Bangladesh Embassy in Libya, told The Daily Star last evening. The Libyan labour ministry and the Immigration Department gave assurance of resolving the issues as the workers gathered on the premises of Bangladesh embassy in Tripoli on Tuesday. At least 197 Bangladeshis, along with 28 Indians had left their camp on August 30 and had been living in an open field near a police station of Borak Al Shafi which is 1000 kilometres from the Libyan capital. [Asia News Net] ●経済(株式) リビア株式市場は 9 月 1 日には前日比 4.79 ポイント増(0.36%アップ)で取引を終えた。 取引額は 211463 ディナールであった。 Saturday, 4 September, 2010: Benghazi, Libya - The Libyan stock market Thursday closed trading up by 4.79 points or an increase of 0.36% compared to Wednesday's trading which closed at 1328.46 points. The value of transactions reached 211,463 Libyan dinars (1.270 Libyan dinars = US$ 1), mainly from 16,277 shares in 13 financial deals. A statement from the bourse said, 'Quotations focused on the banking sector for a rate of 99.91% of the overall operations at the stock market while those on the insurance sector recorded 0.09%. Trading took place on the securities of Al-Wihda Bank, Sahara Bank, the National Commercial Bank and Sahara Insurance. The shares of the Sahara Bank increased by 2.75% to stabilize at 13.06 dinars, as those of the Al-Wihda Bank and Sahara Insurance remained stable. The shares of the National Commercial Bank dropped by 0.27% to trade at 11.17 dinars. [Afriquejet] 22 ●政治(人権) カダフィ大佐のローマ訪問時期に合わせて、イタリア在住の 2 人のユダヤ人女性の生誕 地リビアへの一時帰国が認められた。二人は 1967 年に家族でイタリアに移住して以来 リビア帰国は認められていなかった。 Friday, 3 September, 2010: Tripoli – Two Jewish women who are currently living in Italy will be allowed to visit their old families’ homes in Libya, the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported Thursday. This news came on the same week of Libyan leader Moamar Qaddafi's visit to Rome to meet with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The two countries have been seeing more eye to eye in recent years after Italy agreed to pay 5 billion dollars in reparations for its three decades of colonial rule in North Africa. According to the report, the women have not been able to visit Libya, where they were born, since they and their families emigrated to Italy in 1967. [Emunah Magazine] ●政治(国籍) 世界人権ウォッチのコメント~「リビア女性が外国人と結婚した際、その子供に両親の 国籍を与えるという新法は同国の女性の権利向上に関する画期的なこと。しかし、いく つかの差別的内容も包含している」。 Friday, 3 September, 2010: (Beirut) - Libya's new nationality law granting women married to foreign spouses the right to pass their own nationality to their children is a significant move forward for women's rights, Human Rights Watch said today. But the law still contains some contradictory provisions that could be interpreted to perpetuate discrimination, Human Rights Watch said. The General People's Committee (GPC) - the arm of Libya's government responsible for issuing new laws - made public in July Law no. 24 of 2010 on the Provisions of Libyan Nationality, which it had adopted on January 28. Article 11 of the new law extends Libyan nationality to children born to Libyan mothers and foreign fathers, but leaves the interpretation of the provision to implementing regulations that the committee has not yet issued. [HRW] ●経済(インフラ) Panta Contracting Overseas Ltd(Panta Lesco Ltd 傘下 6 社のうちの一つ)はリビアの Gurgi にイスラム娯楽センターを建設する契約を 1500 万ユーロで落札。 Friday, 3 September, 2010: Panta Contracting Overseas Ltd, one of the six subsidiary companies created under the Panta Lesco Ltd umbrella, has been awarded a €15 million project for the World Islamic Call Society’s entertainment centre in Gurgi, Libya. This project, which boasts a massive total area of 250,000 square metres, equivalent to eight football pitches, is one of Panta Lesco’s largest projects to date. After completion, the World Islamic Call Society will offer a commercial centre with offices and clinics as well as a small hotel. Panta Lesco is currently in process of catering to the building’s extensive mechanical and electrical equipment 23 requirements and installations. The project requires a vast amount of materials due to its large dimension including 52,000 square meters of polyurethane ductwork, equivalent to four years of duct panels used in Panta Contracting projects in Malta and 51 kilometers of piping for chilled water, fire-fighting, domestic water, soil and rain water systems. [Times of Malta] ●政治(不法移民問題) 欧州連合はリビアとの間で地中海をわたる不法移民対策に関する協定締結を熱望。 Thursday, 2 September, 2010: The European Union is keen to strike a pact with Muammar Gaddafi to stem the flow of immigrants across the Mediterranean, officials said today, after the Libyan leader put a price tag of €5bn (£4.1bn) a year on the deal. "There is great scope to develop cooperation with Libya on migration," said Matthew Newman, a commission spokesman. Other officials said three negotiating sessions were expected by the end of the year between Brussels and Tripoli as well as the staging of a summit of EU and African leaders in Libya in November. In a highly theatrical visit to Italy this week, Gaddafi warned that Europe would turn "black" unless it was more rigorous in turning back immigrants. Libya is a key transit point for illegal migration from Africa to Europe. The Libyan leader said the bill for sealing the crossing routes would be at least €5bn a year. [The Guardian] ●経済(インフラ) リビアは北アフリカ諸国で唯一鉄道がない国である。1993 年にカダフィ大佐がその必 要性を説いて以来、鉄道建設の機運は高まってきている。2008 年以来国内全長 1969 マ イルを鉄道で結ぶ計画が進行している。2012 年までに完工する計画。 Thursday, 2 September, 2010: Libya is the only country in North Africa without a railway. “I believe the railway that links the Arab nation from Egypt until it reaches Morocco is more important than water supplies to a city or a region,” Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qaddafi said in a 1993 speech. Since 2008, the nation has been hard at work building a 1,969-mile rail network scheduled to be completed in 2012. The lines stretch east to west along the country’s Mediterranean coast and south to Sabha, in the center of the country. Outside Tripoli, a sleek model train sits on newly constructed tracks. Inside, in first class, white sofas line the cabin. Business class has shiny blue chairs arranged around tables. The government says the completed network will employ more than 1,000 Libyan technicians, such as Shukri al-Arab. Mr. Arab has spent 10 years preparing to work the tracks. He studied electrical engineering in Yugoslavia. “We are all very, very happy because we are making the train in Libya,” he says. [Christian Science Monitor] ●政治(治安) リビア政府は先月末 37 名のイスラム原理主義者を釈放。オサマ・ビン・ラディンの元 運転手や LIFG のメンバーも含まれている。 Thursday, 2 September, 2010: TRIPOLI — Libya late Tuesday released 37 Islamists, including 24 a former driver of Osama bin Laden and members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). Wearing white traditional robes, the mostly young detainees were assembled in a tent put up in Tripoli's Abu Salim prison where they were joined by their families. Bin Laden's former driver, Nasser Tailamoun, and former Guantanamo detainee Abu Sofian Ben Guemou, handed over by the Americans in 2007, were among those released, according to the Kadhafi Foundation. The others were members of or connected with the LIFG, or jihadists who collaborated with Al-Qaeda in Iraq or in north Africa, a prison official said. The release came just before the 41st anniversary of the Libyan revolution which brought Colonel Moamer Kadhafi to power. A source close to the foundation, headed by the son of Kadhafi, Seif al-Islam, told AFP 150 more Islamists would be released soon. [AFP] (関連記事) ・Friday, 3 September, 2010: The Libyan government has released dozens of Islamist extremists and terrorists in recent days as part of an effort to reconcile with its opposition. The initiative is being led by Saif al Islam Qaddafi, the son of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi. Saif Qaddafi is battling other forces in Libya to one day succeed his father as ruler. And Saif's reconciliation with terrorists who once opposed his father's regime is part of a gambit to build his base of power. Among the Islamists released is Sofiane Ibrahim Gammu, a former Gitmo detainee who was transferred to Libya on Sept. 28, 2007, and spent the next three years in a Libyan prison. Libyan officials say Gammu was once a driver for Osama bin Laden. But Gammu denied this allegation to Reuters: "I am not bin Laden's driver. It's a misunderstanding." [Long War Journal] ・Saturday, 4 September, 2010: Tuesday evening — the day before Colonel Muammar Gaddafi marked the 41st anniversary of the coup that brought him to power — 37 political prisoners were released from the notorious Abu Salim prison in Tripoli, site of a brutal massacre of prisoners in 1996, when up to 1,200 men were murdered. Although the release of the 37 men was obviously timed to shift attention from protests marking the anniversary by the regime’s many opponents — including family members of those whose deaths or disappearances have never been acknowledged — it is, nevertheless, a sign of progress, as well as political opportunism. Under the influence of Saif al-Islam, one of Gaddafi’s sons and the head of the Gaddafi Foundation, a charity that includes a human rights committee, the Libyan regime has, in recent years, sought to reconcile itself with former political opponents, leading to the release of hundreds of prisoners since 2007. As Reuters explained, “Saif al-Islam has campaigned for reconciliation with Islamists who promise to lay down their arms. His initiative has met resistance from conservatives in his father’s entourage with whom he is competing for influence.” [Eurasia Review] ●政治(欧州) カダフィ大佐が 3 日の日程でイタリアを訪問。 25 Thursday, 2 September, 2010: Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi made a three-day visit to Italy this week to mark the second anniversary of the signing of a Friendship Treaty between Tripoli and Rome. Mr. Gadhafi was given a lavish welcome and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi described the treaty as a "model of diplomacy in the era of globalization." Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi made a triumphant entry at an evening event attended by hundreds of guests. Among them, top government ministers and the cream of the Italian business community. Italian police and Bedouin-clad riders put on an equestrian show, mounted on 30 thoroughbreds flown in from Libya. In his remarks at the event, Mr. Berlusconi praised improved relations between Libya and Italy since the 2008 signing of their Friendship Treaty. He said critics were "prisoners of outdated ideas". [VOA News] 26
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